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tv   FOX 29 News at 11  FOX  December 1, 2016 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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live from sent city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11. we begin with breaking news we've been following in lehigh county for about 45 minutes now. you see a massive battle is going on right now. the ladder trucks are out there trying to hose down these homes. we're talking about maybe five homes, maybe more now. 400 block of north fulton street in allentown. from what we understand when firefighters first arrived at the scene, one of the homes was fully engulfed with basically that scene meeting firefighters. flames shooting through the ro roof. now, it's tough go right now. we don't have any reports of any injuries but we do know that this thing has spread. that the red cross has landed there as well because displaced families. well they're out there in the night right now. so hopefully they can get this
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under control as soon as possible. right now they got a fight on their hands. we'll have much more as it continues to come in tonight. also right now at 11:00, it's a request from police. take look at these pictures. do you recognize this person perhaps. employees say he put a package on center city doorstep that blew up in a man's face leaving him with devastating injuries. it happened last week. and people in the area have been scared. they've been baffled ever since. good evening, i'm lucy noland. it's a busy night. we have a better idea what the suspected bomber look like but we still don't know why any of it happened. fox 29's chris o'connell live in philadelphia police headquarters with the story. chris? >> reporter: lucy, all out multi agency search tonight continues around the clock for the center city package bomber. moan while, police are desperately seeking the public's help to try to catch him. was it terrorism? was it a hate crime? employees don't have a motive but they do have this. surveillance video of a man
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delivering a bomb to a center city doorstep. >> we were not eliminating any potential motive. atf says the improvised explosive device was put there boy this man described as an asian man in his teens or early 20s. >> i can't get into the actual specific design of the device, but i can tell you i've been in this city for the last 16 years i haven't seen anything like it. >> reporter: investigators don't know if the person who dropped off the package is the same person who made the device. >> the fact that it was actually addressed and mailed to the victim i mean, obviously leads to us believe that it was targeted to him. >> reporter: now police have also announced $10,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of a suspect. the victim jim alden continues his recovery tonight at home. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, chris. 24 hours ago, a police chase ended with an incident are
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innocent woman dead. it has police talking about whether officers did the right thing by keeping up the chase. 55-year-old carol isom was mother and grandmother. she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. last night in west philadelphia. she was in her kia soul at 52nd and locust when a black nissan maxima police were chasing came out of nowhere. just crashed right into her. she died at a local hospital. police are investigating to make sure officers followed the proper protocol. >> chased it for obviously several blocks before ultimately that vehicle crashed into our victim. which is absolutely horrible thing. we want to listen to police radio tapes which obviously will be pulled to so whether or not there was talk of conditions, speed, and things like that. >> reporter: police say the chase came after a gun battle. they have still looking fog white car involved in that fire fight. developing right now a wilmington community is mourning the loss of another firefighter. senior firefighter artis hope
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was battling row home fire in september when the floor gave way. she ended up critically burned. the families of two of her fellow firefighters have already laid them to rest. fox 29's shawnette wilson spoke to the wilmington fire chief this evening. shawnette. >> reporter: lucy, chief anthony good is holding a news conference tomorrow morning on the passing of senior firefighter artis hope in the meantime though he's asking for everyone's prayers for his department. cloud of sad 93 hangs over the wilmington fire department for the third time in two months. tonight senior firefighter artis hope died of injuries she suffered battling a fire on september 24th that was ruled arson. she had been in the hospital ever since with burns over 70% of her body. >> it's an absolute shame. >> reporter: word of her death spread around the city, residents like james, recall the day the fire happened at this home on lake view road in cam bee park. lieutenant christopher leach and
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seen firefighter jerry fickes died in the fire. firefighter brad speakman was hurt but has been released from the hospital. >> considering how the community rallied around those firefighters want they had lost to protect us and keep us safe. >> reporter: wilmington fire chief good was too shaken up to talk after leaving the hospital where senior firefighter hope decide this evening. he gave us this statement over the phone that reads in part "as a female african-american firefighter, she has gone through a lot of advera is the and will remain one of our best firefighters. we want to give our condolences to the entire family. we will be standing and sticking by the family and assisting with all their needs. keep us in your prayers as we deal with this difficult time ". and senior firefighter hope is a single mother of three and a 23 year veteran of the department. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, shawnette. on your radar tonight after sunny day, the cold weather is back. meteorologist kathy orr is here with your forecast at 11:00. >> we're talking about clearing skies and not much wind out there which is good for that
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fire in allentown. >> absolutely. >> um-hmm. temperatures are falling quickly with that clear sky. but still seeing some winds that was upstate new york with some of those lake effect rain and snow showers. we are just going to deal with a chilly evening. market street is dry, it is quiet, temperature 45 degrees. today's high 63. but don't be deceased by that. that was early in the morning and wake up that front temperatures tumbled through the 50. 40 in pottstown. 35 in allentown. 32 in the poconos. 41 in wrightstown and in trenton late this evening. here's a look at your winds. reading 12. allentown southwest at six. pottstown six and northwesterly wind in philadelphia at about 12 miles an hour. and no gusts across the region. we are going see temperatures pretty much stay status quo around 50 right through the weekend. but next week, a major change. a shift in the jet stream that brings this cold arctic air further to the south. getting very close to philadelphia. and that means some cooler
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temperatures working their way back in to our seven day forecast as we get through the first week and enter into the second week of december. overnight tonight 38 in the city. 32 in the suburbs. mainly clear. a little bit of a breeze. and chilly. this time of year it's supposed to be. 50 degrees for the high tomorrow mostly sunny and breezy. seasonal chill and with that wind, that's about 15 to 20 miles an hour, it will put an additional chill in the air so be aware of that. as we look to the local high temperatures the poconos 39. dover 52 and as you can see in allentown, trenton and even wrightstown the high temperature sitting at 50 degrees. as we look ahead on your fox 29, seven day forecast, not so bad for the weekend. friday, saturday and sunday look for sunny skies. high temperatures in the 50s for friday and saturday. cooler for sunday. but at least we have that sunshine. monday we'll stay dry. that's update to the forecast with parly sunny skies. tuesday a chance of showers.
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wednesday's high 51. and by thursday, 46 after that, turning cooler in the wake of a front with low temperatures starting off in the 30s and then getting little bit milder next tuesday and wednesday. but a pretty quiet weather pattern lucy as we are in the beginning of december. many decembers start off with snowstorms. not the case this year. we'll send it back over to you. >> thank you very much, kathy. a two-year-old kensington toddler who died had drugs in his system. two years old. little zyair worrell tested positive for thc which is the active ingredient in marijuana. an autopsy also revealed zyair had serious injuries including a fractured rib. philadelphia police were called to reports of unresponsive child earlier this week and found the child's mother and boyfriend holding the little boy. police are calling zyair's death a homicide. no arrests as of yet. 49 days until donald trump becomes president and tonight he made a big announcement trump told a crowd of supporters who
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he is nominating as secretary of defense. >> we are going to appoint mad dog mattis -- [ cheers and applause ] >> -- as our secretary of defense. [ cheers and applause ] >> but we're not announcing it until monday so don't tell anybody. >> it's a secret. trump's picks james mattis retired marine corps general he served as commander of us central command until 2013. donald trump narrowed his choice to the supreme court nominee to three or four candidates. dozens of chester county teenagers have been playing santa's elves tonight packing tens of thousands of toys and bikes for delivery to needy children all across our area. volunteers mostly from west chester's reston high school
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gathered at the upper mainline ymca to pack up gifts for the delaware valley children's charity. the effort has grown over the 30 plus years and now provides gifts to more than 6,000 ned dee children in our area. local families and companies and charitable agencies donated the toy. the volunteer packers have definitely been reveling in the holiday spirit. >> i think the most insane thing waking on christmas morning knowing there are thousands of kids guesting a christmas and you were part of that. really cool feeling. >> these loaded up trucks will head out tomorrow ready to bring big smiles to whole lot of children. did you perhaps have a glass of wine tonight or enjoying one right now? the type of wine you choose could put you at risk for potentially life-threatening disease. he wasn't just a rapper this guy they called bobby dimes shot to death earlier this week here in wilmington. he was a father and a son. the truth from all the people
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closest to him just a minute. >> princess cruise line is in hot water. the company agreed to pay $40 million in fines and plead guilty to several charges of illegally dumping oil into the ocean. authorities say that penalty is largest of its kind. princess and its parent company carnival will have to submit all of their cruise ships to five-year environmental compliance program. ♪ you have cancer,
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>> breaking news out of lehigh county. fire still raging in allentown right now. the red cross is helping the families who's homes are burning on the 400 block of north fulton street. several families need help. now police tell us as many as five homes are involved in this and we're also hearing that the roofs of some of them have actually collapsed. so far no reports of injuries. as you can see, firefighters have one big battle on their hands. as we get updates we of course will bring them to you. atlantic county investigators are looking for a killer after another murder is rocked the area. police say someone shot and killed a man in the woodland condos in mays landing last night. authorities have not yet released the name of the vick toy. fox 29 spoke with a witness.
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>> i pull the curtain back and heard the gunshots. the guy was like looking up at me at the window right here. >> homicide comes days after gunman killed one man and injured his brother in hamilton mall parking lot very close to last night's murder scene. police have not said whether the two are connected. unfortunately, we seem to have stories of lives cut short by gun violence every single day in our area. very rarely do we get a deeper glimpse into those lives and the lives left behind. delaware man hoping to make a big as a rapper is now among the victims of gun violence and fox 29's hank flynn spent time with his family who still cannot believe he's gone. >> some people know how big his heart was. how much he loved his family. his children. and his mother. ♪ >> reporter: this is wilmington, delaware rapper
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bobby dimes. the song is his 2013 hit out delaware. bobby was regardrd as arising star in rap until monday night when he was shot to death near jefferson street in wilmington. his mother trudy says jealousy is to blame. >> he want the to go to the street, there's haters and that's what it was haters on my son. because he did exactly what he said he was going to do. he told them when i come out of here, i'm going to put delaware on the map. and he wrote out of delaware which was hit, put delaware on the map. and he did it in less than a year after serving three years. >> reporter: trudy admits her son was no saint. the rapper whose real name was robert had done time many rappers have and out on bail facing weapons charges when he died. i met sean near jefferson street memorial. >> how are you all? >> sean dell zen us these
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pictures the mother of one of bobby's seven children he loved them all and was doing right by them. she said for them she's outrag outraged. >> they think the world of him. like this was so hard to take him from his family. it was hard for ya'll to take him from his kids. like this has to stop. like the violence has to stop. >> reporter: so according to the wilmington shooting delaware online database there have been something like 122 shooting incidents in wilmington so far this year. 21 fatalities including bobby's and something like 140 victims overall. it's a smidge down from last year's five-year high but still we got to get through december. those who loved the recently departed try to remember the good. >> i just want everyone to pray for his family, for his kids, number one, for his mom. >> ♪ >> reporter: for bobby that was family and talent as rapper
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and as witness to the world. >> all that stuff he saw on the streets and that's what he talked about. >> reporter: maybe you new him as rapper bobby dimes. but there was more there there usual system. no arrests have been made. if you know anything contact wilmington police. hank flynn, fox 29 news. you see it, you shoot it. our fresco users helping us to show what's going on in your neighbor. what's going on tonight, iain. >> fresco user on the scene of a house fire that sent smoke into the air in west physical. we showed you the active scene on fox 29 news at 10:00. fresco user kay zen us this ground building. the building was vacant. it took crews about 45 minutes to get things under control. the good thing is though no one was hurt. fairmount park now where the holidays are in full swing. arlene sent us this video historic houses in the park all decorated for the season. today the fairmount park conservancy opened up things for
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sneak peek and this all opens up to the public on the weekend. fresco user arlene takes us to sent city volunteers helped build 200 bikes for deserving kids. workers from amazon along with members of the philly pops were hard at work this morning. they marched the bikes down to the kimmel center. that's where the group will give the bikes away to the kids of military families tomorrow. when you see news happening take out your phone and shoot it and een use the fresco app to send it to our newsroom and get paid. lucy. >> man arlene lee cleaned up tonight. she got cold hard cash. two stories. all right. thank you very much iain. your health now. watching what you drink people enjoy a glass of white wine every day may be slightly increasing their rick for melanoma. researchers look at more than 200,000 people. white wine carried as much as a 13% higher risk of melanoma same not true tour beer or red wine or liquor. why you ask? i asked the same thing. we don't know. the study appears in the journal cancer epidemiology bio markers and prevention.
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fox 29 has proudly partnered with the kellyanne dolan fund this year to help as many families as possible and you can too. it's very simple. just adopt a family by, you know, donating unwrapped toy for children up to 18 years old or target or wal*mart gift car. drop them off at the wissahickon firehouse on december 5th and 6th. jenn fred will be live there on december 6th government to for more information. sean bell in the house. >> lucy, today nerlins noel reiterated today there's a problem with this big man situation. i couldn't agree more. something needs to change. i'll tell you what the sixers should do in my sports commentary. ♪
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♪ don't let the food you eat during the day haunt you at night. nexium 24hr... shuts down your stomach's active acid pumps...
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to stop the burn of frequent heartburn... all day and night. have we seen them before? banish the burn with nexium 24hr. it's just a cough.our cough, sfx: woman coughing you'd see how often you cough all day. and so would everyone else. robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts up to 12 hours. robitussin 12 hour cough relief, because it's never just a cough. ♪ ♪ lend him a helping hand. ♪ put a little love in your heart. ♪ ♪ take a good look around... ♪ ...and if you're lookin' down, ♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart. ♪ ♪put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart. (avo) the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety million dollars to help real people like these.
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sean bell takes on the problems with the sixers big men. his commentary 15 seconds away. ♪ >> you have the feeling you can't work in a log jammed position. >> i don't think the roster change. that's nerlins noel saying the sixers have too many big men and that this thing can't work and i 100% agree with him. don't tell the man because he's speaking facts. joel embiid, jahlil okay for nerlins noel pay the same pig. there's not enough minutes to go around. brett brown reluctant to play those guys together. then you add dario saric and
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richard holmes, listen, that just means this thing can't wo work. too many guys over there. nerlins noel needs to be traded for something before he leaves for free at the end of the season. brett brown needs to figure out how to play okay for embiid together if you don't talent will be wasted on the bench and you'll stunt the players growth. this team will never be a real contender until you get balance on the roster and figure out what you'll dodd do with the big men. lucy. >> thank you very much, sean. taylor swift number one on the highest paid musician list. no surprise whatsoever she's always number one apparently lately. forbes magazine says she's earned $170 million between 2015 and 2016. yeah. a year's work. how did she did it. record setting tour, her songs and endorsements. band boy one direction made $110 million from all their direction they ares. adele, ma-ma donna and rihanna round out the top list from
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forbes highest paid this. >> there's this. this woman here i think needs to be paid much more money because i mean look at those mows. you could be out there shelling out world tours. kathy orr at the tree lighting in north philadelphia. what is that dance move. >> rise of the ridge six annual holiday tree lighting. >> right. >> what were we doing. >> something shuffle. >> cupid shuffle. >> cupid shuffle. >> "the q" was out there with me. there's w right there. you actually kissed him plan add big kiss on him. >> right on his cheek. >> i saw that. on local television. >> he's not going to wash that. >> it could go viral. [ laughter ] >> big old lipstick marks on "the q" show tomorrow. >> and watch "the q" show on "good day philadelphia" tomorrow. >> we're back here 4:00 a.m. fox 29 morning news, "good day philadelphia". we have more time you can teach sean and i the cupid shuffle. >> i could. >> sadly we don't.
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hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on.
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- >> there was a race war on tv last night of sports. tomi lahren was on trevor noah's show. >> for somebody who is not racist, do you have to spend a lot of time saying i'm not race snift >> she canceled an appearance on "the breakfast club." charlamagne said he can get to the bottom by one question -- >> so whether or not you're not racist? >> it's a good way though. >> whether or not she likes dark meat. >> it's a good way though! >> the victoria's secret show is wednesday night. kendall jenner, gigi hadid, bella hadid is, and after they all went out and pigged out. >> what do you mean? ere's going to be explosive t diarrhea if they do this. >> you're assuming food makes it all the way through their digestive track. [laughter] >> barbados celebrated their 50th anniversary of independence yesterday and rihanna and pr


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