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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 4A  FOX  February 21, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EST

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we've got 56 degrees, we have 4 miles visibility at philadelphia international airport. right now. and sunrise at 6:46. makes you forget it is february. we will be close to 70 by lunchtime. little bit of sun to get rid of the fog. then 75 degrees, our high temperature, and yes, that would be a new record, for february 21st, bob kelly. >> i set the flip and fill pool up yesterday. >> did you? >> yes. >> i kept it water in there, so hopefully it will get warmer by the time i get home with the sun popping on it there. morning, 4:00, live look at the blue route, 476 on the ramp to the schuylkill expressway. for the gang coming out of villanova, one lane open. so just watch, little brake tap there as you roll on through. live look at the freeway, not bad at all coming in from new jersey, kind of quiet there, cool shot of the skyline all of the buildings all lit up in red for february. looking good coming up and over the ben franklin. everything looks little damp. as sue mentioned, we're got some fog, not as bad as yesterday, but still out there
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this morning, come fog and out of philadelphia. nothing really going on through center city. car fire south on 95 near the maryland state line. watch it, two right lanes blocked there headed down through new castle, working here on the schuylkill westbound, between south and 30th street, you can kind of see the fog kind of laying over the schuylkill river here, the peco power building all lit up, as well. mass transit, do you have good start. karen, thomas, back over to you. >> bob, thank up, we are off to a good start today. you can leave that jacket at home. the kids will be in short and t-shirt today. let's get out to steve keel any bucks county at the tyler state park in newtown with more on that. good morning, steve. >> reporter: well, no surprise. by the way we must have picked the breeze yes, sir spot, casino every chilly where we are in the middle of this park and in the middle of complete darkness, completely alone, nice we have it to ourselves but erie feeling not only because we're alone in the middle of darkness but boy it is just like you woke up and
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you woke up in the spring. we're only exactly a month away from spring. so we made it two thirds through the winter but look, here are your options today. boathouse, this golf, i think thomas drayton's got a pretty good handicap at this golf. playgrounds canoe rentals, i don't know if you can rent a canoe, but if you have one or kayak, take it out today. we have got this two day spring break. take advantage, even if you're just sitting outside on your stoop and re-introduce yourselves to your neighbor who you haven't seen since halloween. but just gorgeous weather, and you got to take advantage of it. you know, even the people in center city who go outside for a smoke, can tell you, how great the weather is. so lunch at least walk to a restaurant outside and take a lunch break and take a nice little walk somewhere and get some exercise in. take advantage of this. because as sue just told you it, doesn't last long. we all know how rough march can be. thomas, karen, just as a reminder, we have seen to run
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the snow plow video constantly. but that occurred mid-march. so i know first-hand that rough weather, or the most rough weather can hit you figure tiffly and literally in the middle of the next month. so i know winter is not over yet. but i'm going to enjoy this and enjoy this solace out here in this dark park for as long as i have got it today. >> enjoy every moment. you didn't get your clubs, maybe swing a little as soon as the sun comes up? >> well that's frisby golf. and that's what this golf is. and i thought this would be your game. because i know you can probably throw a frisby pretty good. but i may take this up suddenly today, thomas. >> oh, yes, my eyes are clear now, i see a disc golf. never played in my life but i may just join you here in a couple of hours, steve, thank you. checking back with you in just a little bit, disc golf. sounds fun. tracking breaking news out of the nicetown neighborhood, police searching for the driver in a hit-and-run. investigators say motorist struck 28 year old woman at
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the intersection of pulaski avenue and hunting park. >> this happened shortly after midnight. then that person drove off. paramedics transported the victim who broke her arm to einstein pedicle center. she is in stable condition at this hour. there is still no description of the vehicle. talk about a big scare at a local church. police in delaware country on the hunt this morning, for a man they say threatened to kill members of that church. our lauren johnson live at drexel hill at the church for the very late else. good morning to you, lawyer glenn good morning to you, thomas. so all of this went down sunday morning during the service and man did it cause some confusion, and lot of people very frightened. they didn't know what exactly was going on, let's take a look at who police are looking for. so you can get a good eye of him. they want to find him. he is sherwood hargrove, 59 years old, accused of making threats to harm the people inside the church here on state road. it was during the 1130 service he made harsh comment to people before asked to leave and escorted out.
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the confrontation turned physical, then prom ills today return to the church killing everyone. the pastor of the church didn't want to comment on the incident but police are not keeping quiet. >> i'm affirm believer if you make a threat to kill somebody, you need to be lock up, period, then let the court decide t there is no if, and/or butts about it, they make a threat, and there are witnesses to the threat, you lock them up. >> it is disturbing, very scary situation, what happened in florida, and what could happen here. you know, something to be aware of. >> so police are asking the suspect to turn himself in. the warrant issued for his arrest charges, or charges him with harrassment, making terroristic threats. and given the scoot shootings in park lands florida police are not taking this lightly. so if you know who this man who attended, call police and let them know of his whereabouts, thomas, karen. >> thank you, lauren. >> it is not a want any more.
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it is a need. because we are dying. we will not let this continue. >> there was all of that dying there. seventeen people mostly children killed at a florida high school just a week ago. and the community now fighting for change. students are organizing, walking out of class yesterday, in schools all across the state of floored from fort lauderdale down to the south. they are calling for a change to gun laws. >> a group of marjorie stone motorcycle douglas student traveled where they plan to lobby state lawmakers gun control laws. the florida house voted not revive the bill to ban assault weapons yesterday before many of the student arrived. but lawmakers say more gun control legislation is coming. now, to push the message, number of non-profits have sponsored a rally for the student today outside the capitol. >> interesting move by the president saying he signed a memo to take steps toward bump stop devices what was used in
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the deadly las vegas, bump stocks allow semiautomatic weapon to become a rapid fire device. justice department already reviewing bump stocks and says it understands this is a priority for the president. president trump will also be hosting some of the parent and the teachers and the student affected by mass shootings having them at the white house today for a listening session about what to do moving forward. >> back at home many gathered around city hall in philadelphia last night to stand with florida. >> the city of philadelphia banding together to support all of the teenagers and remember the victims and demand some change. so many gathered, chanting, united we stand, demand the band, in reference to a ban on assault weapons. district attorney larry krasner urged the crowd to use their votes to send message about gun roll, he says gun regulation is desperately needed many attended have been personally affected by gun violence. here is one man. >> i will never have the opportunity to see him graduate from high school, get
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married, and my grandson would never know his father. he will never have the opportunity play ball with his dad. or my son to take him out on a bike. >> after the death of his son, now, that whole group says they are planning a demonstration on march 21 in center city to get the attention of more lawmakers. meanwhile, mercer county, new jersey governor phil murphy praising student pushing for gun control measures and he's calling for a whole review of the protocols in that state. and a news conference with members of the legislators and legal people, he says, he's going to review mandate that schools prepare for shoot togs improve safety. >> let me be perfectly clear. nothing we are doing here can be a replacement for comprehensive gun safety reform at the federal level including a ban on military style weapons, preventing those with mental illness from having access to guns, and
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instituting universal backgrounds checks on all gun sales. >> governor murphy says he promises to sign legislation had been vetoed by governor chris christie including high caliber ammunition ban n gloucester county investigators trying to figure out the motive behind murder suicide at a rehab facility in sewell. raymond mckenna shot his 72 year old wife arlene eight, just before 8:00 yesterday morning, right there inside the jefferson healthcare center sub accute rehabilitation unit. then he shot himself. medics rushed the woman to cooper medical center where she died. the suspect died there at the scene. and then in montgomery count amen behind barts accused of i illegally selling guns outside after gun show. year this month, that guy, kevin stillman in the parking lot of the greater philadelphia expo center in observation selling guns out of his car. there was undercover detective posing as buy here could not legally get a gun able to buy two guns from that suspect they say police later found multiple firearms and thousands of rounds of a.m.
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aoun anythings his car, in his home, he is facing charges. >> time now clicking over to 4:10. mistrial that's the verdict in the racketeering cake against against skinny joey merlino. after four days of deliberations, jurors told the judge they were hopelessly dead-locked. fifty-five year old failed four charges charged to book making. they say the schemes were part of sprawling cross crime family racket across the east coast. >> in your monday think morning, could the price of cab and ride shares in philadelphia go up? well the parking authority certainly want it to. the ppa wants to add 50-cent surcharge to every uber, lyft, taxi in the city. the agency says it could raise up to $13.5 million a year. that's $10 million extra from what it collect on rides now. about two thirds of the monday i would go to the philadelphia school district, the rest would go to regulating the cars and drivers. the fee would have to be approved by state lawmakers.
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>> all right, what a busy wednesday morning, clicking over right now to 4:11, there has been life saving move by one of the largest healthcare providers. >> yes, still ahead here on "good day" philadelphia, how independence blue cross is making it easier to access an anti-overdose drug saving lives. >> drink up. toast to your health, why drink or two a day may be the key to living to a ripe old age. i got that one. >> not when you hit the roadways, though, bob kelly, good morning. >> salute. good morning, exactly, 4:11, we've got some fog to go with your wine there. here is a live look at 95 down in delco. let's go to the shore. come on, the boardwalk, hello ocean city. we are socked in with some fog this morning. but how long is it going to hang out? and temps into the 70s? oh, sue has got it when we come back right after the break.
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>> watch out for that fog, no matter where you are headed this day. >> so here is the deal, rub your eyes couple of times, all of the fog will disappear. try it d it work? >> no. >> no, still sleep in the eye. but the good news it will clear out as karen mentioned, we will warm up quite nicely. checking on weather in just a moment. >> let's talk about more weather-related news. look at the scene there in texas, cleaning up after a
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tornado ripped through, demolishing homes there there is was tiny store in comparison. it was a ef0 storm hitting part of dallas, and johnson county overnight. police say two people were trapped un the wreckage. we don't know the extent of their injuries. it all started with the winds ripping off the roofs from homes causing some to partially clams. we don't know the exact totals. >> different type of weather event here. look what the roads look like. this is sat lake city utah, drivers dealing with white oust conditions after getting more than 7 inches every lake effect snow. so the messy roads certainly slowing down the commute. forget about going 50, 06 miles per hour, drivers now down to 20 miles per hour just on the highways, of course, in order to avoid those crashes. it is hard to believe we're still in winter when talking about 70 degrees here. but you never know. >> just wait and the weather will change. >> we have rain in the forecast every day through the weekend. i'm thinking if it had been
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colder temperatures we would be talking whopper after snowstorm. we're not f fact, record high temperatures in many places cents yesterday, trenton was 71, wilmington got to 75. 72 degrees at philadelphia international airport. a record breaking 73 degrees in atlantic city yesterday. allentown was 6a it was mild everywhere. once again a lot of moisture in the air. once again we have fog. not enough for a dense fog vet are you, but you still got to allow some extra time, only quarter mile visibility, in wilmington, delaware, allentown this morning, only mile at philadelphia international airport. no rain to show you. but here is our cold front. that's going to come and ruin everything and take away those temperatures in the 70s. and then, kind of hang around and keep us kind of wet. now, if you see sprinkle or two this morning, don't be surprised. looks like we will see some sun peaking through those clouds again by lunchtime, and then that cold front comes through in the overnight hours. it starts to rain a little heavier tomorrow morning.
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there is some rain during good day philadelphia on thursday. and, ya, some of the rain could be heavy at times. so let's put all of that together in the seven day forecast, one more day, with record warmth. with a hi, predicting of 75 degrees. now, showers, much chillier tomorrow, probably get to high of 49. 46 degrees on friday. another day with some chilly rain, at least it get milder over the weekend. bob kelly, chance of rain both days. but at least it is not snow. >> yes, and you know, you can't rule it out. i remember back probably in the 90s being snowed in at the bent elbow for saint patrick's day. >> oh, how unfortunate. >> good spot to be snowed (we therefore like a day and a half. good morning, everybody. west on the schuylkill expressway. construction between south and 30th street. still got the one lane, cones down blocking the one lane, everything kind of damp and wet from the fog.
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exact of visibility, roosevelt boulevard out of northeast philadelphia coming down on to the schuylkill expressway. so, not as bad as it was yesterday. but it still is out there. same deal with the closures, from the weekends fire here in old city, chestnut street, still blocked from fourth down to second. that's directly across from the american history museum there. so keep that this mind coming into center city today or maybe kids coming in on a class trip, a lot of folks out for walks during the lunch time hours. steve mentioned, and another foggy start it this morning. so expect flight delays down at philadelphia international airport. otherwise, septa, busses trains, trolleys, all looking good. thomas and karen, back to you. >> love to hear that, thank you. 4:18. developing right now, in ohio, police say the seventh grader who broad gun to school and shot himself also had a device in his back pack that was meant to cause a distraction. now while investigators won't ' elaborate on the device they do say it was not an explosive. right now the boy is in the hospital after that shooting and the school bathroom. his condition is not yet
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known. clicking over to 4:19. the russia investigation, new charges have now been filed against an attorney. his name is alex, pleaded guilty in federal court yesterday, charged with lying to federal investigators about his interactions with the trump campaign official. now this does not involve election interference or relate to the trump campaign operations cents. but it is connected to the investigation into trump's former campaign chair, paul manafort, and former trump campaign aid, rick gates. >> this has to do with a attorney representing one of the individuals who has already been indicted, has nothing to do with actions related to this president. >> president hasn't said that russia did metal. what he said it doesn't have aim pact, certainly want with help from the trump campaign. >> now, this arrest follows another round of indictment last week, special council, robert mueller, filed charges against several russian officials and three russian
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end i tis. >> those supreme court ruling created new congressional district boundaries in pennsylvania could have a big impact on the political landscape. the map drawn by republicans in 2011, designed to give them an unfair partisan advantage. now it is drawing the attention of president trump. he tweeted yesterday: urging state republicans to fight against the new map saying in part don't let the dems take elections away from you so they can raise taxes cents and waste money. >> in a meeting between vice president mike pence and north korean leaders was canceled at the last minute. this is real interesting. they were saying they weren't going to meet. maybe there was a plan, us state department now staying mr. pence was ready to meet with north korean delegation, while attending the games. but that the north koreans canceled without warning. state department spokesperson, heather, says that pence was reds toy talk about north korea balistic balistic and nuclear programs, and they re greet the opportunity.
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>> fake missile alert back in january that scared a whole lot of people, that was the message people got on their cell phones there. so the department of defense have investigated the state's emergency management and they found it did not have a legitimate plan in the event after real attack. investigators say the plan lacked clear details for sheltering county coordination and public communication. they are now working to fix that problem. holy chaloopa. fast-food fury? >> why resident in one montgomery county town are pretty upset over that proposed fast-food restaurant. we will tell you why in 90 seconds. here's kristen rodgers. >> the eagles have zeroed in on their new offensive coordinator. find out which familiar face is getting promos dollars. --
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- [narrator] look around. if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education?
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we say if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that. don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premier medical school, and created a single university that defies convention. at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough. we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's. because we believe the lines that are drawn are meant to converge. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be. - hon- [narrator] going big (yelling)
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isn't always best. unless it's a aaa plus membership. get 100 towing miles and free emergency gas delivery. aaa. go ahead. >> good morning, i am avenue kristen rodgers. the flyers, mike grow to offensive coordinator. duce staley also interviewed of the first time to serve as is an offensive coordinate over in the nfl. according to espn staley is also getting a upgrade of sorts. he'll now be assistant head coach as well as running back's coach. >> flyers, canadians, aunt minute and a half to go. down two; empty net for the flyers. sean to jacob very check, ties it up, fee hockey. very check, once again, win it three-two, lasalle tacking on 18, rhode island, in over
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time. sira cuts to the basket, gets the bucket. explorers fall 95-93. the phillies are reportedly in talks with cubs pitcher jake airetta. says the phillies are open to bringing in bug name pitcher. won the cy young awards in 2015, had a two no hitters in his career. that's sports in a minute. i'm crest zero kristen rodgers thank you. 4:25, coming up here at 4:30, talk about unholy act prompting a all out search. >> why police are on the hunt for that guy right there. what he said to his congregation that has a lot of people afraid. >> let's get a check on the roads this morning, bob kelly? >> good morning shall everybody, hump day, 4:25, a live look at the blue route. they are still working the southbound side on the ramps to the schuylkill expressway. come on, let's go to the airport, looking to go to someplace warm? you don't have to go anywhere. it will get up in the 70s today. but we've got fog to kick it off. that will will cause some delays down at philadelphia
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international airport. we will check the tote board. sue has got the forecast. but first some lottery numbers.
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>> all right, take a look at this, taking a look in delaware, good morning to you. we've got little bit of fog out there to start this day. but it would be so nice to be
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down the shore. we're little bit jealous as we're thinking spring with temps in the 70s again. sue serio has got the forecast. >> trying to get that shore house. can never get it every year. 4:29. this is amazing here. talking about life saving drugs being offered up for free. the bold move aimed at helping those struggling with addiction. >> also ahead: >> we want philly philly? >> ya, let's do it. >> philly special. ready? here we go. here we go. >> oh, ya. we were ready for that. the philly special changed all of our lives right now. so how our birds are trying to cash in on a phrase. >> so many people trying to get a piece of the pie of the philly special. >> yes, trying to trademark it, t-shirt, just about everything. we'll break it down in just a little bit. >> can i say we're going have a philly special weather day, then do i have to pay somebody? >> you do. >> ahh. >> now, you can say philadelphia special.
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>> oh, brother. >> just can't use philly. good to have you with us on this wednesday morning, karen, bob and sue. >> mentioned shore house. we should get a shore house. >> the good day shore house? >> we could all each take different weeks. we do the show from there. >> no, no, altogether. let's just go. >> oh, a new reality show. >> can you imagine, putting people's hands in water as they're sleeping, covering them with whip cream, writing on their faces in. >> yes, split it up, 15 ways, it cost us nothing. >> it started when 15, then only two survived. >> won't last too long. >> i can see that. i know thomas drayton, i'm a friend of -- >> right. >> i would watch that show, though, i would definitely watch that show. >> all right, let's see, if we could get through today, then we will worry about the summertime. because this will be the last day with temps in the 70s. and then a cold front will ruin it all. so we go with ten even though we have the fog again this morning. we've got through it yesterday. tended up ac beautiful day with a high of 72.
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foggy again this morning, with bus stop buddy who is very happy about that flyers win last night. but that's really all you need is a jersey, really no jacket required today. it is already mild. and there is no rain on radar. but it was once again very damn. so things will look wet outside. the roads and your sidewalks and all, 1 mile visibility at the airport, and 53 degrees right now headed to a high of 75. as the fog dissipate, we get back to the 70s once again. and bob kelly, 5:44, sunset time. which means those days are getting longer. and you know what else i look up this morning? >> what do you have? >> twenty-seven days until spring. >> whoa, cool, ya, hold on, on the phone booking our place now. guys want to go to avalon or wildwood? >> either way, whatever you can get, bob. >> get us a deal. do a deal. >> we want beach view. hold on, goat to work. good morning, everybody, 4:31, blue route, 476 southbound, construction on the ramps to the schuylkill expressway. it will be out there until
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maybe 5:00, 5:30 or so. got the split here with the arrows as you work your way. check out this cool shot. now there is was all fogged out. ten minutes ago, here is a live look at the roosevelt boulevard. you can see the fog kind of in the overhead street lamps, a cool shot, but again, real thick fog, especially on the kelly drive, martin luther king drive, almost the same spots as you had yesterday. but not as thick. here is a live look at the freeway working your way in toward philadelphia. still the closures from the weekends fire chestnut street between fourth and second, otherwise mass transit, looking good. karen and thomas, back to you. >> bob, thank you so. right now tracking breaking news, this comes out of the nicetown section, police are looking for hit-and-run driver. investigators say there was a 28 year old woman hit right at the intersection, of pulaski avenue and hunting park. shortly after midnight, the driver took off leaving her there. the victim was transported by paramedics. she had broken arm. she was taken to einstein. she now list in the stable condition. we don't have a description
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that far vehicle. >> also, we've got manhunt. >> this in delaware county. where police are looking for a guy they say threatened to kill members of his own church. let's get right out to lauren johnson with this. lauren? >> hey there, karen, people are praying for the quick capture of this man who they say made some pretty serious threats when he was here at church on sunday. and they're not taking this lightly. this is the man police say they want to capture. they issued a warrant for his arrest. the charges harrassment, making terroristic threats. he's sherwood hargrove. apparently on sunday at the 11:30 a.m. service the 59 year old caused quite the memorable disruption, there were some disagreement he had between some men and women of the congregation when elder in the church asked him to leave. it is what happened next that has police taking his words and threat seriously. >> and one of the elders was escorting him out. and as he was escorting him out it became kind after shoving match. and har grover allegedly said to him you're all going to
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die. and as he get his coat, and he get outside he said i'm going to come back and kill everybody. i know how to do it. >> yes, that's pretty scary, with the church shooting in texas, recent school shooting in florida, mike at chitwood says you can not take those words lightly. in fact he said if you make a threat to kill someone you need to be lock up period. so that's where they want hargrove, behind bars, if you happen to know who he is or where police can find him. you're asked to call and let them know, karen, thomas. >> hopefully we do get him off the streets. 4:34, to lehigh county where the mayor thereof allentown ed pulaski will be testifying today, it is expect in the his federal corruption trial. he's facing charges that he accepted money more than $150,000, in campaign contributions, in exchange for city business. he denies that. >> a life saving move by independence blue cross, they are making narcan, the opioid overdose reversal drug, free to it sub scrapers. medication, it has already
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saved thousands of lives in our area. now the insurance giant says they hope making the drug readily available will save even more lives. the change by the way goes into effect march 1st, allowing sub skype tears get up to six syringes of the drug every 30 days. happening right now, let's talk about round two, another day of warm weather and it could break some records here. steve keeley out and about this morning, enjoying the warm morning. hi, steve. >> reporter: hard to believe it is so warm out, look, less windy where we are now, we got further into the park. and you know how people have those alarm clocks, where they wake up to the sound of like water? we thought we would give you real waterment look, no swimming. this is kind of quaint here. and because it is dark you have to be careful where you are walking, but it smells perfect down here. and it sounds perfect down here. so, that is little walkway here. this is a great place, tyler state park, 33 miles north of center city. 1711 acres.
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this is the neshaminy creek that runs through here. all concrete here. and they call these things dams. there is a one where the waterfall further up. but listen to this sound here. (sound every water flowing). >> reporter: how soothing is that? and i can see the bottom. so i can see why they say no wading, because it is almost tempted to walk through here. but at least for today it, so we go further up and give you another look in the dark with our purr full camera light, karen, thomas, hopefully that little soothing water kind of made your day. >> raccoon, rabbit and owe possible ups, oh, my. check back with you in a little bit, sue. >> beloved polar bay coldilocks was youth end iced die to age related issues. arrived back in 1981. polar bears average life span about 23 years old, and coldilocks, was cents 37 years
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old, making her the oldest polar bear in the country. i remember seeing her as a child. >> i know, right? new generation. >> another reason that it is okay to have a little bit after highways. >> of course i gave it up for lent. great. now we're understand that a little bit of booze may be the secret to a long life. sue serio? >> all right, in the meantime it won't last much longer this record breaking warmth. here is a look at the rain with the cold front that's going to ruin it all. we will tell you how long these warm temperatures will last. and when is our next chance of rain? all coming up on good day philadelphia.
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>> women 55 and under, many go undiagnosed, 10% involve chest pain and no artery blockage. they say exams performed later usually reveal scar tissue confirming we actually had heart attacks. they say the attacks sometimes involve tiny blood vest that's didn't show up in typical tests. >> get ready to raise your glass here, the key to longer life may be at the bottom of a beer or wine glass. since 2003, researchers at the university of california you are vine have followed the habit of people who live into their 409's, they found those who enjoyed two. >> cents cents of beer or wine a day were 18% less likely to die prematurely than those who
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didn't. they also found karen hepp was 22. >> that's my story and i'm sticking to it, trying to live longer. 4:41. are you looking for a job right now? lowe's wants to hear from you, getting ready for the home improvement season to start, they'll be holding first ever national hiring day today. they're looking to fill 53,000 jobs, including full-time, part-time and seasonal roles. if you're interested all do you have do, go to anyone of the lowe's stores near you to get an open interview. >> from philly schools all the way to the grammys. >> pretty exciting. program allowing kids, from our area, to learn from the pros who have work with the biggest names in the business. >> and also: in today's moment in black history, we rev another seventh, 1991, when nba superstar earvin "magic" johnson shocked the world by announcing he was h iv-positive. and would be retiring from the game. in addition to becoming a successful businessman, magic
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became the spokesperson for that i will necessary that many thought was cents an automatic death sentence.
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now, full coverage for a super flawless look. new super stay foundation from maybelline new york. full coverage formula. up to 24 hour wear. flawless that lasts. maybelline's super stay foundation. only from maybelline new york. maybelline's super stay foundation. no more fail! tired of false lash fail? new x fiber mascara by l'oréal. one. black primer. extreme volume. two. 20 times more lengthening fibers. extreme length. no falsies. no extensions. just fibers. new x fiber mascara by l'oréal paris.
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>> 4:44. great to have you with us,
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we'll get a check on weather in just a moment. beautiful site. beautiful forecast. >> they'll be out there on that river probably in the next hour, those rowers, absolutely. so let's get a check right now, we also saw some of the highways, bob moving okay at this hour? >> kind of quiet. a combination of over night construction wrapping up, but really got the fog this morning, that's just going to force to you kind of slow down. accident south on 95, in delaware, exit ten, harvey road. example of harvey road itself. just before you get to 95. so again, the roads are damp, wet, you got the thick fog that comes up on you fast. depending upon where you begin and end your trip. here is a live look at 422. the construction zone, still wait to go see when they're going to move traffic over to that new stretch of the roadway, out there, near king of prussia. another foggy start this morning, so expect flight delays, headed down to philadelphia international airport. check ahead with your airlines. and again, that's for the morning, one we get through the morning hours, i think we'll be in good shape. live look at the roosevelt boulevard, again, ten minute ago we were socked in with fog, so that quickly it is
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casino every dissipating and maybe going to somebody else's neighborhood. but right now the boulevard, looking good, heading on to the schuylkill. if you are coming in from new jersey, no problems, but starting to seat folks wake up, and roll out of bed. little bus convoy there. headed in toward the walt whitman bridge. we're going up to the 70s again today. sue has got the info in 15 seconds. blank. >> today we are going for another records. yesterday's high was 72. it beat the records of 70. today's record is 72. but we are calling for a high of 75. and i think that will happen. but we got to get through some fog again first. we've got fog in wildwood, quarter mile visibility, same in millville, and wilmington, three quarters after mile in lancaster, under mile in
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atlantic city, up in allentown, many places cents socked in with fog once again this morning. once again, we can't see anything on radar that would be called precipitation. still, there is so much moisture in the air, could you get a little drizzle. heavier rain is on the way with this cold front. you see it, kind of headed toward cleveland, ohio right now. and here is when we expect it to get here. see in the future cast, even little bits of green on radar. that's the drizzle we're predicting. as is a possibility this morning. so much more ties in the air. but by 1:00 in the afternoon here come some sunburning through the clouds, enough to get us in the mid 70s, here comes the cold front in the over night hours, is when we expect it to start to move through. the problem is, it is going to stall, and so we will still get some rain, tomorrow it, probably in the morning, there is some heavier rain rolling through in the afternoon, and as this thing stalls it, looks like it will stick around for the weekend. and there will be wait of low pressure moving through kind
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of giving us have you un set asked, very cloudy weekends, and when it is not raining, it is kind of cloudy. so that's what we have got. see more rain rolling in on friday. that's very complete future cast, isn't it? 53 degrees in philadelphia, 55 atlantic city. these are current temperatures, 60 already in trenton. so we're already ahead of the game. well above average high temperature of 5-mile an hour breeze out of the southwest, we head to 75 today. but only 49 tomorrow. some chilly showers possible on friday. saturday, it get little milder. sunday but you see there is rain in the forecast both days. keep that in mind when making your plans, we don't dry out until early next week. but i'll say it again, thomas, karen, at least it is not snow. >> yes! and we are grateful, sue, thank you very much. also, grateful for this program. there is some philadelphia kids, maybe getting some opportunity to think about the grammys. because they're getting the chance to learn from some professionals who have worked with the biggest names of the in the business. >> ♪
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>> so it is called the dash program. it is offered to student in the philadelphia school district. it is a free after-school program. tan lets children work with top philly song writers who have work with big artists, may i jay blige, justin timberlake and kanye. >> for me to learn thousand do everything, for them to take on all of our skills, and teach us everything new, is amazing. >> even if some of them don't end up becoming the next artist, that you'll know in the next ten, 15 years, these skills that they're taking and learning may a lot of them be the attorney for those artists cents down the line. >> great scatter. dash by the way stands for destined to achieve successful height. it is a unique partnership funded mostly by comcast and verizon franchise feast. 4:49. philadelphia teen says he was kick out of the house simply for being himself. >> heart break. doesn't have a home. doesn't have a place to go. but teach here saw his situation and plight said i'll try to do everything i can to
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help. let's meet him, 17 year old sean, transgender, said his parent don't except him. on his own since christmasses night. his teacher lauren said she is working tirelessly to find him a place, a cheryle, where he can stay after just couch surfing from one place to another. >> was in contact with me on a friday. we thought co-make it the weekends. then you contacted me over the weaken and it was bad. >> then need to get him some clothe, another teach their stiped, one of the teachers daughters heard about it, put it out there on twitter. look at all of the posts it, blew up. 100,000 people liked those comment on twitter and tried to pledge support, as well. >> they've been so generous to me, i've never had people be that nice to me. at first i didn't know how to handle it. but once i wasn't going to turn them down. i appreciate everything that, you know, that's been doing for me. >> no one's ever been that nice to me. oh, sean we hope that you have a wonderful future ahead of
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up, he has great attitude despite all of the challenge. >> coming together. time now just about 4:51, hard to believe here but one montgomery county town could be getting its very first fast-food restaurant. >> but there are a lot of theme are not happy about this at all. and they are actually trying to prevent that from happening. they're trying to run from the border. they don't want taco bell to open in jenkintown. this would require crews to knock down former funeral home there. and an office building that's over on old york road. taco bell's franchiseee and officials stay would bring new jobs, 32 new jobs to the town, and create tax revenue and schools. but neighbors say it is not what the borough needs. >> as i look out my lovely master bedroom, i will look at your 2:00 a.m. drive-thru. >> i be employing people, most from jenkintown, because again, that type of business is mostly young people. >> they still got a way to go on that one. they've got to go through some zoning board exemptions
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lincoln financial field it will go through the borough council for a vote. >> you want philly philly? >> ya, let's do it. >> philly special. ready? here we go, here we go. >> easy, easy. (cheers). >> let's go! >> can't watch enough. we all remember the philly special, one of the most iconic plays in philadelphia sport history, and now it may be one of the most lucrative. espn reporting that the eagles filed a trademark for the phrase philly special to use mostly on apparel. but there is a whole lot of other people who also filed for trademark for that phrase philly special trying to make some money. so we're going to talk to an attorney coming up in the 7:00 s cents that the birds are awarded the trademark ankles who really has the right to
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philly special. 4:52. >> all right, i just love watching nick foles, watching his daughters eyes looking at the confetti. love it. forget about flowers. there is an adorable item one couple used instead on their big day. >> ♪ >> ♪ fred would do anything for his daughter. well fred... ...good thing the front of this unicorn washed... ...the shirt with gain.
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because gain has the scent that puts the giddy in "giddyup!" packing to the last minute. guys, i have a couple of things to wash we got this. even on quick cycle, tide pods cleans great 6x the cleaning power, even in the quick cycle it's got to be tide
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4:56 am
>> i don't think anything could be cuter. a couple just got married in connecticut. they didn't do bouquet for their bridal party. take a look, here are some pictures. the couple was fog erring a litter of puppies. they used them for their big day, they used them in place of bouquet's, and then encouraged the guests to adopt the dogs. the pups all fawn forever homes shortly after the wedding. >> great idea. 4:56. top stories, search for hand who made a threat, lauren johnson, on that one, against a church. but first, steve keeley, good morning. >> reporter: all right, if it is me, i'm on live tv. and we are in bucks county, bringing you some nice weather, and nice news for once. beautiful weather from a beautiful spot. we will tell you discover caress...
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...with floral fusion oil. for caressable soft skin... ...indulge in the rich lather... ...and delicate scent. pamper yourself. [background music] get caressably soft skin. with caress.
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get caressably soft skin. you were borne to rock... borne to piggyback... and you don't want anything stopping you. airborne plus beta-immune booster™ is the only immune support with vitamins and minerals, plus an added ingredient proven to boost your natural defenses. airborne.
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>> right now on good day philadelphia, we're running for a record, sunny and 57 in the middle of february. our spring like weather is back, why you better get out and enjoy it today. >> sanctuary scare. >> scare, it is happening so much. >> police in delaware county want your help finding this man, the threat they say he made against members of his church. >> a cancer treatment break through. how one company says it can fight the disease with a
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virus. >> no waste going to waste. >> poo where ever it is cents coming from is really available. how your dog's bathroom break is being uses dollars to illuminate communities. good day 5:00 a.m. start right now. >> yes, your house is so breitbart, but? >> 5:00. tell but that story coming up in just a little bit. never know, right? good morning, everyone. >> good morning, good morning. >> you know, all in a good mood. did you notice yesterday was just beautiful out? >> really was. >> and today again? >> and people are happier. makes a nice difference. >> good mood from noon until ... >> then alarm clock rings. >> yes, oh. but at least we have 70s to look forward. >> one more day. >> thank you, sue. >> so it was a two day special there. we have a ten out of ten again. we got through the fog yesterday. it is not as bad today. but it is still foggy in so many places. and we're starting wolf very mild temperatures, in the 50's, and the 60s, this morning. in fact, it is 5


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