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tv   Chasing News  FOX  August 16, 2017 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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>> diane mcinerney: finally, one happy dog. >> what's that? is that the bus? is that your school bus? >> rudy the dog cannot wait to get on the bus for doggy training. watch him go. if only all >> the police officer claimed that one of the folks pig. they should have a little bit of sensitivity for the men and women. >> their feelings are hurt. what is it when she's dealing with real crime on the streets. >> welcome to chasing news. i'm bill spadea. we have a good show. we'll start with a story about a restaurant. a cop, allegedly, certainly there's been a rash of these
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reported incidents over the past three years. people writing disparaging remarks about cops about on receipts and refusing to serve them when they come in for lunch or dinner. our story takes us to an east brunswick pizza shop in new jersey where police officer claims that one of the folks serving her wrote pig on the pizza box. i had the opportunity to talk to the owner of this pizza shop and i talked to him at length and he says look, it did happen. what the officer thought was pig was a squiggly line that represents an order of garlic knots. >> the officer starts screaming say and why did you write word pay on my box. he immediately turned around and he said excuse me officer, that does not say the word paid. now, talk to some of my friends were cops and their standing their ground. a lot of people are really blaming this message restaurant
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to social media. it seems like the minute something happens people take to social media and have at it. for details will bring in ashley johnson. >> a pizza shop in east brunswick new jersey is at the center of controversy for an alleged police note. that cop says an employee wrote pig. but the man who works here i was here when it happened says, that was never the case. >> there to chicken panini, they put it in, i took out the twist and i marked it on the box. which is a pns squiggly line for alec. we've doing that for eight years. all my employees know the symbol. she was pretty far from the box when she made this accusation. very irritable. >> it sparked a social media war. the local pd eight please came in and took to facebook back in the cap. >> we love the police, we still . when i can it change t w it.
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because one cop aggressive with us. >> what are your thoughts on incident? you can tweet me at ashley j and tweet the show at chasing news.l to weigh in. matt, welcome back. you are jersey attorney and particle strategist editor. mike donovan, silver rights advocate, good to have you back. and jeanette hoffman, political strategist. yo s teems to me there could be a miscommunication iname time, i h the cops. i think the right to be sensitive about this, there seems to be an onsl anti- cop negativity. >> this officer has a thinner skin of ever seen.
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i'm shocked and dismayed that she's patrolling the streets. what is it like for her of her feelings are hurt by a squiggly line on a pizza box. what is it when she deals with real crime. how are we to expect that she is doing her duty and not --be police visit for her. >> but that's the officer's integrity, wouldn't anybody be insulted given the cl >> there's a lot going on out there. i don't think ourrcent are necey getting the support they need or deserve in the community. i think there's a lot of people atter. that being said, i have a hard time believing that this small business would sabotage itself by writing something so inflammatory in the pizz >> liberals who love to talk about this my friend remembered
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that the police don't have this despite the tremendous risk they take. we should not jump to conclusions. but we should also have a little bit of sympathy for the men and women in blue. would you feel the same way if they wrote it disparaging racist remark on box? >> if it were not obviously or racial disparaging remark, i would feel the same way. if it were obviously the n-word, then i think people could choose not to go there. >> is that fair? no safe space for cops, suck it up? >> is kind of a pr disaster at this point. i think they should make lemonade out of lemons. send some pizza to the police station,. >> what we've got here is a problem much bigger than garlic knots and what's written on the box. we have a situation where as mike articulated, some bigotry is more acceptable are able to be tolerated than others. we need to be get past that. all i was matters and everybody
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feeling should be taken into account. >> the police chief has opened an investigation into what? a pizza box christmas there's real crime here and there investigating this like it's a criminal offense? >> this is getting a little bit more conservative than we first started. >> let's treat them like they have extra power and authority in our country and should be expected to leverage that power and authority to do good in the communities, not to destroy business because of a misunderstanding. that's wrong. >> what you think? tweet the show at chasing news. the question is, the cops too sensitive or do they have a right to say how about a little respect, what you think? >> were gonna switch gears and talk about what i think is a pending disaster in trenton. trenton's got at least 99 problems. and parking meters not one of them. let's get some details from brian donahue.
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>> nothing. no wonder the former mayor is sitting in west virginia prison for accepting bribes from fbi informant imposing as parking garage developers. it's the equivalent of a stadium worth of state workers drives into town every day, park their cars and then leaves at the same time. you people making fake residential parking permits to park and city neighborhoods. fraudulent handicap stickers are for rampant and adding the free-for-all, these old coin operated dinosaurs. the city says the party of the chaos should soon be over. the city council is introduced to ordinances to set aside $1.2 million for new parking meters in trenton to replace the 980 or so old coin meters.
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to those companies who wanted to bid they could have new computers chaos or new meters like you seen other cities. the days of doing this may soon be over. your free parking? go play monopoly. >> thank you. guys, you heard it. i think this is absurd. i think they have $1.2 million. i can think of a million ways to spend it better. you spend a lot of time in trenton, what you think? >> first mother's day 1.2 million and then put it at a bit and then it will be 1.2 billion by the time it's on. on top of that, it's a matter of priority. everything in this state is a revenue problem. what it is is a police problem. the new mayor didn't bake the cake or create these problem. but that's for his energy should be invested. if we had enough police this wouldn't be an issue. >> to pay the major when you go? >> i do. but i used to work across the street from the statehouse and
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clients would come in and say my parking meter went over we get a ticket. i said no because somebody's going step two blocks away. >> i would put a quarter in the meter and knocked it over into the street once i took a picture and said okay, if i get called on this i have evidence. >> at the risk of sounding like republican, isn't there private industry solution? can we bring in a public-private partnership to bring a new meters at the company's cost and then they get it take? >> is i would should be advocating for in trenton? there's people living on the streets and kids that don't get enough food. it's a disaster. >> and new jersey in does a horrible job in criminal justice. there's a ton of reform that could happen. we can all agree on that. i think that would be better use of $1.2 million check them parking meters.
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there are cities to bring in private industry solutions to do this and they are big problems. >> eric jackson, how about thinking outside the box. there are bigger problems in your city for sure. >> what you think, tweet us. >> guys, i want to bring in chief meteorologist from new jersey one oh 1.5, my friend dan, dan, hurricane kurt it was a tropical storm announced a big deal. >> the most imposing storm name ever is kicking out to sea and passed with them for 500 miles of the coast of the northeast united states. it's really a fish storm running due east. really a nonissue. >> at the risk of this being a public service announcement which i hate. isn't it important to talk about the recurrence? seems to me we've were reporting death after death in the ocean people not paying attention and thinking there's nothing to
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worry about then they get pulled out. >> anytime there's a tropical storm we need to pay attention and look at what the surface doing. sometimes the ocean gets turned up, sometimes it doesn't. there's local expertise that goes into the local rip current risk. you have to be attention to lifeguard instructions. matter how strong swimmer you are, the ocean is stronger. >> part of the issue with people drowning at the shore, i wonder how much is time to all the money were spending same thing with disaster what they call christy lake. >> anytime you mess with nature there's bound to be consequences. when were transforming the faith of the new jersey shore i hope they're doing the studies to make sure they're not turning our beaches into death traps. >> we need to work on these names. thank you dan.
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ld presss a look at headlines conference in your city. things quickly turned to the events in charlottesville this weekend. i think the blame on bothges sides. you look at both sides. i think there is fouam it and yu don't have any doubt about it either. cuomo is moving forward with his pricing plan which would charge drivers more into crowded areas. the subway system has been plagued by outages. a congestion pricing system is already in place in lndg today. >> cars, we charge them? >> we don't have the infrastructure to charge them. we don't even have enough to charger iphones. >> guess was coal, natural energy.
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>> welcome back to chasing news. i'm bill. i want to talk to you about electric cars. you know what, they're fine, sort of, would you charge them? one of the biggest complaints about people buying electric cards that accept people like me. where do you plug it in to get a charge? people are frustrated. governor christie came out made a big deal on the new jersey
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turnpike. cut a ribbon, there's a charger for your electric car. we haven't heard anything since that publicity sun. for more in this list check in with area on. >> finding a gas station to fill up your car new jersey is not difficult, but if your electric car driver, it's like john weber from bradley beach, then finding a place to charger currently not at home can be an issue. >> i would look online if there's charging infrastructure there. >> just one problem, there's not a lot of it here in new jersey. >> hoboken, new jersey. on the side of the screen new jersey. jersey. and it's manhattan. >> with approximately 10000 electric vehicles being registered in new jersey only couple hundred charging stations like this one on the rooftop of the train station in trenton, range excited here the fear of
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not having a charge to get your final destination is a very real problem. even when you do find a tries charging station at the plug might not fit your car and you have to worry about getting iced out. >> this is way call be nice out. an internal combustion engine. park versus electric vehicles only. with electrical vehicle car sales up 79% for last year new jersey, it's clear that infrastructure changes need to be made a priority in new jersey. >> why is there leg and infrastructure as it relates to the sales of electric vehicles in new jersey? >> it really comes down to whenever there's new technology there's going to be a catch up. for the infrastructure. >> you can follow me on twitter or if you just get iced out and
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want to voice your frustration, tweet me. we can be angry together. >> thank you. my panel is back with us, matt, thank you for being here. mike donovan internet. electric cars, my, you own one. >> i do. i haven't bmw and it's a great car. honestly have had it for about a year and have not charged it ever. i think when i bought it i had this idea, it goes 30 miles on electricity. >> is a hybrid. >> so for 30 miles, which is my commute back and forth to the office. i thought i would just plug in my car in every night won't have to buy gas. except i never did that. >> is this an infrastructure problem? >> it's late when i get home. who wants to drag a cornell. it's a practical thing. >> jeanette, it would take changing everything. think about the cost of doing that.
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>> there's a study that just came out that said by the year 2040, half of all lightweight vehicles are going to be electric cars. right now we don't have the infrastructure to charge them all. service can afford to charger iphones. >> most of the sales are driven by tax breaks and subsidies. the question is, how much is too much? do you think people in jersey, new york and across the country will stomach higher taxes to support new infrastructure? >> they might but they'll be crazy to continue to do it. the simple way of saying what mike illustrated his people don't want these yet. it could be a great technology and part of solution but i'm fine with that he might pay for. >> what's funny is even if you plug that into the grid guess what's feeling that electricity, coal, natural gas, the whole thing is hypocritical from were starting on the wrong end.
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>> is a policymakers need to think about. our reliance on the gas tax to pay for transportation infrastructure is huge. only shift that we don't have that how are we funding our roadways? >> i get home is 40 miles per hour my little core car. that's a solution. what you think, tweet us, thinker panel, good have you, it's good have you. >> staging, more chasing news. >> higher meteorologist and with a look of your weather forecast. as we discussed a few minutes ago, hurricane gert is out. no more affects expected. that's good news. there's a couple of tropical waves lining up across the atlantic ocean, whether or not they will develop into a tropical storm or hurricane we will see. next name on the list is harvey and then irma, irm a it would be
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a week and half before they get here. meanwhile, we had a soggy day across the tri-state area on tuesday. wednesday look drier and brighter. clearing skies overnight, low temperatures in the upper 60s low 70s. might be sticky when he step out. conditions will be dryer. sun and clouds ahead for wednesday. should be a nice, warm summer day. temperatures in the mid to upper '80s. not be surprised to see a couple of 90s in the area. thursday during the day is looking good. high temperatures in the 80s with partly sunny skies. we'll be watching the next chance of rain, friday might be another soggy and stormy day across the area. >> here's the headlines were chasing today.
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a statue under, north carolina is among federal monuments torn down in the wake of the deadly rally of charlottesville. activist tied a rope around the of the confederate statue pulled it down. others kicked it to onlookers tears. the statue was soldier stood for nearly 100 years in a former courthouse building. monuments across the south are facing similar fates. tiger woods released a statement about his dui arrest saying he has since sought treatment for his back pain. he said five substances including opiate, thc, the active ingredient in marijuana were found in his system after his arrest and florida. two college from york city he started is to se sushi restaurat or opening a pop-up restaurant on the i-lowercase-letter. the 803 name for their dorm room number will be open on 79 clinton street. easton and jarrett said they learned how to make sushi and you too. and that some of the headlines were chasing today.
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>> this is not time. it actually runs in the dna. >> this is running in the blood. >> are you rea
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>> for alex it's not science, it runs in his dna. >> it's a part of us.
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>> welcome back to chasing news. on bill spadea. we have a story about seltzer. i love seltzer. i drink every day. i wish i had somebody who could deliver to my door and one of those old-fashioned glass bottles. diana, what a guy? >> alex knows a lot about seltzer. >> i like the level to be as high as possible. >> he knows how to get new york's water to pop and he knows how to get it to fit.
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>> but for alex it's not science. it runs in his dna. >> my great grandfather was a seltzer, my dad and my uncle came into the business. they kept it going for many years. >> and one of the main is alex, he runs brooklyn seltzer boys, a company he founded five years ago that brings fresh seltzer to roughly 400 customers across new york and new jersey. >> it's a part of us. we have seltzer in our veins, it's cool. >> the majority of his customers are bars and restaurants, but many are also residences. people who love seltzer who also want -- >> it reminds them of their past when their grandparents get the to the home and they want to experience the two. >> that includes using the same equipment from the 1900s.
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>> as i have it takes to go around, that's as long as it takes to fill. >> but using the same iconic bottles. many which were donated from retired seltzer fans. >> will shine it up. inside and out, and then we can put it all back together brand-new spring. >> delivery cost anywhere from 40 - $50 per case. you can learn more about going to their website. tweet me your thoughts at chasing news. >> are you ready for a blast from the past? >> thanks diana. great report. i love reports about old school stuff. seltzer glass bottles. great idea. i hope you enjoy the show. some of our topics are little more contentious than seltzer bottles. if you have an opinion you want to agree with me or disagree with me. or anyone at the panel tweet me between the show at chasing news. but if voice be heard.
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i'll see you tomorrow
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♪ the simpsons today's safety film don't wear jewelry during sports has been cancelled. instead we'll watch a movie that made me fall in love with showing movies i've watched to other people. (kids booing) (exclaiming) that's right, the 1967 classic doctor dolittle, which answers the question: what if an elderly unmarried doctor decided to focus his practice on animals? the running time is 152 minutes! the running time is now! (grunts)


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