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tv   FOX 29 News at 6PM  FOX  November 8, 2017 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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tougher. the holtens of bridesburg encircle final destination ink with two faces, one is capped with razor wire. they didn't keep the thieves away. >> i guess they didn't get what they wanted they maybe started breaking everything. >> reporter: the wreckage left behind at this 20-year-old family business startling. windows smashed, doors kicked in, settlement heaved into as many as 80 vehicles on the storage lot of their normal delaware of a operation. it occurred saturday night into sunday when look to be vandals wilding among the towed cars and heavy equipment. >> they came in. they had a good old time vandalizing everything, and i don't even they they realized how much damage they caused unless if that's what they planned on doing. >> reporter: final destination sits on a chunk of land that rises to meet the rail line on one side and the delaware river on the older. holten 40 and 20-year-old son tow cars for the city, restore others and junk some for parts.
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a tangle insurance company red tape is likely to ensnare the private vehicles being stored here now damage. the white dust of a fire extinguisher coats the inside of this vehicle. it will cost ten grand to replace the windows on this massive car lift. >> i wonder if somebody jus trying to put you out of business. >> reporter: you think that could be the case. >> you never know. you know, in this business, it's hard to say. >> reporter: the vandalism angers holten and what he says is a slow police response. >> you've call the cops. what have they done? >> nothing. nothing yet. still waiting on call back from them. or them to show up. that was monday. here we are wednesday. >> reporter: holten says he received a police response after he called a buddy whose a detective. 911 calls weren't answered. police say they received only one call and the officer sent couldn't find the business. an officer did arrive this afternoon. detectives were told they're on
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their way. i'm jeff cole fox 29 news. all right, gentlemen, thank you. pennsylvania state police say a pennsylvania state corporal who was shot multiple times yesterday during traffic stop probably saved his own life. investigators say corporal seth kelly put a tourniquet on his leg before help got there yesterday morning. kelly arrived as backup after another trooper pulled over 22-year-old daniel clary. investigators is a clary resisted arrest and started a gun fight with those troopers. clary was hit and state police say drove himself to the hospital. corporal kelly is now in critical condition. >> our trooper right now, he's battling it, um, you know, he's certainly not out of the woods by any means, but, um, like i said yesterday, he is a very strong individual and he displayed a will yesterday that he wanted to live and get that was this, and um, you know, we're all very proud of him. >> clary is charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault as well as other charg charges. in camden county, an officer
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shot on the job sees the alleged gunman face to face in court. township-year-old patrick o'hanlon was there today as 19-year-old dell ron mayhan formally arraigned. prosecutors say convicted felon shot the officer after they both struggled during a routine traffic stop last week. o'hanlon's father at the arraignment today spoke about why it was important for his son to be there. >> just to show that he's still, you know, he's a tough kid and it won't deter him. i guess that's why he made that appearance. just wants to show everybody he's doing well with all the support he's getting and he's thanking everybody coming back by showing up. >> mayhan is facing numerous charges including a teemed murder. he's been arrested ten times since he turned 18. well many people tonight remembering beloved phillies pitcher roy halladay as investigators work to try and figure out why that plane crashed and took his life. a memorial growing tonight at citizens bank park and you can
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see people have left phillies memorabilia, nurse, candles and notes for the former baseball star. you may have driven past these billboards on i-95 with an image dedicated to halladay. halladay died yesterday after his small plane crashed in the gulf of mexico. he was just 40 years old. we are learning new details about the crash that claimed halladay's life. ntsb is on scene right now newport ritchie n order investigating what went wrong. crews removed the plane from the water today and say it will be taken to secure facility for a detailed x examination. right now, they're looking for witnesses. the ntsb says it look hick it was a high energy impact and they say they have found two data recorders. >> the airplane was located approximately 4 feet of water inserted oh an southerly heading with all major components accounted for. the airline play has since been recovered. and will be moved to secure facility so we can have more
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detailed examination. >> the ntsb says the full investigation could take a year or two. with local temperatures in the 40 today's, and even colder weather on the way, like to think your child's school is ready for the big chill. not all of them are. bruce gordon joins us in studio. bruce we got a tip today from a source inside a philadelphia charter school. >> reporter: we sure d call eight hot tip about cold conditions and while we got conflicting reports from the kids themselves, the school admits there is a problem. recess outside the universal al corn charter elementary school on the 3200 block of dickinson. kids are bundled up. they may want to keep their coats on when they head signed we're told the school has been without heat and hot water and some of the kids with mom or dad on hand confirmed that tip. >> was it cold in there? >> yeah. yeah, it was cold in there. >> it was cold in there? >> it was really cold. >> really cold. >> how was it in school today?
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>> was it cold? >> it was cold in school? >> say yes. >> yes. >> reporter: did you feel like it was cold inside the school? >> i mean they always have heating problems in this school since i was going here. >> reporter: to be fair not everyone was shivering inside the school. >> but it's warm in his classroom. >> reporter: no problem. >> no problems. >> comfy. >> reporter: it was comfy? you didn't feel like it was too cold in there? >> reporter: schools officials released a written statement explaining a boiler system was not working to capacity that a maintenance company was trying to fix the problem as quickly as possible. that's all the school spokesman would offer. >> why won't you talk to us on camera about this. >> bruce, that's why i said read the statement. >> reporter: we did it says quote we have informed parents, guardians that if they wish to pick up their child or children prior to our note the dismal time i assume they meant dismissal they are welcome. but not every barn got the word. >> i haven't heard anything like
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this is news to me. like you just mentioned. >> reporter: i'm guessing you'd rather not find out from us. >> it would have been nice. >> reporter: the school building that houses universal al corn charter dates back to 1931. so heating and for that matter air diagnosissing problems should not come as a surprise. let's just hope that boiler is back on duty asap. iain. >> let's hope so, bruce. thank you. of course you just saw all those kids in their win coats it's cold out there. live look at allentown right now. it's only going to get colder as we head into the weekend, kathy. >> it's sure is, iain. we are talking about colder temperatures out there right now you need your coat, you need your possibly winter jacket as well. your niece it's only 47. it's 43 in allentown and that northeasterly flow is keeping it cool in millville at 47 degrees. now as you look overnight we'll be down to 41 in the city but 30s and 20s to the north and west. and only getting colder with a reinforcing shot of cooler air coming our way. you see the clouds mainly to the south precipitation should stay there as well. but the deep freeze will be
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coming friday into saturday. the coldest air of the season by far the deep freeze where temperatures will be struggling saturday morning in the 20s. we'll detail this coming up with your seven day forecast in just a few minutes. huge change here. >> all right, kathy, thanks. here's our first look tonight at rapper meek mills' mug shot as he starts his prison sentence. check it out. tmz got the mug shot as the pennsylvania department of corrections started processing him. mill meek was sentenced noun two to four years in prison for violating probation date back to the 2008 gun and drug case. he was on thin ice after a philadelphia judge put him on house arrest in 2015 for leaving the state for a gig without approval from the court. his attorney plans to appeal. community coming together to though show support for the family of an officer that suddenly died from a stroke. our joyce evans was in bayville, new jersey, at the benefit that raises money for the family. >> reporter: phones ringing off the hook orders and
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deliveries and seatings all day long. toni' pizza donating 25% of all of the day's earnings to the children of police sergeant allison wray. toni' pizza is always a popular eatery, but this day -- >> it's probably the busiest lunch i've had since we open. >> three large pies. >> reporter: and that's saying a lot. tony have it yellow is that guy in bayville, berkeley township, who opens his heart and his business when a neighbor is in need. >> berkeley, i'm from this town and like to help people. right thing to do. >> reporter: everybody packed in here came to dot right thing. to help these people, the two and four-year-old sons of 32-year-old sergeant allison wray. she suddenly died of a stroke last week at the end of her shift. >> i think it's really going hit us, you know, probably over the weekend starting next week because it's kind of, upping, something that happened so qui
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quickly and we really haven't had chance to really process what happened. >> reporter: they automatically jump into help mode. >> we're never ready for death. report roar says vietnam vet and councilman jim burns here along with mayor amato. other council members and sergeant bray's fellow men in blue, yes, other than the chief she was the only woman on the force. >> everybody just does the right thing. whatever is right for the people and that's it. >> reporter: tom gross is a detective in toms river and a berkeley councilman, but he says when a young mother and cop suddenly dies like this, you just react like a human being. >> wow, you know, it could happen to anyone at any time. so just, you know, live every day like it could be your last i guess. it's very sad. >> reporter: memorial services for officer wray will be held thursday at the quinn hop funeral home. the funeral service is friday at saint barnabas roman catholic church. all of the times and details are on our website. in bayville, new jersey, joyce
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evan fox 29 news. kathy told i was few it's cold out there. we'll show you how local kids are getting the gift of warmth just in time for wint. kristen. >> phillies fans will never forget roy halladay's perfect game and no hitter. his teammates never forget his unparalelled character
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♪ >> check out former president obama serving his civic duty reporting for jury duty today in chicago. after arriving by motorcade, the former president checked in at the daily center this morning to join the pool of potential jurors. they had heightened security in place including some zero yet service there. former president no surprise maybe ultimately dot dismissed from the pool. cold temperatures taking hold
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across our area just another sign that winter is on the way. as fox 29 photojournalist bill rohrer shows us thanks to some local organizations, kids will have warm weather winter coats. >> this time of year it's on hands on deck. >> at the school in camden, new jersey, workers with operation warm are setting up for a big give away. >> these are brand new fresh out the box coats. >> provide warmth to children in need by handing out winter coats. today they partner with horizon services and the camden firefighters to hand out close to 500 coats to every student in the school. whether they need one or not. >> i need bigger coat because i'm going sleep in many at the shelter. or a child who is clearly trying to take one that's too small you find out that the reason they're doing that is because they have a younger sibling at home who needs it more than them is a astounding that in this country today in the year 2017 we have children who's families can't avenue poured to put coats on
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them. >> east child spends time with someone to help them through the process. chris ten is a pro making the children feel comfortable. >> kids that are come in and are shy at first as they make their way through the event you see them start to open up to the volunteer and then once they have that coat and it's the right fit and they're just beaming by the end of it. >> richard founded national non-profit in 1998. >> you have to happen drive by a bus stop and saw a bunch of kids without coats and didn't understand how that was possib possible. found out are. went to local retailer bought all of the children coats. >> since then 2 million coats throughout the united states have been given brand new coats. kind gesture greatly appreciat appreciated. >> this was definitely a big lift for some of our families because it's getting cold outside. we woke up this morning it was like 40 something degrees. so this was like it couldn't have been planned any better. >> in camden, bill rohrer, fox 29 news. ♪ >> let's get back to your fox 29 weather authority now. as you just saw the cold weather is settling in across our area as we take live look at reading berks county.
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kathy, everyone wants to know are we going to see warmer temperatures any time soon? >> really everybody wants to know that? >> yeah, i do. >> i know you do. >> yeah, some people like the cold m people like the warmth. iain and i have a common interest in warm weather. right now it's chilly out there. it's only 40 some odd degrees depending on where you. 33 allentown. forty one pottstown. 47 in millville. it's 47 in philadelphia. already down into the 30 30s ine poconos. do you believe it? the coldest air of the season is locked up in canada right now but it's going to be dropping down friday into saturday through the delaware valley. we're not just talking about 40s and 30s. we're talking about 20s and wind chills. so let's take look where we've and where we're going. do you remember monday it wasn't that long ago we were at 70 degrees the normal high is 59. tuesday 49. today 52. tomorrow 57. friday morning is going to be chilly in the 30s. the afternoon high only 39 degrees. it's going to be blustery.
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let's talk about the wind frid friday. these are future wind chills. the wind chill will be 36 degrees. that's in the morning. but wait until you see the wind kicking in by the afternoon these numbers go down by the afternoon it will feel like 27 in philadelphia. with the wind. it will feel like 15 in the poconos. 19 allen up to and 19 in reading. big chill and then the winds diminish the temperatures plunge saturday morning. coldest air yet coming in friday highs in the 30s. bitter wind chills that goes friday afternoon and friday night. and low saturday morning will be in the 20s. so you get up, see your breath. that hasn't happened since last march. overnight tonight, 41 in the city. 32 in pottstown. allentown 32. the poconos 28. wilmington 39. and during the day tomorrow, high temperatures in the 50s and to the north and west in the 40s with a few showers possibly moving on through. on your seven day forecast from the weather authority friday that's cold. blustery even those the
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temperature says 39, it will feel like it's in the teens in the afternoon. we have the walk to end alzheimer's we'll all there be just got to bundle. morning lows in the 20s. afternoon highs in the 40s. sunday a chance of a late shower. early monday that could continue and the next tuesday and wednesday close to seasonal levels but only in the mid 50s. but at least it's dry. this time of year, the cold and the wind that's what gets you. are you ready, kristen? >> i don't think so. i already have my winter coat on the way in to work this morning. kathy, roy halladay was so many more than just his cy young awards, all star appearances or no hitter and perfect game. he was great leader, a friend and an icon. athletes from all sports look up to
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man: proper etiquette is essential for every social occasion. so the the broom said, "sorry i'm late. i over-swept." [ laughter ] yes, even the awkward among us deserve some laughter. and while it's okay to nibble in public,
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a lady only dines in private. try the name your price tool from progressive. it gives you options based on your budget. uh-oh. discussing finances is a big no-no. what, i'm helping her save money! shh! men are talking. that's it, i'm out. taking the meatballs.
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one of the best to ever suit up is gone for too soon. all of baseball is still reflecting on the impact that roy halladay had on so many. all of philadelphia is as well. billboards paying tribute to doc all around the city today. for his former teammates like cole hamels just as he remembered roy halladay the baseball player he's remembering roy halladay the family man. >> we play this game and we love every minute of it and then, you know, it is over. then you get to go to your family and spend time with your family and to be able to see that it's cut short it's really -- it's hard to think about what is really going to transpire. >> so many talk about halladay has been about his fierce pride
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and his work ethic. something no one new better than former phillies general manager ruben amaro, jr. he shared a story that truly captures who halladay was. this morning on good day. >> he was actually send me texts from time to time if he didn't perform well particularly in the playoffs if we didn't win game. throw complete game or something like that. i would think myself come on roy, you're one of the greatest players of all time and you're send mowing apology texts you're not performing. i mean, that's the type of person he is. that kind of epitomizes what he was all about. >> rich dubee the pitching coach. we spoke with him just minutes ago about his undeniable presence on the mound. >> i don't think anybody will ever get there to try to come as close to roy as you can as far as emulating him. be the person he was. be the helping, caring considerate person he was in between lines he was as mean as they come but outside the lines,
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he was as caring as you could possibly be. >> the flyers are back from short break tomorrow. they host chicago but today after practice their thoughts were also centered on roy halladay. proving he transcended through all sports. scott lawton grew up outside of toronto used to go to blue jays games with his dad he played a little baseball when he was younger and his favorite player roy halladay. >> just the best pitcher. i mean he was the best pitcher growing up i remember had his jersey growing up and everything like that. so, um, just unbelievable and i remember as a kid growing up watching him. >> just so many people reaching out and through so many different sports which i think is just embodies what he was to this city and to the sport of baseball ton all athletes. >> he transcended all of it. he certainly did. >> all right. >> kathy, it's cold. >> it is cold. it's going to get colder. let's take look at the seven day forecast. tomorrow high temperatures will be in the 50's but that's it. 30 force friday. a morning freeze for saturday. and then we kind of get a little
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bit better by the beginning of next week. but it's such a dramatic change from 70 degrees on monday that it's going to be a bit of a shock to us. >> um-hmm. >> it already is. >> i'm shocked even looking at it. [ laughter ] >> all right. i'm might be shock at this. wildcat roaming our streets. this is not a cat you'll fine at your local shelter. the price, how about $30,000. so where did she come from? well, the story is coming up tonight at 10:00. all right. so you have to stick around and watch that. >> that's not a pet for the joyce no. >> not in your house. >> no. anything that comes to my house has to take care of itself. >> this is large cat. >> exactly. >> doesn't fit the bill good i got large family. i got enough. that does it for us here at 6:00. thanks for joining us tonight. page six is next we're back at 10:00 and 11:00. have a great night. ♪
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right now on "page six tv." who fat shamed mariah into getting weight loss surgery. what's the latest news about tamar braxton and her mom? who jumped to the defense of the rapper? and can you live in a house with a water park, bowling alley and 20 bathrooms? and why is jennifer garner walking a chicken around l.a. welcome to "page six tv," i'm john fug el sang and taking us inside, variety writer elizabeth wag maister and ms. bevy, ms. -- here are today's top stories that matter. le


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