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tv   Good Day Philadelphia Weekend  FOX  February 4, 2018 7:00am-9:00am EST

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. from the fox 29 studio this is good day philadelphia. alex and i are so happy to be back in philadelphia. where it's always sunny -- not always but it's not in minneapolis >> it is super bowl, welcome to a special edition. a super edition of good day philadelphi philadelphia. >> first time in 13 years. the eagles are headed to the super bowl for a rematch with
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the new england patriots in super bowl 52. >> eagles. >> we're back for super bowl sunday all greened out. >> it's finally here, february 4th, super bowl sunday >> and we're in the super bowl sunday >> we're back in philly because we wanted a to be with you guys for the moment >> so many people stay why didn't you stay with the game but the story is here in philadelphia, win or lose we have to be with the peeps >> it's strange being in minnesota, heading back to philadelphia. nobody was on the flight, maybe a couple people. and they said would you like to make an announcement >> why? no one is here, look at all these empty seats.
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only people going back to philly. the flight. attention passengers i want to clarify that there are all eagles fans on this flight at this point in time because we're making our way to philadelphia, keep all arms -- that's -- >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles. >> thank you for applying american airlines otherwise known as a proud partner for philadelphia eagles. >> nobody is here, plus we're going to philly. >> it's all fox 29 people. the opposite of that is when you went from philly to minneapolis >> the flight attendants are pumped them up. watch the reaction of the eagles fans. >> ♪ fly eagles fly on the
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road to victory. ne ♪ hit them low, hit them high, fly eagles fly on the road to victory. ♪ e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. >> some people are not amused. >> in the beginning of this, the pilot, the reason why they did this said could you guys please simmer down and then they started booing the pilot. >> that looks like an eagles chart >> that's happens when you tell an eagles fan to be quiet. we're seeing reports of throwing eagles fan out at mall of america. >> eagles spirit airline.
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coming up on 7:04. look who's in it's scott >> it's a cold star, we're dry but we do have rainfall that will move in during the day. temperatures this morning, cold in the 30's, but 40's later on this afternoon, look at all the moisture right now on ultimate doppler. snow, far north and west but all of this rain is headed in our direction. in fact, we have winter weather advisories for the poconos. the lehigh valley, a little ice could accumulate there. it's zero in minneapolis, 33 currently here in philadelphia, we'll take you hour by hour. grab the rain gear, grab the umbrellas if you're headed out to super bowl parties steady rain this afternoon and evening, tapers off late tonight >> did you just say it was zero in minneapolis >> absolutely. >> zero? >> kristen in minneapolis right now outside the stadium, how
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does it feel. >> reporter: feels amazing. i think my last check was negative two. we're 12 hours away from super bowl 52. this is it. this is super bowl sunday, this is a moment that so many people have waited for. not just the players. but the fans. 2013 years since the eagles have last been to a super bowl. and now this eagles team is ready to bring the vince lombardi trophy back home to phill philly. >> taking this team to super bowl 52. >> compete at the largest level, that's what we look forward to. >> i want to go at the playoff. want to go to the super bowl. all the guys who have won said
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like getting married and having your kids only thing that can compare. >> the nfc champions philadelphia eagles >> we're just happy getting here >> both number one seeds, one will be crowned world champion. >> and how about this for good mojo for the eagles as brian dawkins were both named to the hall of fame last night. there's good energy for this team. they're feeling loose, super bowl 52 less than 12 hours away, mikes and alex >> i felt like they had a win for getting no the half fame >> thanks, kristen get back inside immediately. >> who better to pump up eagles fans brian dawkin, they're in
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now the pro football hall of fame. >> we're showing you video from last night's honor. terrell owens couldn't make it but they had previously been selected. he's tied for the eagles record for career interception and owens, super bowl appearance in 2004. they will both be inducted last summer. >> he's an idea. don't you think listen to this first. >> a lot of it had to do with the way that you came the game. the way you showed me who you are. your heart is big you have your museum of the american revolutions on your sleeve and that's how we play. we're going to celebrate the hall of fame together. enjoy this, smile have put a good time.
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party if you want to. >> what great message >> and that's, just yesterday, during the day, i was out and about seeing eagles fans and i realized my favorite in brian dawkins. >> seems like a hands-down to me that doug pederson would have had my in the locker room >> he knows how to get people pumped up >> have him crawl out through smoke to leave the eagles on to the field. would that be taking it back too far maybe? i don't know. i would love to see that. ok. you're about to meet a guy who's pretty brave. a die hard patriots fan and he lives here in the delaware valley. >> we're about to step into enemy territory in our area. steve keeley is there checking out this house. have the police arrived? >> reporter:s >> he can't hear his mic. >> we'll get back to him. >> to have we have the patriots
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and also an eagles house, we'll be fair and balanced on this program >> on the assignment town, it's the neighbors versus neighbors. you know doug pederson likes ice cream and he loves to have the whole team celebrate with ice cream and just talk about football. here he is >> watch the video. then i'll treat you to some ice cream. check out the video then treat you to ice cream. we'll play this and i'll treat to you ice cream. we have ice cream coming up before it mets. we have ice cream melting we got to get out of here. wish you guys the best of luck treat you to vanilla creamy in a second. we got a little video and treat you to. 100% out there. and then ice cream. >> after every meeting he has ice cream every day. >> so they treated him to ice
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cream for his birthday. so we should have ice cream >> let's bring it on, the folks at haag and dag is here. >> on south street. >> of course. >> what did you bring in >> signature sundays. we have banana split dazzler, minute chocolate chip dazzler. >> thank you very much. now, be honest. did you have this in your home before dilly dilly came out >> no, im. this is in preparation for the parade. >> before do you buy your shirt >> amazon. >> i may see you this afternoon on south street. >> yes. broad street too he said. let's get back to steve. because we'll eat ice cream and
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talk about football. >> talk all you want. >> i try not to be, i never worn eagles gear except my hat on the air but pulled out a jacket from the 04. 1933 is when this franchise started and we could have the first super bowl. i'm not going to give the exact address where we are for a reason and that's the reason why the police car sheer around the clock. we're in stratford which is camden county. so very close to where the eagles play. but you wouldn't find a house like this. you would think in eagles country. first, the outside of the house. which is almost embarrassing. now, the people around here do not like this house. one guy tried to get this declared as trash and have the city of stratford take this out because they didn't want want this in the neighborhood. if you thought the outside
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looked bad, you haven't seen anything yet. this is greg and dawn smith of stratford. and the way we found these people. i did a live shot nearby here at christmas time and a teacher at sterile high school knows greg and said, hey, let me call fox and see if they're interested in doing the other side of the story here. so here's the inside of the house and look at the table for the party. mike, come up here with me for a second. here is the football astro turf table cloth. set up for party. patriot stuff all over. downstairs is the worst of it all. we'll walk down r downstairs and if we can get in here, thank god eagles fans showed up. first person greeting me is the dog. the dog's name, of course, is brady. wearing his tom brady jersey. we're going to get into this man cave which we can't even see now. everybody get down.
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everybody kneel down. do you see the walls in here? even the ceiling patriots everything. where is dawn at >> here i am. >> come on up here. show us your right hand. all five patriots super bowl rings. dawn. you've been getting threats here, haven't you >> would have. from a lot of eagles fans. >> wonder why >> i don't know. maybe the jealousy of always getting a six and range. >> reporter: your husband born and raised in south jersey. gave the of all times. so explain this patriots fan dom being a local guy. >> i guess started when i was about 12, 13, with my father. he tried real hard to coach me to be an eagles fan when i was younger. and for a little bit. then when i was about 13, i seen
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my way. i remember the first time i got out -- patriots jersey for christmas. and he was pretty upset by it. >> reporter: the shame you must be feeling right now. >> a lot shame but i've been dealing with it quite a while. i tried when he was a little guy. >> luckily the chief of police of straight forward is guarding the place around the clock. because you'll need it. this is our last live shot allegedly at this enemy location and thank god some eagles fans showed up here. >> go birds. . >> reporter: this would be an interesting place to watch the game tonight. >> e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. >> we'll head to the eagles house in that same town a little bit later on. 7:14, eagles makeup. still have our >> look at this makeup >> how you can get this look on your face for your super bowl
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party. >> that's perfect and bob kelly if there's a party, bob kelly shows up. >> reporter: you know it everybody. the keys to the game start with before. we're live in malvern. when we come back. >> i'm sue serio along with weekend windy. we have one more day to enjoy the philadelphia auto show for 2018. it's at pennsylvania convention center, more than 700 cars over 700,000 square feet. it's a big show. it will take awhile. leave early, and enjoy yourself, and oh
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♪ ♪ ♪ can you say i love it? ♪ oh love it? ♪ can you say hey? ♪ hey!
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♪ that's the spirit! oooooh.♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ wooo wooo ♪ sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.♪ ♪ ooooh oooh. ♪ everything little thing. . fly eagles fly. >> in minneapolis, we'd be saying he's not far from here. don bell to tell us how the eagles is beat tom brady and bill belichick in the super bowl. good morning, fellows it's super bowl sunday >> if you ever played a sport and missed the big game, how
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angry you areare. you know you want your team to win. >> he's the best coach they have right now. >> what do you mean? >> because of his ability to consume and tell you what's on tape and pick things up that an average player can't. he's been doing that the whole time, he's the best coach they have on the sideline for foles or anybody else. >> sean let's start with you how do you beat the patriots. >> it's the brunt force, how the giants win, they had michael strahan, paul they came after brady over and over and over again and get him to the floor. also, you got to keep the ball away from him. you got to run the ball with la garrett blunt. saw in that jacksonville a jag wars game? he's going to pull it out
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>> please don't make it close at the game >> every super bowl that the patriots are in is close. >> within a touchdown. six points. >> even if they do get down the field you can't panic. for whatever reason, like we saw last year in atlanta, good coaches start to wilt. doug pederson he can adapt, adjust, and adapt, adjust win the football game. talk at all times. first quarter the fourth quarter you better attack. >> you guys have been around the eagles, are they that kind of loose team or not >> i think there's an immense amount of confidence with this football team, bordering on just sticking your chest out and saying we are the you know what? and that will carry over. this team has the no point here.
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carson in the locker room has gotten ahead of else thats. they're balances alshon jeffreys, he came out >> philly is way more talented than the patriots. so was jacksonville. patriots have the much better player and the coach. sorry, fellows i'm going with the eagles. philly will not be mad at me i'm going eagles 23, patriots, 27, eagles 23. >> 31 be 27. eagles. >> have a great day >> i'll see you at the parade. i didn't say that.
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>> say it >> i told you to say super bowl. you said it we spoke it. do it again. >> see you at the parade. >> see you on broad street. >> ok. your mouth is, you got a few re- hours now. what you want to say about the craziest best of super bowl 52. .
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love it. delaware county this week, they're changing the word from fly eagles and i to cry brady cry and the entire joined in on the eagles pep rally. to make it look like a newscast >> that is great. when the pats's eagles square off, there will be a lot more than the lombardi trophy we're trying to get. >> bill anderson you have the craziest bets >> i do, some of them. super bowl 52 between the team, new england cheaters whatever
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and our philadelphia eagles, well-known people and organizations. all trying to come up with the craziest bets they can think of to support the team. some are from bragging rights. some for charity. some a little crazy, we'll get to that in a second. but in politics, the governors of massachusetts and pennsylvania have promised that the losing city will gift the other with a basket of local treats. governor said he'll send new england stuff that we don't want like clam cider. rooster suit companies and others. two synagogues, one in philadelphia, one in boston, if the patriots win, the congregation in philadelphia will donate 18 times the difference of the score to group studying brain trauma. they're trying to figure out a way to make it positive impact. and boston will donate 18 times the difference to philly youth
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basketball. and 18 has significance in the jewish faith and the rabbi at temple israel is an eagles fan, stepped up and admitted that. last week, when the eagles win the super bowl, looks like chris long is getting an interesting tattoo, it's a bet he made with his line backers coach. >> i also made a dumb bet with my linebacker cove that i would get a portrait of his face if we won the super bowl. hopefully i'll have his tattoo. >> he's hoping of my that tattoo. >> he will put that tattoo on his body. he want say where he would get the tattoo. i said all on him. mike, you remember last time eagles played the patriots we both ended up getting our head shaved. any big bets this year? you want to go tattoos? >> let's hear it >> should we let the audience decide >> never let our viewers
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deciding a. >> what's it going to be. >> let's let the viewers decide. but no pats, come on. >> shaving i can do. >> what about dying your hair >> i would do that. >> come up with ideas. >> tweet us let us know. you got it. we're there for you. >> betting against each other, don't we have the advantage there, because temple? by the way temple plays today. >> 7:28. the winning how much the average fan will spend for this year's super bowl. >> you know >> on the parties, the food, the >> you know >> on the parties, the food, the shirts, got to get the get the best internet with the best shows >> you know >> on the parties, the food, the shirts, got to get the and get the best of both worlds. fios by verizon gives you the fastest internet available
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. the way it feels here is so different than spending a week in minnesota it doesn't feel all that bad >> in minneapolis it's 30. low 30's in philly but look at ultimate doppler. it's lit up, all of the rainfall headed or direction, hour by hour, you can see snow for berks the lehigh valley, sections of the popes.
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several inches for the poconos. 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, we're looking at rainfall heavy at times in 8:00. it doesn't taper until after about 9:00, 10:00 tonight. temperature-wise, upper 20's to low 30's. here's the planner for today. the rainfall will be moving in. it could start as a brief wintery mix but the bottom line it will be wet, some locations half inch to an inch. minneapolis for tailgaters, look at the temperatures, six degrees this afternoon. by kickoff, outside of the dome it will be 2 degrees. inside a toasty 70. back over to you. all right. then. so bob kelly is out and about, we got to have a special super bowl breakfast >> why not go to nudeys cafe. >> reporter: we're live in
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nudey's coffee ch look who who's here. do you miss the days at the vet >> yeah. >> these fellows have been going to the eagles game. a fan how many year >> about 60 something >> i heard we did a little sneaking in the the vet >> once in awhile >> was it easy to sneak in >> it is when you're cousin is an inspector for the philadelphia police in charge of all the stadium >> this used to byoc bring your own chair, how did that work >> it was a hunting chair folded up so you could carry it in in your hand. set it up between the seat and i had my own personal seat >> you have to bring your own seat of the >> you think that would fly for
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you at the linc? >> let me show you the menu. everything here this morning is all eagles related. check out, we got the green and the white don't thes here. look at the football pancakes along with the sausages, check out this stuff here. we'll spin it around for you. eagles pancakes, we got the green eggs and has no for the dr. suess gang. the kids are loving it. this is the new spot right here in malvern, we'll be here all the way up until 9:00. so come on by. we got the place all decorated. and all the eagles fans, are you ready? let's get an eagles chant. here we go. e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. more than 100 million people are expected to watch super bowl 52. whether they're going to the game or watching it from philly.
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it will still cost you. >> lane johnson how much will it cost you >> a whole lot. let's talk about it with dan. where are you going to watch the game? how much will you spend >> i'm like at home and nothing. >> you are not normal. >> i have to work tomorrow. >> the average consumers have been parties spending 207 bucks on the party tonight. that includes like food, 72 dollars on food, 58 on booze, the rest of that 70 bucks on gear. you bought some gear >> i didn't have this shirt normally but it's green. >> it's big business, as mike and alex just said. it's a good thing, because all, almost record viewership is expected and that's good for fox $5 million for a 30 seconds commercial. super bowl is probably the
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biggest sporting event on the planet. >> a lot of people are saying super bowl is usually slow day in philadelphia, but everyone is sold out at parties and having these big events, that will help boost us >> we estimated that the championship game in philly was about a $20 million jolt to our economy. when they win, it's good for philly >> also good for players win or lose. >> eagles players will walk home with 112 grand. the losing get 56. the average median income for a family of four is 56 grand. even the lose, will walk home with a median income for an average family >> the downfall is productivity tomorrow. who in the world is going to work tomorrow if you live in philadelphia >> you are. mike and alex
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>> if the super bowl, it's estimated up to 39 people will call out with the super bowl flu about $3 billion in lost productivity >> but i believe it fits the profile because scott has said it's going to rain today. if it's cold, rainy, your out and about, it's the perfect recipe for disaster. >> let's get that wind under our belting jolt the economy. the nfc team win, stock market usually goes up that year >> since friday, there were shakey business. >> good for our 401ks if the eagles win >> where are you watching >> home with the first lady >> home are you cooking >> no way. >> mike and alex, you heard that. a big jolt for the the eagles >> that's right. >> we'll take it. >> listen to this. >> will janet jackson show up?
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i think we'll have an answer
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. we went to the pepsi official handful time conference. and someone asked justin timberlake,
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>> he said no, it was just him and his band. and some people are thinking about maybe janet >> and she made it crystal clear. she's not doing it. >> put to rest any speculation or rumors as to whether i will be performing at the super bowl tomorrow, i will not. thank you for your support and i do look forward to seeing you all very soon. now we can really put it to rest >> the wardrobe malfunction was 14 years ago now? >> right. >> i'd like to hear that >> maybe she turned it down. >> that's the information from janet or ms. jackson if you're nasty >> the other rumor is that justin timberlake will be doing a tribute of prince and use a hall gram to do it >> they didn't would have a prince hall gram but friends and family are saying don't do it. tmz originally report that day
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justin had had a hall gram planned for the half time show. but prince's family denied that. a lot of people are weighing in and including here's one of his best friends sheila e the drum, she said prince never wanted to be in a hall gram. he did an interview and said no, don't ever have plea as a hall gram anywhere. seems to me justin would listen to his wishes. >> he could still do a tribute but you don't have to have the hall gram >> like jaylo, she did a tribute to prince last night, and did a tribute to prince >> she also did a tribute to her boyfriend, rodriguez wore a 13 jersey on stage. happy anniversary honey. . >> doug pederson, eagles they eat ice cream film >> they talk about football.
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>> look who it is amanda from school deville >> i brought super bowl victory party ice cream. it's vanilla with green cake pieces and green icing and a little bit of green sprinkles >> are you guys open today >> yes, of course. >> of course. >> and any green flavor you want. >> you got it. thank you for coming in. go green or go home. how you can show your eagles pride after we win tonight. >> if you really need to ware it all week, the parade, the stuff. how you can -- if you're going out with
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a look at the parkway, there's no one out. it's super bowl sunday. he was watching the show and got all the sweets and ice cream we need some -- what did you bring in >> what i did for your super bowl party r gave it a little bit of an up scale, a buffalo chicken meatball.
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and blue cheese, i did a philadelphia cream cheese >> that's all philly all the way. love it. go eagles. what's your final score. >> kevin hart where he said 86 to three. >> that sound good. >> is it too late to get food for me today >> yeah. >> but in future, future >> >> every day >> what's your website? >> perfect, a.m., enjoy it. sky, what time is it? >> it is time for super bowl sunday, it is 7:fetch. mike, and it's cold out there to start. we're dry, temperatures in the 30's. but a wet mess is headed our way later on this afternoon with temperatures topping out in the 40's. look at ultimate doppler. it's lit up already snowing far off to the west. but we're watching winter weather advisories posted for the poconos mountains, always actions of the lehigh valley, 33 philadelphia, 0 in minneapolis. it's going to be a chilly day
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with the rainfall moving in. heavy, later on this afternoon, and evening. back over to you. >> thank you, scott. we appreciate it. i love how you're wearing your eagles shirt there at work. today is the day when you get it together. this week, if we win, we have to be dressing at work, and you may have some happy hours and things you have to do, date night, we're getting you -- it doesn't get old. you want to keep wearing the gear but dress it up a little bit. >> that's absolutely right >> you're stylist with the eagles themselves >> yes, last season i dressed jordan matthews, this season, brandon brook, brandon graham >> it's safe to say he knows what he's talking about. walk us through the different looks. the first we'll start with is a casual day at the office. like a casual spirit day. >> a casual spirit day in the office, you know, dress-down day, i decided to do a very nice sequence dress.
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so the thing about the dress and the shoes. >> i love the shoes. >> these shoes are from, if i'm not mistaken. i can't remember exactly. >> that's ok. >> but i love them a lo >> steve madden. and then you also have to go obviously with the eagles shirt because she ask it so well. you can do border room, dress it up and down, kristen looks amazing. >> let's do athlete sure. >> what i did with this, a lot of the time if you ever really want to go to the gym or lounge around just add leisure look is a way to go about it you have the sneakers and the skinny pants and they have the eagles logo. he looks great >> what about tonight, the super bowl party look? how are we get ourselves together and shows you that the house party will be live
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live, she has the velvet eagles green jacket and the black jean and shoe as well. if we ever want to go to the eagles game or celebrate or just get out there and have a good time, this is a great way to go about it. >> it's a great look and i love her makeup. too. let's do a casual look in general. walking around trying to show your skirt. let's say this is on wednesday or tuesday. >> monday or tuesday, i did the nice overcoat with eagles and pin stripe pants. he looks great doing it. he can go to work or he can just, you know, hang out with friend had a happy hour. >> and in makes it a little dress? >> just in case he decided to go to work. >> just the guy to make it. sure does look good. thank you. and finally what about a date
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night? you guys are both eagles fans? you love each other. >> so the best way to do something like this is to put, you know, the eagles brian dawkins shirt together. so you know, this is a great way to again do a date night if you want to go to the movies or if you want to go to the eagles game together, you just, what i did with her, nice black pumps and with the leather pants. i blazer over the jersey. >> she looks great >> like a rock star. >> let's have one more final walk-through of our models as we celebrate the win >> eagles doing what they have had and because of that, make sure everybody looks great. these are just great options when you're getting dressed if you don't what you want to do >> how do people reach you >> instagram and twitter.
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i'm readying available just holler at me. i'll make sure you look good just as much as i made these guys look good >> maybe we style some of the fellows from the parade. >> who knows >> this eagles fan woke up groggy from dental surgery, she thought she
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in your noise-canceling trusteheadphones? maybe not. maybe you could trust your flight attendant won't be the chatty type. hello everyone, welcome aboard, i'm jason with a y. maybe you could trust your seatmate will be an introvert. i've been to south america, i've been to mexico, i've been to... maybe you could trust everyone will settle in for 10 hours of peace and quiet. (baby crying) (ice rattling) (singing & drum banging) i got to tell you i'm excited for these long flights. i love them because it gets me out of the house. or, you could just trust duracell. (silence) (♪)
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hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on.
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. i'm quoting the woman from are you the departures. >> the one who had dental surgery and that he thought she missed the super bowl. we'll tell you what's happening now with her. >> you know, this was -- my god >> north korea you didn't miss it >> i didn't miss it? >> who do you want to win >> the eagles. >> they're playing sunday. we don't have money to take you but i'm sure they will know you're a fan. >> (inaudible) >> i'll send them the video.
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>> (inaudible) >> well, nick foles will do the job. right? >> yes. >> my goodness. >> it's so great. that's haley sparks and she's a student at rutgers. she's a die hard eagles fan. she's crying, thought she missed the super bowl this video got millions of views and the eagles published this and announced the team is giving her tickets. she's not going to miss. she's going to be there. of they left yesterday for the game and i'm sure they're ready and anesthesia has worn off so she can enjoy the moment >> what do i have to do to get eagles ticket and i said i'd give my eye teeth, she gave her wisdom tooth >> who knew that's how you got ticket >> yank them out. the eagles -- did you see that eye makeup covers almost half your face. >> looks like wings on your
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face. >> let's teach everybody how to do it today.
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. there's one thing i want you to do for me >> what? >> come here. come on. >> what? >> win. win. >> what are we waiting for? take us.
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go eagles! >> look who's lane johnson. the host of the show. february 4, 2018. we thought it would never come. >> i'm going to leave work, sleep hopefully five hours, wake up and watch game and stay up. by the way the eagles, when they win, the birds will stay on, so don't switch it from that -- i don't care where the game is. switch it back over to us and we'll have the, you know, the coverage from the moment the clock ticks to zero, zero, zero and it will stay on all night >> someone told me on twitter you're going to climb a pole
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>> it will probably be at cottman and frankford. meet me at the pole. >> keep them off the pole. ok. we have another hour to do here, scott. give us the weather. >> we'll have wet poles because rain will be moving in later on this afternoon and this evening, mike. take a look at the temperatures this morning in the 30's, 40's later on today. so wet snow far north and west, look at in your opinion, lit up. winter weather advisories posted for the poconos, the lehigh valley and a little bit of light snow far off to the west this morning around harrisburg, also lancaster but look at the temperatures, three degrees below zero. right now in minneapolis. we're talking 34 currently in philadelphia, so here's a look at the planner. cloudy, chilly, those showers moving in especially this afternoon and this evening steady around 6:00, 7:00 tonight.
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keep that in mind, traveling to your super bowl parties and celebrations. >> you know, commissioner ross would not tell us what type of fluid, lube, they're putting on. i would imagine it's what are the soldible >> resistant >> the eagles are putting out a hype video almost every day. here's the new one. ♪ >> i just can't tell you, i never seen anything like it. the resilience this group of men has is unequal. what we've gone through, this group of men wants to win so badly for philadelphia. by the way, we're not only going to minneapolis, we have something to do in minneapolis, one more win.
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>> we need wifi up there. >> no buffering. >> if you watch the whole video, you see all the playgrouns. it started at the beginning >> do you remember the first segment coach pederson said nine in seven sucks. i like that. >> i think it's seven and nine. >> what were we last year? >> seven and nine. >> either way, nine and seven sucks too. >> now we can be in first. it's amazing how life works >> unless they cancel the good faith kristen what are you hearing? is the game still on? >> reporter: yeah, hey, guys i'm back here live outside of u.s. bank city and the clock just continuing to tick down until super bowl 52 and we talked so much about the eagles being underdogs. that's been the theme and no way more would we have a knitting
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end to see philadelphia upset the current kings of the nfl and the new england patriots. since 2002, the patriots have won five super bowl titles they've created a dynasty, but doug pederson we think with carson wentz but nick foles say they have a chance to build a dynasty of their own. >> in some of the quiet moments i try to envision that, in this league if you have a quarterback, and you do things right and surround him with talented players and coaches. you can have a long career in this business, and have this success those two gentlemen had. >> and that dynasty would start tonight. like i said with the eagles having the chance to take down the patriots. the current super bowl champions and we're just hours away at this point from super bowl 52. the sun is starting to come up. so wake up.
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it is super bowl sunday, eagles fans. >> the sun is up and it's two degrees. >> it's still going to be cold. >> my god. >> all right, i think this is true, the bride to be gave her blessing for her fiance to use some of their wedding plans money to so he could go see the eagles tonight. >> while he's in minneapolis, she's throwing a party back home and she invited steve keeley >> well, speaking of love is in the air. hi, steve. >> reporter: first of all i'll talk to phil's mom, and her walker is now in eagles green, so is her air tank hose and your son is in minnesota so he's missing the big party. do you have a message >> we're going to have a good time and i hope he is too. >> reporter: haven't seen nothing yet we're going to walk through the house, if you thought the patriots house was
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something, go ahead michael go down the stair, here's the hallway with about 50 eagles pendants and they have a live band and there's so many people. i don't know if we'll get through. he has ten to say of thousands of dollars in eagles souvenirs. look a live band. listen to the man cave in the house. now, we had a dog named brady. they had a dog i'm going to name him carson, that's not his real name. and carson, michael, carson, my camera man can't hear me, here's shelby nick named carson for the day and where is -- where is -- by the way, all right. let's -- all right, let's kill the band for a second, let's cut
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the band so we can hear. can we cut the band for a second? thank you. boy there's so many people. there's phil he made the front page of the inquirer phil for philadelphia. shawn bell queue from deptford. here's the story, you too were planning to get married. unfortunately he took some of the wedding money and spent it on eagles tickets. you don't have a problem with that >> this moves the wedding back >> six, 12 months. >> reporter: even if they don't win he still promises to marry you. >> yes. >> reporter: did they start drinking yet for breakfast? all right. here's the buffet spread in here. so we're not leaving this house,
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but we got bob kelly i think we got you boat here. we have the eagles covered with doughnuts and stuff but i don't think you have champagne coffee like we have and i will end with this. the party doesn't end if you have to relieve yourself, so here's a men's room, i'm entering and look at this, alex and mike, i'm scrub that patriots filth off me. taking a shower here in this bathroom. >> doesn't see anything like this before. >> she's the best bride ever. >> oh, my. >> how are they going to make it to the game? it's 8:00 a.m. >> we'll celebrate it like the eagles do, they all love ice cream so we have ice cream versus ice cream. milk boy. >> the chef of milk boy. >> hi, chris >> how is it going? is your last in time beyer
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>> you got that right >> not bryer >> buyer. i got two ice creams, one on the right is a bourban ice cream. and the one on the left is a cereal ice cream. >> a what are those speck >> kind of like an apple pie if you will. >> growing up. the sports accomplishment was to be on the wheatys box, they're awful. so we took it and make the captain crunch berry. nick foles might be on the captain crunch >> we have one down in college park, maryland.
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>> thanks for coming by. >> thank you. how about doug pederson? he's the reason we're doing this. >> he was talking about football and so do we >> i may be lactosin tolerant but i'm doing this for you and the eagles >> no, no, no. if you're lactose intolerant >> come on, this should be a gas. >> where are you going later? >> don't sit behind me. eagles makeup. i -- could a guy do this? i love this look for one reason or another >> yes. >> look at that half of her face done. do you want the other half done >> yes. >> we'll show you how this is done. >> and let's check on bob kelly. >> reporter: good morning, everybody, this is my new friend alex show them your nails, she's painted up ready for the eagles. good morning from nudeys. we got breakfast super bowl
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style. when we come rob you. >> i'm sue serio along with weekend windy and before we get involved in all of that super bowl stuff one of one more day to enjoy the philadelphia auto show for 2018, of course it's at the pennsylvania convention center, more than 700 cars over 700,000 square feet. it's a big show. so it will take awhile. leave early and enjoy yourself and oh,
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. we're sitting right there. look. dreams, there's by mic mills. they're dancing around. >> cranking it up in the locker room >> they're going to come out from the super bowl to make music. >> run around.
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by the way meek mill will release a statement. of course, he's in jail. i'm so proud of my eagles for make a super bowl and representing the city of philadelphia. it really lifted my spirits this year, the team rallying around my songs. that's kind of interesting. >> so sad though. >> listen to it. >> listen, >> pink has the flu. she's still going to sing >> she has the flu? the pink flu? not the blue flu >> she's still singing >> the national anthem >> we have odom junior. >> and now we got meek mill playing there >> to talk about how wet it will be for folks headed to the super bowl parties. we're looking at ultimate doppler. you can see the bulk arriving later on this afternoon into the
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evening. the green that will overtake the area, that's rain but the poconos it will be cold enough there for some snow. by 5:00, 6:00, that yellow, that is heavy rainfall, half inch to an inch before all said and done, by 8:00, we're still looking at wet weather starting to taper off about 9:00, 10:00. upper 20's pottstown, low 30's, wilmington, millville, mid 30's in atlantic city. here's the planner. by this afternoon, the rainfall moving in steady and tapers off late tonight >> i'm really paying attention to the 9:00 p.m. because if the game starts at 6:30 if you want to celebrate on broad street or frankford and cottman. i don't think an umbrella is going to help >> shower cap, how is that >> how will we chime poles if it's raining and if you pain
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your face, we'll have to spray some stuff on it. you can paint your face and put makeup on your face for the super bowl parties. you can't just put on green makeup. ladies, this is your game place, we brought in a makeup artist. they will show us game day looks. first we start with daniel. let's see this side of the face, is this the finished product what it will look likely of. you can use barack liner, green liner, basically you mimic the shape of a wing. the liquid liner is more pigmented. >> if you can look this way,
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then we can get started on the fresh face. looks like you connected the eyebrows. >> it was important because it would look out of place. >> on the natural side, so if you were to mimic it, like i said you would have to kind of just do the shape of a wink you can free hand it. you could use a template. it would be really fast and a lot of like little bit of shading but at home. you would just, maybe do it a few times before wearing it outside. >> that makes sense. got to practice first. >> you kind of have to practice. >> looks like you made the top go up and rest are going down. >> it will be a little it more rounder. >> again, you would definitely just try it a few times but it doesn't have to be perfect. it's at home, makeup, it should be fun. >> so you just kind of trace over it and make sure it's bold
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enough >> you want to outline the area and we would go in more with a face paint that would give you the would it. this is creamy so you would have to set it with a powder >> boy set it you mean put it on and put powder on. >> exactly any time you use a cream of any sort. you need to set it with a powder. this took maybe 20 minutes to do. but we perfected it and you can pretty much make it your own, it doesn't have to be absolutely perfect. makeup, there's no rules. >> you can keep going and layering. thank you. >> now i'm loving your lipstick, by the way, so with this look, is it -- it's eyelashes >> we did the flare lashes and a cat eye using eagles wings, this
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might be for the more experience makeup artist. if you got a little sloppy >> this seems easier to me, because it's in the eyes. >> i guess in thes part of the artistic look. then you can go in and highlight certain areas >> let's start with the one so people at home can see how you do that >> this is a separate look, this is a glitter lash. >> this will do your eyeliner like you normally do it and sitting on top of that. >> how did you do the lashes.
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>> 573 route 73 south marlton, new jersey
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. three-year-old granddaughter doing that. >> we first had our first guest back in never when she brought in a thanksgiving cake we tried >> a whole meal in one cake. >> well, she's back. first, do you remember this? >> we did -- got homemade stuffing. we have fresh turkey with skin. i love the skin and i can't have turkey without it. so i want to pass that on to
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everybody else, and we have stuffing. turkey, the mashed potatoes and it's way i build it in a special way that everything is fixed and stays together. in 20 each lawyer is string bean >> now she's brought in a super bowl savory cake. >> go birds. >> thank you for having me back today. >> what is this sucker >> this is called super bowl cake. and what this philly wrapped in one big cake and filled with cheesesteak. what's on the outside. >> how we layer it, the bottom layer is italian bread and it is stuffed with cheesesteak, ketchup, soft pretty else another big layer of cheesesteak, two pounds of meat and wrapped inside potatoes. >> all of that is inside this
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cake >> all of that is inside the cake. >> pack, it up like you did last time. i want to cut the end off. are you ready? >> ready. >> let's take it from the side. if you wouldn't mind. there you go. we see all the layers here. >> you're getting better at this. i can't wait till you see the valentine cake. >> look at that >> man. >> this is like literally a pound of food. how long does it take you >> obviously as fast as to cook all the stuff but i got all the cake down to about six minutes. >> i touch every cake. >> what about snack?
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>> i am the snack. the website is up or on facebook or instagram with chef beth 01, in box me your number and i'll call with one. >> that's good. >> it's philly, baby. >> philly and filling. >> you're a super bowl cake, eating like a winner, we'll tell you the luckiest
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♪ you need to survive much more than the cold to be a polar bear plunger.
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it takes courage, bravery and heart. each year these winter warriors jump to frozen glory to raise money for special olympics pennsylvania athletes and with nine locations statewide you're never far from a polar plunge in your area. join us... the many, the brave... the ones who are "freezin' for a reason."
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8:30 and super bowl sunday. live look at u.s. bank stadium in minneapolis where it is three degrees below zero right now. button door, of course, it will be climate controlled 70 degrees. look at ultimate doppler lit up all of this moisture headed in our direction during the day today. north and west, winter weather advisory is posted. lancaster, berks county moving towards lehigh valley and the poconos, a little bit of light snow already begun north and west but the bulk of this emergency will be in the form of liquid rainfall, we'll go hour by hour as you're making your way to your super bowl parties destinations we're looking at moderate to heavy rainfall.
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by 8:00 we're still looking at widespread rainfall and final starts to taper off about 9:00, 10:00 before the system gets out. headed to the game also we're talking about those parties celebrations going to be pretty slick across the region. temperatures upper 30's and as we go hour by hour. we'll climb into low 40's but once again, we're looking at that rainfall steady at times later on this afternoon, and into this evening. the forecast in minneapolis will be cold for tailgaters, look at this, six degrees and then as we move towards kickoff, outside, two degrees inside. 70 degrees climate control stadium. seven-day forecast showing you a roller coaster ride in temperature, more wet weather by the middle of the week, back over to you. bob kelly is still in malvern. >> smell vision, we'll put it
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on. the key to great day is a good breakfast. right, nudeys? the church is empty because everybody is here at nudey. i have my girlfriend alex. her hands painted with green nail polish. look at your gloves, they're like pom, pom gloves. >> what do you think for school what do you think >> we'll have a day off >> this family has rooms ready downtown. they're ready for a victory parade. a super bowl parade. nudeys. what do you have here >> in addition to our fabulous pancake, we got eagles theme pancakes surrounding green and
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pig skin omlettes. that's just for the day. >> reporter: this is just for the morning and bill, this is a brand new spot you have here. >> we just moved across the street and the place is absolutely electric and we got eight other locations, bobby and they're rocking and rolling all over. rocking and rolling, eagles. >> we have something else. of course, we had the super today, but this family back here, mom and dad, your daughter is in labor right now. in chester county hospital. we're in labor. the phone is here, waiting for the phone call. give a shout out to your daughter. caitlin you have to have this on be everybody count, rts push, push, push. we want a baby before kickoff. >> alex back to you in the studio. >> a baby before kickoff. i don't think bob.
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>> wee our superstition. grub hub put out a list, for both the eagles and the patriots. we have a chef, josh. here we go. >> you live in la now >> i los angeles. i was born in philly at methodist hospital on broad street. >> but you came back here because you wanted to be in philly >> my family, it's his fault i'm a die hard eagles fans. i bleed green and i'm happy to be here. >> to get here >> i'd take a red eye over black eye >> you're going to make up all the stuff to bring it good luck. i have a cheesesteak pizza with pes toe on it, tomato sauce, three different cheeses. a veggie omlette. i'll have red peppers, green peppers and mushrooms.
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and sis ill >> is this based on your research >> i'm not much of a researcher. i do what i want. >> you're wearing your lucky shirt >> i got my lucky shirt. had to ware this -- i wore thi . watched it by myself in la in a booth at the bar. i just, i love the eagles so much, and they're near and dear to my heart. >> we got green in there >> i bleed green and cook with green >> i never seen an omlette with veggies before the egg. >> you'll pour the egg in here >> as much as you like the eggs to be raw, i'll throw in the eggs. yum. >> it's hard out. in the meantime let's talk about some of these others >> right here, this is my dad's
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egg roll. and they're good luck. there will be a buffalo chicken tenders. i love spice, i'm a spicy guy. then we have the ranch takes away the heat. my grand father had his company and that was his famous sausage and peppers. >> did he teach you to cook >> yes, it's in my blood. my dad is a chef also. >> i love the look today. >> i love your earrings. >>t's my eyes. >> bring out the green. look at that, and look at these earrings, i love it. yeah >> they shake. they shake. >> in any rattle and roll too. when i was five years old, you
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sped upmy circumcision. >> where are we going with this? >> my wife was supposed to stay in the hospital, she had a caesarean and supposed to stay there ten days and it was a wednesday when he was born the eagles were playing the minnesota vikings on that day. i believe it was the second game of the season. and she went to the doctor and i said you got to do a circumcision now. >> let's get this going. >> that's what we did. the circumcision, i was there. >> i love that. >> what a story. >> be still >> you'd think it would be a painful memory >> perfect. >> you fold it up. once the heat starts kicking in. >> we have three minutesly
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>> we'll do it quickly and check back in. >>
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. is it done? looks good. >> yeah >> showing off now. >> how did you do that? >> it's a trick. >> make sure the trick happens tonight. >> are you single? >> i am very single. >> oh, no. >> who's asking? not you. right? >> i'm curious. >> everybody watch saturday night live last night? they did this skit took you back to 1775. as a matter of fact and you got all these patriots coming in, we won another battle, bunker hill, you know, you get the idea. then some philadelphia fighters interrupt them. watch for tina fey.
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she comes in as the head of the philadelphia delegation. >> congratulations again but i'm sure others would fit just as bravely if given the chance [cheers and applause] the delegation from philadelphia >> how you doing? we crossed many waters up the schuylkill river. philly is mad strong from the babies to mom moms and pop-pops, we're ready to fight >> with a horn shoe at their head and send the british home >> gross up the poles because phillies going to win and one of these guys punch a police horse. >> we're rowdy quakers
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>> you're from philadelphia >> yeah, we're from philadelphia, born and raised. >> it went on and on. she mentioned wawa. it was philly from beginning to end. tina fey from upper darby. >> she needs to re-do it and say jawn. that's the trouble with that show. it's live, they call it saturday night live. the whole show was good. >> she mentioned wawa >> wawa was in there, conshohocken. it was great. alex and i spent a week in minnesota, minneapolis >> have you thawed out yet >> the upper half is thawed. >> being in philly now, it doesn't feel that cold >> feels like miami. when we come
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♪ . ♪ . >> we're the eagles heading to
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the bowl. ♪ . ♪ nick foles. >> i love it. isn't it cute >> that's good. all right. 8:47. doug pederson eagles love their ice cream. >> they're coming. get some more. >> look who's here. >> alex, good to see you, man. alex strange in the house. >> how are you? >> doing well, brought you guys ice cream >> i'll pass it down. >> been there since 1893. >> been awhile. >> i brought three flavors in each cup, there's minute chocolate chip, pistachio and salted caramel pretzel.
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green colors. >> you'll get the salted pretzel down there. we'll see you over at reading. let's talk about the weather. dry for now but looking at wet weather later on this afternoon and evening as you travel to your super bowl parties and festivities. ultimate doppler is lit up. north and west we have winter weather advisories and purple for the lehigh valley and also the poconos mountains, as we go hour by hour, later on look at the moisture, it's moving in, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 still wet weather. as we go hour by hour, you can see the showers moving in. steady rain this evening, and looks like we could see upwards to half inch to an inch of rain before all is said and done. back over to you. >> as long as it clears up before broad street.
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>> alex, lauren, let's leave their mics open i may help on this. alex and i were in minnesota and i thought the green shirt would key out here, when i was ready. >> there goes the button. my gosh. there's always a seamstress. betsy ross she'll take care of it. number one. there's a place that only serves meatless products. he's a butcher and there's no meat >> does that count? >> nine, sarcasm is not a thing a they get. just look to me. this is the look i got all week long. what? eight >> this one i love >> they drink at a coffee shop called caraboo.
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i think it's better than star bucks >> i we don't have to agree. >> does that look better? do you see my dog? who let that dog out? >> ofta. owe boy >> like ofta, it's cold outside or i just dropped my pen >> what do you believe, of my shirt? ofta. >> there's cheese everywhere, everything is filled or grilled with cheese, curd. >> hand warmers are so strong, they work inside your hat. i put one inside my hat, felt great >> be careful where you put it. if your phone is too cold, it
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shuts down, alex >> it doesn't want to be in the cold either. my cell phone has not worked since. >> she's been at the apple store all day yesterday. three, driving anywhere is 15 minutes away. where are you going in wisconsin, 15 minutes >> and everything is purple. if you don't like the color purple. move. get out. >> even super bowl seats for the stadium is purple. >> and number one, it's cold. >> we know what negative 23 degrees feels like. >> thank you, mike, for that lovely segment. we learned a lot about minnesota. >> we certainly did >> i had the time of my life. >> it was so much fun. >> that's like every picture was on the go. >> i had someone write alex, you need to rest. you have some serious bags going
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on. >> outside, bob. quickly behind you. people home probably seeing that. >> it's an underdog. look at that. it's an underdog. >> what happened? >> we need to recover. where's my underdog? hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill?
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old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on.
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look how cute my girl looks, she's super bowl ready and so are the dogs. it's about the dog in me. a lot of people are saying if the eagles win, you can, carve the logo in the back of your head. >> and a tattoo, we'll figure something out. well, it's here. but >> the omlette. >> thank you.
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>> have fun in philly. while you're here. good luck >> i might have to but thank you for having me. >> next time you guys around come visit >> go birds. >> how many times can we say it? go eagles. >> well, you know, we've been loving the eagles i think we should see another one >> by the way alex and i will see you again at 10:00 on fox. say it one more time. go eagles. ♪ . ♪
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9:00 am
>> chris: and hello again from fox news in washington. someone forgot to pay the electricity bill. not really, but we lost power to our studio overnight and with duct tape and bailing wire, and a couple of hamsters running really hard, we have jerry-rigged an operation to put on this program. keep your fingers crossed. the nation's capital is still arguing this weekend about that house republican memo accusing the offense of abusing their authority to surveilled a former trump campaign advisor and the center of the restaurant investigation. we begin this hour members of the house intelligence committee. fr, democratic congressman eric swallow. and from salt lake city, republ now that we'


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