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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  January 28, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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>> coming up next, protests at
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airports across the country tonight including philadelphia, the ex he can stiff order president trump signed intends today keep americans away. keep it right here, your news starts in 30 seconds.
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>> world-wide outrage after president drum executive action banning refugees from seven muslim majority countries. >> there has been detained illegally,. >> our new president says is the in best interest of our national secure. >> i to keep islamic terrorists out of the united states of america. >> if we can't control our boarders we don't have a country. >> we don't want them here. >> right now our enemies are using what has happened here to stir up hatred against the united state of america. >> live from center city in philadelphia. this is "fox 29 news" at 10:00. >> and we begin tonight with breaking news, just within the hour, a federal judge in new york has stopped the united states from travelers with
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valid visas there is block for now president trump executive order that bans visitors from list of muslim majority countries from entering the united states. at philadelphia international airport tonight protesters, dozens of them, fill the terminals at phl angry about what has happened today inside that airport and at other around the country. >> customs officials turning away refugees from those targeted countries including the loved ones of local family who we spoke with tonight. good evening everybody, i'm joyce evans. >> good evening, i'm dawn timoney. as joyce mentioned the result of executive order the president signed an order claims is not a muslim ban. and will keep all americans safe. now, first a look at what president trump's executive order entails. it says for at least the next 90 days almost anyone, whether they are a revie jew or tourist with a visa, from libya, sedan, syria, iraq,
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iran, yemen or somalia, will not be allowed to enter the united states. those seven countries are all majority muslim nations. >> this means, that legal residents and visa holders from these countries who are currently returning from travel outside of the united states are being turned away. of course federal judge ruled late tonight that the us cannot bar travelers with valid advice as. >> this is what things look like inside philadelphia international airport tonight. that is where mayor jim kenney and senator bob casey, governor tom wolf and other government officials, stood side by side with protesters, they chanted that immigrants are welcome here. >> this is pennsylvania. this is a place of tolerance and openess and welcome. and i am speaking on behalf of the people of the commonwealth of pennsylvania. we want to make sure that people are welcome here. up. >> protests are continuing at this hour, at phl.
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fox 29 sabina kuriakose joins us now from allentown, and sabina, what does this all mean from the local family you met today? >> well, joyce, as you can imagine, this is all happening very, very quickly. now, this family came in from qatar, clock 45 this morning, within two hours they were back on a plane to the middle east, and loved ones here in allentown right now are scrambling to figure out the next step. >> a sees for family celebration left un eaten. >> i made chicken in the oven, that's still hot. >> brothers and sisters in law, neice and nephew, lovingly cooked for turned away at the philadelphia international airport sunday morning, syrian christians with legal immigration visas sent back hours after landing on us soil, as their family under president trump's orders, suspending immigration, from several majority muslim nations,
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including the the war torn homelands. >> they are asking me what should we do now. they don't know where to return, where to go at this point. i don't know what to tell them. >> they immigrated to the u.s. decades ago building happy life in allentown, the same american dream they wanted to share with two brother, their wives, and two children. the hardest part in a they were so close. >> already at the airport wait to go reunite with his family and bring them to the home he purchased to get them on their feet when federal officials toll him his brother, that the point, separate from the him, by just a walk at the airport, would be sent back immediately. he was blind side, family is christian, went through years of legal immigration proceedings before obtaining valid visas, has been raising his brother's son, injured by a bomb, as a school boy, the young man has not seen his parents or siblings in three years. >> they are -- there is war
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over there. we don't know when you die. it is the only -- the only way to help them, to get them out of there. >> the family is holding onto hope. republican congressman charlie has reached out to the white house. >> people trying to come through the front door legally. >> they came to america, like they put their foot in america. >> now, again, a federal judge has banned authorities from enforcing part of this executive order, but, it is unclear how that is going to affect the family. they're set to land in the middle east within the hour. joyce, dawn, back to you. >> we shall see, thank you will, sabina a happening today in new york city. >> thousands gathering at jfk airport demanding the permanent end to the ban, showing support for those not allowed to enter. >> let them in, let them in,
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let them in. >> many people detained earlier today at one of our country's biggest airports is not, not clear at this hour, how quickly tonight's order or court order, i should say, might affect those people who are being detained. >> and hashtag muslim ban quickly became the number one trending hashtag on social media. often take to go twitter prime minister justin trudeau, wrote, to those fleeing persecution, terror, war, canadians will welcome you regardless of your fate. diversity is our strength. welcome to canada, end quote. meanwhile president donald trump putting pen to paper once again at the white house this afternoon. >> this time signing three more executive orders. the first one, ordering the joint chiefs to smith a strategy within 30 days to defeat isis, another order will restructure the national security council in a step that the white house believes will help it better adapt to modern threat. and a third executive order
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creates a five year ban on new lobbying for members of trump administration. >> a developing and shocking story out of burlington county, new jersey tonight there is woman, 20 year old autumn, is facing attempted murder after she -- after police say she threw a five year old girl into the path after new jersey transit train. happened last night in the city of burlington. in j transit bus operator and burlington city police race today get the young girl off the tracks, and signals for the incoming train to stop. investigators say the woman did not know the girl. the suspect was taken to nearby hospital for pschiatric evaluation. she is now in police custody. police say the little girl was treated for cuts and bruises, and she's now been released from the hospital. on your radar tonight, bitter cold temperatures. taking a life look at the ben franklin parkway, if you are heading out tonight, bundle up. our recent warm weather, now
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just a distant memory. definitely feels like winter again out there. fox 29 meteorologist, monica crya. this is here with the details. hey, temperatures taking a tum be? >> tonight expecting to go into the 30's, low 30's, thankfully the wind has died down for that. won't make it much worse. here we are looking at your ultimate doppler radar. notice some flurries flying in lancaster. you can see back behind it, north of harrisburg, starting to build in some more flurries. at this point we will say for the rest of the evening, we could see a few flurries falling, as we head through the rest of the evening, and overnight. by tomorrow morning, though, we've got nice sunshine in store. temperatures in the low 30's, in philadelphia, 32 degrees. thirty-four for those every just allentown, but notice, mount pocono, actually, at 27 degrees. lancaster coming in at about 35 degrees for that temperature as we head through the overnight. now for tomorrow morning, we are thinking low 30's, low to mid 30's, as we head out in the early morning hours, but a lot of sunshine, to greet us. notice we've got some chilly
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temperatures through noontime, partly sunny skies expected to continue for sunday. by monday morning we once again may be looking at another rounds every flurries. i have the full forecast coming up in just a bit. >> thank you, honda. we look live at allentown tonight, we want to remind you to track the forecast whenever you want, get the breaking weather alert sent to your phone by downloading the free weather authority app. >> neighbors in one west philadelphia neighborhood are heart broken, tonight, after a grandmother was run down in a street just over 24 hours ago. and to make everything even worse, she was caring her three year old grandson in her arms. >> police say the car that hit her didn't even slow down. fox 29's jennifer joyce has that story. >> you don't expect to look out the door and see a kid in the middle of the street. >> he said he heard a crash, walked outside, saw the aftermath of the nasty fatal hit-and-run accident. >> i was still thinking about
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it this morning when i wake up. definitely kind of not exactly expected. >> police say before 8:00 last night a 48 year old woman was hit by a car, believed to be this, newer model white mini-van, caught on nearby surveillance. investigators say the crash happened after the woman walked off of a trolley at 57th street and girard avenue, in west philadelphia. police say the woman had her three year old grandson in her arms at the time, and several other children by her side. >> kids are screaming, you hear the neighbors yelling. >> at some point the woman released the toddler from her clutch. investigators found the adult female nearly a block down the road. emergency officials returned her to penn presbyterian hospital where she succombed to her injuries. police say the hit-and-run driver traveled south on 57th, right onto top letter street, then rolled out of site. >> i actually a.m. in my offers now trying to update some information so i can try to get it out to my community. >> block amount, marvin
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robinson, said he is hoping someone in the community knows something that can help police in this case. he says this is the latest in a string of car accident on the block, and it is an issue he want resolved. >> police department, working with the captain, and we just try to figure out solutions what is causing this kind of accident in this area. >> the three year old involved in the accident suffered only bumps and bruises, but again one life is lost, police want to find the person responsible. if you have any information about the vehicle involved, or the driver, you are urged to call philadelphia police. reporting from police headquarters, jennifer joyce, "fox 29 news". >> tragic story, just releasing the identity of that grandmother who was killed. her name is catherine brown, and she lived in north philadelphia. >> well, truck video that went viral, showing an elderly woman's caretaker verbally and physically assaulting her. all caught on nanny cam. she was on the run.
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where investigators just found her. >> and a head tonight, district attorney makes a decision, were police justified in shooting the man accused of shooting and killing a pennsylvania state trooper? >> and six year old twins boarding a school bus, red lights are on, the bus' stop sign is out, yet cars keep on speeding by. >> high rate of speed when they go by, they've not touched the brake whatsoever. >> local police react immediately when fox 29 investigation shows them what we found. >> if you break up with your fiancee, but would you still wear it, though? >> that ring is very in the recall.
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tonight federal safety
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officials are releasing toxicology reports on the two amtrak maintenance workers killed in chester, delaware county. officials say both workers who died in april were on drugs when the crash happened. toxicology reports show the back hoe operator had cocaine in his system. and the supervisor tested positive for morphine, codeine, and oxycodone. the tests also showed the train's engineer tested positive for marijuana. the workers were hit by a train while doing maintenance along the tracks. there is no indication that drug use contributed to the accident. as audio's strict attorney and central pennsylvania says a preliminary review shows that state police were justified in fatally shooting a man suspected of killing a state trooper. state police say 23 year old landon weaver was questioning jason robinson about violating a protective order when robinson pulled out a gun and shot him several times. the next day police tracked him to a mobile home and shot him. they say after robinson failed
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to comply with their demands. >> tonight police released the identity of teenager, 13 year old, killed in bucks county atv accident. police say gianna forte, driving an atv whether it hit a car turning left. not wearing a helmet, killed. another 13 year old boy who was wearing a helmet was flown to children's hospital of philadelphia where he is list in the critical condition tonight. the investigation is still ongoing. but bensalem police say their preliminary investigation found that the atv was driving without any light on. >> tonight philadelphia police are searching for two men who broke into an apartment in talcony and shot a man inside. police say it happened on the 4800 block of longshore avenue around 2:00 this morning. a 33 year old man was shot. police say that victim is in critical condition tonight. no word on a motive for the break-in or the shooting. >> now, to west chester, where supporters of the affordable care act rallied outside the
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office of congressman ryan costello. they want the republican who represents pennsylvania's sixth district, to oppose efforts to do away with the law, also known as obamacare. demonstrators voiced their concerns about the more than 30 million people who are currently covered under obamacare. costello released a statement earlier this month saying the affordable care act has led to, quote, higher out-of-pocket costs for families. congressman costello is not the only republican lawmaker taking heat from president trump's swift action to repeal the affordable care act. >> no, across the country elected officials are hearing from their constituents, carol ann shively has the story. >> reporter: in leaked tapes, first reported by the washington post, california congressman's tom motorcycle clinton summed up hopes and fears about replacing obamacare this way. quote we better be sure we're prepared to live with the market we've created. that's going to be called
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trump care. republicans will own that lock stock and barrel and we'll be judged in the election less than two years away. republicans are hearing from their constituents they like part of the act, like making insurance cover pre-existing conditions, and stay 26 year old covered by their parents insurance. have to ball it all while not destabilizing the insurance markets. >> i think the big hang up for them is to not get into the trap of rolling back coverage f they ends up with a plan that leads to many millions of more people not having health insurance, they could ends in a political cul-de-sac which would be hard to extract themselves. >> president trump got the ball rolling within hours of being sworn in. with a executive order directing government agencies to re-evaluate provisions of the law they think are too costly. for that order didn't get into the nitty-gritty, which is
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where congress comes in. >> i think the president is open to whatever we can pass that solves this problem. this is not the republican's problem. this problem was caused by the democrats. we feel an obligation to fix it. and we're committed to fix it. >> congressional leadership has set a goal of repealing and replacing obamacare by august. in washington, fox news. coming up: a judge is allowing first lady melania trump to move away with her liable lawsuit. who she is suing over rumors that she says are flat-out lies. >> and are you an oreo cookie fan? well, mcdonald's is cooking up something you will love. but you will have to hop a plane to try it.
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>> an update on former president george h.w. bush, the he will err bush now 92 years old, could be release from the methodist hospital in houston, this weekend, or on monday at the very latest. spokesperson for the 41st president says he has taken his last round of antibiotic. >> a sad day in space history, on this day back in 19867 astronaut lost their lives when the space shuttle exploded shortly after lawn: booster engine broke apart just 732nd after take off. causing the shuttle to explode
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in mid-air. among the dead, new hampshire high school teacher christa mcculla. nasa chose mccullough to be the first teach ever ever in spares. it was nearly two and a half years before nasa would launch another shuttle. >> a judge is allowing first lady melania trump to move ahead with her liable lawsuit against maryland blogger who reported rumors that she worked as high ends escort. first lady sued the blogger, as well as britain's daily mail newspaper. tarply lawyer asked a judge to dismiss the case at pretrial hearing yesterday, arguing that tarply was within his right to publish rumors that could have affected the presidential campaign. trump's lawyers said the rumors are false. >> tensions remain high across the nation. who came rushing in to put out the flames when a group of protesters lit the american flag on fire. >> and it is trouble video went viral. shows elderly woman's
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caretaker verbally and physically assaulting her. it was ought call on nanny cam. she is now in police custody, where investigators finally caught up with her. >> and, our monica kline is tracking your forecast, feeling winter like out there. >> we will will keep temperatures at least the highs in the afternoon, in the four's, for the next few days. and then by the ends of next week, yes, it will get much colder. i have the forecast in just a bit.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can deliver internet speeds differently. welcome to 8 and a half maple street. it's half a house. and even though it only has half the headroom, half a hallway, half the closet space
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woman wanted for striking a elderly woman in a viral video out of houston is under arrest tonight. she was found in a small home facility, a place for people to get back on their feet. >> and the people who run the place had no idea the wanted
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woman was staying there. the story now from houston. >> brenda floyd was taken into custody by houston police around 2:30 a.m. friday morning, arrested for her actions in this video striking a 94 year old elderly woman. cord too long court documents, floyd had cared for this woman for over three years, living in her home six days a week. >> why would you keep feeding the dog human who food? >> found floyd after they received a home in north houston, her vehicle still parked in the yard. >> two days allege, one of our residents introduced her as his neice and asked if she could stay here couple of days, i said i had no problem with it. >> you snow the ministers who run this facility say they're devastated. >> it enrages me actually. this is all volunteer effort. we do it because we're trying to make a difference to people's lives. and the last thing we want is someone coming in here and harming the reputation or hiding someone, who has hurt
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someone. that is the knot what this is here for. >> they say the man who was hosting floyd has lived in the facility for a year and it is unknown whether he was aware of her alleged offense. >> he is a parolee. we will have to talk to his parole officer, see if he can continue to stay here. >> caitlin reporting for us tonight. the bail i have said floyd will appear in court on monday and her bonds is now set at $5,000. >> on your radar tonight, it is cold out there. live look at wilmington, at the waterfront there. we've been spoiled this month, with some spring like days, but definitely doesn't feel like spring out there tonight. it is cold, we've seen flurries, all day long, i would say winter is back. >> i would say so, monica, only handful of days left in january. so what's in store? >> i know, january went real quick. now we're looking at temperatures into the low 30's, at about freezing in the sit. high today of 41. but once again, it was casino every cloudy throughout the day, we had flurries flying out there. and now, tonight, we actually
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could see even more flurries, not much of an impact. but still, could see some flurries. here is a look at the current set up. once again here is a look at where some of the snow is located in central pennsylvania. here in the delaware valley, just maybe a few flurries, not really picking up on radar. but that's still possibility through the rest of the overnight. by tomorrow morning, though, we should see some nice sunshine. notice this low pressure system, keeping most of the snow. and anything accumulating in new york. and over the great lakes region. so we're kind of quiet for the rest of the evening, take a look at your future cast. i push it all the way into tomorrow morning. by our sunday morning, 7:00 a.m., waking up, maybe you're waking up this early, little later, weaver a lot of sunshine in store for us. then as we head into the afternoon, we will keep it mainly dry, there could be few more clouds out there. but, mainly dry forecast, at least until we head into sunday afternoon. sunday night we are talking through the overnight, into early monday morning, some snow showers begin to move in
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from maryland, so we will watch for the chance for some snow to accumulate, it will be very light, if anything, at this point, that's what a lot of the models are saying, just some flurries as we head into early monday morning. so, let's talk about temperatures, since there is not really much to talk about for sunday. skies will be mostly sunny, but your high, 46 degrees. not all that bad. about 6 degrees above the average. monday, we back into the low 40's, tuesday, wednesday, really can't argue with those highs, in the mid to upper 40's, at least through wednesday, into thursday, not all that bad, it is really friday, so late next week, we are expecting a big drop in temperatures it, will definitely feel more like winter then. overnight tonight, temperatures into the low 30's in the city. twenty-seven for the suburbs. under mostly cloudy skies. and then it does begin to clear through the overnight, so that by tomorrow morning, looking for partly sunny conditions, 46 degrees, is your high, like i was saying, winds pretty nice out of the west, five to 10 miles per hour. and for your poconos forecast, if you are getting up doing
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some skiing tomorrow, partly sunny, highs at least in the low to mid 30's, and those winds not too bad. once again five, 10 miles per hour. should be good day for skiing. 40 degrees, on monday. some a.m. flurries, don't forget about that. maybe some more snow chances as we head into tuesday. then start drying pattern as we head into wednesday. forty-seven, i really like wednesday's forecast, with partly to mostly sunny skies. groundhog day, 42 degrees, we have to see whether this winter will be a long one or short one, we have to see, guys. >> all right, thanks, monica. in your health, starting to sleep through the night, you may want to ditch your smart phone. that's right. researchers from the university of california san francisco recently used a app to measure how much time people spend on their smart phones and how much sleep they get. well, they found that the more people, the more time people spend on their phones, the fewer hours they slept, and the longer it took to fall asleep. doctors say keep that smart phone out of your bedroom. and just use an old-fashioned alarm clock to wake you up.
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>> speaking of sleep, a new study suggesting that night owls are more intelligent than early risers. researchers in the united kingdom look at the sleep patterns of more than 1200 people. those who went to bed after 11 p.m. and got up after 8:00 a.m., earned more money, and enjoyed a happier lifestyle. coming up: tezsla sioux one of its former employees, what the auto maker claims that the person did with information about its cars. >> and are you an oreo cookie fan? well, mcdonald's is cooking up something. you're probably going to love. but you're going to have to hop on a plane to try it.
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>> love. >> this texas man was so shocked by a massive toll, he decided to pay the 175-dollar penalty in pennies, the fine had been piling up since 2015. the man says it was a glitch in their system. he decided he would pay it anyway collecting more than 19,000 pennies, from four different banks, in the end, the toll way authority expected the payment, i mean, money is money, flight. >> and in your money tonight, are you a big fan of oreo cook us? well, you are going to love this story.
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take a look what mcdonald's will soon be offering. over this one little thing about it. you can only get these if you go to hong kong and get them for now. so if you're interested start book that flight, the golden arches rolled out new menu devoted entirely to the famous oreo cookie. features oreo tiramisu, custom drinks, and one called an oreo chi. in o. >> i like that. carman too fact tour err suing one of it former employees, saying he violated by stealing auto pilot information about the company's vehicles. tezsla filed the suit in california, the company claims one of it former auto pilot managers met with a worker from google car project. the lawsuit claims the former employee is trying to lure it workers to join a competing tech start up. we are just a week away from the superbowl right here on fox 29, believe it or not. >> yes, we r and today the. in fl experience store opening
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its doors in houston. take a look at this huge shopping area, where you can get exclusive superbowl gear, doors opened 10:00 a.m., and admission is $35 for adults, 25 for kids, and also fast pass or vip options, as well, so you can skip those long lines. >> this is a place to be fully emersed in anything football related, it is interactive, fun stuff to come out here and do with the family. great place to be right before superbowl. in fl experience stays open through 3:00 p.m. on superbowl sunday. of course, if you're right here, you can watch the new england patriots take on the atlanta falcons in superbowl 51 sunday february 5th, right here, on fox 29, and yes, it is just a little over a week away. new warning tonight for popular weed killerment some people say it causes cancer. california judge decided that the makers of the popular weed
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killer rounds up need to warn custom that's that product may cause cancer. the argument is based on the findings by the international agencies for research on cancer which classified the chemical as probable human carcinogen. >> with the weather and the working conditions that they endure, and those types every things, so they want to just know what type of chemicals are being utilized, what's the potential impact. >> california farmers use rounds up on approximately 250 types of crops. rejecting any health risk of its top selling herbicide. >> as tensions remain high across the nation, who came rushing in to put out the flames when a group of protesters lit the american flag on fire. >> i'm jeff cole. four busy lanes on a highway and a school bus picking up six year old, is there danger here? fox 29 investigate is coming up.
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>> ♪ sign how divided americans are, fiery exchange over flag burning, and protest group in iowa city was burning american flags, when a fed ex driver swooped in with a fire extinguisher, put out the
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flames, and took off with the burned flag. and later came back for second flag. the group was protesting racial and social injustice. fox 29 investigation, what has been going on at local bus stop. pair of twins just trying to get on and off a school bus in south jersey but passing cars, well, they just wouldn't stop. >> well the children's grand pop was so fed up with being afraid something tragic was going to happen, he called fox 29 investigation, and here's jeff cole. >> he is a 07 year old grant pop and small business owner. >> i don't plan on ever retiring, to be honest with you. >> but he makes time to train his cell phone on vehicles blazing east and west on route 322 in harrison township south jersey. he's got lots riding on this. six year old twin grandchildren, who hop the school bus and say vehicles roar past their bus, with its red lights blinking, stop sign
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out. >> that made me think i should get involved positively, see how bad it really was. >> lights are on. this car coming right around. red lights on. >> few days in december, and lee fox recorded enough to make him enraged with ankler. >> some of these vehicles, high rate of speed when they go by. they've not touched the brake whatsoever. >> and call fox 29 investigation. >> bye pop pop. >> just turning red. one, two, three, four cars, just went by. >> tractor-trailer going right by. >> for the first three weeks in january, we spot checked the bus stop, and watched vehicles speed past buses, as the twins and their 12 year old brother, got on and off.
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>> the traffic just flies right past, like there is not even a bus here. >> sheree fox is their mom. >> people come flying down this road, what if they hit the bus, while my kids are getting on. nobody is seatbelt in the yet. i just wore that i there is going to be an accident, somebody's going to get hurt. >> car just went by. >> 3:22, here in mullica hill, busy four lane highway. there is no barrier separating the lanes. routes like these under state laws all motorists must stop on both sides of the highway, school buses loading or dropping kids. while some stop -- >> maybe people are unaware that on four lane highway they have to stop? >> many motorists either didn't know the law sore didn't care. january 17th, just after 3:00 in the afternoon, watch as this pick up passes the bus on the same side of 322. and again on the 20th, two cars break the law, as our
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cameraman records the twins boarding. >> that's red, there you go, that guy has got it. >> we showed our video to lieutenant ron of the harrison township police. >> it is shocking to be honest with you, that many violations are going thon. >> he claims he's not received any complaints for vehicles passing school buses, for that section of 322 from september on. but the township transportation supervisor tells fox 29 she spoke to police around the holidays to alert them to the hazard. sheree fox said she has called police in the past, but vehicles stopped only when the police are seen. says he's now made the stop a mandatory traffic post for his officers, and put up this big sign. but even with that, several cars passed the stopped bus, one was pulled over. >> very concerned about the safety of the children, child hops off the bus, runs out in the head way, they'll get hit
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and seriously injured or even worse. we don't want to have to deal with that. >> digital news site reports in 2015, 1600 summons were issued to garden state motorists for failure to stop for school buses. earlier this month, a 14 year old was struck and seriously injured in cape may county while trying to board her bus. and last year, in allentown, pennsylvania there was this. >> a student, just inches from being struck, recorded by a camera on her bus. back along 322, even a six year old knows of the potential danger. >> hey, did you see this? passing the bus. passing the bus. >> there was like five of them, right? >> yes. >> wow. >> get caught passing school bus in new jersey and it is hefty fine, point on your record, possible loss of license and the potential tragedy of hitting and
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injuring a child. jeff cole, "fox 29 news". well that is scary. >> i can't believe what they found. >> oh, my. jeff also tells us that the new jersey state senate on monday passed a bill calling for cameras on school buses. >> good idea. >> yes. >> all right, john is here with a look at sports. >> no meaningful football this weekend. >> awe. withdraw? >> we do have villanova wildcats, look back to bounce back after tough collapse, last time they took to the floor. coming up in sports hear from jay wright at tomorrow's match up versus virginia. and the wayne train pulls into la for his first all-star game appearance, of course, kicking off tonight, steve in the skill competition. next.
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>> i just don't want to mess up, i don't want to make myself look like a fool. first time up. i just want to look as possibly as good as as i possiby can. >> that's flyers loan all-star wayne simmons playing in his first all-star game tomorrow afternoon in los angeles. simmons, who already has 21 goals, is on pace to have his best statistical season as a pro, but as you just heard, he was focused on showing off his skills in tonight's skills competition.
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>> there is the wayne train, looking good in the orange and black. it was a fun atmosphere, but little strange with the challenges. here is simmons part of relay, one time, looked good there. here is simmons from center ice looking like seth curry with the shot. >> this one i like. >> this juan was early fun. it was the fastest scatter challenge. simmons did not fall all night. good thing. he most definitely did show off his skills. so looking forward to tomorrow's game. also, the villanova wildcats playing tomorrow. they look to rebound after this past tuesday's collapse at marquette as they welcome virginia to town tomorrow afternoon. now for jay wright and company after winning it all last season, and having to battle best of the best, he feels that tomorrow's tough test will only make the cats stronger. >> we love this series with them, because we think they're one of the best in the country. they've got great lent. they've got great execution, great discipline. so we feel like after we play virginia we know exactly where our strength and weaknesses
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are against the best. >> can't wait for this one. tomorrow, yes, you better be joining us, tomorrow afternoon, battle happening at the wells fargo center, in umber 12 virginia taking on top rang cats 1:00 p.m. right here on fox 29 of the okay, staying local, temple at houston, first half, temple down eight. daniel one-on-one, eventually gets two more defenders on him, but still makes the nice jumper, owls currently down 40 to three; in the first game, still in progress. how about this one? st. joe's lasalle in a great game. came down to the final shot, final second, campbell account pump fake, jumper he puts the hawks up one, 15 seconds left lasalle, cannot use final time out, jordan price tries to win the game. shoots the hook shot, misses, the hawks never die, folks, they win close one, 73 to 72. okay, when you think of women,
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i'm guessing the name serena and venus williams, they they come to mind. what more can you say? easily the most dominant pair of siblings in all of sports history, never minds just tennis. well, today ozzie women's final feature the sisters in what was serena's pursuit of record 23rd grand-slam. let's head down under, these sisters are absolutely amazing. no matter today's outcome, combined 30 grand slams between them, incredible. match point, venus drop shot. hard return. venus hits the ball out every bound. that's all she wrote. serena wins her record 23rd grand-slam, and what made her even happier was when she received a wonderful present from the greatness, michael jordan himself. >> congratulations was much respect on winning number 23, it will be a privilege to keep watching your determination on the court, your friends, michael jordan. >> oh, that's awesome. >> oh, my gosh. >> your favorite color. >> and my favorite colors.
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>> that's look. >> this was so awesome. wow. >> thank you, michael. thank you, michael jordan. >> great all across the board. >> nice sneaks. >> that's our news for this saturday night. thank you for joining us, good day philadelphia weekend begins at 7:00 a.m. have a great night everyone.
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