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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 5A  FOX  December 5, 2017 5:00am-6:00am EST

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right now on good day philadelphia, take down that glass, bullet-proof glass on the firing line, critics say it makes customers feel like criminals but supporters say it can be a life saver. danger to society, judge derails rapper meek mill's bid for freedom. from zero to hero. >> ♪ >> weight watchers pointing the way to easier weight loss but does the plan help you shed those pound. losing streak offer. >> they go in, they score. >> flyers pulling out the win all the highlights, coming up. "good day philadelphia" at 5:00 a.m. starts right now. good morning, thank good ness they did winnie heard bob kelly say you can get that orange crush back again it has been such a drought, good morning, gang. >> great to have you with us,
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good morning. karen hepp, thomas dray to be bob kelly and, sue serio. >> do you have your lights up yesterday. >> i thought i had enough lights up and neighbors started to put their up, and they put more and i put up. >> it is the light wars,es lacing. >> yes. >> so many lights in the neighborhood i feel like i have a flashlight. >> yes. >> so when are you coming over >> you can come with me and get your fix from the big lights that i see. >> save money on my electric bill. >> exactly. >> that is a plan. >> sue serio. >> today not be the best putting up your lights day. you have to be prepared for colder temperatures after. that this rain is coming with the cold front. we will go with a five out of 10 today. bus stop buddy flyers cap happy about the victory as well, also with the rain gear ready to go it is not here just yet that rain but it is on the way looking out to the western part of the stay, leading edge of the cold front , and boy, are things
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going to get chilly after that but today is not bad, 49 degrees, already, little bit of the breeze out of the south east, plan on mostly cloudy skies throughout the afternoon we will be at 60 degrees, by lunchtime and unusually high temperature for december, 62. trade off is you'll get that rain but winds will get chillier, temperatures low in the seven day forecast, bob kelly. >> how low will they go. good morning, everybody. up and adam, 5:00 o'clock here on 95 down near the airport catching a flight out of philly international, early is better, especially with the rain on the way. we are good to go there and in problems at philly international at least on the tote board at the moment, coming from south jersey, 42, looking good there, we have construction on the ramp from 295 to approaching the 42 freeway and northeast philadelphia, looking good, no problems here along i-95 passing our camera at cottman avenue. karen and thomas, back over to you. did you ever go into your corner deli getting a six pack
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of beer and see this is bullet-proof barrier there. well, there is very popular in many different neighborhood. there is a big push to get rid of them. steve keeley explains the controversy and is what happening, steve? >> reporter: well, controversy came before a council committee here yesterday and coincidently here outside city hall, the protesters, noticed the chains, polls, metal detectors security barriers up around this big bolding where council committee passed this bill to have the licenses and inspections department, regulate the common complete plexiglas bullet-proof barricade up between storekeepers and customers and most philadelphia neighborhood stores. >> i think plexiglas has to come down. >> most important thing is our safety, and public safety. if the glass comes down the crime rate will rise and there will be a lot of dead bodies. >> we want to make sure that there isn't this sort of inn dignity in my opinion to serving food through a plexiglas only in certain
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neighborhood. >> reporter: most of the 22 who spoke during this all day hearing were in favor of the bill and among them ed smith who testified that the reality is this, if you want to change the nature of the corner, you have to change the nature of the corner store. karen and thomas full council vote on what may be the start of that change comes a week from thursday here. >> as you know steve with every story in the meantime, have they addressed any of the safety concerns from the business owners? >> reporter: i'm sorry, what was that. >> have they addressed the safety issues that the business owners have brought up. >> reporter: we don't know we were at the hearing so we have not heard directly from the store owners themselves. >> more to come, thank you. we now know how two temple students died last week, officials say men overdosed, philadelphia health department not releasing what drug, 24 year-old michael cadis and james orlando died them. they found him unresponsive in the school library. paramedics took him straight to the hospital. did he pass away.
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saturday morning police were called to james orlando's apartment and they found him unresponsive. we have more disturbing news coming from temple officials say a 20 year-old student was attacked yesterday early morning at 3:00 a.m. he was walking home with friends. police say a man started harassing the group near their home on 17th and norris. things escalated. the man picked the student up, slammed him to the ground and then ran off on 17th street. student reportedly suffered head injuries. a six five-year old man was stabbed to death inside of his own home and this morning a 23 year-old woman is in jail , now this all happened yesterday on the 1200 block of south johnston street in south philadelphia. police were called out to the home, person lives there is mike, nucero they found just after 1:00 a.m. unconscious all covered in blood. detectives focused on savanna farrow who had been to the home. >> all of the details except she was keeping him company and some kind of a dispute
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ensued. >> so, she has been charged with the murder. police are not sure how they met. three teens face murder charges as adults for what police say they did to a home less man in philadelphia one of the teens, just 14 years old, police say brandon conrad , emmanuel harris and malik page robbed 57 year-old kevin cullen last sunday in mayfair. their attack left him dead. police say some of the teenagers may have also brutal ly beaten 19 year-old jonathan segara who was walking near ditman and aldine streets in holmesberg just five days before cullen's attack when four teens assaulted him and stole his phone. >> committing robbery not the answer for being bored, it shouldn't be a right of passage. we have tragic consequences. this man died as a result of it, and these three young men will go to jail for some time. >> police say four teenagers in all were there during cullen's murder but at this time only three face charges. police are looking for a guy, who ran over a man
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killing him, it happened in croyden, pennsylvania, bristol township police say there was a 46 year-old man struck by a car on the 2900 block of state road just after 7:00 yesterday morning. he was rush to the hospital but he died. this was confusing because it looks like guy behind the wheel ran off in the wood. they searched. they could not find him. though think maybe the car was stolen. and then there was a former villanova student who has been found guilty on all charges, including child pornography, for taking those up skirt pictures, and videos of people in public bathroom area. and also at that cvs right there suspect's 19 year-od. his name is vincent kaine from broomall. here's the thing he had 80,000 recordings, at least 30 victims were from villanova university and then more from that cvs in broomall. new jersey governor chris christie goes to washington d.c., on a bet, a sports bet, new jersey lawmakers are hoping to sway the supreme court to see things their way and problem ice sports betting in the garden state. you'll remember in 2011, new
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jersey residents voted to legalize sports betting to help bolster the economy. multiple professional sports leagues and ncaa challenged the state policy in court. after a couple more attempts by new jersey to legalized sports betting, it has now made its way to the u.s. supreme court. experts say if legalized the industry will yield about $150 billion annually. christie spoke about the case on the court steps. >> we are prepared in new jersey. we're ready to go. that is why the horsemen joined news this case because they are ready to go as well. we can have it ready to go within two weeks of any decision by this court that would enable to us do it legally. >> eighteen other states are siding with new jersey this case, federal government is siding with the sports leagues prosecutors have charged a man they say shot a camden police officer over the weekend. officers were in the area of lewis and chestnut streets on sunday morning. they heard gunshots. they found a guy 37 year-old lawrence ross right here nearby. they say that he got in the
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shoot-out with the officers and now he is facing numerous charges including possession of the weapon for unlawful purpose. we have an update on the pennsylvania state trooper, shot during a traffic stop last month. corporal seth kelly has been released from the hospital. we're told 13 year veteran is doing better but still has a long road ahead of him. 22-year old charged in the shooting daniel clary fought with kelly and another trooper before grabbing a gun and firing several shots. he remains in jail. well, they have moved our former district attorney seth williams from one prison to another one, right now. he is in oklahoma. he will serve his five-year sentence for accepting a bribe from the businessman. now, of course, he can be moved to another facility at a later point. he is being held in a small philadelphia prison until this point. his release date is set for november of 2021. how about this a danger to the community, that is what the philadelphia judge at center of the whole meek mill case is calling him, and they have ordered him to stay in
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jail, not get bail, judge denied a request for bail. his legal team says that the fbi is looking into that judge and the whole case, his attorneys are appealing her decision. a delaware family left with questions, when someone steals a 10 year-old's walker she need to get around like who on earth would do this? someone took that walker off her front lawn in wilmington but thanks to you our incredible fox 29 viewers this one has a happy ending. lets get to lauren johnson who is in wilmington this morning, hi there, lauren. >> reporter: hi thomas. the cost to replace this custom made walker will financially destroy the murray family this he just can't afford it. ten year-old kristin cannot afford to be without it but someone snatched it from the family home on rodney drive-in delaware. take a look at kristin with her bright blue walk their she realize on to get around. back in september she had surgery on her legs and feet and doctors encouraged her to walk around as much as possible she hasn't been able to since last thursday when her mom tells us she was
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helping her daughter get in the car to go to physical therapy, 30 minutes after leaving home she realized that she leaned ate begins a trail their was in her front yard. she called her husband. told him to come outside to get it but it was just too late. >> she just can't sit up on there and sit on her knees and sit in the wheelchair. it is not helpful to the surgery she has done to her legs and her feet. now, it is just a big setback for her and it is kind of hard for her to get around. like she sits in the wheelchair all day, or that she has to crawl. >> reporter: all of the crawling end today, we are told a stranger saw this story , answered the call to help. he is a philadelphia man plans to give the family a brand new walker, a little later this morning. while that is happening police here are still investigating trying to help, use surveillance videoed from a neighbor's camera to see exactly who this person was that walked away with that walker, karen and thomas. >> hopefully they will catch that person, lauren, that is horrible, thank you.
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5:12. so, parking tickets because we don't that have plan to help you pay your tickets? well, you can get back to having it in the palm of your hand. >> ppa, get ready, philadelphia, we have got some good news why feeding the meter will no longer require a trip outside. huge oprah news did she just sell off her network, my goodness breaking details, coming up. good morning, 5:12. hello northeast philadelphia, a live look at i-95 where everything is dry right now but is what on the way? let it snow, let it snow, maybe not snow, but we won't be getting something later on today as we look live, good morning to allentown, waking up with boys two men, is what your favorite traffic jam on a tuesday morning, stay there we will be right back.
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following a massive wild fire in california, this right here is the scene, we're learning that one person has died, the fire burned at least 5,000 acres in ventura county, this is northwest of los angeles. at this hour is there a mandatory evacuation issued for at least 400 homes, l.a. county fire department battling on the ground, in the air there are multiple road closures in the area. we will be following this throughout the day here on
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good day. no word on a cause. my gosh, so bad burning overnight really flared up. 5:16. we have changing happening right now to our forecast. >> a couple things in your seven day that i think is wrong, sue. >> and, tropical system too because we have been coasting along with decent temperatures we have not had any rain but here it comes. couple shores in the cheese peak bay before you before the morning is through some might see a sprinkle or two. heavier rain rolling in later this afternoon after lunchtime it looks like maybe 6:00 for north and western suburbs, around 9:00 it rolls through with heavier rain at times through i-95 corridor and hugging the shore at midnight at 1:00 and should be out of here by this time tomorrow morning and then colder temperatures will filth inner as winds pick up. lets check temperatures in new
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jersey we have hammington at 43. wood town 48 degrees, sea isle city at 54, mild morning there , here in pennsylvania pottstown at 46. tannersville up there we have 45 degrees, this time of the year that is pretty mild and delaware at 51. bethenny beach at 55. forty-eight is your average high. we have been above average for a while, mostly in the mid 50 's, since before the weekend but things where to change. we will spike at 62 today and that is mildest day weak see for a while. forty-eight tomorrow. breezy conditions. forty-five on thursday. and even chillier on friday, and as we head into the weekend high of 42 on saturday and only 38 on sunday, cold temperatures continue, into monday, guess it will feel decemberish, as we head into the weekend, and even beyond that bob kelly, things will be getting much colder, so hopefully you don't forget your umbrella today. >> as it gets colder there is
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nothing like a good bubble bat >> oh, yeah. >> to warm you up. >> it is national bubble bath day and we have a picture of buddy the elf getting a bubble bath. i love seeing pictures of the everybody sending their elves in the morning. hello gloucester county live look at the freeway, everything dry so we will be okay getting out of the driveway and getting there but later on this afternoon when things get crazy as sue mentioned once the rain rolls rolls through. hello king of prussia this joint jumping up here every day morning, noon, night all the way through christmas, nice, quiet, 202 off allendale road but rolling through the mall area over the next couple of weeks just allow for extra time. ninety-five at all not bad at cottman avenue. i just checked with septa we are good to go, this morning, karen and thomas back to you. thanks very much. happening today nation's highest court will be hearing case over whether the baker discriminated out there in
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colorado against a gay couple by not baking their wedding cake, courts found that what he did violated the states laws out there barring discrimination but bakery argued that those findings violated its rights to both religious freedom and free speech, baker did not turn couple away because he is gay but because their marriage violated his religious beliefs courts also granting the president, a big victory yesterday the justices announced they will allowed the full enforcement of that travel ban affecting people from six countries, that are mostly muslim, including, chad , iran, lynn, yeah somalia , syria and yemen. the justices said this can all take effect as it is challenge and working its way through courts. circuit court of appeals in san francisco and one in virginia, will hold arguments on the legality of that ban, this week. michigan congressman jon conyers expected to appear in the detroit radio show this morning and he is expected to talk about when plans to remain in the house or step down.
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a number of lawmakers called for the 88 year-old democrat to resign. his support following allegations of harassment and in a prep eighth touching by several woman who once work for him. conyers is the country's longest currently serving congressman. republican national committee has once again supporting embattled republican senate candidate roy moore, rnc official confirmed committee will resume financial support to help elect moore to the u.s. senate despite allegations of sexual misconduct begins him. rnc announced a couple weeks ago it was cutting fund raising ties to moore following those allegations that he molested two teenagers while in his 30's. yesterday, president trump formally endorsed moore in the phone call and twitter. delaware county police are asking for your help to catch two guys wanted for murder. they are vernon jones and leroy spence. they were in connection with the case in july, shooting kate case of a man in chester. they think these people are
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armed, dangerous. if you know who or where they are please call police. another picture to take a look at real good look moorestown, delran, mount laurel police they all want him they are trying to solve four car break ins at goddard preschools n1 case they say he grabbed a purse out of the a unlock car and then yesterday smashed a car window and stole someone's bag. it happened when parents were picking up, dropping off their children. what was this guy thinking in this day and age police in lower southampton township say this guy inappropriately grabbed a young girl, grabbing the back side of a 13 year-old at an acme on east street road in feasterville f you know hoe is, please call police. philadelphia police searching for a man stole from a non-profit. it all happened thursday. man broke into people for people, on north broad street, once inside, he went through all of the desk drawers, didn't find anything so he took off with a computer. suspect last seen wearing a black jacket, light colored
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sweat shirt and dark colored pants if you know anything give police a call. 5:22. lets talk about the new plan in the weight loss wars. >> rejoyce because biggest name in all of weight loss says you can eat without guilt , hundreds of food but can you really lose weight that way? um-hmm, they say you can. look at you! tyson any'tizers and crispy strips. [ sound of sports game ] you help fuel greatness. you'll just have to make the ultimate game day sacrifice... and be eaten.
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campbell's soup wants to bring it to your doors. starting next month camden base cod will test a plan to deliver soups to homes. basically you order from the web site and it will be shipped out from the warehouse directly to your front door. some of the campbell's best selling soups are already available on amazon. we love our wawa, and now is there even more to love. >> more sandwiches, these are flat bread sandwiches now that the whole gabbler's season is over for thanksgiving we have new flavors, concoctions, santa fe chicken, chicken club , and the turkey. wawa says they are all topped with spread and tucked into bread that has parmesan, baked right in to it. all right. >> ♪
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>> my hero. >> text me back. >> i had that album, watched that all the time, when we were kid, but there were fun, but throw back. we're talking bit. weight watchers is talking about zeros. >> company apparently going after that song getting inspiration adding dozens of food to its zero-points category, some of which may surprise you here. company just launched free style which expands the brand zero pointless to more than 200 food, fruits, veggies still included but so are grilled fish, eggs, non-fat yogurt. it marks another step toward a more local stick approach rather than just calorie counting. >> what do you think. we have an argument with my pre duesers and stuff. let us know what you think. happy ending, thanks, viewers someone took something from a little girl who needed it. >> big difference. coming up, in 90 seconds we
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will tell you how fox 29 viewer steps up in a big way to help her flo: and just like magic, progressive gives you options based on your budget. [ laughing ] ♪ why, it's an easy way to help you save money on your car insurance. i'm in your head. [ laughing ] ohh. [ laughs ] the name your price tool from progressive. nothing above and below. [ plop ] oh! jeez. [ flo laughs ]
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a thief steals a walker from a girl with special need but this one does have a happy evening all thanks to the fox 29 viewer.
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so, he went to a high school football game like we all do and he merely died until some local heroes there in the crowd stepped in and saved his life. heart warming thank from you them. also ahead this morning don't call it a come back, although, it is, why we will once again be able to feed meter right from the palm of our hands. about time. everyone is grateful for. that thank you so much for joining us on this tuesday. >> great to have you with us, i'm thomas with karen, bob and sue, we have the whole gang here. >> whole gang's here. it will be okay, dry but we have got some rain on the way. >> yes, it is one of those days if you are out all day you should have a rain gear with you, maybe not at the moment but we haven't had rain in a while. we're due. that will give you five out of 10, bus stop buddy's readied for rain with his flyers cap on. they have won a game last night. we're happen bye that. temperatures in the 40's, couple 50's even.
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it is a mild morning, that is why only thing in the forecast is, rain, and that is just fine because colder temperatures come after that. 49 degrees in philadelphia sunrise time 7:07 but we will see mostly cloudy skies, we will have 60 degrees by lunchtime and a high temperature of 62. what happens after that? well, that is in the seven day forecast, don't forget bob kelly, 101.1 more fm is our radio partner. whenner authority forecast plus that christmas music all the time. >> wearing your little elf shoes, also. >> well, in december. >> take that picture for everybody. 5:31. we have in problems at all coming up and over the benny but road are dry right now, things will change as sue mentioned throughout the day. keep that in mine. tuesday is one of the busiest days. people have a tendency to work from home on a monday, that is three day weekend kind of day but tuesday everybody hits the road and office.
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live look at the blue route, 476 coming out of mid county. we are seeing volume popping here on the freeway working toward philadelphia and left over construction for gang in wilmington north on 495 at edgemore road, karen and thomas, back over to you. thanks, very much. 53:00 to. lets get you caught up here. we have talk about this one earlier. it is cause ago lieutenant of people to react, those bullet-proof barriers that they have inside of the corner stores in philadelphia. a lot of the business owners say those barriers pretty much keep us safe. but now there is a push by some lawmakers in the city to get rid of them. steve keeley you the by city hall to explain all this, steve. >> reporter: scrooge came in the form of a council committee hearing this holiday season for 230 asian business owners, mostly here yesterday all day to protest this bill to regulate bullet-proof barriers they have up in their neighborhood stores called beer/delis. after the committee's approval on an all day hearing vote,
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well, full council votes on it a week from thursday. councilman at large david oh says his collogues will threaten beer, deli staff, safety and freedom if this bill is adopted by city council. >> what will this bill do to your business. >> it will kill it. >> i do think it is a bad bill that will endanger korean americans this bill target korean americans. >> absolutely not. >> reporter: we own these shops and our lives will be put in danger because of this. >> absolutely not. i can tell you i find that offensive. >> reporter: cindy bass was bill sponsor and she testified here yesterday that beer deli owners serve through solitary confinement type prison windows and she asked what kind of message does that send philadelphia children? >> well, is there always two side, multiple side, to every story. thanks, steve. we appreciate it. lets get to delaware police are investigating death of two men found inside a
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motel in new castle county this was the one day, day one, motel in wilmington. we don't know who victims are. they will do autopsies to figure out cause of death. how about this one a mistake that will change the course of someone's life there , penn state just dropped one of their rising football recruits because he is accused of robbing a wawa. isheem young of philadelphia was ranked 11th in the state, whole life ahead of him, going to college but police connect him, his two buddies to an armed robbery at a wawa in south fail in july. it was a big one. they are accused of stealing 13 you this dollars from the safe. medical record containing highly sensitive medical information have been found dumped in a recycling drop off center in allentown. it is illegal under federal law to dispose of medical record in the public area without destroying or completely removing that sensitie information. nearly all of the visible record were printed on letterhead from woman's holt consultants a now close practiced that operated in south white hall in hanover
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township. information on it included social security numbers, driver licenses, and medical histories. take to you gloucester county to talk bay mold problem, students have been cleared, to return to school after that major mold issue. for white hall elementary classes will begin in january. back in october we told but this all six district schools were suddenly closed for a week for mold inspections and air quality testing. now four of the schools reopened but white hall and holy glenn elementary school remained closed. is there a local family, and they have a simple question, why? why would somebody steel their 10 year-old walker that she need to get around with? someone took it off their front lawn in delaware but now thanks to our great viewers there is a happy ending. lauren johnson in wilmington with the very latest, lauren. >> reporter: let me explain this to you, some speculation that walker, that was leaning up against a trailer full of construction materials so it could have been mistaken for
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trash, dunn here in front of the family home in delaware and that is what speculation is among neighbors, however, it wasn't trash. it was far from that. murray family treasured this custom made $3,000 walker. insurance issued it back in september to kristin after surgery on her foot and legs. it was a life line for her helping the girl with cerebral palsy move around and stay mobile. last thursday as her mother, took her to therapy they mistakenly left it in the front yard. by the time her mom realized it and called her dad, it was too late. since then the 10 year-old has in the been able to go to school. >> since the walker has been gone it is scary because i don't know if i can walk. i'm supposed to be practicing my walking. i'm very disappointed because i don't believe that they would take a child's walker. >> reporter: in that short interview with our dave kinchen she said she's disappointed and upset but good news after dave's story aired last night a
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philadelphia man contacted us saying he has a brand new walker for this family, he plans to hand over to them, later this morning, so karen and thomas a complete stranger answering the call to help a family this christmas that could not be a better gift. >> meaning of the season. 5:37. love the update. thank you. a pennsylvania house seat up for grabs in the lehigh valley today. special election is being held to replace late democratic representative dan mcneil, 70 year-old died september 8th in the middle of his third term in office. those running including his widow jean mcneil, dave made loan and samantha dorney. polls open in 90 minutes at 7:00. paying for parking from your phone? guess what, it is coming back. >> after they ended the app earlier this year now they are relaunching meter up. it is set to span over the next four months. you can pay right on your phones. it helps you avoid getting a parking ticket so you don't to have go run out the door and you don't to have waste unused
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minutes you can save them for later. signs will go up in the next couple weeks telling you who to you down load app and what you need to do but we are grateful. oh, drama levar ball, father to alonzo ball, making headlines. what he just did to his son that has some people scratching their head. how about this one, do you want out of this world holiday gift? of all people buzz aldron, we will explain. of all people buzz aldron, we will explain. seeing do you need the most trusted battery this holiday? maybe not. maybe, you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. (screaming) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪
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or, you could just trust duracell. good morning aim kristin rodgers. carson wentz said eagles will be just fine after their loss to salt. bird know they shot themselves in the foot and now time to deal with adversity. >> we need games where we get hit in the mouth and we have to fight and battle and scratch. yesterday's game was one of those games. you just have to understand that there is no substitute for the preparation and hard work you cannot substitute that. >> well, how cool is this set up, eagles will be working out at angels stadium in anaheim this week. always love a good ballpark to football field. maybe we will see eagles zoom are fan mike trout for a practice or two. giants are cleaning house, ben mack do and jerry reese both fired on monday, after new york dropped to two-10 on the season with the loss to oakland. sixers hosting suns last night, guy that went off devin
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booker in the fourth, from way deep, goodness gracious, he had 46, sixers fall 115-101. that is sports in a minute. i'm kristin
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weather and traffic right here on good day. how about that. >> is that all right. all right. 5:44. how are the road? >> 5:45. bob, take it away. >> come on i'll save you, tuesday morning up and adam, pennsy turnpike eastbound plymouth meeting some debris by plymouth meeting mall interchange outside, with a live look at 422, hello collegeville seeing volume pop up, eastbound in and around that saint gabriel's curve. delco we can see 95, this time yesterday, we were socked in with really thick fog but good to go, no problems up toward philly international, across town, vine street expressway seeing volume here folks trying to work their way over in toward 30th street station. hello fishtown festive in fishtown thanks to chris hoy sent us this picture. she has manger scene out front we are ready for christmas in fishtown? are you? snap a picture of your home all decorated and powe to it
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facebook, twitter, instagram and use the #fox 29 lights contest so i can show pictures on tv to all of our friends, and this week we will pick a home and broadcast live from the front lawn, thursday night , during our five and 6:00 o'clock newscast, we have a check of the forecast, sue will do tonight 15. and, thursday, december 21st, end up being the shortest day and longest night, of the year. good news after after that the days start getting longer because it is sure getting dark early. we have the rain, headed toward central park of the
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state, knew showers to the south of us, that aren't a big deal but we could see a shower or two pop up before the morning is through but in the future cast we are socked in with cloud cover today, little if any, sunshine, by 9:00 o'clock a couple stray showers not much going on through lunchtime and then here comes the cold front by 6:00 o'clock north and west of the city, eight or nine it comes through with a brief period of heavy rain from 10 or 11 and then it gets closer to the shore after that. it should be gone by this time tomorrow. then we will get ready for colder temperatures. we have been in the mid 50's, ever since thursday of last week with the average high 48. well above average today with 62 but 48 tomorrow and 45 degrees on thursday, and increasing cloud on friday, and 42 degrees on saturday. maybe a couple indications of a flurry or two overnight saturday into sunday because reenforcing cold air rolls in on sunday, high temperature by
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end of the weekend is only burr, 38 degrees, thomas and karen. >> yeah, something is wrong, down right cold, bound to happen as we inch closer to winter. >> yep. >> house of card so many fans out there it will be back for a sixth season but without star kevin spacey. >> netflix saying that the show will go in production next year with will be inn wright in the league. streaming service will include eight episode and it will bring close another for fans of the show. netflix suspended production in late october after the first allegations of sexual misconduct begins kevin spacey mark zuckerberg taking time off, facebook ceo going on parental leave to be with his children, august and max, zuckerberg says he still has a couple announcements regarding facebook and philanthropy and my official adoption. >> yeah, right, exactly. he will go away for move december but will be back in the new year with new
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announcements to make. >> talking about what is happening with facebook, kid, messenger. we love open a she just sold a huge stake of her own network and her six year-old cable company, own, selling that part for 70 million-dollar, discovery bought that piece, and so it will be controlling 74-pint 5 percent of own, the deal happened yesterday, this was a joint venture initially between oprah and discovery. trending right now, lee angelo ball, ucla basketball player got in trouble shoplifting in china is leaving his team. >> ball's father levar pulled his son out of the school and exploring other options. ball has been suspended from the team since returning from china last month. his father says the plan to get him ready for nba draft. ball's brother is a rookie for l.a. lakers. second time apparently the charm for demolition of the
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silver dome in detroit. >> we showed you video yesterday where they tried, they hit it, it didn't go. they tried again, lets take a look. >> much better. it is better. c minus. >> well. >> it would have helped if we had sound. >> this one was better but it didn't completely come down. you still see some of it standing. they have failed twice, maybe third time will be better. it was so well built, they had difficulty taking it down is what the demolition crusade. silver dome has been idle for years, back in the day lions played from 1975 through 2001, had a super bowl, wrestlemania three, pope was there and now >> mike talk about this yesterday can you imagine having to go back in there and check lines after it didn't go off, and what if, suddenly now , it collapses.
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real quick and then we will get to mike, jerrick on good day, after insuring fashion week catwalk debut astronaut buzz exploring fashion. >> at 87. we are over the moon by this. he has space theme clothes entitled mission to mars, he has all kind, of gloves, backpacks, ball cap and park a they range in price of 20 bucks to 325. >> that wouldn't be every day wear, would it. >> who knows. >> you can get a weekend getaway. >> weekend getaway to the moon he is such a good sport, but a ldron. >> hi. >> hey. >> i pulled a little funny on my instagram. >> lets see. >> overnight i posted details at 5:50 it will be a blast, right. i'm talking about the cold. it is supposed to be really cold. >> last day. >> last day to have fun. i bought a winter coat. >> when was last time you
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bought a winter coat. >> i hate buying them because they are expensive and you wear it a couple months. >> what did you get a puffy coat. >> i went with a more sleek green coat. >> look at you. >> mine has become sleek over the years. >> has it. >> it wases this big puffy coat. >> ten years later, my body expand into the jacket. >> i have a puffy buddy and then just a regular coat. >> anyway, one of the best documentaries i have ever seen about fill. >> i saw the sign. >> it opens up friday. >> um-hmm. >> it is so good, it business life, especially in north philadelphia. >> producer. >> and a young laid that i we covered four years ago who got shot in the eye, lost an eye an update on how she's doing. >> coming up in six minutes here. >> mike. >> i'll just hang here with you. >> we appreciate it.
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>> taking a live look at pocono mountains. >> how did i know. >> it happens every $1.99 hot chocolate at dunkin'? that's like a big yummy hug. so hug it up! hug more. hug large. hug medium? hug that. live it a hug life with $1.99 medium or larger hot chocolate. america runs on dunkin'.
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certainly quite it this
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morning at 5:55. great to have you with us, we will get a check of weather and traffic in a moment. here's a hint, weather-wise it will be a nice day, cold blast is heading our way tomorrow. lets talk about the fly guys picking things backup last night after hitting a dry patch going in to last night's match up flyers had in the won since november 9th almost a full month. they got it done. flyers playing flames in calgary last night second period here philly comes alive shayne we love to call him the ghost, michael raffle and wayne simmonds all score goals within 712th. flyers jump out to four-one lead. they win five-two snapping their losing streak. next game tomorrow night verse the oilers. the box that stole christmas? how lawmakers are trying to stop those to buy the years hottest toys and then sell them at higher price on line, also ahead this morning lions, tigers, and bears, in more why instagram has started warning users about posting selfies
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with wild life, "good day philadelphia" continues in two minutes good morning.
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a young girl with cerebral
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palsy has her walker stolen, someone, swiped it from her front yard as police searched for the thief, our viewers stepping up in a big way, thank you. california burning, again. new wild fires overnight and they are moving fast. how many people are forced out right now. here they go, backup shot off the post, off the goalie and in and they score. >> did you hear that? back to raffle, he scores. >> and no doubt about that one shot in front contact tore use takes it and they score. >> they score again. >> oh, they finally explode flyers score three goals in 71 seconds to get their first win in almost a month. >> scary moments on the field during monday night football, a steelers player carted off after suffering a serious back injury we have an update on ryan spacer's


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