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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 4A  FOX  June 5, 2017 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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good morning, happening right now on "good day philadelphia" he was once america's dad but today the sexual assault trial gets underway for bill cosby, what you can expect, and who might show up in the comedian's corner. also... >> ♪ >> what a concert, message of love and defines, ariana grande and her a list of top talent, led a very emotional tribute for victims of the manchester terror attacks. west chester wins the
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national champion ship, a win over uc san diego. >> national champs, title going to a hometown team, how west chester golden rams brought home the big win. good day, everybody it is a monday. we know that can be difficult when you are first waking up but it will be okay. hi, how are you doing, hi bob. >> good morning everybody. >> thomas, sue. >> every day is difficult waking up at this hour. great to have you with us. good morning, sue. >> let's get started. >> ref the engine. >> i already forgot what number i pick so luckily i have a graphic. >> six. >> six. >> i went with eight. >> i'm probably being too optimistic because there are showers and thunderstorms around now and there are more in the forecast, so, stay tune , that might change. it is early. it is monday. we have got some showers, moving through the area, through philadelphia, through chester county, through lancaster county, a big old cluster of thunderstorms up
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around new york city, right now, it is, looking to be dry here in olde city but i think we will get those showers. 66 degrees at the moment and it is pretty mild in places. seventy-one atlantic city. seventy-two dover. allentown 60. fifty-eight mount pocono. fifty-seven hazelton. moving south we have got 67 in cape may and 72 in dover, delaware, rehoboth beach with 74 degrees. we have got some showers around this morning, we may see some sunshine but there are still some showers and thunderstorms in the forecast for today with a high around 80 degrees. we have your workweek outlook, coming up, bob kelly. >> good morning, everybody. back at it. 4:02. we had a nasty accident on i-95 shut down for most of the overnight. everything is opened backup. live look at i-95 just north of the route 420, watch it. there is debris that is still on the roadway, from the crash if you are heading north from say delco, heading up toward philadelphia international,
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again, it is north of 420 is where the accident scene was and where that debris is still lying out there. no problems on the vine street expressway, opened for business this morning, however , tonight, and rest of the week they will shut down the vine, between schuylkill and broad street this time tomorrow, for that overnight, work or anybody working the the third shift you have to dot detour. overnight work out on the burlington brings ton bridge, one lane until 5:00 he clock or so. rest of the river crossings in good shape. watch for new traffic pattern on 202 rolling south of the of malvern and down toward west chester, they will only have one lane opened, on the ramps to the 30 bypass. all this week, septa's regional rail line, the cynwyd line, will be using shuttle buses, instead of the train, all because of some track work , otherwise, we are getting out of the gate with no problems on the rest of the rail lines. forty-two freeway at 29, again , monday morning, anybody that has a place down the shore, you're tempt todd stay an extra night and come right back from the beach, right
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into the office. so just watch for construction delays here, as you are roll through bellmawr in toward downtown philadelphia travel times looking good. i-95 out of the northe no problems on the schuylkill expressway, on our monday morning, karen and thomas, back to you. 4:04. it is one of the biggest celebrity tries since o.j. simpson, prosecutors and defense lawyers gearing up for start of the bill cosby's sexual assault trial today. the comedian does not plan to testify, for the woman accusing him will. lets get out to steve keeley at montgomery county courthouse in norristown this morning, steve? >> reporter: thomas, i'm old enough to tell you i was out in california covering the o.j. simpson trial at what we called camp o.j., just a fraction on of the media that i remembered from that but already here we are at 4:05 in the morning and hear loud rattle and hum of all these heavy duty satellite trucks and a lot of the local live trucks and down the street to the left in greg's shot, crews
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already doing live reports from here, for the europe, which is at lee five hours ahead of us, so it is 90:00 a.m. there and this morning news this is top news. bill cosby world renowned and look at the courthouse steps here people already in place, photographers to get that shot of the bill cosby when he walks in here in about four and a half hours. so everybody is already started here, lots of police here, lots of barricade, a whole lot of stuff and we will see, more than 100 news organizations, covering this for the entire world. so, if you don't remember this case, you must live on another planet. we have video from bill cosby 's last public appearance , out in pittsburgh you'll recall last month, because that is where they had to pick a jury. jury being brought here and they will stay here in a hotel for the duration of a trial that is only expect to last two weeks, and we will see if that is true. cosby on trial for three counts of the aggravated indecent assault which each with a maximum of 10 years in
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prison. he will turn 80 within four weeks this casings back to a account of 13 years ago in 2004 when victim andrea constand was just 31 years old went to cosby's house looking for career guidance and she said in previous testimony he gave her three blue pills and her legs felt like jelly afterward when she was too week to fend him off and he began to touch her private parts. they settled i civil suit in 2006 but prosecutors, brought this criminal case, just this past year, prosecutors were also will be allowed to use testimony of one of the 50 other women that came forward and accused cosby of similar allegations. they are allowed to use one, woman we know as a name of casey and she claimed cosby also sexually assaulted her similarly in the 1990's. here's the montgomery county district attorneys handling this case, kevin steel. >> been a long hall to get here. we will put witnesses on the stand, we're confident in the
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case that we have. we look forward to getting it in the jury's hand. >> reporter: here we go day one and we will see how much of a circus this becomes but thinks a serious case, serious news story and sexual assault, extremely serious, especially in this country as ovulate, guys. >> much different scene in a couple hours, out there, steve , thank you. 4:07. keep it here to fox 29 for continuing coverage of the cosby trial, you can stay up to dayton fox 29 our app, on line at fox, or on social media. it is 4:07. it is's a shelter in place for people living in warrington and chalfont and areas of bucks county. sabina kuriakose is in doyletown with what we know so far, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, karen and thomas. lets take you right to the scene, this is latest police activity, crews have scene, this evening, rather. we have also just seen a new police cara live. we are at 611 and edison road in doyletown but the latest
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lex of police activity has been since that shelter in place, was issued for people in warrington, chalfont and doylestown townships area and that shelter in order remains in place. along edison road you can see, it is blocked off, police have blocked off the road, we have of hissers on the lawn here at this home adjacent here. we're not sure exactly why they have issued this shelter in place order. we have been asking police all night for more information but they have been very tight-lipped, tight-lipped, they would not confirm report that the order is related to a prisoner escape. that remains unconfirmed. now, again despite the shelter in place it appears that residents are also not being told exactly is what going on. we know a reverse 911 call went on it to people to stay inside, of their homes, but again, very little information is coming out from police as to exactly why, but we want to show you how much activity is actually going on again. we have police from several
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different townships, areas here, right now to get here and as we have been standing here more arriving. this is 611 and edison road. you can see police out of their vehicles right now, in this area, guys, right back to you. >> you'll be pressing for more , thank you. police are searching for gunman who shot and killed two people inside of a car. officers found the 23 year-old man and a 21 year-old woman both shot in the back of the head. this is on the 1,000 block of sidney street in east mt. airy , this all happened sunday first responders pronounced them dead at the scene. closing arguments begin today in bucks county in the criminal trial against lee kaplan, the five two-year old right here facing a long list of charges after police found 11 girls age six to 18, living in his feasterville house last june. in the trial, girl after girl testified that he had sex with them, and they considered him their husband. he is also accused of fathering two children by one of them. prosecutors say one of the
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girls was as young as seven when he sexually abused her. oldest is now 18. it is 4:10. isis his claiming responsibility for that attack in london that killed seven people and injured 48 others, over the weekend. the police chief from london said the attackers have been identified but names have not been officially released. police say just after 10:00 p.m. local time saturday three men drove a van over london bridge. this is a live picture of the scene right there in london where they have beefed up security and people are going about their day. of course, when this attack happened, they, the attacker, stabbed people in the area of the pack bars and restaurants. also wearing fake bomb vests to insight even more fear. london police have raided two address is and detained a number of people, believed to be connected to that attack. >> they were there to do one thing and one thing only to
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kill people, stab them to death. >> but the whole of our country need to come together to take on this streamism and we need to live our lives not in the series of separated segregated communities but as one of truly united kingdom. >> there will be a vigil, later today, right here near the london bridge to honor those victims of the attack. talk about a show of love, defying in the wake of the manchester attacks, ariana grande return to the stage on sunday for a tribute concert, honoring the victims. >> thank you so, so much everybody. >> ♪ >> it was an emotional day, other celebrities joining in, including miley cyrus, katie perry, justin beiber, ferrell
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and black eyed pays. british red cross says more than 4 million was raised, and that number is expect to rise. we will have more on the concert coming up in the next hour, by the way to day marks two weeks since that attack. all right. we have got a health alert right new for people living in the state of delaware, for one specific group of people. >> why doctors are asking you to get tested for a contagious disease, that is straight ahead. we will be on the bear patrol because we have a bear still in a tree most likely up in bucks county, so what happened, after the game keepers tried to tranquilize him, also quite a tourist attraction, hi there, bob kelly. 4:12. we will go for a ride through wilmington, delaware, they are working on 495 throughout the day. lets open up that front door and say good morning to the ben franklin parkway, we will have an update in that shelter in place in doyletown and sue by has your back to work monday forecast when we come right back.
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welcome back it is 4:15 on this monday morning. good morning to all of you waking up in allentown. yesterday was the day that depended weather-wise on where you were. some of you got rain, some had sunshine all day. lets see how today will shape up, sueby. >> it looks like we have saved most of the dreary weather for after the weekend was over and
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we have got a scattered shower situation, we have got some cloud around, that will probably have stubborn cloud even when showers leave and then chance of more showers developing later on in the day and tomorrow, and the next day so just be prepared at lee for first part of the workweek for things to be unsettled and you can see our scattered showers around. thunderstorms, are not in our area, they are up toward new york city and they are pretty loud there but you can see scattered showers throughout burlington county, ocean county here in philadelphia, so it wouldn't be bad idea to have that umbrella their by. we will get a break in the action throughout the rest of the morning but cloud will roll back in. you will see sunshine, treasure it because people will have a mostly cloudy day and south ande of the city that is when we have a chance of thunderstorms popping up by three or 4:00 in the afternoon but cannot rule it out either. you will see that system moving north. stationary front that is kind of staying nearby to keep things unsettled. here's tuesday, we will start
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off with a few showers in the morning, a few more by midday, a few more later in the day, and then it stays pretty cloudy for wednesday, even if we dent get a shower it will be socked in with cloud cover and then by thursday, i think things will start to clear up, as you walk out the door this morning it is on the mild side , 58 degrees up in mount pocono. sixty-six in philadelphia we are in the 70's in wildwood, dover delaware, millville, new jersey, wind the direction of the wind all over the place and it is only kind of breezy down to the south of us but calm wind here 80 degrees is our normal high temperature but we were pleasantly below normal on saturday and a little bit above on sunday with a high of 82. i hope you had fun whatever you d chance of pop up showers and then are storms, much cooler tomorrow in the lower 60's for a high on wednesday, and then warming backup as we get into the weekend, with a chance of a thunderstorm perhaps on saturday, but the
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weekend i will tell you will look much better then workweek and we are looking at a situation when you get in your cartoon into 10:10 p.m. and get your forecast there. >> you know what difficult learn it does pay to tip your weather forecaster you are welcome. >> your graduation part your went off very well. >> yes, little drizzle in the early morning hours, i said don't fret, i put a little something, a whitman sampler and 20 spot under her keyboard and it all worked out well over the weekend. we are looking live at 4:18. burlington bristol bridge in the middle of an opening right now, so traffic stopped on both side of the river, my guess is that freighter is pulling out, and hit tacony palmyra in about an hour as well. we will keep an eye on that one. live lot the blue route 476 coming out of the mid county, most of the overnight construction project are not existent the crews did not work sunday into monday. here's what we are doing, sabina is live you up here in
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doyletown where there is police activity that right now has 611 closed right at edison road. anybody familiar with this area coming north on 611 through warrington just north of almshouse road you have a big shopping plaza, the big movie theater, you then of the bucks county jail which is right there on the left side and just north of the jail is where we have all of the police activity and that stretch of the roadway, shut down, and from what we're hearing a shelter in place is still in effect in this whole area we will goat to sabina to 611 northbound closed, right there at route 202 up there in doyletown. watch for this new traffic pattern 95 north at girard avenue. they have moved the off ramp a little further north from where it was located last week that is sending folks for a little bit of a confusing scenario there as you head north on i-95 coming back from the shore this morning anybody down there this weekend keep in mind you have construction
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zone here 295 and freeway as you roll through bellmawr, karen and thomas, back to you. 4:20. russian president vladamire putin denied any russian hacking of the u.s. presidential election and speculate ago this u.s. spies could have faked election hacking evidence. new interview putin insist moscow did not interfere, in the presidential election. he claims it was quote convenient for u.s. intelligence agencies to accuse russia but suggest private hackers may have interfered. russian leader also claimed that the u.s. carried out interference of its own. >> i haven't even seen one direct proof of russian interference in the presidential election in the united states. the united states, everyone all over the world actively interfering with the election of other countries. >> the interview comes as u.s. lawmakers are expect to hear from fired fbi director james comey later this week.
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election day is upon us, voters in new jersey will be heading to the polls tomorrow to tea side on, among other things gubernatorial candidates, six democrats and five republicans are competing in the primary, democrat democrat phil murphy and kim guadagno are considered front runners in their races. beside governor's race they are going to be choosing the nominees for state senate and the general assembly. this is a big one. candidates in camden, atlantic city and other county, municipal races are also on the ballots. polls will open up at 6:00 and they will close at 8:00 tomorrow. all right. keep your eyes peeled if you live up there in that sort of bucks county neck of the wood, feasterville, because, oh, is there a bear, black bear sleeping in the tree right on street road between bustleton pike and pennsylvania boulevard. all evening wild life officials tried to tranquilize it with no success. pennsylvania gaming commission said they know this particular bear, they think that they spotted him out in doyletown
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and now he made his way to feasterville. he is a two-year old. can you see people that came out. it was quite an event up in the tree. lots of viewers who sent us video of the bear running through backyard and opening date. one of the viewers sent us a video of the bear, and that is a smoker. they they can hardly believe what they saw. that is a bay bear trap. >> we ran up the road and my husband and i decided to go around the block to see if we could find him and we saw him entering somebody's back fence he unlatched it and went in the back. we were trying to warn people all around to get their kid out. >> the gaming commission says it hopes bear will peacefully makes its way out of that tree , come down all by itself and just, get a safely. >> yes. >> quite a sight. >> 22:00. here what he go. >> another bad rap for city of philadelphia short on time you why may want want to head
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across the bridge to take your next flight.
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what if there was a paint... ...where each drop was formulated to be smarter... ...even smarter than that... if a color didn't go on evenly, it would balance itself out to reveal its truest, richest state. if a paint could realize the fullest potential
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of any color... have to wonder... is it still paint? aura interior from benjamin moo®e . only available at independently owned paint and hardware stores. phillies haven't won a series since april. last night they had a chance to end that bad streak. bottom of the ninth phillies up by one freddie galvis adding some insurance, so the long ball, fueling the phillies in this game. that was his second home run of the match up. phillies would win nine-seven.
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winning their first season series since april. to the nba finals, calves/ warriors. warriors up one to nothing in the series. step curry was unstoppable, check this out, 30-foot, three ball right there, he had a triple double in this game, straight nasty. warriors would go on to win 132-113. to the monster mile at dover on the final lap, dylann hits ryan newman and that creates a domino effect. bunch of cars spinning out and bunch of wrecks but in the before jimmy johnson would cross the line and jim would i go ahead and win his 11th race at dover. that is sports in a minute. i'm sean bell. >> ♪
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trial of the bill cosby gets underway today, the accuser facing the comedian for first time in court. charges file y police say that guy is the man behind the stabbing of a philadelphia councilman. and what is in a name? what happened when another convenient store comes up with a name that sound very, very
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similar, david verse goliath. >> they are not happy. they will in the stand for it great to have you with us on this monday, 4:30. i'm thomas drayton with bob kelly and sue serio. >> weekend goes so fast. >> congratulations to your daughter. >> thank you to sue serio for a great forecast. >> graduation party in my family yesterday, my nephew lou, graduated high school. we were with family in baltimore. >> you made the hat and they looked fabulous. >> pinterest failed on friday. i got up early in the morning on sunday and got the job done it is first you don't succeed, you try, try again. >> that is right. >> lets see if we can get you a decent day to day. i did change the weather number to a seven. it is still a decent number, it is above five. we will see a lot of dry, periods during the day, all they there are scattered showers around right now but when it is not raining it will be mostly cloudy. you see widely scattered
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showers north of philadelphia right now, little damp here in olde city with 66 degrees, and calm wind. other temperatures lancaster 63. kutztown to the north of us at 69. trenton new jersey 62. millville new jersey is 71. we're at 72 in dover. warm spot rehoboth beach is 74 we have to keep that can go. a lot of cloud cover today. possibility of pop up shower and thunderstorm south and east of the city, 80 degrees is our high. we will talk bay cool down and another warm up, little bit of the roller coaster ride ahead in the seven day forecast. >> sound good sue, good morning. monday back at it, back to work and school, last week of school or last two weeks of school for a lot of the kid. live look at 4:31 burlington bristol just completed an opening. start to see cars rolling again, so traffic is moving that freighter, we are trying
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trying to get confirmation probably will hit that tacony palmyra in about an hour. live lot at schuylkill expressway near montgomery drive n problems or delays at all but here's the situation we have been watching since last night. a shelter in place because of what we're hearing is a possible escaped prisoner, along route 611. sabina is live and she will have an update in just a couple minutes but 611 is closed, right at edison road, that is right before you get to doyletown hospital. we have central bucks high school up here as well. then earlier, on the overnight , through the overnight, police had lower state and bristol road, in shut down mode, limekiln pike and county line. so this whole area, chalfont, bucks county, warrington, and the doyletown area, shelter in place. sabina will have more coming up in a moment. northbound i-95 watch for that new traffic pattern heading in to girard avenue. off ramp has been relocated,
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so that is cause forgo some confusion. for the gang coming back from the shore watch out for construction zones, 295 and 42 freeway. mass transit looking good, karen and thomas back to you. well, sex assault trial of comedian bill cosby will begin today in norristown. comedian is accused of drug ging and molesting andrea constand at his home in 2004. lets get out to steve keeley at the courthouse and what we are expecting, steve. >> reporter: for five hours away from expecting cosby to show up but look who showed up , media from across the world and that us the loud hum you hear of the diesel generators going full blast because everybody is already reporting on this especially over in london despite everything going on over there this is still a top story after talking to the bbc crew here. jury seven men, five women, 10 white, two black, all 12 from the pittsburgh area, and they were picked. they will be staying here, sequestered for the trial close to the montgomery county
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courthouse here. you have to wonder if the f tv in their hotel rooms are all either, removed, or only able to play video games and dvd movies since jurors are ordered, not to watch any coverage of the trial and it will be hard to turn on a tv to any channel and not see judging from the fleet of already fired up satellite trucks beaming the predawn, preopening statements overnight coverage around the world here. on july 12th, cosby will turn 80 years old. here's latest video we have seen in pittsburgh, he was there for jury selection. this trial is expect to be over by his birthday, but if convicted of each of these three counts of aggravated indecent assault each carry a possible maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. essentially he is possibly looking at a life sentence if found guilty in this case. of course, he denies all this, all other allegations denying to be brought into this case and maybe, he did one good thing for sure hired best
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defense lawyer not just in philadelphia but maybe in the country and that is moorestown brian mcmonigal who we have covered previously and he has other celebrity defendants not guilty, beanie segal comes to mind and others as well. so, we will see what happens on day one as we get ready but you can see here on the courthouse steps some of the photographers and reporters getting their best shot of bill cosby to go in the front door. >> here we go day one, steve keeley, thank you. shelter in place remains in effect for residents in the work ton, chalfont areas of bucks county. sabina kuriakose is in doyletown this morning with more on what we know so far, sabina. all right. lets go back here live to the scene, we were just talking to an officer off camera. he will give meehan update in a bit. right now i want to show you the scene, lot of activity, we have officers searching with k-9 and flashlights 611 and
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edison road, closed off because of this police activity. it loops around and there is some sort of quarry. this is shelter in place order remains in effect. i did just talk to that officer on camera and said it did remains in effect and i asked him very quickly right before we went live if this was in fact, due to a possible prisoner escape and he did appear to confirm that for me, just before we went on, we went live here. so, again, this has been happening since about 10:00 o'clock last night when that other went out reverse 911 call to residents in warrington, chalfont, doyletown area. police first began their search at limekiln pike and county line road, about five and a half miles from where we are right now. throughout the night crews saw police activity move down, through this area, and again, here is where we have ended up today, again, it appears that the police officer i will
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speak to in a bit but he has confirmed that this is due to a prisoner escape, out here in bucks county. that shelter in place order remains in effect out here. we have multiple agencies on the scene, we have seen the bucks county sheriff, doyletown township police, central bucks with newtown as well, all of them appear to be assisting in in this search but police with flashlights and what appears to be thermal images devices out here searching the roadway and wood , the quarry out here right now. very latest up here. we will have an update shortly back to you. is that officer still with you can you speak with him for a moment? >> reporter: we will talk to him off camera. difficult ask if to go live but he is not authorized. we will get an update off camera. >> great work, thank you. happening today, sentencing for two teenagers charged in connection with the death of a fellow classmate this case all centers around 16 year-old amy joyner francis
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who died hours after a fight in howard high school of technology bathroom in april. seventeen year-old was found guilty of criminally negligent homicide and another teen convicted of the conspiracy, judge acquitted a third teen so they will be sentenced to day. prosecutors have filed charges against man who they say stabbed a philly city councilman, judge arraigned sean yarboro including attempted murder assault and robbery. prosecutors say on questioned he stabbed at large councilman david oh outside his home in southwest philadelphia yardbor o's attorney says his kline did not do it. it appears settlement is near between a lawsuit between nurse and new jersey governor chris christie n2014 this woman casey hitchcock had arrived back home, when state officials force heard into quarantine. it was during ebola out break in africa. next year she sued the governor for imprisoning against her will. court documents show christie 's attorney said in the letter to the judge they
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have reached an agreement to settle in principal with her. time is 4:38. are you a baby boomer? if so delaware health officials are encourage to go get tested for hepatitis c. state division of public health say between born between 1945 and 1965 are five times more likely to have hepatitis c. the disease can lead to liver cancer and liver failure, but it is treatable with medication. since most people with hepatitis c have no symptoms they may not know they are infect, until they are seriously ill. 4:39. parking wars always a problem with parking but may get easier for people living in philadelphia. >> what you may soon be making , what may be making a come back to beat those parking tickets, we will tell you what it is, straight ahead
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oo, yeah. are you ready for a rush? yes, yes i am. you're in for a treat. fast play is the new way
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to play fast and win instantly from the pennsylvania lottery. pick a game, get your ticket and see if you've won. i won! pretty fast, huh? fast play. play fast. win instantly. you know new pantene.r tangles the minute you wash it? the first shampoo with active pro-v nutrient blends fueling hair 100% stronger that's instantly smoother and tangle free. because strong is beautiful. i'm about to pop a cap of "mmm fresh" in that washer with unstopables in-wash scent boosters by downy. because this scent lasts up to 12 weeks, which is longer than any relationship i've ever been in. freshness for weeks!
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welcome back, 4:42. looking at video here simply amazing, police say 14 people have been arrested in a number of weapons seized following a day of demonstrations and counter protests all happening in downtown portland. >> one side there was a pro president trump free speech rally, organized by conservative group patriots pray era cross the street and the group, religious and labor groups, protest were fueled in part by that deadly stabbing of two men, who tried to stop another man's anti muslim tirade on some girls, two young girls on train more than a week ago. of heavily armed officers
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wearing body arm or. five time champion and former knicks head coach derek fisher was arrested for drinking and driving after flipping his car. former laker was taken in custody early sunday morning in los angeles, neither fisher are in his girlfriend were hurt in the crash. fisher was fired as new york's head coach in february and been working as a tv analyst ever since. a few tears over a few corn beef ape ryes. >> so good. there is a local landmark famous place iconic location in our area that has been feeding generations of families and now saying good bye. i lost my sight
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when i was 14 years old. so i really navigate the world by touch. when dove asked me to try out this body wash... i was excited that it was foam. it was so light and soft... not sticky. it's light. it's different. it's foam. itmiss hoffman gets usle to mathere safe every time. mrs. migliaccio teaches us all about fractions - and haikus - and the erie canal! miss reeves makes us sound amazing. and miss santoro always takes time to see how we're doing. miss simpkins keeps our school looking great. recess wouldn't be recess without miss basile. and mrs. mccarthy always has tons of good books to read. which makes for a pretty good day at school. ♪ ♪
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more than four years after super storm sandy and now the federal government has begun dumping enough sand to fill more than five football stadiums on the stretch of the new jersey shore in toms river this project is one of the largest beach repairs in u.s. history and it has cost 128 million-dollar. a small convenient store in new jersey has decided it will change its name after wawa, they weren't too happy. >> that is original wawa right there court filings show the store in paterson, called dawa has agreed to change the name. cot wawa, the 700 stores, in six states says that is way too similar to their name and takes advantage of their reputation. owner of dawa says it is a casual way to come in korea. but they don't specify what the name will be changed too. 4:46.
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lets check your monday morning commute, hi there bob. >> let's update breaking news we have been following here this report of the escaped prisoner in bucks county along route 611 at edison road. the area of concern where sabina is set up is right there. we have edison quarry just off of route 611, coincidently it is right up the street from the bucks county jail, and youth center, and then just a little further up the way at doyletown hospital, central bucks high school, you have the big shopping plaza which almshouse road is right there lets go outside to a live look at our camera, this is sabina 's camera on 611 at edison road. it looks like they are allowing some traffic to get through right now but here's police activity, edison road, 611 and edison road is right there by the big quarry and then right on the opposite side of the 611 you have a pretty like a development there, of some homes. so is there police activity as we come back to the maps.
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just be ready as this thing is unfolding throughout the morning on 611 just before you get to that big route 202 interchange and then again, 611 and 202 is where doyletown hospital comes into play and you have central bucks high school. hopefully we will get more word from the police as to what the scenario is, where the shelter in place still in effect, how that will affect school today, at central bucks high. here's a live look at, burlington bristol bridge we have completed an opening. we have some construction too on this span here until about 5:30 or so, schuylkill expressway looking good in and out of philadelphia, in problems or delays at all, i-95 we are looking good but again, just watch out for that new construction pattern right here at girard avenue, they have moved off ramp on everybody and in bellmawr new jersey 42 and 295 they are in the working from last night but there is lane patterns that are shuffled around so that will catch you by surprise coming right back from the shore right into the office, forecast for today,
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sue has tonight 15. we have a stationary front to the north of us and just close enough to keep things un settled, and eventually it will, move south, and let in some chillier air, for tomorrow, but we will have to deal with quite a few included today and occasional shower or two, and then with this southern system coming at us, we have things coming at us from both directions, we do see, the chance of some showers and thunderstorms south of area later on today. right now we're not seeing too much, in the way of showers, we do have quite a few cloud out there but we will run into the odd shower or two as we drive around this morning. is there a few around browns mills in burlington county, et
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cetera, et cetera. here's what we're talking about later on today we have got a system to the north and south and everything converges on us for evening rush hour, so it will remain mostly cloudy, and then get a shower or two. just be prepared for that, today here's tomorrow morning, chance of showers, and here's tomorrow afternoon chance of showers, these will be hit or miss but it will be definitely cooler tomorrow, and then by wednesday it looks like we will be socked in with cloud and can't rule out a shower but that is for wednesday. 66 degrees walking out the door, 58 in the mountains. seventy-two down in wildwood as we start your day, ocean walter temperatures up to 66 degrees. that is getting better too with folks spending more weekend down the shore. here is a calm monday morning, little breezy to the south of us, average high is now up to 80 degrees. we were below on saturday, little bit above on sunday. today, right there, high of 80 with a chance of the pop up
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shower or thunderstorm and same deal for tuesday, we have a high of 68 degrees. big difference between today's temperature and tomorrow and it is cooler on wednesday, we will start our warm up just in time for the weekend so we're mid 70's by friday into the 80 's by saturday and sunday, thomas and karen. >> something to look forward to thank you. we're following developing news out of the middle east, four arab nations have cut diplomatic toys with the oil rich nation of qatar. saudi arabia, bahrain, egypt and united arab emirates diplomatic staff, over what they say is support of terrorism. all of the nations say they plan to cut air and sea traffic as well. they are hoe of the 2022fifa world cup and home to the major u.s. military base. qatar which has previously denied funding extremist group called the decision aid violation of its sovereignty. in your money if you are a fan of the p pa meter up app,
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save me from tickets it is making a come back. >> everybody here was certainly and a lot of you as well, 20,000 signed up for it. then it disappeared. well, a lot of people liked it very popular but that firm running it shut it down because they weren't making enough money really. so parking authority put out this and other vendors they did find other won and goal, to have the new app up and running by the fall. >> good news there. if you are planning to take a flight in or out of philadelphia prior to wait. flight delays at philadelphia international airport air monk the country's war in the summertime. this is according to mile card .com. airport with the most flight delays in the summer newark liberty international airport about 66 percent of flights leave on time. it is end of an era, northeast philadelphia landmark is closing, its doors , customers, are saying good bye to jack's deli.
4:53 am
4:54 am
introducing fios gigabit connection. superfast internet at an incredible price. with speeds up to 940 megs. that's 20x faster than most people have. and, it's just $79.99 a month online for 1 year.
4:55 am
and only $5 more per month for the second year. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 with tv, hbo for 1 year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years. all with a 2-year agreement. switch now at welcome back. make us happy, but 4:55 in the morning. we will have a positive attitude. >> anything not bad, it is monday morning, it is foggy outside, 4:55. great to have you with us. it will get better. end of an era for a northeast philadelphia dell that i has been around for 50 years.
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jack's deli on bustleton avenue has closed its doors. >> bitter sweet, so many crowd of customers and former employees, came in there. look at the hugs, tears. some people came from other countries, sending messages to the people that they grew up w reunion of customers and workers reminiscing about all the good times. >> i met my husband here. ordered when i met him. >> we were families. i have two families. >> it is bitter sweet, i say it is bitter, bitter sweet because bitterness of losing all these people that have been with me for so many years that have been my friend and family, very difficult. >> thanks for good memories and good years. they will still live on of sorts through doing corporate catering. congratulations go out to the west chester golden rams they became division two baseball champions.
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>> west chester wins the national championship a 52 win over uc san diego. >> golden rams team. >> dot pile up. robert incomes got things going with the lead off home run and nick ward added another, john fisher, pitched five strong innings handing ball to josh maclean. he has all tournament dominated next four and shut out fashion, he pick up his second win of the tournament, to go along with one save, earning himself, most outstanding player honors. big congrats to them. developing overnight the search for an escaped inmate, sabina. >> reporter: we have a massive police search, thomas going on , a 611 in bucks county, police going door to door with flashlights and thermal imag ing devices as this prisoner has been on the loose since 9:00. we have a lot of information, including how he escape, stay with us.
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happening right now on good day fill's was once america's dad but today his trial get underway for bill cosby what can expect and who night show up in the corner. people in bucks county are told to stay inside, shelter in place, why police are issuing this dire warning


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