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tv   FOX 29 News at 11  FOX  January 21, 2017 3:30am-4:00am EST

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♪ live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29 news at 11. for the first time in eight years a new first family will be spending the night in the white house. that is of course once all the parties are finish. >> ♪ >> short timing a president donald trump and first lady melania shared a dance to the song "my way" it comes after long but historic day for president donald trump after he was officially sworn into office as the 45th president of the united states. >> good evening i'm iain page. our fox 29 studios in philadelphia. lucy noland has been in washington, d.c. for all the pomp and pageantry and joins us now live from the nation's capitol. lucy? >> good evening, iain. good evening everyone. hundreds of thousands watched in person and witnessed history as
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donald trump became the 45th president of the united states. >> i, donald john trump do solemnly swear -- >> that i will faithfully he can cute. >> that i will faithfully he can cute. >> the office of president of the united states. >> chief justice john roberts administered the oath of office and right after he officially became president, donald trump delivered a 15 minute 302nd inaugural address. he took on congress, he took on the establishment, and he had one clear message a promise that the next four years would be all about you. >> every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit american workers and american families. we must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs.
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together, we will make america strong again. we will make american wealthy again. we had make america proud again. we will make america safe again and, yes, together we will make america great again! >> estimated 400 to sick hundred thousand people gathered on the national mall for this 58th swearing in of an american president and for all of those celebrating this moment in history, many others protested, rocks through, glass broke, cars burned and authorities riot gear responded with pressure grenades and pepper spray. violence on this 20th day of january breaking out in the streets of washington, d.c. and authorities toll us protesters even shut down for while two of the six checkpoints to get to the national mall. >> all right iain, back to you. >> lucy, thanks. quite a scene back here at
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home as well. hundreds of protesters took to the streets in philadelphia and remained peaceful. one of the biggest gatherings was at independence mall. fox 29's shawnette wilson joins us loo you have in center city with more on the events from today. shawnette. >> reporter: iain, self different groups held protests all around the city they united independence mall to take an oath. ♪ >> hundreds of protesters from different groups united at the liberty bell to take a collective oath. >> no trump, no kkk. >> their purpose is to come together to defend everyone in the community against what they called devastates policies of the trump administration. and to work together for positive change. >> protests come on the same day donald trump was officially sworn in as president. one of them took place near city hall. while many took a verbal stand against president trump and leaders of the republican party, others say they're not the problem here in philadelphia. >> we know the grand majority of
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the failure of the democratic party came from the democratic party. >> reporter: other protest was held at temple university included college and high school students standing up for women's rights racial and economic issues. >> i come from family of immigrants and my dad is currently incarcerated and i don't want to call somebody my president who doesn't love me as person. >> reporter: others part non partisan group on campus are willing to give president trauma app chance. >> it's very important to be open minded to both sides and being open minded to different options. >> reporter: and tonight police tell us that they only issued 10 citations and those are for people smoking marijuana at a protest near rittenhouse. iain as you mentioned we were very peaceful here in philadelphia today. >> all right, shawnette, thank you. we've got lore more coverage of this historic day on our website. just head to for lock at the 58th presidential inauguration from start to finish. on your radar tonight, kind of a dreary start to the weeke weekend. it looks like the clouds are going to be sticking around for
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the week and but it will not be a total washout. but there will be chance to get outside if you like to hit the slopes. meteorologist scott williams here to break it all down for us. scott. >> hi there, iain. we about a tenth to a quarter of an inch of rainfall. we'll keep the clouds. not a weekend washout. the driest day tomorrow but very potent storm system will bring heavy rain and take a look at this. winds gusting up to 50 miles per hour as we move toward your monday. so as we look at ultimate doppler finally starting to dry out but we have leftover clouds for the overnight along with a little bit of fog. but as we head toward the latter part of the weekend and into early next week we'll watch an area of low pressure kind of move out of the deep south and then toward the mid atlantic gusty winds and very heavy rainfall. we'll talk about that coming up. take look at the temperatures right now. in the low 40s along the i-95 corridor. upper 30 toss right around 40 degrees once you move north and west. so for the overnight, we'll keep those clouds areas of fog winds
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will be light upper 30s to right around 40 degrees. for your saturday it's mostly cloudy, dry for most of the day as well. milder temperatures topping out right around 54 degrees. but take look at the timing from sunday into monday. we have around of rain early on sunday morning. tenth to a quarter inch of rain sunday evening overnight into monday, one to 2-inches perhaps some areas closing in on 3-inches of rape. a nor'easter by early next week. winds gusting once again up to 40 miles per hour maybe even more. so as we move toward monday especially areas far south and east, we're talking about some scatter the power outages so that is something we'll continue to monitor. so as we move toward sunday night, maybe up to a tenth of an inch of rain but look at 2:00 p.m. on monday. we're closing in on over an inch and a half philadelphia and down the shore and then by 11:00 o'clock monday night, some locations once again over 2-inches of rain but take look
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at future wind gusts by sunday. 11:00 p.m. gusting over 30 miles an hour philadelphia. by monday morning back to work and school winds gusting 40 up to 50 miles per hour so that's where we could have some of those sporadic power outages the weather authority seven day forecast showing you for the weekend cloudy but mild for tomorrow. 54. 52 on sunday and then that heavy rain, iain, arrives sunday night into your monday. back over to you. >> all right, scott. thank you. developing right now, major detours around a bridge connec connecting pennsylvania and new jersey. officials have shut down the bridge that connects the two state turnpikes over the delaware river because of structural problems to blame. fox 29's brad sattin joins us under the bridge in bristol tonight. brad? >> reporter: iain there's no word at this point as to when this bridge may reopen. we can tell you just within the last 30 minutes, two crews went back up there. they are a group of engineers
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trying to assess what's going on. we know that about 42,000 vehicles on average use this bridge every weekday. these crews now trying to determine the seriousness of the problem and how long obviously it's going to take to fix. it will be at least through tomorrow before we know how long the 60-year-old turnpike bridge over the delaware river will remain closed. immediate shut down in both directions came friday after a paint crew discovered a fracture in a steel truss under the roadway on the pennsylvania side of the bridge. >> substantial fracture. it's pretty save to say that, you know, the decision was made to close the bridge for the safety of motorists. i don't believe that engineers would do it for a small fracture. this would be more of a larger significant fracture that could compromise the integrity bridge. >> reporter: the closure made a mess of the friday evening rush hour drivers told the detours the burlington-bristol bridge to the south. though as motorists were forced to exit the turnpike on both
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sides many weren't sure how they were to get back on. >> reset my gps. i'm not sure where i'm going. >> coming and suddenly we can't go and turn, you know -- isn't suddenly you're lost. >> yes. suddenly we're lost. >> we just came over about four or five hours ago. >> reporter: now it's closed. >> wow. i guess it will be closed for awhile, right? >> reporter: that's the question tonight for how long, again, crews are up there right now engineers trying to assess the problem. we do know the turnpike commission is saying that they should have better estimate as to how long this bridge could be closed at some point iain over the weekend. >> all right, brad. let's hope so. thank you. happening now a dog gets a second chance at life. veterinarians at penn are helping a daschund mix found ban donned in trash bag and with the help of good samaritans and a k9 wheelchair things are looking up for frances. fox 29's joanne pileggi has the story. >> reporter: the strong seem to survive and this suite seven-year-old daschund is being nursed back health. she was brought to the city
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shelter first then call us because she was found in trash bag. >> reporter: someone found her in bar gap bag wednesday in lawn crest. she couldn't walk. doctors at penn vets examined her. >> certainly we're always concerned when dogs are paralyzed and the emergency service center did x-rays that showed she had spinal fracture. >> we don't know if it was something trauma that someone did to her or that, you know, something that --ing. >> the injury however it happened means frances wouldn't regain behind leg funk. doctors wanted to make sure she was otherwise healthy and comfortable. and show her that she can still get around with a k9 whole chair. she was taken from penn vets to the spca hospital. >> we did let the public know about her in case anyone recognizes the dog or might have information about how she ended up in the situation that she d did. >> reporter: frances will be put up for adoption and there are already many, many inquiries. at the spca, i'm joanne pileggi,
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fox 29 news. shots heard in the mill of the afternoon in one delaware city. what police discovered when they first got to the scene. it's hank. i'm on election street what to macaca porter in front of the site of the election street massacre. 16 years ago 10 people were sh shot. seven died. the pain she feels today is equal or maybe even worse to
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♪ right now in washington, d.c. parties and balls are rolling into the night. but our nation's capitol will remain packed with president trump's friends and foes through the whole weekend. hundreds of thousands of people are getting ready to take part in the women's march tomorrow morning. it starts at 10am. in philadelphia, a lot of people waited for trains and buses at 30th street station headed here of course the crowds will gather on independence avenue near the us capitol for the march and they're message pretty simple women's rights are human rights. and tomorrow inauguration events continue with inter faith prayer service at washington's national cathedral it also begins at 10am and it's a private event. so another busy busy day ahead here in washington, d.c. after historic events packed into this day and this night, iain. >> lucy, thank. tonight in hang's take it made
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national news in 2,000 and locals still raise an eyebrow were anyone mentions the election street massacre 16 years have past for some the pain is as real as if the murder happened yesterday our hank flynn is with tam family members of the victims who are still looking for some piece. ♪ they don't speak on the fact he got his diploma. why that wasn't part of none of the media that my brother was smart enough on january the ninth to have enough credits to get his diploma. why nobody speak on that you know my brother was very highly educate. >> when to at a mick today speaks on her brother george murdered 16 years ago emotions flow. he was one of seven people killed december 28, to us 2,000 known as the election street massacre. she's calling out city hall saying philly never formally acknowledge the worst mass killing in city history.
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>> they owe them acknowledgment and respect. mural, memorial, every year. can i get a day of peace for december 28th? can we at least make that knowledge the city because of the biggest massacre of philadelphia we going to consider complement december 28th -- there's nothing. it's not fair. i fight so hard for my brother. >> she's never recovered from the pro found pain of the killings and it doesn't help that in the year sin the prevailing narrative was that george and other victims were involved in the drug trade reality now seems to be they were all killed over a burned out clutch in a borrowed car. so now following tamika a few blocks away over to where he and her brother and a lot of families of the victims used to live. that had been a big beautiful mural. it's gone now because the house was torn down but nothing was built to replace it. >> this is where my mom house
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was. look. nothing. >> she's hurt and anger are obvious and powerful but what she wants out of the world wasn't as clear at least to me. she mentioned official recognition. so i reached out to the state historical marker prom game to nominate the massacre as a historic event. they said it would be a long shot. >> it sounds like it might be more local or regional event rather than one with statewide or national historical fief answer is which is another criteria -- criterion for our approval for our marker program. >> philly has historical economic towardsed to designate local sites buildings and such as historical. they e mailed me saying they're not quite sure what to designate since lex street as been redeveloped in the years since the killing. the massacre put a marker on their soul. >> i feel part of that because they took a part of me when they took them guys. >> thank you. in they were good kids. really good kids. >> at the end of the day was
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does it really cost a piece garden or sign or stone memorial of some kind arc mural watch would the cost city hall to designate dave piece for the worse mass killing in city history. some people might like to forg forget. i understand. mill creek never will and it could use a little closure. i'm hank and that's my take. ♪ you see it you shoot it our fresco users are helping us show you what's happening in your neighborhood in wilmington police are investigating an afternoon shooting that sent not one but two people to the hospital. fresco user derek chambers shot this video on the 200 block of south harrison street. police were called out just after 3:00 for a report of shots fired and when they got there, they found a 20-year-old man shot in the head. he was taken to the hospital in critical condition. it was during the investigation that officers found a second victim shot in the torso. he's in stable condition but no arrests have been made.
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in center city tonight they were saying thank you to former president barack obama. there was food and a lot of dancing at the african-american museum. there was even some memorabilia for sale to commemorate the 44th president. the party still jumping in washington, d.c. tonight they are celebrating donald trump being sworn in as the 44th president of the united states. look back a at the historic day when we come back. ♪ >> so help me god g so help me god. >> congratulations, mr. president. [ applause ] >> ♪ >> we will make america great again. ♪ >> this has been the privilege of my life. yes, we did. yes, we can. god bless america.
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>> we never felt
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♪ we'll check in with lucy in the nation's capitol in just a bit but first the sixers were back on the court tonight taking on the trail blazers those highlights are coming up in 15 seconds. ♪ sixers blazer at wells fargo scary pope for sixers fans joel embiid left new contusion on that did you know comes down little funny. he would return later but eventually taken out precautionary reasons. to the end of the game fourth quarter now, sixers down two. tj mcconnell undrafted -- drafted by arizona three years
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ago. finds covington for three. got it. portland last possession. plumly goes to the basket can't connect and the sixers win it 93-92. they have won eight of their last 10 and five straight at home. the end of historic day in washington. finally, coming to an end and lucy noland has been there from start to finish and has final thoughts from the nation's cap capitol. >> iain, thank you very much. we of course have a new president tonight. we have a new first family and if president trump follows through on the promises he's made in his inaugural address we have a new course of direction as a nation and that has a large part of our country celebrating. certainly most all the people we saw with tickets to the swearing in ceremony on the capitol ste steps. they thank the nation's trajectory has been going in the wrong direction for the past eight or so years. at the same time if you go by the popular vote and even larger part of our nation is not at all happy with the out come of the election. those who showed up here in our nation's capitol exercised their
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first amendment right to speak up, to speak out, and peacefully protest. yet others evolved into criminality becoming to use a wordy more rabble. so here's a question to our divided nation. something i heard along the way and it seems so apt right here and right now. if you were on plain captain said a bunch of stuff you disagreed with maybe even things offended you, would you hope that your flight crashed or would you hope it was the best flight you ever had? my friends, we're on this journey together. we're americans and love it or not, let us hope our next four years aren't russ year for each and everyone of us. my final thoughts on this historic day in this historic place. back to you iain in philadelphia the city that witnessed the second and third presidential inauguration. >> lucy thanks lot.
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travel safe that will do it for us tonight. we're back herer
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>> announcer: a wild night... >> judge judy: miss rias was drunk. >> belligerent, yes. >> announcer: ...capped off by a wild ride. >> she grabs the steering wheel, steers it all the way to the right. i'm driving on the sidewalk for one to two houses. >> judge judy: you spoke to the police, and you told them exactly what you did. >> he told me to take the blame. >> judge judy: you lied to the police? >> [ sighs ] >> judge judy: really stupid people who give false statements to the police sometimes find themselves in jail. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. the people are real. the cases are real. the people are real. the cases are real. the rulings are final. captions paid for by cbs television distribution 24-year-old matthew miller is suing his ex-girlfriend, 22-year-old kayla rias, for causing him to wreck his car. matthew claims a drunken kayla grabbed the wheel and stepped on the accelerator while he was


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