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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 7A  FOX  October 26, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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>> robbery of luckily department store, only the latest, in a string of crimes. >> rittenhouse square, how police are vowing to keep the area safe. >> i have to confront this again in my life, when i went through the dog biting, when i lived through the bathrooms, i gag if i have to see it again. >> barone ers, coming together, after the most recent allegations of racial discrimination in the city's gayborhood. plus meeting overflowing with concerned resident.
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>> plus talk about what could be done to fix the problems. >> boil over on prime time tv. >> cannot defends that statement. >> people like you. using language, that's inflammatory. >> the comment about donald trump, that led to this shouting match, between megan kelly, and trump campaign advisors, newt gingrich. >> hour away from sixers basketball, sixers open their season at the wells fargo center tonight with the roster full of young players, destined to be stars, sixers ceo scott o'neil here to talk about the team's bright future >> now, normally scott o'neil, the guy that runs, well, ceo of the sixers, normally bridges a kay by. >> he better come by with a cake. >> bitter have a cake, scott. >> ready for some cake. >> middle name joanne, lady gaga's middle name joanne, her
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aunt was named jay joanne. >> her latest cd? >> her latest cd. >> hi everybody, it is wednesday, october the 26th, 2016. this is who is going to shape up to nice day, but cold, freeze warning. >> frost on your pumpkin kind of morning, then nice recovery later on, seven out of ten. there is bus stop budd which sixers cam on, plus the warm coat, plus the gloves, oh, ya, frosty start for sure, moments away from sunrise time, actually 24 minute away. 29 degrees in reading, and millville, wilmington, delaware, wacking out the door to 33 degrees, right now,
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plenty of sunshine, though, it will take us into the lower 50's, maybe the mid 50's, by the end of the afternoon. what happens after that? well, we have the seven day forecast coming up. what you got happening right now, bob kelly? >> a lot going on, good morning, 7:03, on a wednesday, kind of falling off on the hinges here, the live look at 295. this is northbound lanes of 295, right at route 30, which is a white horse pike. only the far right lane getting on through. that's causing major back up, on to the 42 freeway. and then impacting folks trying to get in toward philly again north 295, the accident at route 30. we will check the other ones, westbound on the schuylkill, crash near passyunk, south philly. some downed wires, flourtown, stenton avenue. also going to find a crash new jersey turnpike, southbound, as you head in toward the delaware memorial bridge. you get a chance to use the seat warm they are morning, because it is cold, when you step out the front door. live look here at the 30 bypass, for the gang coming out of downingtown, headed
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eastbound, in toward king of prussia. unusual delay north on 95, starting starting to feel little hint of sun glare up there, near highland, and callowhill street closed today, with this construction project, right at 13th street. so that's causing major traffic jam. mass transit, some minor delays, on the regional rail lines. to kick off this wednesday. mike and alex back over to you. >> actually, alex and bring trying to get home last night in a uber. we had to go around that 13th and callowhill. remember that? >> sure did. >> that's why i got jammed into it last night, too. >> boy, a string of recent crimes in center city has people concerned of course. >> and now, police, they're really stepping up patrols in the area. steve, talking about this all morning, notice, so many police cars going by. >> reporter: how many retail letters think twice in crimes like the one that hit boyds right down the street from
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target, happen continually? and so, boyds has a brand new white boarded up window, because their other window got smashed. >> third consecutive night of crime. philly police, non-stop on the sidewalk, on the street, in the parking lots. >> more than normal for sure. look at the boyds scene from yesterday, when they got in here. think couldn't believe somebody smashed their window with a car and stole what was on display. and then, nobody could believe the night before on broad street. the city's number one street, and union league, which has been there since the 1800s, their brass railing stolen, so many brides and grams have had their pictures taken, after the receptions at the union league. and then this all occurs, just
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days after the brazing prime time shooting in rittenhouse square. the city's most expensive address. >> feel like it has gotten worse? >> i had to pull my gun already twice on people that come, literally, came in when was inside the store. >> that guy told bruce he might not be here another month because he doesn't want to be the next crime victim. >> this didn't just start. here is video i pulled from february that police put out, never solved this crime. >> this is back in february. >> they hit the vince clothing store, 12 grand in, very expensive clothing. that will happened just six days after somebody did a smash and grab, at century 21,
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at eighth and market back in february, 4:47 a.m., the alarm goes off, two grand in clothes stole then, # grand in damage to the big display window, the old strawbridges & clothier. that's the number one retail address in the city. if they hit that, they'll hit anything. but it is right around the corner from police headquarters. that's the definition of the word brazen, isn't it? >> thank you, steve. 7:07. >> to developing story out of the west chester area. >> birmingham township where lawyer send now.
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>> boarding up, we shot some video after the fire crews cleared the scene earlier, smoke detector sitting on top of trash bin, just few steps away from that front door. no word yet if that smoke de from tore was functioning properly when the fire started inside the house. we also saw a pair of sneakers, right at the front door of the home wonder who ever was inside making their way outside. beyond that though everything else in the home charred, burned, or covered in black soot. crews on the scene, and modally, they new to call in for a tanker to help battle the blaze here. the home sits in a very secluded and wooded area, of chester county, the issue with that, no available fire hydrants on birmingham road here, seclusion got creative calling in part a tank. think of it sort of as kitty pool. the trucks dumped watt near that, so fire fight kearse off-load water to a supply hose they ran up the driveway to that home. the coroner, unfortunately, called to the scene here, pretty quickly and we learned
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around 11:40 last night one victim discovered dead inside the home here. still waiting for more word about the victim, one person dead, an investigation underway, contractors are working here, at this home, on birmingham road to secure the house for family members who may show up here a little later today. >> push to fight racism and discrimination in the lgbt community. >> came together in the wake after growing number of complaints in the gayborhood. people passed large room, to go into two overflow rooms, so many people turned up. wanted to share their own personal experience was racial discrimination. issue thrust after eye can i club in the gayborhood was caught on tape repeatedly using racial slurs against african-americans. mayor jim kenney says listening is a most important thing that he can do right now.
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>> sad, and it makes your heart break. and realize when you are in a position to change it, it is your responsibility to help change it. >> it is unprecedented for this to be happening for the philadelphia commission on human relation toss hold an actual hearing, for us to express these store it, very personal stories. >> we have less than two weeks until election day canned canned tim kaine set to be today, stopping at bucks county community college, kane will also be speaking at muhlenberg college, later this evening. >> okay, and we are getting some early voting data that may show the direction of the race for the white house. >> plus, more clinton campaign emails have emerged, and, donald trump is leading the
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campaign trail to make a stop on pennsylvania avenue. but not in the oval office, flight. >> no. >> different place? >> hey, have you seen his big fancy hotel? doug? >> oh, that's where you are. >> hard to miss when it is hine you. >> yes. >> a lot of work ahead. donald trump pennsylvania avenue project, assurance he will have some presence in washington one way or another. this hotel, occasionally picketed by critics. >> we are under budget, in terps of schedule, we about a year ahead. if we could ever do that in this country, what dave
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difference. >> one of trump supporters gingrich had heated run in last night with fox's megan kelly. >> if trump is a sexual preditor, that is -- >> he is not a sexual preditor. >> that's your opinion. >> can you not defend that statement. >> i am not -- >> i am sick of people like you using language that's inflammatory, that's not true. >> you can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them, mr. speaker. >> and you too. >> all of this, early voting is giving both campaigns early read on the race. >> look at the polls that show clinton with narrow lead, in florida, and you match that with significant turn out from the democrats in the state, it is a pretty good reason to be confident if you're a democrat in florida. >> probably not happy about new campaigning released by wikileaks. some seem to question her health, one between liberal activists and clinton campaign chairman, specifically references top clinton aid
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cheryle mills and e-mail scandal. this is cheryle special. why didn't they get this stuff out like 18 month ago. so crazy. unbelievable, writes, and tan done responds: they wanted to get an i weigh with it. >> hillary clinton will be today, trump after he finishes up here at his hotel will be headed to north carolina and mike and alex, interesting note on the polls. most polls, new pole out this morning from bloomberg, which put trump two-point up. obviously that's all that was in the margin of over r, but shows it will be a tight race there. >> really will. doug quick question for you, i'm sure you probably have a place to stay tonight. how much for a rom there? at the hotel? >> you know i don't know the answer to that question. i know when it first opened, talk of rooms going for $500, you know, that neighborhood. i don't know actually what the rates are. if you go onto, you know,
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booking website. >> we will do that. >> expensive. >> i'll ask my friend, the true vago guy. >> anyway i heard 750. >> i heard 900. >> but they've had to come down because of the lack of interest. >> wow. >> we'll see. hey doug, thank you. >> nice popping collar and everything. >> popping collar. he looks like he belongs there. doug, 7:14. parent rupp set this morning after attack on school bus. we'll have several young kids injured, a group of brawling teenagers ran onto a bus in west oaklane. forced themselves on to the bus, happened near 66 avenue and 20th street in philadelphia's west oaklane, as i mentioned, on monday afternoon. officials say about 20 student from holy cross catholic school were being dropped off when a group of feuding student from two other schools through rocks at the bus. forced their way on to the bus and attack some of the kids.
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one woman's second grade daughter saw it all. >> another student was spit on. another student book bag taken, and of course cursing and everything and yelling. my daughter shielded herself on her book bag, and just stayed, you know, down in her seat. she was terrified. she was traumatized from this. so i mean she would. went from wanting to be on the bus to i'm not so sure i want to be on the bus again. >> of course didn't want to show her face there. school officials confirm three student were punched, but were all told we're told that the injuries were relatively minor. philadelphia police say they of course are investigating this. something happened on monday afternoon. 7:15. >> temple university continues to respond to mob attack carried out by group of teens over the weekend in addition to increased number of school police offers earnings, temple says, it is working with the city and septa, on how to increase it patrols near the school. on friday, eight people, including two university officers, were injured, when dozens of teens crowded the
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street after temple's football game and assaulted or robbed victims. this is one victim, show was held down, stomped on lives up in bucks county went back on campus. >> hi, sue. >> hey, it is cold out there. nothing like me, grasp for the obvious. below freeze flag lot of places which is why we had the freeze warning in effect, frost advisory in effect for the metro area. no matter where you are it is the coldest morning for many of us for the season so far. 31 degrees atlantic sit, 33 trenton, little above freezing in philadelphia. but, in the 30's, 32 in lancaster, up to the north of us, hazleton has 29, so does reading, 27 degrees in pottstown, and doylestown. as we head into south jersey, only 29 degrees in millville. so that's where we are right now. things will be changing though tomorrow because we have
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warmfront on the way, thank goodness warmfront or we could be talking whole different store which precipitation. rain on the way, probably happen late in the day tomorrow. end by tomorrow. not a soaker but do need some rain. so in the 50's today, tomorrow, and friday. get miler and still so far so dry for halloween, bob kelly? >> sound good, sue. 7:17. good wednesday morning, everybody. couple of situations going on right here in the traffic camera. northbound, lanes of 295 near route 30, look at this here, accident kind of pushed out, the concrete barrier. so, the northbound side of 295, that left lane going to be taken out through the rush hour here. >> into route 30 again with the accident, and then the 42 freeway bumper to bumper, this is impacting folks coming in toward philly.
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one street, no worker, no police, just barricades up, building the new building there. >> caused hot mess, will cause mess for the morning rush hour going around the block there flourtown rid, stenton avenue. live look at 422. >> cubs finally in it, got smoke in the first game. have to make a come back. world series kicking off last night two most desperate franchises in baseball, cubs have not won it since 1908.
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>> cory, now, change every things, the club err. his name is kluber. change it legally to cluber. dominated the cubs hitters with eight strikeout, in the first three innings. he gave up no runs. but then the eighth inning this happened. roberto perez provided insurance, throw run bomb to left. indians win. game two tonight. listen to there is little change up for you baseball fans. they'll start the game at 7:00. eastern time. instead of 81:00 pitch was moved up because they are expecting quite a bit of rain in the cleveland area tonight. >> you could watch the sixers instead? >> how about just go to the sixers? it is here in town. >> true. >> home opener. >> plus the sixers might ask you to play because most of their players are injured. >> looking for someone. >> yes. i would wear sneakers down there. >> he's an audition in. >> the scott o'neil coming by, the ceo. largest auto scandal agreement in history, alex.
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>> why nearly half of million volkswagon owners may be giving their cars back to the dealer. >> wow. plus, a dangerous, could this be as dangerous as using cocaine? medical expert issue warning, you know what i am ' talking about, energy drinks and booze. when government bureaucrats refused to approve a cancer vaccine equally for both girls and boys, i stepped in to change that rule. when my own party held up recovery funds after sandy hit us, i took them on and won.
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and when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. but there's much more to do. my mission is to protect south jersey's way of life. i'm frank lobiondo and i approve this message.
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>> listen to there is volkswagon will have to pay up. >> federal judge in san francisco says the auto maker has to pay $15 billion of claims for it emissions cheating scandal, one of the largest consumer set the many in. s history. half nearly half million and audi owners have 2-liter diesel four cylinder engine, will now be able to have their vehicle bought back. >> i'll be darn. 7:29. parent listen to this. and everybody listen. you might have heard that mixing energy drinks with booze is not the healthiest choice, but you see it done all the time.
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>> it turns out this may even be worse than you thought. karen? how bad? >> a lot worse, pretty shocking allegations comes to us from stud bye mixing those two groups of things together. the study warnings, mugging energy drinks, and alcohol, can be just like using cocaine. this is according to researchers from purdue university. they said effect on mice, found that given that combination, those mice showed physical and neuro chemical signs, similar to mice, who are given cocaine. researchers believe the combination of energy drinks and alcohol on a young person's brain specifically is as severe as cocaine and more fear and -- morphine and can affect them for a long time, cumulatively, you can be building up high tolerance, which is so dangerous, because then it can lead it people drinking more, trying to achieve that same effect, when they'll keep chasing that same, you know, feeling once again, creating further harm.
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so they say it is very alarming and don't do it. >> what do you normally mix it with? vodka, the energy drink? >> like a red bull and coke, red bull and vodka. >> yes, remember when the four locos were real popular, all of the stories we did on those, yes? >> oh, they're out of here now. >> they are. >> karen, thank you for. that will passionate push to fight racism and discrimination last night, man, this got heated at times, talking about the lgbt community here if philadelphia. hundreds of people voicing their frustrations, what they want to see changed. >> bring your kids and halloween cows tombs in the parking lot of the depford mall this saturday october 29th. from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. they will be able to explore the trucks they see but can never touch. ride a hey ride and trick tore or treat. kids are free, and the event benefit the vets multi service center.
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hey, don't shoot the messenger, but that other messenger? he's been lying to you about katie mcginty.
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the truth is, in government and business katie mcginty's been a leader in clean energy. she's never done anything illegal or improper. turns out, the smears against mcginty are paid for by special interests and wall street billionaires who've spent 20 million dollars to keep their guy, pat toomey, in washington. that's the real message. majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising. i'll get ♪ to the diggy ♪ diggy diggity do. ♪ ♪ this is my town. if you dont know now you know. ♪ ♪ do that thing that you do. ♪ ♪ i'll show you a new move. ♪ ♪ check out the diggy diggy diggity do. ♪ ♪ i'll get you dancing to the diggy diggy diggity do. ♪ ♪ this is my town. ♪ "save five when you spend thirty on costumes and décor at target." but pat toomey actually owned a bank. most people owe the bank.
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and when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws... to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you and... line the pockets of wall street millionaires like... himself. pat toomey: out for himself, all in for wall street. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> hours away from new era in sixers basketball, sixers open their season at the wells fargo center tonight with a roster full of young players, and also, roster full of injured players, too. >> sue is certainly healthy, and ready to go for us. >> sure, put me in, coach! we've got freeze warning in effect, for a lot of the area, and then, frost advisory everywhere else. >> right around freeze withing your temperature wacking out the door this morning, so take bus stop buddy's advise, he has got sixers cap on, this is from the philadelphia union, they're in toronto, starting the playoffs tonight. temperatures are in the 20's, 30's, off to frosty start, even with the sunshine. now we just had sunrise at 7:24. it is 38 degrees, out there. and it is going to stay cold,
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for awhile. in fact, frost advisory and freeze warnings in effect until 9:00 a.m. 26 degrees, in the mountains, 29 in reading, 29 degrees in millville. we love the number 29 at fox 29. not when it is the temperature, stay in the 30's throughout the rest of the morning for us here in the city. 49 degrees by lunchtime. finally inch into the 50's, at least a good looking day, bob kelly, even chilly. >> you got it, definitely chilly. just saw scott o'neil from the sixers pull up. if he doesn't have a cake not coming into the building, all right? lock that front door. cool shot for you here. the skyline, center city philadelphia, the sun bouncing off the buildings. no problems yet coming up and over the benny. we do have accident though, this is northbound 295, right at route 30, and that's causing a jammo from route 130 through the 42 freeway, all the way up to route 30. the white horse pike there. so watch for delays, and then, delays on septa's mark frankford, calling it an equipment shortage. who took the trains?
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>> warmest way to go. well, racism in philadelphia. >> the topic of hot conversation in hearing last night before the philadelphia commission on human relations, it was packed, man. >> so packed, they had to fill two overflow rooms. two people showed up. they wanted to share their own personal experiences with racial discrimination issue thrust into the spotlight in september after the owner of eye candy club in the gayborhood caught on tape repeatedly using the "n" word, video from three years ago, but recently was put out there. the owners of bars and restaurants in the city's gayborhood were subpoenaed to attend the meeting and spill their anti-descrimination andres code policies the public expressed their concerns.
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>> there was nothing the owner of eye canned can i do, say, give or be to me. >> happening every single day. >> has to confront this, again in my life, when i went this through the door -- when i lived through the bathrooms. i will gag if i see again. >> the mayor was there listening. he says the commission will issue a report based on last night's meeting and his office will take a serious look at the recommendations that comes out of this meeting and the study. >> so we have two guests with us, to talk about this, we have ernesto ends philadelphia magazine g philly and also keys, with the commission of human relations, commission -- commissioner that far. >> so are you going to be in charge of putting this report together? >> yes, i'm a part of it, been a part of it even before i was commissioner. so dedicated. >> that's heavy duty work. >> absolutely, it is needed. >> first talk about last night, how the hearing went. we've been aware of this, all of this going on for awhile.
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we know people waited for last night, ernest i know you are one of the people who got up a to spoke. we heard amazing testimonies. how do you feel it went last night? >> i was not satisfied with it personally. i felt like this was something that social security going on for decades, not all of the barone remembers there at the event, none of them spoke during the testimony, so it was a written statement by one owner, but there was a lack of accountability, i thought they would provide for the community, many people walked out of there still feeling as though there wasn't a sense of justice fit like larger town hall except just done with government officials, and public record. >> both of you answer this for me if you would. what has been going on for decades? is it people of color being turned away from these bars, restaurants, and other businesses in. >> yes, absolutely.
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so, for over time, people of colors, particularly black and brown faces have been excluded from not only these bars, but also, what we found out last night, non-profit, intakes cents that are built to support us. >> this sounds like 1966. >> yes. >> not 2016. >> that's why there has been linear of change over time. that's why this period right now is so important. because, last night, was a build on history right? last night was a built to hear what has happened, but also to gain recommendations for the youth your. >> yes. exactly. >> so what excuses do these owners use? >> it is a lack of transparency, at the end of the day, many of these barone ers, you know, do not feel like they have to, they have relationship with government officials, they're funding political campaigns. >> what would they say to kick you out of the dar? >> they don't say anything. at the end of the day it is the bouncer at the front basically telling that you this is a million is he. what can you do?
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>> what? >> here is the truth. there is no tangible policies. we don't see the signs on buildings. we don't see any of it. >> what is it, dress code. >> dress codes, i.d.'s, your skin color. >> they're saying you can't come in here because you are a person of color? >> it is covert racism. understand, when you say no timber land boots, policy many people had to face, we say no sweat clothes, no urban wear, no hip hop attire, that time of vibe -- >> so what you're saying, pick out a popular article of clothing that a black person might wear. >> correct. >> okay, choose that and say we don't allow that either? >> yes. >> not just the bars, but that's where the opportunity comes in to, right? these things have been happening over time. we need to focus right into those. that's why the last night the hearing was so vital to hear those testimonies of those people, but to also center their voices in the
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recommendations. >> eye candy showed up i thought, stood in the hall. >> yes. the reason why the bars were not speaking, because they wanted to center the voices around the people who have experienced it. so to get their recommendations. that's how, and that's how we have to move forward. we have to move forward with community at the forefront. and move forward, we are making decisions, sworn to by history. >> mayor kenney have been report that he was there. he said the point was solicited and he didn't speak either. so what happens? when we move forward, because these, people who smoke, they were saying hey, we've been feeling this. so now they're out there, it is on public record. >> yes. >> now what? >> now what? we're going to move forward with the recommendations. you know? enforcing education, one of the biggest things that people are looking to prioritize is the communication of how to file claims. >> how do we get institutions and establishments, that's powerful, that's something that has not been done in the past right? and after that taking those recommendations, moving
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forward, pushing out a report, but also, enforcing the policy. >> all of thee document, if you discriminate against someone, there is zero tolerance for that anywhere else. >> this is happening to i believe straight people, we would not be having to go through this bureaucracy. we wouldn't have to go through these extreme measures. i think real transform of change will come when the community steps up and they show economic changes. >> shut n and do something, and he's trying to do something. >> let me clarify. reports are great. they're doing something, sanctions have to be levied. people have to really feel like, because you could keep making recommendations, but at the end of the day, this shouldn't be a conversation. >> but when you are defending people, this has been going on for 30 years, mine you.
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this is more than 30 years, but adopt g this, reports already done. at g philly we have fanny smith say they've done the same research and they had already sent this information in the late 80s, there has been town hall meetings for over the past year. >> i was telling stories, i'm tired of having to go -- >> you wanting? >> i wantings. i think what it boiles down to, saying that you're going to take a spirit, the mayor says take strong look, strong look, i want strong change. >> absolutely, it takes -- it takes leveraging of different people in different institutions. and that is what's going to happen. as someone who has been a part of this, even before the commission, trying to make sure that change happens, we have to engage different people at the table. >> and we have to engage in a
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commercial break. >> so we thank you. >> continue to update for you. >> i don't want this to happen again. i don't want it another year. i don't want to see the same things happening. >> you wantings and you want it now. thank you both. >> okay, so police are on high alert in center city. criss-crossing all around rittenhouse square. because of a lot of vandalism, and violent act over the last three days specially. we're on it. biden: this is what i know about katie mcginty -
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like me, she has pennsylvania working class roots, and she's never abandoned them. hard work. family. playing it straight. that's katie. and the ads attacking her? they're a bunch of malarkey. katie's career is about looking out for families like yours. creating jobs, keeping our environment safe. she's a wife, a mom, a basketball fan, a homework supervisor. she's like you and she'll fight for you in the united states senate. i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message.
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>> good wednesday morning. look at this out there, 202, hopefully warms us up. thirty-eight, stepping youth the front door, you're going to feel t getting hit in the head like a stale bagel. he definitely cold out there wearing the gloves, the scarfs and hitting the button for the seat warm they are morning. live look here, at the vine street expressway. bumper to bumper, folks trying to cross town, get into 30th street station. problems on 95, southbound, we had disable vehicle, in the construction zone at cottman avenue. so, watch for a delay from academy on down. also, big delays on 29 # five,
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so northbound approaching 42 through the loop around through route 30 from earlier accident. looks like the crash kind of damaged that concrete barrier there. and septa says, they are a little short on their market frankford cars today. so, no a or b express service, all trains, making all stops, that's probably god news, because you do not want to be standing out on the train platform any longer than you have to. specially on this first really c-cold day of the year. how cold is it going to get? how long is it going to hang around? sue has the answer coming up in 152nd. >> 7:43, freeze warning in effect, now, we warned but it yesterday. but, there is nothing like walking outside, and feeling it for yourself. temperatures in the 20's, and
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30's, in the suburbs, and in the city, we're in the 30's, just above freezing,. >> so little frost on your pumpkin, 33 gross in wilmington, in the 20's mount pocono, reading, allentown, pottstown, lancaster's right at freezing, it is cold down in south jersey. it is cold everywhere. but here's the good news, there is warmfront headed our way, tomorrow. which means, when we get precipitation, it is not going to be frozen. now, there could be a flurry or two up in the mountains, but anything that's a wintery mix will stay north of us, don't have to worry about that just yet. average high now 63 degrees, we whether below average yesterday with the high of 56. and it will be even chillier today, with 53 degrees, tomorrow, the rain arrives late in the day. and then it is winnie on friday. so the temple game saturday, little bit better in the mid to upper 60s, same for sunday, the best news of all, halloween forecast, dry, and not too cold. so that's a look at your seven day forecast, philadelphia
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76ers ceo scott o'neil coming right up on good day philadelphia after this. our children, they look up to us. what we value, how we treat others. and now they're looking to see what kind of leaders we choose. who we'll entrust our country and their future to. will it be the one respected around the world, or the one who frightens our allies and emboldens our enemies? the one with the deep understanding of the challenges
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we face, or the one who is unprepared for them? a steady hand? or a loose cannon? common sense and unity, or drama and division? a woman who's spent her life helping children and families, or a man who's spent his life helping himself? our children are looking to us. what example will we set? what kind of country will we be? hillary clinton, because we're stronger together. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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>> okay, so why do i have scissors here in this ceo of the 6ers, scott o'neil, better have a cake again this year. is he here? because i want to slice open this box.
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he got t hey! for you, two, anything. >> hello? you excited about tonight? >> can i not wait. opening night, oklahoma city hundred nerve town 8:00espn game. we'll be watching on of course. >> okay? >> all right. oh, they do hold it right. >> wonderful people. tell them to get new cameras. >> thank you for the cake. really great. you know we've been waiting on this experiment for the sixers for years now, haw it come to fruition? man, you pacca strong box, man. >> that's how we do it, get up, get on here, i'll hold the bottom. >> oh, gosh, okay. do we have the overhead today? this is normally -- >> we normally have a beautiful -- what is it? okay. you got it? thank you for this.
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>> joe em embiid. >> look at the headlines today. every single paper in the area has it. yes, i've been waiting for three years now. >> joel. >> the metro's, here, off on the right foot. >> i don't like that as much. >> you don't like that one? >> okay, i bet you like this one here. hoop dee do. >> hey, he is a special player. >> how special? >> to have a clan to be transformational player. we have to keep him healthy.
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on nice comfortable, he is competitive, fire to his game. he can do it all, he is anchor on defense, offense so fun to watch. >> is he one of the best young players you've seen. >> best i've seen. >> say it again? >> best young big i've seen. >> hey, if you're not a basketball fan, what's the term big mean? he's very tall. >> thank for that mike, you really broke it down there. >> way to bring it. >> let's talk about the other players. four shot of i guess, you know, dario not in this pick. maybe he is. >> dario is there, on the left. >> on the left. okay. so, they're good. if they were all on the court, this could be one of the best teams in the league. >> one of the biggest teams in the league. >> it would be big. they're all big. >> seven footers, the guy six-ten, dario coming over, drafted him couple of years ago, same draft. akia is rugged player, that
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this market is going to fall in love w can he shoot the ball. he's got great vision. wonderful teammate. very tough as nails. >> arriving at the airport, there ready to go. >> listen, he is bit after cult figure in town moles of threes players are, so's been long awaited. joe long awaited. i can't wait for tonight. >> okay? >> let's do it. >> joel, noel is hurt. >> yes. >> small procedure. >> okay, he'll be back out soon. >> yes. >> ben simmons, you got your -- >> january, right, for ben maybe? >> make sure he's healthy and ready to go. >> jewel yo? >> ready to go tonight. >> oh, i really like the new pollster. >> i love, i love your note. i love the whole thing. >> i like the new picture you
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put out of the team. do we have that? i know released yesterday the new picture of the sixers? do we have it? >> oh, there it is. >> you know what? here is the good news. jokes are all about the timing. here is the good news. finally on the court. and there. ton of fun. i cannot wait for tonight. blue cross providing t-shirts for all of those in attendance, love to have you. >> hot is half time show? >> designer. >> that's big. >> yes. >> i'm -- panda? >> they. >> there we did. >> now it all makes sense. >> ridiculous. >> what's going on here? >> favorite sport team. that's how we like to look at
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it. >> also another cool thing tonight. mystery bell ringer. now, because of -- i know who it is. you want to guess? >> because of the injuries. >> it is doctor oz. >> oh,. >> imagine that? >> that's right. they told me i have to. and i have no choice. i got the cake. the carol cake, little -- i didn't know what to do. i know exactly what to do. quality control. >> so i'm ringing the bell tonight. and making a house call. you know how you wait, ding, next? >> yes? >> we would love to have you. >> doctor jay, doctor dray, all of us. >> okay, that's a joke. 's not actually the bell ringer tonight. but he would be a great bell ringer. >> if only. >> i'm not allowed to say. it is ryan howard. >> oh, breaking news. >> oh, ya, howard. >> isn't that great? >> isn't that great? the one thing they told me not to say. >> can't make the pr people
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made. >> pr man just fainted. >> oh,. >> breaking news every day. >> and you're right here, right here. >> this is how it all happened. >> make it will make up for the cake. >> please. >> oh, come tonight. >> come tonight. we have nothing to do. >> i want to be there. >> oh, boy. >> so, doctor oz? i need a new pair of jeans. can you help me? >> i'll help you with jeans, the truth about boots, investigation about taking the cake away to save you, because i love you. >> really it looks good. >> have it tonight at the game. >> doctor oz joins us just after the break.
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>> preston and steve, i've been using edmonds. com to look up information about cars before you buy them. if he put out survey yesterday, said, that women are feeling very confident about going in, and negotiate to go buy a car.
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more than ever before. because it used to be, sometimes, guys would go in, with women, come with me, so -- >> yes, explain this? yes, who buys cars in your family, r preston? >> we do it down the middle. if either one every sus going to get a new vehicle, and we kind of tag team the salesperson, and, yes, neither one of us, i would say, she would be better at it than i am to be honest. >> yes, i hate it we tag team the sales guy. it is a big expenditure. i think the key of the doing the research. now you have more ability, so many sites expedite how much is this car going in your is area, what do similar cast go for, apps to the tone in a can cut not chase. more women realize it is now a quicker thing, maybe to the
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shah grin of car dealers, but easier. >> kathy ever by a -- buy a car. >> i did it two and a half years ago, i hate it, i don't like it at all. but i can certainly go in and buy a car. >> feel like you're getting screwed, whatever happens? >> oh, yes. >> exactly. >> marissa was telling me in the other room right now but had shoe when she was purchasing a car, that the salesperson was saying, now, this is a cup holler. >> no. >> and here is the mirror right above there. >> oh,. >> of course you know, and then she was firing back questions like um, is this six or four cyllinder. >> go marissa. >> so, you know, some ladies won't stand for that. >> and they shouldn't. >> no. >> when i purchased my last carry literally was sitting in front of the desk with the sales guy, i had my wife on the phone, and she was negotiating for me. i was like you know, i don't really want to go that low, you know, no you, you do it, did i it, we got the price she
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wanted. >> one time experiment went in dressed as a woman went up spending the weekend with the sales guy. >> oh, ya? >> great store. >> i did you get the. >> it was a win. >> ya? >> spend the weekend in the car? >> we d we went motoring, it was wonder you. >> did you get the un coating? oh, ya. because pubs tend to fly up. >> sure. >> and hit you, from underneath. >> see you next week. >> all right. take care, guys, see you later. >> good day october the 26, 2016. >> from the fox 29 studios, this is good day philadelphia. >> i'm telling you center city on high alert. >> it does make you think and like look at your surroundings as you are walking. >> police officers flying by, back and forth, all over the area around rittenhouse square specially, for the third time in a week. criminal strike again, that is resident concerned but not
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shock. >> struggling to slip into the jeans? don't throw them out yet. doctor oz joins us live in studio with the secret you need to know before you buy another pair. >> local 14 year old boy makes shoes to order. he has his own business. how friend inspired his business. plus he joins us live to create the good day shoe. >> is this the coolest grabby? >> ♪ >> eight a year old from our area shows never too old to rap. >> ♪ >> oh, i can't wait to meet
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her. she's in the green room right now. >> okay, i have dilemma here. yesterday i got a text, started with a picture, and then my daughter jessica sent me text, and saying: thanks, dad, what a wonderful surprise. thank you for the flowers. now, the card reads: fall is in the air. hope you have a wonderful week. thinking of you. dad. here's my problem. i did not send her flowers. >> oh, no. >> now, i can tell that's her office, because you can see out the window in the picture there, the highrise building. so i haven't contacted her. what i thought about doing is just taking credit for this. >> sure. >> i mean i'm going to disappoint her. i need your help. what should dow. admit, call her, say i didn't send her the flowers. what you can do is go to our website social media.
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you know? use the hashtag fox 29 tell her. if you think i should not tell her, use the hashtag fox 29 don't tell her. >> so you're saying tweet and use the hashtags. >> right. >> and you can put your votes in, whether instagram, facebook, twitter. should i tell her or not tell her. when she sent you the text, i said what did you say back so far. >> i said to myself: i'm going to use this for television magician. >> no. >> so the text, you showed me the text conversation, and there is nothing, so she text you that, you haven't respond today your daughter at all? >> that's my problem. i don't know what to say in the return text. >> just leaf her hanging? >> thank you. no, i can't say that. >> we better hurry up and solve this. >> she knows you're working. >> no, she sent it yesterday morning. >> oh. >> we better get on this then. >> you're in a mess. >> this is a mess. >> yes, it is. >> okay, we've got to get to. >> this you want to do this first?
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before we do weather. >> first. >> we have some breaking news out of pennsauken, alex. >> skyfox is over a fire at senior living center. this is a bently senior living on us130. the fire is under control right now. you can see there are still some crews there. we don't see any flames or anything at this point. no one has been taken to the hospital. we'll just keep you updated on this one. >> looks like they certainly have it under control. >> may be out already. >> always difficult people inside, have difficulty getting out. >> they need to evacuate, that's a big deal. but it looks like everybody -- >> looks good. 8:04 now. it will be beautiful day even though it is cold. >> now we can say the term dear accepting sunshine. because it is sunny and bright out there. but it is cold. now we will recover okay. but you need the warm coat for the first time this season. bus stop buddy has gloves on at the bus stop because some of our temperatures are still in the 20's. where i got the sixers cap on too. they open their season tonight
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at home. there is your freeze warning and your frost advisory for today. so bright out there. it is a washed out. 39 degrees, in philadelphia right now. temperatures in the 20's, in the mountains, it has reached 30 in reading, millville, but still below freezing, so chilly afternoon, but lot of bright sunshine. high of 53 degrees. very squint i out there. bob kelly? >> you know, a song called i think i will ' tell her. ♪ i think i will ' tell her. >> they played on the saturday night dance party. 8:05, morning, everybody, another accident on 295. this caused by a crash up near route 30, this one is northbound, right near route 130. so we are bumper to bumper to bumper north on 295, approaching the freeway. a live look here at the blue route. 476. north and southbound delays in the area route one. it is a chilly start. you'll feel it opening up the front door. but the sun popping up to warm us up little bit. south on 95 jammed up from
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cottman down through bridge, a disable in the construction zone, equipment shortage on the market frankford line trains. no a or boulevard service express trains today. all trains are making all stops. mike and alex back to you. >> all right, 8:06 now. >> well, string of recent crimes in center city has people concerned. >> now police are stepping up patrols, steve's been on this all morning long, hey, steve? >> well, mike, the last two days about this time of day we've discovered some shocking crimes in center city, so far, none for a third day in a row, and maybe that is because one thing we've seen since we started working today, at 3:00 in the morning, is a definite, definite, higher presence of police on the street all over the place. it wasn't the same cop going around the same blocks
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constantly. we saw them on bikes, suv's, in vans, patrol cars, vans, you name it, lot of police, and you can understand why after some very disturbing crimes that made people wonder, is somebody going to go into the mayors office and steel his desk next? is something going to steel the john wanamaker eagle at lord and taylor? is something gun to steel william penn off the top of city hall? that's how brazen the christ have been. you have boyde's windows smashed in one of the most prominent addresses rittenhouse square. just a day after the you got the brail railing stolen offer the union league front steps on broad street. not broad daylight as reporters like to say, but in the middle of the night. nobody saw it happening until the surveillance system was looked add. then this all comes just a few days after that shocking shooting in rittenhouse square in prime time. so no surprise there was meeting with the rittenhouse square association monday and commissioner ross was there, and addressing a lot of
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concerns. >> going back to the town watch that's music in my. to my ears, any time, anywhere, when people are in the game, everybody not necessarily have the time, may not be able to do it, but if you can, it is absolutely fabulous. and as you know, it is very effective. i mean, when people see that people can stop in their neighborhood, irrespective where the neighborhood is. it is -- absolutely tremendous. >> well the surprising smash and grabs didn't just start this month. one in february, police released surveillance video of around the corner at 17th and chest nut from boyds, this is vince clothing where thieves broke in, through the same kind of window, were in there there second, got eight to 12 grand worth of clothe, just five days after somebody broke in the century 21 shortly
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after that place opened right at tenth and market, around the corner from police headquarters. >> this has been going on most of 2016. and police have anything to do with it, it will end with the boyds window being smashed here. guys? >> yes. all right, 8:07. now, thanks, steve. >> less than two weeks until election day, vice president can date tim kane is set to campaign in the lehigh valley in bucks county today. >> this afternoon, he will be stopping at bucks county community college. cane will also be seeking at muhlenberg college later this evening. the vp candidate will outline hillary clinton's and his vision of an america, with focus on the economy. >> both hillary clinton and donald trump are making their last attempts to build support in the crucial battlegrounds state of florida. trump just wrapped up a three day tour in the sunshine state, while hillary clinton will continue to rally voters there, as well. the republican nominee is headed down to north carolina today. that would be up to north carolina from florida. but not before stopping in washington, d.c. all over the map.
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his new trump international hotel far, former post offers building, a hotel. >> are you struggling to slip into the jeans that you're going to wear to work today? or to school? are you struggling? are you on your back on the floor trying to pull them ton your butt? don't throw out your jeans. doctor oz joins us live in studio with a secret you need to know before you buy another pair of those jeans. plus: jen is getting cold on purpose. >> okay. can this crazy ice vest that i ordered on line get rid of my muffin top? we will ask this guy. because he looks pretty good. sorry, coach. you said yes. you out.
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no warning, no hearing. it's a lending practice so outrageous, most states
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banned it. but at the bank founded by pat toomey it was business as usual. forcing small business owners out of their homes. toomey even used his power in the senate to help himself, voting to gut rules that protect us and crack down on big banks. pat toomey. out for himself, not us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> breaking news in pennsauken, bently senior living on route 130, now learned two people have been taken to the hospital. so you can see there is still heavy presence thereof fire
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officials, and but the fire is un control. but two people have been taken to the hospital. >> so we'll keep you updated on this one. >> bob, you know about this area? >> route 130 over by old pennsauken mart if you may remember route 130, 73, it comes together, so our thoughts and prayers for two folks there taken to local hospital. and thanks for skyfox logging hours getting over there quickly, we will stay on top of that if anything should change. good morning, jammo 95. southbound, in the work zone, right here at cottman avenue. here is a hot mess to begin with on a rush hour. you got an accident here. so there is a tight squeeze, only three lanes, only two open right now, as you head south in toward downtown philly. so put about 45 minute on the clock, from woodhaven, all the way in to center city. and it is a cold one out there. because you have the chill in the air. and of course the sun's popping out, trying to warm us up little bit. who took the trains? we got an equipment shortage here. i don't know what happened overnight. but there is no a or b express service, so all trains are
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making all stops on the market frankford line. you have had some scattered delays on the regional rail lines, i think the coal temps hitting railroad trains. north on 295, an accident at route 130, another one up near route 30, and little bit of back up on the benny judge those feel are outside with sweater on, but different story for us today. we thought we would start with a preview of the halloween ever-important forecast for trick-or-treating. looks like temperatures are going to be in the 50's, partly cloudy, and creepy throughout the day. now, here's your freeze warning in effect, still in effect until 9:00. our temperatures are still below freezing in many places, or getting close to it, we're
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in the 30's in philadelphia. thirty in pottstown, 26 in mount pocono. thirty-six in dover, definitely, the coldest morning the season so far. but, we have, ya, warmfront on the way, tomorrow. so that's why, when we get precipitation, laser on in the day, it will only be in the form of rain. any wintery mix will stay well to the north of us, just not ready for that yet. the average high is 63. remember, last year, last week, when we were in the 80s every day it, has gotten little chillier. 56 degrees yesterday. we will be little colder than that today. tomorrow, we get that rain late in the day. sunny, windy friday. but things improve greatly, over the weekends, 66 on saturday, 68 degrees on sunday, and spooky sunshine, mike and alex, on halloween. >> thank you, sue, 8:16. >> having problems getting into your jeans? >> excuse me? >> sometimes people think -- oh, maybe i gained a few pounds right? maybe it is not about you. maybe it is something else? >> well, what could it be? >> you know who knows?
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>> doctor oz certainly does know. hi, doctor oz, welcome to philadelphia again. >> good morning, my friend. >> so we want to get into our jeans. no, we are getting into the subject of jeans. >> oh, i always want to be in your jeans as you know. jeans, crazy concept, came about in the four's, they took couple hundred women, paid them to get their voice and bodies check out. measures them in hundreds of places. most meme wouldn't sit around for that long don't have much of money. so gently un nosh wished women. got their jean sizes, so surprise eight today is the same as a double zero back then. >> oh,. >> that's how much inflation has happened. >> no wouldn't they are he don't fit. >> big flaw with jeans, waste zoo -- ways side, hips, other aids, we did big investigation figured out the best way the smart ers and most clever way for to you get jeans to fit you, you can knock the hell/of jeans, a benefit. give you some tricks, wash your jeans inside out. because when you don't, you actually wash out the color
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and inexpensive jeans lose their color expensive jeans keep the nice dark navy color for longer period of time. >> i never do that. >> i shop over the street, charlie's jeans? >> yes. >> he says that. make sure you turn them inside out. >> why didn't i get that memo? >> yes. >> i'll be darn. so, maybe some day down the road you won't be looking for the waist size, it might be hip size, or add hip size. >> jeans caught different ways for different body sizes, you actually want highrise jeans to avoid muffin top. and show ways to style the jeans. most important about health perspective, all over the place, don't blame yourself. don't have bad day because the jeans don't fit. in the same manufacturer we found 2-inch size differences, literally different, not about your body, it is about how they're cut. >> talk food. >> big issue all month long. such popular topic these days, food investigations. what is going on with our food? what's the other half of half and half?
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topic we covered recently. >> great. what? >> so we will start off by getting into topics like chips. if you are going to eat potato chips, you know it is not so good for you, what can you do as alternative? veggie chips are made from powdered veggies, not actually carrots cut up. how about the bake chips? >> or coat until. >> kettle, yes. so i will walk you through all different chips out there. there are some head fakes. it turns out for most people potato chips are probably the best choice old-fashioned potato chips. but make them the right way. teach you how to pick the right bag, make them yourself save some monday. >> i what's the truth about boxed pasta? pasta? i mean, you need to go down to south philly and get fresh pasta? or get the boxed up? and the best stars the biggest topics all of the major food categories, teach you how to make food healthy and taste great. if it doesn't taste great who will eat it anyway?
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>> when? >> starting today. >> oh, all month long. and it is a halloween, spooky as it may seem, tips to help you make something healthier. and always the head fakes out, there people taking advantage of you, trying to sell you thing that seem tasty better for you but aren't either. good example, eggs, one of the health yes, sir dish we have out there. one third every all eggs in america are liquid eggs. and cop on ingredient they add to these things, property i poe pa lean glee coal. >> what? >> eggs that you pour? >> yes. >> oh, egg whites? >> ladle them out. yes. egg white, please don't eat egg whites. >> what? >> you need the yolks. >> yolk has all of the nude rye end you want, does not raise your cholesterol unless very rarely. >> are you yolky. >> i'm yolky. >> gives fullness to life. >> so many people only do egg whites. >> investigation, we go to all of the big fast-food restaurant check out their morning, breck fag meals,
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sausage and eggs, what's the deal with sausage. and good ones, bad one, eggs are big issue, don't go for the head fakes here either. once you know the tips, there is literally four fold difference in health, carol i can health. >> here is the thing that a noise me about your show. >> please. >> we'll reciprocate here. >> oh, i'm sure your list is long. >> alex keeping up with me on this one. >> talking in the commercial break, sorry, mike. >> what were you talking about? hine me back. >> on camera about you, but go ahead. >> once you start watching it, there is so much information, then you can't turn, so i like to turn over to bold and beautiful. >> oh, my god. >> during the commercial breaks? but then i get intrigue by that, then i miss the darn thing i wanted to hear because i'm trying to be health. >> i rare chance you might miss something important, wife ' had the most traveled day tight website, coming down, doctor oz. com. we have the app now. pretty popular. and are you on the regimen,
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regimen are daily checklist. all do you have do couple of things every day. the place where people live the longest? that's what they do. these people are a hundred something years old. four times more likely live to 100 that's these places in america, in philadelphia. >> what are they doing. >> daily items, but they're certainly. for example every day they do little activity, every day they get up, have their little programs, you know, their foods that they eat. they always do a little bit of wine. that's big part of it. >> really? >> sun exposure, day like this, talking about it, get some sun exposure, water is primary beverage. >> they live to 110. >> lot of intonate relations with people they love. >> oh. >> see, i've got couple of those covered. >> now sign me up. >> now he's in. >> i'm like an olympian. >> see this afternoon. >> alex, take care. >> talk about him later. >> we'll hand this will. >> makes me feel bad. >> boy, can i fix your hair
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please? >> people texting from home. >> i know. >> sex, too. >> all right. much better. >> they're sexting about my hair? tragic actually. >> all kinds of things. >> what did you use for gel then? >> that wasn't gel. >> oh. >> like there is something about mike. >> that's the best line. that was really good. >> thank you. >> all right. there is big news, and russell wilson. the birthday surprise, the couple shared, with their fans. >> is she? that's what i figured. >> they're healthy. nearly three thousand miles - that's how far away
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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republican party bosses looked to find brian fitzpatrick. they "hand-picked" him to run for his brother's seat. but all mike and brian fitzpatrick share is a name. brian fitzpatrick supports a radical republican agenda, including defunding planned parenthood, just like donald trump. a hundred and sixty miles down the road in dc, brian fitzpatrick will put his party first, not pennsylvania families. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> congratulates, sierra con firm they're expecting their first child together. quote, on this special birthday i received abundance
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of love from friends and family and excitement today finally share one of the greatest gift of all that god could give, end quote. now, this will be, i guess she really didn't say i'm pregnant we can assume. >> yes. >> baby emoji. that makes sense. >> this will be russell wilson's first child and sierra of course has a two year old son with her ex, future. >> future. now, they got married when? >> there is a baby in her future. >> very nice. >> they got married in july. remember, when they were dating big thing,. >> you're sounding lying my mother now. >> why am i sounds being lying your mother? >> my late mother. she would always, when somebody would get pregnant try to do the math. >> got to count up from july. >> we don't know how much month. >> she would always dot math to see if it worked out, you know, the wedding date. >> we all know they were post whg they finally got the, you know, so they were already really excited. congratulations to them. >> i just did a very old-fashioned thing.
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>> what? >> oh, they had sex before they were married. >> only thing because they would talk about the fact, speaking -- >> they were going to wait. >> so when this yes married? >> july 6. >> she got pregnant july 7th. >> we have a house fire here. skyfox over another fire this morning. what's going on here? this one is in fairhill, this is on the 600 block of west clearfield. >> we did not know of any injuries. man, they're brave getting up on the roof venting the roof of that row home. is that, looks like on the corner? >> white smoke, usually a good sign we'll take a break and get up a date. when government bureaucrats refused to approve a cancer vaccine equally for both girls and boys, i stepped in to change that rule. when my own party held up recovery funds
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after sandy hit us, i took them on and won. and when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. but there's much more to do. my mission is to protect south jersey's way of life. i'm frank lobiondo and i approve this message. i'll get ♪ to the diggy ♪ diggy diggity do. ♪ ♪ this is my town. if you dont know now you know. ♪ ♪ do that thing that you do. ♪ ♪ i'll show you a new move. ♪ ♪ check out the diggy diggy diggity do. ♪ ♪ i'll get you dancing to the diggy diggy diggity do. ♪ ♪ this is my town. ♪ "save five when you spend thirty on costumes and décor at target." hillary clinton: far too many families today don't earn what they need and don't have the opportunities they deserve.
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i believe families deserve quality education for their kids, childcare they can trust and afford, equal pay for women, and jobs they can really live on. people ask me what will be different if i'm president? well kids and families have been the passion of my life and they will be the heart of my presidency. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. i've always taken on the status quo. in harrisburg, they didn't like it when i stopped their perks
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and pushed for reform. as head of pennsylvania's third-largest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions. now, as chairman of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i'm leading the fight to stop the epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse. as attorney general, i'll prosecute anyone who scams our seniors. and i'll hold the oil and gas companies accountable to keep our drinking water safe. i'm josh shapiro. i'll be an attorney general who always fights for you.
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>> coolest granny, she want you to two step. how she is using her skills to pack a difference. >> can't wait to meet her. she'll do some live rap for me. this is my dilemma. >> i got a text from my daughter jessica, lives in the san francisco bay area. >> fall is in the air. and it is signed dad. >> hope you have a wonderful week. >> hope you have a wonderful week. anyway, so she sent me a text. what a lovely surprise, dad. you know, brightened her day. here is the trouble. i didn't send the flowers. here is the dilemma. should i admit i didn't send
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them or revel and soak up this love from her? you know? , for sending them? >> and we've been asking you guys to help us out here, use the hashtag fox 29 tell her. if he should tell her or fox 29 don't tell her. do you want to see the result so far, mike? >> they're saying tell her, you better tell her. >> viewers are honest people. >> keep it, keep the discussion going, and tweet us, too. >> couple people are saying tell her, because people deserving of the flowers could get them. >> who has a dad who actually does since like that. >> who has a dad who actually cares. >> i can't remember the last time my dad sent me flowers. >> really? >> he lovers me. >> hot asks last person that sent you flowers? >> i think pr person in the area. >> oh, sad. >> what are you doing when were you 14 years old, 14 years old, realize how much
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his friends spent on sneakers, how much money his friend spent on buying shoes he was inspired to start his own custom is agents building, eddie freezeenbat is his name. actually standing right next to me which we are about to reveal. hi, he had. >> i hi, how are you? >> good to see you man. >> i was at a street festival, ito open yan street festival. he says i have my own business, i make sneakers, i customize sneakers for people. how old are you? >> fourteen. you know what i was doing when i was 14? >> no. >> absolutely nothing. >> how does it work. >> of two choices, either bring me your own sneaker or i could provide you with a sneaker, and we will pretty much talk out like a design, work on that design, once it
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is over, i'll send up the shoes or i'll meet in you person and then you get your shoes. >> so here is the original sneaker, you've started painting this one. for me? >> gentlemen. >> what do you use acrylic. >> a crick i will let err paint, paint pens to touch up. other than that it is just like -- >> now did you do the shoe behind you on the wall now? >> yes, those are actually for a person named steven johnson plays for the pittsburgh steelers. >> what? you're doing shoes for professional athletes? >> yes. >> you making some money? >> kind of i guess. >> so when do you do this? you're still in cool? >> pretty much when i do home, do my homework first and then just get to work. >> then do you go out on the road? >> duly, in january, we will be starting a kick fest show, sneaker convention, will go over 17 cities across the country. >> you're going to conventions? >> yes. no, we will start a
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convention. >> oh, start a convention. >> pretty much safe environment for people in the industry to come and like showcase products and like buy, sell, trade things. >> what are you selling for in. >> usually my minimum price is eight a dollars but depending who you are or what the design is, it fluctuates. >> i would jack that price up, way up. seriously. well, good to see you. can you show me the finish product on my shoes, what, in about an hour? >> yes. >> okay. sound good. >> he's 14. i was sitting in my basement. >> doing what? >> just drooling on myself. >> all right. big chance, big change to church doctrine. if anything, anybody knows about church doctrine, it is me, all right? no longer allowed to scatter a loved one's ashes. now, what is this? the pope's decision. what the vatican now telling catholics to do with those ashes.
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pat toomey and donald trump: they're just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. "new fallout for donald trump..." "should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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like me, she has pennsylvania working class roots, biden: this is what i know about katie mcginty - and she's never abandoned them. hard work. family. playing it straight. that's katie. and the ads attacking her? they're a bunch of malarkey. katie's career is about looking out for families like yours. creating jobs, keeping our environment safe. she's a wife, a mom, a basketball fan, a homework supervisor. she's like you and she'll fight for you in the united states senate. i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message.
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>> again you can get this done before the end of the show, right. >> yes. >> cool. >> he's like i got this. >> i got. >> this i'm 14 years old, and i have my own business. wow. >> cool. >> well the catholic church issues new rules on cremation and scattering ashes, not allowed any more. >> vatican clarified the rules for cremation, yesterday, in response positive more and more people opting to be cremated after death. new rules approved by pope francis, ban on keeping kree maple the remains at a person's home rather the vatican says ashes must be towards in sacred place approved by the church. >> i'll be darn. now my ex-wife, who died of cancer, i've got little, like a little one, little bitty earn of her ashes in my
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apartment. >> make you should take it to sacred place then? >> where would i take it? church? >> church, yes. >> catholic church right next to my apartment. >> you know there is catholic church, that is attached to my apartment? there is no excuse. >> none? >> i can be in the vestibule of that church, within one minute. >> we went one time,er? >> yes, we went for ash wednesday, got our ashes. >> yes. >> yes. >> and bee sat right down front. >> there weren't many seats because it was ash wednesday. and there was music playing, and i said i would like to hear the music. so we went down and found a place on the front row, right in front of the priest. >> they served wine at mass. and in preparation for that, we had stopped. >> we? >> no we in that.
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>> yes. >> there there was a group. so you. >> true. there was groove of people. and it was after work. ya. >> it was about 8:00 at night. >> the point is you should go. >> you should. >> all right, here's a sobering experience. >> you put on a freezing vest to lose weight. now, i don't know. would this work, jen? i like the idea, but does it work? >> i know more. may one more.
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>> coming up halloween fun this weaken, bring the kids and halloween cans tomorrows, to the truck event in the parking lot of the depford mall this saturday october 29th. it will be from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. be able to explore the truck, that they can usually never touch, hey ride, trick or treats. kids are free. and the event benefit the veterans multi service center and, sue, i hear the weather won't be too bad. >> by saturday okay. won't be this cold in the morning, but still in the 30's, just about everywhere, except the mountains shall where it is still in the 20's,
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39 degrees, in philadelphia. we're headed to high temperature of 53 today. now some rain moving in tomorrow. with warmfront, so it is only rain. and, we get to high in the up ear's, still, below average, though, and friday, it to will be windy kind of blustery day, but good looking with all of the sunshine. now going to the temple game, you should be fine saturday, it is mix of clouds and sun, miler on sunday. cooling off, on monday, halloween, but at least it is going to be dry. and not too cold. alex? >> ♪ >> speaking of cold, sue, how about you intentionally be cold? can you lose weight if you can tolerate freezing cold temperatures? one guy in iceland says it is possible. >> you're motions stunning. you're just surviving. and it bridges you into purity of the physiology, as well as the soul. what's special, is that he kind of has this mind over body control. it is pretty phenominal. when he is exposed to the
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cold, his body just physically react differently from a lot of other people. from swimming un ice, to wearing ice vest, trainers, fit next experts, looking at the potential benefit of ice therapy? wow, jen, i don't know if i can do it. >> that is the question. can you do it? pretty cool. so coach jim steel and i were talking about this for couple of days, right? so first of all, let's talk a little bit about wim hoff. first time you pronounced it. basically submerging his body basically in icy temperatures, lost a lot of weight, but feels it is keeping him disease free. >> so i was listening to pod cast from him. he said he doesn't even get malaria vaccine, anything. >> he said it is freezing the bacteria, what is he doing? >> showbizzes boosts his immune system, i think whole program of breathing, and then you can use your mind over matter with the cold. but he walk up in his shorts.
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>> craze. >> i no shoes. >> so we bring it back a little bit. >> yes. >> still little extreme. so i showed you this thing on >> i forget it. >> we want to check it out. like you would freeze these things, it is being sold for people who maybe work out in the heat that need to cool down. but if you google ice vest for weight loss, this is the thing that comes up watch do you make of this thing wearing this to lose weight? >> give it a shot. you know, i think your body has to work hard to maintain its temperature, so it makes sense, the calorie burning, makes sense. >> one thing we talked about as women, natural scientist and he takes really cold showers, and you say that is probably back to the gentleman that's going through all of the icy stuff, it is breathing, and you say there is some science to that. losing weight with a cold shower? >> yes, i think but it is a progression, you know, i think you start off with 102nd then go up from there instead of jump in right away and go five minutes. >> drinking cold water? >> they say that works too. yes. i mean, i think first of all diet and exercise is number one.
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>> go if you had to lose the last five? >> last kim every pound why not give it a shot. >> you think there is some science to it? >> yes. >> are you going put your guys and girls here -- >> no, no. it has to be definitive. i got to try it myself first. >> would you be too long do this? >> sure. >> then what about the shower thing? you say the shower thing like you start with 102nd, work your way to up what one minute, two minute? >> yes, i think downing it for as long as you take a shower now eventually. >> you. >> but in the common sense, willing to go through that training you could probably not have a pizza twice a week? >> good point. >> what you really want people to do? >> i think do you have start with the things like, that then like you said, lose the last couple of of pounds, why not give it a shot. >> do you want me to keep this? i'm and some prime. >> next segment you should have this on for sure next time we do something, sure. >> i appreciate t i do appreciate you, because you tell it like it is. >> sure. >> see his lacrosse shirt? >> yes. >> softball players were crying. literally crying. >> whimpering. >> screaming, crying, they
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wanted -- >> they are were fired up. >> is that guy's name really jim kneel. >> his name is jim steelment look at him. a sweetheart. i know sorry you want to be a muscle man and mr. serious. >> is that on his id, though, jim steel? >> look at this, here is his office. where is your office? it is over here. >> you have to a jim steel with that name. >> look at his name. >> jim. >> look at this. >> james steel. >> i'm jim steel. >> wow. >> and i'm rocking the arm. >> i'm jim steel. >> hey, big name tag, bill name. >> thanks, jen. not all candy created equal, from a hard timekeeping your hands out of kids halloween basket here. listen up. what kind of sweets you should be reaching for, and which ones you should leave in the bucket. what, are you gonna cry now?
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don't be so gullible mcfly. you sit down, sit down. shoot it, fat boy. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. you are so stupid. how stupid are the people of the country? i don't want to see you in here again. get him out of here, get out. come on cry baby he's like a little baby cry. i don't know what i said, i don't remember. what are you going to do about people who want to be mean and all this bullying. tell me a little bit more about why that's on your mind. i have asthma and occasionally i've heard people talking behind my back. that was really brave. i really do think we need more love and kindness in our country. that's why it's important to stand up to bullies wherever they are, and why we shouldn't let anybody bully his way into the presidency. because that is not who we are as americans. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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>> live look down down phillyment folks trying to cross town over to 30th street stakes. the sun popping out. not doing too much as far as warming us up. but, certainly, leaving us with some sun glare, south on 59, accident in the construction zone. right at the cottman avenue construction zone. so, that's added some time to everybody leaving northeast philadelphia. some equipment shortages on the trains this morning. the market frankford line, there has been no a, b express service all morning, all trains making all symptoms, all aboard, mike and alex back to you. >> well, there is one toy out there that your kid probably want. could be a lot easier to find this year. american girl dolls could be coming to a store near you. toys "r" us will be become the first us based retailer to feature american girl shop. it opened at about 100 toys "r" us locations on saturday. the sections will feature american girl truely new
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calls, and new doll line, accessories, outfits, doll size furniture, don't forget pets, all available. i guess we have to check and see if one of the stores are in our area to let people know if they can go? >> i hope so. that way we don't have to trek the whole family to up mid hat town ma -- mid town manhattan. >> we had pop up girl at king of prussia, didn't we, two weeks snag. >> megan, would you mind checking on that so we can let people know? >> okay? >> so let's get back to the -- my situation. as i told you, i need your help. someone sent me daughter jessica flowers yesterday. and the card said from dad. yes, now is at our office, in san francisco, did i not send my daughter flowers. and i never would have started the card with the line: fall is in the air. does that sound like me?
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>> not at all. >> seriously? >> sending flowers, does that sound like you? >> no. i'm not a big flower sender. okay, so we want to know. >> should i tell her? >> use the tag fox 29 tell her or hashtag fox 29 don't tell her if you should not tell her. >> people are weighing in on twitter here as well. >> kate says you have to send your other daughter flowers, because i do have jill. jess, if she talks to jill, dad sent me flowers, and jill will feel bad about that because i didn't send her flowers, of course i didn't send either one of them flowers. >> ya. >> so i could send jill flowers, and now, wait, looks like i sent them both flowers? >> then that's double lie, only doing it really because you're covering up one lie. that's just deceit. >> well, that's another person said here, too, haven't you taught your daughters to be honest? you have to call her and tell her. all right, how about this?
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how about we call her? live on the air? see what she says? >> oh, that would be good. >> then i guess admit to her that i didn't send them? >> well, could you do that. i've been looking, sorry, looking this up. >> the american girl thing? >> six stores in new jersey! >> okay? >> so we will say what all of the ones they'll be in. but there are some in our area. >> good. good. good. >> good on you.
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yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. my giant.
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>> our friends eddie, he calls himself the sneaker doc, working on customized sneakers, progressing, started with just the white shoes. >> okay? >> and making one that's kind of customized for good day philadelphia and fox, as you can tell there. >> nice. >> a bunch of people on twitter want to know. they want you to paint shoes for them. customized


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