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tv   Fox Morning News at 4A  FOX  October 3, 2016 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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creepy, clown threats have communities nationwide on high leather and now police and schools here are dealing with them too what they are doing to keep schools safe. plus, back in business, septa set to return to its regular schedule for its regional rail lines but there is a catch. it is doing it without its regular number of trains. how this will affect your morning commute. breaking news overnight kim kardashian held at gunpoint during a robbery in paris what her husband kanye west did in new york after learning about what happened to his wife. and, all good things must unfortunately come to an end, first base man ryan howard bid farewell to philadelphia. >> i want to thank you guys.
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>> how the phillies sent off their star slugger. good day everybody it is monday, act third, 2016. thanks so much for waking up with us lets get over to sue serio for a look at our monday morning forecast, hi there, sue. >> more of the same, lauren, just damp, drizzly out there with some fog as well, so that could slow you down as you try to get started this morning but we are going to give you a seven out of ten today and reason is we may see some sunshine before the day is through. the not this morning, first of all, it will be a while before sunrisees and second of all we have clouds out there and some isolated showers just one heavy downpour here in new castle county, delaware and light showers moving through, delco, northern part of the new castle county, chester county as well and then the fog, fog, fog, fog, allentown, reading, pottstown, trenton here at philly international mile and a half visibility. that could delay some
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airplanes this morning, so a lot of places socked in with fog and it kind of comes and goes. you think okay, it is gone then drive back in the bank of fog again and there is evident that philly international and how foggy it is. 63 degrees at 7:00 o'clock sunrise time now. yeah, those days sure are shorter but temperatures aren't too bad. sixty's in most places. fifty's to the north of us. fifty-nine atlantic city. sixty millville. sixty-five in dover. we will see some sun, eventually showers and fog this morning, and sun and clouds throughout the day, high temperature is 73 degrees. so, have the rain gear and you may actually need sunglasses eventually bob kelly. >> and some new batteries in the fog horn we will need this morning. >> good morning, everybody. it is a monday, 4:02. live look at route 309, damp wet, foggy this is what it looks like when you step outside front door you know that trip from the bedroom to the bathroom when you get up in the morning you have that foggy look. that is what it looks like
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here on the ben franklin bridge coming into downtown philadelphia speeds are probably going to be reduced for first half of our rush hour with the fog this morning, as sueby mentioned check with your airline for flight delays, we will bet you a jelly doughnut we will have them. new jersey transit northeast corridor regular services, up and down northeast corridor, however because of last week's subsequent there is no service in and out of hoe broken in morning. shuttle buses are running on the market frankford and subway until 5:00 and, of course, our big story this morning normal service patterns returning to septa's regional rail. dave kinchen is live outside with the very latest on what we can expect from septa this morning. dave, are you ready to go? >> reporter: ready to go and i can tell you septa says they are ready to go now as well. this is welcomed news to the regional rail riders that septa is returning regional rail to its weekday schedule after a third of the fleet was off line for cracks on the cars, so several months ago. septa says beginning today
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crowded trains and delays are expected to taper off now that progress has been made in repairs, you may recall from three months ago septa pulled 120 of the silver liner five trains when cracks were found. today more than 50 repaired silver liners were back in service, septa is leasing trains from amtrak and nj transit, among others to make up the difference but a return to normal is still welcomed news to commuters we spoke with. >> typically we can get back to the regular interval, if i don't pick my kids up at 6:00 o'clock we are paying a dollar a minute for every minute that we are late and we have got two kid so it adds up very quickly. over the summer, i cannot remember last time i was on the train that was on time. >> i am so happy. >> you have to leave earlier because trains are much more crowded, standing room only so you are definitely leaving earlier. i'm very appreciative that as
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of monday we will be get back to having a seat. >> reporter: septa says customers should refer to schedules dated june 19th of this year for timetables on all lines except media elwyn line hi was adjusted for summer construction and will have a new schedule this week, we believe today actually. there are still some logistics issues so four trains going in to center city and coming out of center city will have some adjustment. so bottom line look on line at september's web site for the complete schedule of listings and updates as well. back to you, lauren. >> dave, thanks very much. creepy clowns and threats of violence made against local schools and social media and now office of home land security is getting involved. investigators trying to track down who posted disturbing images. steve keeley joins us live from police headquarters with more on this, hi there, steve. >> reporter: philadelphia public schools closed to day and tomorrow for jewish rash hashanah holiday but philadelphia catholic schools are opened, three of them
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specifically named in saturday's on line anonymous threats and police here tell us that they will pay extra close attention all day at the catholic schools so parents and kid who go there will feel safe. now this computer clown creepiness has reached philadelphia, local federal home land security department up vest daters are trying to trace internet protocol addresses and find sources of the computer threats and see how they laugh it up facing federal charges. >> we take all these threats very seriously. we handle things on a daily basis, with the philadelphia police department, and, you know, we're always collaborating with philadelphia we know they are going viral, they have grown, on line, we will handle them, as we have been doing all along and just managing until philadelphia school district when school comes back in session on wednesday morning. >> reporter: don't be surprised if federal authorities find out where these threats came from on saturday, for the kid in philadelphia go back to publish schools this wednesday.
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>> report steve, thanks very much. now to a developing story, out of chester where multiple people were stabbed. it happened around 8:00 last night in the 900 block of barclay street where we're still working to figure out number of victims. we do know those injuries are not the life threatening. police in harrison township, new jersey trying to figure out why a man got out of his car early yesterday morning and walk right into the road. a driver hit him and paramedics pronounced jacob drew at that scene dead. he got out just before 7:00 o'clock and walk in the westbound lane of the mullica drive, when the driver hit him. the person stayed at the scene, police say they do not expect prosecutors to file any charges. a major setback in the search for answers in the deadly new jersey train crash, ntsb says one of the train's event recorders was not working on the day of the crash. that recorder, would have had information, on the train's speed when it crashed into the hoboken new jersey train station. another recorder was in the front of the train, and investigators say they are
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hopeful it was working but they have in the been able to get to it the because it is under a collapsed section of the station's roof. meanwhile, ntsb says while train's engineer has no recollection of the crash itself he can remember certain details from rate before. >> he says he looked at his watch and noticed his train was about six minutes late, arriving at hoboken. he said that when he checked his speed heater he was operating at 10 miles an hour when entering the station track. engineer says he has no memory of the accident. >> we're told train's engineer does remember the cars being much more crowded then usual on the day of that crash. we're on top of the developing details in the deadly train crash. for all of the change that he is could affect your commute on the new jersey transit line just log on to fox now to some breaking news involving kim kardashian reality tv star was held at gunpoint in paris last night.
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spokesperson says that two armed men dressed as police officers confronted west, inside of her hotel room. the daily mail was reporting kim was tied up, robbed at gunpoint of 11 million-dollar worth of jewelry. according to her spokesperson the actress is badly shaken but physically unharmed. kardashian west with her mother and two of her sisters were in the country for paris fashion week. authorities in paris have not made any arrests. coming up later in the show we have kanye's reaction to hearing what happened to his wife overseas. ryan howard, stood up for what is likely his final game as a philly yesterday at citizens bank park. a uniform that howard has been wearing his entire career. it was an emotional day as first base man said farewell to philadelphia one of the season's biggest crowd came to south fail to honor ryan howard. there was no mistaken the love of one of the most popular phillies ever as fans wore number six jersey. after playing over 1,500
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games, howard took the field, overcome with emotion in what was likely his final game. >> i want to thank you guys for making this all possible, for making the fun. we had a good run, didn't we. >> i'm just trying to go out here and do a job and play baseball and try to do it to the best of my built and to have that be recognized the way it has been recognized that will live with me forever. >> ryan howard is technically still a philly for next year but team will most likely buy him out of his last contract year. 4:10. did donald trump not the pay taxes for almost two decade? what the reporters are saying about this weekend's head lining grabbing reports and it was a brutal attack caught on surveillance just outside of geno's steaks. now an arrest has been made in the search for others involved, but there is more to this story did the attackers have claims to isis?
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the answer is next.
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hurricane matthew is now one of the strongest storms in almost a decade that could cause catastrophe in the caribbean. hundreds of non-essential personnel were evacuated from the u.s. naval station at guantanamo bay. there are about 5500 people living on the base including 61 terror suspects the at the detention center. matthew is one of the most powerful atlantic hurricanes
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in recent history. slow moving storm is expected to dump as much as 40 inches of rain, in haiti. man, that is a country that does not need to see anymore devastation, sue serio. >> right, of course, that earthquake in 2010 they have yet to recover there that and now we have got this powerful storm. these are latest stats from matthew 130 miles an hour wind, still a category four as it the cost bear down on lady, jamaica and looking at track of this storm it is by end of the week that we have to start watching this closely. it will weaken to category two which is a pretty strong storm, cone of uncertainty pretty large but some models take it the closer to the the coast around south and north carolina it is expected to make a right turn and move east ward and maybe not the a direct hit on us but we do have to keep a close eye on this because as you can see there they are not all in alignment the just yet. so that is a storm that bears
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watching, so for us we're still in the low pressure system that has been spinning out for our west for days and days and taste still keeping us drizzly, damp, and occasionally we will get a heavy downpour like we are right here. we will zoom in on new castle county, delaware south east of middletown delaware there is a heavy downpour right there and then some of that heavy rain is moving in salem county, in new jersey. in new jersey we will move up to the north and see around concord township in delco, west goshen, chester county some light rain showers there. so rain gear is probably a good idea today but as we look at sunrise at 7:00 o'clock this morning so by 8:00 o'clock we are seeing some breaks in the clouds but we still zoo showers showing up as this low pressure system gradually exits our area and we will get ready for brighter weather pattern for rest of the the week. the visibility this morning is not the good in so many places, foggy in reading, lancaster, pottstown, allentown, 2 miles visibility at philly international socked
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in at millville, and atlantic city as well with plenty of moisture in the air. 63 degrees in philadelphia, 55 in mount pocono. sixty-two in wildwood. it is not too chilly out this morning just kind of damp, dreary, we are used to it too. past several days we have seen high temperatures in the 60es a the your average high is now 71 degrees. looking at the seven day forecast we will get above average if we get that sunshine 69 degrees tomorrow and then staying in the 70's through the rest of the week. but by friday and saturday we will to have start watching and seeing about the path of that powerful, hurricane matthew and if any of that effects will be felt in our area bob kelly. >> you know to day it begins national work from home week. i don't know why i didn't look that up on friday, so that i was prepared for today but good morning, everybody. 4:16. a live look at painter's crossing route one and 202, a example of what we are dealing
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w first of all we have fog, poor visibility, roads are wet. it will be another bad hair day. we don't have that steady heavy rain but as sue mentioned tea pending upon where you begin and end your trip we will have wipers on this morning. the here's 492 freeway coming in toward philadelphia for gang in pottstown an accident at fifth and main and expect flight delays today down at philly international. as we heard from dave, normal services pattern, returning today from septa here's the key, not all of the trains are back, almost all, i mean they made some tweaks to the schedule. so bottom line just make sure you follow the new schedule that has the effective date of october 2nd. we put that link up on our web site, on my facebook and my twitter pages, that is basically the same schedule that they had in effect back in june before this whole mess started with the silver liner cars, they made adjustments. so whatever you have been following throw it out window and grab the new schedule.
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it will take a couple days for dust to settle but i think for most part we will see improvement for sure today, with some new cars, and some you this trains, and things will get better as we move forward. now the northeast corridor regular services on new jersey transit, from philadelphia up to new york. only thing that has impacted services still suspended in and out of hoboken from thursday's accident. market frankford and subway they are still using shuttle buses until 5:00 this morning. lauren, back over to you. philadelphia police say they now know two of five attackers involve in the brutal assault outside a geno's steaks in june. alberto lopez, turned himself into authorities. police have issued an arrest for another man, and all they are saying about that person is he is 36 years old. police say two are part of the larger group who assaulted two women and a man outside the south philadelphia landmark late one night in june. victim's say the men claimed they belonged to isis. a chase end with the crash in a philadelphia police
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officer injured, two police cruisers slammed into each other in the 1500 block of south 26th street, this is around 7:00 o'clock last night. one officer injured in the crash refused medical treatment. the cars so banged up as you cane in that video a tow truck had to hall them both away. music for your ears this morning philadelphia orchestra strike is now over. new collective bargaining agreement is done with the vote slated for tomorrow. also happening tomorrow the musicians have have decided to hold audience appreciation concerts, throughout the city, schedule performances at the kimmel center will resume on thursday. let's talk politics it looks like 2016 presidential race now appears this full scandal mode with accusations about donald trump and hillary clinton being privately indifferent n a leak audio recording clinton criticized bernie sanders supporters as quote living in their parent's basements and trapped in
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deadened careers. as for billion air businessman new york times report in 1995 trump declared a loss of nearly a billion dollars from the collapse of his casino empire. the trump shuttle and plaza hotel, without any proof he did, the times went on to say trump could have used that loss to avoid paying any taxes, for 18 years. trump supporters coming to his defense praising his business accu men. >> there is no one who has shown more genius in their way to maneuver around the tax code as he rightfully used the laws to do that. >> don't you think a man who has this kind of economic genius is a lot better than a woman and only thing she has ever produced was a lot of work for the fbi checking out her e-mails. >> the trump campaign does not dispute times report but says that the returns were illegally obtained and threatening legal action. trump's team insists he had paid hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes on the federal, state and role
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levels. trump responded firing off this tweetie know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president and am only one that can fix them #failing at new york times. more problems for donald trump, vandals targeted his new luxury hotel in washington d.c. crews already covered graffiti with plywood but police say someone spray painted black lives matter and slogan no justice no peace on the front of that building on saturday. police don't know who did it, a publicist has decline comment but trump international hotel opened last month, near the white house. now to the democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton will return to our area tomorrow and her daughter chelsea and actress elizabeth banks will join her in haverford. the three will be talking about clinton's plans to support children and families. later that evening, they will stop in harrisburg to urge pennsylvanians to make sure that they are registered to vote before the deadline, on
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october the 11th. it seems sixers just cannot catch a break, first round draft pick ben simmons out after breaking his foot, now for the first time the sixers head coach is talking about their first reaction and simmons timetable for coming back. but first your winning lottery numbers.
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when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump.
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priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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good morning i'm sean bell it is like deja vu all over again for sixers, they had to deal with another number one draft pick, getting hurt, this their first practice back in philadelphia, the coach talk about his reaction when he found out ben simmons broke his foot. >> i think when you first hear the news, we have all been hit in the stomach and you lose your wind and then after a while, you know, you get it back and you move on. >> it was a end of an era ryan howard's last game for phillies, the big man meant so much to this city and fans, they showed love yesterday. have after the game he talked about that emotional day. >> it has been a roller coaster, man. it was crazy. i really didn't know what to expect. getting out there just seeing the people, seeing the different videos and everything just kind of all
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came in and hit me all at once. >> that is sports in the minute, i'm sean bell. 4:26. we are covering several big store thinks morning. steve keeley on a nationwide alert about people dressing up as clowns now headaching its way to our area. >> reporter: some creeps out there with too much time on their hand and lap top at their fingertips think it is real fun toy see reporters like us going on the air and talking about this. we will see how funny they think police are when they show up at their door. when it comes to risking social security on the stock market...
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pat toomey wrote the book. "i'm...i've got a whole chapter in my book where i... specifically lay out how i think we should... reform social security." toomey's plan requires wall street and bankers to manage... the accounts. collecting fees out of your social security that could... total billions. fees they collect, even if the market crashes and...
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seniors lose everything. pat toomey's looking out for wall street, not pennsylvania. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. social media posts about threatening clowns have parents worried and now school administrators try to figure out how to tiehl with all of this. after months of cramming on to packed trains, septa regional rail riders are finally get something good news, septa has a new schedule. bob kelly and dave kinchen has more on your monday morning commute and how it might be much easier. breaking news overnight kim kardashian robbed at gunpoint inside a paris hotel room. what the robbers got away with and what her husband did moments after that getting that scary news. good day it is monday, october o has more on our monday morning forecast. >> yes, we're used to it all right, right, damp, drizzle
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and now we have fog to the mix which makes it adventurous driving into work in the fog. we have it out there, for this morning but we will still give you a seven out of ten because we think your day will end wetter then it begins. we have clouds, we have some showers moving through the area right now, same weather that we have had for days and days and days and then you see new castle county and kent county delaware getting that heavy downpour this morning and light showers in other places but here's the deal with the visibility, foggy in allentown, reading, lancaster, pottstown reduced visibility in trenton. we are 3 miles visibility at philly international, not great, but it was worse earlier. millville half mile and you can see the haze of our picture at philly international. the temperature is 63 degrees. a little breeze out of the heart but not much, we wouldn't have too much fog and milestone here your sunrise time is 7:00 o'clock as days
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continue to get shorter. mid 50's in mount pocono, upper 50's in allentown and pottstown, lancaster has 62 degrees. in the 60's in millville. dover, delaware 65 degrees and fog think morning. so that continues throughout the morning mid 60's, close to 70 by lunchtime, probably topping off at 75 degrees depending on how much sunshine we will get and your sunset time in case you were wondering is 6:39. >> i knew were you. >> i was just thinking what time is sunset today. >> bing. >> good morning, everybody. 4:31. here's what it looks like when you wake up not just from that walk to a bed to the bathroom in the fog but when you step outside trent door here's 309 near turnpike roads are damp, wet we have mist out there. live look at the freeway coming in towards philadelphia. not that heavy downpour like we had to deal with thursday and friday, accident in pottstown at fifth and main. philly international will have a rough morning combination of
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the fog and drizzle that we're dealing with. new jersey transit, northeast corridor regular services, between philadelphia and new york, only service that is suspended or trains in and out of hoboken market frankford line using buses, and fine on the subway as well. top store thinks morning normal service patterns returning today to septa's regional rail lines. things will start to get a little will will bit better, dave and the key out there this morning is making sure that you're following this new schedule that accomplices all this new trains back on the track, is that right. >> reporter: this new schedule goes back to june, really before all of this happened when all these cars were taken off the lines, so it is welcomed news for regional rail riledders will be packing stations like where we are right now here in our part a little bit later through the morning here and we can tell you that this will be a return to the regular weekday schedule after a third of the fleet was off line due to cracks on the cars.
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septa says beginning today crowded trains and delays are expect to taper off new that progress has been made. you may recall septa pulled 120 of the silver liner five trains when crack where is found on the vehicles, today more than 50 silver liners have been repaired and will be back in service but septa is still leasing trains from amtrak and nj transit among others to make up the difference but return to normal is still welcomed news to commuters we spoke with. >> it has been a great impact because it is very difficult that it usually runs every hour. so now being that it is going back to october 3rd i guess monday they will be running every 30 minutes. i'm happen bye that. >> we have managed the best we could, some days take a bus, sometimes take a subway sometimes i drive to another train line, all together i'm
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just glad that the schedule is back to normal. >> again, throw out your old schedules, the new schedules that bring everything back to current status, for weekday actually goes back to june. really it will look like the schedule before everything happened in the first place septa said they will 46 trains that will have modifications bottom line go on the septa's web site and check out bob kelly and his post and we will update you with everything you need to know for this week. >> we have you covered, dave, thank you very much. scary clowns and threats of violence begins local students and teachers now, home land security is joining philadelphia police in finding who is behind the disturbing post on social media. steve keeley joins us live from police headquarters, with more on what police are doing, steve. >> reporter: this creepy clown craze started in south carolina back in august and
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spread across the country since and it reached here to philadelphia saturday. first we have people jumping out of the woods and both make up and has being and now trying to scare kids on computers. philadelphia school kids latest threaten both public school kid off until this wednesday for jewish rash hashanah holidays and now three catholic schools that are opened today, and will since have a police restens to give any parents, students, who see this and are worried a reason to feel secure today. >> i don't think it is very funny. anytime there is kid involved, that is not funny, at least, you know, to that extend. >> at first i thought it was a joke. it was a post somebody posted earlier in the day and they had certain things on the street on the ground saying they were actually around. i don't have children myself but i would be terrified and scared if i had children out here. even the beginning of the october and halloween coming
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up they can be doing threats around that time. it is just scary. >> reporter: authorities say it hey just be stupid rang, it is a major crime and federal whom land security investigators now in contact with both archdiocese and cities school district as it traces the the source of these than line postings and some may find out how serious this kind of clowning around is when they get in the federal court and a federal holding detention center, cell. >> won't be so funny then, steve keeley, thank you very much. lets get to this breaking news, scary moments for kim kardashian when reality tv star held up at gunpoint in paris last night. spokesperson said two armed men dressed as police officers confronted west inside her hotel room. she was tied up, robbed at gunpoint of ten million-dollar worth of jewelry. according to the spokesperson the actress is badly shaken but physically unharmed. kardashian west with her mother and two sisters were in the country, for paris fashion week. her husband kanye abruptly
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ended a concert last night in new york when he found out about the situation leaving his fans confused. >> i'm sorry, familye mergecy i'll talk to y'all. >> so far, a authorize in paris have have not made any arrests. now to a developing story out of chester where multiple people were stabbed, this happened around 8:00 o'clock last night on the 900 black of barclay street. we are still working to figure out number of stabbing victims. we do know the injuries are not life threatening. police in harrison township new jersey trying to figure out why a man got out of his car early yesterday morning and walk right in the road. driver hit him as paramedics pronounced jake on dead at the scene. police say he got out of the car just before 7:00 in the morning walk in the westbound lane of mullica drive and that
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is when driver hit him. person stayed at the scene, police do not expect prosecutors to file any charges. a major setback in the search for answers in the deadly new jersey train crash, the ntsb says that one of the trains event recorders was not working on the day of the crash. that recorder, would have had information on the train's speed help it crashed into the hoboken new jersey train station. another recorder was in the front of the train and investigators say they are hopeful it was working they have not been able to get to it yet because it is under a collapsed section of the station's roof. meanwhile ntsb says while train's engineer has no recollection of the crash itself he does remember certain details for moments before the crash. >> he said he looked at his watch and noticed his train was six minutes late arriving at hoboken. he said that when he checked the speed meter he was operating at 10 miles an hour when entering the station
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track. engineer says he has no memory of the accident. >> we're told train engineer does remember the cars being much more crowded then usual on the day of that crash. are you ready to put up your halloween decorations? well, one big box store says that they are pulling this creepy looking guy off of the shelves. where you will not be able to find this. i love you so much.
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that's why i bought six of you... for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever... that's why you will stay in this drawer... forever. i can't live without you. and that's why i will never, ever wash you. protect your clothes from the damage of the wash with downy fabric conditioner. it not only softens and freshens... it helps protect clothes... from stretching, fading and fuzz... so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner wash in the wow.
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home key powe already pulling one of of its halloween decorations from shelves. customers complained, that this was unsettling, and not too hard to see why. it is scary peeper creeper you suction it the to a window outside so it looks like a peeping tom looking n1 customer complained that the company is saying it was offensive and makes light of press try behavior against woman. home depot issued a written apology. striking a cord, the philadelphia orchestra will play again after a brief strike, and there is a chance to hear music for free, we will tell you when and where after the break.
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taking a quick look at the stats for hurricane matthew because these will be updated in a moment because 5:00 o'clock is when they do their morning update 130 miles an hour winds with this storm as it bears down on haiti, there is gentleman make, right there and then cuba getting ready for that and we have to watch out, in the bohamas as well. for us it is in the until the week fend we get any impact at all from this storm that we will have to watch it, there is friday's projection but is there a big cone of uncertainty as well and it will still be a category two by then. for us we have a lose pressure system that has been spinning in place for days and days and days giving us same old weather pattern, kind of
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dreary and still like that outside this morning. the eventually this will slowly move off shore, today that low and high pressure will build in, for the rest of the week which will make it great except the weekend we have to factor this hurricane matthew, possibly. possibly. so here we go with the showers moving through right now, and is there one area of heavy rain now over the delaware bay about to head into cumberland county, in new jersey and then for delaware county for chester county and parts of the montgomery county and moving into philadelphia we have had light showers as well, so we still need rain gear this morning but as we look at the future cast we will see some sunshine starting to peak through those clouds by 2:00 in the afternoon but look there is a few more showers because that low pressure system will not be completely out of here just yet, so be prepared for sun, and for showers, later on this afternoon and earlier sunset as well. here are visibility foggy in reading, lancaster, pottstown,
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allentown, trenton, philadelphia, pretty bad in millville that fog down there and atlantic city international fogged in as well. 63 degrees is our temperature here, 55 in mount pocono. sixty-two lancaster and in wildwood. temperatures not too uncomfortable this morning as far as highs over the weekend, we have only got to 65 degrees on saturday. 67 degrees yesterday with hoping for some sunshine on sunday but it looks like it will come to take with the showers this morning and sunshine in the afternoon. sun, cloud tomorrow 69 degrees and then into the 70's on wednesday, thursday, friday. it looks like a great weather pattern until we have to factor in matthew for the weekend but it is really too early to tell for that one, bob kelly. >> you got it. 4:47. lighter volume as our jewish friend celebrate the holiday this morning but we are sock in with fog here. if we look real close sometimes you can catch out a
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headlight from a i-95. there we go. an example of the fog that we are dealing with this morning. here's a live look at dekalb and welsh road. road are just damp enough to cause slippery issues slipping and sliding as you roll through intersection this is morning. up in pottstown a crash just cleared out at fifth and main. ring the bell all aboard we have normal services returning today, dave mentioned, most of the silver liner trains are back on the track after repairs. now, not all of the trains are back, but septa is able to return to that normal, schedule, that they had back in june. the bottom line is there are some tweaks, some trains are express, and instead of a local, making all stops. there had been adjustment along the way. make sure you have the new schedule that has that effective date of october 2nd which was yesterday and that is available on my facebook
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page, bob kelly fox 29, i put it up on twitter page and fox be ready. you will see improvement but there is a new schedule and that is bottom line. make sure you have that new schedule before we roll out of the station this morning. route 07 that least paving operation from southampton all the way over, to the medford interchange and expect some flight delays down at philadelphia international. lauren, back over to you. bob, thanks very much. philadelphia police say they now know two of the five attackers involve in the brutal assault outside geno's steaks in june. twenty-four year-old alberto lopez turn himself into authorities. police issued a warrant for another man, all they are saying right now is he is 36 years old. police say they part of the group who assaulted two women and man outside a south philadelphia land mark late one night in june. victim say those hen claimed they belonged to isis. music for your ears this
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morning philadelphia orchestra strike is now over. new collective bargaining agreement is done with a vote slated for tomorrow. the also happening tomorrow musicians decided to hold audience appreciation concerts through the city, scheduled performances at kimmel center resume on thursday. the 35 days left until election day and our latest "fox news" poll shows hillary clinton with a three-point lead overdone old trump. those numbers released while trump campaign is threatening legal action after new york times report that trump declared a looks of nearly a billion will dollars this 1995. times went on to say trump could have used that loss to avoid paying any taxes for 18 years, trump supporters coming to his defense raising his business accu men. >> there is no one who has shown more genius this the way to maneuver around the tax code as he he rightfully used the laws to do that. >> don't you think a man who has this kind of economic genius is better than the
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united states and woman and only thing she has ever produced is a the lot of work for bi checking out her e-mails. >> trump campaign they were illegally obtain. they insist trump paid hundreds of millions of dollars on the federal, state and local levels. trump firing off this tweetie necessity our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president, and i'm only one who can fix them. #failing at new york times. more problems for donald trump, vandals targeted his luxury hotel in washington d.c. crews have already covered gra feet which plywood but police say someone va painted black lives matter and slogan no justice no peace on the front of the building. this was on saturday. police don't know who did it but publicist for the hotel has declined to comment. trump international hotel opened last month near the white house. now to the democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton will return to our
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area tomorrow. she and her daughter chelsea, elizabeth banks, will join in haverford. the three will be talking about clinton's plan to support children and families. late their evening they will stop in harrisburg, to urge pennsylvanians to make sure they are registered to vote before the deadline on october . lots of laughs on saturday night and all at the expense of the presidential candidates. so, did the snl team pull it off? we want you to be the judge. katie v/o: she works hard. she stays late. but she gets paid 21% less than her male coworkers. pat toomey has voted time after time against equal pay for women, against pay that helps hard working families get ahead. katie o/c: for my daughters and yours, i'll fight for equal pay for women. families need it; you've earned it.
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katie v/o: i'm katie mcginty, and i approve this message because it's your turn to get ahead. i'my bargain detergentgh a couldn't keep up.isaster. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. tide. number one rated. it's got to be tide
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many people are talking about the presidential election the talk this morning is about presidential satire. saturday night live returned this weekend and introduced alex baldwin of donald trump going autopsy begins hillary clinton in a parity of last week presidential debate. >> i mean this man is clearly unfit to be commander in chief. >> bull. >> he is a bully. >> shut up. >> he started birther movement. >> you did. >> he said climate change is a hoax invented by china. >> it is pronounced china. >> he hasn't released his tax returns which means he is either not that much rich. >> not that terrible. >> wrong. >> or never paid tax necessary his life. >> warmer. >> in virginia vice-president nominee tim kaine milk pence will debate. lindsey lohan said she almost lost her finger in a
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boating accident. you see her band aged ring finger. doctors were able to reattach it, wow this happened off the coast of turkey. she tried pulling up the boat's anchor but became ebb tangled in the line. friend found her fingertip on deck. lohan says she's doing just fine. 4:56. crowds are causing big problems for local schools, steve keeley is on that story for us this morning, steve. >> reporter: police were on top of any problems, they have been causing because you will see philly cops at catholic schools opened today, you'll see them wednesday after the jewish holy days of rash hashanah when philly public schools go back, dave? >> reporter: steve, septa's regional rail is back on a normal schedule, and we will tell you how many repairs they have made to those cars that had cracks in them after the break.
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you live a portable life. new dannon oikos nonfat yogurt drink fits right in it. with 10 grams of protein... and zero added sugar, zero artificial sweeteners, zero fat. just what you need to help keep you going. new oikos yogurt drink. be unstoppably you.
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creepy clown threats have communities nationwide on high alert, here at home the office of home land security is looking into those threats. steve keeley is live in just a moment. plus back in business. septa set to return to its regular schedule for its regional rail lines but there is a catch, it is doing it without the number of regular trains, how this will affect your morning commute. and breaking news overnight kim kardashian held at gunpoint during a robbery in paris, what her husband kanye west did in new york after learning what happened to his wife.
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all good things must come to an end, first base man ryan howard bid farewell to philadelphia. >> i want to thank you guys for headaching this all possible, for headaching it fun. we had a good run, didn't we? >> how the phillies sent off their star slugger. good day, everybody it is monday, october 3rd, 2016, thanks for waking up with us at 5:00 this morning. lets get over to sue serio who has a look at your monday morning forecast. >> lots of folks braved showers and drizzle toll come out to the ballpark yesterday, it it was nice to see, now we have a little bit of the change in weather, pattern, this morning just still the same we are giving you seven out of ten because we do expect to see sunshine. can you see buddy behind the fog, in honor of their victory and ryan howard, of course so there are some showe


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