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tv   FOX 29 News at 11  FOX  June 16, 2017 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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>> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11. four days of deliberation and the jury in the bill cosby trial just cannot agree on a verdict on any of the three charges the comedians faces in fact they told the judge today they're deadlocked. but the judge told them, get back to work. and after several more hours of deliberations, that jury left the courthouse late tonight without making a decision. i'm lucy noland. that means tomorrow will start day ten of the cross bow trial in montgomery county. the first state day of deliberations much chris o'connell has been following the case since it began live at the courthouse now, chris rt report lucy that jury of 12 told the judge about 11:00 o'clock this afternoon they were hopelessly deadlocked. they cannot agree on a unanimous
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verdict. that judge told the jury get back into the deliberation room. well about 9:00 o'clock tonight, the judge sent the jury back to their hotel after 40 hours of deliberations still no verdict. bill cosby now making the familiar trip home after a jury deciding his fate is deadlocked once again for the fourth straight day. >> it's usual al small minority that's -- that's holding out. >> reporter: former prosecutor dennis mc andrews wouldn't be surprised to see a hung jury. he's among the trial watchers that have flocked to the montgomery county courthouse to see one of the highest profile cases the area has ever seen. it's also brought out some of the bizarre. ♪ >> reporter: it's like a circus atmosphere from a drum squad playing up and down the street to a blow up dinosaur. among some of the stranger moments of the day, this tweet by cosby accuser andrea con stan playing the theme of the harlem globetrotters couldn't stand is
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seen in the courthouse shooting basketball with the words, "always follow through" meanwhile cosby himself is reportedly tired but encourageed the jury is still deliberating as the sparks continue night. >> i think the judge should at least go and approach them and have a conversation and say, hey, look, you guys, are you still in the same position from 11am this morning? if you're in the same position, you know, let's end this. >> i'd say to mr. wyatt, hold your fire and if you want more information about how the justice system works, there are a number of lawyers including me in the hallway. he can come over and i'll be happy to give him the class. >> reporter: now, the bill cosby trial is now believed to be the longest jury deliberation in montgomery county history. that record will continue starring at 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morning when the jurors are expected to go back to deliberations in one last hope to stave off what could be a mistrial in this case. lucy? >> all right, chris.
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so the wait continues. whether it's a mistrial or verdict, whatever happens "fox 29" has you covered with live coverage on tv and online. in atlantic city an all out search continues right now for two missing swimmers. skyfox over head as the us coast guard ac fire department and the beach patrol comb the waters just off marl tin luther king boulevard. dispatchers got a call for help just past 6:30. in washington, d.c., even though it was democrats versus republicans, members of congress tonight put their politics aside to play ball. [ applause ] >> loud cheers as capitol hill police officers david bailey walked on to the field to throw out the first pitch in the charity baseball game. he was on crutches as you see still recovering from injuries from yesterday's shooting. bailey was one of two officers in alexandria yesterday part of congressman steve scalise security detail when gunman
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opened fire. now representative scalise is one of two victims still in critical condition. fox's lauren blanchard reports from washington, d.c. >> reporter: lawmakers from both parties are stepping up to the plate after yesterday's shooting at a baseball practice in suburban washington. while the investigation into the gunman continues. the game starting with a moment of silence. [ applause ] >> a tribute totter victims of yesterday's shooting including house majority whip steve scalise still in critical condition after multiple surgeries. president trump addressing more than 20,000 baseball fans in video message. >> by playing tonight, you are showing the world that we will not be intimidated by threats, acts of violence or assaults on our democracy. >> reporter: as expected, security has been tight in and around the stadium. early indication point to the shooter 66-year-old james hodgkinson as a lone gunman motivated by his political beliefs but the fbi is still investigating and interviewing
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lawmakers he had contact with. >> there was never any conflict or never anything like that. and when you talk to the locals whether democrat or republican, he never showed these sign. >> demand for tonight's game was so high the stadium opened up additional seats. and as they took to the field, several lawmakers wore purple and gold the colors of louisiana state scalise's alma mater. >> everybody wants to play. so we're just -- we're pleased ton here. it's a great event. >> reporter: the game annual tradition baiting back to 1909. this year they raised over million dollars for charity. more than double what they raised last year. at nationals park in washington, lauren plan char, fox news. on your radar tonight, this warmer weather isn't going anywhere for while. live look at ben franklin parkway. such beautiful night out. however our kathy orr is tracking the threat of rain and kathy, man, you spent the afternoon in wildwood which was a wonderful beach day. >> it was. it was a great beach day, you
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know what it's amazing because we really expect add sea breeze which we did get in the afternoon but on the boardwalk blocked it a little bit temperatures were comfortable it there. looking really nice tonight in philadelphia with partly cloudy skies. a temperature of 68. another night to open up the windows low humidity and cooler temperatures because next couple of days we won't be so lucky the high temperature 83 degrees. winds out of the east. that persistent easterly flow keeping temperatures in the 60s from wrightstown threw atlantic city into wildwood. 69 degrees in wilmington as well. we have on shore flow the ocean water temperature up to skate degrees. that's why you're seeing temperatures along the coast right about 67, 68 at this late hour. ultimate doppler showing some storms to the west. it was a solid line in central pa but really falling apart as it continues to move eastward. tonight, overnight low temperatures are going to be pretty mild in the mid 60s patchy fog developing overnight. few spotty showers are possible. it's all because of the system that's over us right now. during the day tomorrow this
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warm front pushes closer. the humidity goes up a little bit the high temperature 83 degrees. and then each day gets increasingly hotter and more humid. tomorrow's high temperature 83. morning patchy fog by the afternoon some scattered showers. and some thunderstorms. when we look at the shower chances over the next couple of days, friday, saturday, sunday and monday between 40 and 60%. that means most of us will be seeing some type of rain shower or thunderstorm during the next four days. down the shore, pop up storms possible friday afternoon and saturday afternoon. sunday looks great for father's day with southerly wind the high temperature 76 degrees. great day for dad. on your seven day forecast from the weather authority fills in town over the weekend. hot and humid by sunday for father's day the high 90. monday more pop you have up storms more numerous. tuesday 84. wednesday less humid 86. next thursday looking good with a mix of sun and clouds the temperature 87 degrees. friday, saturday and sunday, in philadelphia in the suburbs over
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the weekend stormy and steamy. not stormy all the time. mainly in the afternoon and the evening. lucy, we'll zen it back to you. >> sounds like an active weeke weekend. all right. thank you very much, kathy. our eye in the sky skyfox flying over hazmat scene at philly's irs building. someone delivered an envelope to the building at 29th and market in university city. it was wet and smelled sweet that set you have alarm bells. homeland security and the bomb squad both rushed to the scene right around 10:45 this morning. however, they say the envelope had nothing hazardous knit n kensington a 15-year-old boy is recovering after someone shot him in the leg just before 1:30 this afternoon on north third street. police are still looking for the shooter. and they say a scorned ex set fire to a northeast philadelphia home and tonight they're searching foreman named john copes police say he set fire to a backyard deck tuesday morning using some type of act sell ran. threated difficulties and four children were fast asleep inside
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when that fire began. police and firefighters banged on the doors and screamed for the family to get out. obviously he's still upset about this dispute he had with the female. so we're worried for her safety and want to get him in custody. >> the children escaped unharmed along with three adults thank goodness. copes face as long list of charges when the police finally do catch him. >> president trump staying busy on twitter responding to reports that he's the subject of an obstruction of justice investigation led by special counsel robert mueller. the president has been fighting back tweeting "you are witnessing the single greatest witch hunt in american political history led by some very bad and conflicted people!" he also tweeted about hillary clinton this evening asking why investigators are not looking at her dealings with russia. the apprentice and drum are in the headlines together
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tonight but this type it's because president trump and signed an executive order about apprenticeships the president says the executive order will shift federally funded apprenticeship programs from the labor department to the companies that run them. eliminating labor department oversight. now it adds another $100 million to the president's 2018 budget request. philadelphia police are looking for the person who attacked an 82-year-old woman. the cap rah caught what happened june 1st on tyson avenue in the city's may mayfair second. police are just release the video that shows a woman following the senior citizen for quite awhile. now once they cross the street the mugger beat up the woman and grabbed her purse. >> bam, she grabs that pocketbook, tries to rip it out -- old lady wouldn't let it go and she just swung her on the ground. you see her fly down on the ground. >> the senior citizen is cut up but otherwise okay. police say the mugger is a hispanic woman about 5-foot five with heavy build and shoulder length hair. if you know anything, police
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would very much like to hear from you. next you want fries with that? i pretty much always do. maybe not, though, now that we need to take it easy apparently we've got whole other reason why we all should lay off. pictures of men, women, even children all killed by gun. heart broken families together to make sure their relatives aren't forgotten. somewhere apollo creed must be smiling down that's because rocky is back. the legendary rocky statue reopened now for the first time since april. the statue was first off limits because of the nfl draft. then the department of parks and recreation kept it closed off to improve certain areas around the art museum but now you can get your pick taken with rocky again.
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>> testing. >> ment. >> testing. >> testing. >> testing.
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different sight on the steps of the philadelphia museum of art tonight. pictures of smiling faces. they all have one thing in common. it's heartbreaking for those who knew them and loved them. all of those people had their lives cut far too short by gun
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violent. our shawnette wilson is live outside the art museum tonight. shawnette. >> reporter: lucy, dozens of people as you mentioned lined the steps behind me holding pictures of their loved ones who lost their lives to gun violence and the hope is city officials will see them because many feel they're not being heard when it comes to gun violence in our city. >> my name marie larkin. i'm here for stephanie who was killed july 30th, 2015. she was 20 years old. >> dozens of heart broken families and friendships torn apart by gun violence gathered on the art museum steps to stand in solidarity with one another. after 13 years sophia fleming's wounds from using her son adam hammer who was murdered when he was 17 years old are still raw. >> we need to get together and start seeing what's going on and saying what's going on. >> reporter: they held pictures of their loved ones, wore t shirts bearing them names there was a bold display of what the afternoon of gun violence
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looks like. felicia penndel ton knows it all too well. >> my son deserved way better than this. he had a future. he was in college. you know, he had a plan. >> the rally is organized by helen, a columnist for the daily news. she says she's touched by the tragedies she covers every day and wants to give victims a voice. >> just how hard people fight for their lost loved ones, you know, um, how hard they fight to sort of put their lives back together again after losing their mother, their father, their kids it's heartbreaking. >> reporter: and this is second year this rally has been held. mayor kenney stopped by a bit for this evening also councilman oh was here. you'll recall he was stabbed two week ago. he was here speaking with other families affected by violence as well. >> fiery crash as the blimp goes down near the us open in wisconsin the pilot is in serious condition tonight. witnesses say it burst into flames before it hit the ground in a field. the pilot was the only person on
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board. the washington county sheriff's office says it looks like mechanical problem may be the issue. no one on the ground is hurt. ten people are injured after an suv in a cab collided in new york city this afternoon. both vehicles are trying to make a turn. the collision pushed the suv into a parked car which then jumped a curb on to the always packed sidewalks. the suv then hit a tree and two pedestrians before it stopped. seven people were inside that suv. we don't know the extent of their injuries. you see it, you shoot it. our fresco user are hoping us what is going on. >> signs of growth in chester tonight. city were at a ground breaking a site that will become a canal wood suites owe tell across the street from chester city hall. the red cross is helping multiple families after an apartment fire in philadelphia's rhawnhurst second. firefighters responded to the 7800 block of algon avenue just after 3:00 this afternoon.
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thankfully no one was hurt fresco user brahim in west philly to night sending us this video of the baltimore avenue dollar stroll. the annual event cuts off traffic between 43rd and 52nd street and showcas showcass local businesses they offer dollar bargains ranging from bites from signature restaurants to pet supplies to even theater ticks. when you see news happening take out your phone shoot it and use our fresco app to send it to the newsroom. lucy. >> thank you very much, iain. in your health tonight you want fries with that? maybe not. it's not really news that fried potatoes aren't exactly healthy. it turns out those who eat french fries two or more times a week are double the risk of an early death. as those who don't. not sure exactly what early means, though. you can read all about it in the american journal of clinical nutrition. on the other side of the spectrum one veggie you might also try is broccoli because it can actually help you battle diabetes. broccoli might slow the effects and reverse the disease so says
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a study published in the science translational medicine journal. compound in the vegetable helps to combat certain genes that may cause diabetes. all right. so golf is a big -- do you golf by the way. >> not a golfer. >> really? i think -- i get too frustrated if you got your drive right you could hit that ball long. >> hopefully. too frustrating for me. lucy there's something missing from the us open this year. it's pretty glaring. something happening at the open for the first time since 1994. i'll tell was that is and why it's detrimental to the game. that's coming up next in my sports commentary. now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. good evening, everybody. road work continues on the boulevard. roosevelt boulevard at southampton road. right where the armory comes in to play they'll be out there all day tomorrow from 9:00 to thee upland street bridge that goes over i-95 closed to vehicle traffic so keep that in hyped as you roll through the weekend. chestnut street would be the best bet.
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not impacting 95. so that's the good news looking for good music we got it for you the fire fly music festival kicked off today through sunday down at the dover speedway. that's also going to bring lot of volume along route 1 and route 13 and they'r still wor working over route 70 in south jersey cherry hill actually right near kings highway have a great night. we'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning check the jam cams and sue
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♪ so something is missing from the game of golf this week and sean bell thinks it could hurt the game big time. his commentary in 15 seconds.
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♪ for the first time since 1994 neither tiger woods nor phil mickleson will be in the us open. think about that. biggy and tupac were still alive and both friends at the time that's how long it's been. golf is in big trouble. there's no stars in golf any more. no household names. no one that the casual fan rea really nose. tiger woods is done. we know that's over and phil mickleson is old. you can't count on these guys to bring ratings any more. golf is about to suffer big time because of that tiger woods brought in millions of dollars, millions of fans and made the game popular he brought it to another level. with no one like that to carry
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the torch, this game is going in reverse game with a cult following that no one will watch any more but diehard fans that's what it will become. there's no one in today s game that even matches phil mickleson's cashae and the messed up part about all of this golf is as talent the as its every bun. fowler, mc ill row, johnson, speith. not one of those guys are super stars. lucy the pga better start creating mega stars and do something quick or this game is about to go backwards. >> jordan speith is so nice much such a nice guy. >> he's not a star. >> all right. sean. guess what a big win tonight for one of the stars of the pitch perfect franchise. australian supreme court unanimously ruled in favor of rebel wilson's case against bauer media. she factor add lawsuit claiming her career took a art when they lied about her age and childho childhood. spokesman said the if you lie cher would consider its options following the verdict.
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new world record tonight for the highest suspension over niagara falls. last night we were talking about this kathy orr. >> couldn't believe it. >> this is willenda dangling by her too many from a hoop out of helicopter of sean, she's 300 feet above the falls. >> 36-year-old mother of three spent eight minutes of ten minute stunt hovering over the falls. >> why? her last name willenda bought falls were there. [ laughter ] >> she's hanging by her feet there. >> yeah. she did eight minutes with the teeth thing. >> for what, for who, why? >> i think somehow they make money. i don't know. do they get money for that? sponsors probably much probably get sponsors
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good morning, it is 4:00 a.m. happening right now on good day fail breaking overnight one person burned in an overnight house fire we will take you to the scene. plus also developing overnight, search suspended, two missing swimmers vanish off the coast of atlantic city when coastguard will resume that search this morning. also ahead dead locked, 40 hours other four days possible record setting dlib racial in the sexual assault trial begins bill cosby, big question is what now. and the big game, this moment of silence, and yeah, raucous cheer and then of course, play ball, one day after a gunman opened fire, members of the congress they hit the diamond to play the game they were practicing fo


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