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tv   Chasing News  FOX  November 15, 2017 3:00am-3:31am EST

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bill: police officer, shoots a dog after getting direction from animal control officer, check out the video. was the right decision made? and racist flyers, taint an elected in hoboken, who did it? cops have an idea, did it en freuh enence -- influence the wy that vote went. >> and new hazing charges in a trial in new jersey. prosecutor have got new evidence and new charges are coming, i am bill spadea this is "chasing
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news." bill: senator menendez still is prial, today -- trial, today day two of the new jury deliberations, as one juror was excused last week for a preplanned vacation, an alternate juror took her place, and the jury started to deliberate yesterday, sent home without a verdict but judge said come back, tuesday, no verdict again. judge said, hey, this is not a reality show, take as much time as you need, we're expecting jury back on wednesday. we have our own mark bonamo in newark, what happened? >> a day of quiet tension, for second day in a row there is no decision in the trial of u.s. senator menendez. bill: what was it like in courtroom, reading reports that judge, almost sounds like scolding of the jury, telling
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them, this is not a reality show. >> right, he said, this is not a reality show this real life. you know this is time we get a decision, take your time, at the same time do not mess around. there was tension between judge william and the defense. where the end of the day, jury was dismissed and alternate saying it will redeliberate, let's come back tomorrow, but the defense said, listen. there is a possibility of a no decision, decision, the judge said, all right, you find me a case where that is acceptable. if you don't find it, to defense, he said, put up or shut up. bill: thank you, mark. >> turn to a story now about a police officer who shot a dog after getting instruction from animal control officer to neutralize the threat this story
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has a lot of different sides, checking out the video. we're not sure, was the right decision played, and the right instruction given some, say no. ashley johnson with the story. reporter: police has dog owner seeking legal action against the officer who shot and killed hid beloved dog, wildfire, a 4-year-old american bulldog. >> he said, if i had known it was your dog, it would have worked out different. i said no, i know you mean to make me feel better, but, let's get it clear, you don't treat dogs different on who owns them. reporter: john, wildfire's owner is a animal county control officer, said if anyone knows law about dogs he does. in september, when wildfire escaped hid home, police were
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called to respond to a dog being aggressive with other animals video shows wildfire pick up a cat, he found out his dog was killed at passaic police department, he knew something with the police report was fishy, wildfire was reported at a pit bull, not a bulldog, you hear on dashcam, a woman saying that dog of the not aggressive, today humans -- toward human. >> i don't think so, not to people, he seems fine. >> i was told by a roomful of police, animal control officer it is a tragedy, but my dog had to be shot. with all manpower and brain power here, you tell me that was your only option. >> he said that next time passaic police get a call about an aggressive call, he would prefer that no other dog owner gets a call about their dog
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being killed. reporting for "chasing news." bill: bringing in our panel to break it down. joined again by from eunice law. and chief of staff for -- still here. all right, start with you. it seems that if you look at video. i don't know how many of you are doldog people, it seems that officer did not need to put the dog down the way he did. >> he waited until animal control got there, he was not spur of moment, animal control, said to neutralize him, the animal control got there agreed with that and officer did about what he thought was his job. >> i feel bad for the dog owner, the dogs are a part of your family, however. my brother was attacked by a pit
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bull, if it is an unsafe situation, and the dog is chasing animals and chee peopled attacking dogs it might be the right call. bill: the officer was call, he did not seem to act emotionally. >> i think he was relying on expertise of animal control officer. i don't think anything he did was negligent. >> sounds like the owner was negligent. bill: that is my question. what is that dog doing running around attacking a hat. >> have you a responsibility as dog ow owner, to make sure the g is not attacking others. >> thank you. bill: it has been almost a year since penn state student timothy piazza kid to after a night of excessive drinking at a frat party to penn state campus. charges are coming, prosecutor initially charge members of the frat then some of the changes were dropped, a big bombshell on
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monday. charges are back against 5 of the students that had the charges dropped. and 10 new students are facing brand-new charges, based on new evidence, that has come out, videotape, charges range from covering up and destroying evidence to manslaughter. bringing in an expert, who understands both sides of this process, former prosecutor in morris county, now a doctor defe attorney, bob bianci. >> thank you. bill: what does this mean on kids now charges who had their charges dropped before, does this indicate that prosecution not only are they being aggressive but they feel they have a case against the kids? >> prosecution thought they had a case, but most of us analyzing this, both prosecutor and defense, thought it was a stretch compared to most cases, this is a tragedy what happened.
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but involuntary manslaughter many believe was overcharged. they are guilty of hazing and other violations of law. this comings down to whether new videotaped evidence of was what recovered shows additional conduct that could go to that involuntary manslaughter charge. bill: as defense attorney, what do you think that biggest issue circumstance. the flying this student with -- drinks or not calling 911 or destroying videotape, where is the line. reporter: they could be guilty of hazing, that is violation of law, they could be guilty of tampers with evidence that is clear based on reporting, defense lawyer, i would argue most hazing and excessive drinking scenarios do not usury result in that. bill: bob thank you for joining me. >> you got it. >> i agree, in this case there is a serious issue with causation.
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we need to discuss and discourse about underage drinking. bill: i am a proponent of lowering drinking age to 18, i think a big issue in america, kids learn to drink, tolerate what they can handle in europe, they are adults at a younger age. >> we're seeing a rise in binge drinking more than decades ago, if we lower the drinking age, they can't handle themselves at 21. i don't know if they are ready at 18. most kids don't have that parental responsibility to show them how to drink appropriately. bill: i am not saying this because we're both italian, but the first glass of wine was way before my 21 birthday. >> a friend of mine with her senior year, morristown high school from rome, i asked her, she said, i don't understand a
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lot of kids in school they go out on weekend to get drunk, let's go drinking. that does not happen in italy, we have a glass of wine, maybe drink a cocktail, but our goal is to not get drunk. bill: my point turn around age drink -- to underage drinking, do you have to drink? american kids don't know where the limits are until they get in wrong crowd, the frat kids had no. >> we need stronger hazing laws and education to the kids, when it comes to hazing. >> college president will be charged for what goes on in the campus. >> they have hazing laws, they y violate them, i don't know if any new laws would help. bill: coming up more chaising news racist flyers in a campaign in hoboken, did they sway the
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election. and ta -- dan zarrow has your forecast it cold, wet, it is getting worse? >> wrapping up a crisp cool autumn day, we have more cool days ahead, sunshine, and a little bit of rain, and we'll talk about where temperatures go as this thanksgiving holiday week approaches, i'll have you
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bill: welcome back to "chasing
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news," i am bill spadea, we have more coming up, including rate latest flyers -- lates racist fs in an election in hoboken. first, mike emmanuel with story of additional accusations against former supreme court judge roy moore in the senate race in alabama. >> i would choose a diagramcrat. >> calls are growing for roy moore to step aside, monday, a fifth woman accused him of sexual misconduct, saying that moore assaulted her when she was a teen, he was in his 30s, republican leader on capitol hill unified in their message to the controversial former judge. >> if he cares about values and people he claims to care about, then he should step aside.
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reporter: democrats call on session to open a federal inquiry to moore, sessions does not doubt moore's accusers but claims that issue is state level. >> ethics people at deputy of justice advise me that attorney general should not be involved in this campaign. reporter: gop is looking at their options should moore win, an idea to met moore take his seat, then expel him. but alabama secretary of state is bloating another idea, saying that republican party could disassociate itself with moore, indicating he is no longer party's official nominee, alabama special senate elected is scheduled for december 12, most recent polling shows moore with a slight lead over democrat doug jones. fox news on capitol hill. bill: thank you. >> all right, bringing in diana with the story on the racist players in hoboken.
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dirty politics jersey style. question is, did they influence the election? >> come new jersey first sikh mayor when he takes office in january, defeating 5 candidates in last week's hoboken mayoral race but not without conversey. >> been skulduggery in previous election not like this, it was unique in that one of the candidates was accused -- >> it happened 11 days ago, flyers left on car windshield that show a photo alongside a caption that read, don't let terrorism takeover our town, police confirm that flyers were doctored to look like a campaign ad from his opponent, they are searching for 5 people believed to be connected to case. >> michael is a good guy. and i don't think he would do that. reporter: me has pledgeds there
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are 5,000 of his personal money to anyone with information on it. on twitter wrote he wants to use this to affirm value of living in a diverse community. defined by conduct of character. diana, reporting for "chasing news." bill: bridge back our panel to break it down. start with you, it seems that there are 5 people, that is based on video, they have seen people distributing flyers, i see both sides, possible that was person intended to hurt, but helped most. >> i think that is possible. we need to get to the bottom of this to see what happened. i feel like greater issue is that democratic process was impeded, should no not happen.
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>> a case like bridgegate, there was no evidence, and people under him did what you could argue they thought of the the right thing on behalf of the government. >> i don't know if we'll ever get to the bottom of this bbut this seems whoever doctored this photo was going after the candidate who came in second place who put out original flyers, make it look like he was being racist. there would be backlash against him. bill: an award -- >> yeah, you know what, it could have thrown the vote count. >> it did. >> it was within 100 votes? >> this flyer, impacted that elected, 100 votes. >> we had two counsel candidates attacked on racism. >> it seems that there a selective use of race in these cases. until someone can show was there election fraud, it will keep happening, all right, thank you, for joining us.
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>> dust has settled on election 2017, there were a few upsets, one in state senate race in district 11. vin, how are you, congratulations. >> thank you, bill. bill: so, man a lot of questions for you, first, how do you address question whether people say, vin, you are an insider. >> coalition of republican, democrats, independents, we had several republican elected officials who backed us, we have over 3,000 donations, $50 expurches thereare and.>> a gr m proud of. bill: what do you credit most, donald trump or chris exris. chris christie.
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>> i think there were insurgent on the ground, we had a coalition of folks, that really wanted to -- really our message of fiscal responsibility, getting back to priority, bringing democrats and republicansin together. i am excited to take on some of the challenges. bill: which of murphy's new taxes do you like the most. >> i want to cut the size. bill: let me get a commitment from you, a new senator, taking was on the in january, you are willing to go back and forth with the governor, new governor-elect, murphy it the taxes impaymen impact your cons. >> if murphy is right, i will support him, if he is wrong, i will oppose. bill: thank you, vin, i think you and i will have a lot to talk about overcoming months,
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okay let's bring in meteorologist dan zarrow with your forecast. cold, wet, is it getting worse? >>o weather forecast looks quiet right now, but no major storm systems on the horizon horizon as they stay twa -- stay calm. >> warmer air to the cite, feel like fled december for the week, next week we get a blast of colder air, that jet stream sinks to the south, temperatures cooler diswho thanksgiving holiday, tonight, mid 30s in most areas, some spots that drop below freezing, partly crowdy skies, light winds and dry weather over not, wednesday, partly cloudy, highs in lower
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50s, and showers streaming through late wednesday night to early thursday morning, nothing to write home about, i think that temperatures will be a little bit warmer with a blight of humidity in the area, i think we'll stay above 150. highs, approaching at 60, warmest day of the week, a brism win by thursday afternoon, i am meteorologist, dan zarrow. >> thank you, dan. >> a lot more coming up, approaching 5 years after deadly massacre of sandy hook. some attorneys trying to point finger and hold gun manufacture liable, that and all your oth
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bill: welcome back to "chasing news," i am bill spadea, we have more for you, including 5 years after the horrific massacre in sandy hook, there is emotion in court to try to hold the gun manufacture acoin able andly
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liable. >> a gunman killed 4 people and wounded others add random tuesday, in rural northern california, before police shot and kill head im. >> we have recovered. by the shooter, semiautomatic rifle. >> two hospitals were treating 7 people. >> survive or and relatives of those killed in sandy hook in connecticut are suing remington arms, trial began tuesday with argument that weapon used in the shooting in sandy hook was a military weapon, too dangerous to be sold to civilians, appeal seeks to hol hold the gun manufacturer to blame. >> they could not careless what happens to the gun 1 the cash is in the bank. >> under the lay, the manufacturer and sellers are firearm use by criminal that
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day. are not legally responsible for his crimes. and harm that he caused. reporter: this appeal after a court i already dismissed a suit against remington arms. >> a 10-year-old boy in staten island has beaten new iphone face i.d. security system in a youtube video a woman shows hear iphone is locked, handing it to her son, he unlocks it with his face. >> i am unlocking the phone with this handsome facing. ta da, it is unlocked. reporter: apple said that odds are one in a million, they have pointed out number can drop whether dealing are a relative who bears a resemblance. bill: judge roy moore, a candidate for u.s. senate, and some expect him to win the seat in alabama, here is a guy that had a career on pick sides of political aisle, almost 4
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decade, but he has 5 accusations against him for sexual harassment against minors, charges sound serious, if he is guilty of anything close, he should not serve. but is it time, that we get beyond accusations, why is this anyone pointing a finger, even after 4 decades, someoney life could be derailed. do you know there are dozens of cases, of men having to defend themselves after they have been falsely accused. there is something called due process, time we practice that. people should not be tried and convicted in the media, based on a couple accusations, especially when you have a lot of conflicting reports. i say, let the play on, but don't let that be the way we go forward as a country, let's go back to due process, and innocence until provennure are e
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not, i am bill
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♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. someone is creeping around bethlehem trying to kidnap young women and police believe one guy is behind a few attempts at least two in the past two days. thank it for joining us. i'm lucy noland. police say the guy's targeting students so far. our chris o'connell is in bethlehem with more. >> reporter: there is no two ways about it. women here in bethlehem are scared. frightened to even walk the streets at night after hearing about a man who is driving around the city preying on young women. >> women like lauren on the 900 block of mon knocks cassie street in bethlehem are still shaken. they're still trying to process what happened on this of their block w


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