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tv   FOX 29 News at 11  FOX  June 7, 2017 3:30am-3:54am EDT

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♪ live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. >> senseless violence that's how the mayor of wilmington, delaware s describing what broke out on the streets of that city this afternoon. someone shot a six-year-old in the head and his mother as well. thanks for joining us tonight at 11:00. i'm iain page has that little boy fights for his live police are trying to track down whomever pulled the trigger. our shawnette wilson has been following this tragic story since it happened and joins us live in wilmington tonight. shawnette. >> reporter: iain, tonight this entire community is hoping for the best for this little boy and his mother, as police continue to search for whoever did this and why. >> i heard them. yeah. because it was loud. it was down there. >> reporter: gunshots frightened this woman as she sat
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in front of her home on the 700 block of east sixth street in wilmington tuesday afternoon. >> it was a sad thing. you know, it's just something you don't like to see. >> reporter: what she saw a woman who had been shot also screaming for help for her little boy shot, too. >> just kind of makes you shake little. >> reporter: police say around 2:30 in the afternoon officers on patrol in the area of west fourth and lombard heard gunshots and put out a call for more police they got there to find a 31-year-old woman shot in her left arm her sick-year-old son shot in the head. >> she just kept asking call any 911. call 911. >> reporter: this woman who lives nearby doesn't want to show her face. >> sad and despicable. >> reporter: neighbors say the woman and child were in this car when they were shot. bland rushed to get here. her son and grandchildren live on the block. >> you can't come outside. you can get let your kids be raised on the street. it's ridiculous. report roar the little boy was
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taken to ai dupont children's hospital for surgery where he was listed in critical condition. his mother is in the hospital. she is in stable condition. and tonight no word yet on a description of the suspect or the get away car. iain. >> shawnette, thank you. breaking news tonight in mayfair where philadelphia police rushed to the scene of a rec center shooting earlier tonight. our jennifer joyce joins us live from the scene. jennifer. >> reporter: good evening, iain. so at 7:30 p.m. this basketball court here behind me packed with young people. the lower mayfair rec center also crowded with kids. a scary tim for families when a gunshot is fired. police have a lot of question. they're trying to get to the bottom of all of this. they say it's suspicious. lower mayfair rec center a crime scene tonight. police say around 7:30 the basketball courts on the 6300 block of hawthorn street were packed with unruly teens and young adults. fighting with one another. as police tried to break up the crowd they heard a gunshot fired
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on the court. and later found the victim at aria frankford hospital with gunshot wound to his leg. >> police are talking to witnesses who heard the gunshot, saw the large crowds and saw someone appeared to though something on the roof. >> reporter: police tell us they went up on the roof and recovered a handgun which matched the shell casings found on the court's below. police say they went to the hospital to talk to the victim. he's not sharing details. >> for some reason, our we are-year-old shooting victim when questioned by police and detectives is completely uncooperative, and he will not tell us why he was shot or how he was shot. it's not out of the question that this 24-year-old victim shot himself. >> reporter: so police tell me that they have more questions for that young man and they plan to conduct additional interviews once he's released from the hospital. police also tell me there are surveillance cameras at the school next door and at some
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homes here in the neighborhood that should help provide some clues in the case. iain? >> jennifer, thank you. police are investigate a double shooting in reading. according to published reports, someone shot two people along the 1,000 block of months street it happened around 5:30. we do not know the condition of the victim. fox 29's kathy orr track something rain on your radar tonight. some showers moving through wilmington, delaware. early to night and with it came the cooler temperatures. a light jacket not bad idea if you're outside. we won't have to worry about this chill very much longer, right. >> not much longer i had my coat on tonight you'll need it tomorrow morning talking about some spotty showers but cool. we have that easterly know and it's impacting everywhere. from the city to the shore. temperatures are cool. it's 57 degrees. the high today only 69. we should be hovering around 80 this time of year. it is 47 degrees in the poconos. turn on the heat tonight. 57 degrees in allentown. millville 56.
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54 in wrightstown. down the shore the ocean is actually keeping it a little bit milder. 59 in wildwood and veep degrees at cape may point much we an area of low pressure way cold front moving that was. around that low and northern delaware so those showers come tomorrow morning with tomorrow. well below thatda friday at normal average as we headdys we go hour by hour som pulling back id and seeing se the overcast desp. it's going to be
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so overnight tonight look fora y showers.loy breaks in the overcast thatemperatures running increasing sun for saturday. sunday monday we'llen into next the 90. meaning a heat wave. turday and sun day temperatures look warm as well around finally turning the corner, iain. >> sounds good, kathy. legendart of law. cosby's indecentsidered cosby a fri 2000 sand
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fo and then groped her at his cheltenham mansion. constand testified that cosby gave her three blue pills soon she said quote i began to slur my words, had trouble seeing him and my mouth very cotton knee. she said she was jolted awake to find cosby groping her breasts and genitals and other cosby accusers were in the courtroom today to watch the showdown. >> we had to be here. we really had to be here. you know, this is catharsis for us. >> you've seen how difficult it is to be on the stand. >> i'm so relieved i'm not on the stand, you know, but i have made night statements and my statements stand true weren't all know what he is. >> cosby has denied sexually assaulting anyone and his lawyers are trying to tear apart inconsistent cease in constand's story that cross examination continues tomorrow morning in norristown. happening right now arc hard lesson learned for local tv
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personality. >> that's why society hates you! because you guys do bleep like this. >> she got caught on camera getting in the face of a philadelphia police officer. after she got kick out of a comedy club for rude behavior. our chris o'connell joins us live at that helium comedy club in center city where it all was caught on video. chris? >> reporter: iain, the woman seen in that video tells fox 29 tonight she believes she may have been drugged on sunday night. before going off on that philadelphia police officer who frankly showed some amazing restraint. tonight as that video goes viral, that woman is apologizi apologizing. >> you're bleep suckers. >> reporter: five and a half minute video of the potty mouth woman welling and be rate ago philly cop has hit viral status. >> you're all a piece of bleep.
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that's why everybody hates you. that's why society hates you because you guys do bleep like this for no bleep reason. >> video shot sunday night shows 28-year-old colleen campbell hurling profanities at a blistering pace after police say she was asked to leave center city's helium comedy club. campbell was arrested for disorderly conduct and assault. >> exploded a lot of f bombs. b bombs. >> new york comedian will sylvan shot the video outside the club many campbell was fired from w wphl17 and let go from her bartending job at definitely's den in south philly. >> as for that cop. >> -- he deserved cop of the year. i know a lot of cops out there. they do a good job, but that cop definitely deserved cop the year that. cop has not yet been identified by philadelphia police. a statement tonight, colleen campbell says in part, i am ashamed and embarrassed by my actions. i'm hopeful that the
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philadelphia police officer who dealt with me sunday night will allow me to apologize in person and express to him how truly sorry i am for what transpired. now also in that statement, campbell says she's now been the target of thousands of lewd and threatening phone calls she's received since that video has been released. iain. >> all right, chris, thank you. you decide 2016 -- 2017 and we now know who will try to become new jersey's next governor. voters today in the garden state choosing democrat phil murphy in the gubernatorial primary. murphy winning over five other democrats. he's a former ambassador. he'll run against kim guadagno. she won over four other republicans and in the democratic primary for camden's neck mayor frank moran has won by a large margin with most of the vote in he will be on the
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ballot. democratic primary for atlantic city's next mayor marty small is the winner with 45% of the vote. he won by only a few points over frank willia gilliam. good why mike schmidt says a certain phillies player can't be a team leader. a big celebration at west chester university. their baseball team national champchamps. hank flynn finds out wait took to pull it
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>> breaking news out of philadelphia's nicetown neighborhood right now. police say a woman who is seven months pregnant has been shot in the leg. it happened around 9:30 tonight on the 3800 block of archer street. the victim 27 years of age was rush to temple university hospital where she is stable tonight. police say she may have been hit by stray bullet. so far there have been no arrests. templets night, four teens are in custody in connection with some disturbing facebook video that went viral showing some youngsters punching man with intellectual dissables. police are still looking for whoever recorded that video. police say the 38-year-old victim was surrounded by the pack of kids on memorial day. caretaker is now helping the man with the police investigation. meanwhile police are looking into whether any of those kids in that group are connected to yet another assault where a principal was hit with brick. fox 29 is the only station with viewers all across our area
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getting paid to show viewers news that's happening in our commune n they submit it via the fresco app ton night we have these stories thanks to our fresco user. dawn washington do we have tonight an nj transit bus driver is dead after a woman sat him in the middle of the afternoon. steven was there as police comb the scene for evidence. they identified that driver as 45-year-old ryan reynolds of sicklerville. investigators say jackson shot him in washington township then turn the gun on herself in mantua township. it is not yet clear what the victim and shooter's relationship was if there was relationship and so far no word on a motive. in center city, new officers for philadelphia's firefighters paramedic union were sworn in. hammer staying shares this video of the ceremony. eight officers will take on positions to lead the unit. now vineland for bay yas crime training host beside several law
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enforcement agencies in new jersey. covers how to recognize, respond and report a by as crime or incident. segment of the training covered the role of a community out reach in preventing crimes. when you see news happen, take out your phone and shoot it and use the fresco app to september it our newsroom. >> national champs right in phillies background. west chester welcomes home that ran the table on the on the way to the title. a championship you may not have known know. ♪ we just know how to win. he got the grill. hell of a coach. hell of a staff. hell of a lineup. just everything is just solid throughout. >> reporter: it's hank. question for you, if a little college baseball team won the national championship but no one was around to see it, did it really ever happen? strike three. we have chester --
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>> my take is absolutely you better not doubt it meet the we have chester university golden rams. ♪ >> west chester university through a party for its baseball team this afternoon two national champs. >> golden rams tweet their way to the the title sunday diegot got pushed. people were already team's mojos of the il baseball sign it2 national cha. >> one teamrybody is doing the s
3:48 am this team goes senior pitcher joe, [ ughter ] themselves coach. >> he didn'o tbe that way or that op our ownot sitting in never college kids freshot that look , national takef sports sean what's coming in up inucation wo
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baseball. today a hispanic addssmments abl
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mike schmidt made sme controversial comments today. sean bell says he's going to set him straight. his commentary in veep seconds.
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♪ my honest answer to that would be no. because of a couple of thing. first of all it's a language barrier. >> mike schmidt needs to get in touch with reality. okay. old ways of thinking in baseball has to go. schmidt basically said you can't build a team around a due bell because of language barrier. later he called her rah and apologized and tried to clarify the statements much listen i understand what schmidt was trying to say but he's dead wrong. okay. guys need to be able to communicate and talk baseball with the other players but just because you can't speak english as your first language doesn't mean that you can't do herrera may need a translator to talk to the bleed. he knows how to speak language.
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he knows how to yell at a player if he needs to also 27% of the players in the game or hispanic half of the great players on the phillies are spanish speaking. besides that are ton of the great places teams built around english wasn't their first language. miguel cabrera, roberto clemen clemente. mike schmidt you're dead wrong. new towed rethink this. iain. >> adorable reason to visit the philadelphia zoo. 17-year-old kyra welcome this baby boy gorilla. the delivery wasn't easy. kyra went into labor on thursday then on friday something seemed a little off. vets and doctors from u penn and jefferson came in to help deliver the little boy. the zoo says kyra has been cradling her baby non-stop. ♪ >> did you a ten the roots picnic this past weekend festival peer? if you if you didn't you missed this precious
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moment when pharrell took the stage that. little guy is eight-year-old reef he's got leukemia and a big fan of pharrell inn singer sent a car to drive him from ohio to the show and had him sing along that song happy. i think it probably made him pretty happy. >> pharrell can't do anything wrong. >> he can't. >> he does all the rye thing. all the right music. stuff to make you feel good. >> and he's cool. >> he is cool. >> very cool. >> i think him and his wife just had triplets. >> no way. just like you. >> he's coping you. >> well -- you're cool. >> maybe i should copy pharrell, i don't know. >> maybe you shall. [ laughter ] >> he can dance. >> that's right. >> well more entertainment news coming up on fox 29. we got tmz and dish nation then of course stay tuned for chasing news and then that's followed by the simpsons. that's your lineup coming up tonight. we are are back here at 4:00 a.m. for "good day philadelphi philadelphia". sue serio and bob kelly have your weather and covered all morning long much thanks for watching have a great night.
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>> and it is day three of the bill cosby case. day two on the stand for the alleged victim as she goes back to testify once again. we've got a live report from the courthouse. >> say she was not the intended target. >> did you hear what mike schmidt said? lots of people have lots to say about his comments about who or who cannot be a team leader. >> has a lot of people talking. also ahead this morning, new jersey, one step closer to knowing who will be its next evs straight up 4:00 on a veryay ase
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starting offer to >> good morning. i'm a great mood because


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