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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  December 4, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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nearly died. then some local heros stepped in and saved his life. >> your news starts in 30 seconds. ♪ >> a little girl with cerebral palsy ripped off. someone stole the little girl's walker. who does that?
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holiday office party toned down. booze, banned. even chaperones. so no one gets out of control. get used to it. blame a few bad eggs for the lack of nothing. >> now, fox 29 news at 10:00. ♪ a local family with a question. why? why would someone steal a ten-year-old's walker something she needs to get around the house? thanks for joining us tonight at ten. i'm iain page. >> someone took that walker right off their front lawn in delaware. her mom would really just like it back, please. our dave kinchen is live in wilmington. unbelievable, dave. >> reporter: it really is. it's just an outrage. you have to ask who would do such a thing? well, police are asking that question. they're looking for the person. meantime, this little girl can't even go to school without that walker. >> right now because of the walker being gone, it's kind of scary because i don't know if i'm going to be able to walk. i'm supposed to be practicing on
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walking. >> reporter: ten-year-old kirsten has balance palsy is left with a wheelchair to get around her wilmington house. now that someone stole this walker she relies on. >> we just got the walker. just got out of the surgery maybe in september, you know, so we just finally getting her back up and moving around. right now she's confined to a wheelchair. >> reporter: brittany murray says her daughter used the walker to get to the car for a medical visit last thursday but they left it on the front lawn as they drove away. >> called my husband. asked him to look out the window and grab the walker but i left it out front. he said it's not there. >> reporter: mother five children says they would have to shell out at leave 1500 bucks half the cost of the walker to replace it with times already hard enough. >> she can't go back to school until she has the walker. that's what they using her right now for her to get around school. she'll have to sit there in the wheelchair. >> reporter: cops are working the case closely. >> right now the investigation is stemming more towards we'd like to get the walker and return it back to the victim.
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that's out main goal right now. >> reporter: whoever stole it, this message is for you. >> you took it. i know you're not going to bring back. so i hope whatever you got for it, you really needed it for because i know we're not going to get it back. >> reporter: was this case of a person looking for scrap metal or someone doing some kind of heartless prank? police don't know if if you have any information you're asked to give them call at they try to sort this out. back to you. >> all right, dave, thanks. developing right now, two temple students who died last week overdosed. the philadelphia health department confirming that 24-year-old michael pay tas and 20-year-old james orlando died from overdosing. officials say they wouldn't release what drug it was. someone found patas unresponsive in the school library last monday. paramedic took him to the who hospital where he was pronounced did he. someone called police to james orlando's apartment saturday morning where he was found dead. >> arrest forward what happened
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overnight. 65-year-old man stabbed to death in his home on the 1200 block of south johnston street in south philadelphia. and tonight 23-year-old savannah farrow in in jail. fox 29's dave schratwieser is live at police headquarters. dave? >> reporter: lucy, she's behind bars here at police headquarters awaiting arraignment on murder charges arrested last than 24 hours after the murder of michael massaro inside his south philadelphia home. tonight, his neighbors are still reeling. >> always said hi and goodbye every day, you know, when i saw him. >> christmas lights lit up 1200 block of johnston street in south philly monday night but some here weren't exactly in the holiday spirit after their neighbor michael massaro was found stabbed to death in his home. >> i just was totally taken. i was taken by all of it. because i never expected anything like this. >> reporter: police were called to his home just after 1:00 a.m. they found the door unlocked and 65-year-old in his second floor bedroom covered in blood.
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>> stabbed in the chest once. >> does it's really amazing this happened. i mean we are pretty devastated. >> reporter: homicide detectives quickly focused on 23 yeared savannah farrow who had been at the house. they began building their case and 16 hours after the homicide, they charged farrow with massa massaro's murder. police are not sure how farrow and the victim met. >> we're not really sure of all the details except she was keeping him company and some kind of dispute ensued. >> reporter: investigators would not elaborate further. neighbors were stunned by the murder here on this normally quite tight knit block. he lived here with his family for years but the last few he lived in this row home alone. he died that way early monday morning. >> sometimes happy, sometimes sad. but he certainly, um, was, you know, an okay neighbor. i can't imagine what happened. and my prayers prayers are with the family rt. >> reporter: the last murder in that neighborhood was a mob hit five years ago this month.
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that was the murder of geno dee pee it tow. as for this case police will only say about the motive, it was not robbery. iain. >> dave, thanks. a danger to the community. that is what the philadelphia judge at the center of the meek mill case is calling the rapper after ordering had time remain in prison. she denied a request to allow bail for the local rapper. he is currently at the state correctional institute institution in chester. mill's lawyer say there's an fbi investigation in his conduct. they are appealing. >> churches are a place of worship and community. tragically they've been bent for people and evil. one church in gloucester township wants to make sure its congregation is ready. fox 29's shawnette wilson is live in blackwood. shawnette. >> reporter: lucy, gloucester township police conducted this training self hundred people came out from churches all around south jersey, and you know the turn out shows just how much of a concern this is to
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people of all faiths. >> it's a shame. that we have to go through this right -- during this time. but this is the reality of the society that we live. >> marcos marte is one of a few hundred people who sat through this active shooter hostile awareness training at bethel church in blackwood. gloucester township police held it to prepare the community in the event of a shooting inside a church. >> the only person that's going to save your life is you. >> reporter: he's and i was cher in audubon and says he wanted to be there because he's in a leadership position at his church. >> we need to take charge. we need to be responsible. >> reporter: police started by going over the church shooting in charleston, south carolina in 2015. and the other two this year at a church in tennessee in september. and in november in texas. they showed videos explaining how to identify an active shooter, how law enforcement responds, and what you can do if you're at a church and a shooting happens. >> we used to often think a church was a safe place. >> minister janice graham atte
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attended on behalf of her church in lindenwold and she's learning to look for signs. >> if you see someone come in with real heavy bag and they're leaning to do side, what could he probably have that you bring to church? weapons. >> she's also rethinking something else discussed tonig tonight. whether churches should lock doors during service. >> we're old school country. we want the doors always open. but today, maybe after this seminar, another we leave here, we could call a meeting and we might have to start locking doors. >> the pastor of the bethel church says he wanted to everything he can to prevent having to do that. >> you have to do as much as you can possibly do and then at least from the christian experience and tradition we're going to have to trust the lord. >> reporter: so again all those topics discussed tonight show just how much times are changing and lucy, my dad actually pastor as church and i can honestly saying growing up we never thought about things
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having to lock the doors during service. >> of course not. have to start thinking about lost things like that unfortunately. hopefully tonight was big help to people had came out. >> which is a tragic statement of where we're at as a nation right now. >> yeah. >> all right, shawnette, thank you so much. hopefully todays meet diagnose indeed help. see this guy? moorestown, delran and mt. laurel police all want him. they're trying to solve four car breaks in at various goddard pre schools and one in instance he grabbed a purse out of unlocked car. today smashed a car window and stole someone's tote bag and they say it all happened when parents were picking up or dropping off their children. a special thank you tonight in bucks county for some heroes who saved a man's life. it happened during a high school football game and tonight he was able to say thank you. our brad sattin joins us live at penn ridge high school in perkasie with details. brad? >> reporter: iain, what happened at school board meetings impact the lives of children but tonight the focus was on a 75-year-old grandfather
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from north jersey. penn ridge school district business was put on hold for few moments monday night for a hug between strangers. well they were strangers 11 days ago. until thanksgiving on the bleachers before the start the penn ridge football game when 75-year-old peter mahon, husband, father of four, grandfather of 12 suddenly collapsed. >> we were going up to the stands and evidently i fell. >> that's all he remembers because his heart stop. brianne was sitting nearby hadn't been to football game here since her cheerleading days almost 20 years ago. but not only was she there and saw pete go down, she is a nurse practitioner. >> i thought maybe he tripped and fell and then when roamed rolled him over he look like he was in distress and we couldn't find a pulse. >> before long a dozen others rushed over to help. school official, athletic trainers, the equipment manager who's also a volunteer fire fight. >> he was probably about 13
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minutes from when the patient had gone down when the patient was almost into the, um, back of the ambulance. >> pete wouldn't be at the school board meeting if his heart had stopped for 13 minutes but there he was thanking the strangers who sprung into action to get his heart going again in those precious first moments before paramedics arrived. >> some people in our country today forgotten what the usa is all about. you're what the usa is all about. believe me. >> this army veteran giving each of them an american flag and a chuckle. >> i thank you from the bottom of now functioning heart. [ laughter ] >> applause for some heroes and proof that cpr training really does save lives. >> i definitely suggest anyone to get certified. it doesn't take long it's a couple hours of a class. you learn basic life support which is very important. >> reporter: peter tells us does he have to go back for a check up to see the doctor tomorrow. but he is not scared away from the school district. e says he has some grandkids who play basketball here, iain,
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so he says he will be back. >> all right. we hope so. thanks, brad. well next, he didn't have home to call his own he was beaten and left to dime police say three teenagers did it. one just 14 years old. then, the president's attorneys have new defense in the russia investigation. it's already
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♪ three teenagers, 114 years old now face murder charges as adults in the beating did he know of a philadelphia homeless man. police say the teens robbed 57-year-old kevin cullen and the attack turned deadly.
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philadelphia police captain jack ryan held a news conference today. >> communitcommune committing rs not the answer for boredom. shouldn't be a right passage. it has tragic consequences and this man died as a result of it and these three young men are going to go to jail for some time. >> police say four teens were there during the attack but only three face charges. brandon conrad, emmanuel harris and malik page and police believe some of these same teens involved in cullen's murder may be connected to another brutal beating. fox 29's bruce gordon has those details. >> i'm up and doing stuff again. >> reporter: 19-year-old jonathan segarra is back on his feet and feeling better. except for the chill running down his spine. >> what was your reaction when you realized what these kids were capable of? >> it made me realize that i could have been in the homeless man's situation, and it just really scared me when i thought about it. >> reporter: segarra tells fox
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29 and we've confirm, philadelphia police investigat investigators believe some of the teens involved in the fatal beating of kevin cullen novembee who attacked segarra five days earlier and four blocks away. segarra was walking to walk near ditman and all dean in the mid afternoon when four teens approached, one of them asked for his cell phone. when he refused -- >> he bear hugged me from behind and then he pick me up and he slammed me on the street. and then they all started to kick me and punch me. >> reporter: a good samaritan interrupted the beating and ran off the attackers. still segarra was hospitlized with scrapes and bruises. police have arrested one teen in the segarra attack, they do not believe he was involved in the cullen killing. but believe the others may be connected. >> your row action when you heard that might be a connection? >> i had a bad gut feeling. my hair stood up everywhere on my body. knowing that i could have lost my son. >> reporter: angel segarra is
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jonathan' dad. >> what went through your mind as father? >> the loss of my son and how hard that would be, how horrible it would be. no parent should ever have to bury their child. >> reporter: cullen case shock the city. a senseless murder over a two bit robbery attempt. jonathan segarra believes he knows what cullen was facing when the teens attacked. >> they wanted your stuff and they were willing to beat you to get it? >> all for cell phone. >> reporter: segarra says he has not been back to work since the beating. in fact he rarely leaves the house. when he does begin to get out and about again, he says he'll likely do so with pepper spray in hand. at police headquarters, i'm bruce gordon, fox 29 news. happening now in washington, d.c. the supreme court announcing they are allowing full enforcement of president trump's travel ban that affects residents of six countries. the countries are mostly muslim including chad, iran, libya, so mole ya, cira ya and yemen. justices say the the policy can take full effect even as legal
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challenges against it make their way through the courts. the circuit court of appeals in san francisco and richmond, virginia will hold argument on the legality of that ban this week. time is running out on capitol hill on friday the federal government runs out of money. lawmakers are looking for a way to uncle sam a float at least until december 22nd. the white house is urging republicans and democrats to pass a clean bill which basi basically means a bill without any legislation attached to it yet gop leaders are promising to attach legislation stabilizing health insurance marks and democrats are hint tag possible shut down to force legislative fix to the daca immigration program. last time the federal government shut down was in objection of 2013 for 16 days. can the president of the united states obstruct justice? one of president trump's lawyers doesn't think so. with the trump administration under scrutiny from that fbi investigation into his relationship with are you shark the president's lawyer says his
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boss cannot be guilty of obstruction of justice. some believe president trump is guilty of that crime for firing former head of fbi james comey after telling him to stop his investigation into mike flynn. john do you do says today that the president cannot obstruct justice because as the president he is the chief law enforcement officer under the constitution's article two. a bet had new jersey governor chris christie sitting in the front row at the supreme court sports bet. the governor and new jersey lawmakers are in washington, d.c. hoping to sway the justices to see things their way and legalize sports betting in the garden state. fox 29's jeff cole has the sto story. >> reporter: the lure of atlantic city has always been the ocean. its famed boardwalk and, of course, gambling. faced with stiff gaming competition, the city's luster has dulled a bit. it's why sports gambling is seen here as a lifesaver. >> people do it at home. they do it at work.
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why not do it in casinos? >> for me it's more interesting than gambling in casino. >> reporter: you'd rather bet on athletics. >> it's more interesting. >> reporter: and lying toll help fit state and local budgets why new jersey chris christie joined steve sweeney at the supreme court monday in washington, dc, to hear the arguments. >> we're prepared in new jersey. we're ready to go. and that's why the horsemen have joined us in this case, because they're ready to go as well. so we could have it ready to go within two weeks of any decision by this court that would enable us to do it legally. >> reporter: new jersey has long and uneasy history with sports gambling. former senator and basketball star bill bradley pushed the bill that banned it back in 1992. new jersey has since tried to legalize it prompting a lawsuit brought by sports leagues resulting in today's court arguments. atlantic city's mayor who lost re-election simply loves the idea.
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>> super bowl game everybody flys into ac to hang out. have some fun and get bet a little bit. >> absolutely. you think of ac in the warm weather and the ocean and the boardwalk, now you'll think about it every time there's major sport even. >> reporter: under ground parts game sag 150 billion-dollar yearly business say experts. new jersey wants in. but it will have to convince the black robe justices of the supreme court of something folks in ac already want. >> when they bring are dripping they like to gamble. they like to bet on sports. if you going to do blackjack why not do the sports betting. you might as well go all out don it all. >> reporter: you heard governor christie. two weeks after possible court approval new jersey is in the game but christie will liking and far from office at that point. in hamilton township, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. still ahead, your office holiday party banning the booze. companies trying to avoid anything inappropriate in a
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world filled with sexual assault allegations. ♪ also, facebook out to get your children? a new chat feature fratches ages six to tweens. worried about strangers? relax. facebook says your kids are fine. do you trust it?
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second chance what so many people need after making mistakes that land them in jail, and after getting out, they just want to work and earn a living.
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as bill anderson reports, businesses are now hiring ex offenders for goodness sake. >> housekeeping is cleaning up behind mess. so why complain. i'm getting paid for i it's a job. >> reporter: to see 61-year-old john bar happy while he does his new job cleaning up around city hall his past would never occur to you. >> my attitude wasn't correct. how i couldn't deal with people. how i would get angry. how i would use my boxing skills. >> reporter: he doesn't make excuses for the fight that turned ugly and zen him to jail for seven years. but now at an age where most are planning their retirement, he's just trying to rebuild his life. >> little cold out today. you're doing hard work. and still you smile. >> yes. because i'm alive. i'm free. i have a paycheck. >> reporter: john is one of the people the city wants us to consider as they push for ex offender opportunities. convincing people they deserve another chance always but especially now during the holiday season. >> i don't have to act out because someone disrespect me.
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>> love and forgive them and pray for them. >> reporter: roughly 50,000 people return to philadelphia every year from prison. so whether or not you like it, it is impacting your neighborhood and especially during the holidays we need more employers like john's team clean to help address it. >> when donna alley enter the the work force she struggled. it wasn't a legal struggle but with no work, she started cleaning houses. now the owner of a successful cleaning company she never forgot her own challenges. >> long ago, someone gave me a chance. gave me an opportunity to succeed and i believe in paying it forward. >> reporter: approaching 1,000 employees and with contracts throughout the city, donna's team clean is committed to giving ex offenders that chance they need. >> when they come in that lobby, their head is down. they find out they have a job, when they leave out of this office and i can see them walk
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the pathway down there, they walking different. >> judges they always -- jo. >> and john and team clean are not alone but they are example of the difference the city hopes we can make in each of our communities if now during the holidays we consider giving a second chance for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. facebook is out to get your children. it has new chat feature for ages six to tweens. worry about strangers, relax. facebook says your kids are fine. the question is, do you trust it? and brace yourself party animals much the office holiday party, tone it down this year. like way down. ♪
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[ gasps, laughs ] you ever feel like... cliché foil characters scheming against a top insurer for no reason? nah. so, why don't we like flo? she has the name your price tool, and we want it. but why? why don't we actually do any work? why do you only own one suit? it's just the way it is, underdeveloped office character. you're right. thanks, bill. no, you're bill. i'm tom. you know what? no one cares. mii'm alive and have a second chance. james: i'm thankful for the help and the opportunity that i received. darlene: i'm thankful to be able to help people in crisis. vanessa: i'm thankful that addiction is treatable, and that help is available. christie: new jersey is experiencing a heroin epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. but if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, i want you to know:
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we are here for you. this holiday season, choose help. call 844 reach nj or visit ♪ as more and more people are being accused of sexual misconduct in the workplace, many companies are ill let me 98ing alcohol from their holiday office parties to try to avoid
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any possible inappropriate behavior among employees. but is this really the solution or is it a scapegoat instead of holding people accountable for their actions? fox 29's joyce evans did some digging on this and joins us in studio with what she found. joyce. >> iain, there are lots of opinions about this. the number of company parties serving alcohol is down about 20% this year. that's according to survey that keeps track of all of that. other companies are highering party monitors issuing drink tickets and using other means to control how much you dripping on their watch. so get your holiday spirits some place else. >> if that's the case many company parties may become a pit-stop because of major change what's in the glass. apple cidar instead of champag champagne. >> i don't think it's necessarily a good idea or bad idea. it's more or less people need to learn how to control. >> people mess up and they're
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inhibitions are depleted and all of a sudden the wrong things come out. >> reporter: chicago consulting company found fewer than half of the accordings surveyed will be serving any alcohol at their holiday celebrations. they say the economy has something to do with it but many suspect this year's higher number may have plenty to do with all the high profile workplace sex scandals says dr. monique howard of women organized against rape. >> we have to really be aware of what the policies are at our organizations or companies and follow the policies and then alcohol may not be that much of a problem. >> it helps both sides of the table. so it keeps people from getting themselves into a situation that they don't want to, and then the company doesn't have to be response al for the situation that might arise. >> the question is, you know, is this just the one piece or does this help bring us down the path? >> reporter: down the path of real change in long engrained social behavior says employment attorney heather harrington. she's also a member of the society for human resource
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management. she says, people are correct to question if the corporate changes we're seeing now produce more than a knee jerk reaction. >> that would be my concern personally and professionals. not just the policies, not just the lip service and not just the videos what are you really doing in your company to make a real change? report roar heather harrington says there are companies that have been making significant changes and those tendon to have more diverse management teams an culture that is more open and inclusive. lucy? thank you, joyce president trump thrown his support against alabama senate candidate roy moore and tonight knew developments. the republican national committee is now once again supporting moore. it had pulled out a mid allegations he pursued relationships with underaged girls decades ago. now this news comes as another woman came forward with a scrapbook she kept of her relationship with him when she
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was 17 and he was 34 she says. meanwhile democratic representative john conyers who also faces sexual harassment allegations says he will make an announcement about his political future tomorrow morning. pennsylvania senator pat toomey says new tax bill that just passed in the senate is quote tremendous. toomey is a member of the senate finance committee. he helped craft that bill the republican spoke outside his old city philadelphia office this morning saying the bill will benefit virtually all lower and middle income families. he touted a component that would double the standard deduction for the first $24,000 of earned income while lowering the corporate tax rate. >> i think we take what is today maybe the worst business tax code in the world and we turn it into one of the best. so what's the net effect of all of this? on the individual side, individuals and families are going to oh less tax money to the federal government.
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>> the senate and house will now have to come together on their different bills and sent one to president trump and's desk. of course, this all has plenty of critics activists took to the streets of downtown pittsburgh in protest the senate's one and a half trillion dollars bill. two women chained themselves to the doors of a building that houses the office of u.s. senator pat toomey. protesters are upset about a number of things including it opening alaska arctic national wildlife refuge. this has been a decade's long debate a vast wilderness and it would be open to oil drilling gets rid of the obamacare individual mandate making it volunteer. >> short list of candidates for times 2017 person of the year was announced today. some of the candidates include amazon ceo jeff, wouldn't woman director patti jenkins the leader of north korea kim jong-un. former 49ers colin kaepernick, robert mueller and president donald trump. not a person must a movement.
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me too movement to combat sexual harass. police are looking for the person who ran over a man killing him in croydon pennsylvania earlier bristol township police say a 46-year-old man was hit by a car on the 2900 block of state road just after 7:00 this morning. medics rushed him to hospital where he later died. initial calls say the car went into the woods after hitting the guy. officers searched the woods but never found the driver. vest gathers believe the car was a 2002 white ford focus and they do not believe the owner was behind the wheel. so this is the pontiac silver dome the same dome in vexed demolition crews and remained standing. well today they got a second crack at it. so how did it go? take two. let's take look. all right. all right. so there it goes. not a total collapse but definitely definitely better than the first go around. the demo crews says the dome was quote built a little too well. silver dome sat idle for years. detroit lions played from 1975
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to 2001 and hosted super bowl, wrestle mania three and pope poe john paul prayed with the crowd of almost 100,000 people. facebook is nounsed rolling out new messaging app for chirp as young as six. it's called messenger kids. the company says it's in response to growing safety concerns from parents. it's designed for children under 13. kids under 13 are not supposed to be on facebook or messenger. the company's rules but many already are. messenger kids by the way design as legal way for kids to participate but many wondering whether such children to be messagmessaging as all on soci media. what was up with your iphone this weekend? did you notice it rebooting and rebooting? it wasn't supposed to that but there's a reason it did. and then, holiday cry of opportunity. check this out. nice outdoor decorations, a tr tree, reindeer, slow men, and an intruder who took out frosty. yo, come on what did frosty intruder who took out frosty. yo, come on what did frosty every do to this
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no matter how you holiday, intruder who took out frosty. yo, come on what did frosty everwhere you holiday, or who you holiday with... stay bright with dunkin's holiday coffee flavors like brown sugar cinnamon, and peppermint mocha. grab your favorite and make your holidays happen. the holidays run on dunkin'. it's just my eczema again,t. but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more.
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♪ 7 powerball tickets, my good 6 match 6 chances, ♪ ♪ ♪ 5 cash 5s! 4 cash4lifes, ♪ ♪ 3 pick 3s, 2 mega millions. ♪ happy holidays, rita! thanks, joe! what a great gift! pennsylvania lottery tickets make great gifts. like the new merry millions. happy holidays! ♪ and best wishes from the lottery. ♪
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$1that's like a big yummy hug.? so hug it up! hug more. hug large. hug medium? hug that. live it a hug life with $1.99 medium or larger hot chocolate. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ mr. grinch, you really are a heel ♪ >> some people don't get into the holiday spirit of kind of a shame because it's such a happy time of year then you get people had ruin it for the rest us.
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a role live grinch caught on camera in houston. or is it? houston police using every pounds favorite holiday scrooge as a warning against holiday thieves. the funny surveillance video shows someone dressed as the grinch breaking into cars in the houston area this weekend. the video all part of new push bite police department to warn the public of the rise of robberies during the holidays. there's someone on the streets of florida who should expect some cole in their stocking and the security video you see someone get out of a vehicle, run toward a giant inflatable snowman and appears to stab it with 95. owner posts the video on facebook hoping someone can identify this scrooge. you think your iphone has been acting up lately. turn out you are not alone. i phones running ieos11 across the world rebooted themselves repeatedly saturday morning. it happened because software glitch triggered at 12:15am local time. apple released a rare weekend software update that fixes that rebooting problem.
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the company typically releases those updates on tuesdays. also, included in this update apple pay cash which let's you transfer money to a person via text message. so what would it be like to make pizza in say zero gravity? astronauts on the international space station needed to work together to build pizzas in this video released boy nasa their quick, aren't they? it shows the crew working together to add sauce and toppings of the pizza crust before wrapping them in foil and baking them and then how cool is this. floating pizzas. i wouldn't if the crust is lighter in space? do you suppose maybe. >> nasa says this is all part of a movie night of course. why not? >> a brewery in ohio makes special batch of beer called algae bloom. the brew made to raise awareness about the importance of clean, safe water and the beer making process. dozens of ohio brewers reece tap into lake erie for their water they don't need operation shut down because of another pesky al scream bloom. it's a sour new england ipa
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color with green powder and aged with kiwi. >> is it supposed to taste good. >> the grinch might like it because it's green and all. >> speaking of colors and things you got lot of color going on. >> see that yellow arrow that's the direct the rain is coming and look behind that
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police k9 got new gear to help protect him in the line of duty. that is k9 moose witness evesham township police department. he's now got ballistic body armor. armor is stab proof and obviously provide added layer of protection for who's when he takes down the bad guys. the non-profit organization capital k9 association donated that new gear. it's been a staple of delicious food in delaware county for 50 years but landis cafe in wayne is closing its doors. as fox 29 photojournalist bill rower err tells us the memories made inside those doors means that place will never be forgotten. >> when traveling on route 30 in wayne it's hard not to notice the bright red sign on landis of a cay cafe's overhang notifying everyone in the neighborhood the family is finally retiring. >> i love to do it all over
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again but i see the clock is on the wall and i'd like torque you know, relax for couple years. >> reporter: for 50 years jim landis and his brother greg and his sister recent knee have been serving up the best food in wayne. >> bring hoagies to the mainline. at the time they didn't want hoagies in known 68 they wanted to bring their hoagies to king of prussia they never made it fell love in love with wayne's small town field and the rest is history. >> i remember when the line used to be out the door. nothing else out here. >> where can you go where the area that you pick just kept g getting better instead of going downhill? i mean, and that's what happened here. >> reporter: after so many years their customers have turned into family. >> we can see more of him. on a non work basis. >> reporter: jim's retirement all figure out. >> coffee at dunkin' donuts for four years. >> really. >> heaheading for palm beach.
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>> greg will be heading to sunny florida. >> it's going to be a loss to meme i've been retired ten or 12 years and since that time coming here in the noontime is one of highlights of my day. >> reporter: business that kept family and friends together for 50 yours may be closing, memories created here will keep it open forever. >> you can get nicer people than these people. >> reporter: in wayne, bill rohrer fox 29 news. >> love places like that. this is cape may county right now live look at ocean city. and it actually looks kind of cold. it could be an arctic blast already but it's not but it's heading this way. really soon. we're talking frigid in 15 seconds. what a night a mild afternoon with high temperatures
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in the 50s with southerly winds ahead of this rain. the rain moves in tomorrow. we still have a decent day before this cold front moves through and that changes everything. it's a big game changer as we head into the winter season not that far away. 39 in the poconos. with that southeasterly within still 45 in philadelphia. 38 in millville but 51 in wildwood. the ocean water temperature is down to only 49. see some spotty showers possibly in the morning. with a warm front and then the cold front will be approaching by late tomorrow afternoon with rain and behind it, some much cooler air. that will slowly be filtering in by wednesday. we'll look at the amount of rain it's not a lot. about .30 of an. to an inch us a head toward the poconos but it will be pesky and most of us will be falling late tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow ang. after that, temperatures are going ting from mild tomorrow to cold for the end of the week and into the weekend. cold enough late friday into saturday to see some snow.
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so first we have the rain moving through late tomorrow into tomorrow night. that passes through wednesday morning we dry the out. but it's late friday into saturday that we see a chance of some snow showers. now, we have to have the cold air still in place with that moisture. so some of us may see it some of us may not it's still a chance in that seven day forecast. so overnight, 30s to the north and west. 40s in philadelphia. millville, wildwood, ac wrightstown, trenton, dover, the overnight low 43. during the today tomorrow a pleasant day. we'll see some showers in the morning. but more likely late in the day the high 61 degrees with a southerly wind. on your seven day forecast from the weather authority, wednesday 48. thursday 44. a latener lee friday. a snow chance saturday morning with morning lows only around 30. sunday 39. and next monday mostly sunny, 42. a far cry from temperatures in the 50s where we sit now. look at that seven day, gang. tomorrow is the last mild day
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for awhile. it is december after all. we'll send it over to you. >> hey, kristen. >> kathy, it is december. we should expect that kind of weather at this point. eagles getting wake up call after their loss to seattle last night. coming up what the birds say caused their down fall how they plan to correct those problems and bounce back this week in la. that's next. ♪ now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. good evening, everybody. get ready for shut down of that schuylkill expressway will be closed all this week eastbound lanes, 30 toth south till about 5:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. construction coumarin way to wilmington tomorrow as well route 141 will be tight as you work your way in through and out of wilmington and for the gang in chester county downingtown watch for construction along the 30 bypass. come on danielle was busy putting her christmas lights on the weekend. come on snap a picture of your
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christmas lights. post them up to facebook, twitter, instagram and use the hash tag fox 29 lights contest so we can visit your house on thursday night. i'll see you right here tomorrow morning for running a small business is demanding. and that's why small business owners need more. like internet that's up to the challenge. the gig-speed network from comcast business gives you more. with speeds up to 20 times faster than the average. that means powering more devices,
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a little girl with cerebral palsy ripped off. >> i'm supposed to be practicing on walking.
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>> someone stole the little girl's walker. who does that? >> fox 29 news at 11:00 is next. ♪ your nissan sports wrap on fox 29. it seemed like the sky was falling down today after the eagles pick up just their second loss of the season. the eagles are here to reassure you all they're fine. because to para phrase big sean. last night they took an l but sunday against the rams they'll bounce back. last week after playing chicago the eagles couldn't afford too many penalties or turnovers. seven penalties and two turnovers they lost to seattle. doug pederson says this adversity is good thing right now. >> we need games where we get hit in the mouth and we, you know, we have to fight and battle and scratch and, um, yesterday's game was one of those games and you just have to
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understand that the preparation there's no substitute for the preparation, the hard work. you can't substitute that. >> we'll be fine. the guys in this locker room we're all mature. we all kind of, um, we'll all respond just fine. we're all frustrated about this one but, um, we're not too worried i think we'll be just fine. >> how cool is this? setup eagles will be working out angel stadium in anaheim this week. always love a good ballpark to football field transformation. maybe eagles superma super fan e trout will stop by for a practice or two. >> the giants are cleaning hou house. mack a do and reece were fired today. new york dropped to two-ten on the season with lost in oakland yesterday. steve spagnolia defensive coordinator and former eagles assistant coach will take over assiento rim head coach now. ben simmons apparently getting over the flu tonight so that begs the question are we going to see a michael jordan flew game out of him like in the '97 finals when mj dropped 38 points. sixers hosting the suns phoenix
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up in the third quarter. joel embiid with were big-time block. he had four of them on the night. coming off that plantain tannate down low. finished with slam. he had 22 on the night. the guy who went off that would be devon booker in the fourth just dirty from way deep. goodness gracious. he had 46 points sixers fall 115101. the flyers still looking to break their losing skid in calgary to. first period flames up one to nothing. flyers looking to respond. and they're going score right here. it looks like it's michael at first but it actually goes to fill. flyers tight up. flyers with two-one lead. raffle schools two goals in 25 seconds for philly flyers currently lead four-two in the second intermission. our desk is glass but knock on glass, knock on wood, flyers have blown some leads in the third quarter going into overtime. but that stretch in the second
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period looked really really good and third period is just now getting underway. >> all right. >> yeah. >> let's hope for a win. >> can we talk about how much we like your glasses, too. >> i do. >> thanks guys. >> fabulous. you can watch these glasses even more because kristen and kathy are i -- >> we're coming back. >> at college. >> we're coming back. >> at college. st ( ♪ ) as a person who loves the finer things, this holiday season, i've asked for a luxurious new buick suv. ( ♪ ) fingers crossed. ( ♪ ) ring in the holidays with buick. get up to 20% below msrp on most 2017 luxury suv models. that's almost $7,400 on this buick enclave leather. experience the new buick
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live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11. a delaware family has a really simple question. why? why would someone steal a ten-year-old's walker. something she needs to move around her home. thank you for joining us at 11:00 i'm lucy noland. someone stole that walker right off their front lawn and the girl's mother just wants it back. dave kinchen is live in wilmington. dave? >> reporter: lucy, this is something that just truly makes you heart sick. the question who does something like this? i can tell you one thing. this little girl you're about to meet and her family they are so strong tonight. >> i'm very disappointed because i don't believe that they would take a child's walker. >> reporter: that's exactly what happened to kirsten a ten-year-old girl with cerebral palsy who now only


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