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tv   Chasing News  FOX  January 24, 2018 3:00am-3:30am EST

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>> test. >> new jersey governor phil murphy has an executive order having to do with medical marijuana. many are saying it's a first step toward recreation marijuana in new jersey. for years it has been legal in new jersey. the blocks put in place in the loss spirit has been stable. something is good have an adverse effect of the black community in th the state. breathing? >> a hero saved a five
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-year-olds lie. you will meet him tonight. in a speech by pro- trump supporters mark in the first anniversary of the president's term attack in montclair. >> they were threatening a guys. >> is free speech data montclair? i'm both stadia, this is chasing news. >> murphy some are saying this is the first step over crucial part of the state senator and the same not so fast, i could have an adverse impact on the black community in our stay. ashley has little story. >> of signed his six executive order. expanding medical marijuana.
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family from new jersey lost their 7-year-old son, jacob, the tank from brain cancer and sunday. was excited to meet the governor pgh so, governor. >> sadly, that never happened. >> he passed away peacefully and painlessly while he was on marijuana. he passed away in his sleep in his bed, very comfortably. >> the family first started medical marijuana when his health took a turn. what has been legal in new jersey for eight years, murphy said the christie administration put up roadblocks. >> with a hostile administration tug in the strings of state accuracy ability of dispensaries to open has been slow. doctors had faced stigmatization for -- and non- smokable products have a block from the markets. >> they promised to legalize marijuana has been polarizing among democrats.
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i have to this order would help the murphy actor that? >> it's a first step. this allows the governor within the purview of the executive order to expand medicinal access. recreational have to come through the legislature. the timer is right now to get that done. i expect on the budget will see expansion of legal marijuana. >> a primus to legalize it within his first 100 days in office. several democrats simply will happen quickly. >> thank you. i want to bring in somebody who has been on the front lines of the fight to stop the legalization of recreational marijuana. peter brown is a guest on her show. he is a councilman and linda new jersey. welcome back. >> thank you.
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>> we've seen to say please chapman chaplin and other swain and sent this is going to be a bad thing for the black community in new jersey, what you say? >> i agree. i spoke with the senator we had a heart-to-heart about how it will affect i will agree that this migration a law does not address the social aspects happening in our communities. first pass along without looking at will happen it's absurd. >> lisping in our panel. chief of staff anton macarthur. franklin is back with us. >> and jeanette hoffman here, good to see you. >> politically speaking, is this a governor circumventing the legislative process and where the people were critical of barack obama? >> i hope it's not.
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we've heard from leaders of the governor's own party that they don't want recreational marijuana. let's look at what other states have done. with medical marijuana most people agree with the common sense approach. what the governor did i hope when he studies it he consults with public health officials. >> this will take in account recovery experts. it's too important to keep around and do some half-baked study. >> politicians and favor this play the race card. they talk about the high numbers of black and hispanic people in prison and greater sentences than suburban white kids. they said the opposite was true.
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>> are there some concerns, absolutely. but were taken those statistics to apply to this law. this law deals with generating revenue to the state. if you want the social aspect of the, parma study, look into it and create a law to decriminalize rather than say were going to legalize it. >> governor murphy, watching every move you make. we hope you will make new jersey more affordable. do you think we're bigger problems? >> many people say are judged by the company of the people u.k. governor cuomo is happen that's not the case. joe has to trail today on public corruption. john has a. >> is not just the former topic,
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he was a close friend and a paul barrel over the funeral of mario cuomo. he was described as his third son. he faces seven felony charges for pocketing $315,000 in bribes in exchange for fibers. they eventually came from executives and two companies with business before the state. prosecutors say they have e-mail exchanges and vitality american i can say this is likely to be good for brand. charges were brought by former u.s. attorney. by president trump last year. governor cuomo is not directly implicated, he does not face criminal charges were expected
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to testify. the question remains, what they consider him guilty by association? >> it depends on the extent to which voters are paying attention. the vast majority of voters are not paying attention to the gubernatorial race happen in november, and january. >> this is related and that it was part of his time as campaign manager and time on the public payroll. >> correct, but how maintained he was working for the reelection campaign and not in the federal capacity. they're already positioning themselves looking toward later this year and trying to discredit governor cuomo. there's in this is worse than bridgegate. >> upside from this public credible candidate. he gets things done, he gets
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jobs at a time the country needs of and he can raise the dough and put an organization together. for they continue to try to use it against them? you bet. >> were to bring in the panel, jeanette, i'm waiting for the democrats to start bringing the controversy over stormy daniels. >> should i make a big deal about it. but people that make that much of a deal about president trumps association because they know he was a celebrity, very colorful character before he got into politics. this is different. governor cuomo is a big deal in democratic circles. >> that's a great point. he's looking like a presidential candidate.
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how discover, not get tied to it when the guy was making money, some of which he disclosed. >> tech about in terms of payment something is going on with message : money, zd. cuomo will be impacted by this. >> thanks. let's check out headlines for chasing tonight. >> at least two students and 17 injured after student open fired at a high school on tuesday. the suspect will be charged with murder and attempted murder. the new york city halloween attacker appeared in court where supplant the first deadline for the justice department to decide whether to seek the death penalty. he drove into the bike path killing people. last week there for guilty plea in exchange for not having the death penalty.
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dirty, democrat gained recognition for leadership new jersey shore town after hurricane new jersey. the senator was heard calling teenage -- beautiful girls. >> michigan senator, prompted a smile and laugh" booker. the senators were preparing to pass a deal to and the government shutdown. >> took away, we were show. you made a hero cop who saved a 5-year-old. >> the 50s and 60s are behind us once again. it will start to feel like late january around here. we'll talk about how cold it will be
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>> welcome back to chasing news. in a little bit you as you made a hero cop who saved a 5-year-old fly. wait till you hear the story. >> elizabeth not breathing? >> my daughter. >> let's check in with allison who has the scoop on new jersey transit. the governor is set to appoint a new head of the agency. the question is, can it be saved? >> new jersey governor has recently called new jersey
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transit a national disgrace and he's doing something about it. governor murphy named a new executive director that will take over in the spring. kevin is a vice president at a consulting firm and is on the regional plan association board of directors. the nomination hasn't been made official. they released a statement monday congratulated him. poster sentimental leader. the company he works for has worked on new jersey transit projects like the canceled tunnel. former chairman of the transportation committee broke down what his future may hold. >> he's an outsider and give him the ability to look at the agency without looking at how
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things have been done in some traditions that don't work well. also being an outsider he has a deep learning curve. >> communicators regularly express their frustration via social media. they share photos of broken train cars, writes letter standing room only an unreasonable delays. one commuter said her bosses understanding. you could say one thing, what would be. >> kevin, please help us. >> get the service back up and running on time. i would appreciate it if i could get to work. since taking office murphy is about to make new jersey transit is top priority and issued an executive order calling for new jersey transit to be audited. a spokesperson it would not come from the appointment. the director announced his resignation in january and will step down in april.
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>> the spring back the panel to answer the question. canadian and really save new jersey transit? i'm joined by frank and jeanette. it's a daunting task with the new governor. seems like africa not as politically connected. he seems more like an infrastructure expert than anything else. >> he is. i think new jersey transit could is a facelift. this is a guy who thought it was a good idea to move madison square garden across new york city, have to wonder if he's too pie-in-the-sky for this job. we need someone who can do this and get their hands dirty. >> you referring to the racial planning association. this board that makes recommendations and transportation. is a stupid idea.
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>> what about those his idea. achilles mickey mouse, if he can make the trains run on time, he's my hero. he looks like he has experience. does have the political courage to turn nj transit upside down? of the senator says i need to find hundred grand job from a friend, will he have the courage to say no. >> this is not practical application and implementing plans. these are thinkers. last thing we need is a thinker. we need a guy who can rose sleeps up until the unions. >> maybe he's appointing people like that. behind the scene guys and girls to take on the unions. >> the last thing trent needs is the other thinker.
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i was so think about property taxes. >> you have to give murphy credit. he took idea and kim's idea that he will audit new jersey transit and see where is us. >> through a question is, back to the plant practical reality. if engineers the don't have the day off schedules right. >> it's a disgrace right now. one thing i agree with so far is that is a national disgrace. >> the guys about everything except property taxes. >> québec. >> a few months ago phibro kindergartner had an asthma attack and her mom called 911. listen. >> 911, what's your emergency. >> elizabeth not breathing? >> my daughter. >> how does your daughter?
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>> five. >> the girl is doing fine today thanks in large part to the heroics of clifton police sergeant, josh smith. welcome to chasing news. >> have to tell you, you're truly a hero. love the stories about cops been on duty and making things happen. what happened when he got there on the scene of this girl was in distress? >> there were two other officers responded to the scene prior to my arrival. they started cpr on the girl who is not breathing. they started cpr and -- >> what made this call stand out? >> we can relate. of a parent is for the officers on scene. anytime there's a young child in
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some type of distress or emergency, in this case she wasn't breathing and ten have a pulse. they started cpr and apply the aed pads which gave time. >> i understand she was in a, for month after. she wasn't out of the woods right away. you stayed in touch. how is she? >> she's doing a. just as a phibro should. beautiful smile, no signs of trauma. >> great story with a happy ending. god bless you. thank you for doing your job. >> dan, what's coming. >> a cold front was the culprit first stormy tuesday which brought over an inch of rainfall. the front bringing cooler, drier
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air. wednesday will be cooler than the past few days. no more 60s or 50s. this is a big kind of frigid air we seem. just a little cooler. will be near-normal for january which is a bad. has route 40 lows in the 20s. you will need to bundle up at the venture will not be ferocious. the cold spell will be short-lived. warmer air will return by the weekend i will see 50s on thermometers once again. overnights that will be cool, most lows in the 30s. a few spots below 32 but not a flash free situation will see clearing skies of the overnight. on wednesday 40s around normal for this time with a mix of sun
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and clouds. it will be breezy. thursday, highs in the 30s with sunny skies and light winds. stain seasonably cool on friday and then thermometers return to the 50s. >> coming up on chasing news. free speech is not so free and montclair. trump supporters get attacked on social media.
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>> welcome back to chasing new . i am both stadia. we have a story in montclair, about free speech. not always been free. the local republicans had an event at a greek restaurant. the invited speaker was steve rogers. they invited him and the
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resistance they went after president trump. the whole idea was to celebrate the one-year anniversary a president trumps term. by the speaker of the event. stephen, welcome to chasing news. >> the anti- trump assistant went nuts when went so far as to book a table of nine and then not show up, costing the restaurant on of those nine seats. what happened? did you go through with the event? >> yes we did. i was surprised because montclair is a wonderful city not to accept everyone into the community no matter who you are or where you are from. because it was about president trump aware celebrating his
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success, this resistant movement from what i understand i was told to three days in advance that close will be made to the restaurant turning the guy. they wanted to stop the event and threatening the montclair republican club. without things like this. it was a great event. and they never shut up. >> they deny it. they said they don't. they said it didn't happen and have not taken responsibility. >> i understand there was chatter on social media about it. michael republican club has some photographs of the chatter on the internet. i was the invited speaker. but the owner is a honest guy and he made it pretty clear. >> thanks for watching chasing news. we appreciate it. remember, listening to me onn
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>> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11. >> we begin at 11:00 with breaking news out of the north philadelphia. police say four people shot. they have just updated us. two, 13-year-old boys are among the wounded. let's get right to shawnette wilson. what's going on here, shawnette. >> reporter: thomas, we just spoke to police and you're exactly right. four people were shot. two of them are teenagers. one of the victims we're told is in the hospital in critical condition right now under going surgery. police telling us that this is a driver-by shooting as we take a look at video we got from the scene moments ago, the call came in to police about 9:30 tonight. they got a call about shots fired near 24th and ridge avenue. when they got here they say a 52 year old man


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