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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  October 12, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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local man. what did he with his hands once he saw their guns. >> oprah winfrey gets dissed by arising star. >> oprah winfrey gets dissed by arising star. why nate parker turned down her for birth of a nation. but it's the fact that toomey owns a seat in the u.s. senate that should really concern us. while on the senate banking committee, pat toomey voted to rewrite rules to help bankers like him ...and he tried to eliminate protections put in place to stop wall street's risky practices. pat toomey: looking out for wall street and himself, not pennsylvania. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> fox 29 news in hd sponsored by x1 from xfinity changing the way you experience tv. >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 10:00. only on fox tonight, a frightened victim talks. you can see here happened in
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this chilling surveillance video. two men hop out of a van in philadelphia's fairmount neighborhood. >> and they target add guy at gun point. robbing him. to night those robbers are still out there. good evening, i'm lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. police try to track down the attackers their target is telling his story and talking only to fox 29's dave schratwieser who is at philadelphia police headquarters tonight. dave? >> reporter: iain, some scary moments for the 27-year-old victim who says he was simply out for an early morning workout when two men with a gun approached him and jumped him. >> i seen two guys approach me what appeared to be a gun so i put my hands up. >> reporter: two days after surveillance cameras captured two masked men robbing him at gun point this 27-year-old fairmount man was still shaken up. he spoke to fox 29 after we agreed not to show his face and use his name. >> i was just thinking i hope i don't get shot right now. pretty scary ordeal. >> reporter: victim said he was startled by the gun toting bandits who had just gotten out
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of the this dodge grand caravan in fairmount monday morning near 20th and brandywine. they quickly targeted him for a robbery. >> pretty scary, because you don't know what's going on. and not too many people out there at that time of night report roar suspect told the victim to turn over his galaxy cell phone and a set of headphones. he complied and they quickly returned to awaiting mini van and fled the area. >> i don't like it but you got to keep an eye out for everything now. >> reporter: chris lives right nearby on 16th street. he walks through this upscale neighborhood in fairmount almost every day. the randomness of this armed robbery had him worried. >> i don't want to walk around as much. make sure the cops around. make sure they're looking for people. >> reporter: roman, also lives just a few blocks from the crime scene. he says this incident reminded him once again that everyone needs to be on guard no matter what time of day or night. >> now they got surveillanc surveillanceville cameras out there.
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can i see your phone for a second to make a phone call, swipe, gone right down the street. >> it's scary if you're walking through here it's not something you want to see. >> reporter: now, the victim in this case tells me he feels very lucky to be alive tonight. he says he was not harmed in the incident. police tell us this was completely random and that the suspects were cruising the area looking for a victim. iain? >> actual i'll take it. breaking news here, dave. thanks so much. let's go to chest where shooting has just happened in a vigil for a shooting victim was wrapping up when this thing broke out. skyfox over the 200 block of engle and chester about half hour ago. fox 29 is confirmed 20-year-old was shot in the leg. initial reports are that the shooter was driving a black suv. you can see a dark colored suv in the video from skyfox. happened as i was telling you during a vigil to remember 20-year-old christian jenkins killed last weekend. emotions of course are running high.
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now just imagine this. look at the numbers. we as a city, we average 25 murder as year. we down to 30,000 people living in four by four city and we average 25 murder as year. that's crazy number one. number two tell me why we can't get along? where did we go wrong? why we think we got it like that? >> the community gathered right outside the same house where a gunman opened fire on jenkins over the weekend. he ran inside for help and died right in front of his mother. skyfox over a working house fire tonight in new castle county, delaware. you can see flames just gutting this home along the 900 block of cross zen road in newark. it broke out around 7:30 and reports say firefighters got there and found the two story home engulfed in flames. we don't have any reports of any injuries. a new jersey state trooper is recovering from some minor injuries tonight after this crash in millville cumberland county. skyfox over main street around
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4:00 this afternoon. at least one other car was involved. medic took that trooper to inspira hospital. no word yet on what caused the wreck. in south jersey a man accused of of growing pot right in his backyard. police found dozens of marijuana plants they call it a marijuana grow facility. >> police say informant tip the cops off after noticing big bush she plants growing higher than the fence. shawnette wilson in 59 lapped. you spoke to the guy whose in trouble. >> reporter: i did. you know, initially, he referred to this as just a little bit of pot but police say it was just the opposite. >> i have no comments. >> reporter: okay. >> it will incriminate me, i'm sorry. >> 63-year-old ruiz didn't have much to say about being arrested and charged with having a pot growing operation in his backyard. >> i'm worried about what i'm going to do. busted with pot. simple as that. >> reporter: but it wasn't so simple according to police. who say gonzales ruiz had more
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than 90 marijuana plants growing outside his vineland home on maurice river parkway. >> these pots varied from 4 feet to 8 feet tall. >> reporter: in fact vineland police say the towers toured above the 6-foot privacy fence around his yard. police called the person who tipped them i was citizen informant who left the anonymous tip last thursday. hernandez lives behind where the pot was growing. >> we are surprised. my husband like i was telling you made comments with him, you know, exchanged some words here and there, but, you know, we were surprised because he's an older person. nobody we would suspect would be doing that kind of thing. >> reporter: gonzales ruiz was arrested and released pending a court date. he wouldn't say why he allowed the plants to grow so high. >> i don't know and i don't really care. so i don't want to get in no more trouble. >> reporter: police say they also found marijuana plants inside the home as well as drug making equipment.
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iain and lucy. >> thank you very much, shawnette. more controversy tonight surrounding presidential candidate donald trump. >> two women have told the new york times that the billionaire businessman touched them inn appropriately. the paper is reporting these were two separate incidents. one woman says she was groped by trump on a flight nearly three decades ago. another says she was on an elevator with trump in 2005 when she claims they forced a kiss on her cheek and then lips. these allegations come after leaked video of trump talking about touching women inn appropriately. the times reports neither woman ever reported the incidents to police but they did tell some close friends and family. the trump campaign released a statement that reads in part tonight "this entire artificial is fiction and for the new york times to launch a completely false, coordinated character assassination against mr. trump on a topic like this is dangerous. to reach back decades in an attempt to smear mr. trump
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trifle lies sexual assault and it sets new low where the media is willing to go to its efforts to determine this election. >> trump's old daughter holding a coffee with ivanka event at three spots tomorrow. she'll start in chester county at the desmond at 9:30 move over to drexel brook in delaware county at noon and her last events at the spring mill manor in bucks county at 2:30. governor mike pence will also around. the republican vice-presidential candidate has closed, arc closed event in bethlehem tomorrow night. he'll speak to the northampton county gop at hotel bethlehem. at 7:00 p.m. meanwhile hillary clinton's campaign is responding to today's new york times article. spokesperson says the story quote sadly fits everything we know about donald trump has treated women. clinton campaign playing defense on different controversy. republicans are condemning e-mail exchange between senior campaign officials as breath-taking anti catholic bigotry. e-mails mocked conservative
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catholics her campaign is blaming russian hackers for the leaked e-mails. on your radar tonight a bite in the air chillier temperatures on the way. let's check in with meteorologist kathy orr for what's on the way. >> boy, has it changed since this afternoon. if you were out this afternoon and you stepped out this evening it's like whew the tail of two seasons. temperatures already down into the 50 50s and some 40s. 58 in the city but 49 in millville. 40s in the poconos. 51 in allentown. along the northeast extension even in pottstown 51. overnight in the city 53. the suburbs 46 degrees. not as cold as it has been but do expect little bit of patchy fog moving n let's take look at the ultimate doppler radar. you can see the northeast no issues it's clear but over to the west we have clouds and some showers associated with a front so we do run the risk of a few showers tomorrow especially north and west of the city. all eyes on hurricane nicole coming up i'll have the latest on the seven day forecast and scott will explain how this land falling hurricane would be the rarest of them all.
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>> dozens of police officers in darby and beyond say a darby court clerk is putting officers lives in jeopardy. the group marched from the fraternal order of police office in media to delaware county council. government center this morning. they wore t shirts that are illustrate tiff of hateful facebook post made by that worker. the officers say that clerk also tipped off a drug dealer about a sweep. they say she can't be trusted. >> the hate she's putting out she's making people scared of police and she's truthfully making the police scared of people, because you're just pu putting this all this hate out. the police are i got to be careful going everywhere. >> council says it's sided with the officers but that situation still needs to be investigated. we were unable to reach that worker for comment today. developing tonight, a one one-two below for youth football team and police are calling the latest incident a hate crime. someone spray painted a swastika on the concession building at the already vandalized may schultz park football field in camden.
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public works crews were hard at work today repairing the damage done sunday by someone in a four by four pickup. that person c curved up the rain soaked football field. security cameras next door identified the make and model of that truck. but now police are also after the person who paint add swastika on yom kippur of all days the holiest day of the jewish year. >> it's a disgusting symbol. and i think jews and non-jews would agree with that. this was probably, um, equally offensive to the african-american community i would think. >> dozens of children ages five to 14 play football on the field and despite the best efforts of repair crews today, those children will have to play their game elsewhere this saturday. ♪ >> we got your next reason to love carson wentz. he just dropped a lot of love and cash. where the star rookie made a big splurge but it wasn't anywhere near philadelphia. police say was so drunk she ended up in flower bed. what she did in the back of a
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police car that got her into even more trouble. oprah winfrey gets dissed by arising star. why nate parker turned down her advice about his new movie birth of a nation. >> also ahead, this story of a young man's redemption. >> i'm standing up for what's right. i'm out here because i'm tired. i'm tired of seeing the bloodshed. ♪ >> when i came home from prison i was ready to give up and come back out here ya'll guys out here doing now. now i'm out here giving back to my community because this actually means something. i'm out here because i care. >> how changing his own live has changed his community.
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yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. my giant.
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philadelphia star quarterback is getting a lot of attention for what he did while he was back at home. we're talking about carson wentz. that's right. >> he through down a lot of cash and north dakota restaurant there will probably never forg forget. fox 29's chris o'connell is live outside the linc tonight. chris he left a very nice tip. >> reporter: yeah, he didn't exactly make it rain but he sure made for some happy waiters and waitresses in north dakota. as if you need yet another reason to love carson wentz, add generosity to the list. home in north dakota during his week off from football, eagles quarterback carson wentz did what any other 23-year-old midwestern guy would do on his days off, he bagged a deer during a family hunting trip and hit his favorite hometown bar. the herd and horns in downtown fargo. >> just wanted to hang out shoot some pool and play darts with
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his buddies and just relax and have good time. talking to us on face time from north dakota his friend owns the bar he's been come to go since his playing days at north dakota state. but in his very first week home as an nfl star not only did wentz pick up the thousand dollars tab for his buddies, according to the wait staff we spoke with, he also through down an i popping $500 tip. >> what he tipped is his business and stuff like that. i don't know exactly what it was or whatever. i do know he did take care of the staff. >> servers like mandy thomas hopes wentz pays her a visit some day here in philly. >> i seriously would probably kiss the guy if he gave me a $500 tip. owe hell yeah. >> reporter: fans remember when another eagles star restaurant tip went public when shady mccoy left a 20-cent tip at a northern liberties burger joint. >> when you look out for good people, blessings come back to you many carson is a good
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person. very humble and just giving back to the people maybe that aren't making as much money and as fortunate as he is. >> reporter: those who know wentz say the blue collar guy who likes to fly under the radar appreciates what he has and where he came from. >> it was just carson being carson and fun to have him, fun to let him let loose a little bit. >> reporter: apparently, fargo is the new philly of the midwest. now, everyone in the state got a number 11 eagles jersey and apparently cheesesteaks now showing up on restaurant menus all over north dakota, iain. >> with or without, chris. appreciate it buddy. [ laughter ] >> comedian bill cosby has failed again to have the sexual assault case against him thrown out. the state supreme court denied an appeal filed by his lawyers that argued cosby's accuser andrea constand should have testified at a preliminary trail trial. they argue they had no chance to confront her. he's accused of of assaulting
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constand in his home in 2004. >> the pennsylvania spca just saved 19 cats including the one you see right here. they say a woman who calls herself a persian cat breeder was not taking good care of them at all and some needed immediate medical attention. others desperately needed grooming. they're all ages by the way. human law enforcement officers got a tip about the woman's home on west pa shunk avenue. owner signed over most of the animals to the spca they'll be ready for adoption as soon as they're cleaned up and healed up. charges are pending as officers continue to investigate. happening now on the mainline, the head master of a private school is in trouble tonight. haverford school has placed dr. john nagl on administrative leave and police charged him with simple assault. >> and that incident may have involved his son. fox 29's jennifer joyce has the story. >> it's a family issue, and it's
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unfortunate. >> that's a bad mistake. bad thing to do -- to set a bad example. >> reporter: haverford school head master seen here on the school's website dr. john nagl is on administrative leave after police charged the man with assaulting his son at their haverford home. no one answered the door at the head master's house which sits behind the prestigious private all boys school. according to court papers the father and son got into a fight after nagl took the boy's cell phone away as punishing for finding marijuana in his backpack. court documents indicate his son initiate add physical altercation that dad responded by putting the boy in a choke hold to quote end the altercation quickly. >> i was surprised because of his position. i know he's military and has that kind of background but i was surprised. >> i got five kids and raising six grandchildren but -- >> haverford school issued a statement about doctor nagl simple assault charge saying quote haverford school realizes
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the serious concerns this charge raises in our community and has dedicated resources toward assesses the situation in its entirely, both fairly and deliberately. nancy schultz of haverford says she's heard wonderful things about head master nagl. she believes it's a family issue and hopes the misdemeanor charge does not affect his future at the school. >> his cv is em pg peckable. road scholar. he's been a goodman in the community from what i can see. it's tragic all around. >> reporter: haverford school says dr. john nagl is fully cooperating with the investigation. in the meantime the assistant head master will serve as acting head master. reporting in haverford township, i'm jennifer joyce, fox 29 news. the beef between meek mick and bean sigel isn't over. one hurled accusations at the other about his song writing skills. >> the four-year-old girl is back with her family to night
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after someone took her. the reunion may not have been possible without a stranger's quick thinking. words the little girl's grandma has for that good samaritan. >> blessing thanks to science. new type of medical procedure that just allowed a toddler to hear his parents voices again. watch as the magic moment. >> now with tomorrow's traffic, here's bob kelly. >> good evening, everybody. watch for some construction all throughout tomorrow. 495 northbound for the gang in delaware right at route 13 the dupont hey way and then they'll be working tomorrow on the schuylkill expressway with some lane restrictions approaching center city. that's going to be connected with that vine street construction and tomorrow means breakfast. wee head to the grand cafe laqila. come on by and say hi. we'll check the jam cams. sue has the forecast. i'll see you at 4:00.
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>> now your winning lottery numbers. ♪ reunion one family from florida will never forget. four-year-old becky lewis back in the arms of her family. police say a man be a ducked the young lakeland, florida, girl near orlando over the weekend and took her to his home in
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tennessee. >> police in five states were on the look out for her and her kidnapper. wild west hogs that's his name now faces charges that he took the four year old girl from her home in a memphis courtroom a judge set beyond the $500,000 and the state requested he sign an extradition to florida. rebecca lewis parents reported her missing on saturday from their florida home. authorities issued an amber alert. the family friend by the way who now faces kidnapping charges. someone spotted hogs in tepp 10. rebecca is back with her family. >> say thank you for bringing me home. >> thank you bringing me home. [ laughter ] >> tell them by beach we're going home. >> bye-bye, i going home. >> that's right. >> sweet little voice. two hospital workers in tennessee recognized hogs. called police right away. her family says they have no words to express their appreciation. they just want to give those women a big old hug. deadly plane crash in
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connecticut was intentional. police say a flight instructor and a student pilot had a fight inside the cockpit before that small plane crashed in east hartford. the pilot wasn't able to get control from the student. the student identified as ferris, died in the crash. police say the crash appears to have been a suicide attempt by the student. the instructor survived but was badly burned. the fbi is investigating. hurricane matthew banked out few days ago but southeastern states are still feeling its effects in north carolina authorities evacuated thousands of homes threatened by what you see right there. a whole bunch of flood waters. not just threatened any more. more than 20 people have died. officials say most of those deaths were people in cars. meanwhile in if a good power crews is turn the lights back on for most people. estimated storm damage in the us alone $10 billion. he went to prison at age 16 and now at 23 this local man is on mission to make sure young people don't make the same mistakes he did. how changing his own live has changed his community.
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>> coming up to in it at 11:00 ladies you may not talk about it but if you notice your brain getting a little foggy once you reach a certain age, know that you are not alone. also know, though, those memory lapses aren't all bad news. we'll tell you all about it. >> kathy orr tracking our forecast. >> that's right, iain. we have some mild days in the seven day. those temperatures though will be up and they also will be down. we'll take look at those cool days coming in the seven day when we come back.
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i can't believe we're doing this. gus, you're not scared are you? you're the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. i don't like thunder! (bashfully) this is getting creepy! (sfx: loud thunder clap) grrrr, did you say creepy? creepy cash? the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, with top prizes of 50 grand. that's a monster of a prize.
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keep on scratchin' ♪ when you serve hard time before you're 18th birthday many would say the odds are stacked against you. but at the age of 23, one local man has refused to become a statistic. >> he's you've using his powerful message to keep young people from making the same mistake. here's fox 29's shawnette wils wilson. ♪ >> i was just a kid that liked sports enter taping people. >> on a scorching summer evening in north philly, rasheed smith flashes a carrat mat tick smile exudes a youthful energy despite
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all he's seen and been through at such a young age. >> 2010, 2012 incarcerated. in a halfway house. i was still walking on time. i get off february of next year. >> he's 23 years old and a parolee convicted on a gun charge when he was just seniors old. >> i'm thinking it was just like a slap on the wrist. they was going to let me come home and it wasn't like that. >> reporter: we met at 18th and dauphin. >> i started my process of turning my life around at. >> rasheed told me how the streets got hold of him. ♪ >> young boy with dreams of becoming an entertainer. ♪ >> i grew adapt to do what i seen every day. then it become accustomed and the norm to me. i was 16. and i was selling drugs. >> reporter: his involvement with drugs and guns was only reinforced by the streets.
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he says he was actually introduced to that life at home. >> my mom had her own hair salon. she was also a big-time drug dealer. so was my father. you see what i'm seeing every day i thought it was okay. my dad used to say in joking man working man is a sucker. he'd be playing but i really believed that. when he went back to jail, my stepfather got murdered i started being out here. >> rasheed says his desire for street money came from being forced into the role of a provider for his mother and fib siblings. >> i seen my mom struggle too much to the point it put tears in my eyes. like waking up, no food in the house. >> reporter: his rise in the streets would soon come crashing down. he took me to germantown and indiana where it all ended after a night at what used to be club aces. >> one of my friends, they was fighting.
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i ran and go grab my stuff where i hid it and let off a few rounds and they call the cops. >> police arrested him running from the scene with a gun he fired after someone else pulled a gun on the group he was with. >> woke up with like $800,000 bill. i'm like wow. 16, turning 17 never coming home. they got me to plead guilty to the guns. >> prison was awake up call. >> a bunch of young guys in there for murder. stuff like that. like you got young guys stabbing each other in there. when i was sitting in jail, i was just thinking i seen grown men in here, meeting they fathers for the first time. uncles meeting they nephews for the first time. like i don't want to be part of this. >> reporter: when rasheed was released he was preferred to philadelphia cease fire an organization dedicated to reducing shootings and homicides here in the city. their housed in this building on temple campus they helped
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transition him back into society and eventually hired him. >> he has that it factor. when he talks to folks, they oftentimes spell bound. i mean they are listening to him hanging on to every single word. >> reporter: my la is the director who helped bring rasheed on board to do community out reach after she spent time volunteering. >> she gave this convicted phelonia second chance. he's the youngest employee on staff. >> he's able to kind of get in and really relate to young people because of his own background. he certainly has challenges and struggles in terms of his own up bringing, but he also knows about the struggles that many of our young people certainly are also challenged with. >> rasheed speaks during a philadelphia cease fire anti-violence rally in response to shooting in this neighborho neighborhood.
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>> and gives tough talks at the community about getting involv involved. >> a lot of ya'll out here acting like ya'll don't care. until something happens to one of your family members. i'm out here because i care. >> reporter: it's a big responsibility. he make house visits to clients in the position he was once in helping them back in school or find work. he's also a hospital responder for victims. >> he has to talk to the individual that was injured or that's, you know, going through the trauma. >> reporter: rasheed says the job and his philadelphia cease fire family helped him stay on the right path. >> i surround myself with positive people. people that want to make change. >> reporter: and then there's this pressure little guy. >> give me a kiss. >> rasheed's three-year-old son elan. >> that's my favorite person in the world. >> he says being a father is the main motivation for changes his life. he recalls wise words from co-worker. >> if you hold that gun and you go back out there selling them
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drugs who going to hold your baby? that stick firmly with me. ain't nobody going to raise my son and have the type of bond me and my son got. >> with his live change comes the opportunity for rasheed to pursue his burning desire to be an enter trainer. ♪ >> he's known around the city for his party music. he hopes his popularity will also help him reach young people before they get involved with guns and other crimes. >> all the youth already follow behind me from ha when i was doing bad, why not do something good and get them to follow behind me. no matter what you go through god make things easier. you can't give up hope. you got believe in yourself first. >> shawnette wilson, fox 29 ne news. oprah winfrey gets dissed by arising star. why nate parker turned down her advice about his new movie birth of a nation. >> the woman police say she was so drunk she ended up in a
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flower bed. what she did in the back of a police car that got her in to even more trouble.
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do you own a plane? do you own a bank? pat toomey owned both. but it's the fact that toomey owns a seat in the u.s. senate that should really concern us. while on the senate banking committee, pat toomey voted to rewrite rules to help bankers like him ...and he tried to eliminate protections put in place to stop wall street's risky practices. pat toomey: looking out for wall street and himself, not pennsylvania. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. co. of wells fargo has resigned
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effective immediately of the john stomach much had been in charge since 2,007. came under fire and testified before congress after it was discovered that wells fargo employees opened millions of bank accounts without customers permission. the company has agreed to pay $185 million to settle those allegations. in your money, free guns, yup, if you land job at a certain roofing company in colorado springs the owner of waterproof roofing after his summer get a roof get gun campaign sales have been through the roof. he needs to hire four salespeople asap and incentive an ar15. those who qualify must pass background checks. new sales associates have to get 10 roofing jobs on the books before they get their weapon. the coalition to stop gun violence is against all of that. and it says the only thing roofers should be armed with is a nail gun. the scare over creepy clowns is forcing ronald mcdonald to lie low. >> mcdonald's is going to limit ronald's appearances over next
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few weeks. as long as the creepy clown sightings continue across the country. mcdonald's says it's being quote thoughtful and respect to ronald mcdonald's participation in community events. the creepy clown craze is also spread internationally with police in canada and great britain being called to investigate multiple reports of scary clown sightings. all right. you think it's one of the most success fuss people in the world you'd take it isn't he is spurly if it comes from open pram one young star turned down the mogul. hollywood reporter says oprah suggest nate parker do an interview with her best friend gale king on cbs about old rape allegations he wrote and stars in the birth of the nation. he was acquitted of raping a former school mate when he was a student at penn state. but the holly rood of wood report says he was so angry the allegations resurfaced he refused help from oprah. >> a new type of medical
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procedure that just allowed a toddler to hear his parents voices again. watch the magic moment. >> and the beef between rapper meek mill and beanie sigel is not over. one just hurl accusations at the other about song writing skills. instagram post that might have just settled the drama. >> kathy tracking your forecast. >> that's right. we are having latest look at hurricane nicole and also all right weather going from sunny to chowed dee with showers and cooler as we head into the weekend. details in the seven day coming up.
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act thomas ford has died. his family announced his passing today on his instagram page. ford is best known for his role in the '90's sitcom martin we played the lead character's best friend tommy. aneurysm rupture in the actor's abdomen. he had been in the hospital since sunday on live support. ford was 52 years old. philadelphia mayor jim kenney addressing the on-going concerns over racism in the ci city's gayborhood. >> he's saying that he hopes the human relations hearing will be a step in the right direct. residents have complained about racism against blacks and other minority patrons in prominent gay nightclubs and businesses. it's one of the issues that
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prompted active visits to storm the mayor's annual pride flag raising at city hall on sunday. mayor kenney says communication and public hearings are what the city needs. >> we are working with bar owners, working with active visits in the neighbor, we're working with, um, the active visits black lives matter and that other group that was formed and trying to kind of have a conversation and work our way through these things. >> the issue came to light when leaked video revealed a bar owner in the neighborhood using racial slurs. the human relations public hearing by the way is on october 25th. police in michigan say they've arrest add woman who was so drunk she fell into a flower bed then tried get away from police. a teenager found 34-year-old kristin giddings of rochester hills in flower bed last week. police say after blowing a .08 she was put in the back of a police car near detroit. according to investigators she tried to escape. she's now charged with resis reg and obstructing an officer and
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her second drunk driving charge. happy us in for one family as their toddler son is hearing again after going deaf. >> good job. >> a new type of cochlear implant has one-year-old nathan hearing his parent's voices again. he had the device surgically implanted at the university of colorado hospital. >> you always want to see your kids reactions to voices. it's wonderful hearing. amazing to be able to see. >> cute little guy. the implant is a new thinner version better suited for babi babies. we got more trauma tonight for two famous rappers from philadelphia. >> beanie sigel once again saying that he was ghost writer for meek mill on recent appearance on power 105.1 the breakfast club sigel said he helped wright meek mills disc track again the game. sigel claims he wasn't invited into the studio by mill. if this is all true, it could damage mill's rap because he
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started that feud with drake based on the fact that he used a ghost writer. meanwhile mill is responding with his recent instagram photo. he's making a point he writes his own music with this photo taken in the studio. time to check to see what is on your radar. my guess it's cold. >> it's chilly out there. we have a lot to talk about. it's quite right now. but not for long. a lot of changeable things going on with our weather. in old city philadelphia, the skies are clear. the wind is calm. the temperature is 58 degrees after a high of 72 today. so with that calm wind and clear skies, temperatures are going to be chilly once again. ultimate doppler you can see allowing out the northeast heading toward the mid atlantic no weather issues. just clear skies but high pressure will drift off the coast allow those clouds to move in late tomorrow morning and into the afternoon so bob kelly will be talking about sun glare in the morning and sue will be forecasting these clouds and rain to get close by the afternoon. you can see that cold front that will be moving through and behind it we do have a little bit of a chill that will move in
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as we jump star the weekend. right now in philadelphia, 58. but 51 in allentown and pottstown. in reading 52. in lancaster 54 degrees. in millville, already 49 and falling. throughout the northeast through new england and new york state temperatures mainly in the 50s. burlington still sitting at 60 degrees. so this late weak cold front comes through tomorrow afternoon into the evening so we go from clear skies overnight and sunshine for the start of your thursday. into a partly cloudy sky by the afternoon with these clouds filtering in ahead of the cold front a few spotty showers especially north and west of philadelphia tomorrow afternoon. that front moves through during the evening. and behind it we see some dry air but some cooler air so tomorrow southwesterly winds ahead of the front will bump temperatures up to 72. much like today. then the clouds roll in. friday below the normal of 68. saturday below average again and then sunday slowly tipping above that average towards 70 degrees. we get the sunshine but just
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some cooler temperatures and typically that leads to some beautiful fall foliage. locally that's pretty much what's going on. we have to talk about hur hurricane nicole. very rare hurricane that is about to hit bermuda. scott has been looking at all the numbers and the historic proportion of this. scott, what's going on with nicole tonight? >> right now nicole continues to gain intensity, kathy, in the open waters of the atlantic basin but it is closing in right now on the island of bermuda. now, bermuda is only 20 square miles and that center of circulation the eye the diameter of the eye of nicole about twice the size of bermuda. let's talk about the latest advisory. 115 miles per hour winds. it is a category three hurrica hurricane. only in the past 50 to 60 years, thee category three hurricanes have moved toward bermuda. so as we go hour by hour, overnight tonight, during the day on thursday, likely a direct
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hit as a category three hurricane. devastating the island of bermuda. the peak of hurricane season was in september. now that we're in october, we're in that what we call the second peak as we move toward the latter part of the month. but take look at the island of bermuda. over the past century or so, we're only talking about a handful of direct strikes on that 20 square mile island. so as we focus in on what's happening right now, the about 210 miles to the south of bermuda but look at that eye. the center of circulation will likely move right over the island of bermuda expecting hurricane force winds for several hours during the day tomorrow as that eye goes directly over the island. the winds will likely go calm. so we'll continue to monitor the situation over the next 24 to 48 hours. kathy? >> incredible. last time it happened gone sole la a few years ago. let's take look at wilmington tonight with beautiful clear sky
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and no weather issues. you'll be down around 52 degrees overnight tonight. overnight, temperatures will be on the cool side. 53 in the city. 46 in the suburbs. tomorrow the high temperature going for 72. as we look ahead on your seven day forecast from the weather authority, friday, saturday, sunday looking great a chance of showers monday. tuesday and wednesday we bumly back up into the 70s looking good, sean bell. >> big v stepping in. the guy talk about how prepared he is to be right an tackle. desean jackson physical eagles reunion could be something to think about. today he talk about the possibility to coming back for the eagles. hear what he had to say next in the eagles. hear what he had to say next in sports. it's not a weekend hobby.ance? you have to live and breathe it for 50 years. it's the sound... and the fury.
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how do we measure greatness in how america? you? the height of our skyscrapers? the size of our bank accounts? no. it's measured by what we do for our children. the values we pass on. i've spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams and hard work take them. that means good schools for every child in every zip code. college that leads to opportunities... not debt. and an economy where every young american can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. we face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. working together. respecting one another. and never giving up. i want our success to be measured by theirs. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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♪ now that lane johnson is gone, it's time to move on. almost every player in the locker room used the same old cliche. next man up. doug pederson announced the next man up is halapoulivaati vaitai. nine time out of 10 i'm going to mess the name up. so from now on we'll call him big v. his nickname. get this his brothers names are will and kevin. come on. how does that happen? big v a rookie pick in the fifth round and he hasn't even suited up for
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nfl game yet. sat out the first four. guys talk about being thrown in the fire. that's being thrown in the fire. big v sounds like he's ready to play and credits that to the advice being given by his teammates. >> just focus before each day play. that's what jason peters tells me all the time. trust technique. trust the offense and you'll be fine. don't over think everything. >> who really better to ask about big v than the defense he faces every day in practice. he's taken several snaps against the starters since training ca camp. connor barwin one of those guys and today he talk about big v being ready to go. >> offensive lineman is a position that can take some time, some adjustments coming from college to the nfl. kind of the op sift running back is usually the fastest position -- easiest transition but i don't think the lineman is the hardest and he's really from the day he's got here he's kind
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of improved every day until now. i'm excited to see how he performs once he gets out there on sunday. >> who would have thought desean jackson coming back to philly might actually be a possibility. today jackson showed nothing but love to the city and doug pederson. he never mentioned chip kelly's name but he basically said the only person he disliked was the guy that released him so it's not out of the question. boy, do we need a guy like that. jackson is in the final years of his contract but he did say he preferred to state in washington. we have a year to think about that, but right now the eagles defense may have gotten some luck. jordan read not practicing and is going through concussion protocol. read leaves washington and catches receiving yards eagles linebacker definitely struggle with the elite tight ends so this could be a huge difference. look at this. chase utley still has it. 37 years old. he's making plays like this. scoops it and tosses it.
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that helped the dodgers go to a game five and final game with washington. look at that. chase utley going somewhere and getting it done good lucy what's coming up at 11. >> all kinds of stuff. in fact samsung wants all of its american customers with galaxy note seven to mail back the phone but what about the fire risk ask you the shoes from the company and it's all about the box. ♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday.
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11:00 pm
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