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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  October 9, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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she was in a car and witnesses say she was trying to get away from police. your news starts in 30 seconds. ♪ breaking -- >> it's mother nature at her worst i guess. >> lives lost. homes destroyed. businesses gone. thousands tried to escape
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wildfires ripping through california. ♪ and smashing pumpkin. no not the band, this is vandalism and people in one town aren't happy. >> now fox 29 news at 10:00. ♪ schools is out for kids in one local town of the problem is mold. a very serious health concern for students and their teachers. thank you for joining us at 10:00i lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. ton night parents have had it and they unloaded on school officials in monroe township. fox 29's dave kinchen live in williamstown tonight. dave, the gloves are really off tonight for parents. they went off. >> reporter: yeah, they did. i can tell you the parents actually cheered a group of parents and other school members, teachers that got together to investigate this issue themselves. but when it came to the school board itself, well, it wasn't too kind. >> we don't have a damn bit of information that these kids are safe. >> reporter: parents calling out monroe township school board members in an emergency meeting
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at the williamstown high school theater over mold in schools. >> meeting so packed twice the police had to step in and enforce the fire marshal's safety plan. >> before we continue we have to clear the hallways. >> reporter: parents blasted officials asking who knew what and when after mold was detected at the holly glenn elementary school forcing it to close. >> this problem has gone on way too long, and somebody new about it and it was just pushed unthe rug. >> reporter: district made the sweeping move of closing all schools for the rest of the week as a precaution. >> i'm just like really disappointed that, you know, it has come to this because we had so much planned this week. we had our spirit week our homecoming game. >> some parents grilled the director of plant operation who said they have an outdated air-conditioning system. >> did you personally report that information to any member of the board? >> not that i recall. >> reporter: director says he
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told some school officials and had the health department check things out three times but one board member said they were in the dark early on. >> this board absolutely new nothing. >> reporter: there was more love in the room for the air quality task force formed by unions made up of teachers and support staff. >> your children are just as important as my children are to me. >> i want to thank the task force that was built from the bottom because it's clear to meet top doesn't care. >> reporter: so obviously still many questions as this all unfolds. we can tell you school district leaders say that they're waiting on testing mold testing from all of the schools before they can say more about when the schools will reopen. but parents, of course, they're continuing to monitor this very very closely. iain? >> dave, thank you. developing right now a temple university student shot and killed by police in miami. miami police say 22-year-old carrie an high thon was driving erratically sunday drive and
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drove through red lights hit some other cars and at one point hit an officer. there is video posted on social media that shows a black bmw driving through a crowd an officer firing into the car before it crashes. authorities shot at her four or five times according to a witness on the scene. >> she actually drove off again and ran over a police officer and after that shots were fired. >> i heard five gunshots and i saw the pigeons flying away and then a crash. >> this is carrie an linked in page which includes a picture of her. the university released a statement saying it sends its thoughts and prayers to her friends and family. her father told miami television station that she was in miami celebrating her birthday. we're continuing to gather information on this and we of course will be following it. one man is dead, three others injured after a car crash in bustleton. police say it happened just before 5:00 p.m. on the 9200 block of bustleton avenue. paramedic took 41-year-old woman and an 11-year-old boy to aria torresdale hospital.
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they are stable. a 40-year-old man died at the scene. two sisters found themselves in unlikely situation this weekend on the highway also looking down the barrel of a gun. they can now breathe a sigh of relief becaus tonight 21-year-old wilmington man suspected of pointerring that gun is under arrest. fox 29's dave schratwieser joins us live from wilmington on this story. dave? >> reporter: iain, delaware state police say it was 21-year-old tyler then pa behind the wheel and pointing a gun at as twos no sitters as they drove down i-495 saturday afternoon. tonight he's facing serious charge and they're home safe and sound. >> it was 4:15 saturday afternoon in the southbound lanes of i-495 near wilmington. delaware state police say two young women saw a red ford explorer tailgating them. the vehicle would slow down and speed up, causing unsafe situation behind her. >> reporter: behind the wheel of the suv 21-year-old tyler
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neppa in master seconds, things turned dangerous. >> the operator of the vehicle who she later described as a white male in his early 20s, was flailing his arms around. >> state police say the 20-year-old driver and her sister continued driving the speed limit when neppa pulled alongside. >> he was pointing a black unknown maker model handgun directly at her and her sister in the vehicle. don't understand why people are so anxious to get somewhere and have road rage like that. >> reporter: driver then sped off but the two women managed to get his tag number and call 911. >> i probably would eye do the same thing. >> get the tag number. >> yeah, write down the license plate number and call the police. >> reporter: state police quickly traced the plates to his home in wilmington. a search of his suv turned up a loaded smith and wesson nine mill neither handgun. state police say drivers should never engage another driver, their best advice, get away from that driver as quickly as possible. >> if it's safe to do so, we say
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get a description of the vehicle, the operator a tag number, let douse the work on that. report roar this incident comes just four months after 18-year-old bianca roberson was shot and killed in a road rage incident in west goshen. david desper was charged with her murder. >> i've had people give me the finger and ride up on me and i just slide over and let them pass. >> reporter: now the two sisters were not injured. neppa faces menace charges and possession avenue deadly weapon during a felony. he was released on $25,000 bail. lucy? >> all right, that's correct thank you dave. following break news right now. deadly fire wildfires out west ton night at least ten people are dead and so many homes and businesses are destroyed. a state of emergency is now in effect in california. as state deals with smoke and flames. fox's claudia could cowan reports. >> reporter: california wine country hard hit monday north of san francisco with strong winds, fueling more than a dozen fierce
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fast spreading fires. blazes burning out of control and destroying more than a thousand homes and businesses across eight counties including napa and sonoma. the fires killing and injuring people. knocking out power, blocking roads and forcing tens of thousands of residents to flee. >> been here 25 years. a great neighborhood. it's going to be lot of work getting it back. it's mother nature at her worst i guess. >> reporter: the flames first breaking out late sunday night. >> that's our home right there. it's gone. everything, you know, we managed to save our dog but that's it. the clothes on our back in the santa rosa area hospitals were forced to evacuate. big box stores have been burning and a large hilton hotel was destroyed. with more than 57,000 acres now burned, california's governor has declared a state of emergency in multiple counties. >> just trying to stop the spread of the fire to the adjacent houses. looks like hundreds of homes
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possibly burned. >> hundreds of homes. >> reporter: meantime in southern california outside los angeles, another fast-spreading wildfire has torched multiple homes and thousands of acres. prompting evacuations in the anaheim hills and orange county. >> conditions are severe up and down the state and resources have spread thin with the massive amount of fires that we have up and down the state. >> reporter: back here in wine country, thousands of firefighters battling the flames along with wind gusts of more than 50 miles an hour. in sonoma county, claudia cowan fox news. >> check out this photo, so incredibly erie. that's sleeping beauty castle at disneyland under a red sky because of those wildfires. the happiest place on earth still open despite the nearby flames and smoke. now one of the fires in southern california is burning in anaheim which is where disneyland is. help though could be on the way for firefighters, kathy, because winds could be shifting. >> winds will be shifting cooler air moving in. first let's talk about why this is happening.
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>> right. >> we have lot of dry conditions. typically this time of year, we have warm, dry air. dry trees and brush in the mountainous areas. temperatures have been warm on the west coast, 70s and 80s. low relative humidity and also strong winds. we're not just talking about high gusts. we're talking about intense gu gusts to about 70 miles an hour and these winds really help to fuel this inferno. call them the santa ana winds help to spread the fire. you have this northeasterly wind. winds gusting up to 70 miles an hour so this fire danger is high and will continue to be high through tomorrow morning. that high risk will continue heading toward the coast of california to the north and to the south. what happens those warm winds come down the mountains we call it down sloping the air compresses and it warms and that really helps to fuel the fire. so really these winds help to spread the fire. got news is, the winds will be shifting as lucy said cooler air will be moving in and the winds will be dying down during the day tomorrow.
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it is so difficult to fight a fire like this. when you have winds gusting to 70 miles an hour. >> all right. kathy. >> back to you. >> thank you. arrest is finally made in the murder of a beloved philadelphia activist. nearly eight months after winnie harris was murdered police say they finally brought the accused killer into custody. our shawnette wilson is live now outside philadelphia police headquarters with more details. shawnette. >> reporter: iain, tonight police have not provided a mug shot of the suspect but they tell us he is 39 years old. meanwhile, family and friends of the victim say they are encouraged by the arrest, but they still want desperately to know exactly why this happen. >> i want to know what precipitated this act. >> reporter: sandra full wood is relieved to here police have suspect in custody charged with killing her friend 65-year-old winnie harris. >> we know we have suspect. but still want to know why. you always want to know why. >> reporter: arrest of 39-year-old nelson giddings comes eight months after harris was found shot to death inside
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her home on the 300 block of north holly street in west philly. police believe the suspect may have broken into the wrong house. family, friends and neighbors held a vigil for harris immediately after. full wood posted flyers everywhere pleading for information. >> she was my friend. i couldn't understand. she wouldn't hurt anybody. >> reporter: harris was the programming coordinator and acting executive director of u see green who spruce up public green spaces around the city. she says she will always miss your friend. >> when you get older and you make a friend then that friend is a friend till you pass and winnie was that friend. >> reporter: and we also learned from police late tonight that the suspect has 15 prior arrests. lucy? >> all right. thank you much, shawnette. next at 10:14, pumpkins end up in all the wrong places in one town. if this was a prank, well no one a laughing. then a school football game gets ugly.
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with middle schoolers, middle schoolers using racial slurs against the opposing team. more local news in one minute. ♪ hey grandpa. hey, kid. really good to see you. you too. you tell grandma you were going fishing again? maybe. (vo) the best things in life keep going. that's why i got a subaru, too. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. it's been on the decline with the closing of the
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refineries and there's no jobs in the community. if there's no jobs, there's no education, there's no food on the table. what's important is the children. steve sweeney... he fought for 'em. this is where he's from. steve sweeney's been here since the beginning. steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. it would've never been done without steve. it was a pride in building this port and then knowing that we're coming back. >> story you'll see only on fox. a couple of quakertown middle school students are in hot water after a friday night football turned into a racial incident. it happened during quicker townhome coming game. the students threw rocks and spit out racial slurs at visi visiting cheltenham high school students. fox 29's bruce gordon has the story. >> reporter: many of the quakertown high students leaving school monday afternoon walked past a yard sipe that reads "hate has no home here".
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but what happened friday night just across the street at a lump night field makes you wonder, it has quakertown parents shaking their heads. >> it's not right. you just keep your opinions to yourself and then -- i mean, everybody has a right to their opinions but when they're doing that kind of stuff that's just embarrassing and it shouldn't be said. >> reporter: as cheltenham high school's football team arrived at quakertown for friday night game, witnesses told officials from both schools that some quakertown fans began to throw rocks at the cheltenham bus and proceeded that with a barrage of vile language. dr. wagner marseille is cheltenham's school superintendent. >> our cheerleaders, members of our band, um, were insulted using racial terms the most divisive racial terms you can use. >> the word yet was used. >> the n word. >> you see this venue. that was packed with thousands of people on friday night and we were having a great time. >> reporter: then this. >> then this. >> reporter: quakertown superintendent dr. william& harner is ironic klee a
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cheltenham grad. he says dozen middle school students were interviewed and two were found to have engaged in the rock throwing and racial slurs. both will be punished. >> my heart is broken. fortunately, the just a few children, and i say children, um, middle school students but they embarrassed me and they embarrassed the school board and our community. >> reporter: both superintendents told me they'd like to turn this unfortunate incident into a teaching moment. they'd like get both the perpetrators and the targets together in one room under adult supervision to talk about what happened and why it should never happen again. in quakertown, i'm bruce gordon, fox 29 news. philadelphia police are looking for whomever shot a man in holmesburg. skyfox caught the scene around 5:00 o'clock on the 8200 block of frankford avenue. police say a 38-year-old man was shot in the left leg once and was taken to aria torresdale hospital and is still recoveri recovering. crimes at two philadelphia convenience stores.
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both 7elevens but two wildly different situations in different neighborhoods in the city. first, to center city where group of guys beat a man leaving the 7eleven on the 1500 block of jfk boulevard it happened just afternoon on september 13th. but police have just released this video actually pictures here to help find the attackers. they say a woman accused the man they beat up of bumping into her. police say she then called her the group of guys who attacked that man and tried to steal his phone. in south philly police are hoping you can help them find two men who worked together to get a five finger discount from a 7eleven. last monday the two walked into the south broad street store a little after midnight. one of them distracted the cashier while the other one grabbed stuff off the shelves. darted out and then the other followed close behind. two women who live at the florida nursing home that lost air conditioning during hurricane irma have died. that brings the total deaths in that nursing home to 14. nearly a month after the evacuations the facility announced the deaths of
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90-year-old cecelia franco and 95-year-old francesca andre. attorney bill dean representing self of the surviving patients says the conditions right after the storm as well as the evacuations led to their deaths. walking down philadelphia streets you can see the city has a homeless crisis, but there may be an issue that hasn't yet been considered. some of the homeless won't go to shelters, because they can't bring their pets. our bill anderson met some of those people as well as a woman trying to raise funds to keep people together with their pets even if they're down on their luck for goodness sake. ♪ >> what we really right now is for the whole city to come together ton care for each other and say, we won't let people die on the streets. that includes people with their pets. >> reporter: we've seen so many trying to help the homeless from free haircuts, groups providing meals and opportunities for jobs but one issue that we've all probably seen, so far hasn't been addressed. >> there are no shelters for humans and their pets. they'd rather stay it on the
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street and sometimes that means freeze out on the street rather than be separated from their only companion. my students want to do make a difference. >> reporter: stephanie zen in a a professor at villanova. she teaches about homeless advocacy and together with her students they launched the student run emergency housing unit of philadelphia. since then they've helped hundreds but recently something struck a nerve. >> the man had an umbrella but was shading his dog and the dog was laying on a blanket and had some water and some dog food but the man didn't have any food. >> reporter: the man told stephanie that he wouldn't go into a shelter because he wouldn't leave behind his best friend. this encounter and others inspired stephanie to start raising funds for philadelphia's first shelter for humans and their pets. >> we institutional knowledge of what it takes to run shelter, and what it takes to get people back on their feet. but what we really need now is a building. >> reporter: now people are coming together to raise the funds. but after speaking to stephanie i wanted to see first hand what inspired her. >> i see the same man on the
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same block every time i go for a run. >> reporter: couldn't find the man she spoke of. >> normally right here. but i did find valerie. >> last january, we lost our apartment and since then i've been struggling to have housing because it's hard with my dog. >> reporter: she's had rough go of it. in between crashing with friends and family and the streets, would you ever consider going in and leaving her behind? >> no. she never turns her back on me. she's the one thing i have that is solid. >> reporter: valerie is one of many that testify instead of into is trying to help sending the message that down on your luck shouldn't mean abandoning your best friend. they have the volunteers. skills and desire and now they're hoping that we'll all help witness resources for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ great mission, long overdue.
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all right. what is that smell? some septa passengers say they asked that question every day. they are over it. and forget those,, what do they call them? picnic baskets. yogi and boo boo are targeting pizza shops and who new bears like pies with their salami. ♪
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♪ >> caught on camera sometimes we all need a little late night
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pizza. this family of bears included. surveillance video caught a mother bear and her cubs raiding the kitchen of a colorado pizzeria. they broke a window, climbed on in and proceeded to take some salami and pizza dough. the store owners is hoping wildlife officials will leave the bears alone. he blames what happened on the county's bear proofing of area dumpsters. he says without the dumpsters hungry bears have begun raiding homes and stores for food. septa the ride of choice for thousands of commuters every day. one their big complaints the cleanliness of the stations. so do they have a point? here's hank. ♪ >> reporter: talk to me about how it smells. i mean is it -- >> it smells like pee. >> reporter: okay. >> and do do. >> reporter: there you go. it's hank. i'm in upper darby where i'm getting complaints about 69th street station especially the south part of it being stinky. my take is, septa could maybe do
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a better job of cleaning up. but we could also do a better job of not making a mess. bernice farley says the bus depot is nasty with a funk that rain just can't wash off. >> the is all nasty and dirty. you come down they need to wait down at least -- least twice a day. >> twice a day? >> that would be at least. >> reporter: a lot happens at 69th. trains meeting trollies and buses. it's legit husband. one that septa says gets about 18,000 rider as day. cynthia richardson says the cleaning staff does a pretty good job but -- >> the bathrooms need to be kept a little better. >> reporter: good thing you're not watching smell vision. >> they're a lot better than before. but sometimes you have some people who just don't care. >> reporter: but that's the big question. isn't it? septa real too long bad job of cleaning up or we 80 ren physical will you be just a big sloppy pigs? carla of septa says 69th has a staff ten
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cleaners who have massive job. >> these are like the unsung heroes because they have to work around people who are elected to stay in our station. >> reporter: right. >> that's a challenge every day. >> reporter: sure. >> whatever you can put your foot on, is what they're actually cleaning. >> reporter: yes, there are plenty of folks who don't have anywhere to go and it was raining today so lot of them came inside and it's easy to blame things on them but the way christine puts it all we got to do is clean up after ourselves. does i can't just say, you know, it's there job to come and clean up behind me. we all need to take an active participation and throwing away our mess and creeping up behind ourselves. >> reporter: it's not in hard to do. >> it's really not that hard it only takes minute. >> reporter: to be clear septa didn't defecate on the train platform or at the bus depot. somebody nasty did that. and if septa could clean things up quicker that would be nice but a lot cooler if nobody did something nasty in the first place. i'm hank and that's my take. ♪
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>> in three minutes, she just wanted to get her morning coff coffee. like she does every day. now a woman is fighting for her life because of a suspected drunk driver. eighty-five hundred dollars?!? vanstone auctions? sold for eight thousand five hundred "unicorn in rouge." congratulations, sir. when you need help fast, call us with td asap on the td bank app and skip to the front of the line. hi alex, i have your account pulled up. how can i help? oh, uh... great. are you seeing this charge from an auction house? that doesn't look right. i'll take care of that. oh good. thank you. because when you need help, you need it asap.
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like paperless, multi-car, and safe driver, that help them save on their car insurance. any questions? -yeah. -how do you go to the bathroom? great. any insurance-related questions? -mm-hmm. -do you have a girlfriend? uh, i'm actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly $600 when they switch, so... where's your belly button? [ sighs ] i've got to start booking better gigs.
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>> an elderly woman fighting for her life after car hit her in fox chase. police say the driver left the scene but did circle back around tonight that man is in custody facing charges and our jeff cole has been speaking with neighbors about the woman who is now in the hospital. >> reporter: every morning at 4:00 a.m., 84-year-old mabel stoteler crosses pine road in fox chase and heads for the dunkin' donuts. she sits at the first table, orders a small black coffee and an old-fashioned doughnut. monday, she never made it there. janie rohan are stoteler in the fox chase gardens apartment. >> she was struck. >> aww. she's critical? >> we're told critical condition. >> aww. oh, my god. that's so hard to believe. she's just, upping, i see her every single day.
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>> reporter: police say it was just after 4:00 monday morning when she was struck as she crossed pine along the 8,000 block officers arrived to find her unconscious in the street bleeding from the head with multiple injuries. her shoes and walker nearby. >> she would walk every morning specials physical the weather was nice completely around the building, and she would drag the walker. >> reporter: investigators say, while they were working the scene they were approached by a 24-year-old male who said he had been in an accident. he pulled over and parked his chevy malibu along the 300 block of dalton street. its windshield shattered. police say the driver says he thought he had hit a deer but is under arrest for suspicion of driving unthe influence. rushed to aria torresdale in critical condition, neighbors described stoteler as a feisty widow living on her own a fixture of the neighborhood, a friend to all. >> but she was full of spirit. she was always joking, and she
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would go to the bank, and i mean, i would see her all the time. >> the hollywood reaction to harvey weinstein's firing yesterday one of condemnation. merrill streep weighed in today calling the allegations against weinstein inexcusable. kevin who directed movies, produced by weinstein, says he feels ashamed he profited by working with him. meanwhile, reporte reportedly wn sent an e-mail to other hollywood executives before his board of directors fired him. he was the reports say pleading them to back him up. weinstein has not commented since his firing yesterday. one week since the deadliest shooting in u.s. history and we know more about the shots that started it all the las vegas police department released information today on the shooter who killed 58 people at that country music concert last week. las vegas police sheriff revealing that paddock shot a security guard in the hallway of his hotel he carried out his killing spree and attempted to
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shoot at nearby fuel tanks as diversion during at tack. lombardo says there's still no evidence that paddock was motivated by ideology or that there was another shooter. no charges for a man who interrupted senator pat toomey's town hall. john morganelli today said simon, was just exercising his freedom of speech when interrupting the town hall meeting on thursday. he asked senator toomey "so you haven't seen the news? do you know whether your daughter bridget has been abducted?" >> while officers took him away he went on to make the rest of his point saying this is the reality families facing deportation. >> daca is absolutely critical to, um, many, many families in this country. it's absolutely critical that those families are not torn apart. >> daca is the immigration policy that protects people who came to the country with their family when they were children. president trump ended the program last month putting pressure on lawmakers to come up
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way new plan. it's october and that means pumpkins are seemingly everywhere including in your beer and your coffee but if you're in langhorne, pennsylvania, you're just hoping not to find one on your car. fox 29's chris o'connell has more. >> you can see it's all cracked pretty big. >> reporter: one thing find a busted pumpkin on your lawn -- >> this is going to cost lost money to fix. >> reporter: it's another to find this. lindsay blum won't be driving back to college tonight thanks to vandals who wrecked her 2003 toyota outside her langhorne home. >> why would someone go out and, you know, purposely hurt someone' cars. someone's prompt. >> reporter: the great pumpkin caper started on a dark friday night when some unknown goblins toed a 15-pound pumpkin on to her windshield. it not only smash the glass but the roof's frame. it means the $1,400 car may have to be totaled. >> you go from perfectly good working car that is taken
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somebody to school that has no money, has no job she's just trying to get through school, and all of a sudden, you know, she's in for not a new car but used car. >> reporter: but the halloween horror continued. a back window of a honda smashed by a pumpkin at nearby neshaminy high school. and one guy who didn't want to talk on camera heard a big thump of a pumpkin hitting his work van late at night. >> it's unnecessary, you know, nonsense. that's all. >> reporter: yeah. no security cameras or anything like that? >> not yet. >> reporter: no. >> they're coming. >> reporter: middletown township responded to half dozen reports of stolen pumpkins and reports of car windows shattered by those ill gotten gourds. police say they can't remember this many pumpkin related crimes in one weekend. for lindsay, forget the treats, it it was all about the tricks. >> if it's just me being affected that kind of stinks, but the fact that someone is actually going around and not targeting people but randomly
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doing this, i think it's kind of stupid. >> chris tells us police are taking the thefts and vandalism seriously. police actually took some dna from the pumpkins are working on getting surveillance video of those crimes. in just three minutes, the equifax hack bad enough. so much of our personal in info& is now out there and that now includes how much you make and where you work. some scary stuff. ivana, mel land yack the first wife versus the first lady. their war of words.
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>> first days in the books what could be new jersey's last bear hun. six-day hun starts today in eight counties, new jersey has got lot of bears. state wildlife officials say the hunt helps keep the population under control while animal rights activists think it's inhumane. what's going to happen next? that is for the next governor to decide. the election of course is next month. the worry about war with north korea has the us army now hearing quote be ready. as the us prepares russia and china more align with north korea, of course. both calling for restraint. us secretary of defense james mattis says military has to be prepared as leaders deal with provocations by pyongyang. president trump tweeted today
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the us has been unsuccessfully dealing with north korea for 25 years giving billions of dollars and getting nothing in return. north korea's leader kim jong-un says the nuclear weapons his country are developing are a quote powerful deterrent. >> trending now. president trump does not seem to be the only one in the white house getting into little bit of a feud. his wife first lady melania found herself defending that title avenue his first wife ivana said during interview in a tongue and cheek fashion she's the first lady. she talk to the president frequently and has direct number to the white house. she said she does not want to call too often because it may make melania jealous and joked that because she was his first wife she is first lady. melania trump's spokeserson responded by saying the comments were quote attention seeking and self-serving noise from an ex. more trouble for equifax. its breach may exposed your salary and where you work.
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company called cbs on security says it's easy for hackers to access detailed salary and employment history using your social security number and birthday. both 32 you both through the work number where tens of thousands of company report sal row data that information can go back as far as a decade. it's october. >> um-hmm. >> perhaps we shall be drinking steaming pumpkin spice lattes and enjoying the changing leaves, kathy, right. >> yeah. >> tropical outside. >> not so much. that tropical moisture is going to be sticking around. still a few spotty showers. we'll take look when it dries out and when it warms up again coming up with your seven day. ♪
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philadelphia police are on the hunt for a man who robbed a gas station in northeast philly. they say just past two this morning a man in early 20's walk into the sunoco a plus on 13,000 bustleton avenue and point add gun to the cashier demanded money. after he got the cash he took off heading north on bustleton avenue. sniffles, itchy eyes we've seen a lot of that of course this time of year if you're trying to treat it with medicine are you sure you got the right kind? fox 29's joyce evans has some tips to help you feel a little better. >> i feel like we're in the tropics. >> reporter: at least for the
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past couple of weeks or so, allergy sufferers are feeling it. but not 14-year-old dominic di matteo. does he not skip his weekly allergy shots. >> all right. >> reporter: severe seasonal allergies side lined his budding football play three years ago. >> i was very miserable. i was not feeling great. >> 19-year-old field hockey player alexis di minute go says all meds used to relieve her misery but not so much any more. >> the allergies have been a mess. i've been all over the place. everything is red on me. i've been itching report roar she's been league evaluated for possibly starting allergy shots. >> it's constant battle if you're aware of what triggers your symptoms, you're ahead of the game. >> reporter: allergist says most people really don't know exactly what sets off their allergies or what exactly is irritated. > you can have seasonal asthma where your symptoms only occur
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during a pollen season. report roar she says you might need an inhaler, but you start taking the wrong meds way after the suffering has already start the. >> you start the anti-histamine. there are many over the counter nasal steroids that are available. you star those and use those daily. >> reporter: but --ing. >> they don't work right away. >> reporter: people get impatient and they stop. it takes three to ten days to start get something relief. >> dominic as been doing so well the doctor changed his shot schedule from week toll every two weeks. he's really worked at it. >> exactly. that's why you want to see your local allergist so you can find out what you're allergic to so you know when to start the medicine before the season and also to go on allergy immuno therapy to change how your body reacts. >> reporter: dr. says dominic may be in the process of reversing some of his allergies if he keeps us his routine treatment and that she says is
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the biggest mistake that allergy sufferers make. they stop their meds as soon as the irritation eases up. joyce evans, fox 29 news. ♪ on top of breaking news right now. texas tech is on lock down after a campus police officer is shot and killed. the fox station on the air there is reporting that the shooter is in custody. they're also report that the suspect is a student at texas tech brought to the station after campus police found drugs in a dorm room. police say the student was brought to the campus police station for questioning and pulled a gun and shot the officer. live look doylestown. ready for the heat to return? it's all right here. it hasn't left. it's an october warmup yet aga again. details in 15 seconds.
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>> drier air is moving into the delaware valley and you can see it by this flow right here on ultimate doppler. northwesterly winds southerly winds down the shore. a cold front is moving in and the air will be drying out overnight. temperatures are still warm out there. the humidity is high. the temperature 78 degrees. winds out of the southwest still in philadelphia at 8 miles an hour. it's 65 in the poconos. this westerly whipped in reading 75 degrees. southerly winds in philadelphia, millville, dover, where temperatures are still well in the upper 70s. dew point temperatures in the 70s. it is tropical and that will be coming to an end overnight that's the good news. everyone is concerned about had that humidity will break and it will be tomorrow. cold front will be moving through tonight. high pressure builds in and in its wake and we see this clockwise flow that means a northwesterly wind a drying wind but it's not going too much cooler tomorrow. in fact it's going to be right around where it was today. fox future cast shows the hour by hour some late showers ahead
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of the the front but behind it clearing skies, northwesterly winds. lower humidity, tomorrow really looks like a perfect day temperatures will be in the 80s. the humidity will be low and a good deal of sunshine as well. overnight tonight, 57 in the poconos. allentown 61. the same in pottstown. 67 in philadelphia. 67 in dover. 66 in wilmington. even down the shore, quite mild. atlantic city 67. wildwood 69. during the day tomorrow, there's a chance of morning fog. giving way to good deal of sunshine. high temperatures in the 80s. light northwesterly winds. and a deep blue sky with that lower humidity. on your seven day forecast from the weather authority wednesday a mix sun and clouds cooler. we see a shot of cooler air over the great lakes that moves in for thursday. the high only 68. friday we bump it up to 74. near 80 for the temple owls game on saturday. sunday looks nice. mostly sunny and next monday we'll be talking about sunny, cooler weather, 74 degrees. shred that's not football
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weather over the week went you're talking 80. >> we'll take it kathy. believe me there's no snow on the ground sipe me up. 76ers making a loud and clear statement about their future. ahead what they did for the often injured joel embiid. no rest for the winners. eagles with injury concerns as they get ready to play the panthers thursday night down in charlotte. sports coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. >> good evening everybody. after a yukky wet day we'll try to get some work done here on the overnight. crews are coming back to shut down the schuylkill expressway. they're going to work westbound at 30th street all traffic will be pushed at 30th. allow a few extra minutes to get right back on that's going to be the deal all this week. they're also going to be paving all day tomorrow along walnut between front and broad.
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also going to start paving along chestnut street as well for the gang in the great north 95 will be working tomorrow during the day between allegheny avenue and bridge street. have a great night. we'll meet you bright and early tomorrow morning. we'll check the jam cams and sue has the forecast. we'll see you at 4:00.
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eagles with short work week coming off that 34-seven win over the cardinals yesterday.
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thursday night they will will be in charlotte to face the carolina panthers. both teams coming in at four and one. eagles most likely will be without tackle lane johnson who is still in the nfl concussion protocol. eagles have balanced through injuries all season long. it's nothing new. if you're keeping track, they have lot of ronald darby, caleb sirius, darrin sproles and fletcher cock. the next man up mentality that keeps the eagles team. as we all know there's no crying in football. >> it's the guys that are, n either we've brought into the -- on to the team or the next guy on the roster. these guys just -- it's the resiliency football team, and, you know, the never quit, the don't quit mentality. >> story almost too unbelievable true. miami dolphins offensive line coach chris forrester resigned after a video surveillance surfaced him snorting powdered substance without a $20 bill. not knowing where or when the video was shot. next time you see joel embiid
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running through the streets of philadelphia ask him for some change chances it will be in large bills. joel embiid and 76ers agreeing on five-year, $148 million designated rookie scale maximum extension. congratulations joel. not in uniform tonight sixers took on the celtics much that is markelle fultz first round pick and one. he had 12 points. another chance to see joel embiid -- ben simmons make that off the block. he played defense the celtics did. the sea just part go ahead ben simmons. sick sixers lost 113-96. how about play off baseball. american league division series boston facing em limb nation dustin padilla caught out its out on strikes. doesn't like the call. the manager comes out to defend him. enjoy the rest of the game in the clubhouse not around to see this in the eighth and josh reading in tied game single to left houston beats boston five to four. the astros are moving on to the american league championship series. how about the cubs and nationals this afternoon at
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fenway tied at 1:00 in the eighth series tied at one. anthony rizzo hit him where they ain't the blooper right there scores the go ahead one. cubs win, cubs one win two-one they can wrap that up series tomorrow. two other games in progress right now. yankees looking to finish off the indians up seven-three that series game at two games a piece. dodgers trying to sweep the diamondbacks in arizona. >> i've got pocket change if joel embiid can't afford it. they have to pate guy. >> that's what i'm saying. he'll be be restricted free agent. >> the big risk the number of injuries. he's played 31 games but you had to do it. if he's your future centerpiece you had to pay him. >> how about. >> 148 millions. >> almost our salaries combined. [ laughter ] >> more than 25 million. >> that's my option year. >> your option. are you restricted. >> i am. [ laughter ] >> i will be restricted for that guy money. >> amen. >> lucy, what's coming up at 11:00. >> temple student shot and killed by police in miami. what witnesses say they saw just before police fired.
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>> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. monthly has shut down an entire south jersey school district. the mold discovery happened at an elementary school in monroe township and parents are outraged. tonight families packed an emergency school board meeting. they wanted answers. our dave kinchen was there when things got rowdy. >> you don't have damn bit of information that these kids are safe. >> reporter: parents called out school board members in an emergency meeting at the williamstown high school theater over mold in schools. >> you run a garbage board of hell. >> a meeting so pack twice the police had to step in and enforce the fire marshal safety plan. >> parents blasted officials asking who knew what and when after mold was detected at the
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