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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 9  FOX  September 22, 2017 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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we're trying to scary lie manning. that is our intern vern contact people say we would should take her out to lunch. >> she will be fine.
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>> i think you are right. i hate spiders, especially tarantula, i would not do that god, vern case a good sport. >> yes, she is a good sport. >> it is friday, september 22nd. what is it? it is 2017. it will be a great big weekend >> look who is here, kacie mcdonnell is back. >> hi. >> i can't reach that far. >> i'm not used to this you two have met. >> we met when i first came to philadelphia. >> yes. >> for like 2.7 seconds and we all screamed and ran around you and were you like om my god and then were you like yes >> now, since you have left, you went to kansas city. you moved to boston to work for a sports station, sports network. this is a new studio. we have a couch now. >> it is really cool to see this in real life but this is breezy, wow. >> yes. >> it is like a opened kitchen , what everybody dreams of, my gosh. >> the couch is a problem for
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ladies, because. >> yes. >> you have to be able to sit. >> i missed these things. people who run the prompters for news boston and i'm like, they are like what, i need my pedal back. >> like when you adlib they don't necessity where to put the prompter. >> yes. >> great to see you good to he zoo you do. >> you look fantastic. >> you look dueey and fresh and tan. >> why did you only have one hour of sleep last night. >> well, why? we had a bruins/flyers game, u gh. >> bruins won. >> it is preseason. >> nobody cares, it is like the lidle kid. but we had that. i went home. i have a cat name phil, so we have to talk when i get home. >> you saw mom and dad. >> no, heyed to talk to my cat last night. >> literally your cat. >> my cat, last night. >> is there a cat. >> we go back and forth. >> yes. >> it is really bad. >> i'm a cat lady. >> you set me off and i grew up to be a cat lady. >> it is named phil after
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philadelphia. >> so, were you face timing with your cat. >> i was at home, i flew in this morning. i just got here. >> yes. >> you made it sound like she has been here. >> i have skill. >> you have been on the train since 5:00 this morning. >> no, a plane. >> you flew in. >> yes. >> we will explain why she's in philadelphia again, we love to have her here, how she ended up in boston. >> by the way she smells fabulous. >> it is cologne. >> really. >> yes. >> i'm into it now. >> yes. >> yes. >> not a lot of women wear it. >> yes. >> you get that unique scent. >> yes. >> you smell like a man. >> i didn't say that. >> she smells good. >> she won't be confused, for a man. >> thinks best day in my life, two gorge us would man. my good inness. can i just say this no best friend, this is a weird story, i want to take on this prince george, he is a toddler basically. probably doesn't have a best
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friend in school. not because he is a royal so much but the school doesn't want children his age to have just one best friend. i necessity my granddaughter has one best friend. they want to have, like five to 10 good friends. we will explain. >> you have heard of spanks, right. well, they slim you down. they smooth you out. they come in handy. new is there something for your upper body, yes, new places to put your spanks like on your arm. >> i need a spanks for my face >> you can think of something else. >> well, i like spanks. anyway, it is a nice day, kacie. >> that is because comedian chuck nice is here and we want his opinion on something could we soon be seeing women with beards. >> this is actually a trend that i have seen. >> no. >> women with beards. >> this could be a thing. >> do you have any hair on your face. >> no. >> i'm into dermam flame.
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>> i'm in the the beauty expert, i promise we will take lessons. >> you get peach fist off with scalpel. >> you can do that at home. >> yes, they are called tinkle razors. >> yes. >> on your face. >> yes. >> okay. >> make up sticks better. >> it is make up goes on bet ter yes. >> we have to do a demo. >> we will just flirt the whole time. >> you two want to sit together. >> it is my ultimate fantasy, the two of you. >> what do you miss, living in boston now what do you miss in philly beside your family. >> i miss the eagles, i miss them so, so much. >> do you miss the link. >> i almost cried, i almost i almost cried when i saw sue, marry ann. i had a marry ann moment. >> marry ann is our assistant news director here. >> she is the best. >> you cried when you saw her.
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>> almost. >> she has made me cry over the years too. >> what about foods. >> foods, pretzels. >> not the tim tebow pretzels any other pretzels. i definitely miss wawa. >> they don't have wawa in boston. >> they don't have, see wawa they have their special non- fat or low fat whatever creamer, it is the best. >> really. >> there is nothing like it in the entire world. >> turf try that sometime. >> i have seen you sneak tastykakes. >> sneak, it is a big to do, when i was here would i raid the upstairs cafeteria all day >> we brought these down, megan's fast. tastykakes, was washings eagles games being down there on the turf at the link. >> yes. >> and you say you missed -- what. >> what about people. do you miss any people. >> i missed you guys but i really missed tom loudon. >> tom loudon is another one of our bosses. he would be out there at the link with me helping produce all of the segments that we did, pregame, for the tailgate with all of the crazy fans.
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>> we have all your wishes, tom loudon is holding a plate of wawa coffee. >> sit down here tom. >> come closer, tom. >> what did you bring in. >> we have a little bit of everything. >> squeeze in. >> does he have a mike. >> use her mike. >> we have french vanilla from wawa. >> yes. >> we have your favorite tastykake. >> what does this sayy say krimpets. >> krimpet. >> it is a krimpet. >> it is not that bad. >> i'm french. >> mike tries to make it sound fancy. >> soft pretzel and we could not bring link to you so we brought some grass from the link. >> is that sea weed. >> thanks for coming about a. >> eagles will be happy with that. >> is there muscle inch there too. >> that is so great. >> thank you so much. >> next to the pretzels. >> that is grass out of tom's desk. >> what other items. >> so, you have hugged it out. >> can i have this. >> she doesn't care about me. >> i kind of want that, yeah, yah. >> butter scotch.
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>> you know, that the krimpet now comes with a cream filling >> no, no. >> like a twinkey. >> yes. >> yes. >> it is a blast familiar i. >> i don't think so it is so good. >> yeah, thanks. >> so special. >> tom good to see you, my man >> bye, tom. >> you do have some explaining to do. >> okay. >> chew your food. you went to kansas city. did you traffic there for them then you moved to boston to do what. >> i'm still swallowing my tastykake. what was the question. >> boston, it is a sports channel. >> yes, new england sports network. >> nesn. >> right outside boston we broadcast all of the red sox and bruins games. >> so you have to show allegiance to the team. >> yes. >> this is not right. >> mike got upset when he saw this. >> you have to do this.
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>> um-hmm. okay, i will tell you a secret , you know my dad fridays north jersey. >> yeah. >> you kind of like force for your early life and childhood to like what your dad like. do you think i liked as a child. >> new york teams or new england. >> my brother has a fat head to this day, he is a grown man at law school of the yankee logo in his room. >> in his room, so then i came here, loved the phillies, great times. citizens bank park is the best >> she's philly through and through but when you go to another city, and you are reporting on the red sox, you have to wear the hat. >> yes, yes, absolutely 100 percent. they are a likable team. they play a lot of extra innings games, that is okay. >> that good or bad. >> they are late night but they win mess of them. >> yes. >> but you guys got rhys hoskins. >> he is on fire. >> amazing. >> they are naming babies after him. >> you seen that. >> there was a babe which rhys as his middle name. >> that is how excited we are. >> we have a ton of chase's
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after world series. >> and coles. >> you show philly love. >> yes. >> she is always saying she misses philly. >> still rocking villanova hat and all that. >> yes. >> there is something, who are you dating? >> my mom told me she said mike's going to ask, i know, mom. my mom and my grand mom are watching. mimi has the biggest crush on mike. >> i'm big for grand moms. >> is she seeing anybody. >> no, actually. >> really. >> what is she into. >> there we go. >> mimi. >> we can double date, you and whoever he is. >> i found a very nice gentlemen. >> yes. >> very good to hear that. >> that is great. >> why are you rolling your hand he ace gentlemen. >> yes, a gentlemen. >> he treats you well. >> yes, thank you so much. >> you are happeny are you taking tips. >> yes. >> i'm going to start dating now your grandmother.
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>> so we will make this the best show ever, best 9:00 o'clock show ever. we will brought you in. >> i love you. >> this is last show for "good know you have read about this, tomorrow is the end of the world. >> this is it, folks, according to this number expert, it is a woman she says that doomsday is tomorrow. it is a guy. >> it is a man. >> i saw another woman that said the same thing. >> this doodies name david, and september 23rd, tomorrow is fortold in the bible, the book of revelation, as the day of series of catastrophic events will come together, planet x will pass the earth tomorrow, never heard of planet x, bringing it, volcanic eruptions on the earth, tsunami, earthquakes, earthquakes? nasa has dismissed this as poppy cock and a hoax which i would agree with but just in casey would like all of us to make this the best show ever. >> yes, you never know, if
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this is it, we have to go out properly. >> they say, it happened 33 days after a solar eclipse, you know what happened 32 days ago. >> solar eclipse. >> another theory, what? >> it is a solar eclipse. >> yes. >> another theory i read that is tomorrow begins the end of the world and it will take seven years. >> i would rather have seven years. >> but all of these catastrophic events. >> we could make this a crap i hour. >> we can't be sure. >> don't want to risk it. >> what are we go to go do tonight. >> we will go out on the town. >> our last night on earth. >> okay. >> rittenhouse square, do it up. >> should we go to rittenhouse square. >> so exciting we will start at rouge. >> yeah. >> doh. >> and it will be wild. >> is what your favorite spot here. >> my favorite spotty was doing stuff on spruce street harbor park. i want to go to that new ping-pong place, spin. >> i'm there all right.
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i went play but i will do boomer rang. >> somebody goes through and they pick up all of the balls for you. >> now that that is laziness, ultimate in laziness they pick up the balls for you. >> why are you in town, going to a wedding. >> one of my college roommates , there were five, first one to get married. >> you had five roommates. >> yes. >> villanova area. >> that is great. >> you had five, were they all >> we were all, same story, girlfriend. >> sorority house. >> do you have pictures. >> at a sorority house at villanova. >> one of your best friends. >> yes. >> can go away to college. >> are you in the wedding. >> i'm not. >> you get to go and have fun. a lot of our friends are but yah, so. >> so, four year-old, prince george is four? >> yes. >> how did that happen. >> time's flying by. >> he just got married two years ago. >> i thought baby was just born what is her name.
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>> samantha. >> chart lot. >> charlotte. >> maybe it has been four years. >> man, it has gone by fast. prince george is going to school we saw him go with his daddy the other day this school says we don't want this kid to have just one best friend. >> is this for everybody. >> it is not just for him but for everybody. another school districts are picking this up too don't just hang out with one kid. have a lot of good friends, not just one best friend. their theory is that you'll expand your horizon if you get to know all these other kid and not just one. >> i kind of like it. at first i was like you can't do that. i did have one friend, gwenn lynn all through grade school and high school but it disband s clicks. >> that is it. >> discourages them i should say. >> it is so young how will you legislate that. >> it is just habit. >> you just rotate seating assignments, right. >> we did that in my school, hybrid school you would have
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seats you could not sit next tour best friendy had same reaction to you, kacie, i was than the sure how i feel about this i remembered my best friend in elementary, middle school, we used to be together all the time. we were in private school. >> same. >> so, the skirt. >> me and gwennlynn. >> were you probably the nerds >> i was bullied. >> and we would hang out all the time. her parents were divorced in the summers she would go spend the summer with her dad in california. one sum year we went into eighth grade she went off, bye , i'll miss you she comes back she had, contacts in her: her skirt was rolled up to her thigh. she never spoke to me again. she hung out with the popular girls. i was devastated. i said this is my only friend. >> so the nerds were separated and she came back as a cool kid. >> she came back as a cool kid >> drink that cali water. >> she became califileed. she was only personally hung out with.
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>> the best revenge is's life well lived. what is she doing now? tell me she's in prison or something? >> revenge of the nerdy don't know. we didn't keep in touch obviously because i went to publish school for high school >> she's doing already. >> probably a loser. really cool movie out to take your kid to this new lego movie. we want to find out from kevin mccarthey what he thought of it, here it is, lego. >> are you ready for me. >> i'll be waiting. >> dad. >> sorry, what was that last thing you said. >> what? >> that one. >> i didn't say anything, i said i i will be waiting and i stopped talking. >> dad. >> lloyd. >> that is right, your son, and it is lloyd. >> no, l-o-y-d i named you you ruined my life. >> that is in the true i
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haven't been part of your life how could i ruin it, i was than the even there. >> movie critic is skypeing from los angeles. i will go to these if there is adult humor. it seems like there is a little bit. >> hi mike, alex and kacie how are you doing. >> good to see you. >> it has been a while. >> hey, same to you. mike, the best thing about these animated movies nowadays is they are incorporating the adult humor. pixar is probably the best at that, toy story films and the up movies and walle there is that beautiful balance of having comedy for adult. the lego movies are exactly like that as well. so much references, to pop culture, things we all know and love, things that will go over kid heads but things we will love as well. so, kid will be liking the animation, comedy as well. this movie has some great voice work, jackie chen, we have cammal, we have linda mon
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original leg i movie, lego batman move write fantastic this one is definitely solid. but just not as great as first two films in the franchise. there was a little bit lows humor but beauty is animation. i love the way it looks, like a stop motion but i had a chance to sit town with jackie chan who was incredibly cool. considering he is playing a character who is fighting in the movies, animated character how did they make the sound effects as if they were getting hit >> i just, standing up, just, ha, ha, ha. the action sequence, the film never stops, i dot whole thing the whole take in one take. sometimes i am helping other people. so when i see high jump, i say stop because the high jump, jump forever.
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you have to yell ahhhhh. still jumping. >> that is jackie chan and next to him is dave brinko i gave it 3.5 out of five. >> what did you give halle barry movie. >> kingsman film. >> it was not as good, i gave it 3.5 out of five. halle berry is reason enough to see it. >> i love her. i do. >> hey kevin have a great time in los angeles, we will see you next week. >> love you guys, bye, kacie. >> love you deaf. >> i will ask you both a personal question have you ever worn spanks. >> yes i'm wearing home right now. >> i like it because they smooth everything out. >> yes. >> well, now they have spanks nor your arms but wouldn't you see them. >> it is wintertime so wearing a turtle neck or a sweater. >> i don't know, they have something for your upper body now.
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i might be out on this. >> well, we will show you some of this stuff after the break. fran grenier.
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new jersey born and raised. like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. as a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. that's why he'll fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. if we want to change trenton, there's only one way. fran grenier.
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hello. >> new york, new york. >> okay. >> i'm going away. >> no, do not get hit by a car >> let's go giants. >> oh, no. >> come on, come on, eli is in the house. >> come on, come on. >> yeah. >> did you make that? who made that hat. >> lets go giants. >> if you are driving around in olde city in the next few minutes, just honk at her and scream. she's playing eli manning. >> there is a phillies fan. >> is there the cups. police are coming, police are coming. >> i don't want to get arrested on tv. >> hey, tights, tell me more about spanx. >> well, you use them to smooth, press. >> but you have to have a
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certain length dress honor else you will get not right. >> do you wear underwear. >> it depends. >> yes. >> it depends on your person and preference. >> person or preference. >> would spanx fit on my depends. >> i might get extra lines. >> they have spanx forearms now. >> yes. >> it is, called the share wear company, and they are selling these arm tights. basically arm tights do what spanx do, they smush all of your excess fat together so it looks like you are not kind of bloated. same thing they would do for your thighs they do for your up are arms. >> before and after pictures. >> yes. >> shredded, that ledded. >> would you do it. >> no, no, no. >> if it means keeping me warm >> yes. if it is something like that. >> but you two have toned arms >> hmm. >> i bet they sell.
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i bet they sell, big time on qvc. >> what the arms. >> yeah. >> i bet. >> darn right. >> i have to use them for other reasons, kacie. you know gwyneth paltrow's lifestyle brandies called goop and it has new wellness products, and i don't know you may want to try this. it is, for our purposes today, i might spray some on because we have vampires on outside. psychic vampire repellant. >> what? >> yes, so, they have the child child kid combing mess. say that three times. >> spray it near your kid and it is supposed to calm him down. >> for $30 each and goop says vampire repellant is a my that is supposed to vanish all of the bad vibes out there so fans they spray around their head to safe guard themselves. then chill child spray is magic elixir that can suit
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anyone, use to shake it, spray it in the air and the child ease aura will be better. >> this is a bunch of crap. >> it is called goop. >> but anyway, the vampire repellant seems to be working because i have not seen a vampire in, well, years. >> that is great. >> you need to find your ex- best friend and spray it on her. >> yes. >> haven't they been using pepper mint spray to calm adults done. >> lavender. >> yes, it is calming. >> it might work. >> as i told you before it would be a nice day, chuck nice is here, one of my favorite people. we will get his opinion on this i will tell you where he will do stand up comedy here in philadelphia this week, weekend, women with beard, women with beards, he only dates women with beard. >> um-hmm.
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>> i don't like that stuff. that's not cool. this is whole new level. why are we still doing there? >> a towed? >> oh, that is a big toad. >> so huge? i don't like that. what's this thing? >> in all the years. of course he has two superbowl rings and i'm just jealous. >> chuck nice is here, one of our favorite people, comedian, will be performing tonight in philly. i'll tell you where it just a second. where did you grow up? >> mt. airy. >> so were you -- >> but originally, i was born in west philadelphia. >> love it. >> i tell people all the time in west philadelphia i was born and raised. did i not play on the playground, because can i not fight.
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so -- >> cedar park. >> so you're a phillies fan, through and through? >> i'm eagles fan, a sixers fan, and a flyers fan. >> okay? >> full disclosure. i've never been really a phillies fan. dow root for them. but i've never been a real phillies fan. my grandmother was a brooklyn dodgers fan. hated the yankees. and, as a kid, forced knee watch baseball. so i started rooting for the yankees when i was about five years old. i know, nobody's coming to my >> great seeing you. now get the -- >> before we tell you where he's going to perform, here in old city tonight. is it tomorrow? >> it is tonight, 7:30 tonight. >> gucci has come out with this thing, it is for their 2018 summer fashion show. so you've got time to wait on this little built. look at. that will those are beards, but they're made of crystals, crystal beards for women.
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>> right. >> it looks like a chin guards, doesn't it? >> it kind of does. >> i have to say that this is okay. but i'm waiting for them to progress to a beards of bees, a beards of life bees, that's a woman i want to date. >> sounds painful. >> just saying, you walk to up me with a beard of live bees, i'm like you got social security going on, girl. >> but stay over there. >> kiss me right now. >> yes? >> okay? because i want to feel something. >> you're going to feel it. >> there is your girl. >> there she is. >> you might need to wait a few years. >> i'm sorry. i'm sorry. that will caught me by surprise. >> chuck wants to sting you like a bee. okay, i have another one for you. by the way, would you ever wear crystal beards? >> i don't think so. >> maybe if it covered half of your face or something like phantom of the opera. >> look at you. >> as long as your lips are exposed. >> research of nearly 5,000 people found more americans
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judge a man's worth as a partner, by his ability to bring home a paycheck. now listen to this. i swear over the last few years women have said they don't care how much money a man makes. >> right. >> well, apparently this lee search says no. you still care about how much money a man makes. >> 71% say that? >> yes. 71%, they're going to be honest, do you care. >> but are the 71% completely on their own? or are they recent college graduates who, you know what i mean? >> kacie here is the problem. you know the show has a depth of about a half inch. i did not go deep into the research. >> i don't know, is that what you are trying to say? >> i don't know. >> i don't know. >> well, let me just take this opportunity to say to my wife thank you so much for having poor judgement. >> you've done fine. >> yes, please. >> ya, you know, i'm not going to -- ya, i'm broke, what can
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i say? i'm broke, babe. >> i that's why you're still doing stands up comedy. >> that's right. this woman has stood by me, okay? >> i tell you, chuck, you and i have known each other for so many years. how many different shows have we had the opportunity to do that didn't make -- name all of the shows you've been on? >> oh, my god. don't have time. there is like 23. like 23 shows that i've been on, and i've had like five tv shows myself. >> yes. >> and none of them have worked, you know? it is like i'm slow killer. you know? i'm scared to be on this show. >> stop. >> get out. >> i'm going to say t sitting here right now, monday, and welcome to, you know? >> oh,. >> right? >> so what are you talking now, days in your stand up routine. what do people want to hear? sex? >> well, i've always talked about sex, it is a universal subject that i love very much. i don't have any of it, so i like to talk about it. >> one way to deal. >> you don't have sex because you have three kids now.
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>> you ain't lying. >> listen to the ages every his kids. >> okay, so i have a 17 year old caught here is at drexel university started this week. >> oh,. >> yes. i have a 11 year old son, who may be suffering from brain damage the way he acts. and i have a four year old daughter. >> how did this happen, same woman? >> same woman. we've been married for 19 years. and how it happened was i am an idiot. >> was vodka involved? >> so here is the truth. here is what happened. the 17 year old got old enough to watch the 11 year old, about five years ago, and i was like hey, you know what, we can leave these guys alone, we can go out, you know, we would go out, have couple of drinks, then i would be like, you know, you looking good. i forgot how good you look. and now we got a kid. so -- >> that's how it happens. >> so don't let your older babysit the younger. >> and tonight go over here on second street, philly comedy club, kind of new place.
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>> it is. >> right flex to cuba libra. >> that's correct. >> oh, really? >> yes. just they just opened i think this would be like the third or fourth show. >> look at you, henge to kick things off. >> yes, french mine, emile yo helped start the club. russ good end, so they asked me would i come down and do a show, i was like absolutely, i'll do anything in philadelphia. i love this town. i still love this town. >> this town loves you. >> plus he's broke. so get over there, please, help this man out. chuck, always good to see you. >> my pleasure, thank, guys. >> apparently the iphone eight is out. i think i might wait for the ten but a lot of people want this eight, eight plus, whatever. then snap chat has a loophole that's upsetting snap chat users.
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>> i'm really nervous. >> she can take aaran too last, can't do clownings? >> it is he, eli manning. >> clowns can be creepy. >> he's like all hunched over. >> all right, kacie, i'm sitting between two of the smartest people when it comes to iphones. >> there is like 17 of them, between the three of us. >> i know, my other one is in my purse. new iphone eight, new iphone ten, i'm out on this. i'm waiting. i think whatever. you're lock in. but the new deal is the ios11, it tells you to update every day, i just tell it to go
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away, every single day. >> hold on. not new phone that's a 11? >> no, a eight, a telephone, and a ios11. apple's a little confuse in the year. i don't really know what they're getting at. so starts at 700 bucks, cheapest version, whatever. we don't need to talk about that. i want to talk about 10s11, crazy thing about snap chat. this is the deal you can now record what's going on on your screen, so this ties into snap chat when people sends these risque snaps or whatever, you can record it, alex you had mentioned they don't get a notification? >> snap chat, if you screen shot, you know, so-and-so screen shot what i d this with you have no idea if someone records your video, whatever you sends. >> what? >> uh-huh. it will get some people in trouble, tell you. >> also, why can't you just do this? >> not everybody has two& phones. >> no, an ipad? >> that's true. >> yes, i don't use two phones because i don't cheat on my loved ones.
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>> what are you trying to say? >> avenue work phone, hell over i don't even know the number. ask me the number, i don't know. >> you don't know your work phone? >> no. >> you know i don't know the work phone number on my desk. >> i started telling people my average reply time is two weeks. >> really? >> yes. i just started telling people. i'm at that point in my life. you know what, i'm probably not going to back to you for two weeks. >> how do they responds? >> thank you very much. i'm really going around the block here. >> yes, i've never had two phones, i need two phones. two phones would have saved a number of things in my life. >> not for that reason. >> because she is busy. >> i don't trust people with two phones. >> sometimes your battery dies. >> i think, also, if you get another phone, would you have to pay for that phone. this phone is fade for right now. >> okay, i'm bussed. >> that's what it is. >> i'm just cheap. i'm sure you saw, selena gomez her best friends gave her a kidney. >> yes. >> now she back at the gym, salina is, and so is her
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friends. they're showing off their scars. you want to see it? >> sure. >> well, who doesn't want to see sell end a gomez's scar. more than that, too.
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>> we have a special guest to do the weather in 15 seconds.
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>> -9d 45:00, i would like to you meet ms. molly lion from fox chase who will be doing the weather with us, tell me how you got the opportunity to be here and dot weather. >> so my dad's friends, his child goes to the aj foundation, for kids with autism and special needs, and at one of the auctions my mom won this. >> this fabulous chance to be on good day philadelphia. how are you feeling so far? >> good. >> okay, now, let's get the stats. your age? >> thirteen. >> you're in eighth grade. and go where? >> saint cecelia school in fox chase philadelphia. >> i happen to know you're running for student council president. so here is your chance. >> make sure to vote me on monday. molly lions for student council president. >> vote for molly. >> so you're having add vantage over your opponent. >> are you ready to do the weather are you excited? do you want to be a meteorologist, one day. >> yes. >> study math.
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there is a lot of math in meteorologist. >> i'll step out and ask you what's going to happen later on today that has to do with all of those leaves smalling. >> the fall equinox is starting today. >> move over, here you go. i know, it is so weird on this green screen, isn't it? okay, and what time does the autumn equinox happen? >> 4:02 p.m. today. >> what's the temperature right now in philadelphia, milliony? >> currently 72 and in philadelphia. >> right. and what's the temperature in redding? >> it is 69 degrees in reading. >> i really wish i was at the beach. what's like right now in wildwood? >> 70 degrees in wildwood. >> excellent now here is your seven day forecast, what's it going to be for the high temperature today? >> is going to be 74 a -- 84 and sun. >> i hot over the weekends. rupp kidding me? what's the temperature tomorrow? >> eighty-seven. >> and how about sunday for the eagles game? >> 90 degrees and it will be hot. >> sweating, sweating, sweating. how about for the rest of the week? >> monday it will be 09 degrees. on tuesday it will be 86. on wednesday, it is going to
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be 84 and on thursday it will be 83. >> excellent job let's hear it for molly. there is your seven day forecast, not mistake in there at all. women, there is your debut, keep it forever, because it will be like a home movie, an archive of your family and your first appearance on television. >> hey, molly, is your last name lion or lions? >> lions. >> oh, a pleural. i work for ten years with a molly lion up in new york. >> one lion. >> she is just a one lion. >> i made a mistake and you were very polite not to correct me, did i give you one lion. >> i'm telling you there is already a molly lion in the tv business and you're next. >> right now she needs to get vote in the. >> that's right. first she needs to be student council president. >> there is nobody that is even close to her ability as a student council president. >> look, already made her tv debut, a public speaker and i'm sure you will do good things for your school. >> if you don't win it is an
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outrage, all right? >> go million. >> i ridiculous. >> we have no idea who she is running against, but we know molly is the best. >> molly is the best. >> kidney transplant, with the best friends of selena gomez, her name is franceia. >> she used to be on the secret life of american teenager. >> yes. >> oh, my gosh. >> she is working out already? >> this is a week after. well, at least selena gomez shared she donated her kidney. we don't know how long. look, we can also see a little bit of her scars that she had from giving up her kidney. she captioned it happy to be back, and she is going to be in the new blackish spin off growni shall. yes. so it will be great. >> god. >> incredible. >> that's friendship, man, isn't it? to give up your kidney for your best friends? >> hope prince george doesn't want 11 day, because he won't have a best friends.
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>> do you think could you ever do that? >> so my little sister was born with a kidney defect. yes, so i feel like, yes, i could, 100%. >> you love your sister, my goodness. >> yes. >> but when you have something that hit home like that you don't think about it, but no, if you had no, you know, nobody who had an issue. >> if i needed -- what -- what organ should i go with? spleen? >> okay. >> don't even. i can hear megan laughing in my ear. if i needed -- >> a lung? a kiddy? >> a lung. >> something that you could share? >> i like the idea after lung. would you give me one of your lungs? >> sure. >> see, that's love. >> we'll see you tonight at rouge. oh, take a look. anyway, if you have been dying to try rihanna's new make up line, we have a critique. this young lady has tried rihanna's make up line. and she wants you, well, to
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listen to her critique to see if you want to try it, too. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> can you eat it? can you eat it? >> can you eat it? >> oh, so she loves the beauty. so cute. >> oh,. >> and i guess rihanna needs to make some edible beauty products. >> so you've heard of fenty? >> her real name robin feny, it has 40 different shades, for all women, to be able with all skin tones. >> available next month, mid october? >> available now, but she just
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released because it went crazy everybody so excited and went to london, par ills, under douging it, there already talking about the holiday collection, so the holiday collection will debut october13, like a galaxy theme. so she is already rolling out the next thing. >> okay. speaking of the holidays, christmas, my favorite movie is a christmas store. >> i okay, yes. >> came out in the early 80s, what's better than an epic day off school, a red righter bb gun of course. shoot your eye out. so listen to this, matthew broderick is going to be in this. he's doing, well, you know, from ferris wheeler, everyone knows who matthew broderick is. he'll play ronald mcdonald housey park nerve this new version, it will be live, christmas story. so matthew will be the voice of grown up ralphy. >> oh, the narration. >> the narration of the whole darn thing, and again it will be live. how are you going to pull that off live? also, features mia rudolph. you can watch it right here on
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fox on december 17th. i have to see this, one of my favorite movies. how are they going to do it live? >> i always wonder. >> last one, grease, right. >> yes. >> i watched that. >> i didn't see that one. >> i loved it. >> they had a rack at the ends, driving off, bounced -- >> really? >> carnival, you snow. >> yes, i watch it for the mistakes, just like you watch this. >> all mistakes. >> by the way, is eli out there? >> here is something very scary, eli, your brother has all the personality. how about this? blind side. >> oh, my gosh. >> here is another scary thing you might want to think about. torn acl. not wishing it on you. just think about it. >> got to love it. check it. >> ♪ next time, i want you on my bowling team.
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[ laughs ] rodney. bowling. classic. can i help you? it's me. jamie. i'm not good with names. celeste! i trained you. we share a locker. -moose man! -yo.
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he gets two name your price tools. he gets two? i literally coined the phrase, "we give you coverage options based on your budget." -that's me. -jamie! -yeah. -you're back from italy. [ both smooch ] ciao bella. [ both smooch ] do you want to do a monster check? yes. no monsters. ♪ how about the drawer? ♪ no monsters. nightly monster checks are how grant makes home his. and homegoods is what makes it all possible. amazing finds. always great prices. make home yours.
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>> i got something to say to you, all of that? what's that? >> oh, cool. >> praying mant us. >> okay, we've been trying to scare eli manning. >> oh, look at that. >> anyway, we just got some word in. i have some good news and bad news, i got some good news, bad news. we had talk about the ends of the worlds being tomorrow? i screwed up. i'm 24 hours off. >> oh, my god. >> i'm so sorry. >> thank you, veronica. >> oh, thank you. >> great work today. >> it's been great being with you. >> wait. so this is it? >> well, they said i was off by 24 hours, i don't know if it is 24 hours from now, or now? >> oh, right now?
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>> nice knowing you.
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>> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show" ." ♪ >> announcer: now, here's wendy! [cheers and applause] [laughter] >> wendy: and away we go! welcome to fall! [cheers and applause] my only wish is that i don't fall down. thank you for watching the show.


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