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tv   Chasing News  FOX  April 1, 2017 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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>> this south philly native whose profanity laden video tour of his deceased parents house has gone viral. >> this is a mother? dining room where you we like the pig slob that you are. >> his father died in the house? >> hey, what are you doing? ♪ ♪ >> i don't agree with him on that. [laughter] ♪
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♪ bill: brian, i hear that you have a [bleep] house for sale. >> oh, yeah. my mother and father left me this [bleep]. i will show you the [bleep] house. you know what i mean? >> this south philly native whose profanity laden video tour of his deceased parents house has gone absolutely viral. >> i came inside. you have a living room. and you have a mother [bleep] dining room where you eat like the pig slob that you are. >> it exploded the johnette, he blew it up. it is the hardest that i last all week. >> here, here is where you watch tv. >> i had to come here and meet this guy. >> i made 300,000 people laugh.
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>> master bedroom, my father died overhear he fell off the [bleep] bed. you have a closet over there. i'm not going to open it, [bleep] you. >> that is the most beautiful thing that i can, you know, give. it's laughter. because laughter is a beautiful thing. vanity is right here where you wipe yourself off [bleep] >> i admit that i thought that i was going to have to contend with a pretty rough character. but what i found is that in real life his persona is more teddy bear than goodfellow. >> we have kind of a special kind of humor, as you might say. >> my mom and dad really appreciated what i did. >> he said it came at the end of
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an emotionally grueling day. both of his parents were dead. he was selling the contents of his house. and really he just wanted to blow off some steam. >> i was actually sick and tired of eating there and doing the whole 10 yards. sidelight okay. i have to sell this house. have i sell this house. so i did a little spoof on it. >> that's the end of that. if you want to buy the [bleep] house, go [bleep] yourself. >> he said he always did have dreams of being an actor. i realized he could turn this on and off. i asked him for help selling my car. >> a little bit of an oil leak. this thing is going to run like a puppy. how many miles you have on this, powell?
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>> 300,000 miles [bleep] >> the guy is a slob as you can plainly see. you can see mold growing on it. >> get out of here now legg. >> does he have any offers on the house? >> he has a few bites on the house. >> he said his dad fell down, hit his head and there is a stainer. >> did his father die in house? >> i don't know, but he said that that's what happened. >> the state is so prominent. how do you not notice that? >> good luck to him. >> that is the end of that. if you want to buy the mother [bleep] house, call me. go [bleep] yourself.
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>> guys, the "sharknado" producers predicted it. and it's happening. sharks came flying from all sides in australia. check out this photo of a shark in queensland, australia, in a puddle. it's happening, guys. what makes it creepy or is it yesterday it was his birthday. is this a coincidence? or is something happening? are. bill: there is so much going on in the news with the hectic lives that we lead. >> you know that today, friday, crayola was going to announce the first ever retirement from their 24 count box of crayons. we didn't know what the color was until yesterday when it was
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released by this guy whose mother went to target and found a box of 120 crayons that announced this. >> this one says you can name a new color. it doesn't say which one is getting the food, but there is clearly a new one to replace it. >> it says that dandelion is being retired. >> so the cat was out of the bag. >> i think that retirement is going to be my wildest adventure yet. why don't you join me? and it will be awesome. >> not only is dandelion getting the boot that there will be a new crayon in the box as well. and so i felt a little emotional about this. i ran over to target. i had to pick up one of the
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boxes. then i woke up the next day and i was thinking. dandelion has so many ways that he has impacted the world with the lines on the street, and the color of calves, the lights on the front of the car. his impact is felt worldwide. but how does he feel about being retired? does he want back? i know dandelion personally and he did not want that. he was pushed out of that box by blue and indigo blue. >> you know, i think about that. if i had a middle finger i would be using it right now. >> oh, snap. [laughter] >> would anybody be excited be forced into retirement for another blue? whose idea was it here? who did this? >> joined me. it will be awesome. >> how are you feeling right
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now? >> employed. >> there you go. that is really shady. >> dandelion is a loser. >> you know, dandelion is a bit of a diva. >> are you guys related? >> we are all made out of wax. >> good job. that is our story. ♪ ♪ >> age ain't nothing but a number. here is the world's oldest dj. ♪ ♪ and 82-year-old woman laying down the tracks at a nightclub. she has no plans to retire anytime soon. >> i spent the morning at this
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marine center which has apparently become a safe haven in the state of new jersey and also surrounding states. it is dedicated to the rescue and rehab of stranded were stressed marine life. they accept animals from the surrounding states as well. bob, the founding director of the marine mammal experienced center filled me in. >> this year we started receiving calls in four different states. you are, maryland, virginia, north carolina. >> we checked out all of them battling a variety of illnesses and injuries. they are being kept at the icu. they are being brought back to health for their final release into the atlantic ocean. and the last time i was there i was able to release a steal into
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the ocean. it was really awesome. there was one that had the worst. this only one to two month old baby grey seal pup was apparently attacked by a great white shark and found off the coast of new jersey. check out these pictures of the injuries, it's pretty bad. >> it looks like he came up from underneath to get it. luckily it did buy it but it didn't capture it and he was able to get free. >> one by one, all of them will be healed up. bob tells me that they all have a positive future and they will all be released into the atlantic ocean. but there's good news. there was one that was ready who was transferred into this pool where it was time to get acclimated to being in water. he is going to be released on
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monday in sandy hook. you guys know where i'm going next. i'll be there. >> i love this story. i do, i love this story. the marine center is doing the kitchen prep for the sharp shark launch. they are making sure that the seals go back nice and healthy and plump and ready. >> i have always loved seals. a kid that went to the aquatic zoo. >> seaquarium? [laughter] >> what about aquatic zoo? [laughter] >> they go after the seals rather than humans, i hope. [laughter] ♪ ♪ >> are you ready?
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prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant.
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>> the dreary weather matches the hearts and minds of this family. this man was rudely murdered inside the house of this house
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wives of new jersey star. it comes two days after kim had held a memorial. at the vigil, the mother said she so grateful for all the support and also the friends. ♪ ♪ >> both of them were sons and brothers and fathers. their legacy is going to be remembered. as michelle, his mother told me, she says right now she knows it's him that is keeping her strong even during this difficult time. >> the family watched as the jurors ran off count after count of this man that had all the
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counts against him including carjacking and murder. >> you find him guilty or not guilty? >> guilty. >> he was one of four men that carjacked him and shot him to death and his wife watched that the short hills mall. i asked prosecutors about his role in the crime. >> he was a catalyst. he got the car there. we were going through it systematically with the evidence. >> before that they were going to schedule a trial for one of the three men that still need to be prosecuted. i asked prosecutors if they would take a plea deal. >> this is definitely a step towards resolution with any means that we can use to expedite it. reporter: the jury deliberated before reaching this would
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burdick. verdict. we will soon find out what another jury says. be sure to follow me on "chasing news." ♪ ♪ >> check this out. south of 120 fifth. what many are calling southern harlem. it is one of the up-and-coming areas. it is so hot right now that they have a team dedicated to it. they showed me around, they showed me some of the attractions in the area. restaurants, nice coffee shops and if you are looking to buy you will get more for your money
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than you would if you were to go downtown. so they showed me the gateway tower in which you can get a two bedroom for $1 million. >> downtown you can get a one bedroom in certain areas for this price. over here you are getting a two bedroom. >> after chasing in harlem for quite some time. with the nickname soha, realtors say that in no way do they want to undermine the rich legacy of harlem. >> we respect the diversity and the culture of harlem. you know, we would never want to diminish that in any regard. this was opened in 2011.
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there are other restaurants and bars that have this nickname as well. >> the community board chair is actually pushing a resolution to get realtors to stop using the term soha. he believes that it is undermining harlem being the black capital of the world. >> martin luther king jr. almost passed away because he got stabbed. it was harlem hospital that saved his life. so when you think about his place in history and the history of our country and of the world. >> harlem is a staple and many people know it. >> i could see people being insulted by it. >> i have an aunt grew up in harlem. they love it for everything that it stands for.
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especially for the african-american communities. but one of the realtors says that renaming it is like taking the blackout of harlem. i don't understand why people think that black is attached to geography. it's not like they renamed the area to revamp the businesses there and then all of a sudden all the civil rights history disappeared in the air. >> the reality is that it's about people living and working and making it their own. >> it really feels great from the regular patrons to the premium patrons. ♪ ♪
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>> they are amazing. you have to see it. >> i wish you could see it right now.
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>> seriously, i think something salinger. >> so check out her post. she says her blood is boiling. she said that her cousin wanted to take his grandmother to his prom. she showed a picture of grandma with a dress on that she was going to wear, but the school said no, she cannot come to prom. the school's response, she included that in her post and said that the reason as to why is because they don't want other students to bring their grandparents and make a mockery of the school. so her hash tag is let granny go to prom. come on, what is wrong with granny going on prom? [laughter] >> is blue friday, this is when
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we honor and highlight the men and women in law enforcement. this week i had an update for you. this officer wwas in a serious car accident in january where he had crazy injuries and broke every bone in his face. he lost the left i. he had a call and keep little said that there is hope for recovery. >> he just started reaction to voice commands. he is moving his feet and arms. he is answering yes or no questions. he is shaking his head yes or no. it is truly a milestone right now. ♪ ♪ >> there is a new coliseum. what do you have? >> a new and improved nassau
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coliseum. or as some have called it the eiffel tower of long island. >> it really feels great. from the regular patron to the premium patron. that way everyone has a great experience. >> it is hard to find someone on the island doesn't have a memory of it here. >> event promises to do this, good luck with their promises. ♪ ♪ >> the place first opened in 1972 with acts like the who, britney spears, the spice girls. >> but you might notice as the former home of new york islanders. open today. after nearly two years of
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renovation costing 165 million. you can see it now. it looks pretty different. and then also it has a food court. >> unfortunately i cannot comment. >> other big acts are already in the books. also, billy joel will be in place april 8. but the real attraction you might have arguments there. ♪ ♪ >> that was uniondale high school. they are amazing. you have to see it. >> why was it awkward with them? >> you know, it's weird. the islanders had to go to brooklyn. it turns out that the barclays center is around us are watching
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hockey. nobody is making the trek to brooklyn. it only makes sense to go back to the nassau coliseum where people actually want to come back. >> is an impressive? >> yeah, i mean, it's brand-new. >> i bet you can't wait to get back there. >> you did a great job. >> you got it? are you sure? hold on a minute. >> i'm sure that my parents are very proud. another great week of "chasing news." we will be back on monday.
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bart: trick-or-treat! ♪ on this filthy night of evil ♪ little gaudy beggars stroll ♪ as they lure ghouls, ghosts and goblins ♪ ♪ hungry for their innocent souls ♪ ♪ there is a hellish breeze a-groanin' ♪ ♪ as the children they pursue ♪ you can hear their bellies moanin' ♪ ♪ they might even gnaw on you ♪ but ruler of this sordid host ♪ ♪ more ghastly than them all ♪ lurks a ravenous beastly monster ♪ ♪ more than 25 feet tall (screaming) ♪ he's dirty and he's hairy ♪ and his mouth tastes just like crap ♪ ♪ like you, he's trick-or-treating for ♪ ♪ some candies to unwrap ♪ the lord abhors your foul disguise ♪ ♪ you thought to cloak your skin ♪ ♪ but now you've lured this fiend from hell ♪ ♪ who craves your soul within ♪ he's hungry for your vitals ♪ ♪ he likes you moist and ripe ♪ ♪ and should he find you spiced with sin ♪


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