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tv   FOX 29 News at 5  FOX  October 13, 2016 5:00pm-5:57pm EDT

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trail. how donald trump and hillary clinton are handling separate scandals but first more fallout from bridge gate. how one new jersey man is trying to bring down the governor. good evening, and thanks for joining us i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. new jersey judge has just ruled citizens complaint of official misconduct against governor christie can move forward. our jeff cole is live in trenton to break all this down and explain wait means for the governor. jeff? >> reporter: lucy, i actually saw governor christie for moment this morning. he was in the outer offices here in trenton i introduced myself to him and he congratulated for being a reporter with fox 29 and then he made it very clear that he did not want to talk about this finding of probable cause but no matter how you look at it, it bring the bridge gate spotlight squarely right back here on his office. the news that a judge had signed off on misconduct complaint against governor christie is the bridge gate scandal offered at least one critic a chance to pounce. >> it's a black eye for the
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state to have this determination made. it's embarrassing. it certainly corroborate the suspicions that many people have had we have to wait for development to play out. >> reporter: bill brennan filed the court in fort lee municipal court. christie failed to reopen the lanes closed to punish the fort lee mayor a democrat who refused to endorse christie's re-election. now that judge has found probable cause, it's up to the bergen county prosecutor appointed by christie to decide if the case goes forward. steve sweeney democrat from south jersey leads the state senate. he chose his words thursday with care. >> should your constituents think about this. how would you interpret this. >> i think our constituents should entrust or judicial system which is independent. they will make the appropriate decision because they're not under political pressure like others are. >> reporter: governor spokesperson wrote in part, this is a dishonor rabble complaint filed by a known serial
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complainant and political active visit with a history of abusing the judicial system. simple fact is the governor had no knowledge lane realignments. but former christie aid now testifying for the prosecution says he told christie what was going on when the lanes were blocked. it's all some here in trenton needed to hear. >> the testimony at trial and this corroborate the work of the committee and suspicions that many of us had all along that the governor's office was on the operating in the public interest but operating more for the political benefit governor's re-election. >> reporter: now the federal bridge gate file is going on in north jury but the spotlight has been pushed back here. chris christie has denied he knew anything about the lane closures before or during but some hear simply seem to do you him. at 6:00 o'clock more on this on-going story. i'm jeff cole live here in trenton. >> jeff, thanks. see you at 6:00 christie's
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former deputy of staff and director of the port authority of new york and new jersey bill baroni currently oh and trial in that lane closure case. governor christie has never been charged. this won't be the last we hear of bridge gate as new details emerge in the accusations against governor christie. stay with fox 29 on air online for the breaking details. >> you decide 2016. the election draws closer. the problems fort candidates only seem to get bigger. donald trump spent this morning on a twitter tirade aimed at the new york city an article published by the times reveals several claims made against the nominee accusing him of inn prep appropriate sexual acts over the last 30 years and now fox news is reporting an appearance that trump made on howard stern show where he referred to himself as a sexual predator. all of this has trump declaring war against main stream media. >> democratic nominee hillary clinton dealing with a scandal of her own. her campaign is battling back against leaked e-mails that paint her not so good like.
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joel waldman has more from washington. >> these people are horrible people. they're horrible, horrible liars. >> reporter: donald trump lashing out sledding the new york times people magazine and the pom beach post demanding retractions. saying they all fabricated stories after four women in just last day accused the republican nominee of kiss or groping them against their will. one of the women jessica leads now 74 told the times, trump inn appropriately touched her while the two were on a flight 30 years ago. describing trump as an octopus. >> the claim claims are prepost, ludicrous and defy truth, common sense and logic. >> reporter: trump's alleged unwanted advances getting plenty of attention today from one of hillary clinton's most powerful and influential surrogates michelle obama. >> this is disgraceful. it is intolerable. and it doesn't matter what party
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you belong to. democrat, republican, independent, no woman deserves to be treated this way. none of us deserve this kind of abuse. >> reporter: clinton camp juggling a problem of its own after another 2,000 e-mails were leaked today by wikileaks. the website revealing eyebrow raising comments from several clinton campaign staffs about latinos and catholics. >> which controversy is taking more of a toll? hillary clinton has widened her lead in both national and swing state polls with growing support among women and independents n washington, joel waldman, fox news. in his weekly archbishop chaput responded to the wikileaks that appeared to show hillary clinton campaign staffers talking negative about catholics.
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>> she spent the day hosting three -- video from her first stop at the desmond and malvern she later head to do delaware in bucks county of van today told supporters she considers her dad a mentor and roll models for her personal and professional life. she says he's taught her how to inspire people to do their best work. >> the ability to see potential in people, um, and enable them -- i think it's one of the reasons my father is such a great leader. >> ivanka did not mention the controversy surrounding her father right now including the leaked video and growing number of sexual assault allegations against him. we are now less than week away from the third and final presidential debate. you can watch it live right here on fox 29. wednesday night at 9:00 o'clock followed of course by the fox 29
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news. >> fox 29 weather authority. cloudy fall day as we look live over the philadelphia skyline. the cloud cover did keep it from getting too chilly at the bus stop this morning. that's good thing. >> exactly. all right, kathy, what we got in store today? >> little fog at the bus stop this morning. now a little sun to end the day. we do have that rain that passed through earlier some spotty showers on your windshield passing right offshore. cold front moving through that air behind it is very dry so skies will be clear but it's much cooler as well. so a few spotty clouds out there right now. but it will very pretty end to the day and sunset. temperatures will warm a few more degrees before we get to the sunset hour. millville 68. atlantic city 69. 67 in philadelphia but look at the poconos only 56 degrees. if you think that's cool, take a look behind that cold front. 56 in buffalo, new york. pittsburgh 59. and to the north in ottawa it is only 50 we'll go down into the 40s overnight tonight. and to the north and west, some spots possibly getting down into
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the 30s this evening if you're going out, 63 at 7:00 p.m. you might need a light jacket after 9:00 by 11:00 o'clock turning cooler the temperature only 56 degrees. coming up we'll take a look at a major warmup in your seven day forecast and scott will be along with the latest on historic hurricane nicole as it crossed right over bermuda earlier this afternoon. for now, though, we'll zen it back to you. >> all right, kathy, thanks. police in ocean county are trying to figure out what caused a trash can to explode near two homes around 1:30 this morning. officers found the aftermath of that explosion on village drive in barnegat. the blast didn't cause any damage to anything except the trash can. so police are now interviewing neighbors and analyzing the debris to try and figure out what happened. the man accused of of setting off bombs in new york city and new jersey is pleading not guilty. >> ahmad khan rahami appeared in court via video from his hospital bed. rahami is recovering from gunshot wounds after a shutout with police in september. investigators say he set off bombs in seaside park and new
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york city. officers later got in a gun battle with him in linden. prosecutors charged him with five counts of attempted murder of a police officer among other offenses. he also faces a long list of federal charges. police arrest add teenaged boy they say robbed a st. joe's university student last week. police say the 17-year-old is one of two men who tied up the student as they took her purse, iphone and car from her overbrook home on woodbine avenue. officers caught the suspect yesterday when they say he stole a bike from a nearby home. he has now been charged with robbery, burglary and other related offenses. nearly three years after a lower macungie township woman disappeared police made an arrest. michael horvatt facing kidnapping and homicide charges tonight. he was co-worker of holly grim who disappeared in november of 2013. this past september, police got a search warrant and combed through horvatt's property. that is where they found bones
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they say and dna tests matched that to holly grim. the legal wrangling surrounding jerry sandusky continues. >> three former penn state administrators were back in court in harrisburg. new judge is deciding whether the criminal case against graham spanier, tim curley and gary schultz will go forward. three are charged with mishandling abuse complaints against former assistant football coach jerry sandusky. the judge heard arguments today but didn't make a ruling on the five year old charges. >> firefighter injured in deadly fire last month struggling even more tonight. crozer chester medical center says our deep hope is no critical condition. hope was injured when a floor caved in at the row home on lake view road. captain christ for leach and lieutenant jerry fickes died in the fire. montgomery mom is fighting back after she says her family was kicked out. because her son with autism wouldn't stop crying.
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what the restaurant is now saying. three guys robbed a nail spa but the employees did not stand down. how they fought back against the armed intruders. and former eagle lesean mccoy inviting more a dozen police officers to a 10 the bills game on sunday. why the timing has some people questioning the gesture. >> all new at 6:00 it was a big day for lot of children at chop. they're celebrating halloween in style with some brand new costumes but they got a whole lot more than that today.
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♪ philadelphia police are hunting for the killer who shot young man right outside his home in hunting park. police say the gunman shot the 22-year-old execution style last night on the 4200 block of north franklin street. firing at least 10 times hitting the man in his head and chest. investigators are now checking surveillance video to try to catchly killer. if you have any information, give police a call. police in south jersey are warning residents there about thieves preying on the elderly. in a recent incident police say several men pretending they were checking on the home's water and the couple willingly let them in. >> by the time the homeowners realized something wasn't right it was too late. fox 29's sabina kuriakose is live in east greenwich township with the clues police are helping will help them catch he's guys. sabina. >> reporter: yeah, lucy, police say this group may have targeted the wrong family this
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time and they got the pictures to prove it. >> caught on camera home surveillance photos show the moment three suspected thieves target the home of an elderly husband and wife. only these alleged burglars didn't break in. they didn't have to. >> in this case it was, you know, the water department was the line that they were using. >> reporter: east greenwich police chief chris everwine on sunday morning a man came to the door of the 80 somethin something-year-old couple posing as municipal worker. he says the man talked his way into the basement of the house pretending to test water quality. but while the stranger distract the seniors surveillance photos caught what happened next. >> two other males are seen coming into the house and then they started to go through cabinets, go into drawers in bedrooms. >> reporter: in and and how the in minutes leaving no trace. alleged thieves pocked gold coins and other valuables. homeowners had no idea they'd been scammed till ma'amly
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members reviewed the footage. now police want your help identifying the organized ring before they target more vulnerable people. cops say these guys knew what they were doing and likely gotten away with it before in other towns and states. >> we one wear shirts, we have it on the truck so that the tieing is all there and that's what i would say to seniors is make sure you check id's. >> mike and dan of total construction say the scary incident has disturbed many in this 15 square mile town. they worry their customers will stop feeling safe. >> going out to their house legitimately. it puts extra fear in their eyes. >> silver lining here, that surveillance footage lucky break for detectives. the bold burglars may not have been banging on. something cops hope will break this case and others like it wide open. >> police say the suspects got
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away in a white dodge ram pickup truck with a ladder on the roof. again, authorities believe these guys may have hit families throughout the tri-state area. so if you recognize them, call east greenwich police. iain, back to you. >> sabina, thanks. investigators are hard at work trying to figure out exactly how an nj transit train crashed last month in hoboken. official released a preliminary report today. they say that more testing has to be done because some electronics parts in the train were destroyed in that wreck. the national transportation safety board says among the pa parts destroyed were the electronics that control the train's brakes and propulsion system. investigators say the new jersey transit train was going twice the speed limit last month when it hit a concrete bumper at the end of the track,. that impact sent part of the hoboken terminal roof crashing down. a woman on the terminal platform died. 100 others were hurt. two people are recovering tonight after a crash involving a philadelphia police officer. cops say about 11:45 this morning, a man ran a red light
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at bridge and tacony streets in bridesburg. slammed in the officer's car. the impact set off chain reaction involved two other vehicles. the officer is not hurt. a man and a woman both in their 30s have minor injuries. a local mom is furious about what happened to her and her son at a local friendly's restaurant over the weekend shelf said restaurant management kicked them out. >> and she says it's all because her son who has autism was crying. fox 29's jenn for joyce has been talking with that mom live now in pottstown. jennifer? >> reporter: good evening, lucy. this restaurant that is historically family friendly was anything but in this situation. according to the family. the woman that we spoke with says her five-year-old son has autism. he he was hungry he was in transition he needed to calm down. he has limited verbal skills but win a matter of minutes he was told to leave. >> it's ignorance. complete and utter ignorance. >> terry sellers of pottstown had an unfriendly experience at
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a friendly's restaurant off route 100 last weekend with her two boys. her five-year-old son has autism. when they got to the restaurant, he was in transition the restaurant manager didn't like it. >> he was crying very loudly. but i explained to the waitress that he was autistic and that i wanted to put the order in. >> jenson sellers thought food would help. >> i was trying to calm him down, and the manager came over and he said, i'm sorry, you have to leave. people are looking at you. >> i said, what you're doing is discriminatory. many children have neuro logical disorders that have nothing to do with bad behavior. my son wasn't being brat tee. he's autistic. i understand that people probably want a quiet atmosphere but i didn't take him to like what was like le bec fin much it's friendly's okay. it's friendli'. >> we reached tout to friendly's pour a statement. spokesperson responded and said the company is aware of what happened and that quote we are pleased that the district manager of this franchise and
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the guest have been in contact with each other and we are confident that important dialogue will take place. jenson sellers says she's also about progressive conversation and she's speaking out to raise awareness in the community to improve the treatment of children with special needs. >> we have a society where one in 88 children who are born are being diagnosed with autism. what are we going to be a society that does not allow these people to go out? i mean it's not the 1950's where you lock these people up and throw away the key. that's time they're treated more compassionately and with digni dignity. they're human beings and i'm just sick of it. >> reporter: it's unclear whether or not the manager involved will be talked to about the incident regardless the jenson sellers says they won't be coming back to friendly's any time soon. iain. >> all right, jennifer, thanks. star wars fans amped up after the release of the final rogue one trailer. when they'll be able to see that
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i'll the anticipated home in theater. >> he went to prison at age 63 and now at 23 this local man is on a mission to make sure young people don't make the same mistake. how changing his own life has changed his community. >> we've got another reason to love quarterback carson wentz. he turned a big spent into a recent night out. where the star rookie made big splurge.
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when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms."
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i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> philadelphia police have just released this video that they say shows an assault and robbery in point breeze. it happened on september 28th along the 1600 block of morris street. investigators say a couple of guys on bikes pointed some kind of object at a 2884 old man. then they punched him and knocked him to the ground. they took his money and phone before taking off. in olney employees try to fight back. take look. cops say two guys walk into the apple nail and spa zapping along north fifth street yesterday. asked workers about some pedi cures. then investigators say one man went behind the counter and started taking cash another block the front door of the store. police say when store worker
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tried to stop the man he pulled a gun. no one is hurt though and the men ran off. in boston two police officers are fighting for their lives after gunman shot them. >> the suspected shooter is now dead. it all started when police responded to a domestic disturbance call between two roommates last night. when police got there, at the home of 33-year-old kirk figueroa shot at them. he was then shot and killed by other officers. police say the shooter was wearing body armor and was not licensed to have gun in massachusetts. >> we're not proud when we have to use deadly force, but, upping, obviously we had two officers gravely injured here, and it left no choice. >> the two officers that were injured 27 year veteran richard san toll low and matt morris had surgery and they're still in critical condition. investigators say a deadly crash in connecticut, plane crash appears to be a suicide. it killed a student pilot and seriously injured an instructor
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on tuesday. the pilot told authorities he and the student got into an argument when they headed back to the airport and that is when the pilot says the student forced the plane to crash near the headquarters of a military jet engine manufacturer. the student died at the scene. the instructor is hospitalized with serious burns. sometimes there can be nothing worse than stuff near a crying -- stuck near a crying baby on long flight. >> it has been days since hurricane matthew moves of moved out of north carolina but the devastation continues. the staggering number of homes damaged by flooding. kathy, we knew it was going to be bad. >> we knew they were going to see a lot of rain. the whole state did. well now locally we are talking about not just temperatures getting warm but heating up and feeling like summer again. that's in the seven day when we come back.
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♪ look at that sunshine out there as we take live look at reading to night. meteorologist kathy orr has your complete forecast coming up. and parts of north carolina tonight still dealing with major flooding. >> it has been days since hurricane matthew dumped more than foot rain but folks will be cleaning up from this for months. emergency crews and volunteers have been busy rescuing people from the high flood waters. one town in the town of lumberton says he saved half is
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a dozen people from flooded cars since saturday. >> you know, we had truck that could get through the high waters. so we were loading up peel up and trying to get them out of here. >> this is just awful. the elderly that's been here all their lives and to lose their homes it's really sad. >> sure s thousands of homes are damaged across the state. at least 19 people have died in north carolina alone. hurricane nicole snapped trees, flooded homes and peeled roofs off a as eight pull hem bermuda this afternoon. national hurricane center in miami is still calling nicole a quote extremely dangerous storm. schools and government offices are closed today and tomorrow. your fox 29 weather authority now. once this morning fog lived turned out to be a pretty nice day. don't you think? little drizzle here and there. >> little bit. what's the rest of the week got in store. meteorologist kathy orr has your forecast in 15 seconds.
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good afternoon. yes. some sunshine before sunset and some of the most beautiful sun sets after a front passes and that will be the case this evening. you can see as we look toward the river, clouds but to the western sky the clearing you can see that reflecting off of the church tower and the bridge this afternoon. 67 in philadelphia. winds out of the northwest at 15 miles an hour. that front has slowly passed the region right now you can see some temperatures still mild to the south. 67 in philadelphia. 65 degrees as you look at williamsport and as we go further west where the cold air has moved in you see 50's. yesterday pittsburgh and also buffalo, new york, well into the 70s. 50's. look to the south in clarksburg, west virginia, 61 degrees and in cleveland 56. so this the weather that's going to be pulling our way.
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so we take look at hurricane nicole. moving over the i lapped of bermuda and that continues to move out to sea in the open waters of the atlantic, and we have a front passing through. hyped it, much cooler, drier air. we have a northwesterly flow the winds around this high are clockwise so that means dry, low humidity but the high is going to be building in and that also means warming temperatures and a major warmup coming in our seven day forecast. and as we look ahead, we have a mini warm up and then a major warm up. mini warm up is like the appetizer that will be this weekend. so during the day tomorrow, we're actually a few degrees below the average. which is in the upper 60s. saturday at average. sunday 5 degrees above normal. monday 9 degrees above normal. believe it or not it goes up from there. i'll be back with that seven day forecast but first we want to talk a little bit more about hurricane nicole. scott and i were looking at this last night, today, and this is very rare, scott, and we knew it
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was going to be one for the history books. >> we raully did, kathy. right now we want to take a look from space. the international space station taking a snapshot of what was happening with hurricane nicole. that eye, that center of circulation, went right over bermuda at category three hurricane. roo now it has pulled away weakened bit winds down to 110 miles an hour pick up some forward momentum as well. moving tort northeast about 21 miles per hour. but a rare hurricane indeed for bermuda moved right over bermuda as category three hurricane. some of those peak wind gusts on the island, 122 miles per hour and get this, it was the third strike in three years. so certainly a rarity for the small island only 20 miles square miles the island of bermuda. right now it's moving on off to the north and east it will continue to weaken so where will nicole head now? just out into the open waters of the atlantic
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basin and become extra tropical. kathy? >> that's good news. quiet in the tropic at least for now. you can look behind mow at this gorgeous skyline with some brightening skies. and that's what we expect this evening and, of course, into the overnight and for tomorrow. overnight, skies will be clear. there will be little bit of autumn chill if you're going out this evening. in the city overnight 48. in the suburbs 41 degrees. with the wind of course out of the north at about 10 to 15 miles per hour. making it little bit cool you might need a light coat. during the day tomorrow 66 sunny pleasant the northerly wind continues here the bonus on the seven day forecast from your weather authority, three, 10s in row the walk to end alzheimer's is saturday in wilmington it will be a beauty. another perfect 10 on sunday, 72. monday 73. but here's the major warmup. look at this i look at this and i said scott, are my eyes does he go me. major warm up tuesday 80, wednesday 81 feeling like summer and by thursday 69 and partly sunny but 81 to 69 is not so
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bad. is it? >> no. it's great. i know where one i'm playing golf next week. >> i know you are. >> kathy,. star wars fans and lucy is one of them. >> i am. >> freaking after the release of the final rogue one trailer. when they'll be able to see the highly anticipated film in theaters. >> he went to prison at age 15 and now at the age of 23 this local man is on mission to make sure young people don't make the same mistakes. how changing his own life has changed his community. new at 6:00 police say man walked into a chinese restaurant and pride open an atm stealing the cash inside. how much money they say he got the cash inside. how much money they say he got away with. how tall are you? the cash inside. hhow do we measure greatness in away witamerica? the height of our skyscrapers? the size of our bank accounts? no. it's measured by what we do for our children. the values we pass on.
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i've spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams and hard work take them. that means good schools for every child in every zip code. college that leads to opportunities... not debt. and an economy where every young american can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. we face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. working together. respecting one another. and never giving up. i want our success to be measured by theirs. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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but pat toomey actually owned a bank. most people owe the bank. and when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws... to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you and... line the pockets of wall street millionaires like... himself. pat toomey: out for himself, all in for wall street. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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♪ police are looking for this man right there. they say last saturday he broke into a home in the museum -- art museum district on the 500 block of north 22nd street. he got in through the front basement window. video as you can see shows him meandering through the hallway checking things out. police say he didn't steal
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anything, but if you recognize him, call police. well, we have good news tonight. about a story that we've been following for days. yesterday of course we told you about a youth football field in camden. >> vandals targeted it twice. first someone drove all over the field kind of ruined it then someone spray paint add hate symbol much crews were out yesterday starting to make repairs to that field. this morning we learned about one person who length more than a helping happen. big daddy lawn care drove up a trailer full of equipment. the players who use the field and their parents are thankful. >> you guys are all smiling out here. what did you think of the outpouring yesterday? >> oh, it was beautiful. we appreciate everything and everybody coming out and supporting us and helping us and it's for the kids. we do it for the kids. >> what's it like having a mom who is like a vince lombardi type coach? >> it's kind of fun cause every time i get the ball she runs up and down the field and like i'm
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thankful. >> still going to be self days before everything is all fixed but the man had made that donation says he used to play football when he was kid and understands the great lessons that players can learn from the sport. >> heart warming story. i love that. >> absolutely. >> star wars fans are geeking out, that would be me, after the final trailer for rogue one hits the air waves. >> systems go. rogue one. >> the power that we are dealing with is immeasurable. >> the film tells the story of rebel fighters who try to steal the plans for the death star it unfolds before episode 41st star wars movie to hit theaters way back in 1977. rogue one will no doubt take over theaters december 16th. india's discount airline indigo is banning children under
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12 from sitting in certain rose of the plane. it's like first class who don't want kids kicking or crying. kicks will be banned from eight rows of seats and in these quiet zones include rows one through four and 11 through 14. >> former eagle lesean mccoy inviting more than a dozen police officers to andy at the bills game this sunday. why the timing has some people questioning the gesture. >> rare look behind the walls of philadelphia's house of corrections. what they're doing to help row dues the population inside the prison. >> jordan matthews and eagles have to dell with josh norman this week. always trash talking, always in somebody's face. matthews what you see isn't really what you get. what he said later in sports.
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♪ the philadelphia department of prisons opened up its doors today to fox 29. take look inside the house of corrections. the facility in holmesburg opened in 1927 and it's still in use. the department wants to reduce its inmate population by 34% over the next three years and they're hoping to conduct a facility assessment to figure out what kind of programs it can expand or launch for up mates to make sure that once they do get out of prison, they don't come back. >> it's really looking at the type of programs that we would introduce here and expanding that based on in the confines that we currently have. we currently have programs available at other facilities on the campus that we just cannot introduce here because of the constraints and space. >> the facility houses medium custody inmates as they await trial. officials are hoping the assessment will show ways to increase rehabilitative progra
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programs. >> when you serve hard time before you're 18th birthday many would say the odds are just stacked against you. but at the age of 23, one local man is refused to become a statistic. >> he's using his powerful message to keep young people from making the same mistakes he did. here's fox 29's shawnette wils wilson. ♪ >> i just was a kid that liked the sports of entertaining people. >> reporter: on a scorching summer evil in north philly rasheed smith flashes a smile and still exudes a youthful energy. despite all he's seen and been through at such a young age. >> 2010, 2012 incarcerated. in the halfway house and finally released from the halfway house and still working on time. i get off february of next year. >> he's 23 years old and a parolee convicted on a gun charge when he was just 16 years old. >> i knew it was serious. i'm thinking it was just like a slap on the wrist. they was going to let me come home and it wasn't like that.
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>> reporter: we met at 18th dauphin. >> where i started my process of turning my life around at. >> reporter: rasheed tells me how the streets got hold of him. ♪ >> reporter: young boy with dreams of becoming an entertainer. >> ♪ >> i grew adapted to what oy scene every day then it became accustomed and the norm to me. i was 16 and i was selling dru drugs. >> reporter: his involvement with drugs and guns was only reinforced by the streets. he says he was actually introduced to that life at home. >> my mom had her own hair salon. she was always big-time drug dealer. so was my father. you see what i'm seeing every day i'm thinking it's okay. my dad used to say in joking manner, working man is a sucker. he you've to always say that to me. he'd be playing but i really believed that. so when he went back to jail, my
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stepfather got murdered i started being out here. >> reporter: rasheed says his desire for street money came from being forced into the role of a provider for his mother and siblings. >> like i seen my mom struggle too much. like to the point where put tears in my eyes. like waking up, no food in the house. >> reporter: but his rise in the streets would soon come crashing down. he took me to german up to and indiana where it all ended after a night at what used to be club aces. >> one of my friends they was fighting, big fight broke out. i run and go grab my stuff where i hit hid it at and left off few rounds and they called the cops. >> police arrested him running from the seep with the gun he fired after someone else pulled a gun on the group he was with. >> woke up with $800,000 bill. i'm like wow. 16, turning 17, i'm never coming home. they got me to med guilty to the guns. >> reporter: prison was
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wake-up call. >> a bunch of young guys in there for murder, stuff like that. like you got young guys stabbing each other in there. when i was sitting in jail, i was just thinking like i seen grown men in here meeting they fathers for the first time. uncles meeting they nephews for the first time. like i don't want to be part of this. >> reporter: when rasheed was released he was referred to philadelphia cease fire an organization dedicated to redu reducing shootings and homicides here in the city. their housed in this building on temple's campus. they helped transition him back into society and eventually hired him. >> two things that come out of this. >> he has that it factor. when he talks to folks, they oftentimes spell bound. they are listening to him hanging on to every single word. >> mile la davis bellamy helped bring rasheed on board to do community out reach. >> she gave this convicted phelonia second chance.
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he's the youngest employee on staff. >> he's able to kind of get in and really relate to young people because of his own background. he certainly has some challenges and struggles in terms of his own up bringing, but he also knows about the struggles that many of our young people certainly are also challenged with. >> here what she'd speaks during a philadelphia see cease fire anti-violence rally in response to a shooting in this neighborhood. >> and gives tough talk to the community about getting involv involved. >> a lot of ya'll out here ac acting like ya'll don't care until something happens to ya'll family members. i'm out here because i care. >> reporter: it's a big responsibility. he makes house calls to clients in the position he was once in helping them get back in school and find work. he's also a hospital responder to victims. >> you have to talk to the individual that was injured or that's, you know, going through the trauma.
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>> rasheed says the job and his philadelphia cease fire family helped him stay on the writ pa path. >> surround myself with positive people. people that want to make a change. >> reporter: and then, there's its this pressure little guy. >> give me kiss. >> rasheed's three your old son elan. >> that's my favorite person in the world. >> he says being a father is the main motivation for changing his life. >> he recalls weiss words from co-worker. >> if you hold that gun and go back out there selling them drugs who going to hold your baby? that stick firmly with me. ain't nobody going to raise my son or have the type of bond me and my son got. >> reporter: with his life change also comes the opportunity for rasheed to become an entertainer. ♪ >> reporter: he's known around the city for his party music. he hopes his popularity will also help him reach young people before they get involved with guns and other crimes.
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>> all the youth already follow behind me from when i was doing bad, why not do something good and get them to follow behind me. no matter what you go through god always going to make easier for you and you just can't give up hope. you got to believe in yourself first. >> reporter: shawnette wilson, fox 29 news. >> it is amazing how one life can switch everything around. >> incredible story of him turning his life around and now being positive role model. terrific. >> i love that. >> we need more stories like that. >> i know. we've got another reason to love carson wentz. as if you needed another one. eagles quarterback turned big spent during a recent night out. where the star rookie made a big splurge. ♪
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former eagle and now buffalo bills running back lesean mc coin extending invitation to police in buffalo. he's inviting 15 to 20 officers to upcoming game. this move comes after colin kaepernick scandal the 49er protested police and the treatment of african-americans. mccoy says the gesture is not direct response to that. he says he's just trying tor quarterback is getting lots ofbz ofouant ll carson wentz did what, he
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favorite hometow. >> just w janust relax and have ance his playing days at n, an eye popping i don't know exactly what it wa.
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hell, yeah. >> reporter:c. burger joint. you. carson is a good p making as much money fun to let him let blue coere h. >> apparently fargo is now the philly of midwest. everywhere you look someone is wearing a number 11 jersey. >> isn't that great. you feel right at home. however you can't really leave be philly without cheesesteaks. ways were? they are popping up on menus state why. >> ♪ right now at 6:00 the fallout continues from bridge
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gate. .ow udown the most powerful man. why? she what the restaurant is selphia x a new jersey judge can movo stop hisor washington bridge. do anything to open them back
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but clearly, thes the focus jersey legislative repairs and new jerseydge gate. >> it's a. the developments to play omplaint an he was tmayor. christie dushing


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