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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 4A  FOX  February 5, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EST

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high temperature today but it will be windy. feel it after sunrise. it will be press i seasonal and maybe because low average, but plan on sunshine and the celebration, continuing, all day long. so there is a party going on in bensalem. you know who is there, bob kelly. >> i haven't partied this much since i can't tell you when. i got up this morning, i got up before last call, and last call at the bars than my way in. >> good morning everybody we are here at bagelocity and soup king, and which one is it here. >> and blueberry. >> blueberry. >> spinach. >> and, we have onion over there. >> who eats spinach bake else a lot of people. >> popeye ate the spinach. let's check the jam cams, lot of the partying has come to than a end, folks heading home
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getting a nap in and, a lot of folks to have get to work, schools are opened today but roads are wet. temperatures right around that freezing mark so be careful looking live there at the schuylkill expressway. next camera looking out this morning, we will take a look at, all right, route 611 that would be broad street, of course, broad and spring garden, busy spot this morning , south broad street has been busy from center city all the way down to the stadium area. back here live, we have the gang are you ready to go. >> wow. >> reporter: some of these folks have been up since last night here in bensalem and like to celebrate eagles super super bowl win come on byberry your green on what you are toy work, school, maybe not go to work today, right. >> that is what i heard. >> check this out, instead of the new england coffee, loser coffee. everybody gets a loser coffee. we will take it.
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back to you guys in the studio >> thanks, bob. >> loser coffee. >> we did it. eagles winning their first ever super bowl title. >> so stunning to watch it all unfold. >> the eagles, led for most of the game last night. let's show you here they were up by 10 at the half. brady and pats they would make at least one come back in the fourth, braid toy gronkowski gives new england a one point lead, philly though would drive down the field hitting a touchdown, bam, pass to tight- end, zach ertz little controversy over that one but it stands. philly gets braid toy fumble and brady still had one more chance. we will fast forward here in a little bit eagles win 41-33, our first super bowl title, ever. final play there, eagles take it. it is all over.
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>> when you get in a shoot-out with tom brady but we made the plays when we had to. i trusted our quarterback, i trusted our guys on offense, defense stepped up at the end of the game and made a couple good plays for us. that is what it takes. if you win these types of games that is what it will take. >> that was so exciting and we're celebrating. there is good, bad, ugly that is the way we are. late into the evening, of course, everybody flooded the streets, mayfair section of the street frankford and cottman on the left, and then completely in the middle of the screen right there city hall everybody just flooding up toward broad street city hall area, septa is back running again and all of the people right there jumping up and down celebrating in center city as well. >> of course, many are looking forward to picking up a copy of the inquirer and daily news something we will keep for years and year and pass ate long to remember this historic
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day. >> steve keeley just tweeted out they have raised the price of the paper so we all want one. hi there, lauren. >> reporter: i know, i know, hey guys, check this out we showed you earlier upstairs what it looked like but new we are right down on the action, this is where they are loading up those trucks to go to those stores in your neighborhood so they can get those papers, in the stores and you can get them home as a keep sake. here's some numbers in case you guys want to hear, 50,000 papers were printing each other, we think they will stop between 4:30 and 5:00, break down in the numbers, 400,000 philadelphia inquirer papers and 300,000 daily news. that is 700,000 papers, that will go out today and you know what you might to have print more because they are in high demand, fred's been here since 2:30, how are you feeling. >> i'm doing fine, great. >> reporter: you are sleep
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deprived. >> an adrenaline rush. >> reporter: i know you met a second agony big news or updates on how this is all going. >> everything is going great, really well. >> reporter: so do you think we will start the machines sometime between 4:30 and 5:00 y mode at that point. >> that is correct, we will be delivering through the morning probably until seven or 8:00 this morning. >> reporter: here's the deal, karen and thomas. you can print as many as you want but these trucks can only hold so many. that is the challenge, is getting them out faster, 10 times the amount that normally go out to the stores all over the philadelphia area five counties so these men in here of a lot of work ahead of them while we sit at home and celebrate and chill. high five to them. >> they will work overtime this morning, i'll tell what you trying to keep them in stock, thanks. >> so many of us have been up, you have been up, we have been up, just waking up and relive these different moments. it is just so exciting it
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finally happened. >> lets just say it is all of the talk at four seasons diner where jenny joyce's joining us from the northeast this morning, hi there, jenny. >> reporter: it certainly was an emotional night, would you characterize it as emotional. i just met these ladies a few minutes ago. you are so happy new but throughout the game, rise and fall of emotions. >> yeah, so basically it hit for me when zach ertz scored that touchdown and that was when i started crying. my brother told me to pull it together buoy still had four minutes left in the game. other than that i was in it to win it, so i never lost faith. >> reporter: the whole time they were saying the patriots can do this. they are a come back team. >> tom brady, right. >> but when nick foles caught that touchdown in the end zone that was a game changer, because the patriots tried that before us and we came back and we did that and we were like yeah, right in your face tom brady and that was a
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game changer and i just can't believe that and that is moment when i was like we had this game. we just showed tom brady how to do it. that was it. >> reporter: you said you shed a lot of tears. >> i have been crying since the falcons game. i have been the egos eagles fan since 2005 when they played patriots again in the super bowl and i was 21 years old new and i guess i was like , 14, 15 when they tried to beat the patriots. i just can't believe it now. >> reporter: we're celebrating. we're ready for that parade. are you going to go. >> i'm going back to school, in luzerne pa and will be right back, i'm going to bloomsberg and be right back just to be back for the parade >> reporter: it is time to celebrate. we will send it back to you guys. >> jenny, thank you. philadelphia pd estimated crowd about 50,000 people in the crowd celebrating. for the most part things went
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well. in the all fans were on the best behavior. police at sunoco in south philadelphia, some reports of the looting there you can see the scene at broad and catherine. whole lot of trash on the floor just one of the many places fans got a little bit too wild tonight. no arrests at that scene. we had other incidents, vehicle turned on to its side, not our most proud moment. it gets picked up and makes us look kind of lousy. that was one of the incident that happened, and then the awning that came down. >> this is right around city hall, at the ritz carlton where someone tore down the awning there. once again overall for the most part things went well, there were a few isolated case s that philadelphia police pointed out as karen mentioned in the a proud moment so lets keep things very civil as we look forward to the parade. the players cannot hear enough have the players react to go this incredible game. >> lets get to ronald darby who had to say some of the big moments after the game.
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>> i'm ready to get out of here, and get back to philly. >> reporter: walk me through defense when tom's driving, picks up 8-yards, walk me through what the moodies in the defense. >> our key thing was to keep them inbounds. don't give nothing up over our head they can get 8-yard, 9- yard or whatever but they had no time outs. so that was our main goal. >> reporter: what good this team every time they scored you had an answer tonight, ronald. >> our offense played our butts off. our defense played a little sloppy but at the end of the day it is a team effort. >> reporter: what a year you come here right before training camp and now you are a world champion. >> i mean lord don't make no mistakes this was meant to happen. we will be back next year as well in atlanta. >> reporter: how about a parade in philadelphia um. >> reporter: how about a parade in fail this week. looking forward to a parade in philadelphia this week. >> a plane? >> reporter: a parade. >> oh, a parade i'm sorry. >> reporter: how about a
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parade in philadelphia. >> i can't wait to get this. i'm blessed. there are guys that never did this. i got a national champion ship and a world championship, it is a blessing. >> yeah, at the end of the day we could not get frustrated, tom does a great job getting ball out, i mean we have bramman has done an amazing job all year rushing inside or out he is selfless, one of the best d ends in the lead. eventually when they pushed the ball down field we just kept faith in our rush. people were probably watching like where is that philly rush that is where it was, and we came through. >> reporter: unaudible. >> oh, my god i forgot that last pass it felt like eight seconds. i thought they caught it for a split second. i saw everybody running on the field. i was running on the field but i got a chance to just, you
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know, say thanks for a couple of my old coaches i ran into. last year was very special. this group was amazing. it is as special a group i have ever played with. >> reporter: unaudible. >> we lost our mvp caliber quarterback, hall of fame, special teams ace, kickers and forgetting a few other guys. nobody believed in us. people will say were you a one seed you cannot be an under dog. turn on the tv, you know, listen to what people are talking about. people didn't even believe us, when we were up by 10. we believed in each other. people disrespected, nick. they talked about bringing someone else in. whatever. >> reporter: unaudible. >> it was like a heart attack. i mean it was bad for all of our health, you know, collectively as a team but i'll never forgot that.
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in of us will ever forget that as long as we live. that is special. you make history tonight as a team. >> a heart attack watching that game last night. wonderful moment. could not be a better guy. so great right there. >> past all of the noise they got it done, super bowl champs >> lets get out to bob kelly celebrating in his town take over, hi there, bob. >> we got free bagels and coffee until 6:00, monica's here to get her free bagel and heading to work. >> yes. >> what are you going to do after you drop her off to work >> go to sleep. >> we're up all morning long, in bensalem when we come right back,
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welcome back. so this is the scene afterward s, you know, pulling down some light poles, we greased the poles but we still had knuckle head that is tore a couple of them down, people, created some sort of mayhem but these were isolated areas around city hall vicinity right there lets see what is happening now. >> lets check the scene steve keeley joining us from center city. >> reporter: a lot more than a couple i can count half dozen from where i was standing this was the hot spot for knuckle headedness if to your word here. here's one of the front doors of the macy's department store now you know why they have that second set, go right up to this door and know why they have the second door with the
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steel cage that comes down just in case this happens this window looked like it was enough, and next window was smashed, right next to the bronze name and see a gentlemen already trying to board up windows. every time he moves those ladder the sound of that heavy plate glass can be heard right across the street. there is city hall tower. this happened in prime real estate. window next to him on the corner here at market and broad also smashed, and tom if you can give them an angle what you will notice is mankins have been stripped and looted. i'm sure they were wearing the finest fashion that macy's was advertising. you can see one manikin head sticking out of the smashed window. we don't know if anybody got hurt when all this glass was broken but we will show you the first of the traffic lights thaw can see. we don't necessity if anybody was hurt when that light came down. these are steel lights. once they came down everybody had to jump down with the signs and break out the red,
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green, yellow lights. across the sit street workers trying to fix the lights. there are two more down on the island right there across the street from city hall and couple more lights where these gentlemen from the cities streets department are working whole lot of damage. we have a police officer taking pictures as well this was worst spot we saw. we saw other things. all and all not as bad as the stuff that we saw after 2008 phillies parade. police certainly learned a lesson from that. they mostly kept order every where we went we saw a whole lot of officers. anytime they got a report of something they had a hundred officers on the scene and they stopped it from being a whole lot worse. >> still sad to see though, they will make those responsible will making a news appearance when police release surveillance video of did it. >> disappointing there. >> lets check our weather right now because we have a phenomenal weather forecast at least in our brains because we are so happy.
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>> is there any city where we would rather be. >> no. >> here we are in philadelphia where we are at 34 degrees. only eight in detroit, one in chicago and a lot of phillies fans are still part anything minneapolis. three below zero. cold one there look at miami 71 degrees. still rather be in philadelphia. thirty-four in wildwood. thirty-two in reading. thirty-three in lancaster. we will factor in some win. these wins from the northwest are picking up now that the cold front came through front that gave us rain yesterday, so factor in that 8-mile an hour wind and 34 degrees feels like 27. so, yeah, kid to have go to school when you get them ready , make sure they are wearing those winter coats because those wind chills in the 20's will stay here all day. we have got another storm system coming our way and it comes along on wednesday morning. there you can see the mess, start off with snow, and changes, over to rain.
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and, and and whenever it happens, today 35, 43 tomorrow in the 40's with that snow changing over to rain on wednesday, sunny and cold on thursday and friday, and back to milder temperatures but also a chance of rain on saturday. so, there it is, your seven day forecast, and on, is that green i'm seeing this morning. >> we have everything, green this morning. >> reporter: we're live, bensalem here on bensalem boulevard off of hulmeville road. let's check the jam cams. that is a lot of folks heading out be careful, penndot salt trucks going down for most of the overnight. we are looking live, downtown live look at the vine street expressway, most of the police activity and closures gone from this camera here. lets go next to a live look as they work outside the front door on this monday morning, no problems or delays, at all, septa has a couple bus routes
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on a detour but everything should be backup and running to full steam. back here live bagelocity and soup king. david, father of the owner, you remember going to the stadium back when. >> it was municipal stadium, and the owner of the eagles at that time was burt bell, they had a quarterback that was like 5-foot eight, his name was david o'brien. >> was he one who did not wear a helmet. >> there was an end, his name was ed hewitt, never wore a helmet. >> what did it cost to get in the game. >> on sunday, we go, stand on a corner and ask the lady to take us on the trolley contact are for nothing because it was , prc. and a can kid could get on with a would man so we got down to the stadium and i had my dime and walked up to any man and say hey, mr. here's my
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dime. >> ten cents to get in the game. you guys ready. some bagels with green cream cheese. come on by free bagels, free coffee all morning long, right bagelcity. back to you guys. >> thanks, bob. 4:21. history all about history made in philadelphia. >> there are so many memorable moments. lets get through some because there were some amazing. joining us is joe staszak from 97.5 the fanatic. >> good morning to you guys. >> the glow, rare air. >> is that unbelievable. >> there was so many moments in that game. >> it was a good game. >> if you weren't a fan of either team it was highly entertaining. if you are a fan of one of the teams get wrenching but fan of the eagles. lets look at that video right now. of course, super bowl lii the eagles are the champions. they took down patriots 41-33.
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this was a trick play in the second quarter, tray burton was a quarterback in high school, finds nick foles, great job by pederson, a direct snap right there to corry clement and finds nick foles for touchdown, birds led by 10 at the half but they trailed by one in the fourth quarter, 14 play, 75-yard drive, fourth and one, sack ertz, the catch, drive continues, would it lead to a zach ertz touchdown which we may see right here. we will see a fourth and one play again. zach ertz he had two other third down conversion and catches, this is nick foles. we're still seeing that play. >> it is so good we will watch it again and again and again. >> this is a bomb to alshon jeffery, touchdown, eagles. in the first half. this was nelson agholor what a
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come back story, nine catches tonight for 84-yard. this was an unbelievable game. nick foles was so great tonight. twenty-eight of 43, 373 yards, nicki foles, what do you got for me, corry clement, touchdown, the play would be reviewed. it health up. here we go. last play of the game, patriots down by eight, hail marry, gronkowski is down there, incomplete, that is the ballgame. eagles are world champions for the first time since 1960. their first ever super we will title. >> that is so exciting. >> watch that game all over. >> i can't wait to watch it three times. >> see new a moment. >> we will be right back in 90 seconds. we will hear from the players and show your eagles
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we have police celebrating >> at long last, the philadelphia eagles have won the super bowl. >> paint the town green we are having a whole lot of fun, send us your pictures. we enjoy celebration and savior every single moment. you have been send nothing great one. lynn a brooks, thanks for this
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one my grand mj brooks is proud to be an eagles fan. >> mom, dad do i have to go to school. yes, you do unfortunately. susan, thanks very much for sending in your picture. look at that right there. see actual trove think week down broad street. >> so cute, thanks for sending this one in eagles win, isabel a only eight months old but she's celebrating a super bell win of the one and only philadelphia eagles. >> keep your pride coming we love to see your pictures share them all morning long # fox 29 eagles. we will hear from the players coming up
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stump your feet, it is real, we are number one super bowl champs. great to have you here on this super monday. let's call it super monday february 5th, great to have you with us, thomas drayton, karen hepp, bob kelly will
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join us in a moment. >> so sue, we just feel great no matter what is happening outside with the weather. >> we had some rain, first of all. then it stopped when the game was over. >> exactly. >> where ever you were watched the super bowl, it was raining >> yes. >> get outside, celebrate. so for today, do we care? it is just a great day, it is a 10 out of 10. all of the confetti and all of the celebration will continue all day long. now bus stop buddy is dressed in a warm coat as you should be and your kid should be because wind chills will stay in the 20's all day long. it is still early february, after all. so, yeah, the city is bathed in green anything that has a light that could be green is green today, 34 degrees but factor in that wind and it feels like 27. sunrise time will be 7:05. we will see some sunshine today. nothing to show you on radar at the moment but our forecast
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has 32 degrees by lunchtime. topping off at 34, 35. but wilt feel like the 20's. we have a blustery day ahead, and a look at the weather, and listen to the weather on 101.1 more fm as you are getting where you are going, hopefully , carefully this morning. so bob kelly, i'm sure you are equipped with a lot of coffee for folks who stayed up all night and have a little bit of and headache, get them through the morning. >> exactly. staying up a little late or just staying straight on through, right? good morning, bensalem. >> wow. >> reporter: bagelocity cafe and soup king. these ladies just got there. we have to get to work and school today, a live look at downtown philadelphia. lights are all green, cross the sky scrapers, a live look at the schuylkill expressway, kind of quite it this morning. lets go to the next camera. no problems or delays working out in northeast philadelphia
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looking good, 95, schuylkill, live look downtown, charlie brown, vine expressway, right there as you cross town, at broad street. back here live you ladies just got here, are you ready to watch the game. >> we did, we paced the halls and we watched it though. >> everything is turning green here today, we have the green cream cheese, we will put green dye in that boston clam chowedder and make it philadelphia chowedder and show them what we have made. we have relabeled the coffee here even instead of new england coffee, it is loser coughe. >> green coffee and bagels here on bensalem boulevard just off of hulmeville road all morning long, karen and thomas back to you in the studio. >> here we go it didn't take long after that last play, for fans to spill out in the street. >> people were just coming out from every which way celebrating. most were good. we had a couple people that
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were bad apples, street crews worked so hard to try to clean up the mess. lets get out to steve keeley to see what he is finding right now, steve. >> reporter: i was asking if we had pictures. my day started just after two. i took pictures at broad and catherine if we can bring them up. this is sunoco a plus mini market that a crowd went into and just started knocking everything off of every shelf in every aisle and then opened the floor doors and pulled everything out of there and then finally, the police showed up, almost instantly, but by the time they did you can see everything on the floor. boy when police showed up they showed up in force at broad and catherine at that point they stopped anybody from coming from the stadium area up to city hall. you weren't even allowed to walk up catherine. they had mounted patrol officers, horse back, and they had heavy protected gear officers, all standing from one sidewalk all the way across all lanes of broad to
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the other. so, that was a rough place to start. it is sad for that store manager who i talk to then here in center city, if you didn't watch us 10 minutes ago the macy's front door obliterated. they could not get in the macy 's this way because is there cages on the second set of doors. big front windows all smashed and we don't know if they got in through doors where macy's staff goes into, to decorate those windows or not. macy's manager was not in the mood to talk and that was very understanding. as i said earlier, the city quick to get these traffic lights fixed and replaced. see second bucket truck arriving behind the news stand joining the first one because just on this side of the city hall alone six traffic lights knocked down and this was just this side, all through city they had people not just trying to climb up poles but knock them over. you can see the weight of these poles when it takes more than three guys to lift one up they have concrete base and
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heavy streetlights on them and good thing nobody head was underneath them when they got knocked down or we would have people killed f1 of these lights hit somebody they will get killed. it is like what we see after, college football games when people knock goal post down and if you don't get out of the way we have had severe injuries in this country from people getting hit in the head which are not as heavy as these traffic lights because goal posts are empty pipes. these have heavy steel lights and steel signs and once they were down they smashed all of the lights, bent all of the signs so it was just terrible. you can still see people out here for some reason hours and hours after the game not going home but just going around walking around the streets which are still shut down in a a lot of places with the police lights. big clean up underway, sweeping trucks go past me and leaf blowers on broad street in front of the ritz carlton where people and police also noted have the front door guarded because people rushed that lobby as well.
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trouble around but again no where near trouble that we saw after the 2008 phillies world series. pennsylvania 10 years either, the police job has improved which would i say that was probably the main reason and maybe secondaries on is maybe philadelphia's celebration technique has improved somewhat. >> we have learned a lot since 2008, steve thanks. >> worth wait, i think even beating patriots was right team to beat because it just makes it so much more official down, front cover of the papers right now, everyone is talking about this. lets get out to lauren johnson where they are printing those papers to see the headlines and more. >> hey, guys, you notice, so much happening in here, but it is hard to stay focused on one thing. remember that special play, philly special, lets say they are running that play at the warehouse.
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all trucks loaded. this is the reoperation. so all of the things happening on this side of the warehouse is papers that might run out along the route, say for instance you go in the wawa right there in broad street and there are in more papers. what do you go. guess what happens, people there call back and let them know so these trucks, will follow those drivers out and then load stores backup. there is in the those issues of not having any papers. he told me after these drivers make deliveries they go back out and make sure there are no outages. we have to watch out here. it is dangerous territory. like being around tom brady and the patriots. >> no, they got beat. >> reporter: not dangerous anymore. what is happening here, looking particularly. >> we reloaded our trucks to get to the stores. we will low resupply trucks.
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and we will resupply those trucks with the stores. >> reporter: you guys good are on this equipment but it takes some good training. >> yes, we certified every two years. >> reporter: what sit called. >> pallet jack trainer. >> reporter: i thought it was a forklift. >> kind of similar. >> reporter: you have this operation down to a science though. >> yes, we do, we're usually loading all these trucks at one time all these dicks at within time. >> reporter: great work, high five. real winners. everyone wants a paper karen and thomas after the big win, so guess what these are our real winners this morning. >> high five, up top. >> 50,000 printed an hour. >> keep your pride keeping come and on display we love them use our #fox 29 eagles. lets look at a couple right now. we have hundreds. we are all celebrating together. >> we will be right back fox 29 eagles.
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this is moment we want to take in, enjoy, we have the title. >> let's relive some of the best moments of the night. >> ♪
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harold hated everything.
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ahh. but i recently bought jimmy dean stuffed hash browns. they're stuffed with delicious meat and cheeses. all of that crispy goodness has him seeing the day in a whole new light. jimmy dean stuffed hash browns.
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shine on. for switching to progressive? [ engine revving ] you cannot hear me at all, can you? great to have you here just waking up and thinking was i dreaming all that. >> it is for real, printed on your hats, shirts and every other which way you want to let get out to our sporting
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goods store we have jenny joyce, people celebrating, you are at the diner there where people are eating up the good news. hi there, jenny. >> reporter: good morning, guys. it is what 4:45. i'm sure you guys haven't been to sleep yet. >> not yet, we are super excited for the eagles game. that was a really good game, you know. we will never forget this game , you know. >> reporter: talk about -- >> the story of pennsylvania. >> reporter: when we talk about philly sports fans and how we're cursed and everything that happened all of the injuries this year especially carson wentz and we win super bowl, talk about i don't know how long you have been a fan, how does it feel. >> i have been a long time fan , it is great and i also want to talk really great
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players. we are looking forward to the day after tomorrow. >> everybody going to the parade. >> are you guys not working to day. >> no, i'm not going to work today. >> reporter: everybody take off. why didn't we take off. >> yeah. >> reporter: you know what, we're all an adrenaline high so we made to it work this morning. it was awesome, awesome game to watch. what was highlights for you, anybody. >> thirty-three-32. you know, everyone was shock, is what going on. next two minutes it is like we are going to win or lose. >> reporter: so stressful. >> after a touchdown we relax report report now we're really relaxed are you just hanging out having some breakfast or is this dinner or what is it. >> this is our dinner.
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>> reporter: you cannot eat when you are so nervous, right >> yes. >> reporter: guys, thank you. it is morning, night or it doesn't even matter. we won the super bowl. >> that is right. >> thanks, jenny. i want some wings right now, looking add that. lets check with some bagels happening right now. >> bob kelly, good morning. >> we got everything going on here, good morning, look who just walk in the underdog. >> is what your name, pal. >> lonnie. >> let's hear it for lonnie. >> yes. >> first look at super bowl swag my man al just came from the airport super bowl champion t-shirt where did you get this modells. >> modells. >> we have saint hubert girls here, little flower in the house, conwell egan council rock here, lets check the jam cams as we head out the front door this morning. everything is wet, damp but in major problems we are looking live there as you work your
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way in to or out of the city. we are all slower then normal this morning. we will go to the next as we get ready to rock on a monday morning, no problems on i-95, vine expressway is looking good as we look live there at the schuylkill expressway. back here we are live, bagelo city and soup king. it is time for soup. how many soups. >> fourteen. >> fourteen soups. we have warmers on. we will pop one make sure we put right ones in the right bowl is here, all right. coming up at 5:00 o'clock we will take the new england clam chowedder and put some green d ye in it. called philly clam chowed tore day. >> yes, it is, philly dilly, sueby has the forecast in 15 seconds. >> e-a-g-l-e-s eagles.
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is this the lit brothers building bathed in green this morning. as so many of us are, feeling a little green and it is a good thing this morning we will have some celebration sunshine all day and i'll learn how to say that word blustery today, snow, rain coming on wednesday this is probably most messy day of the week in the middle of the week more on that in a moment. we have temperatures in the 30 's but we have northwesterly winds building up in the wake of the cold front that came through yesterday with the rain 27 is what it feels like in philadelphia right now, wind chills just about every where in the 20's this morning nothing on radar at the moment and as we check future cast a lot of sunshine today, cloud for tomorrow but wednesday we
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will draw your tension to what a mess we will start off with snow, maybe freezing rain and some rain, during morning rush on wednesday, we will see warm air rolling are in and change over to rain as snow line moves to the north throughout the day, on wednesday. it looks like a pretty sloppy one weather-wise on wednesday but we will continue to celebrate today with 35 degrees, 43 tomorrow, and that is on wednesday, looks dry but colder on thursday and another chance of rain by the time we get to saturday but no matter what the weather i don't think we will note that is much, guys because we're just happy. >> thursday is looking good too, sunny, 34, who knows. >> couple stars from our area getting rave reviews for performances of the super bowl >> people talking about that and justin timberlake's performance we brought in our own mena say what to break it down. >> good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we're champs, guys, i can't believe it. >> i was out in the streets
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until about an hour and a half ago, so i literally got an hour of sleep and came in. >> yes. >> talk about performances where did you want to start -- >> do you want to start with justin. >> right in the half time show >> he had an amazing half time show, very anticipated. he hasn't performed since 2004 with janet jackson. >> we all remember that. >> so what do you think, i love my justin but i felt like it wasn't as much as i wanted him. i wanted him to bring it more, special guest, never happen. >> special guest thing was a problem, people thought wow bring janet back on just to re deem himself from the last time and the wardrobe mal function. no one. they thought maybe n'synx would happen and then that never happened. >> he had like backup dancers
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who looked like n'synx. >> exactly. >> that was it. normally for super bowl people bring other people out, cold play brought beyonce. >> they had a tribute to prince. >> well that looked good, while it was happening but a lot of people did not like it. they felt like prince has previously said, he didn't want a hologram once he passed away. >> sheila e said did he not like them he thought it was creepy or weird and he would not have approved of that. >> he said if it was meant for him to perform with son one else they would have been around at the same time. justin got away witt a little bit because he did a project and not a hologram, hologram moves around and performs on his own but this was a project image of prince performing but it still sounded like justin was performing with prince. prince fans today are not happy about it. >> overall people say lackluster. let's talk about pink.
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>> she killed it, so while i was watching i was like god i'm getting vibes like the strength in her voice. i was reading. she was saying back in 1991, whitney houston performed she said i want to be on that stage and i want to perform it just like i did and she killed it, right here from doyletown. she had the flu. a lot of people did not know. she had something in her mouth >> to help her with it, she spit it right out. >> so hard to compare anyone to whitney but driving in i heard a clip on the radio for a second i thought it was whitney replaying her national anthem. >> yes. >> yes, it was pink. >> if that was pink on the flu i can't even imagine her 100 percent. she was amazing. >> thanks very much for coming in. >> leslie odom, junior. >> star of hamilton. >> went to capa. >> he is amazing.
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>> e oak lane and his voice was heavenly, it was great. >> we will play more coming up >> thanks for coming in. >> get some sleep. >> we're champs, guys, yes. >> lets get
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we are celebrating the philadelphia eagles. all of the highlights coming up as we continue our celebrations here on good day philad
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