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tv   Chasing News  FOX  February 21, 2018 3:00am-3:30am EST

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>> what a weather day we had on tuesday. another hot one, tomorrow. no jacket and maybe loosen the tie. be careful of the shorts and t-shirt, cold weather's coming back this weekend. in the aftermath of the deadly shooting in florida, one school district is clamping down. voting unanimously to have armed guards. another student suspended at a local school was determined a threat on social media. >> any suspected activity should be reported. >> a woman has her face photo shopped on tunica body.
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>> it's a fake set of breast super and post. >> it showed up on job interviews. >> it's uncomfortable situation is something i've kept in the back of my mind. bavaria up front about it. >> i don't have to tell you, it is hot. not only unseasonably hot, is getting hotter. let's bring indian to break it down for us. i'm staying hydrated. >> it's not summertime hot but doesn't feel like february. widespread 60s across the area and 70s look to be a good bed on wednesday. >> how unseasonable is this? literally there is no a few days ago. there are winter hazards and snow coming down and now we are sweating. >> i noticed the snow this
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weekend. it certainly feels odd and wild weather we've been having. we will threaten the record high at new york central park. the record high 70 degrees set in the great depression 80 some years ago. >> how long will it continue? this is when he gets sick and don't trust properly all the sudden will be freezing by the weekend. >> you start to wonder if the groundhog know something we don't with the two weeks until spring, there's a thing so go downhill. will become slightly cooler. i don't see an arctic blast on the horizon the salon before we bring out the t-shirts and shorts. >> in the wake of the deadly school shooting in florida district's across the country
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local governments figuring out what to do to keep kids safe. one district in our area had what they thought was a credible threat. the student is suspended. another town they voted to put armed guards in the school. governor murphy had his shad sa. >> there have been copycats in new jersey ever since the mass shooting in florida. school officials in the governor and police are ramping up security. police are guarding the middle school on tuesday after student made post representative is referencing this shooting. they won't say of the student will be allowed to return. >> they said the police have launched a full investigation and are working with a student and have determined he poses no
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active threat to the school. >> the kid should be safe in school. unfortunately these things can happen. >> the board of education voted to put police officers and all of the 11 elementary and high schools. please can expect to see them outside the classrooms in the next two weeks. this is a number of agencies including department of homeland security spoke at a news conference about state initiatives to make sure things don't happen like that in new jersey. >> we limited our support for first responders by creating waves. >> we continue to lead the nation we provide school staff and students he opportunity to practice and adjust their response. they addressed this roundtable
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including reversing a change under the christie administration which makes it easier to obtain a permit. the big part of the initiatives is pushing on a federal level forgotten reform. >> thank you. let's bring in the panel to break it down. peter brown, a city councilman is with us. jeanette hoffman, republican strategists. and lauren, will start with you peter. seems there's a disconnect between the politicians talk about gun control, when locally you have city councils acting to protect the schools crackdown on social media. >> we can talk about new jersey, but here schools have a state requirement to hold drills. one being an active shooter in lockdown. they require the to have a security plan in place.
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>> it's tragic, the systemic failure. the police read this boys home 39 times and he was still legally able to buy this assault weapon. no laws are prevented it because they haven't been following the loss. social media needs to be monitored. >> how responsible are they social media? this is been an issue going on for the last several years. we've seen social media companies being asked to support or cooperate with the government. >> could someone sue them? >> these are billion-dollar companies a technology company. >> i know people have been banned from facebook for over posting things like that. >> why was this not a red flag. >> a solvable problem. >> new york state is now
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considered a surcharge against ridesharing services like cooper left saying it may reduce congestion and generate hundreds of millions of dollars. >> traffic in midtown crawls at an average of 4.7 miles per hour. slower than the average speed of a jogger. down from 6.5 miles per hour. the reason is brand left. there were 47000 for higher vehicles in new york city in 2013, that number now is 103,000. there are fewer than 14000 yellow taxis. this has resulted in more traffic. some see it as an opportunity to raved's new revenue. this includes a surcharge for right healing services between two and $5 per ride.
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it would be among the highest in the nation and generate $600 million per year to help fix the subways. the surcharge would get people out of the cars and into the subway system. fewer cars on the road is better for the economy. more cities are looking to take a cut of uber and lift profits, chicago imposed a 15-cent fee to pay for upgrades for trains. the question is do you like this idea when it comes to new jersey and the government swooping in and taking marble companies prop profit? >> the do-gooders can't get on the same page. on one say they been saying sharp share rides, carpool cut down on traffic. i was in favor of can congestion pricing made sense because you
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might try people to share rides but now if you put the same attack attacks on the right sherry is killing it. >> i was against it before. what they're doing is passing the cost onto the consumer. you're punishing people for using were. >> that's the point. >> it's a dumb idea because he can't put people in mass transit if you don't have a reliable mass transit system. >> if it's between taking a neubert getting into the city on time for a meeting are getting on nj transit will pay the extra money. >> only that, i try. you can time it out have three crossings to choose from.
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>> the truth is that every year places like new york city are getting more more congested. that's i can go on forever. so we do need to fix mass transit and this might be a reliable way for that to happen. >> the problem with government they want to drive towards mass transit instead of this innovative ridesharing business which cost the taxpayers nothing. we should all have uber. get rid of the buses of my uber. the 600 million they would raise from this wouldn't put a dent in fixing it regardless. >> the goal is to have a dedicated revenue stream. pastors the politicians how dedicated revenue's works.
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>> don't go away. we have more chasing news after the break. his legal pot coming to town? legal businesses are hoping is coming soon. everybody's happy. it's hot out there. early summer? don't back out the shorts yet. there's a cold snap coming. >> at least to get one day of short-sleeved weather and on wednesday before the chill of february returns on thursday. we'll talk about the warmth, rain,
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[narrator] look around. if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education? we say, if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that. don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premiere medical school, and created a single university that defies convention. at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough.
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we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make, and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's, because we believe the lines that are drawn are meant to be crossed. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be.
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>> welcome back to jason's. we have more show for you tonight. including one a fake new picture almost runs a woman's life. you will meet here. in weather, it's hot and it will get warmer tomorrow. stay tuned for the weather. first, pat is coming, or is it? recreational marijuana has been a big push for the governor to get it done in the first 100 days. he's had a lot of roadblocks. but there's a seminar to talk about what would happen if power legal. peter joins me, the councilman and lyndon who has led some of the slowdown movement. what happened. >> you have a trade organization
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trying to mix the message of medical marijuana recreational marijuana. under the assumption that medical and recreational can coexist. >> it was the theme, was about small business making money? this sounds like there are going to profit. >> they talk about the medical the social justice aspect. you'll see people you're sponsored with them partners are people in the recreational business. jeanette is here and lauren, jeanette, this is been a political hot potato. if the black caucus pushing back in towns like linden saying slowdown. >> this is the most contentious issue of the year. think it's going to because there's no consensus on it. officials have concerns ranging
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from truck driving to pot use and increased of crime. the black legislative caucus is holding a meeting tomorrow to talk about the issues. the business association is there to make money. >> it's an difficult issue. mixing it up, medical and recreational issues a big problem. entirely different concepts. then you have to think about what makes sense. the only thing that makes sense is to move slowly and understand what is likely to happen. there's going to be a social justice impact but will it be justified if it is really social justice their move to decriminalize. >> i disagree because decriminalizing is not the same as same it's legal and were going to regulated.
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>> you have for-profit companies pushing the medical explanation. >> there having data and not telling the whole truth. two separate medical from recreational? >> absolutely,'s two different things. >> imagine you're at a job interview the manager google's your name to find new did pictures over the internet. the problem is, they're not real. when she to meet katie, welcome to keep chasing news. >> hello. thanks for having me. >> who is the guy that did it? the next boyfriend or friend? >> it was a friend, strictly platonic and the other girls,
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some are ex- girlfriends are people he had class with or met at a party in college, doesn't matter. >> what did he do and where were the photos. >> is a picture taken from myspace, it's my actual picture and it's a fake set of breast put onto the picture itself. there is a website and you upload pictures to and it extracts your close all sorts of photoshop for you. >> what did you discover this was out there? >> i discovered my pictures in late april of 2011. i immediately went to the prosecutor's office and was told that unfortunately unless the link was active there's no way to trace it back. >> tell me about the awkwardness of the job interview. that had to be a shock.
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what happened? >> it's very uncomfortable. of note about it since 2011. it's something i've kept in the back of my mind's eye been upfront about it say listen, if they say is anything we should know about you, advise been upfront about the same this is something did go through the legal aspects of getting it taken down both the in from internet without there's out there. >> but have you had employers google your name while you're sitting there? >> yes and it comes up on various websites. so among gun ones in bathing suits and. >> thanks for sharing your story. i'm sorry that's awful. >> thank you for your help.
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>> the heat is on. comparatively at least. feels like we skipped a few months in the calendar. widespread 60s on the thermometer on tuesday. some sunshine in the snowmen from this past weekend are not happy about the warm sell. melting is still going on. the warm-up continues and peaks on wednesday. we will challenge records to 70 degrees. a record set back in 1930. the on that will go downhill a little bit. temperatures will tumble on thursday and will see unsettled weather on thursday and friday as rain moves in. for now let's enjoy the warmth. temperatures fall into the 50s. a few clouds overhead that were staying dry won't be a perfectly sunny day but look at the high temperatures right around 70 degrees. temperatures tumble on thursday.
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will put an end to this february warmth. >> stay with me, more chasing news is coming up. will chase all your this is a fox 29 news update. good morning, everyone i'm meteorologist kathy orr we're talking about a warm start to the day, showers, well to the west, and another record break er. take a look at the seven day forecast we will start off the day with the morning low of 56 , afternoon high a record breaking 75, old record 72 setback in 1930 and then those showers move in in occasional showers for thursday, front stalls to the south and showers for friday, saturday and sunday. it is not until monday, and tuesday, that we will dry it out but, temperatures will remain mild, across the board, that is
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>> welcome back.
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let's take a look at the headlines. check out the video, when road rage turned violent. >> five people are seriously injured when the bus in a garbage truck crashed head-on. injured was the bus driver and the driver and three others on the garbage truck. this happened in the roads were closed after the crash. students from high school staged a walkout to protest gun legislation. they're calling on lawmakers to increase -- about gun violence. other students from the high school met with governor rick scott and the governor. check out the road range turned violent. witnesses told police after one car bumped into the other a woman got it out of the rear car and approached the driver and was shoved to the ground.
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the seem to occur after an earlier altercation. >> it's as simple as a door stopper. how many lives could it save? there is a woman who gave it to her nieces saint after sandy hook maybe it's as simple as putting the center the door to stop a killer from getting into the classroom. it sounds simple but maybe it's time we take a look at practical solutions locally. maybe armed guards and maybe it's as simple as a doorstop. maybe it's law-enforcement being empowered scripter people in social media and check whether making credible threats. it certainly know and diagnosed with mental illness should be buying a gun. politicians are taken too much time worrying about congress, trump, and ar 15. maybe governor murphy should be talking about given every kid a
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♪ live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. take a good look at this g guy. he's on delaware county's wanted list tonight after he threatened to kill members of his church and now major concerns not only in the congregation but also the community. thanks for joining us at 11:00. i'll iain page. police say they are not taking any chances and they want sherwood hargrove to turn himself in. our dave schratwieser reports from upper darby. >> reporter: police say this incident occurred during sunday morning services and caused quite a bit of concern. for church leaders and the congregation. >> if you make a threat to kill you need to be lock up period. >> reporter: strong words from police as they put out bulletin for the arrest of sherwood hargrove after he


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