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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 6A  FOX  January 11, 2017 6:00am-7:00am EST

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save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. >> it has been the honor of my life to serve you. i will not stop. in fact i am be right there with you as a citizen. >> focus on the future in his final farewell president obama addresses the nation one last time as our president. the message for americans and we answer the question: where was sasha? >> and new trouble for donald trump. a new report says russia may have some damaging information about the president-elect including allegations of hiring prostitutes and bribery. how trump is responding this morning. >> and the warm up has gun.
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after two straight frigid mornings, we're already above freezing. how warm will it get? will we still have a 60s party tomorrow in rittenhouse square? sue has that answer in seconds. good day everybody, it is january the 11, 2017. >> good morning. >> good morning to you. >> are you getting the party favors and everything, the deng ration cents altogether? >> what? party? >> i mean, it is a party, right? >> well, just a party in our shorts. >> so -- >> again, the first ten people that show up i'm taking them to parx for refreshments. >> water? you said refreshment. ice water sue? >> i can't wait to see how long this line is for a free drink. anyway, weather by the numbers, how about this? eight out of ten today. lots of improvement. now, that the rain is out of here. it is still damp. it is still cloudy. temperatures, though, are
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above freezing, with bus stop buddy, celebrating national milk day today. rain has moved off shore. so let's talk temperature. it is 42 degrees in philadelphia. yeah. well above freezing. 13-mile per hour winds make it feel like it is in the three's, still need to wear a coat. sunrise time 7:22, just don't have to bundle up like mummy any more. forty-two here. thirty mount pocono. this is where could you find some slick spots, in the wake of the rain that fell yesterday. thirty-six in reading, and lancaster, 47 already at atlantic city international. so, probably top off at about 48 degrees, certainly milder day than what we've been experiencing, ever since before the weekends. but, will temperatures go down again? what's going to happen this coming weekend? we have it all in the seven day forecast. bob kelly? >> hey, sue, good morning, everybody, lots going on. 6:00, 6:02, this wednesday morning, live look at 95, everything is wet. not dealing with snow. not dealing with black ice. all of the melting snow overnight. mother nature taking the hose,
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squirting down the front sidewalk. notice all of the guck is off your car soy actually see the real color of your car this morning vine expressway, traffic lights out at broad and vine, in front of roman catholic high school. traffic lights also out along route 70 and penn avenue in south jersey. and then as you work your way in toward all of the bridges, here's a still shot of the admiral wilson boulevard headed in up and over the ben franklin. so again, roads are wet. you know, we have just as many problems with wet roads as we have had with snowy roads. philly's regional rail lines, the airport line, lansdale line, wilmington line, all running with some delays out of the gate this morning. and three separate accidents on a stretch of the 30 bypass, eastbound, right near chester airport. speaking of the airport though philadelphia international airport looking good. so far no delays. >> if something needs fixing, then lays up your shoes and do some organizing.
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(cheers) if you're disappointed by you're elected officials, grab a clipboard, get some signatures, and run for office yourself. >> sounds like what he did after eight years as commander in chief president obama bids farewell to the nation from chicago. he highlighted and defended his administration's legacy, and warned of a divided nation. president obama also choked back some tears at times. >> and so lauren, you will give us a overview of this first speech. but you're right, did he get a little teary eyed. >> when he talked about his wife. >> when he talked about his wife and family. >> eight years ago the crux of the campaign was change. eight years later as the president says his final good-byes to the nation, some of the change happened. there should be much more, he says, and all of us have a part to play. >> a hero's welcome as president barack obama returns to the place where his political career started. >> tonight, tonight it is my turn to say thanks. >> in his farewell speech the
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president touted some of his accomplishments over the past eight years. from reversing the great recession, to shutting down iran's weapons program. >> if i told that you we would win marriage equality, and secure ... for another 20 million of our fellow citizens ... >> reporter: while fighting -- siting his achievement, when it comes to racial and economic equality, america's democracy still faces serious threat. >> we are we are not where we need to be. and all of us have more work to do. if every economic issue is claimed as a struggle between a hard-working white middle class and an un deserving minority, then workers of all shades are going to be left fighting for scraps while the wealthy would draw further into their private enclave. >> even tender moment as he shed tears while honoring the first laid. >> i for the past 25 years you
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have not only been my wife, and mother of my children, you have been my best friends. >> before returning to private life, the president offering a final message about the importance of public service. >> if something needs fixing, then lays up your shoes and do some organizing. if you're disappointed by you're elected officials, grab a clipboard, get some signatures, and run for office yourself. show up, dive in. >> well that speech lasted just shy after hour, mike and alex after mr. obama's successor, he made only passing reference to republican donald trump. >> some of the crowds start today boo. he went no, no, no. none of that. none of that. >> towards the beginning they also started chanting four more years. right? i can't do. that will i can't do that. >> we haven't done that in a while. ya. so where was sasha? everybody that i was around
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was going where's the other caughter? where's the other caughter? >> this was trending on social media yesterday, or last night. because they went up and were all waiving. even the announcers oh, there is the first family. no, someone is missing, yes, the youngest daughter sasha, white house says that she was at home studying for an exam that she had this morning. you know, she is is 15 years old, still in school. so she was studying. that's a pretty big night to miss though. >> sure is. i wonder what the exam was. >> did you see malea crying while -- >> crying. and the president had hander chef there and wiped the tear. >> in just a few hours, donald trump will give his first news conference, in quite a while, since the president-elect. the hot topic undoubtedly will be about an apparent intelligent report. that's been leaked. now, donald trump was briefed on this report. so is the president of the united states. learning what was involved.
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>> well, there are un confirm reports about the report that russia may have damaging personal and financial information against trump. according to the claim, the information was compiled by former western intelligence operative, who was hired to do research on trump. first, by his republican opponents, then, by the democrats. so, trump has responded with this tweet. fake news, a total political witch hunt. and a lot of people are assuming this is a reference of course to the report that came out. his new conference is scheduled to begin at 11:00. i'm sure he will be addressing this, i'm sure one of the questions he will receive. >> probably the first question. >> it will be from trump tower. >> we running that? staff? >> i do believe we are. >> okay, thank you. >> a man now in the hospital after the person he is sent to rob fights back. the 19 year old tried to rob someone along the 4900 block of north fifth street in olney, late last night. that is when police say the victim started shooting at the
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suspect. hit him six times. now that person is at einstein medical center. >> well, charleston church shooter, dillan roof, will be put to death for his crimes. a jury handing down that verdict last night. they thought about it for about three hours, his children words to them just hours before they announced his fate. >> plus this video leaving a local shop owner discussed. why he believes a family used a little kid to commit a crime.
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trying to make me eat my greens?low. no, just trying to ve you some green. whaaat?! thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. my giant.
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>> police in willingboro are asking for your help. >> yes, they are searching for two suspect who they say used children, little children, to help them steel stuff. >> it happened new years eve, at r and c car world in willingboro. shows two adults and four children, in the store. we blurred the children's faces, but watch, you'll see the woman pick up a high-ends orange remote control car as the man distract the store owner. the group gets in a huddle. the store owner says the adult then passes the car to one of the children, and one of the children puts it in their coat and then they walk out. >> i was really upset about it. obviously. we're really, really made me mad, was the fact that this par sent teaching her children how to steel. i mean, you can see, they're all orchestrated on it.
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they totally worked in unicent to do this. >> the owner says the car is worth between $700-$1,500. willingboro police posted this on their facebook page. if you recognize these adults. >> i believe the real carry bought was $1,200. this is remote control. >> must be a fancy remote control car. >> and the children are involved. >> come on, folks. defending the tax, the soda tax, i bet. philadelphia mayor jim kenney addressing critics of the city's new soda tax. his message to those who are complaining. are kids complaining? >> and joe em embiid is at it again. how he used twitter to convince his former general manager to vote him into the nba all-star game. we're rapidly losing credibility as handymen.
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mom washed our clothes. one wash with tide pods and we're right back where we started. we look like catalogue models! who trusts a clean handyman anyway? we can't look this good! dinge is the dirt the bargain detergent can't get to. tide pods can.
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honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. honey bunches of oats. this. is. everything. 6:15. what's happening? another warmfront. one just cleared the coast. number two is on its way in tonight. with a little bit more rain. but then, here is that word we've been looking forward to: mild air. for however short a time, we'll enjoy it. that front that brought the rain in the overnight hours has now moved off shore, even the shore points are not getting rain any more. so, here's what's going to
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happen with temperatures, mid 40's at the very least, we get a decent amount of sunshine, we could make it to 50 degrees in some places will, especially to the south of us, and then in the overnight hours, well, actually, starting after 7:00 tonight, more rain moves in. it rains through about midnight, through 2:00 in the morning, but by the time rush hour is here, on thursday, it is gone. so, temperatures then have chance to soar into the lower 60s, which is something we have been looking forward to all week long. right now, it is 42 degrees in philadelphia, 30 in mount pocono. forty-three down in dover, delaware, and 36 degrees in lancaster. we are headed to at least the upper four's today. maybe more. all depend on how much sunshine we get. the rain comes at night. 61 degrees, tomorrow, way, 47 friday, and this is a chilly trend, because by saturday morning, when it is cold again, we could see a little bit of snow. at least in the morning. we got to nail that storm down. but it is a holiday weekends, the rest of the weekend, at
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least so far, look like it is dry, with seasonable temperatures for january. bob kelly? >> does that mean the kids are off from school? >> uh-huh. >> here we go again. >> kids coming to mike's house again. mike, you good with that? >> no. >> they had a great time the last time i dropped them off. >> it is a day of service. maybe your kids could go volunteer for the day? >> mike will put them to work. he has plenty of things to do. morning, 6:17. guess what today is? national jump in a puddle and splash your friend day. you have plenty of opportunities to do that today. we're not dealing with the snow. but, mother nature, gave us free car wash, all the rain, melting that snow, there is puddles everywhere. but, in areas north and west of the city, where the temps haven't quite reached above the freezing mark, that wash can just be slippery as the ice. downtown we go, live look the vine street expressway, looking good. three separate accidents along this stretch of the 30 bypass, right near the chester airport. so look out if you are leaving coatesville, and there is the
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spot, i just got call from my buddy john, he said, bobby, it is icy up here. north and west of the city where you're just kind of hovering, trying to reach 40 degrees, the rain melted the snow, all of the slush is slippery this morning. possible weather delays this morning, in and out of philly international because of the weather. so just check with the air lean and the regional rail lines having rough go this morning. we've had delays on the airport line, lansdale-doylestown line. those trains two carts short. squeeze it in there, get to know your neighbor. wilmington line also out of the gate with delays this morning. mike and alex back over to you. >> 6:18. federal jury has sentenced charleston church shooter dillan roof to death. same jurors convicted roof last month of killing nine black church members inside the emanuel ame church in june of 2015. roofer told jurors yesterday, quote, i still feel like i had to do it. it took jurors about three hours to reach their decision, the brother of one of the
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slain church members heart broken over his lost. >> i wish that this verdict could have brought him back, but it can't. but what it can do is just send a message to those who feel the way he feels, that this community will not tolerate it. >> dillan roof the first person to face excuse for hate crime convictions. >> the massive manhunt for a murderer continues at this hour in orlando, florida. the reward now stands at $100,000 for any information leading to the arrest of 41 year old marquis lloyd. authorities want lloyd for the shooting death of master sergeant, that was on monday, and the murder every his pregnant ex-girlfriend last month. after lloyd shot master sergeant clay, sheriff's office deputy first class
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norman lewis was killed in a motorcycle accident while searching for the killer. >> what could be the main event in the trump cabinet confirmation hearings get underway today. there was some shouting yesterday. we will see what happens today. secretary of state nominee recommendation tillerson is easily the president-elect's most controversial and out of the box selection. he will be fighting off some tough shots from skeptical senators. >> 620:67:89 joel embiid at it again on twitter. see what he did, against formers sixers sam hinge toy voight for him for the all-star game. getting a lot of vote. ban lot of tweets, mike. >> he can tweet his face-off. yes. we have some lottery numbers.
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hello, peco.
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so i'm calling to see if you can help me save on my energy bill. we can do that. great. i live in a post-war, pre-war, mid-century home and the heating system is a turbine, hvac, reverse hydrogen, boiler pipe unit. well sir, i can see that you live in a twin and based on the size, your usage has been spiking. ♪ that's exactly what i thought. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on.
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>> good morning, i'm sean bell. wayne simmons can call himself an all-star. yesterday named to the all-star team, unfortunately, that couldn't get them a win against the sabres. second period, flyers down by one. sabres, this shot on goal right here. and william, right there, to clean it up.
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the flyers had no shot to win this game. losing four to one. flyers have now lost nine out of their last 11 games. tough. to college basketball, three, villanova against 15th ranked xavier. nola killing xavier in this one. look at this drive, to rack, and throws it down with a two hand dunk. he had 20 points on the night. wildcats go onto win 79 to 54. st. joe's and george mason. in this tight, finds otis living son right there. nails the deep three. to give mason the lead. and to basically give mason the game. st. joe's goes onto lose 75-67. that's sports in a minute. i'm sean bell. all right, the baylor bears, they lost big time too. >> oh, so with villanova being number three right now, does that mean we get bumped up? >> villanova will probably jump up to number two again. then the number one team in the nation will be? >> say it. >> no. >> say it.
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>> i went to mizou and i refuse. >> kansas jay hawks. >> they can be number one for a week, already know they'll get bumped back down. they won't win overall. >> they have to play at ken tunneling i in a few weeks. it will all come to an end. >> a former president and general manager of the sixers is offering his very public support for joe em embiid, who went to the university of kansas. sam hinkie says he's voting for joel to be in the nba all-star game. >> so the ambitious point guard first tweeted hinkie writing i wouldn't here sam hinkie will vote for for all-star. got to do it for the culture. >> course he is not a point guard. 's gigantic man. >> one of the big guys. >> he is one the big, they say. >> the prompter gets you sometimes. >> sometimes. >> hinge then replied posting: i got you. so you and nola, the love hunk i has for embiid should surprise no one because sam hinkie drafted embiid which was the beginning of what's known as the process. which is why we call joe em embiid the process, and also why we say trust the process.
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>> trust the process? how is that? >> trust joel embiid. >> bring it altogether. >> wrap it up in a bo. let's talk eagles football. why would we do that. >> because brandon graham is coming? >> exactly. brandon graham is coming into food day philadelphia. we asked him: why? and he said: i like watching the show. and i'd like to see what it is like to be on tv with you. >> i would like to know what it is like in the off season? do you go on trips? do you hang out. eat bowls of ice cream, sit on the couch. >> probably. >> by the way, i want to ask him if he thinks desean jackson is going to be an eagle. he says he has some inside scoop on that. >> oh. >> here's some inside scoop. sue serio. >> did you sky scareio? >> scareio. >> no, thaws just me on halloween. thank you. look at the rain. it is moving off shore. it is almost out of here. you know what? there is more on the way, along with warmer
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temperatures. find out how mild we'll get coming up.
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i'm asking to you believe not in my ability to bring about change, but in yours. i'm asking you -- >> final farewell from president obama calling on americans to bring about change. we look at some of the top moments from an emotional speech last night in chicago. and how about this? does russia have damaging information about the future
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president? this morning, president-elect donald trump firing back at those claims. >> defending the tax. philadelphia mayor jim kenney addressing critics of the city new soda tax. his message to those people who are all complaining. so have you been complaining? he is talking to you. >> apparently a lot of little kids were complaining. >> he is giving the kids the business. >> probably maybe some soda in stores and things video? >> who knows, maybe those little kids, got up in his face. >> maybe they were like listen, i want my soda. >> no chocolate milk, i want soda. i don't know. maybe it got heated? we'll listen to the audio. >> kids say the darndest things, never know how it could have gone. >> good day everybody, it is, see, can't make this stuff up. it is january the 11, 2017. >> it keeps things interesting, don't youy?
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>> yes. >> never dull moment here. >> hey, by the way, i just got a tweet from michelle. >> oh, goodness. >> see what she is shays here about my party tomorrow afternoon at 1:00 rittenhouse. >> michelle says mike, do you need a date to the park? i'm available, wink, wink. >> two wink. maybe did that just happen? two is a confirmation, mike. i'm trying to -- >> but then of course i'm a guy, i go to see what she looks like, right? and her picture is a dog. >> no, that's a sloth. >> oh. >> doesn't tell you much? >> doesn't bode well does it? >> maybe meet me in one corner, and you guys can meet up. see each other for the first time. >> that might take all afternoon, if she is the speed after sloth. >> true, true. see how that works. (laughing). >> is that a loth wink. is that what that is? slow motion for you? >> what's the temperature
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going to be tomorrow for this temperature for the sloth? >> sixty, 62 degrees, slothy weather, cloudy, damp. we all feel like a sloth when we first get out of bed in the morning. bus stop buddy, rain is out of here, he is drinking glass of milk for national miami being day. there goes the rain. it is just kind of damp and cloudy out there right now. temperature of 42 degrees. 7:22, our official sunrise time, with 13-mile per hour winds, does feel chillier than. that will we talk about milder temperatures, just more reasonable. you still need to wear a coat when it is 38, 42, and around mount pocono, higher elevations, and even in some of the suburbs, we've been getting report of icy spots this morning. so, just take it easy out there, and get ready for more rain after sunset tonight. time of sunset, 4:57. high close to 50 degrees today, bob kelly. >> sounds good. sue. 6:32, good morning, everybody, we get ready to rec n --
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rock-and-roll here. accident right at the cottman avenue onramp here. so for the gang leaving northeast philadelphia, already some delays ahead of you. three separate accidents along the 30 bypass. it is eastbound. right near the chester airport. now, we've also had reports of some icy conditions out in that same area. so, even though we got the rain on the overnight, it is melting some of that snow, and we got the slush going on, like mother nature dumped big old slurpee out north and west of the city. park road at gravel pike, route 29. watch for an accident. icy spots here. right in glenn moore, pa, we got phonecall. and let's go for a ride. the schuylkill expressway, slow going working your way out of king of prussia, headed in toward your conshy curve again everything is wet. so that's naturally going to slow us down, just like regular morning rush hour. so give yourselves some extra time. route 70, the lights are out, at penn avenue over here in south jersey. right near the mall. and septa having rough go, some delays out of the gaeton the airport, lansdale, and the
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wilmington line. mike and alex back over to you. >> let's go back to michelle's tweet. she wants to go to this party at 1:00 tomorrow afternoon rittenhouse square, we need to know, she doesn't have picture on her twitter page. >> now, you thought it was a dog. >> and then you realize, you think it is a sloth. it could be a leap or. >> not sure what it is. >> people at home will know. >> but i doubt it is actually michelle. that's one thing we know is true. >> not michelle. >> i don't think that's her. >> dog. >> that's in the a dog. >> bring your almost or, bring your sloth with you. >> all right, someone claiming to be former british intelligence agent claims that russia has incriminating information about president-elect donald trump. enough to potentially blackmail him. this comes as trump gets ready for his first big news conference, and that is, what, this morning, isn't it? >> it is, it is at 11:00 a.m., lauren? >> that's right. so the last time donald trump held a press conference, in
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the heated presidential run against hillary clinton at that time. he suggested russia could help dig up some of her emails. six months later days from becoming the nation's next president, he will address reporters again facing questions about russia's role in the election year hacking. late yesterday an us official said president-elect donald trump and president obama were told separately about an unsubstantiated report that russia had compromising personal and financial information about trump. apparently, a summary of the allegations was attached to classified assessment of russia's attempt to medal in the election. shortly after the news broke, trump did what he does, taking to twitter to respond, he says, fake news, a total political witch hunt. then late last night, seth myers asked kelly ann condition way about it all. >> the press report was about them going to the president. >> it says they never briefed him on it. that they a penned add two pages to the bottom of his intelligence report. >> i believe it said they did brief him on it.
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>> he has said that he is not aware that far. >> okay. that concerns me. >> well that's a case of he say she say there. press conference today already scheduled. trump was planning to discuss his fight your plans regarding his role with the trump organization hoping to avoid a conflict of interest of course since he will be sworn in next week. now, surely, mike and alex, he will be addressing this latest development at 11:00 this morning. >> yes, it will be the first question. we'll have it right here on fox at 11:00 this morning. >> after eight years in office, president obama said good-bye and thank you to the american people. his farewell address in his adopted home chicago where his political carstarphan ear started. well, he touted his administration achievements and also his legacy. >> he also got emotional at one point, during a special message toward the ends of the speech. he look down at his wife, michelle, and his daughter, and he had to choke back some tears. >> you took on a role you didn't ask for. and you made it your own with
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grace and with grit and with style and good humor. (cheers) (applause). >> you made the white house a place that belongs to everybody. and a new generation -- >> well, whatever i was watching, they had cut away to michelle. >> they did. it was interesting. you could tell her heart was going out to him, but then also malea was crying right next to her, so it was like there is a lot of emotions going on. hard to figure out who to focus on. >> shoot. i wish we had that part of it. >> maybe we can find t i'm sure it is out there. >> okay, president obama also gave a special thank you to his vice president, joe biden.
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>> you became delaware's favorite son. you were the first decision i made as a nominee, and it was the best. not just because you have been a great vice president but because in the bargain a gained a brother. >> i gained a brother. >> again, and he talks about jill and he says doctor jill biden, you know, us guys are like best friends. >> they're all hugging everything else, looks like joe biden was about to cry. but we don't have that either. >> you got it, man, he did the point. >> okay. all right. that would be great, ryan talking to me in my ear, let's see the cut aways. >> the first laid. >> i you as a role model. >> so you have made me proud and you have made the country
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proud. >> see little more emotion when we get to see who he is talking about. >> the president also addressed race relations and warned about being a divided nation. >> voice discontent, they're not just engaging in reverse racism or practicing political correctness, when they wave peaceful protest, they're not demanding special treatment but ' qual treatment that our founders promised. >> speech was just shy after hour. as for president obama successor, the president made only a passing reference to his replacement, republican donald trump. and when some of the people in the audience start today books he said, no, no, no, no booing. this is the way it works in this country. >> yes, i mean, the big theme of the speech was about democracy and respecting that and this is how it works. and he said to people, hey,
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listen, if you really believe in democracy then go out be there there and vote. make sure we're doing what we have to do so people can vote. easier to vote. if you don't like the way this process going then grab your clipboard and get to workment get those signature. go out there. make a difference. >> now you notice in the cut away michelle obama and malea, people started tweeting immediately where's sasha. >> and even at the end, too, more dramatic. because they all went up on stage, all waving and hugging and sasha was missing. yes. >> she was studying at home. what is she, 15? she's 15, right? and she is in high school. she has a big exam today. wow, wonder what subject it was? it must have been important. >> but at the time every was was wondering because we didn't know this at the time where she was or why she wasn't there. there are some theories about her whereabouts from the internet. you know how this is going to go. >> oh, no. >> ya.
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j suspect robbery attempt doesn't go as planned, now in the hospital after a victim started shooting at him. so, steve live in north fill which more details on what happened there. steve? >> reporter: well, bully beat up or just use your fist to threaten to rob someone could end up getting you here in a hospital emergency room and that's just the scenario that played out around 11:00 last night, philly police tell us, when a guy with a gun and license to car at this came out after 24 hour chinese take-out here on north fifth street in olney, when a 19
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year old, shrugged him, then chased him, before the guy he hit and chased stopped running and started shooting, with his legal and license to carry gun, fearing for his life. now, alex, mike, maybe he aimed not to kill, but just to stop this 19 year old shooting him and then staying with him, until police and par mid innings arrive and the guy is stable, fortunately, for him. >> all right. >> okay, thank you, steve. now, we are going to get a look at traffic this morning, with bob kelly. >> good morning, everybody, 6:44, some problems on mass transit. and here on 95, here is a live look at i95, jammo, southbound, out of northeast fill fry academy into cottman avenue. a combination of the morning rush hour. but an accident right here, southbound, at cottman avenue. good morning to bellmawr, new jersey, the headlights coming in toward the city, again, dealing with that spray, coming up off the cars, some puddles out there from the rain on the overnight. septa now whole new round of delays, you got delays on the juan minister line, wilmington line, lansdale line, some of
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the trains at least this one here two cars short. market frankford having some equipment problems. so they're running with delays anywhere from 7:00 to ten minutes this morning. then three separate accident in this stretch of the 30 bypass. one of those chain reaction type incidents, happened about an hour ago, it is eastbound, right near the chester airport. so we're jammed up, coming out of chester county, through coatesville, into downingtown, also, some reports of some icy spots here in glenn moore. not that far from where we've seen those three accidents. so even though we've seen the rain, it is melting, some that far snow but that's causing for some slush, almost like a slurpee got spilled out there. so, that alone is slippery itself. park road at gravel pike. watch for an accident. and here is your travel times. about 12 minute coming in on 422. schuylkill, not bad, double two's there on the clock, eastbound from the can you into center city. it will get little warmer. sue has the details coming up in 15 seconds.
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after a high of 23 degrees, on monday, we were ready for this warmfront to come through. and change our weather pattern little bit. and that indeed is what is going to happen. so, looks like the rain has pretty much cleared the coast, and nothing even left at the shore. now we can talk temperature. and the next round of rain. today will probably get close to 50 degrees, it just depends on how much sunshine, because there will be lingering clouds from the last warmfront, and clouds in advance of the next one. which comes in tonight. so, this is a warmfront bringing some rain, probably after 6:00 or 7:00. let's say after sunset. and temperatures should remain above freezing, even in the mountains, in the overnight hours. so it will be rain. heavy at times. but it is gone before the morning rush on thursday. then we can look forward to those temperatures, yes, 62,
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maybe 63 degrees, and that's by 2:00. so it looks good for the mike jerrick rittenhouse square party. it will be a great one. temperatures right now in the 30's, up third's, 40's, but up in the mountains, and maybe in some of the suburbs, could be slick spots, because it is below freezing in mount pocono, right now. and then we did get the rain overnight. we have 46 degrees in cape may. we have 47 in atlantic city. up inoswego lake, 45, hazleton way up there 30 degrees. just be careful, watch for the slick spots this morning. 48 degrees this afternoon, 60s tomorrow. we cool down on friday. get ready for the potential for some morning snow on saturday, little day gentleman zoo, because saturday is when we had the snow last week. and then it dries out for the rest of the holiday weekends with seasonable temperatures by then. mike and alex. >> nicely done. let's get to the bottom of
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this mayor kenney thing. our mayor, jim kenney, toured and expanded pre k program in south philly yesterday, and he used the session to blast critics of the controversial soda tax, that pays for all of this pre k. >> this is can he children's playhouse, 30 youngsters, newly enrolled, part of expansion will see extra six of 500 children get head start on their education. the city paying for the program with a penny and a half cents per ounce tax on soda, other sweetened sugary drinks. mayor has a message for critics of this tax. here it is. >> your live doesn't depend on soda. so, it is not like an elixir of life that you need to drink every day or you die. so if you don't want buy it, don't buy it. if you want to buy it, buy it. i think in the end the overall majority of people under stands that harrisburg and washington are not providing funds for education. and we need to provide funds for education or these children will languish in poverty. >> kenny criticized from retailers whom he says are
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raising drink prices far beyond the level of the tax then blaming city hall when customers complain. because there have been some reports some people are trying to buy certain, because it is not just sewed, a it is other sweet tea, maybe some flavored water, that kind of thing, where they bought some things, and the tax was just as much as the price of the drink itself. >> so he is saying hey don't blame me. >> so like 1.90, the tax was 1.90. >> exactly. >> wow. now see in the prompter it says it sounds like a horrifying story that i'm about to read. >> okay? >> weather man burns daughter. doesn't that sound horrible? >> it does sound horrible. >> it is not. sue, listen to this story real quickly here. >> oh, ya, i heard this one. >> from breaking news to what's trending on social media in a time of all of this technology, most of us not only rely heavily on the information, that we get on our phones normally, but most of the time saw believe what you are reading, right? >> true. one meteorologist had the best
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response when his teenage daughter used her weather app to challenge miami whether it would really snow. >> calling out her own dad? >> yes. chris hole come, in at lan tax shared what he text back to his 18 year old writing: thank you. maybe your weather app will pay for your college. >> oh. look at that. >> she said the weather app says it won't snow. >> that message re tweeted more than 50,000 times. so how does his daughter feel about all of this? >> she said she's enjoying the attention. >> and getting good lesson how powerful social media is. >> yes. >> look at that. >> his own daughter, calling him out. >> he said -- you said it is going to snow. >> did it snow? >> it snowed. okay? need a human to up. >> all right. >> well, the chance after lifetime for band looking to make it big. baby, how you could win the chance to open for jon bon jovi on tour.
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kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. >> ♪
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>> who says you can't open for bon jovi? you will get a chance to try new jersey-based classic platinum rockers are having a contest to choose bands and sing tears open for their upcoming tour. artist cans up load videos of themselves performing original music. and then big promotion company called live nation will select ten finalists and then jon bon jovi's management will then pick the winners from that group to perform 20 minute sets. the band will begin this house is not for sale tour next month in south carolina. >> okay. so you will be trying out for it? >> , no i can't sing. >> okay. well that's true. can't either. >> it has been tough few weeks for philly rapper, meek mill. >> yes, first he had his break one nicky minaj, and then now, there is an embarrassing moment outside of his mother's home. he fell. look at this.
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oh, that's an intense fall through right in the bushes. he's making the most out of the icy situation because he posted this himself on his own instagram page. it is at his mom's house. he said you can fall and get right back up. he said he fell so hard when he looked at it, he thought a ghost pushed him. >> well -- >> ya? >> yes, it is slippery. >> well, i'm sure another woman will fall for him soon. >> oh, look at that. my thing is in the wintertime, i feel like everybody has one big fall each winter. and whether it will be in the beginning toward the end, i just know it is coming so i brace myself whenever i am walking around, just a moment, i will see it. >> i almost had mine yesterday. >> did you? >> walking out of my own apartment. >> that's when you're most vulnerable, because you don't expect it, go there all the time, you're just trying to get where you're going. you got to be more careful. >> i will. >> donald trump on the defense again this morning. a mid reports that russia has damaging information about him that they could use as
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blackmail, what he is saying about those claims, those allegations, and how it could impact him as he get ready for inauguration day, and his press conference, at 11:00 this morning. right here on fox. >> and we're going to have an eagle in the studio. defensive ends brandon graham. he's going to be here to talk football. and what do you do in the off season, and also, desean jackson, did you hear what he said about desean? >> what? >> what? could he be coming back. >> what? >> do you have any questions for brandon graham? why don't you tweet us here at fox 29, mike at fox 29. >> ♪ >> ♪
6:57 am
this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. honey bunches of oats. this. is. everything.
6:58 am
6:59 am
>> explosive. >> the press report was about them going to the president. >> it says that they never briefed him on it, that they a penned add two pages to the bottom of his intelligence report. >> i believe it says they did brief him ton. >> he has said that he is not aware that far. >> okay. that concerns me. >> russia may have compromising information about donald trump including recordings every sex acts, and truck financial reports. how he is firing back, before his first press conference, since being elected. >> and a final farewell.
7:00 am
>> yes, we did. yes we can. thank you, god bless you. may god continue to bless the united state of america. >> president obama sheds tears while looking back on eight years in office. and looking ahead to america's future. the highlights from chicago and why everyone was asking where was sasha? he's a monster on the field and now we find out what he's like off the gridiron. eagleseagles defensive end brann graham in studio to talk football and the desean jackson rumors. does he want him back? >> good day everybody, it is wednesday. >> mike, mike, mike. >> i'm going to try something new. >> what? >> avenue $20 bill f somebody gives me a vente skinny vanilla latte, and bridges it to fourth and market. >> no. >> i have a 20.
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>> rea


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