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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 9  FOX  October 2, 2017 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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commish chairman steve, who has been industrial in giving us resources to the first responders, as far as, refreshments and food, and support of the entire county commissioners. i have been on the phone, the entire night with the mayor, carolyn goodman and she responded to umc to check on the patients and she's in the process of visiting the other hospitals and showing the expert of the city, and then obviously we have our, congressman rubin kuhn, he is in town to also show us our support. so any other questions of the members standing before you. yes, ma'am. >> at one point you said this was not terror related, how do you differentiate this. >> well, we have to establish what his metvation is first and there is motivating factors associated with terrorism other than distraught person tend to go cast mass casualty. before we label with that it will be a matter of process.
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>> inaudible. >> no we have not. >> inaudible. >> no we have not. we have not located any items within the room of his house at this point. >> inaudible. >> yes, ma'am it was a matter have normal practice. whenever we use a dynamic entry. >> was there anything else in the help tell room that made you say aside from the number of weapons that makes you believe he was there for a while. >> we have information that he has been there since the 28th of september. so i have no idea when he prevented housekeepers from entering the room or not, that is just a matter of continuing investigation. all right, thanks very much. we will provide you an update, probably in the next two hours , thank you. >> interesting to find out that new information that the guy now dead stephen craig pad dock had been at mandalay bay hotel since september the
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28th. >> they found 10 rifleness his hotel room. >> they search his house, and, they said he was, had a residents in months keith 80 miles to the northe of vegas. >> and then -- >> hold on just a second, we will bring in karen hepp who joins us at 9:00. we have some see you on camera >> they found him dead, he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, so when they went in there, they didn't know if he was dead or not if he died with the encounter with police but he was found dead in that hotel room where he had been. >> when it comes to the number of people injured and how many died they were saying that they are still looking throughout the area and seeing different spots because some people were hiding at the time when the shots happened. so that is why we are still waiting when it comes to the final toll. >> it is interesting too i believe he said that the woman that they were looking for, his partner, his companion or whatever, isn't even in the u.s.? >> they found her out of the country. >> she was out of the country.
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>> at first we thought maybe she was in the hotel room with him back in the house but now she's out of the country. now they think she's in the clear all together. >> vehicles they were looking for and they are still looking for. even though they found her they have not found vehicle that they put out there a, of interest, a chrysler pacifica they were looking for and another vehicle there. >> so, you know, after a weekend maybe somebody just getting up at 9:00 on a monday morning, this happened while you were sleeping, about 1:00 o'clock in the morning our time 10:00 o'clock out there in las vegas. a guy goes up from his room on the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay hotel and starts shooting down at a concert, and there is about 22, 25,000 people listening to jason aldean the performer as part of the three day concert. >> this is war mass casualty event we have had in this country. >> yeah. >> it is more than the pulse
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nightclub. >> mass shooting. >> mass shooting yeah. >> event that has happened where we had a deadly shooting that has happened in this country. absolutely horrific. so many people just describe the way that this was done was very different because we have someone shooting from up above and they almost described it in terms of the military terms as a kill box where everybody is trapped because they are fenced in at the concert and they cannot get out of the area and they don't realize what is happening. that is what is being used in the military with this automatic weapon and whole series of weapons used one after another. >> ten rifles found in his room. >> again, he has been there since the 28th, whether is this the second. >> october 2nd. >> and it it is also interesting the sheriff said they found no derogatory information on his background, just a citation within the past couple years. >> who knows what the citation is for. >> what are you finding out. >> lets recap they we have a new alert out of the nation's capitol home land security says there is no specific
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credible threat to our peb venues in the u.s. after people waking up hearing about the las vegas shooting, gunman , from the 32nd floor of the las vegas strip casino un leash bullets down on and outdoor music festival before. the gun man stephen craig pad dock killed at lee 50 people and injured more than 400 others. sheriff said there is nothing out of the ordinary after taking a look at paddock's background at the scene thousands of frantic concert goers screamed and ran for their lives. swat teams quickly descended on the concert, and that hotel and officers used, explosives, to get inside of that room where the suspect was held up, paddock was killed inside that room on the 32nd floor where he was surrounded by dozens of weapons, we hear as you just said 10 rifles, search warrant was issued for his home and will be searched, and staying on bullets were coming from
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the mandalay bay into the concert and people were just dropping. >> help and assistance after this happened. first responders got to the scene as quickly as they could but now we are hearing there is a backlog, overwhelming of that system there because the hospital that many of them, were transported to early on is just overwhelmed, and the resources sort of tapped out, mike, alex and karen, it is only level one trauma center where they take patient that is have injuries like this, so right now they are trying to deal with that right now. families getting frustrated trying to get in contact with people. people urging, people that are
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looking on line for their loved won to go to the facebook where you can find friends after a tragedy like this. so, it is a lot still happening, unfolding, we are staying on top of it and bring you another update when we get it. >> i mean i just can't imagine kay uses, in those centers. >> people phones are dying. people are having a hard time getting to them. they don't have chargers. there is confusion. some of them are at hotels as well. so there is a lot of confusion >> police are asking family members to call to report someone missing because they are trying to identify everyone and who they are the injured as well as those who died. >> we keep showing you footage and we have all seen this jason aldean the country music singer who has been to philadelphia many times. country music fans love this guy. he was on stage, during this concert, and when the gun fire started, so, i mean he is totally heart broken. he posted a message to the country. >> so it is a picture that says pray for las vegas and
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says tonight has been beyond horrific, i still don't know what to say but wanted to let everyone know me and my crew are safe, my thoughts and pray ers go out to everyone involved tonight, it hurts my heart that this would happen to anyone coming out to enjoy what should have been a fun night, they did this with the #heart broken and stop the hate and he was the one performing but this was a music festival three day festival route 91 harvest and he was one of the many that performed, over the pennsylvania few days. but other people also reacting on social media as they are waking up and finding about this. >> questlove said just woke up can't believe this is where we are as a nation. mind you this is without context but how in god's name do they have auto, how? talking about the weapons. >> automatic weapons. >> they are used for military and it is not something that you would commonly have. >> we will to have find out more about this shooter. >> lets go back to our network coverage and see what they are up to.
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>> right across the street in the parking lot of the church right directly adjacent to the actual location where the shooting took place, guys. if you look over my shoulder, you'll see these cars, over there, those cars were concert goers and there is now no ability to get them out but it gives you an idea, people left , frantically, and also you'll see the stage itself, the actual fabric on the side of it, waiting in the wind. it shows you no protection for those on stage because, basically, you can go right through, we have a gunshot that can get right through a piece of fabric. you can see distance have the mandalay. there are no obstructions. the l idor ace cross the street a bit to the north. there are obstructions there, there is trees but mandalay has no obstructions. when you talk to law enforcement they do believe while this investigation goes forward they do believe that this was plan, pretty far in advance. the mandalay obviously very popular place to stay for this concert since it is right
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across the street. this man had the room for several days. he obviously 10 rifles, this was planned. so now the idea toys map this all out as the, as the investigation continues behind me and bodies are still being removed from the lex behind me , the investigation goes into the on line profile, it initial to who did he know, how did he get weapons. those are things that law enforcements looking at, fbi is on the scene to help in that process because it is a very large crime scene in the sense of just number of people to be interviewed. i mean 22,000 potential witnesses and 400 injured that we know of at this hour and more than 50 dead, it has been a night of horror here in las vegas and something when you walk down the street over here , giles street and reno avenue there is bloody footprints right here, we walk up and see bloody footprints and bodies. it is very tough situation for a lot of people. >> adam, as police chief just told us family reunions are
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still taking place at this hour. he provided a number to reach out if you are still looking for a loved one and the coroner's office also has provided a number 866-53-5654, we are still, at that stage... >> we have heard people from the delaware valley, have traveled out there to that concert so if you have loved wonderful, out there, number you can call we will get it back on the screen for you after about two minutes. next level brows?
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most impactful? changmy hair color. few. garnier nutrisse, nourishes while you color. plus avocado, olive and shea oils. changing my hair color changed everything. nutrisse. nourished hair... better color. all right. 9:14. let's give so more information on this situation out in las vegas, police say that the death toll still stand right at 50, but 406 people have been transported to the hospitals. that is just officially. other people were taken there, do you see this pickup truck? that pickup truck was commandeered so they could put bodies, live and dead in the back of it.
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>> i have heard from the woman one of the trucks and she had someone shot in the leg, back abe chest, and people loss their lives, and being in the concert and having than one not knowing where to go. it is right behind the mandalay bay. no one knew where to go. they had to be transported. >> if you note that is with man being car aid cross the street they were using some of the barricade and putting peoples bodies on barricade just to get them out of there. >> yes. >> as gerneys. >> as gerneys. >> i saw one shot of the guy, on a freezer, the roll freezer they were using anything as gerneys. >> it is hard to understand because it is incomprehensible what is happening. you could hear, the actual band up on the stage and still singing and playing and then they realize. people start jumping under the
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stage that was one of the few places where there was any cover. >> okay. social media as it is, these days, a lot of people responding, jen from around the world. >> reporter: other thing you guys were talking that this is las vegas. they are always outside. when you go there you are hanging outside. other thing that one of the security experts said on another station i was listening is that because they were trying to keep a bad guy out these 30,000, 20,000 people were kind of like boxed in. it was really hard for them to climb over the fences and get out because remember with the ariana grande concert, people wanted to be like fenced in and make sure in one could get in. so problem is when shooting happened in one could get out. so that is one thing that they will take into consideration when it comes to security, obviously later on, in outdoor concerts. so, we love her we know her carli lloyd, america's favorite soccer star she's talking about it waking up to news like this in vegas is absolutely disgusting.
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cannot believe what is happening in this country and world. we loved him yesterday eagles quarterback carson wentz reflects with this tweet so much hate and evil. so sad. the world need jesus in a bad way. new jersey governor chris christie sends his prayers with this tweet, the awful event in las vegas leaves us grasping for answers, let us all pray, for the victims and their loved won dealing with grief and loss. for former president barack obama sending his thoughts as well michelle and i are praying for the victims in las vegas. our thoughts are with their families and everyone enduring another senseless tragedy. as i went on my own facebook, patients carter who as you guys know former fox 29 intern she was the survivor of the pulse nightclub shooting, very sim wham she has to say, so much to say about this... >> so one of the people that we will be reaching out to today because, horrifically
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she knows what it feels like to be in this situation, so, just everyone is just heart wrenchingly confused how this could happen again, with so many vick times. >> well, don't we have more gunfire deaths then any in the western country in the world. >> yes. >> and if you think bit, this guy they keep saying he was awfully enough the perfect location, 32 floors up, so many people down there, and you know from what we're hearing ammunition in this situation is something that even police departments don't use. >> yes. >> so it is just, the whole thing, and they about it, it is first responders, and their families and all of the people there. there is a camera guy that i saw on facebook, at another tv station apparently his parents or his in laws were there and this is a decembertition nation, and, they were update, bucket list vacation and his parents came in and they sent something, was going to happen
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again, another person everyone will be talking about. >> is it also, probably will, change our concert venues for never this country. >> you think about wildwood with those amazing outdoor concert. >> made in america. >> high rise buildings. >> yeah, but those are small are venues. >> made in america, live nation, those are big, big events. even little won not that this was small, 30,000 people it will probably change every thing, the way we plan everything and what we do with our fencing do we want to have that kind of restrictions around people, is there a place someone can get above. a lot of the people who are analyst are looking at it saying this is something he must have planned for some time. no matter what his motive was to plan this, scope it, pick event, pick the floor, vantage point and window and to be there for so many days in advance and all that weaponry, that clearly this was something he had planned. >> if you just join us he has been in that hotel room since september the 28th. >> even when you think about
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when jen was mentioning some of the events and concerts here at made in america they do security but that is for people going in the concert. so thinks different when it comes to how to prevent this from happening again, when you are already checking everyone who is there on the ground. >> interesting to go talk to the philadelphia police department if they have, you know, officers on the high rise buildings, whether not high rises but taller buildings on the parkway do we have security on top of those buildings. >> we do when we have big event like the pope or the sweeps but every parade, we have macy's day parade happening as we get into the thanksgiving and all of our parades and if there is anything going through cities, that is a place for people to be outside and they may have to change all of those things. >> we will take a break, 9:20 we will be right back. do i use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth or...
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over 400 victims. you look at that number there about 24 hospitals and medical centers in the las vegas area not all capable of treating trauma patients those with gunshot wounds and when you divide that number and look at amount of ambulances in the area they could not get to all of the patients. you where to see one portion of the video where you are driving by and pickup truck or car and you are stopped by individual saying hey we have an emergency here can you help us out, lets take a look. >> oh, my god. >> hey, right new we need your truck, we need to get people over to the hospital. >> go ahead. >> put them all in the back. >> can you pull over toward the side over there. >> this person over here, hold up can we get this person. >> better chilling understanding of the situation here once again 400 individual , people being treated at local hospitals, one hospital, in particular, it is the cities largest hospital, university medical center at full capacity, there
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treating 104 patients at this hour. other attendees they are being evacuated or transported with buses, to the thomas and mack center for shelter. big question at this hour for loved once, and what hospitals are are they at. and give that out if you have a loved, (866)535-5654 to local would local authorities to find out where your loved one may be. >> make sure you send that number to megan so she can send it to the screen. >> also in that video, were you saying, people were using the security barriers, as gurneys, you can see three or four people doing that and wheel barrel with somebody in it. >> and a number of images we are seeing on social media, people driving around the vegas area shout to go anyone on the streets, to get inside, saying there is an active shooter. >> my goodness. >> thanks, thomas. we know there was off-duty
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members of the sheriff's department out there that before there at the concert and one did lose his life there was on duty officers, one that has been upgraded to stable condition in critical and another also injured, in the shooting with those other, you know, 400 people. >> unreal, all right, quick break back in two.
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>> coming up on 9:30, on this monday morning, again, all hands on deck, lauren, what do you have now in the news room. >> all right, still hearing from the us homelands security department, people outraged by this, of course fearful, saying there is no specific credible threat involving other public venues in the u.s. after the las vegas shooting. check out this video.
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>> hard to see now when you know what's happening there. a gunman perched high on 392nd p casino, unleashing a shower of bullets down on country music festival below, identified as 64 year old stephen paid okay, killed at least 50 people, injured more than 400, in a crowd of about 20,000. the sheriff said nothing out of the orders area after taking a look at paddock's bok grounds, at the scene there, thousands of frantic concert goers screaming and running for their lives. swat teams quickly descended on the concert and the casino. officers used explosion i have to get into the hotel room where the suspect was inside. pat okay was found dead inside that room with ten rifles, the sheriff says he checked into the hotel on september 28th and many expert now saying this is not surprising since attack of this scope takes some extensive planning. heavily armed police searching the nevada retirement home
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community where they believe he lived with a woman named mary lou danley, since cleared her in connection to the shooting, sheriff says the shooting event the worst in modern history is taking a toll on his team, but they're staying the course. >> it is devastating time, unfortunate, you know, we have been talking about active shooters in the past, and it is unfortunate it did occur here, but we have responded to the scene. we're doing the best we can to provide safety for the survivors. and right now we believe it is a soul actor, loan wove type actor, weaver the place under control. >> again, the death toll up to 50, 200 more injured, the pictures and videos from the terrifying moments continuing to be up load today social media sites. woman you saw the woman marilou danley, police wanted to speak to, since found out she is out of the country, not connected to the mass shooting , so she has been cleared, but mike and alex our country is reeling from the worse mass shooting in modern history.
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>> yes, apparently he had on him some of her i.d.'s or something, and maybe even a casino play card that made them go to look for her, but she is out of the country, cleared. >> 406 people taken to the hospital. that's officially, who knows how many people were taken thereby friends or family and cars and pick-up trucks and wheel barrels and everything else. >> we've been hearing store business people just get to go their cars taking who ever they can. >> this toll will go high. 9:32, several people who were at the scene say it was unimaginable, as you can imagine. listen to this. >> it was really crazy there. was muzzle fire, and smoke coming out of the window, and it was just rapid fire, couple of hundred rounds fired out, there and the curtain from the window, the wind drawing them out, and the gunfire at that time erring the curtains, and i just kept coming out the window again and again, really just fridays inning. >> it was pretty much like a war scene inside.
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i've seen a lot of stuff in my day with the fire department. it was hard to see. even the bod that's are outside down the street here that were carried probably half mile from the incident, honestly i probably pronounced 15 to 20 people inside. it is a very sad day, an event like this, something that never should have happened. >> catching up with one of my friends at the concert, one took offer right away when she heard the sounds of gunfire, hopped a fence with another couple that she didn't know, ended up hiding under a car. and then making a run for it to the mgm grand hotel. and she is there hiding right now still. >> myself and few other security guards, some are civilians, we all gave hands helping transport bodies, a lot of people were shot unfortunately. >> one girl had shrapnel, marks on the side of her face, and she said it appears the bullets were coming from mandalay bay into the concert. and they were just dropping, the people were just dropping.
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>> that's exactly what was happening. let's get to our network again i think they're interviewing someone who saw this. >> give us sense how much grounds does that cover one hotel to the other? >> we probably, we actually by the time we were done running we made it to the airport. i look it up this morning, because i was like i don't even know how he ran so fast and made it so far, we look up , there was about like eight , seven, 8 miles just running, and you're in a panic , you know, all of us, every little sounds we hear now, all just hon the edge of our seats looking around like what's going on. >> were you able to locate where the shots were coming from? >> well, they sounded, it was so rounds, so we really didn't know. you could tell it was kind of coming from up higher t wasn't coming from like the floor. so we did know it was -- people were saying it was up on top of the manned lan bay, we knew it was up hi, you
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didn't know exactly where it was coming from. >> and you attended friday, saturday, or was sunday your first and only? >> no, i have been going to the special for the past three years, and it is sad, i probably will never go back just for fear, and terrified to go to another concert again it is horrible. >> so you've been going to vegas for the last three years specifically for this show? >> yes, specifically we drive out from california, every year for the festival, you know, we were staying at manned land bay, at a friends' house in vegas, so we're off the strip far away, all of the stuff, cars everything, so we don't know how long we'll be stuck here. >> the sun expected to come up 6:37 a.m. your time two minutes from now and you're waking to up whole newtown and whole new world and a whole new situation that folks like you are -- will no expectation
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going into an event like. >> this and are you able to absorb what you have experienced and witnessed yet, jedy? >> i don't know. i think we all have been up all night, just knowing all on the edge of our seats, just confused. >> talking to this woman who was at the convert, she said she ran for miles to get away. says she probably will never go to another concert. >> i can well imagine. i would think a lot of people would think large crowds event , anything you have it, makes you vulnerable. >> will the 36, quick break, come back in two.
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( floor creaks) i can't believe we're doing this! (thunder cracks) ahh! gus, you're not scared, are you? i don't like thunder! this is getting creepy! (a wolf howls in the distance) heeey ... -whoa! (shriek)
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did you say creepy? fang-tastic fortune. the new scratch off from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, with top prizes of $50 grand. that's a monster of a prize! (giggles) (laughs) keep on scratchin'! >> while we were on the break, our network was showing a tight shot of mandalay bay, the window where the shooter
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was shooting. oh, we just missed it. they were up there. you can see the window shot out or opened up or whatever. i don't think those window open. he probably shot it out. maybe this will back up. >> this is on the 32nd floor. they believe this happened. >> look at that. >> what's interesting now that you can see there is two locations cents two, blown out windows, maybe if you reloaded and moved from one to the other. >> yes, or just one of those bigger rooms. >> yes. >> lasted for about 20 minute, they believe that there were three separate incidents that happened within those 20 minutes. >> you know i just remembering that a lot of connections with philly to las vegas, but remember the name oscar car new march? mayor every las vegas for years and years and years. >> good man. >> good man rather, yes, good man. his wife is now the current mayor of las vegas. >> and they were both born in philly, weren't they?
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>> yes. >> she went to bryn mawr college. >> graduated in the early 60s. well, let's listen to reporter at the scene. >> that's where all the gunfire came from. i mean, those people had no chance. that's what one of the witnesses we interviewed at one point was a law enforcement, and said to me, you know, there was no chance. i mean, it was basically shooting fish in a barrel. and it is just it was chaos. it is now more i think the point now it is starting to signing in, goes back to where we started this live report, with the referencing the guest you just had, how she sat down and sobbed, and that's, starting to hear that story from others who survived this, as the sun comes up, and it starts to signing in, they've been interviewed, talk to their loved ones, they realize that, you know, they are one of the lucky ones. people are starting to come back, seeing people, in fact, here to the right, starting to see some people come back. they are a allowed to get their cars if not too far close to the actual crime
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scene. you'll see them trapped in blankets, draped in, you know, jacket, blankets, sheets, that casino every thing from the hotels, coming back from over tropicana is one, and also hooters hotel where a lot of them went tonight you are see them come back now, they come back, see the look on their faces, one of shock. how could it not be? i was talking to law enforcement here, are las vegas pd, just the look on their faces, standing here in awe of what has happened, and what this community and people don't realize, you come to vegas, you party on a strip. you don't realize there is a massive community here away from las vegas strip, people like any other city in this country. and those people obviously are dealing with with loved ones, obviously here inside this facility, at this concert, we also know that people came from as far away as canada, alaska, many people here from southern california, los angeles police department two of their officers were here and were injured. so the information keeps
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coming, we expect more at the press conference, how that the sun's to up see those windows blown out, really kind of shows you the perspective. >> yes, now that the sun is up out there, 6:43 a.m. in the morning. that's an erie scene, isn't it >> very ear. >> i about what happened nine hours ago. quick break.
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>> we are taking a look at the pocono mountains, we will
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gather update from sue on what the weather is right here in our area in 15 seconds. >> while we are enjoying sunshine here in the city little haze up in the pocono mountains, just little moisture around, but sunshine should take care of that, it is a sunny start for most of us through the month of october. and the work week should remain rain-friday. although we will get some extra humidity, things start to heat up. not until thursday, even though the sun has been up for quite a while, temperatures still in the 40's in red willing, in allentown, in mount pocono, as well, up to 60 degrees in millville, 62 degrees in wildwood, 50's here in the city. last week we went to 91 degrees on monday. today, not even close. but very pleasant, 75 degrees
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today, tomorrow. seventy-eight on wednesday. eighty-three with more humidity on thursday. and we'll see if we get cold front perhaps just in time for the weekend. but the weather, no problems there, guys? >> all right, sue, thank you for that. >> back to las vegas. listen to our network coverage >> well, certainly, quite a few questions, as bill just stated. i, unfortunately, was out there, at the -- in florida, when we had the shooting at the pulse night club. i was also at virginia tech, and when you look at this situation, you're talking about someone who is not on the radar screen of law enforcement. and those are the most dangerous kind of individuals, we begin p are beginning to get slight picture, just slight picture who this guy stephen paddock is, and living in nevada there, also at one time lived in florida, had a brother live from what i
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understands in florida, his mother may very well still be alive, i understanded she may be in her 90s at this time. he also from what i've been told was was a pilot and also hot entheusiast, the big question, why, what is the motive? and i think what they're now looking at, from a blueprint stand point. >> to see what he came and went, as of last thursday, having been in that room. it would have taken some time, perhaps, for him to bring that amount of ammunition, and the kind of guns that we have been told at least there were ten weapons that were in that hotel room. so it is a picture that law
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enforcement is still fuzzy but trying to put it together. >> are you able to make anything of these many ands, we keep showing, of the mandalay resort, the windows that he actually shot from, two different windows, we were told these were windows that didn't open. it looks as though he fired straight through. can you derive anything from the images that we now have of the mandalay resort if we can get those back up there? on the right side of your screen, split screen there. >> sure. there is nothing to derive that i can derive from at this stage, i can tell you, those windows are pretty secure, or in these hotels so it is more likely than not he may well have shot one of the windows out in order to start shooting but what i can tell you is this was clearly planned, over
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a period of time. this guy new what he was doing ,. >> again, they think he was in that room from september 28th until last night. >> it is 9:50, karen? >> i think it will be interesting we know he does not have any criminal record, but fox news was told he is known to the local authorities there in the moss keith area. >> mesquite, town -- >> northeast of lasts vaguest, upscale retirement community, they think called sun city where he lived. >> sun city. >> it is interesting because earlier the sheriff mentioned that they found derrogatory, what they consider, derogatory information about stephen pad okay, more details are many coming out, learning more as we continue. >> just, yes, searching his house now. >> ten before 10:00 quick break. in the water, in the water
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9:53 am
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>> welcome back, we were talking in the break there with our sister station down in -- down in orlando, florida where apparently the dead brother's shooter's brother lives, i believe also his mother is down there, but his brother named eric pod paddock , he's saying the family is shocked to hear the news, they say they don't believe he had any political or religious beliefs associated with this. >> yes. >> and that he retired, and he went to las vegas, and because he liked to gamble, that's why he was in the area, and had been living there. >> so lived, moved to a retirement community about 80 miles to the north and east of the bay called moss keith -- mesquite nef add, a apparently sued one of the casinos back in 2012, who knows if that had anything to do with it. all right, jen, what do you
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have. >> so i just got off the phone with the deputy commissioner of the philadelphia police department joe sullivan, we were talking about what's going to happen moving forward , made in america, the draft, these major big outdoor events, that philadelphia has become famous for, handling really well. he said number one, report everything you hear, it is interesting to hear the family didn't know anything. because he is waiting and listening to hear if a friend or another family member new that the suspect was planning this event, and failed to report it to police. he says that's the number one weapon that they have is an involved community. they do prepare obviously for firearms, cars, and knives, he says, they do extensive planning when there is any outdoor event in the city of philadelphia. just like every city would. he also says that nothing is 100%. now, of course, i asked him about those park town ants, some of those other highrise apartments that are right near the art museum where you know it is really where we do a lot
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of the huge events, and he said they've been looking at those buildings for quite some time. so the idea that someone would do something so horrific, from a highrise, obviously; not a new idea. so you're going to be hearing more from him i'm sure throughout the day. but again, you hear something, he says, woe rather say oh, we got a bunch of reports and nothing worked out than not hear something important. >> sure, that's right, jen, thank you for. that will hey, thomas real quickly here, any time we have one of the shootings we think about the other shootings from the past. >> we always say it, simply can't get worse. >> oh, it got worse you. >> remember the lasts one obviously in orlando, pulse night club shooting. going down the list, 50 killed back in 2016. shooter enters the night club, started shooting in that area killing 50 people and prior to that we had december 2012, we had sandy hook. you remember the 20 year old. >> course. >> i won't go mention the suspect's names, 20 year old injured inside the school started shooting up inside the classroom killing 20 children.
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>> twenty-seven, wasn't it? >> well, 26 including the suspect, himself. and then in 2015 we had san bernardino, of course had virginia tech, i know skimming around here with the different dates. we had senior on the campus walk around killing 32 people, then sandy hook as i mentioned , going down the lit, san bernardino, the couple considered a terrorist act. they targeted the holiday party in there they killed 14 individuals back in 2015. you had edmond oklahoma in 1986. that was a postal worker, disgruntled postal worker enters the post offers, he called 14 of his colleagues. >> not to mention columbine, the list goes on and off on. >> i was there at columbine, two student entente heard the school, ended up killing 13 individuals back in 1999. so you mention simply can't get worse. you thought about the last one >> but it did. >> and here we go. >> so we know president trump is going to be speaking at 10:30, we will car it live
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here on fox 29, stay tuned to the station on for more updates. hey, guys. where are the cookies for the... bake sale? bake... bake sale? need to bake in a hurry? use new country crock buttery sticks with sunflower oil. there's no softening required. so baking is delicious and easy. ooh, cookies! ah, ah, ah! (laughter)
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>> live from new york city, it is the wendy williams show. now, here's wendy. [cheering] [applause] [cheering]


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