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tv   FOX 29 News at 11  FOX  February 20, 2018 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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♪ live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00.
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take a good look at this g guy. he's on delaware county's wanted list tonight after he threatened to kill members of his church and now major concerns not only in the congregation but also the community. thanks for joining us at 11:00. i'll iain page. police say they are not taking any chances and they want sherwood hargrove to turn himself in. our dave schratwieser reports from upper darby. >> reporter: police say this incident occurred during sunday morning services and caused quite a bit of concern. for church leaders and the congregation. >> if you make a threat to kill you need to be lock up period. >> reporter: strong words from police as they put out bulletin for the arrest of sherwood hargrove after he made threats to threats to harm the congregants the beaulah tabernacle church in drexel hi hill. >> it happened this past sunday during the 11:3 11:30 service ae church on state road. he made harsh comments to people attending the service and was
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asked to leave. then he is cored out. >> became kind of a shoving match and hargrove allegedly said to him, you're all going to die, and as he gets his coat and gets outside he said i think ooh gym to go come back and kill everybody. >> it's happening so much you hear about it so often. >> reporter: scott lived on the same block as the church. a threat and warrant for hargrove's arrest raise concerns in many quite direct system hill neighborhood. >> you always hear about the after fact. we had warning sipes and we did nothing about it hopefully they're doing something about it. >> that's something they have to look out for now. >> police now have a warrant charging hargrove with making terroristic threats and harassment. given the recent church shooting in texas and last week's school shooting in parkland, florida, police aren't taking any chanc chances. >> they make a threat. and there are witnesses to that threat you lock them up and let the courts decide that. >> reporter: pastor of the congregation did not want to comment on the incident. superintendent michael chitwood
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is urging the noon turn himself in as quickly as possible. in upper darby, dave schratwieser fox 29 news. dozens of people gathering tonight remembering a young man gunned down a candlelight vigil was held at the seventh and ne nedro in olney to honor steven wallace. the group let balloons fly into the air into his memory. the 19-year-old died at that intersection last night after someone shot him in the head. so far no arrests. >> now to a story yule only on fox. a teen fending for himself on the streets of physical just because he will he wanted to be himself. one teacher said not on my watch. now help is coming in from the community and beyond. fox 29's dave kinchen live tonight with a story you'll see only on fox. dave. >> reporter: iain, that teacher has been champion for this boy but that's not all. the community is stepping up especially after someone posted something on twitter that went viral. >> it really broke me down mentally and emotionally.
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>> reporter: that's how 17-year-old sean felt when he says he was force to do leave home. the transgender teen has been on his own since christmas night after transitioning from makiah. >> you start to question yourself, um, why am i like this? is this right? is this okay? >> reporter: on his own in sometimes rough city, sean turn into his english teacher lauren who help him get from shelter to shelter never giving up. >> he was in contact with me, um, on a friday and we thought he can make it the weekend and then you were in contact with me over the week and and it was bad. >> i really adamantly was not going to allow were was going on him with him to montgomery continue. >> he has shelter but needs clothes. emily sean about sean's struggle and went to twitter. >> nervous all of a sudden i posted this and it has 20,000 within the fir couple of hours i never expected it to go that fast to get that large and now it's at over a hundred thousand likes and 20,000 retweets. >> it even made buzz feed list
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of 15 really awesome things that happened this week. thousands of people from all over helping in some way. >> this one person went out to buy a backpack and she literally bought all of these new clothing for him. not even donate put her own money and effort into donating and i have, um a woman who told me that she work for shoe department they're going to donate shoes. sean has already received some of the donations and is forever grateful. >> they've been like so generous to me. i never had people be that nice to me. at first i really didn't know how to handle it but, you know, once i wasn't going to turn them down. i appreciate everything that, you know, they've been doing for me. >> reporter: nationally about 40% of america's youth identify as lgb of america's homeless youths with physical boeing one of the hardest hit cities much back to you. >> dave, thanks. turning to weather now live look at cape may, new jersey. the fog has setting in tonight could be a repeat of this
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morning so kathy could be problem tomorrow for the morning commute? >> for some locations for sure. not as widespread as this morning but certainly down the shore it will be an issue, and parts of south jersey as well. give yourself extra time. the other story, warm temperatures. look at this. pottstown 60. 61 in reading. 61 in trenton and wilmington it's 55. we have those warm southerly winds so tomorrow morning we are going to start with mile temperature for sure. 57 the morning low in philadelphia. pottstown 55. 51 in the poconos. and 56 in millville overnight and through tomorrow morning. these are the numbers we have to reach to make it to record-bre record-breaking territory and i think we will. philadelphia 72. 70s in reading. atlantic city trenton wilmington the record in allentown is 67. so ahead of a front we have a huge surge of warmth and this warmth is going to make us to record breaking territory temperatures their degrees above normal and this cold front is going to set the stage for cooler air and unsettled weather
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as we go into the weekend. we'll talk more about that coming up with the seven day forecast. but tomorrow is the day iain make no mistake about that. >> all right. kathy, thanks. well new developments to night philadelphia police arrest add man they say assaulted a pregnant woman. here he is. police tell us this name is omar pal more. last sunday he kick the woman who was five monthspregnant in the stomach outside the dunkin' donuts on the 1100 block of arch street. his was reported after she didn't give him two dollars. the woman had to be taken to hospital but we're told both she and her unborn baby are doing just fine. mistrial that was the verdict the judge ruled in the racketeering case against philadelphia mob boss skinny joey mer lean gnome after four days of deliberations, jurors toll the judge they were hopelessly deadlock. 55-year-old faced four charges to tied to lone sharking, book making and health care fraud conspiracies. federal investigators say the schemes were part of astrology scheme across the east cove.
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this next story is the talk of the town. the first fast food spot to co coming to montgomery county town but not everyone who lives there is all for it. to, twine's chris o'connell joins us loo you have in jenkintown with a food fight. chris. >> reporterreport this old housd for a brand new fast food restaurant. some residents here in jenkintown say not so fast. >> i've lived i live lived on horrible old york road for more than 30 years it's my home. >> jenkintown residents making their voices loud and clear. >> i can't see how it would fit into jenkintown. >> borough officials hear strong reaction to plan for knocking down a former funeral home now office building to build a new taco bell restaurant on old york road. >> i'm going to be employing people. >> taco bell franchisee and borough officials say the plan would bring 32 new jobs to town
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increase sagging tax revenue and give a shot in the arm to local schools. >> if we don't support business development to help our school which is the cornerstone if we don't believe in our public school system, then people are not coming here. >> my wife and i wake around town every single evening. >> reporter: residents like tim say a plan like this would ruin one of the borough's features, walk ability. >> the more you these strip mall type of businesses the more you destroy the character of his town. >> reporter: and the plan still has to go through several zoning exemptions before becoming reality but some residents say they will continue that fight to pro convenient that from happening. iain. >> chris, thanks. right now 17-year-old figh fighting forwhy his life after being shot in west philadelphia. police say they got the call just before 8:00 tonight to
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56th and sansom streets. officers say the teen was shot multiple times. medics rushed him to hospital in critical condition. right now police do not have anyone in custody. a sticky commute for drivers in south jersey this morning. a tri-state transportation tanker truck spilling liquid asphalt down the road on 295 for miles. how did it happen? the company says condensation got into the tank and condensation and as fall don't mick it started boiling over and spilling on to the road. drivers had no idea what was wrong thinking they had tire problems when they pulled over and got out they saw their tires caked in tar. >> so i pull over, and that's when i seen that was all this glue this tar all over my car. it was horrible. >> the front tire -- the front passenger was the worst. i guess i hit it hardest. i couldn't believe it i never seen anything like that before the trucking company will fix
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any cars damaged. >> game changer in the fight against cancer and not a new drug. virus doctors say could save people's lives. shawnette some students are talking about a stand against gun control. >> reporter: yeah, iain, while they were doing that in florida, here in philly a rally for strictor gun laws and to remember the victims of the park land.
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♪ scary moments for workers at a north philadelphia convenience store. look at this video. police say a man walk into the indiana mini mart sunday, pull out gun and pointed it at the cashier. he demanded money and a box of cigars. officers say once he got what he wanted he ran off. tonight a police are still looking for him. if you know anything, please call police. happening right now in florida state capital students who survived the recent school shooting arriving by bus in tallahassee calling on lawmakers to make a change watch are they saying? no student should die in school. in philadelphia, dozens gathered outside city hall to remember
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the school shooting victims and join in on the call for change. our shawnette wilson joins us live from city hall night. shawnette. >> reporter: iain, the theme of the rally here in philadelphia was demand a ban and we heard from local families destroyed by gun violence. >> united we stand, demand the ban. >> reporter: dozens gathered outside city hall to honor the victims of the the parkland school shooting and to rally for strictor gun laws specifically a ban on assault weapons. >> this should not be happening. >> reporter: many overcome with grief and emotion because they know the pain of gun violence personally. >> one night he was going to pick up his sister in a neighborhood where two guys was fighting over girl, they thought he was one of the guys coming back to retaliate, and they shot him four times. >> yancy breaks down in tears talking about the murder of his youngest son charles charles. >> i will never have the tune to see him get married, graduate from college, as a as a matter of fact, 26 days after he was
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murdered his only son was born. my grandson had never know his father. he would never have the opportunity to may ball with his dad. or if my son teach him how to ride bike. >> rally in philly comes on the same day that students in florida boarded buses to travel to the state capital to lobby lawmakers on gun laws. democrats hope to have the assault rifle bill heard but the republican majority house voted it down 73-26. still tonight, more students are arriving in tallahassee to connell the fight ahead of a rally wednesday. >> we're going to talk to these politicians tomorrow. we're going to talk to them the day after that. we're going to keep talking we're going to keep pushing. until something is done because people are dying and this can't happen any more. [ applause ] >> reporter: and back here in philadelphia, district attorney larry krasner also attended the rally this evening. he urged people to use their votes to help change gun laws much iain. >> shawnette, thank you.
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meantime president trump signed a memo to take steps towards banning those bump stock devices that was of course what was used in the deadly las vegas shooting last year. bump stocks allow semi automatic we were tons to become rapid fire devices much the justice department was already reviewing bump stocks and says it understands this is a priority for the pre. now to developing story new charges filed against an attorney tied to the russian investigation. alex van der zwaan plead guilty in federal court today charge width lying to federal investigators about his interactions with the trump campaign official. the charge does not involve election interference or relate to the trump cal pain operations but connected to the investigation into trump's former campaign chair paul manafort. former trump campaign aid rick gates. special council robert mol lower filed charges against several russian officials and three russian entities. n your health tonight, missouri start up company working to create a defense against cancer.
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the company called unleash is creating viruses that would be designed specifically to fight cancer by kicking your immune system into gear and attacking the cancer cells and destroying them. the company says this treatment would be less harsh on the body than treatments like radiation or chemotherapy. it will take two to three years to get through all the trial periods. from wool coach to t-shirts and tracks. some areas breaking records today. we've got another chance to do it again tomorrow. kathy, how high temperatures going to get. >> mid 70s for philadelphia. today we were at 72. tomorrow 75. the roar 72. so we know it's going to be a record breaker. down the shore, we're looking at areas of fog in ocean city and atlantic city even kay mape. right now temperatures on the mild side down the shore in the 60s. philadelphia 59. 60 in pottstown. 61 in trenton. we have a surge of southwesterly winds and that's going to continue through the day
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tomorrow. a cold front to the west is going to break that heat and that's not going to come in until tomorrow night. ahead of it look at that orange and red contour. that is a lot of warm air going all it way up to new england on the back side you see that blue, behind that front, temperatures in the 20s and the teens. we're not going to get that cold this week. but a piece of that colder air will be moving in for thursday and friday. so let's go hour by hour. overnight tonight we see some fog forming. not as bad as we i was saw this morning. that burns off. we see parly sunny skies. warm temperatures. a surge of warmth ahead of this frontal. this move through during the evening. and that front will stall and that means periods of rain beginning on thursday. so thursday morning, spotty showers. thursday afternoon another wave of rain moves through. we get a break thursday night. more rain moving that was on friday. and even over the course of the weekend. so tonight, temperatures falling into the 50s that's it it's go to go stay pretty warm. this is about 10 degrees above
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or normal highs for this time of year. during the day tomorrow we'll go 30 degrees above normal. what the heck? right? temperatures in the mid 70s. partly sunny. philadelphia record 72. most of the records in the 70s and i think we have a great chance of being them all. the warmest day of the week tomorrow. thursday occasional showers down to 50 much the high 49 friday. warmer over the weekend but wet. occasional showers saturday. rape likely sunday. we finally get out of this rut the front moves away. monday looks nice. 56. tuesday 51. still very nice for this time of year. to round off the month of february. last year, it was a record breaking february. this year we'll end up at least three or 4 degrees normal for the month which is pretty unusual. iain. >> incredible -- kathy, kristen what's coming up in sports. >> iain eagles are make something moves among that are
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coaching staff for dues stale it look like his opportunity for advancement may be coming to an end in
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this winter in the state with more ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here.
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♪ after the eagles interview both receivers coach mike groh and running backs coach duce staley doug pederson is going with groh that puts stale until tough spot. he's been on the eagles spot for seven years and played for the birds for that long as well it look like he'll have to go elsewhere if he wants to move up the latter. i have to pref face this by saying technically staley is getting promotion as well. espn report that staley will be the assistant head coach as well as running backs coach. besides the tile change and what i'm guessing is a pay raise, it's hard to tell though how much of a career move that actually is. however, this is the second time he's been passed up by the birds. he was interviewed for the head coaching job back in 2016. so with no foreseeable changes for doug pederson or the newly bumped up groh it feels like staley has reach his ceiling here in philly. he's clearly a very talented coach who has the support of his players but if he wants to be
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promoted further, looks like he's going to have to looks elsewhere. iain. >> all right, kristen, thank. even royalty goes nor joy rides. prince william taking right on his trump tiger 1200 bike and got behind the wheel of an aston martin. during a visit to triumph motorcycle. there he is spinning out in the ashton martin. he said afterwards it was nice but it wasn't long enough. wanted to do it some more. one stranger things actor hopping around with few new penguins david harbor showing you have a us had dance moves with the penguins all part of a twitter campaign that he made to green piece in january. the netflix star asked how many retweets he needed for them to zen it to the arctic they set the goal at 200,000 he passed that in a few hours the mig of the trip was to raise awareness on the vinyl mental challenges facing the area. >> better hanging out with fenn begins than dem ma gorgons. i'm just saying. >> can you tell i like that hoe.
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>> very popular show. >> cold there but it's not cold here. >> no, no, no. no penguins. we have snowy owls but no pen begins. 75 tomorrow and downhill from there. it gets cooler and wet for thursday and friday. warm over the weekend but we just some rain and monday and tuesday we find out the month looking pretty good in the 50s. >> you sure this is february. >> i know. >> look out for march. that's all i'm saying. going to get cold again. >> i know exactly much the not going to last but we'll take it thanks kathy. thanks for watching up tmz followed by page sick at midnight then say tuned for "the q" at 12:30. we're back here at 4:00 for good day physical. sue serio and bob kelly got your weather ♪
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hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you
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save energy and money. peco. the future is on. announcer: today on "tmz" -- >> all right, "black panther" might not have just made $200 million at the box office. it might have made a couple because lupita and michael b. jordan are getting kind of physical. >> she puts her arms around him and touches his face and demands he does push-ups. >> stay down. >> that shirt though, that sweater was too tight. >> no, he was like a sexy bill cosby. [laughter] >> we got dwyane wade, gabriel union with dave chappelle and kevin hart all leaving mastro's. >> what's the big meeting about, man? >> black history month. >> if you're going to have a black history dinner, do you do it at mastro's? >> why not? >> because it's named after master. >> the sue plantation book. [laughter] >> a blac chyna sex tape popped up on twitter.


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