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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 5A  FOX  February 5, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EST

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>> boy, we do what it takes, it is so exciting, good morning to you, we can see wildwood down there all lit up green entire city, delaware, lehigh valleys we are celebrating, all neither for so many joining us. >> lets get for a ride what a ride all season long, super bowl champions, great to have you with us as we celebrate this morning, celebrating weather too. >> we're all tired but school is still in session. >> still got to go to work. >> may not be a bad thing because you can still be with other people and still celebrate, as she said trying to spin this. lets get to the number of the day because who cares what the weather is, it is a 10 because we won, and bus stop buddy has a warm coat on and you should too because it will be chillier then yesterday thanks to the cold front that came through brought the rain now rain is over, and just make sure, eagles green on just like you have been for weeks and weeks.
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34 degrees. feels like 28. westerly wind at seven. nothing to show you on ultimate doppler radar but wind chill, just about every where are in the 20's, this morning, so that is what you dress for. it will feel like the 20's even when it gets to 34 degrees with these sunny skies, winds gusting to 30 miles an hour, yet, low of 25, increasing cloud and that is your weather authority forecast. been kelly, taking over another town, another group of sleepy but happy people in bensalem, this morning. >> hey there, bob. >> i don't think we have an hour of sleep combined in this room. look at everybody, we are live at bagelocity and soup king here in bensalem along bensalem boulevard just off of hulmeville road. our girl stephanie here has been painting this sign since when, saturday. >> sat day. >> ten hours already. >> we have the sign on tv
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finally. >> yes. >> let's check the jam cams as we get ready to head out this morning. the schuylkill expressway. how is your curve doing this morning. conshohocken curve looks good there in the camera, everything is wet. it is off to the side. our next camera in problems at all coming from new jersey on the 42 freeway. back here live, it is free coffee, free bagels at bagelo city and soup king where we have the under dog. have. >> e-a-g-l-e-s eagles we have green clam chowedder and it is all free until 6:00. so come on by to your way to work and school. i say we just take the day off >> yeah. >> back to you guys in the studio. >> under dogs in more, one, thank you. story of the day eagles are super bowl champs. >> here's how we got there here are highlights. eagles let for most of the game last night, society to go
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watch, up by 10, and brady makes it interesting right there. so exciting. and then, we have another one right here, here we go, foles running tonight for the touchdown right there. so amazing. just a big night, so many of our players over and over again. take a look at that zach ertz taking it in, relive this moment, big play, so many amazing moments as we were watching it. there we go. come away witt. we will replay, many, many more all morning long but we are basking in the glow of what happened, getting that lombardi trophy and the trophy presentation. >> if is there a word called everything, that is what it means to eagles fans every where, every where, and you know for eagles fans every where this is for them, this
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is for them. >> how would you describe the character of this football team. >> it is the most unique, together group of men i told them, i have never seen an incredible group of men in all of my years in life that come together with all of the adversity, injuries, losing our franchise quarterback and we're world champs. incredible group of men. the coaches, beyond great. >> beyond great, amazing, foles was great, pederson was great, and so were the fans, for the most part. we are taking a look at some of the celebration that is happened last night. there is mayfair section of the city. right at frankford and cottman streets were completely packed with people. of course, over center city where you could see it was wall to wall people. and then folks jumping around for joy, so many smiles. that was good. there was a little bit of bad as well. >> across the city, street
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poles came down, awning came down and a whole lot of trash. lets get out to steve keeley in center city this morning. >> you wouldn't necessity clean up has begun because is there beer cans every where but thinks probably 1/100th of the number of beer cans about three hours ago. more beer can then blacktop. all traffic lights are pick up and gone. now there is no traffic lights that is likely why that police officer is here and these streets will be shut down for a while. they want to get them replaced as soon as possible because despite bob kelly's live shotty think some people will to have get to work especially in that big building for city hall. no city holiday at least officially. unofficially for sure it is a city holiday but they still can't have major streets in philadelphia without traffic lights. the macy's manager here, and he is not too happy, as she deals with fixing the big plate glass windows that were shattered, and then whatever
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they were showing in those windows long gone as part of the souvenir grab by people who took advantage of the major league crowds out here last night. they both smashed windows and smashed the front door on the other side of those vans that we will walk over to at this door that has also been broken out completely by the employee right there i have no idea what you are saying in my ear so it doesn't make sense to talk to me. that has been broken out even further. the street sweeper crew making u turns trying to clean up as the cab, tries to dodge around no lights and street sweeper. so that cabby is driving around here. here comes more traffic. this just shows, bob kelly, i don't know if you are paying attention where you are but people are trying with no traffic lights right now, this could be a little bit more dangerous situation as we get in the rush hour if there is a rush hour today, karen and testimony as.
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>> we will keep an eye on that thank if you that are information. >> keeping an eye on the morning papers, loft people will be out trying to pick up copies of the inquirer and daily news to pass on for us. >> and we will be putting them up on our wall, my desk, lets get out to conshohocken hot off the presses, right behind you, lauren. >> reporter: yeah, you know what steve keeply just say dangerous it is dangerous standing here because is there so much going on but they have this down to a science. it is like perfection. we told you guys last time these are the re-up trucks that will get out and meet at a point with other drivers that are out, about 70 trucks already out on the road. in the philadelphia area. it covers eight counties. these are the ones that will meet up with those location, which we necessity will happen today, you see these people loading them in, and i already asked why do they not get little fancy machine to help
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them. i hear because those trucks are smaller and so the pallet lifter cannot fit on the truck it is shrink wrap over on the machine they led them up on this truck and then head out. here's the break down of the numbers. we had 50,000 papers printing per hour, the presses have officially stopped. we have 700,000 total copies, so, break down of that will be about 400,000 of the inquirer and 300,000, of the daily news and many of you are on social media asking the question where can i get my copy. someone from san francisco even tweeted me asking lauren, how can i get one. here's the magic linc, and,, and,/go bird. bird and people are having trouble with the linc. if my linc doesn't work just do it the old fashion way.
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that is what we are doing no digital copies. you want the real deal today, so you can see it, karen and thomas and at last. >> thanks, etta. >> it is so sweet, long time coming, thanks, lauren. >> comes all of the super bowl memorabilia. people are buying merchandise out there, absolutely, so jenny joyce is in one of the stores people there are already, hi there jenny, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, so modells opened up here about 10 minutes ago there was a line outside the door people waiting to get into get their merchandise. a lot of good stuff. a lot of good stuff in here. when we were here we were nervous, everybody was getting their nfc champion ship gear but why not wait until we win the super bowl. not knowing and you don't want to risk it, don't want to take chances but this is a good morning here at modells. there is a lot of stuff going
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on. i just found out they brought in 440 employees from the company, to come to the philadelphia stores, because they were anticipating huge crowds as all this merchandise makes its way through the stores. good morning, guys, how are you doing. >> long time coming. >> talk a little bit about, the philly curse and now we're here. >> no such thing as philly curse, i had to wait 62 years for a super bowl championship. now we got it. it is a good thing. >> how were you feeling during the game. >> very excited. tough game all the way through but we knew eagles were going to do it no doubt in my mind. >> reporter: new we are here celebrating, today right. >> thank you so much. >> have a great day. >> karen and thomas back to you. >> jenny, thanks. we need to get some. we have to share with each team. >> we will see. >> lets head out to bob kelly, he is out and about
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celebrating as well, hi there, bob. >> good morning, i'm coming live from bagelocity and soup king cafe in bensalem. are you ready to have the green sauce. here we go, big boss with the green sauce we will turn the clam chowedder green when we come right back. can make you feel unstoppable.
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let's my face hurts from smiling so much. it is just so exciting. you just can't believe it actually happened. >> it happen. just in case you are, here, we have been out partying lets check the forecast. >> yes, a lot of us do, and we just have to be prepared for at least dry weather. thirty-four wildwood. that is not the whole story. we have to factor in these winds, after sunrise, 7-mile an hour wind in philadelphia
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which makes it feel like, 24 with the wind chill in millville and feels like 26 in reading. we will get the idea with that no precipitation to show you, we may see flurry or two out to harrisburg today but really don't expect anything like this around here, and, until, wednesday, so today's dry, tomorrow is dry, and here comes a mess, just in time for the morning rush on wednesday, it starts out as snow, changes over to rain, and that is going to be pretty heavily at times throughout the rest of the day. so more on that as we get closer to the time but it looks like the entire day on wednesday, will be, filled with messy, precipitation, starting off with snow changing over to rain. our average high is up to 42 degrees. a testament to the days getting longer. yesterday below average with 38, and chillier today, 34, but with the blustery wind is it feels like the 20's. still a 10, because we won.
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43 degrees tomorrow. and then that messy day, on wednesday, chilly but dry on thursday and friday, and another chance of rain on saturday and on sunday that is your weather authority forecast, no matter what the weather, we are in a good mood today, and so is bob kelly, good morning. >> good morning, sueby. having some fun up here at bagelocity and soup king cafe. boston clam chowed tore philadelphia clam chowedder but first lets check the jam cams. live look at schuylkill expressway. only thing on is disabled vehicle westbound near conshohocken curve. we have an accident on the new jersey turnpike, southbound approaching, burlington, mount holly. back here live, with al the soup king. if you are ready boston clam chowedder turned into philadelphia clam chowedder. we have 14 soups, lot top, it did say boston. we have changed it to philadelphia you cannot have
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philadelphia clam chowedder without some green, right. >> right. >> how many drops should i put in here. >> three. >> count with me, ready. wow, one and a half, there we go, and lets do one more, boom there we go. get in there and mix that up. all right, here's the deal, free bagels and coffee all morning long until 6:00 o'clock, bagelocity and the soup king we are here on bensalem boulevard, about a block or two away from hulmeville road, come on georgey can we get a shot of that. i think we need more green. put another shot in there, come on, who wants another shot. come on by on your way to work or school. we're opened all day, is that right, al. >> yes. >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles.
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>> back to you guys. >> yes. >> little too green for me. >> let's talk about obviously we all enjoyed watching the bird play and another to watch the commercials during super bowl. >> i was screaming at kid toss come in new star wars movie, so many others. lets see which won hit the mark and maybe missed. we brought in steve marino a chief director for ab and c this morning. >> it is a great morning. >> yes, it is. >> amen to that. >> so, best of the best. >> i thought actually, tide cleaned up. they started ought way great spot early on and said today we will see car ads, fun ads but one thing everybody has in common is everybody dressed cleanly. when we see a super bowl ad it is a tide ad and they were running smaller clips. every time you saw it am i
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watching a tide ad. >> let's watch it. >> just your typical super bowl ad. >> a hilarious beer ad. >> more whatever ad this is. whatever. >> but, it is a tide ad. >> what? >> it is a tide ad. >> what makes it that. >> there are no stains, look at those clean clothes what else would this be an ad for. >> diamonds. >> so kay. >> lasts forever. >> it is very clever. every ad you think it is a tide ad. >> do these smaller spoof ads and, hey ladies look at your man, thinks a tide ad. >> you think every ad is a tide ad. >> lets go to the next one up what do we have next, toyota. >> it is a great example. of how a great super bowl ad can be funny, sincere and
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thoughtful. this want tracks an olympic athlete, born without use of her legs and arms and you feel bad for them and you see they ultimately rise to be a champion. it is a powerful, moving spot. >> ♪ >> wow. >> i haven't seen this one yet this is so powerful and neat. this is for toyota. >> it is for toyota but there is a lot of upcoming olympic sponsorships and they are an olympic sponsor but great to see those ads going from one
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in 100 and millions and her obtaining a olympic gold. >> they really strike a cord. >> next on the list. >> not so great ads. >> yeah. >> so, i don't think there weren't a lot of great super bowl ads but one that people will be talking about is it is slightly controversies, ram trucks co opted a martin luther king speech. it felt like bad form. they were taking a speech about service and they wanted to say we serve people as well i don't think you can do that. >> missed the mark. >> yes. >> let's check it out. >> if you want recognized, wonderful. if you want to be free, wonderful. but, recognized,. >> it should be your servant,.
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>> and greatness it means that everybody, can be great. you don't have to know. >> it is really about tone, and being sensible but that was just in a prep eighth. >> we have a lot more we will break down on good day philadelphia join us. >> absolutely. >> thanks, you are the best we appreciate it. >> mike and alex will go through other ads they like as well. keep sending your pictures n we love them. up all night with us as
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welcome back. here's new york times, the paper of record, nick foles who started the season as a backup quarterback out played tom braid toy lead the philadelphia phillies, this ain't baseball, folks, so you saw that out there and just those screen shots the paper of record, and and, they have written that right there. so they deleted it but, we were quick enough to capture that moment. >> something is in the right here. >> yes. >> by the way we want to see how you you are celebrating, all night, celebrating so send in your pictures using #fox 29 eagles nicki thank you, best game ever. we have to agree with you. we love to see little won. >> so cute, we love your kid, fury friends and everybody else. >> race nine moths was my off season. >> that is it, we dit.
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>> keep those pictures coming and we will share
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♪ good morning, we are waking upright now, maybe never went to sleep at all thank you for pulling this all neither with us as we are celebrating, it is best of the mornings. it is a super morning. >> you know it is a good morning when your tie is like this, fix your tie, out celebrating all night. it goodies to have you with us , grab your coffee whatever you need to get morning going because we are here non-stop here celebrating the big win. >> it did happen, didn't it. >> yes. >> i know. >> even that last 30 seconds, there was still a chance. >> yes. >> last play, that was it.
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>> so we are super bowl champions does anything else really matter. some of us to have get to work today. we will get through. just fine. no matter what the weather the number of the day, of course is a 10 because we won and bus stop buddy, in his warm green coat with his eagles flag as wind chills in the 20's this morning and even as temperatures go up later on it will be windy enough to keep wind chills in the 20's all day, lots of green lights all over the city, and sunrise time is 7:05, feels like 28 degrees with a temperature of 34. other wind chills 29, we love that number, in allentown and atlantic city, 27 is what it feels like in wilmington and 25 is your wind chill in lancaster. average high is 42, we will be below average today with a high of 34 degrees in the city , low to mid 30's with sunshine every where else. 101.1 more fm is our radio partner bob kelly is taking
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over town. this monday it is bensalem. how is everybody doing. >> you know it, sue, nobody is sleepy here, we're all wide awake. look at this gang. oh, baby. we have one hour combined sleep from all of us here, we are coming to you this morning from the bagelocity and soup king cafe right here on bensalem boulevard in bensalem , lets check the jam cams getting ready to head out kind of quiet right now. everybody is home, night, night, tucked in getting a cat nap. live look at the schuylkill expressway near conshohocken curve. that fella has been there an hour ago. see radio antennas shooting out philly's hottest stations in the background. lets go to new jersey accident south on the new jersey turnpike, with some minor injuries but otherwise kind of quiet, septa, mass transit all in good shape. what is your name, sir. >> tom mack me. >> look at that north catholic high school ring.
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>> 1957. >> north catholic in the house >> we have girls from saint hubert and girls from little flower and conwell egan, we have bensalem finest in the house. let's have a hand for the officers with us. we also have the bagels, check this out with the green cream cheese and we add sod green dy e, to the clam chowedder, so philly clam chowedder today, right? 6:00 o'clock, free doughnuts, free coffee right here at bagelocity, get in here. >> is what your name. >> karl. >> bensalem here. >> let the party begin. >> thanks, bob. >> simply super. eagles winning their first ever, super bowl title. >> they won in such a standing fashion. >> start to end what a game. let's show you highlights here let's kick it off eagles led for most of the game last night, as you know, half time,
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one come back by the path path s in the fourth. gave new england a one point lead here. >> a trick play right there. >> bringing it in. >> and, tight-end zach ertz. >> into the end zone. >> then they give brady the fumble. and. >> and that is a field goal, brady had one more chance, he tosses it to the end zone. >> and 41, our first super bowl title. let's listen to the coach doug pederson. >> you never want to be in a shoot-out with tom brady but we made the plays when we had to. i trusted our quarterback, our
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guys on offense, defense stepped up at the end of the game and made a couple good prays and that is what it takes. if you win these types of games that is what it will take. >> wow. >> they did everything that it took and they made it all happen. we had to go celebrate, we celebrated all over the place, some hot spots mayfair right here near frankford and cottman people running out there in the streets just to join the crowd. dit really happen i can't believe it. we are number one right there in city hall area and center city jumping up and down you can see jubilation and people so happy, long suffering but it has been worth the wait. >> it is all about history, history made in philadelphia, the front pages of today's papers will be ones to keep. lauren johnson taking your orders this morning and joining us from the plant where they print the inquirer and daily news, hi there lauren. >> reporter: hey thomas once the axis over on the field in
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minnesota well, things got busy here in conshohocken. they didn't start printing things out until midnight but they are almost wrapped up here. you can see this group loading the last paper on this truck. this is a re-up truck that will get out and hit hot spots of the place that he is will get hit hard with people wanting to get their hands on the paper. 3,000 sites around philadelphia, will receive the papers today and if we talk numbers 700,000 total, 400,000 from the inquirer, 300,000 of the daily news. it has been a busy operation here started again as we said much earlier this morning, 50,000 papers printed per hour they have been cranking them out but they have assured us they will not run out people will be monitoring different areas to make sure everyone can get their hands on a paper many people are hitting me up asking if i don't live in philadelphia but i'm a huge fan and want that paper how can i get my hands on it.
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go on line very easy philly .com/go birds we will get you a copy. a lot of people think, it is worth it because what it says on the front at last. >> at last. >> we waited this long don't mind paying that pretty penny. >> it didn't take long for fans to go out and celebrate. >> we are so happy. such a wonderful time. but there is a couple bad actors out there to do something, we wound up getting some things broken. steve keeley is by city hall, macy's, boards on the window. >> reporter: did lauren mention the price of the newspaper i was trying to hear >> she didn't mention it this time for out of towners but locally it is four bucks. >> reporter: that is double the normal price, is that price gouging or not. >> well, it is worth every penny, it is one you want, it is what the market determines. >> reporter: i don't know, i saw that and tweeted it overnight and i saw the four
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and little four, it jumped out at me do you see that. they count that it is four dollars but i was surprised, i haven't bought a paper in a while. i was surprised it was two dollars after vikings game and we saw people buying eight and 10 of those because they are collectors items. i don't know if people will buy as many at four. they will be on e bay next we are for $50 but, it should be. when i was a kiddy delivered papers for a dime when the flyers won the stan stanley cup. it is getting chilly out. let me throw on my championship scarf. how is that. by the way, finally a newspaper at this news stand he got his news stand obliterated as well, newspaper boxes, taken, if they were not shoved down. you can see metro box all the way across the sidewalk where that is normally over here.
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it is tough for newspaper and yes, you hear when were you asking me about a half an hour ago are there still crazy people, yes, celebration is continuing. this is sad seeing all this glass, this is plate glass here. you can seaboarded up windows here at macy's where they won't be able to advertise valentines day stuff obviously because people if it was already been advertised in those windows somebody is wearing that or taking it home this police officer is out here and that is only colored lights you see. is there normally a light here couple lights here and couple more lights on that corner but those lights before all knocked down and taken away by streets department who will try to fix them before some of these people who were working to day maybe not eagles fans or eagles fans who did stay and they are still driving around. they are driving around city hall were not as many traffic lights. this is a very busy crosswalk in the morning but you can see guys out here both cleaning up
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with brooms and also using leaf blowers but this is getting scary around here. sweeper trucks are making u turns trying to clean up streets and people are now driving on the streets and there are in traffic lights and people are heading in to these intersections like it is not even a yield sign. so karen and thomas we will stay here and hopefully we have in more smashing glass, but don't count on it. we know how this city is when there is a few traffic lights. >> just a few bad apples. we want to see your eagles pride. send your pictures using #fox 29 eagles: >> under dog. >> and babies so cute we love them, thank you had i blast, well deserved that is right.
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i'd like the "my wife is out of town and i'm in over my head meal". sleep over! sleep over! sleep over! so you said 5 chicken mcnuggets happy meals and a classic chicken sandwich for 3 bucks each. exactly. build whatever meal you want with favorites on the new $1 $2 $3 dollar menu from mcdonald's.
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aah! ...i would have said you were crazy. but so began the year of me. i discovered the true meaning of paperless discounts... and the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of $620. why does fear feel so good? i fell in love three times -- once with a woman, once with a country, and finally... with myself. -so, do you have anything to declare or not? -isn't that what i'm doing?
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we are live at modells in northeast philadelphia where the merchandise is coming in hot, i'm here with mike, living in the neighborhood, and what are you shopping for. >> anything that says super bowl champions and t-shirts, sweat shirts, a little bit of everything. >> how does it feel to say that super bowl champions. >> mind boggling but it is beautiful. >> reporter: it is unreal. >> it is long time over 50 years for eagles to win a
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champion ship, so definitely due. >> reporter: you said you have been up all night so you are moving slowly. you are browsing. what do you have here can you show us your t shirts. >> this is my favorite. >> we finally got that ring. >> it feels good. >> no more dallas, san francisco, everybody else has rings, washington and new we got one. >> now we got one. >> we will wear that with a úlot of pride and guys, we will >> we will wear that with a úlot of pride and guys, we will send it back to this is so exciting, dave! >> we will wear that with a úlot of pride and guys, we will hey gus, meet tucker... .
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awwww... whoaaaa !! ...and axle, angie, frank, charlie, millie, ralph, henry, audrey and duke... yep...ten times the fun. sorta like this... ahhh, ten times the bucks. it's one of the new times the bucks games from the pennsylvania lottery. with millions in prizes! hot diggity dog! keep on scratchin'!
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what a night. so many of you have not gone to bed pulling a all neither with the rest of us as well. >> celebrations continuing this morning. >> joining us is big daddy graham from wip. he earn the bead. i don't know how you earned those bead. >> i'll get into that later. this is you, philadelphia. >> love you, love you, if you are like me you i'm old enough to have seen all 52 super bowls. a time came when i thought it is just not for us, we will never get one. i took phone calls last night on wip, from guys talking about calling their dads, or hugging their dads or calling their grand dads, one guy went and visited his grand dad in
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the hospital after the game. you know what, it is not all a male thing. my daughter, ava is a massive eagles fans. i have been wheelihans for 14 years. my wife is a fanatic football fan. she got that off her step dad and her step dad passed away bay year and a half ago. it went from her step dad, to her and new she's passed it on to my daughter, that is the beautiful thing about what happened last night. >> we were driving out, my parents live out in chester county. you go by king of prussia all of the office buildings, people took a regular paper and stuck it in all the windows go eagles, everybody, day cares to offices, to senior centers, people have been celebrating and just. >> now i will give a impression of 400 people at wheelihans yesterday, while brady's last pass was in the air and coming down in the end
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zone. here it was, three or 400 people at the same time, just look. ahh. then we had to wait and see ball hit the ground and make sure there was in flags and there was in time left on the clock and then it was like oh, my god grown men, weeping, weeping. not tears but weeping. >> we talk about that after nfc championship. it is about the generations, watching it. >> yes. >> just the emotions of watching the game and every year you thought this would be the year. we felt for sure. >> it is ours nowy got great news for eagles fans vegas has already pick the patriots as favorite to win next years super bowl so we are under dogs already, thank you. >> will, big daddy, thanks for coming in. moment to celebrate. we will continue celebrations, certainly all week long through the parade. >> you have an appearance. >> that one is virtually sold
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out so following saturday i'm here at tropicana in atlantic city. >> that is where thomas was last night at tropicana in atlantic city. >> were. >> yes. >> we will talk about that later. >> it has been a licensing night we will leave it at that >> let's check with bob kelly, he is celebrating this morning >> hey gang good morning, i have the first swag here we go my buddy steve ran up to modells how was it up the street. >> crazy, they are ready to rock and roll. >> but look at that i got myself a super bowl hat, super bowl t-shirt. >> i came to see you. >> wow. >> let's check the jam cams. >> live look at the schuylkill expressway right around the conshohocken curve, disable off to the shoulder there. lets go to the next cameras light volume so far this morning, roads are wet so just be careful, with the
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temperatures hovering. no reports of ice. that is a live look at new jersey turnpike down here near exit number one, delaware memorial bridge where there is an accident back here live we are here at bagelocity and soup king cafe where we have another brand new swag, is what your name. >> emily. >> where did you get this one. >> mow deals. >> all right, so come on by they may have the shirts and hat at modells but we have the best coffee and bagels in town >> yes. >> you know why? it is free. >> free, here we go, free bagels and coffee all the way up, we have the green cream cheese and sueby has the forecast in 152nd.
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it wouldn't matter what the weather was, today because we will still be happy but we will let you know is what happening, anyway. celebrating sunshine today. blustery one. windy, chilly. snow and rain on the way for wednesday. if anybody is looking for a recommendation about parade day, this would not be the best weather day, just saying. 34 degrees in philadelphia and wildwood. thirty-five reading. thirty-five trenton. these are actual temperatures but we have winds that are picking up and they will pick up more after sunrise, which is just after 7:00 o'clock so feels like it is in the 20's this morning, and wind chills will stay, in the 20's all day , again, who cares, it is 10 out of 10. forty-three tomorrow. messy weather day on wednesday , thursday bright and sunny, liberty cold, high of 34, more rain saturday night into sunday. but, today, i don't even necessity what the weather is, you know it is just a good one i mean i know you know what
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i'm saying. >> it doesn't matter. >> it doesn't matter. >> yes, rainbows, it is all sunshine, thanks, sue. keep sending us your pictures because we are just celebrating. so many are sending these adorable pictures, moments of joy watching the game together >> keep them coming use the # fox 29 eagles show us your pride we will be right ♪ hillshire farm oven-roasted turkey breast
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is carefully crafted with nothing but heart and hard work. ♪ the results? well, they speak for themselves.
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our chris o'connell found a fan you have probably recognized, pretty big surprise, lets take a look. >> it is now officially bananas, let's meet joe joe, joe joe. >> go eagles. go eagles. >> what do you think about this. >> how crazy is this. >> that was amazing, happy for the whole city of philadelphia we will after lieutenant of fun now, i'm going to do my personal best. i definitely wanted to get to the game you are next. >> trust the process. >> there you go, joel embiid. >> trust the process, man, did we ever and what a season it has been. lets look live at the parkway where we are cleaning up, mopping up and our sky line looks beautiful lit up green. good day
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foles, moves to the left to clement, clement, reverse is it, and a pass, in the end zone, and it is a touchdown by nick foles. >> brady back again, he is stepping up, he is hit, and falls forward, he fumbles the football and the eagles have it, it is recovered by barnett barnett. barnett. brady fumbles and barnett has
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the ball. the game is over. the philadelphia eagles are super bowl champions. eagles fans every where, this is for you. let the celebration begin. >> world chapel beyond. >> wow, world champions, yes. >> yeah. >> wow. >> we did it. >> yeah, wow. >> this is how it will be for the next week at least. >> we did it. >> we did it. >> they did it. >> can you believe this is happening. >> has


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