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tv   Chasing News  FOX  February 7, 2018 3:00am-3:31am EST

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bill: winter weather headed or way. what is your morning commute going to look strike in we got snow, rain, freezing rain, ice, it is all coming your way. we have that four on this show tonight. and, take a look that t-shirt. this was posted to social media by a new jersey state trooper. well, he is out of a job now. one of the face on the t-shirt is convicted escaped cop killer. >> some people applaud her? >> do you sh she was convicted then escaped from prison. then a less so in slavery. now about this a white teacher the bronx puts her foot opp the back of a black student. the teacher and the hor o of slavery.
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there is a protest at city hall. our panel is going to break it down four tonight. i am bill spadea, this is "chasing news." >> we have a chasing weather alert tonight. stay huge winter weather storm head order way, freezing rain, snow, ice, how bad is the morning commute going to be? let's check win dan zarrow to break it down for us. dan, what is coming our way. dan: well, bill, this winter storm, as manfully, a matter of timing and temperatures t. the first snowflakes moved in in the 7:00 to 8:00 hour on wednesday morning. if you commute early, you may be ok. later on, things are going to get messy. the big concern here, not really the snow, the freezing rain scenario. we could see few inches of snow from northern new jersey to the catskills in the hudson valley, but for the south along the shore, it is rain and in the middle there. central jersey and a period of freezing rain mack things very
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slippery throughout the day tomorrow. >> what do you expect. and below freezing and the slick roads for the morning but the afternoon commute. >> yeah through the morning it is going to hover around freezing and the weather is different depending on whether it is 31-32 or 33. now there is a piece of good news here. temperatures will warm above freezing so it goes all rain across the entire area and in times photograph the evening commute on wednesday. highest snow toll totals we heard reports four to five to six to seven inches. do you expect that to happen or not really? yeah. that is a good estimate from sussex county new jersey to the cat skels and the hudson valley. you go south. you see hardly any snow but that risk of ice freezing rain, sleet, slking things up almost immediately. that is the big deal with this storm. >> all right. what about thursday? going to be out of the way by the commute on wednesday and thursday morning? >> yeah. range for wednesday
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evening's commute then exits wednesday night. there could be a little bit of snow on the back side thursday so is sunshine but colder temperatures and a little bit blusty and highs above the freezing mark on thursday. >> thanks, dan. be safe tomorrow. >> you got it. you too. the national transportation safety board has weighed on the hoboken crash that killed a young mother in september, 2016, saying one of the big reasons, a lack of testing for sleep apee. wait nuller that. ashley johnson has the full story. wait until you hear this. what do you got? >> well, bill, went to bat the trump administration for killing the rule that requires truck drivers to be for sleep disother. sleep apnea caused the fatal train derail am in hoboken in 201-2456 took the life of a mother in the 2007 long island railroad crash in brooklyn. the ntsb blamed nj
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transit for not having proper testing in place. >> well, the government when they do will make it. >> what would the cost be. how intrusive is this on industry to perform such training. >> screening is relatively simple, there is nothing special to screen these individuals to show they are at risk. >> bob menendez released a statement that reads in parts once the nj transit has become the poster child for what could go wrong when you have critical resources and fail to prioritize invest president. since the deadly crash in hoboken. added preventative measures to the screening process for sleep disorders. the assembly man says hopes to see major improvements with nj transit under the murphy administration. my first priority, let's find out what is going on here in new jersey. we know now that this engineer was not properly screened.
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what we need know now, what failed within the organization to have that happen. what could be done prevent that from happening again report with transportation being a hot top uk. amtrak said none of the 52 passengers onboard was hurt. in hamilton, ashley johnson, reporting for "chasing news." >> thank you, ashley. all right. bring in a couple of guys that know how government works. i am joined by new jersey assemblyman, jamal. welcome back to "chasing news." >> how are you doing, bill sno you are the staff in essex county. always god tow sue on the show. >> thanks. bill: i want to ask you, first in the executive branch. you har the government come out to say this is about testing. this is about sleep apnea i dop understand from a public safety stand point. a woman is dead. you got drowsy drivers all over this garden state. some who may be tired and get behind the wheel
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of a train. >> it is a strange statement, right. the primary cause was sleep apnea. not there that was driver who fell asleep or was drowsy. the driver mid a decision to do his job, not 100%. >> now there may have been ways he could have fixed that but the cause could not be the lack of testing. remember, you got take up issues like this. nj transit complete and utter mess. >> new jersey transit is a mess. a lot of pressure put in a lot of demands on the drivers. to meet schedules on time ap unfortunate someone had to dow and every single day, thousands of new jerseyans get on the trains with the hope that the countingor and those that are working on the transit system are in a good position to make sure they can fulfill the obligation. >> what do you do about it? do we have statewide time? what do you do? >> i am not a doctor. what i will say is that i am looking forward to
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seeing what the new jersey transit administration is going to put in place for governor murphy to ensure that we have the tops of things. >> it seems to me, the folks could be getting scapegoated. you got plenty of people driving that not 100%. how do you regulate that into mandating testing may help. again, you have to get the machine. you have to put it on every night. you have to make sure just because you get tested doesn't that you are doing everything you head to do. >> when this is last time you got eight hours of sleep in one night? >> it has bane while. >> i had three hours of sleep. >> exactly. right. there you go. greet see you. thank for coming on. sting around. thank. >> all right. [chanting] bill: a protest at city hall. that is right. you railroad the story of the bronx teacher, white teacher who put the foot on the back of a black student during a lesson in slavery? well, the protesters today at city hall are saying we got to make sure there is sense of ty training across the board for all the public schoolteachers.
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nate rogers has the full story. nate, what do you got for us? they are once again saying it was black history lesson that went too far calling it insensitive, racists and inappropriate. now more than 50 demonstrators and parents rallied here today at city hall demanding anti-boy as training for teachers and school staff. the effort was organized by new york city's co also ferreted kissingal justice. the demonstration comes after white stringer named patricia taught a lesson on slavery and predom aply black and la continue know students according to published report, cummings made students lay face down on the ground asking them how does it feel to be a slave. couple machines reportedly also stepped on one student's back. >> must be the cornerstone of the ed "again ta including deep long lasting tranners to the teacher and. a rea signed from the classrooms or the city's
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education department investigates and the group chanted and sang freedom songs and also in city hall asking but we're told he was not available. now i did speak to one of the coordinators who said they were able to speak to the mayor's chief of staff and hope to have a longer meeting by the end of the week and they wanted to hold the may area account on this issue. well, now, that is the latest here en city hall. i am nate roger for "chasing news." bill: thank you, nate. appreciate that. all right. jamal is here. thank for checking with me. lisa join us pop culture expert always good to have her and den police in rutgers. god see you, guys. ok. i got start with you on this. we talked about this before. you protest the city hall. here is what jumped out at me. i don't know that you disagree that stop! stomping on the kids' back is not the way to teach about the history of slavery. doing that, that sons to be the big biggest waste of time and do nothing
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ideas that i heard. well, i think it is in my other life, i actually see diversity training for major corporations, right? diversity training as well. most of the time, wow, why are we forced to take diversity training? they done care. they are protecting themselves. if someone does that again? they can say, you are fine. now give them a quick way to nir person and actually in protesting for her to be fired only wondering why she has not been handcuffed and taken. bill: then institution of higher education. a vet. how about prothing students? eye don't believe insensitive training. we have military comprehensive training at rutgers so basically you don't know what you don't know. we are teaching everyone how to deal with certain people and you are not familiar with the population. are more knowledgeable. >> jamal, knowledge. right? >> teach them how. >> right you got
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something going on now. >> new york city should take a lesson from new jersey. we had it over a number of years the curriculum on new jersey public schools that teacher african-american cull tur and slavery in the class room. from k up to 12th grade. >> a teacher should know they cannot put a foot or feet on the backs of a child. that is disgusting. she should be fired. she should be handcuffed. bill: let that would have happened here. >> i don't think the issue was her. the curriculum was there. bill: a history of public schools in new york, across the contriv hiding a problem. let's take the teacher. >> i am the product of a public school. >> so am i. >> i give kudos. bill: they need help in the regard. >> not all of them. >> some do.
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>> most. >> thank you. >> good. don't go anywhere. we got a lot more show four tonight. a new jersey state trooper out of a job after he posted this teacher to social media. it turns out one of the face convicted cop kill
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bill: welcome back to "chasing news." i am bill spadea. we have a "chasing news"
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news alert tonight after a tumble on monday where the dow dropped a record number of points. it came part of the way back today. i want to bring back dennis neil, a marketwatcher, a financial journalists. welcome back to "chasing news. you left it yesterday as he watched the market tumble. you said, look. everybody calm down. it comes back. what happened today. today was one bungee jump. the dows with able after falling 175 points monday able to come back 570 almost. that is half of what we lost. that is terrific we'll see if the week bears that out. volatility may knob over. that makes regular investor like us nervous. they lost all volatilely continue the market. in thises were only going up. they are happy. bill: let me ask you. to the average person out here, a sign of a strong economy you? mentioned yesterday, the big stocks, apple, google, et cetera, when
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it drops that much are going to get them at bargain price. it is it a good sign for the economy? >> it sure is. remember that, if we feel good about things, the economy gets better as a result. there are still buyers throughout. apple fell 2.5% yesterday. it was up 4.5% today. still hope throughout. this is still people more people who are afraid of missing out than they there are people who are afraid of something going wrong. we haven't had the been if it truly to the economy of the tax cuts. we got to hold 6--12 months of good news ahead. i don't think this is over. >> all right. the rest of the week. i know you are not in the prediction business. we get back up over 26,000 soon. >> i think we will. this is going to be short-lived on the way to 27,000 before there is another big crack. >> good talk to you? thank you. >> you, too. thanks. bill: controversy involving a new jersey state trooper trying to do something positive for black history month
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ends up in hot water and suspended from his job for posting a t-shirt. take a look at this. one of the face on the t-shirt, convicted cop killer. what do you got into well, state trooper has severe difficulties on the job for wearing a t-shirt, put putting it on instagram. however, one of the figures on the shirt is joanne, a cop killer, killed a state trooper in an incident in 16 3 and gone into exile in cuba. authorities repeatedly tried to extra diet her door to united states but has been unsuccessful. bill: let me understand. he wore the t-shirt? he posted it to social greed inthen some supervisor fund out and said fired? it seems to me, much of a process to get rid of the trooper beyond a t.
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he posted i on social media then did get fired then however, his attorney said, the officer simply do not know the significance. >> social media. career killer. all right. thank you. appreciate it. all right. let's bring in the a plus panel. members of the new jersey state assembly, jamal, always good sue. thanks for being here. pop culture expert is with us and janice from rutgers head of the veterans department. will start with you. it seems to me, that at the very, at the worst here. this guy, well, the best. total ignorance. how do you not know you are a new jersey state trooper. got one of the most tacked about cop canners then state's history. >> he agree. i feel look he was fired before and a bad decision. as police officer. he did some research on what you are promoting. anything and you are rep accepting. want to put anything throughout without verifying the person. >> well, i am turn on
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whether he should. >> it is stupid, right? >> you are growing up. you are growing up. that is what it space to i agree with you. >> right. ok. >> all right. first, they violated the freedom of expression. that is number one. number two, the police officer did not know that aka was somebody he dino. remember, a lot of people did not think she was guilty of shooting a cop. never proved she was the trigger person, so some people applaud her. i dop know if he does. some do. i think he knew where she was. bill: do you? she was convicted and escaped from prison? this is a hero if. >> this is 1673. you know how old i was that time? >> you are a legislature. this is a serious, shoe. >> always said, you got to be care half you put on social media? was it inappropriate? absolutely. should he have gotten fired or suspend? i don't think it rose to that level. but at the end of the day, you got to be careful, especially in public service of what you put on social media. i tell that time and to
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imagain to people. watch what you put on social media. it could be the death of. bill: thanks, guys. the battle over whether to legalize recreational marijuana rages on. governor murphy made it a huge part of the campaign for governor and wants it done in the first 100-days of the new administration. not so fast. as a matter of fa. there has been pushback in the black community across three cities in new jersey saying this could, that could hurt our come continuity. but, one legislature is saying, you know what? it is time to for jers city to have legal pot. he joins me now. assemblyman, welcome. how are you? >> great. how are you doing? >> well, you have a history with this. if i remember correctly, years ago. you and your counterpart across the aisle, michael patrick on the republican side proposed to lellize pot. what is different about what you are doing now? are you doing this at the request of the new governor? well, no. it has been the hopper
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for number of years. the idea melds with the new governor and but if you look at the disparity and the are and also the costs, analyzing drugs, 9% of the arrests are that roach in the ashtray. the person who was chapped with that roach in the ashtray faces six months in rail, $1,000 fine, then loss of the draf ear license so i think that more important things to worry about. we have addiction that we should be dealing with and concentrating but for recreational marijuana use it should not be prosecuted. >> thank you. >> aprern ate your time. all right. bring back the a plus panel to break it down. guys, you know, will start with you. this is the colleague in the assembly. this bill is going to come forward. not the first time it reared the head. what do you say to the constituent and the allies and friends on both sides of the aisle whole are saying, woe. slow down on this.
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i think we need to slowdown. i want to comment our colleague in the senate and the senator who have take on the lead. i suspected it would be a number of bills log to the course of the next year or so to take this issue. it is not going to happen the first 100 days. i remember we are going around the state to hear pom's concern. it is a little too fast. but it will, will we get to there? absolutely. i doubt think it year as well. >> the black caucus. i pensioned that earlier. certainly a rallying cry it seems to me. people saying, woe. hold on a machine min. this social justice thing doesn't really add up with tum bers this is a racial issue. well, there is a debate on both sides. i reason on platform. i ran for lieutenant governor. we felt like we should lellize marijuana. a lot of african-american men had been locked up for the same thing white kids came down to other city
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and they were not locked out. by april, we can put it now. decriminalize marijuana now. this whole let's join together is not what we should be going we're going to legalize marijuana let's legalize. bill: have we missed entire point? we talk about decriminalization. white, black, young people is the prox am toy public park and schools. >> a lot of schools are in the inner city and around the neighborhoods and if you liven the other communities. they take a 20 minute drive. get rid of the fact you got to do a mandatory 3:00 to 5:00. what about that law? eye like the fact. i like the fact that we have people. >> wait minute. >> yep. >> yep. so absolutely. >> the systems of marijuana. >> absolutely. >> for five years when you lellize marijuana it does go together like a pen and glove because you release from prison. >> to that point, this is good. you can change the rules
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about prox am toy the schools. >> absolutely. u would crush the number of arrest. >> absolutley. not let's not pimp at this time say let's lellize marijuana and do decriminalization with it. it is a healthy debate. this is not emotional. am looking forward to this at the end of the day. >> all right. absolutley. absolutley. there is aing if ahead. >> well. thanks. >> we agree degree. dod sue. thank. >> appreciate. all right. bill: don't go anywhere. a lot more "chasing news" coming up after the break. we have all the headline for you including doritos coming back on the idea of a friendly
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he wouldn'help me.itting us. i'm scared. it hurts. he told me not to tell. make the call. make the call ...before it's too late. suspect it? report it. make the call. 1-800-932-0313 paid for with pennsylvania taxpayer dollars.
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bill: all right, well welcome back to "chasing news." the creation of the lady friendly chip. consider jumping the turn style but a because you think you will get away with it. not so fast. the mayor don't support the district attorney's plan to stop prosecuting.
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jay owes neil said people will have to pay to get on the subways and it is not sen we cannot create situation where people think it is acceptable. >> free indonesnition immigrants to church in highland park new jersey left it breathing a little easier tuesday after a judge blocked deportation. governor phil murphy who supports the immigrants rights visited the reform at highland park after a raid in the area. no, you won see lady doritos any time soon. speculation was ram. after the chairman of expectco said last week, women find doritos too noisy, messy don't enjoy them as much as men do. the company was looking at as? designed for women igniting the rumor. cleared up the confusion with one tweet. we have doritos for one woman. they are called doritoss and loved by millions. that is a look at headlines we're chasing tonight. bill: th
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>> i've from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. parade preparation are underway. look at the crews working all day for the historic celebration and trying to move quick toll beat this. a nasty winter storm. we're talking snow, some ice and then rain for some of us. and the timing of it all really couldn't be any worse. just as kids are getting ready to head to school. good evening and thanks for joining us at 11:00. i'm iain page. several schools on a delay for tomorrow. check all those at kathy, most of our area under a winter weather advisory. >> we're talking about the snow moving in tomorrow morning, iain. you can see it on ultimate doppler a cold component to the storm an warm component. they'll converge. the warm air though will win out. there's not a high pressure system anchored to our north to keep the cold here. so that's the good news.


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