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tv   FOX 29 News at 6PM  FOX  June 1, 2017 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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at 6:00. and we begin at 6:00 with developing story. philadelphia city councilman david oh is back at home tonight less than 24 hours after man came up to him outside his house and stabbed him in the back. thank you for joining us as 6:00. i'm lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. minutes aft returning home councilman oh spoke to dave schratwieser who is live in southwest philadelphia tonight. dave? iain, a wild day for city councilman david oh after he was stabbed on the street right here outside his home last night around 9:45 as he returned home from work. today around 2:30 he came back home even after surgery and he told us about the terrifying ordeal he faced with a knife-wielding suspect. >> hey, how are you? >> i'm fine. thank you. thank you. >> reporter: 18 hours after being stabbed in the back in front of his own home, councilman david oh came home thursday afternoon. >> i'm doing fine. good spirits, you know, i feel fine physically.
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you know, treated very well at penn presbyterian. >> reporter: 57-year-old councilman underwent surgery overnight but he bounced back quickly and asked to go home. he spoke about the terrifying encounter with a knife weeding suspect. >> the neck thing i know he's there next to me with an urgent look on his face. >> reporter: councilman eh realized immediately something was very wrong. >> then he punched me in the lower rib which i -- i happen to know what that is. so i said, did you just stab me and he had. i looked down and he had a seive. more than a knife, twenty two a seive. >> he said, keys, car, wallet, cash, everything. he said i want everything. at one point in time he lunched at my, you know, face and i had to put my hand up and i got cut across the -- the forearm. >> reporter: in the middle of the attack councilman oh revealed several men in a white car pulled up thinking it was the suspect who was in trouble.
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>> they took out their smart phones and they were recording what was happening. >> reporter: councilman says the car and suspect cook took off he dialed 911 and struggled up the front steps. his ten-year-old daughter came to the door. she ran to get his wife and he went back to the street to wait for police and the ambulance. several neighbors came out to help. oh says he got a good look at the suspect and believes he's very dangerous. >> he's a guy who establishes first and then takes and i just think that's a very dangerous kind of person. report roar councilman is also thankful to everyone in philadelphia. >> i thank all the people for just the wonderful encourageme encouragement, kind words and everything, it was really heartfelt. thank you so much. >> reporter: now councilman suffer slash wounds to his left forearm. he says he did get a good look at the suspect. if police make an arrest does he believe he can identify him. tonight police are trying to determine if those guise in the white car were acting in concert
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with the suspect or if the suspect was acting alone. they are reviewing surveillance video and they'd like to have that video from those guys in the car to take look at the suspect. iain? >> let's hope they get it. dave, thank you. tonight police are trying to come up with more detailed description of this suspect in a stabbing. what they do know the attack on councilman oh was random tack he was not targeted because of his position. decks to night will be looking through surveillance video from four locations in the area and police say no one is immune to crime. >> councilman oh has work tirelessly with myself and oth others on asian home invasions and countless victims that he deals with all the tile, and now he becomes a victim himself. we're asking for the public's help. >> investigators want those people who recorded the attack on their cell phones to come forward with that video. the latest now from washington, d.c. president trump is announced he's withdrawing the us from the paris climate agreement. the president says 2015
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agreement reached during the obama administration is bad for our country. the agreement aims to fight climate change and pollution by reducing carbon emissions. while many including corporate ceo's and democrats blasting the decision president trump says the pact would hurt our economy. the paris accord would undermine our economy, hamstring our workers, weaken our sovereign tree. >> for trumping to awol is a tragedy. it certainly, um, not well thought out. >> the president says the us if we can get more favorable terms. to your fox 29 weather authority now. we take live look at ocean city. a little windy out there. great day to be outside and great night to be out as well. >> i think so, too. so kathy orr is outside right now. kind of soaking in all that weather in old city. hey, kathy. >> oh, my gosh. it's so beautiful. i mean the sun glare, i need my sunglasses out here.
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>> right. >> the warm sun feels so good and behind me you can see a lot of folks out enjoying the evening. it almost feels like friday guys. everybody is out in old city. it's thursday night a good night to be out. warm night as well. temperatures are warm in the 70s after highs in the 80 today's. not a cloud in the sky right n now. atlantic city 83. philadelphia 82. wilmington 82. trenton 80. allen ton and reading in the upper 70s. just beautiful day no matter where you were i now the city we're at 79. not much win at this moment. the wind is dying down. millville 80. and 81 degrees in atlantic city. warm down the shore with a stiff westerly wind keeping that sea breeze away. tonight temperatures will fall through the 70s if you're going out tonight very comfortable. lows to night will be falling into the 60s. now coming up we'll talk about a sunny stretch for the beginning of june. something we did not have in may. we'll have the hurricane outlook as hurricane season begins today, and some weekend rain it's not going to be all perfect but we'll show you the best time
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to be outside. for now though guys we'll send it back to you. >> enjoy the sunshine, kathy. to story you saw first on fox. south jersey teacher was in court today after police say he took up skirt pictures and videos of girls at his high school. jeff cole first broke the investigation into eric howell last month. lenape high school to you banned him from its property and events. fox 29's jeff cole is live in burlington county courthouse. jeff? >> reporter: lucy, he's accused of actually taking the camera and putting night an empty drink box stick it into a soft bag and doing the up skirting video that way. investigators though in the meantime say they've been looking at in house security cameras from lenape high school and think he may have inappropriately approached as many 40 females. >> state versus eric d. howell. rom rom four mer lenape science teacher eric howell appeared in
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prison orange. >> placing cameras in water bottle and essentially chasing after ladies in the hallway deplorable conduct. >> medford police and county investigators have been on his trail searches his home scooping up digital storage devices since lenape high school female students alerted administrators he was getting too close and they notice add blue recording light. kicked out of the classroom and told to stay away weeks ago, howell a 43-year-old 19 year marine veteran was arrested yesterday. he faces child endangerment and invasion charges for allegedly recording up skirt video of females. his home was first searched week ago. this maple shade neighbor watched it all go down. >> there was multiple police cars from down the corner, and up the parking lot. >> reporter: in court prosecutors said they were limited in their ability to hold him. instead he'll be released to house arrest wearing electronic monitor with his wife as his
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keeper. >> we've taken every step we can to safeguard any potential occurrence and making sure that the community is safe. >> investigators have seen images of four females captured on his hidden recording device while they say there's a potential for many more. >> i'm shocked and i think that's horrible. i hope he gets -- i guess help that he needs. i mean i think that's very inappropriate, and he should not be a around children if that's a temptation for him. >> reporter: his lawyer said he's already receiving treatment. he's charged with improperly video taping four female students. three high school, one at a convenience store. but those charges certainly could increase. live in burlington county, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. folks? >> all right, jeff, thank you. a man in critical condition after a shooting this afternoon. it happened near 16th and bristol street in nicetown. 35-year-old man was shot four times. he was taken to hospital. so far there have been no arrests. >> a man trying to stuff a woman
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into a trash bag had people dropping what they were doing and stopping him down. happened in philadelphia's frankford neighborhood and police have not been able to talk to the 29-year-old victim since last night's attack across the street from aria hospital. she's unconscious. they say when people nearby saw the man beating her and stuffing her into a bag, they started yelling he took off. police say her family has no idea what was going on. no arrest as of yet. a $25,000 reward tonight to catch the people who opened fire on a kensington street. hitting a toddler several times. a little boy did survive. $20,000 is coming from mayor kenney's office on top of the 5,000 from the fop for information leading to an arrest and conviction. police say two weeks ago, two gunmen shot the toddler and his 25-year-old dad while they were sitting on their porch on malta street. both are out of hospital. a schoolbus driver under the influence and on the job.
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well, that is what middletown township bucks county police are looking into right now. yesterday they arrested the driver from the neshaminy school district for suspicion of dui no charges as of yet. police are awaiting results from a blood test. you take septas trollies you may need to come up with an alternate route. the trolley tunnel in center city will close from 5am sunday until 5am monday for some maintenance work. trolley routes 11, 13, 34 and 36 will start their routes at 40th and market on sunday. route 10 trollies will start at 40th and filbert. septa says everything should be open again by monday. meanwhile, septa is encouraging to you trade in those tokens for some septa key credit. septa says you can get a new key card and put the tokens into the fair machine at stations and add the value of those tokens to your travel wallet. septa key of course will eventually replace tokens and tickets across septa's entire system. sabina? >> reporter: a bear spotted yards from a children's
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playground in bucks county. take look. this is a photo of that bear. it was climbing through& neighbor's backyards and some parents are now on alert. >> probably not to feed a bear or try to touch a bear. but maybe stay back. >> wildlife officers are hot on their bear's trail and we'll tell you where exactly it was last seen coming up. >> eagles are finishing up their second week of voluntary work outs and the rookie derek barnett talks about who is helping him out the most and who's is helping him become a pro. that's coming up later in sports. you knew when you cast it they'd lock you up.
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but that didn't stop you. you traveled far and wide, and others followed. mothers, daughters, sisters, lions. and because together you roared so loud, i know my voice matters today. this summer, come celebrate new york state's equal rights history. download our guide to plan your trip.
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donald tmeet phil murphy,by former goldman sachs bankers. another wall street banker running for governor, whose firm helped trigger the financial meltdown that put millions out of work and out of their homes. murphy's trying to buy the election, paying off new jersey bosses. my name's john wisniewski, and i'm running for governor of new jersey. john wisniewski, the son of a millwright, who uncovered the bridgegate scandal and exposed chris christie's corruption. the choice -- insider wall street politics or main street, new jersey, values. everand every day younkful promise to protect them.
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off! is here to help with proven protection against mosquitoes. trust our family to protect yours. sc johnson, a family company when you you act, boo. so do we. raid kills roaches seven times faster than the next leading ant and roach spray. seven times faster? (gasps) raid! get raid and get tough on roaches fast. sc johnson. >> happening now in bucks counsel fee community is on alert after this bear was seen roaming in backyards in doylestown. at one point it was even near a kids play ground. >> kind of a kid himself i think. he's a little guy. so where is the bear now? fox 29's sabina kuriakose live in doylestown. okay, is a bone in a, have you sight spotted anything yet? >> reporter: we did not. he actually has not been seen since 11:00 o'clock this morning. lucy you're right.
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he's a little guy. they think he's about-year-old just leaving hem for the first time and they say that he was probably just as shocked as the neighbors were when they came face to face. >> it's not quite the quiet afternoon the borger family was going on. marissa quick outing with the kids took an unexpected turn when -- >> the lifeguard came over and told us, um, there's bare sighting. do you to come inside and maybe take some cover? >> take cover because this small 100-pound black bear was last scene. her children were casting their fishing lines. doily doylestown borough residents first saw the bear thursday morning near swamp road and route 202. lumbering through backyards pass add swing set and shed. two siting later the pennsylvania game commission was hot on the trail by fanny chapman park on east state street. wildlife officer ellen henry has bare trap and dart guns ready to go in case the bear makes an
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appearance. >> we just want to make sure the bear doesn't get injured as well as people. >> reporter: by mid afternoon it appeared the animal has moved on for now. >> just want people to not go towards it, don't chase it. don't try to corner it or a gentlemen at any time it any any way they're typically shy and they will keep away from people. >> reporter: the presence of the wildlife officers was enough to coax the borgers back out. >> i think we're okay to go back over to the pond. >> with some important reminders. >> not to feed a bear or try to touch a bear but maybe stay back. >> reporter: officials believe the bear is one to two years old and recently set out on its own by its mother to find new territory. bear siting are not uncommon in bucks county and authorities are hoping to tag this young animal if it's caught. >> this is a young bear. so it is going to be very curious but we just want it to keep moving through the area hopefully find a better place that it can set up home. >> just looking for home.
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now we can emphasize it enough if you see this bear or anybody bear for that matter stay away. if it gets a little too close make a loud noise to scare it off and call the game commission because they want another siting so they can try to figure out where it's going. lucy, back to you. >> got to give them their space. do not get close. is a bean narks thank you very much. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. let's go to wilmington on this absolutely gorgeous thursday. hoping that it will stay this way this weekend. kathy will let you know in 152nd. >> come on lucy you'd like a little bear as a pet. >> no. it wouldn't be nice for the bear. bears need to be out in the wi wild. >> i'm sure they do. yeah. that's the best advice. you can see a few weather cumulus clouds out there. otherwise a really picture perfect day. we're calling this one a ten.
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same goes for tomorrow. the temperature 79. the high today 82. winds out of the west at 20 miles an hour with some higher gusts that wind will be dying down. you can see some cool temperatures through upstate new york and into new england. 77 in hagerstown pittsburgh 73. baltimore and washington in the 80s. so a lot more warmth moving our way. in the wake of this front high pressure building in. mostly sunny skies expected again tomorrow with a westerly wind becoming northerly but even with that northerly wind we will still make it to 81 degrees in philadelphia. today hurricane season begins and want to show you some of the names. had he a arlene already in april. but then we have brett, cindy, don, emily, franklin. you can see your name i'll put this on facebook and twitter to see if your name is one of those for the atlantic hurricane season but there are no seans, no iains, and there are in luc lucys. sorry guise. >> last year. >> but they smelled spelled it wrong. >> hot spots for june mainly through the western part of the caribbean the bahamas and the
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gulf of mexico. so something to watch this month for tropical development. of course, it runs right through the month of november. tonight looking for overnight low temperatures in the 60s. it will be comfortable less wind and temperatures will stay pretty warm right through the early morning hours. during the day tomorrow, warming up quickly afternoon high 81. mostly sunny and pleasant with those winds diminishing and then tomorrow about ten to 15 miles an hour. we have a big weekend nascar in dover friday mostly sunny. saturday mix of sun and clouds. dry for any of the preliminaries and also the practices and by sunday by race time just a chance of a shower. most of the rain should be north and west of delaware on sunday. we're keeping our fingers crossed for you. on the seven day forecast from the weather authority, some evening showers sunday that's our next chance of rain. monday periods of rain, damp on tuesday. wednesday parly sunny. and then looking ahead to thursday. mostly sunny with a temperature of 77 degrees. logging pretty good guys.
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we'll send it back to you. >> perfect. >> listen a lot going wrong with the phillies. >> that's not perfect. >> but guess what? they have another team to be sorry with. >> deflection. >> a lot of frustration in other places. mr. met he's waving something that he shouldn't be waving. wrong finger plus the eagles in that are second week of voluntary work outs and the rookie derek barnett talks about the guy he's leaning on the most to be great much that's coming up later in sports.
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♪ eagles going through their second week of voluntary work outs and a lot of this is really routine. guys are used to this. they've already work out with each other for weeks. so the vets don't really need to be there it's the rookies and it's new guys that need time to acclimate with the team especially the rookies. eagles are expecting big things from derek barnett really everyone is. the organization has failed way too many times when it comes to first rounders any time a rookie comes in, there's an adjustment period and luck killly for derek brandon graham has been right there to help him along. >> if i have a question i always ask bgf he tell me what i need to do better or tell me to continue working on it or keep on doing good.
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eye like i said coming from player to player means a lot. >> phillies with much needed day off. june can't be any worse than may. they went six and 22 the team hasn't had month that bad in a decade. tomorrow they'll be back at home taking on the giants. eikoff will be on the mound but he hasn't had a win this year yet. the mets with a day game against the brewers and this place foul ball flores goes to get the catch but the bat boy gets in the way. what are you doing? look at this one more time. the chair actually hits flores now at first they call that an out. they called it interference but then reversed the call no out. collins flips out. he goes would you wild on the ump and gets ejected. mets went on to lose two-one right now the mets are just as frustrated as the phillies are. the team is under achieving this team was supposed to compete for pennant six games under 500 even mr. met is just fed up look at
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this. mr. met flipping a fan the bird. [ laughter ] >> while he goes in the tunnel. even the mascot, you can't take that. listen, to be honest with you, i'm sure whoever got the bird deserved i'm sure they said something wild. >> exactly. >> for people who don't know -- listen they say a lot of disrespectful things. >> they do. >> you probably deserved that bird but mascots aren't supposed to talk and he gave that you. >> mr. met is so cute. >> mr. met. >> can he be human sometimes. >> bus stop buddy would never do that i'm just saying. >> absolutely. >> don't say the wrong thing to bus stop buddy. see what happens. >> no! >> try him. >> be sure to join us tonight for more fox 29 news. the name on this town you see it right there. sex. hull actually that's not the same but it's on there and that's why it's now on the map. what the contractor is saying about that particular mishap. >> we'll see you at 10:00. >> don't mess with bus stop buddy. ♪
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shoot em' up at the car dealership. >> the woman who locked herself in the lady's room, and called 911. >> someone's shooting in the building. i'm in the bathroom, please hurry. >> then the photographer who shot the shocking kathy griffin image speaks out. >> had this happened to president obama i can only imagine what people would be saying. >> and the tiger woods arrest video. blow by blow. >> go ahead and spread your feet for me. >> he can barely stand. he's totally out of it. >> what are we doing? >> then dream home. gone. all her neighbors pitched in to build her a new home.
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