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tv   FOX 29 News at 11  FOX  November 22, 2017 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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♪ live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29 news at 11:00. counseling down to thanksgiving already here we are. we've got you covered from weather and traffic to holiday shopping. thank you for joining us i'm lucy noland a lot on the menu tonight we begin with a man robbed at gun .10000 dollars in cash stolen. our dave stratt wise sr. joins us live from philadelphia police headquarters with the story you'll see only on fox. dave? report roar lucy, detectives running down leads tonight as they try to track down the gunman, the get away vehicle, and $10,000 in cash that was stolen during a daring lunch time robbery outside a south philadelphia check cashing facility. tonight the robbery victim tells us he's lucky to be alive. >> i just heard the gunshot and look i see somebody running down the block. >> reporter: that's how a witness described the scene outside a south philadelphia check cashing store just after
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1:00 wednesday afternoon. police say a gunman wearing a bullet proof vest an badge approached a customer leaving the store pointed a gun at him, robbed him and then ran off. >> i thought the gun was fake i chase after him to make sure i try to get back my money. >> reporter: the victim who asked not to be identified went running after the gun toting suspect down fair hill street around mid block he screamed at the gunman. >> i tell him make sure you have to shoot me or else i keep chasing you. he shot me for real. when the gun was real i back out. >> i heard one gunshot boom. >> reporter: the victim hit the ground as the gunman took off he dropped a scanner or walkie talkie as he jumped into an older model toyota four runner suv and sped off with an accomplice. >> outlie it was planned out. >> it was set up, yes. >> reporter: you all right. >> yes, i'm good. >> broad daylight. broad daylight. >> robbery victim is local businessman who came here to cash a $10,000 check to pay his employees before thanksgiving. he says he had something special
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to be thankful for this thanksgiving. >> i thank i still have my life and money is money. we still -- there's an opportunity to make more money. >> reporter: now the victim was able to get a partial tag number on the get away vehicle. police say tonight they do have some excellent surveillance video of the robbery in progress. the victim was not injured. lucy. >> that's the good news there. all right, thank you much, dave. 86-year-old woman faces one long list of charges after police say she held up a bank at gun point. fox 291st told you about this last night. police say emily coakley using her walker went into the td bank in university city yesterday. they say she just starter waving around begun. and demanding $400 cash claiming the bank had shorted her the day before. officers arrested her. she now faces all kinds of charges including aggravated assault, robbery and terroristic threats. new this evening, investigators have now found the
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bodies of the remaining two victims in the fire at the barclay friends senior center in west chester. they recovered the remains of two other victims yesterday. authorities say their focus is now figuring out what started the tragic fire. we are of course smash dab in the middle of the one of the busiest travel times of the ye year. travelers are heading home to spend thanksgiving with family and friends tonight many are still trying just to get there. kathy orr is live in old city. oh we got you outside again, kathy. >> oh yeah. >> sorry about that. but i know it's a brisk start to the holiday around here. >> you know we had really gusty winds, lucy. they subsided so much but it doesn't take much wind when you have cold temperatures to feel an additional chill. i missed out on the gloves tonight. wasn't a good choice. if you're heading out tomorrow morning for any reason the parade or a turkey trot, a turkey bowl make sure you pack the gloves because it will be cold come the morning. take look what we're expecting here. right now we have clear skies across the delaware valley. that's going to continue overnight.
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temperatures in the 30s falling into the 20s through most of our suburbs. waking up to 28 in pottstown. 28 in allentown. 29 in trenton around 30 in philadelphia. by the noon hour, we'll bump up into the 30s north and west. 40 philadelphia south and east. if you're traveling tomorrow the good news is, it's lots of sunshine from new england into the mid atlantic and the midwe midwest. cold temperatures, though. so what about the rest of the holiday weekend for shoppers and for the eagles? we'll take look at that coming up with the seven day forecast when i join you inside lucy. >> come on in. it's nice and warm in here, kathy. major change retailers this year as the holiday shopping season begins after years of opening on thanksgiving day and night, many stores are now headed in the opposite direction. so basically the tides are changing. our bruce gordon has the detai details. >> reporter: early christmas shopping? home improvement projects to be started? at the lose on columbus boulevard like lose stores all over the count country, best to do your shopping on wednesday or wait
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till friday. >> we have always been closed on thanksgiving. >> you like that. >> we do. we certainly western do all the staff loves it as well. >> reporter: burlington coat factory of 75 major national retailer that close their door on turkey day. >> store manager was putting up the holiday cal length while we were there. after big retailers bragging about their start to black friday we're opening on thanksgiving. the pendulum is tart to go swing the other way and customers we talk to like a holiday without the mad rush of retail. >> people need to stay witness family it's important day i think they need to close. >> do little shopping before ahead of time or after black friday. why not? let that be a special day. >> everybody, you know, should be able to have a day at home. even the news media. >> reporter: even us? >> absolutely. >> reporter: survey from best black shows just 16% of shoppers want to be able to do their in person buying on thanksgiving day.
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while 58% oppose stores staying open most small businesses long aggot the hint. >> mike mckeon nan pharmacist and co owner at centennial pharmacy at third and schneider. back when he was working his way up the rank at the major pharmacy chains he and his co-workers spent all the major holidays on the job. >> what did you think about that. >> did not like it. did not like it. of course it was part of the job so did you it. um, but -- >> reporter: now you're in charge and you get to say we're closed. >> exactly. >> reporter: make the employees happy. >> yes. >> reporter: go to we have a comprehensive list of all of the major stores that will be closed on thanksgiving day. of course if you must shop till you drop, remember, online row tale never sleeps. in south philadelphia, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. >> isn't that the truth. my goodness. have you seen that right there? it's a ring, it's missing. delaware county man says he lost it in the bathroom at the flyers game last night. shawnette wilson smoke with that
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family desperate they want it back it has been in their family for almost a century. >> when you have a ring like that just kind of gives you reminder about how strong a family is. >> reporter: paul gets emotional talking about this hair room ring passed down for generation in his family. he remembers his grandfather having it. >> when he passed he passed it on to my father. my father passed last year and i got the honor of wearing it. >> reporter: he can tell you every detail on it. >> gold ring, it has initials nv nicholas my grandfather's name it has a diamond and it has a tiger wrapped around the front of it. >> reporter: paul wore it every day until tuesday night. he went to the flyers game with his daughter sophia, son robbie and nephew jason and somehow the ring slipped off in the bathroom after an attendant gave him paper towels to dry his hands. >> through the towel away. tipped him. walk out of the bathroom and realized my ring was gone. it came off. as a matter of fact earlier that night i was driving parked in
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one of the parking spots and it fell off in night war car. >> they went back to the bathroom ten dan. >> he toll us found a ring, kicked it, pick it up and asked what should i do with it. attendant told the person that pick it up to take it to guest services. >> it wasn't there. the reminder of his father robert joseph scene in this photo wearing the ring before he died at 90 years old in october of last year was now gone. >> emptiness, um, feel like i let my family down because family heirloom should be passed down to my son and forwarded. >> reporter: family's only home at this time of thanksgiving is that someone returns it. >> i have a lot of memories of my father, close to him to have that ring on my finger. >> reporter: if you have the ring, call fox 29 or you can contact me on social media i'm shawnette wilson fox 29 on facebook and instagram s wilson fox 29 on twitter. lucy? >> i sure hope they find that ring soon. all right, thank you shawnette.
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two month joint investigation tonight mercer county man facing charges. they found $7,500 of cocaine and ramon brook's apartment along with $800 cash. prosecutors have charged the 50-year-old with possession of a dangerous substance intent to distribute and other related charges. so a counselor at philadelphia's high school for creative and popping art social security in trouble with the law tonight. police say he's tied to sexual assault and endangering childr children. philadelphia police arrested 50-year-old brian cyber last night. they say cyber had sexual end counts with student at the school. the philadelphia school district says students safety is its top priority. and it immediately removed cyber from the school. parents say they cannot believe what he's accused of doing. >> i asked about my daughter about it. sean really a aware of anything which i was glad it hadn't affect her. >> any time you have anybody in
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authority like that a lot of times they get carried away. think they can do just about anything. >> cyber faces four counts including sex assault endangering the welfare of children and criminal use of a communication facility. more and more airports are trying to brighten your travels with some furry friends. look at those little guys. cuddly puppies. making their rounds to help relief travel stress and people are eating it up. they love it. so you want to be happy, confident, well, that might depend on what drink is in your hand. take look at this beautiful site. the philadelphia museum of art get beginning the holidays with its annual tree lighting the ceremony in the museum's east terrace had people cheering as the tree's lights turned on. 54-foot tall beauty is from the allegheny mountains. ♪
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♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪
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♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) going on now, our subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars to those in need.
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♪ some travelers at harrisburg international airport are kicking off their holiday travel with some extra dog fur on their clothes and i'm guessing they don't mine it at all they probably love it. 18 week old puppies with the susquehanna service dogs are stationed throughout the airport to help with stress relief. officials say the affection doesn't just benefit human travelers.
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socialization prepares the puppies to become service dogs. >> we are here to bring holiday cheer and relief thanksgiving day traveling stress and also socialize the puppies so that they can get interaction with people and also get used to big public places. >> they're just so squish al and cute. after 18 months the puppies will attend advanced training to learn how to help people living with dissables. just looking at puppies relieves stress. quite the pajama party at loom miss elementary school in marple township, delaware county. check this out. teachers and students gathered together to donate pj' today's. this program has been going on for ten years you can see loom miss elementary is all in. the jammy collected are going to the pajama programs which works to give children in group homes and shelters something cozy and warm to wear for a good night sleep and collect books for those children. so good work today loom miss elementary. thanksgiving of course
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officially, what, about 45 minutes something like that, guys, right? but some of have already began diving into the fixings scenes your at the norris square commune is the center in north philadelphia celebrated with life mew zig and dancing and holiday meal. 135 seniors celebrated with hill bit of a twist. the themes latino inspired because a lot of these seniors are part of the hispanic community. in your health tonight, before you mix upper per minute snaps into your cocoa turns out certain booze affects your mood differently. nearly 30,000 people found that half of those who drink red win feel sexier after a glass. [ laughter ] >> two out of the five beer drinkers felt more confident maybe a little bloated though. i made up the last part. apparently hard liquor is behind the wildest mood swings. fyi just as the holiday unfold as hot of folks hitting the rotor tonight for the holiday what a different picture on the ben franklin parkway with
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another round of closures slated soon in preparation for the big thanksgiving parade. earlier more cars were getting through of course and it look like your holiday could get off to chilly start. i'm just going back to the booze. >> i was hoping you would. >> are you a wine -- you you are champagne person. >> i am. >> does that counsel as wine you feel sexier afterwards. >> i don't know. little mimosa action. >> i was feeling pomegranates for recipe and then one of my facebook friends why don't you put that in your champagne. >> like a muddled champagne. >> you get your fruit, champagne all is good our producer is saying kathy get to the point. the point is it will be cold tomorrow morning. take a look. parkway looking good it pre tee quite right now outside across the region. 38 degrees and falling. the high today was 57. you may think, okay, when was that? it was about 1:00 o'clock this morning. almost 24 hours ago. cold front came through. temperatures nearly 20 degrees colder right now winds are out of the northwest at 8 miles an hour. temperatures ranging from 25 in
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the poconos right now going down to around 20 tonight to 40 degrees in wildwood. it's 38 in philadelphia. overnight it's going to get pretty cold. clear skies, lighter winds but it's not going to take much of a wind tomorrow to create a wind chill because temperatures are going to be mainly in the 20s. so we'll go hour by hour. you have clear skies tonight. sunny skies tomorrow. and by late in the afternoon a few clouds rolling through into the evening but nevertheless a pretty decent day with temperatures in the 40s. overnight to 30 in philadelphia. 25 in pottstown. 29 in millville. 32 in wildwood. so freezing or below freezing everywhere. and then tomorrow the high temperature 46. sunny skies, cooler northwest winds five to 10 miles an hour. plenty of blue skies for thanksgiving. and from the east to the west the whole nation pretty quiet 70 in denver really strange for this time of year. warmer there than dallas. st. louis 55. raleigh 52. chicago looking good with sunshine. friday looks good. saturday looks good. for the birds a morning flurry
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or shower, cold temperatures and then pretty breezy with temperatures in the 40s. monday, tuesday and wednesday look at that. warming up. by the mid period of next week talking about temperatures chasing 60 degrees. you can't beat it in late november. that's a look at your seven day forecast. have a happy thanksgiving. >> ♪ the list of powerful men recent al cued of sexual harasment and abuse is growing by the day. the past few weeks have been a whirlwind veteran tv personality charlie rose, minnesota senator al franken again. former president george hw bush, alabama republica rep summit cay moore, new york times reporter glenn thrush and bill clinton we have even seen it in parts of our company. call it the weinstein ripple he can it has extended far beyond hollywood the fallout has led to companies severing ties with
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those accused and in some cases criminal investigations have begun. this was the biggest shift sexual harassment in the us since the anita hill clarence thomas case back in the early 90's clearly we're in the middle of a cultural shift. it's been a long time coming. men are being forced to deal with their behavior that until now society in workplaces tolerated. last year we didn't just tolerate this behavior, we elected a president who bragged about it. >> when you're a star they let do you it. you can do anything. grab them by the bleep. >> not any more. less than two hours after the washington post story broke about charlie rose cbs and pbs suspended the popular journali journalist. the next day he was fired. this avalanche has been years in the making a domino effect more victims speak out others are encouraged to tell their stori stories. courage is contagious. there's also a greater awareness of what's inappropriate behavi behavior. this ripple effect is an important most he moment in our history. something has finally changed.
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as we continue to watch the firings resignations and public shame, there will be more, we see the tied finally turning and the message is clear. sexual harass as many intimidation and abuse kept in the dark by fear and intimidation for decades is not okay. not in hollywood, the media, politics or corporate america, it's not okay anywhere any more. it's about time. >> thanksgiving eve kristen rodgers. >> yes, lucy i hope your pies are made your turkey is brined because thanksgiving is tomorrow. and when we all sit down with our family and friends there's one dish that we should all be thankful for. i'll tell was that is next. ♪ getting a cancer diagnosis is difficult.
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getting an appointment to discuss your treatment options shouldn't be. meet with a ctca cancer specialist in philadelphia, in as little as 24 hours. learn more at
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really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. ♪ thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. you've got family, football and food. when it comes to the food, there's one dish that reigns supreme. that my friends is the dressing.
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some of you may call it stuffing but whatever you call it, it is the best thing on your thanksgiving table. here's why. first of all it's pretty hard to mess up you can dry out a turko over reduce the gravy, get gummy mashed potatoes make a good dressing you don't have to be an iron chef you can control your ingredients. secondly, you can personalize your dressing whether you add corn bread or oyster oars sausage it really is representative of each family and ultimately the diversity of america. finally the ultimate test of a good thanksgiving dish. how does it taste the next day? i have to admit giving me some bread, carved turkey tomato lettuce dijon that is the ultimate turkey thanksgiving sandwich for me but you have to have dressing on that plate, t too. hot or cold i'll take it truly is what i am most thankful for each year. >> corn grid dressing. >> keeping it real kristen. thank you much california man has big plans this weekend he's launching himself into space in a rocket he built from scrap metal this is his little website
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mad mike hughes emphasis on the first wore. he's trying to do this. it's why he's doing it though, guys getting a lot of attention. please listen up kathy this is something you'll go nuts on. mike hughes wants to prove the earth is flat. >> okay. >> 61-year-old limo driver hope to photograph proof of conspiracy fabricated by astronaut the real shape of the earth saturday's night is in the mohave desert supposed to be mile ong. see what happens. >> kyrie irving might be on board. he's a flat earth guy. >> i thought we selled this a few centuries ago. >> apparently he's going to know real soon many we're back here at 4:00 a.m. for "good day philadelphia". >> happy thanksgiving. or who you holiday with... stay bright with dunkin's holiday coffee flavors like brown sugar cinnamon, and peppermint mocha. grab your favorite and make your holidays happen.
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the holidays run on dunkin'.
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$1that's like a big yummy hug.? so hug it up! hug more. hug large. hug medium? hug that. live it a hug life with $1.99 medium or larger hot chocolate. america runs on dunkin'.
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: ok, if desiigner gets arrested for this one, it ain't because of the hip-hop cops. he pissed on somebody's garage. >> oh, my gosh. >> isn't it just like gratifying to pee out in nature sometimes? >> no, it's disgusting. >> if you're going to get that angry about people doing it, get pharvey: so a human being can . poop on somebody's lawn too, right? >> i've done it. i've done it. >> we caught up with mark cuban. i wanted to get his take on the lavar ball/donald trump beef. >> what's better for big baller brand? it's straight out of the donald trump play book. >> it should be noted lonzo's zo2 shoes are dropping this week. >> are the shoes made in china? it comes full circle. [laughter] >> kendall jenner was at madison square garden supporting her boyfriend blake griffin.


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