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tv   FOX 29 News at 5  FOX  March 27, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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this all happened sunday along the 2900 block of north fifth street in philadelphia's fair hill section, and fox 29's dave kinchen joins us live from the city in fair hill tonight. dave? >> reporter: big developments here. no charges for the shooter in this case. we tried to talk with him but he and his family said they were too tired because of this whole ordeal that started with being held up at knife point. back out on the 2900 block of north fifth street monday inside the laundry center business owned by a man scene on surveillance video chasing an attempted robber who cops say he shot in the chest sunday. today, this from police. >> right now, the store owner is not being charged. >> reporter: east detectives calling the shooting an act of self-defense. with this surveillance video critical to the on-going probe. it shows the suspect tossing about two grand in the air as he's chased bite armed business owner.
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>> the store owner believed that the individual had something in his hand either a knife or a gun and that's what made the store own are in fire his weapon. >> reporter: hit the suspect in the chest twice. >> he works seven days a week, okay, even sundays he's there 10:00 o'clock at night still working. >> reporter: angel perez owns the company lex to the laundry center and agrees with the decision to not charge the shooter. >> that's wonderful because he was protecting his business. >> reporter: but not everyone in the neighborhood agrees. >> since he dropped the money, i think he shouldn't have shot him after that. >> reporter: video also shows the critically wounded suspect being dragged by someone along with numerous people scooping up the stolen cash. cops are looking at the video to identify those who don't return that money back to its rightful owner. >> i would advise you police return the money for the simple fact this is probably one of your neighbors. probably a store that you frequent daily if not weekly, and this is this guy's livelihood. >> reporter: there was a bystander a woman waiting for
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the bus when she was hit by the gunfire taken a bullet in the hand much police say that appears to be an accident. they stand by the self-defense call in this case. we're also told that the gun was legally owned. back to you. >> dave, thank you. the search is for gunman empty city's olney section. pleats just releasing this surveillance video of the shooting. you can see the armed man chasing the 30-year-old victim on the 500 block of west ruscomb street. this happened friday night. the man shot is going to be ok okay. police have identified teen killed in southwest philadelphia shooting last night. someone shot 17-year-old tie seem chaney in the chest on the 5700 block of delancey street. died at the hospital just before midnight and police have not yet made any arrests. developing right now in cheep cheltenham firefighters are trying to recover the body a construction worker. the montgomery county fire department is telling us the man was killed some type of equipment collapse at the old cheltenham square mall. property owned cheltenham avenue
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preliminary report say the equipment was actually an atm. fox 29 weather authority right now. live look at the poconos mountains. many much us saw warmer temperatures with clouds and some rain but look at that. you still got snow on the runs. how about a little sunshine on our shoulders, i don't know, let's get over to meteorologist kathy orr who does know. >> there was a 20-degree difference from the poconos to southern delaware today. >> wow. >> just unbelievable. so it was location, location, location as far as the temperatures were concern. you can see outside some clouds and here's your huge range the poconos 56. 70 degrees in millville. look at wildwood 71. so we have a warm front that's moving in. you can see where it's moved through already to south jersey and also delaware. but it's slowly making its way northward. the big question tomorrow is, how far north will it get? on ultimate doppler we have more showers moving our way for late tonight into tomorrow. overnight tonight it will be mild. normal high temperatures this time of year in philadelphia are in the 50s.
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52 will be the overnight low. so balmy but fog will be forking. allentown 49. 55 in dover. and waking up to 49 degrees tomorrow morning in pottstown. coming up another slow go tomorrow morning due to the potential for dense fog. we'll talk more about that. gusty winds return and we have our eye on a rainy end to the week. not just rainy but stormy. a coastal storm. yuk. we'll talk more about that coming up with the seven day. i'll see you later in the broadcast. >> that it up, kathy. to a developing story. mounting pressure on indicted philadelphia district attorney seth williams to resign. the feds last week of course hit williams with nearly two dozen corruption charges accusing him of accepting bribed to his benefactor's bidding. mayor kenny has already called on williams to resign. >> and so have lots of others but today we saw the first demand by regular citizens for williams to head on out. our bruce gordon joins us in studio. so, bruce, basically the pressure is really mounting. >> reporter: it sure looks that wake lucy. the pennsylvania constitution
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article two section 7 says and i "no person here crafter convicted embezzlement of public money, before i berry, perjury or other infamous crime shall be eligible to the general assembly or capable of holding any office of trust or profit in the commonwealth much the key record here to convicted. in this case the means found battle and sentenced that result if it happens cos months away. until then it's the da's call. folks are turning up the heat. >> handful of black lives matter protesters kicked off the work week by blocking traffic in the street in front of the district attorney's office. demanding seth williams resign. >> what you're going to get the heck out of here, going get the heck out of the this office. krupped the office. you tainted the office long nudge. >> williams spent last wednesday on the wrong side of the courtroom. him with 23 count indictment alleging the second term da
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accepted bribes to help friends in legal jeopardy and even stole money meant for his own adoptive mother. >> should seth williams stay or should he go? >> well, we believe he should resign. >> reporter: debra gross chancellor of the philadelphia bar association says they're getting calls from citizens who now wonder where they're dealings with the da' office or on the up and up. >> the public deserves an opportunity to have faith in the system. >> reporter: you don't think they have faith in a district attorney under indictment? >> given the -- the current status, correct. >> reporter: remember, williams has already admitted to ethics violations, belatedly reporting $175,000 worth of gifts while in office. al taubenberger sits on the public safety committee. >> charges against him are large and he is our chief law enforcement officer. >> reporter: do you think he should stay or go? >> i think,, what i've heard, now this is final decision he must make, i think he should go. >> reporter: decision of course is williams to make. but the head of the good
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government committee of 70 believes public pressure, protests can turn up the heat. the da and on his democratic party. >> political pressure works, and i think that's what he and his -- and other folks in the democratic party are going to assess whether this would create enough of a backlash to threaten their hold on that office. >> williams legal troubles are believed by many to be linked to money troubles which may help explain why he might resist any calls to resign the da's sal refer next nine months would be about $130,000. that would pay for a fare amount of legal representation. lucy yes. >> it sure would, bruce. all righty. happening right now, police want to know who threw a rock through a synagogue window in mayfair. it happened at the temple ma nora synagogue. police think it happened sometime between friday night and this morning. this is actually the third time in recent months someone has targeted this temple. vandals shattered windows on the
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property in january and decemb december. twin baby girls who died inside a home in lindenwold, camden county, last week will soon have a funeral. the girls' family had lay them to rest on saturday. at the worcester funeral home in clementon. both baby girls were unresponsive inside a home last wednesday. investigators are looking into how they died. turning to president trauma pops first 100 days in the white house the white house is blaming conservative for the failure to push through the house gop backed health care bill. the white house will be all about action with mr. trump pl planning to sign series of new executive orders. fox news correspondent joel waldman has nor from washington this is will save lot of jobs. [ applause ] >> reporter: president trump signing a few new labor and education bills into law today aimed at rolling back obama error regulations. but the president must also deal with fallout from another bill he won't be signing any time
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soon. the gop backed plan to repeal and replace obama care after it imploded friday. the white house downplaying the black eye suffered by the president. >> we're at the beginning of a process. i don't think we've seen the end of health care. most people have notice noted i think the obama administration from beginning to end took about 17 months. >> reporter: in washington, the ripple effect from the american health care act's failure evolving into finger pointing much the president blaming conservatives namely the powerful block of nearly three dozen lawmakers known as the freedom caucus. with one of their own texas congressman ted po resigning from the group saying they hurt the party. >> sometimes you going to have to say yes and so i was not going to vote no because -- because obama scare now the law of the land. >> reporter: the white house insisting its turning the page on the health care humiliation with help from president trump's daughter and son-in-law. ivanka trump is reporterly planning a trip to germany after an invite from chancellor angela
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merkel for a summit on the economic empowerment of women. while jared kushner will run a special new task force designed to inject business innovation into federal agencies. >> separately kushner volunteered to answer questions before the senate intelligence committee as part of its investigation into russia' interference in the 2016 election. in washington, joel waldman, fox news. attorney general jeff sessions plans to crack down on sanctuary cities which do not enforce immigration law and do not turn over illegal immigrants to federal authorities. philadelphia considers its sanctuary itself. if cities refuse to comply with federal relationship law they risk funding. >> when they refuse to immigration laws, failure to deport aliens commutes communities at risk. especially immigrant communities in the very sanctuary
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jurisdictions that seek to protect the perpetrators. >> others sanctuary cities include new york, los angeles and san francisco. mayor jim kenney of philadelphia of course has been undeterred by the threats from the federal government. video captured two men assault a man in inside a deli. what the victim did to his attackers. and -- there's so much weight and force when that car landed, it actually -- i actually felt the shock wave in the house. >> a car goes flying and lands in a man's driveway. what it crushed besides his own car. a dying father gets to see his daughter become a doctor. the words he had as at his baby graduated from medical school. >> a camden county manziel brace 100 birthday by going back to work why he says it was so important to him to head back to the office for this personal milestone.
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♪ search is on for a locker room thief in a center city gym. surveillance video caught the guy leaving the gym on the 200 block of south broad with someone else's stuff. police say the guy you saw there later used the victims debit card. if you recognize him, call police. it's project to protect history. archeologists checking out cemetery in florida are looking beyond the gravestones for hidden tumors. >> fox's evan axle bank reports part of a mass save effort to keep the memories of the deceased alive. >> reporter: be careful where
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you step. it looks like an empty field but it's not. >> it's not an empty field at all. >> reporter: among the 1500 graves that are mark at tampa's o lawn familiar are familiar names. >> i mean this is the gravestone of the first mayor. >> reporter: there are also vaguely marked cuban pirates and lynched slaves. but the archaeologists here friday -- >> you'll see somewhat we call curves. >> reporter: are interested in those not mark at all. >> we're seeing some here that are, you know, i would suspect some of these are probably graves. >> reporter: in the middle of the 3 acres property, thanks to magnetic and radar detector that is peer up to 10 feet down, the usf team suspects there are 50 to 60 graves. >> a lot of monuments to famous people in the cemetery but a lot of people who aren't -- who don't have monuments that help
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build the cities, slaves and other people it's nice to kind of like give them a little bit of their dignity back by hopefully finding their graves. >> reporter: they're making a map with yellow lines mark wagon are likely rows of our ancesto ancestors. >> don't forget where you came from. where we came from is from these folks and these families and be they rich or poor, free or slaved, this who we are. >> reporter: the subterranean mapping was ordered so that tampa can put in for a national historic designation. they plan to mark each grave they find, not with a name but with a reminder that they were here. they are here. >> we want to know, we want to pay respects to them. and then we want to make sure this is a destination that people are proud of. >> reporter: evan axlebang, fox news. >> north carolina the so-called bathroom bill is flushing whole lot of money down the drain. a new associate the press analysis finds hb2 will cost the
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state more than $3.7 billion over a dozen years as well as 2900 jobs. the law limits lgbt protections and requires transgender people to use bathrooms corresponding to the sex on their birth certificates. one big economic loss comes from pay pal which pull its plans to build a facility. meanwhile new jersey governor chris christie is land add white house position. the governor will join a newly formed opioid task force. christie says he's spending his last year in office focused on efforts to combat heroin and prescription drug addiction in new jersey. perfect combination of hard work and team work. >> now a bunch of local teens get to show off their skills on a national stage. fox 29 photojournalist bill rohrer has got it. >> everyone reason to rock and roll. >> after a quick warm up and stretch. the athletes from the tri-state cheer nass ticks team are ready to perform. >> i think it's so cool. you can take something that
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starts from nothing and build it into something like amazing. >> they have been building their team for the last eight months. gear ugh for the summit all star cheerleading and dance competition at walt disneyworld. four teams qualify. the most in the school's histo history. this will be 14-year-old caitlin's first time competing. >> i'm a flyer. i'm pretty much in the air the whole time. i feel like you have to be confident. you have to trust they'll be there to catch you and keep you up. >> courtney and dalton make it all possible. >> sometimes it's hard because you're not always going to have the perfect grips and sometimes things go wrong but you just have to like take a deep breath and you have to be really fast at thinking that if something does go wrong where to move your hand to say the or jump back in if it does. >> skill, motion, has to hit on the certain count. to make sure we look crisp and
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clean. >> reporter: at the summit competition each athlete is being critiqued everything from a pointed toe to a shaky superintendent. any deduction can cost the team placement. >> it is very exhausting but you have teammates that surround you and they're there to push you and help you like fight through the routine. >> one on the team has a job. there's not just one person doing all the work. everyone on the team is helping do something. >> you tweet a zone. your adrenaline starts pumping and it doesn't even feel like two minutes and 30 seconds. it flies by. >> reporter: no matter what happens in a few weeks at the summit, there is one thing for sure. this family of athletes will be there holding each other up. in new castle, delaware, bill rohrer fox 29 news. home in new york sells for millions of dollars but who bought it is less important than who once lived here. ran up to her and what are you doing? um, you know, get
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away. you don't live here. >> what camera caught a woman who broke into had home doing once she got inside. >> and why so many people are taking their yoga from the studio to the swimming pool. ♪ we buy any car ♪ any make, any model, any age, any price ♪ ♪ from 50 bucks to 100 grand ♪ we buy any car ♪ any, any, any, any
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at, the gimmicks stop with our ads. trading in our selling your car is hassle-free in just three easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying centre. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. so don't wait. get your free online valuation now. ♪ find out how much your car's worth ♪ ♪ at >> don't mess with the
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78-year-old man. he fought back when two men tried to rob him at a deli in new york city last week. police say though he fought as harder as he could one man punched him over and over in the face and the other in the body while the other man took his wallet and his phone. he did end up at the hospital in serious but stable condition and so far no arrests. the manhunt continues for the shooter or shooters behind that deadly attack at a nightclub in ohio. police in cincinnati say they are making progress and believe multiple shooters were involved when gunfire broke out early sunday morning inside the cameo club. 127-year-old man died and 16 others are hurt. jaw-dropping moments foreman in oregon when a car catapulted across a street and landed on top of a boat in his driveway.
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tim brown was washing dishes in his kitchen when he saw it all happen with little time to be shocked brown jumped into action to help the driver inside the car. brown is a volunteer with search and rescue. he says the driver was having a seizure and he helped until first responders arrived. >> probably took a good 20, 25 minutes for them to shop the top of the car off literally just chop it off and then took the team of six guys to lift it up and then they were able extract him. it's hard to fathom just to see a crash like that happen but yet happen so close to where you can react instantaneously. >> we do not know how the driver is doing tonight. caught on camera in utah, burglar gets a little too comfortable in the home she barges into. check this out. homeowner michael got security cameras and locks his doors but none of that mattered to his woman who broke in while he was at work on friday. she opened up the fridge, made some breakfast, packed up some
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stuff in a plastic bag and at one point she was watching tv but thankfully the next door neighbor knee something was wrong and called police. >> i ran up to her, what are you doing? you know, get away. you don't live here. >> my next door neighbor how she watched out for me is how this got stopped. >> police arrested the woman on the scene much this happens to be the third time in just five months that someone has broken in to his home. real estate deal involving president trump the president didn't make this one. >> that's right. trump's childhood home sold at auction for more than $2 million. someone had actually bought the queens, new york, home in december. but then flipped it for a profit of more than 50%. the tutor style home is the address listed op president trump's birth certificate. tennessee state senate is trying to figure out what to do with a body of former president james polk 11th president and his wife are currently buried on the grounds on the state capitol but a resolution would move the polks about 50 miles south to
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columbia. the grounds of the james k. polk home and museum. polk's body has been moved three times before. special training for hairstylists. what the men and women who work in beauty salons are now looking out for. and a dream come true for a new police officer. what makes this recent academy graduate one of a kind? >> kathy. way maybe a few thunderstorms before a super soaker. yeah it's spring. we'll take look in the seven day coming up.
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city of philadelphia recognizinrecognizingrecognizinr who's have made their city our home. >> part of the city's immigrant business week. mayor kenney kick off the event at city hall. all kinds of events here including workshops that offer advice to immigrants on how to start businesses. the office of immigration affairs will also highlight immigrant owned food trucks on social media so you can hear success stories like muhammed's at fourth and market. it's fabulous by the way. mayor kenney says immigrants play a vital role in the econo economy. >> immigrant businesses contribute significant toll our country's economy especially to the city. they pay taxes, purchase properties, help sustain our city's financial stability. >> this is the city's first ever immigrant business week. events run through april 1st.
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a new mural design was unveiled at philadelphia's city hall. piece that highlights the concepts of justice and comes from the city's mural arts program. the mural set to be installed at the fjd civil jury room. michigan and flint agreed to place thousands of home water lanes to settle a lawsuit over lead contaminated water. they'll place 18,000 water lines by 2020 and michigan will pick up the bill with state and federal funds. more than 700 water lines replaced at this point. flint's water was tainted with lead for at least 18 months. water quality has improved but residents are still advised to use filters. let's check in with your fox 29 weather authority. check this out. parts of north texas hit by major storms on sunday. so they got golf ball sized ha hail. >> wow. >> one young guy made the best of the situation and used the giant hail balls to work on his short game. that's my kind of game. >> exactly right. live look at reading as we start this final week of march.
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you know what they say. if march comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb. we shall see. meteorologist kathy orr has the answer in 15 seconds. what a day. temperature depending on actually how much sunshine you had and where warm front moved through. in trenton very pleasant day. you can still see some cloud cover little bit of a wind out there as well. the temperature in trenton 56. you can see to the south much warmer temperatures millville sitting at 70. dover 64. the early high temperature 71. wildwood 71. so that warm air is trying to push its way north. it's having a very difficult time. you can see severe weather, severe thunderstorm watches out to the west. all of this will fall to the south of us, but there's a marginal risk of severe weather through the mid atlantic and
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even southern delaware tomorrow for some gusty thunderstorms. even in philadelphia. we could have a gusty storm late tomorrow afternoon. as we go hour by hour, temperatures will be mild during the overnight. basically in the 50s and the 40s to the north and west. we'll see some showers moving through and maybe a few rumbles of thunder. still looking at a southerly wind tomorrow morning and then additional showers for your tuesday. but temperatures still warming into the 60s and the 70s to the south. to the north and west of philadelphia some 40s and 50s. that warmer air really having a difficult time moving northward. as we look at the winds tomorrow afternoon, we'll be seeing some wind picking up. you can see that northeasterly wind at about 15 miles an hour. but it's really wednesday the sun comes back, the winds really pump out of the north 22 miles an hour in philadelphia. gusting to 25 miles an hour through allentown and the poconos. so wednesday will be a sunnier more pleasant day but it will be a windy day unfortunately as we
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get toward the end of march. it's amazing. 52 degrees overnight tonight. patchy fog. showers passing through late. during the day tomorrow, scattered showers, the possibility of a few afternoon thunderstorm and of course some morning fog the high temperature 67. which is well above normal about 10 degrees above normal for this time of year. as we look at the seven day forecast, from your weather authority, wednesday sunny, 64. but gusty wind. thursday it look really great. that may end up being the better day. it's cooler but there's less wind. now friday things get very interesting. we have an area of low pressure on friday. that area of low pressure is going to move off the coast and become a coastal storm. so we're forecasting the chance of seeing one to 2-inches of rain with this particular storm and that could linger into friday night even into saturday. sunday partly sunny. mostly cloudy for your monday. i'll take that shower out but these two days are going to be pretty wet. so any plans on friday pay
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attention to the forecast because i think it could be a wash out. we'll send it back to you guys. >> kathy i want to you check out something here really cool. absolutely beautiful visitor from yosemite national park. a rainbow which is the highest falls in all of the national park and by the way, last year i got to go to the beautiful yosemite national park and this is my video i shot from the mist trail that goes up to vernal falls. isn't that neat. >> nice. >> right? maybe it's not quite as great as the national park service but you know had to take opportunity to show you another beautiful beautiful area of the park. have you ever been, iain. >> i have not. >> the boys would love it. >> is there golf there. >> nearby. >> all right. i'll be at the golf course. us postal service announced new feature. how you'll get some of your home male delivered right into your e-mail. ♪ >> and waiting to have children more and more women are doing it. the pros and cons of being an
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older mom. >> and new at 6:00 camden county guy celebrates his 100th birthday by going back to work? why he says it was so important to him to head back to the office for his personal milestone. >> aww. horns on their helmets.
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ostriches don't really stick their heads in the sand. a peanut is not a nut. and a real john deere is actually real affordable. you learn something new everyday. the surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. now you can own america's tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer.
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♪ >> you ever wonder what's in your mailbox before you get to open it? personally it's usually bills. but anyhow. soon you'll be able to fine out. u.s. postal service launching a service that gives you a sneak peek at your mail. it's called ned delivery. you'll have the option of getting e-mail with photos of mail that's due to arrive. the post office will send the e-mail on days when it's proce processing and delivering this all debuts april 14th. >> no surprises any more. all right. illinois cosmetologis cosmee
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now part of the line of defense to combat domestic violence beauty professionals attended this seminar in chicago to learn how to spot the signs of physical abuse and sexual assault in their clients. domestic abuse prevention training now a part of the regular state licensing process for cosmetology. >> because of the relationship is long term and on going they probably know things about their clients they normally wouldn't know about smother stranger they meet and so it's been a really good match because as a general raul, they provide a safe place for people to open up about problems that they normally wouldn't talk about. >> the new law was passed in january. domestic abuse and sexual assault out reach organization worked with lawmakers on drafting the alleges laying. in arizona a woman is changing the game when it comes to brewing company. >> that's right former construction worker is created all women beer business. julie meek is her name the co-founder of mother bunch brewing. meeker says she has been
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fighting stereotypes her entire life. after she discovered her passion for home brewing she found other women were interested as well and created the business. she says she's always ready for a challenge. >> i've always kind of been that girl that if a boy said you can't do it, i said yes, i can. >> people talk about it's a women thing. it's not a women thing. it's like we're just as capable of making good beer and it has nothing to do with, you know, whether year a man or a woman. >> it's a beer thing. although meeker enjoyed independence success she says a lot of the credit goes to her mom and dad. on wall street, fearless girls going to stay in place at least for now. statue was put in front of the iconic charging bull statue earlier this month as way to highlight gender disparity in business. since then there's been a push to keep the fearless girl in place permanently and right now new york's mayor says that fearless girl will stay there at least through february. different kind of yoga. why so many people are taking
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their yoga from the studio to the swimming pool. >> a dying father gets to see his daughter become a doctor. the words that he had as his baby graduated from med school. sean. iain the best player in the area that no one is talking about. i'm going to introduce to you him. he had his pro day today. later i'll introduce to you who eagles really need to start paying attention to. if you're looking frien. "hi!!!" "hi everybody"
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"cookie!" all-new it's sesame street live make a new friend! playing liacouras center april 6-9 tickets on sale now! liacourascenter dot com yeah, i just saved a whole lot of money by to geico. we should take a closer look at geico... you know, geico insures way more than cars. boats, motorcycles... even rvs! geico insures rvs? what's an rv? uh, the thing we've been stuck on for five years! wait, i'm not a real moose?? we've been over this, jeff... we're stickers! i'm not a real moose? give him some space. deep breaths, jeff. what's a sticker?!? take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more.
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>> actor antonio banderas had heart attack earlier this year. the actor says it happened on january 26th. the 56-year-old says he under went a procedure that involved doctors putting three stents in his arteries. he also says the heart attack did not leave any serious dama
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damage. in your health tonight it seems women are waiting longer to have a baby. pregnanies among women older than 30 have risen sharply in the past several years. >> anita roman spoke to a doctor to explain why and talk about the pros and cons of being an older mom. >> reporter: conception rate for women under 18 has dropped significantly in recent years. according to the office for national statistics or nos it hit 21 per thousand in 2015. that's the lowest it's been since 1969. >> the pregnancy rate for older women those over 35 has increased. the biggest increase actually occurred among women aged 40 and over that rate doubled since 1990 says nos. >> i've seen in my own patient population when you look at the statistic it has been increasing steadily over the last, you know, decade to 20 years that we are definitely increasing in our mothers over 35. >> reporter: dr. candace wood sift tan director of the obgyn
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residency program at banner university has seen a steady shift of moms who wait and the reason she says varies from patient to career to finding the right person to have a baby wi with. >> women are seeking higher and higher levels of education just like men are for the demands of society now to get good jobs. women couldn't -- can't make the wages she can to provide child care and make a home and so she has to make that option and wait until she can afford that. maybe they haven't found the right person yet. that's still an issue to people getting married later. making those decisions later. so all of those add up to end up waking one morning you're over 35. whoa. >> american jerry attics society published a report recently that said having a baby later in life can boost your brain power. and dr. wood agrees there are pros. >> you could be more he's motion alley ready. it's so different taking care of a young mom versus a
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well-educated older mom just the questions they have and then they have a very strong desire to to do everything right during the pregnancy because they're more aware. >> reporter: dr. wood says there are also cons. >> there are increased risks. increasinged risks for the baby embryo genetically because the mom's eggs are older. there's increased risk during the pregnancy for miscarriage, for still birth, and then we know that there's a bunch of risks complications in pregnancy that just increase at that age pre clam see ya. pre term birth increase rates in the rates of c section just based on age. >> dr. wood says bottom line is to wait until you're ready and to always consult health care professional when you are. in anita roman, fox news. as more and more states legalize marijuana, it's medicinal use continues to spread and now one dispensary in california specifically trying to help children. jason david the president of jadin's journey it's a dispensary named after his son and it caters to children.
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medical marijuana changed his son's live end hopes it does the same for other for such things as aadhd and epilepsy. >> she sleeps. she's gained weight. she's happy. she's smiles. she laughs. >> what does it cause neuropsych company phil ology. there's no other medication in the world that does that. it's beautiful. >> doctors continue to test the benefits of medical marijuana on certain children. research continues to show recreation at al use by young people c damage their planes permanently. >> yogas are taking their practice to the jones. fox's marcy jones reports on the growing trend tricking making waves -- aqua yoga. >> this yoga class is taking relaxation to the whole new level in the shallow end of course. >> for those of us who practice yoga regularly it gives us the experience of needing to work differently and with different muscles to establish the pose and to hold the pose so there
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are many different benefits and they all come together in aqua yoga. >> aqua yoga quietly practiced for years. but thanks to vogue magazine voting it hot new work out, it's making even more waves. >> the therapeutic element that makes the postures accessible to people with joint issues, with spinal problems, they are coming here religiously because it re really makes big difference in their lives. >> susanna says even though work outs in the water can be labeled for the elderly only, she says it's for everyone and even though you're not dry to begin with, you'll break a sweat. >> you work on the detailed alignment of the poses and of course you move through all the balances. you create resistance to be able to stand away from the currents of the water that are moving around. >> relaxing, calming and challenging aqua yoga is making a real splash even for those who
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may struggle in the studio. >> i had a student who had difficulty even just climbing the stairs due to physical limitations, and she came out and she said, oh, my gosh, i had no idea this was something i could do with my body. so for some it's this brand new experience of a-h, yes, and this environment i can do this. >> reporter: marcy jones, fox news. marine veteran isn't letting his disability get in the way of fulfilling his dream. he lost both of legs when he said on a roadside bomb while fighting the taliban in afghanistan but that did not stop him from chasing his childhood dream of becoming a police officer. he's believed to be the first full-time police officer in the united states who is also a double amputee. he graduated from the police academy in suffolk county new york friday. he completed 29 weeks of training and listen to this, he got no special waivers. passing all the physical
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requirements with his titanium legs. >> for me i'm just the ordinary guy given a second chance at life and able to, you know, give back to the community and give back to those who helped me really. if i can be that police officer that i saw when i was young kid who made a difference in my life, i think that i would -- i would feel accomplish. >> we salute you, officer ferrara. >> the 28-year-old starts as a police officer this week. a woman in california close to becoming a doctor her father wants to see the day that she becomes the first doctor in her family. the problem is he may not make it to graduation because he's got acute respiratory failure rather than wait for graduation in mid may, she and the university brought the ceremony to the dad. >> aww. >> he is the most selfless person i know and you could tell by everyone here today like he's loved and i just wanted him to feel loved. >> dad's reaction, i'm in heaven now. >> that's great.
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stopping traffic creating a jam all for pancakes. why one man says this stunt was necessary. >> and new at 6:00 camden county man celebrates his 100th birthday by going back to work. why it was so important to him to head back to the office for this personal milestone. >> fox 29 video scene around the globe at this point. runners helping a fellow half marathon they are in the city of brotherly love. why they say they had no problem sacrificing their own finish time.
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we've all belted out our best brando after watching a streetcar named desire. did you ever think your stella was contest worthy? >> stella! stella! [ laughter ] >> pretty good right there. contestants of course brando was young. they took part in the annual stanley and stelle had a shouting contest in new orleans this weekend. participants summing up their standing stanley yelling that famous line stella. it creates the scene from streetcar named desire. >> was that your best stella. >> not my best. >> but a lyle more oomph into it. >> maybe this summer. >> work point. talk about an interesting traffic jam.
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traffic stopped in lakeland, florida, because of a wannabe social media star. >> his stick eating pancakes. foss' ken suarez spoke with the self professed entertainer. >> you don't see this every day. even in florida. >> young guy with no shirt and pajama pants eating pancakes at a folding table forcing traffic to showdown and go around him. >> what happened to him. >> he knee to go to -- >> terese saw the bizarre scene unfold from across the street. >> look over there and make sure he wasn't getting hit. hurt the cars blowing. i thought it was ridiculous. what could i do. >> she just kept washing cars as he kept chomping away. others called nip 11. >> i've got a problem or you guys got one before somebody gets ran over. >> reporter: despite the frenzy he was creating, and the traffic he was detouring, thomas says he wasn't worried.
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>> i mean i believe in hire power. >> his buddy travis riley shooting the video didn't seem too concerned either. >> it was dangerous, you know what i'm saying, we just live that type of lifestyle. >> whatever the guys were thinking, the stunt certainly is attention getter. video is going viral. thousands more views every hour. >> you're getting a load of hits on the internet. what do you think of all those hits want people are saying? >> it's nothing, you know. we used to this. we used to this fame, you know what i'm saying. enabled of super stars. >> reporter: do you woe wants to be super stars much bigger stage. they pulled the pancake caper -- ♪ >> reporter: to promote their social media pages. where they showcase their rap music and comedy routines. >> i'm in entertainment. i do like to make people laugh. >> reporter: with this under their belts they hope to be laughing themselves. all the way to the bank. >> that's all have i to say, man. ya'll have a nice day, man. >> i'm telling you people don't know. my kids know who they are. began to you. all these other people poot tee
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pie and all those people on youtube there's stars. >> do you think dylan knows about these two guys in lakeland. >> guarantee it. >> i'll have to text him. you know what, i'll bet you seven up on that one. >> okay. >> okay. we got seven up on the line. >> all right. [ laughter ] fox 29 news at 6:00. we're not on youtube. starts right now. [ applause ] >> right now at 6:00 camden county man celebrates his 100th birthday by going back to work. why he says it was so important to him to head back to the office for this personal milestone. >> whoo! >> it's the fox 29 video scene around the world. runners helping a fellow runner in half marathon in the city of brotherly love. why they say they had no problem sacrifices their own finishing times. >> live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29 news at 6:00. begin at 6:00 with
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developing story. police now say a big safety deposit box fell on a man killing him in cheltenham. this is live look at the investigation scene happened at a wells fargo branch along the 2400 block of cheltenham avenue. the man died there. police say that workers were trying to move that big security box to either location when it tipped over and fell on 35-year-old jonathan mouse. new pressure tonight for philadelphia district attorney seth williams to step down. less than week after the city's top cop was inn died on those federal corruption charges, thanks for joining us at 6:00 tonight i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. the feds last week hit williams of nearly two dozen corruption charges accusing him of accepting bribes due as benefactors bidding mayor kenney called upon williams to resign. every day citizens are joining that call. bruce gordon joins us in studio. the pressure starting to mount now. >> reporter: it sure would appear that wage look here's what the rules say. pennsylvania constitution article two section 7 says and i quote, no person here crafter convicted of a


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