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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 7A  FOX  August 12, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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>> what are you going to do this weekend. one of the hottest weekend in a long time, chris murphy is doing anything he can to help you out, running all over town, he is already in the fountain. you shouldn't do this but he did. >> yes. >> it will turn on at 7:00 what time is it. >> 7:00. >> three, two, one. here sit on that fountain. >> i'm getting out of here. >> look at his hat. >> we will go all morning long and stay cool. >> they are a little late. >> we will keep camera on and minute starts squirting we will take the squirt camas he does weather. >> i'll let you know when i get squirted. >> interrupt me at anytime but i'll get started with the number of the day.
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basically same as yesterday, six out of ten. >> hot. >> yeah. oppressive humidity, of course this will be day three of nine or on above. this is day it becomes official, heat wave warning, watches, out every where today, celebrate your vinyl record day on the beach if you can, one of the best places to be but even muggy there with temperatures in the 70's and 80's. one thunderstorm way to the north about to go in the pocono mountains but otherwise it is blazing sunshine at the airport and already 81 degrees, so we will get to about 91 by lunchtime with the aforementioned oppressive humidity and heat wave, is day number three with high of 94 degrees. sunset 8:01. days are still long but not as lopping as they were. >> eighty-one already in philadelphia hot, hot, hot. we are seeing beginning of the rush hour on 95 and
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schuylkill. outside we will go to the admiral wilson boulevard an accident at baird boulevard. it is on the eastbound side heading in to south jersey. blue route looking good, no problems between the schuylkill and i-95. schuylkill expressway in the bad at all looking at 48 miles an hour working your way out toward conshohocken. we are seeing sun glare popping up at both conshohocken and also i-95 in delaware county and mass transit looking good with no delays, mike and alex, back over to you. >> lets get to east germantown. >> gunfight left four people shocked. >> here's the thing, the most critically injured person is a six year-old boy. yes, another six year-old. six year-old girl earlier in the week. both of them shot in the chest. steve keeley is at police headquarters, another one, steve. >> reporter: mike said in the head lines that the big story of the week was heat wave. people in germantown would say crime wave. we have two, six year-old critically shot within three days. how much worse can it get?
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this street that you are looking at, has at least five cars all bullet riddled and two houses where bullets came in luckily not on the same floor where people were. but the worst of it was this six year-old boy who was in the car in the front seat where he is not supposed to be legally anywhere, driving with a man likely his father hoist 29. the 29 years oldies hit five time and little boy hit in the chest and one of his arms with a ak-47. folks, tv does not do it just to advertise when we do it casings. size of the casing from his a ak-47 are way bigger then anybody big finger. so these things on the ground look like some military shoot-out. so they had an ak-47. then bullet casing, i hear in sound, relax back there, 45 casing gun as well and 40 caliber gun also used. three weapons at least 34 shots fire. detectives figure they will
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find even more casings now that the sunnies up and more houses hit and more cars hit. what saved the lives of the 29 year-old and six years old philadelphia police see this bullet all shot up, nobody called the cops. they heard bullet fired. they get them out, they put them in the police car. rush them to einstein emergency room where surgeons saved the lives. they then transferred the six year-old like we did with the girl on tuesday night to st. christopher's and he is okay now at st. christopher's fortunately getting the best care possible at children's hospital over there. four victims in all were hit, other two people not as serious but wow what a serious story, again, in this neighborhood. none of these people have been found. in of the guns have been found. when we talk to the detectives what they told us was that a woman had just done laundry. the she is is's in the house with a child. they were upstairs. then they went downstairs. upstairs of the house took bullets. she puts laundry away, folds
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the clothes. bullet goes through the wall, in the dresser where she had just put clothes. she opens up the dresser and sees a bullet sitting on the clothes. that is how close this came to having more innocent people hit and maybe another child hit. what can police do? they are doing all they can. they are working overtime. luckily these kids have survived but if you are counting at home because we help you count because we keep saying this, tuesday i was saying this is fifth child shot, now we have sixth child shot, unintended targets but becoming targets anyway of this violence on the streets of philadelphia ak-47 is a military assault rifle, not even used in the most crazy hunting stories, how that is on the street in the hand of somebody who wants to kill people, police have no idea. >> we have been doing this a long time, i don't remember a summer like this where so many kid were shot for sure. that is why parents in east germantown and germantown in general don't want their kids to play outside. it is so hot, they are keeping
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them inside. >> thinks all of while a six year-old girl continues to recover in the hospital a couple days ago. she was on her front porch when she was hit on tuesday this happened on the 6500 block of wood stock street around 6:30 p.m. investigators say they are not receiving any cooperation from witnesses. >> and then just six hours after that shooting, a 47 year-old man was shot multiple times, all also in east germantown just a couple houses down from where that six year-old girl was shot on tuesday. police think they shooting may be connect to that shooting on wood stock of the little girl. no arrests have been made in any of these shootings as steve just told you and police are investigating another homicide in the same area as those other shootings we have just mentioned. twenty-five year-old osherry ford was shot and killed moments after picking up his three-year old daughter after work this happened on july 28th but we're just now learning bit. ford died a day later. no arrests have been made in
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that one. no arrests in any of the shootings have been made. coming up at 7:07. another child hurt in an amusement park in the u.s. less than a week this makes what up to three. >> well, three incident. we've got three girls injured, we have the little boy in western pennsylvania and then the boy who died in overland park kansas, dave. >> it has been horrific. in all these cases parents say we need more regulations for these ride this one happening on a historic roller coaster at a muse. park. a three-year old boy was air lifted to the hospital after getting hurt on a ride known as roller coaster at idlewild and soakzone park. it is near pittsburgh. it is 50 miles east of pittsburgh. first responders telling "fox news" that the boy had peers to have been fallen off. he was riding with his brother. this ride was just inspected on saturday. >> a boy riding the roller coaster with his brother was injured while riding the
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attraction. birth was conscious, while being treated, on site, and air lifted, to a local hospital. >> reporter: this comes after a boy died as we said on a water slide in kansas and after three girls were injured during a ferris wheel accident in tennessee. roller coaster near pittsburgh was built in 1938, mostly wood up as you saw there and known by enthusiast over there for having relatively few safety restrictions but this just goes 25 miles an hour. meantime it is not known the extent of the the boys injury, local officials say the ride will be shut down while this case is, of course, investigated. >> have of course. >> all right. 7:08. jerry sandusky back in the news. his attorneys say the former penn state assistant football coach is going to take the stand this time. >> he will testify during an appeals hearing about whether his convictions should stand. the seven two-year old sandusky did not take the stand during is 4012 trial, and among issues that he has raised that his original lawyers did not represent him adequately.
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jury quick sandusky of sexually abusing ten boys and now serving a 30 to 60 year prison sentence. we have a big trial here in norristown too. >> talking about the attorney general kathleen kane. her corruption trial continues today. former political consultant josh marrow testified yesterday. he told jurors he conspired with kan to pin a jury leak on the chief deputy. marrow said he and kane crafted a story two years ago saying adrian king leak secret files to the newspaper. he says that kane wanted to embarras a rival prosecutor. >> wow. 7:09. presidential candidates continue to tout their economic plans, promised to go bring new jobs to the u.s. >> yes, donald trump is vowing to reduce taxes in this country. and keep companies, here in the u.s. of a. >> we're going to lower your taxes, we will keep our companies, but we're going to keep our companies in a different way. i say all the time for years i have watched our companies
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leave. for years. this is why i'm doing this. i didn't to have do it. i was having a very nice life. >> so at a rally in central florida, trump wants to undue president obama's economic agenda says that every speech. repeal obama care and deregulate the coal industry. meantime, we still have a camera, the logan fountain is squirting now. it is ten minutes late. >> as long as it is working look at chris, looking out. >> on the morning rain. >> it looks like he is peeing there. >> it is all about angles in the tv business. >> people think the fountains in the water. >> the frogs barfing. >> yes. >> should i go? >> go ahead, get in, seriously he sounds thrilled. >> it feels good.
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>> anything for relief. >> shower time. >> if you want chris to show up near you, just do dilworth when water squirts out. >> yes. >> if you want him to come tour neighborhood buzz me on twitter. >> does he have shower shoes honor barefoot. >> that is a frappuccino of bacteria right there. >> lets talk about the democrats. they are worried about the e-mail leaks, e-mail scandal for hillary clinton continues. so, she says he may talk a big game donald trump on trade, and the economy in the united states but his a approach is based on fear, not strength. so hillary clinton even used olympics and michael phelps to make her point. >> if team u.s.a. was as fearful as trump, michael phelps, and simone biles would be in the locker room afraid to come out and compete. >> clinton has said about 56
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million-dollar in television ads during the olympics, and, donald trump has not spent any. the quinnipiac poll shows trump leading pennsylvania and ohio and virtual tie in florida. oh man we have a few more months of that. football is back, baby. we have got to get to see the new coach, we have rookie quarterback, doug pederson on the sidelines there looking good. we all wondered though to ourselves yesterday if he could be the main guy and if he actually did anything under andy reid that he will bring to philadelphia. so he finally gets to run the show. what did he do with two minutes left in the second quarter, two minute drill he put in the rookie carson wentz. >> and he scored. >> he did? >> i thought so. >> i don't think so. >> the man we have been waiting for carson wentz in the game, two minute drill. he threw an interception, rookie mistake.
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but he looked pretty darn goody got to tell you. he looked pretty darn good. doug pederson the coach apparently tested carson before the game telling him relax. just relax and have fun. carson came in late in the second quarter. >> there is the interception. >> he had a couple of passes. >> he did well. but after that he did calm down. he go the in the groove would i say. zach ertz had a good game. >> like riding a bike you have to get this first fall out of the way and then it is done and you can get it done and feel it get it out of the way. >> and get it out of the way in the preseason then the regular season. >> that really is the idea, isn't it. >> get all bruised up, get your feet wet. >> he hasn't taken a hit in a long time. it feels good. by the way, we will talk more bit. g. cobb is coming in. i don't know what to think bit. should we feel good about a win in preseason. sit like taking a shower in
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the rain coat, kissing your sister. >> why would it feel like that. >> it is not satisfying. >> true. >> a lot of people out. >> yes. >> malcolm jenkins, jordan matthews, we could not get a true picture. >> both of our starting tackles on the offensive line were out as well. >> and lane johnson thing that is too. >> that is what i meant tackley wanted to mention him by lane with all of the things going on with him. >> life in the fast line. >> i had a little pointy head. >> bad hair day too. >> all kind of stuff. >> i like your hair today. >> is what the thing happening right there. >> what do you call that right here. >> a callic is in the back. >> dennis the menace had one in the front. >> business in the front party in the back. >> did you get the a haircut. >> a little bit, last week. >> it looks good. >> it is crunchy, there is so much hair spray on this hair it is brittle. >> it is not moving. >> it is like peanut brittle.
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>> it might just break. perhaps you heard the water is very warm down the shore. it was record warmth in this buoy off atlantic city which register this week a water temperature of 83.3 degrees and that beats all time warm temperature record in atlantic city of 83.1, since 2011. so that is kind of refreshing even with warm water, and the temperatures down the shore this weekend are going to be pretty warm, in fact, we will have triple digit heat index saturday, sunday and maybe enclose to that on monday. and then the water will probably see a little bit of upwelling, so we will be mid to upper 70's for the water temperatures. excessive heat warning continues through sunday, not through saturday and the heat watch, excessive heat watch for the rest of the area one thunderstorm that we are looking at up toward pocono mountains one thunder storm is all we have in the moment. rainfall chance is greatest north and west of the city. it doesn't mean you won't get
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a pop up shower or thunderstorm but chances decrease further south. we could approach a rorrer saturday. we are forecasting 97. the record for saturday is 99. right now it is already 81 in philadelphia. eighty in wilmington, millville and wildwood and heading in the 90's. this is the third day in a row of 90 or above. heat wave is official once we hit 90 today. is there your 97 for saturday. feels hotter then that. ninety's continue sunday, monday, possibly on tuesday. this is a licensing one bob kelly, hopefully your weekend plans do not include yourself. >> make sure indoor plans got them all stacked up. 7:16. good morning. tgif. live look, cutting grass here on 422, saint gabriel's curve see how sunnies ready to pop up over tree line there and that will cause delays from collegeville. coming from new jersey not bad at all. friday mornings are lighter
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than other workdays and in the summertime, of course, everyone heads the opposite way later on friday afternoon no problems in or out of the philly international but in the afternoon help we get thunder boomers we had that situation happen yesterday, you start to see delays popping up, busy weekend for some cops ertz over here in camden. tonight blink 182. then saturday darius ruck er and everybody is heading back over bennie and philadelphia and mixing with that cher cloud later tonight. phillies open up a home stan tonight in town for the weekend. regatta will close down our kelly drive tomorrow and then we have mayor's cup run that will take over belmont plateau and fairmount park, mike and alex back to you. >> wouldn't i be a dope if i didn't go down the shore this weekend. >> it just makes sense to go down. >> that is where jen is. >> that is where people go. >> you have to. >> ocean city. i want to do free stuff though. tell me what i can do, oh, well that looks like fun already. >> legs.
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>> doesn't light great. >> sue said don't exert ourselves so we will listen to sue's advice. first of all i want to tell you where i am but i can't tell you where i am. this is secret beach. i heard grand kid beach. we are on the bay side. it is pretty close to fantastic. free, no beach tags but you have to necessity where it is so hit me up on twitter. sophia hood is here, kylie and jordan and my friend landry as well. we want to talk about free stuff. shuffleboarding is cool and free in ocean city. >> it is my most favorite thing to do here. >> you go there pro their stuff. >> yes it is all free, a little shed you walk into, you take shuffleboard things and i don't know what they are called. >> it is fun. >> so much fun. >> you grew up, fishing, right. >> yes. >> fishing and crabbing we used to get down to the bay and get our cages and hot dogs and that works for bait. >> that is good.
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>> we just strap in and sat there. >> i love it. >> i know you like to ride bikes as well. >> it is so much fun. >> keeps you going all around the island. anything you like to do or just nod your head. >> i like to do gymnast to tics. >> she likes to do gymnastics. >> are you proud of our team so far in the olympics. >> yes. >> that is also free. >> yes. >> jordan anything you love to do. >> biking on the boardwalk. >> i love it. >> so those are great ideas. shuffleboard high five that is next level. i love your individual yes as well. we are here on this beach because brooknor hoist a surfer dude has a connection to great ocean projects. we will tell you more about that at 7:45. but for now guys i feel sorry for you that studio is probably air condition and cold and here we're fine and it is not that humid just yet? best of luck to that surfer if he can hand that will rough
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surf there. just because i like excitement let's role shuffleboard footage again. >> it was watching the olympics last night, this has nothing otto limb picks. >> sit at home and watch this all day. >> look at the energy she's exerting. >> too hot. >> this is prime time. >> i want this on a loop in my apartment. guess what iphone seven. >> sit here. >> the release day has been announced you are on team iphone. >> i'm very excited. i'm perspiring. >> but lauren simonetti wants to give the announcement of the date. >> we will let her to that. >> if we could after lottery numbers can we see it one more
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time. ♪
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♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirty-first. so, the iphone seven is ready to go and lauren wanted to say don't announce it mike. i want to do it from new york. >> let's get her drum roll when will it be released iphone seven. >> wait, released september 16th. >> september 16th. >> okay. >> so september 16th. >> yes. >> that is the release day. >> more than a month away. >> my sister maryann, her birthday is 17th maybe i can get her an iphone. >> you can preorder it september 9th and find out all bit on september 7th. >> september 7th. >> the wanted iphone seven. >> i'm waiting for iphone 33.
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>> you are waiting for the eighth which comes on the ten year anniversary. >> the iphone eight, allows to you launch the space shuttle. >> because we do it every year. our traffic guy bob kelly is confused iphone eight for year ten. >> because i phone seven is out in september and that would follow seven, it would be eight. >> space shuttle, cures cancer iphone eight is phone to have. >> sorry, lauren. >> sorry. >> it is okay. >> you guys have the friday giggles. >> friday is more about what it doesn't have. rumors they are getting rid of the place where you plug in your head phones what happens tour headphones. >> they will be wireless. >> wireless ones but then you have to buy new head phones. >> it is a scam.
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>> just like the charger. >> the other rumor is home button goes away and they to a touch button. the other rumor is more colors, you know, maybe. >> f u.s.c. ia. >> colors, colors, colors. >> now i have phone wallet, my phonies in my wallet. >> a phone wallet. >> i want one. >> you haven't seen those. >> show it. >> that is no the what it is really called. >> that thing, yes. >> that is great. >> that is girly. >> they have leather ones for men. >> why leather for men. >> you say girly you want something more manly. >> by the way iphone eight there is a new feature it won't allow to you make calls. >> texting only. >> you don't call anybody. >> text all the way. >> text and face time. >> basically we don't care about the iphone seven.
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>> no, i do i'm wildly excited. >> this is a problem for apple, if you. >> if i text you don't immediately call me. i necessity that means i have a phone in my hand but i don't want a call from you, that irritates me. >> you shouldn't. >> you won't do phone calls but face time he answers, i don't understand that. >> i want to show you all this. >> but girls appreciate when they get a phone call and not a text. it is easier to do things not in written communication. >> i'll take that into account this weekend. a scene that is becoming familiar a three-year old injured at an amusement park in western pennsylvania, what you need to know before you buy a a ticket. by the way are these warnings on these tickets? lets talk to an attorney.
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for senate, a clear difference. katie mcginty: for background checks, for banning assault weapons, and banning high-capacity ammunition clips. and pat toomey? against an assault weapons ban and against banning high capacity ammo clips like those used in the orlando massacre. listen to pat toomey brag: "i have had a perfect record with the nra."
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pat toomey gets an "a" from the nra. he's not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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we have to talk about this. so several times this week, three, now again era muse. park ride accident. a little boy three years old western pennsylvania becomes latest victim when he fell out of this roller coaster. plus new era begins for the eagles. it feels like we have been waiting forever for carson wentz to take the field and show us what he is made have of. we will break down his first preseason game performance
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with former eagle garry cobb. >> it is 7:30. here's sue serio with a look at the weather, probably top story all weekend will be the weather. >> we are celebrating vinyl record day. yeah, there is somebody in the fountain besides chris murphy. so listen, do you ever leave a vinyl record out in the sun on a day like today? you cannot play it anymore. that is for sure. watch out, temperatures in the 70's and 80's, and of course we have our excessive heat warning in effect. now it expires on sunday, instead of saturday and it is a heat watch every where else. we have one thunderstorm up to the north of us, we could see a pop up later on in the day just about anywhere. 94 degrees with pop up thunderstorms and heat index in triple digits. tonight we will cool down to 81, another muggy night. that is the weather pattern which we started on wednesday and it is still with us through the weekend. we will tell you when it end in the seven day forecast.
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it feels like it will never end, bob kelly. >> i know you had one of these for vinyl record day, ready. >> hold on, fly through the freeway we have the jams heading down to the shore. >> getting ready for vinyl record day. >> i did have one of them. we have your 45's. don't forget the little spindle there for your adopter. live look at the sun glare coming around conshohocken curve here at girard avenue. there we are on the freeway folks coming in toward the city. not bad at all. if you are getting out of town for vacation this weekend good for you you, no delays at philly international. mike and alex back over to you. we're talking about some stats here. apparently pennsylvania has more amusement park ride then any other state as of three or four years ago but now we have been talking about three different accidents in less than a week at amusement parks in this country.
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a little boy is air lifted to a hospital have after falling from a a roller coaster at an amusement park in western pennsylvania. a spokesperson for idol wild and soakzone says they are not sure if the ride malfunctioned or if there was horseplay involved in this accident. the ride does not require seat belts. on monday in tennessee, three girls fall 30 feet from a ferris wheel, inspectors believe a minute california failure caused the gondola to flip over. the girls, one just six, suffered a brain injury and remains in the hospital. her ten year-old sister broke her arm and another girl, 16 years old was also injured and reported in stable condition. back on sunday tragedy when ten year-old caleb schwab was killed while riding the world's tallest water slide at a water park in overland park
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kansas. the ride is 168 feet tall, and speeds up to 07 miles an hour followed by another 50-foot dissent, riders strapped in by two velcro style straps and must be at least 54 inches tall. apparently water park passed an inspection in june but an amusement park experts is questioning whether the restrain system used ace pope eighth. the investigation continues. >> that is what actually took his head off, heather hanson is here, our attorney. you go to these parks and go down to the shore and get on the coaster. does it say something on the ticket we are in the liable if something happens to you. >> some can say that you assume the risk. if you get on this ride you air zooming risk of injury. you cannot assume risk that the people there are going to be negligent. so if they do something like, not have the proper harness
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which sound like may have happened in kansas or not check to see that your child is proper height which may have happened in these incidents, then you can still sue. but ultimately, you know, we will talk prevention in the suing. people have to be responsible for themselves. >> don't try to cheat. >> exactly. >> but at the same time when it comes these coaster when i get on i'm assuming you are up to code and you have to keep me safe. >> that is interesting because your lip gloss has more regulations then these ride. there are no federal regulations for any of these ride this used to be and congress pass add lay that there are not anymore. the ones that move them around. >> the carnivals. >> they have more federal eulogieses. >> the ones that are always there, that is run by the state. >> wait a minute, what does it mean, why would they keep it up and check on it and making sure if they are no good. >> what is that all about. >> that is lobbying. >> there is a lot of politics. in kansas they have the most loose regulations which is why
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they built that huge water slide there. here in pennsylvania and in new jersey we have some of the toughest regulations. but, is there a big push and there has been in the past to have regulation as cross the united states to say just like we do for lip gloss and forecaster, to say you have to have seat belts. you have to have a height restriction. all of those things to have it uniform across the state. right now that isn't the situation. there are some states with no regulations at all. >> none. >> none. >> so if you are traveling, going to a different state. >> you better check it out good look into it. check it out. >> don't try to break the rules. when you are treated differently it feels nice but a lot of times it cross the board you are more at risk when treated differently. >> i'm not quite at the ride height. >> go ahead. >> that is right. >> you really want to ride with his sister. >> it is tempting. kid wants to ride but it can be unsafe. >> if you go you have no ground for a lawsuit. >> i don't think so. i think, still, if there is something that is blatantly
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negligent you have a suit. >> heather, have a great weekend. >> okay. here's a weird one it will feel like 115 degrees over the weekend. so why would the city close some of our pools. >> the malls will be opened. i guess that is what we are trying to say here. >> wrong video. >> jen. >> i got the right video and right on time. you are sick of stand up paddle boarding how about this kind and how if i told you it can make a difference for spinal cord injuries athletes. we will talk about this from the secret beach in ocean city when we come right back.
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it's a pretty simple question: is pat toomey's agenda your agenda? toomey voted seven times to defund planned parenthood. he even tried to shut down the federal government in order to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. and toomey's against a woman's right to choose and supports overturning roe v. wade which would allow states to criminalize abortion. pat toomey: he's focused on his own agenda,
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not us. majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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did you know people can save over $500 when they switch to progressive? did you brush your hair today? yes, mom. why? hmm. no reason. i ever watch that show enter age. >> i have seen some. >> that sexy dude with all of the hair, adrian grander, wait a minute is that him. >> yeah he cut his hair. >> maybe wearing goggles and pulled back. >> life guard in ocean city where jen is and, well, jen can tell his story, really
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cool. >> good morning. >> we were talking at red bull thing you have this amazing organization, you are caring about the ocean like in other person and also, athletes hoff been having spinal cord injuries. >> our foundation creates way to connect people to the ocean whether in philadelphia, tennessee or down here at the beach. we want every person to be able to have a connection to the ocean. with spinal cord injured athletes prone paddling we did at red bullies something perfect for these guys to get out on the water. so our ocean city swim club unified program creates weekly work outs for people with spinal cord injuries to take them out and they can popped will alongside our ocean life guard and non-injured athletes, it brings our community together around the ocean that we love. >> so kyle is sitting here. one of the reasons this is a great place to get them in the water. >> no waves, good sand.
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kyle actually has work with the spinal group for a long time. we can get him down in the water and push it in and get it deep and then prone paddle board are ones we were race and paddle on so nothing separate and then get him to transfer over here. >> tell me about the adrian grander situation. he is a a big friend of the ocean. he heard what he were doing. you are training him for this epic race. >> absolutely, we came together around blue mine concept healthy ocean and healthy community help us all. adrian and his foundation lonely whale are doing a swim from italy to cecily at end of the september and adrian wanted to be a better ocean athlete so he can speak for all of us when we talk about the ocean. i have been doing up to the hamptons to help him train meeting him in los angeles
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because our goalies two and a half mile from italy to cecily at end of the september for the two groups. >> turf say you got so much in, so little time, high five we wanted everyone to know about this work. we have to say hi to our friend over here on tv as well. this is a secret beach. so much going on in ocean city, it is a secret. i am happy to tell people about it. guys, back to you. >> nicely done, what a great project. g. cobb is in the house and we will talk about the eagles and bucks. we won the game. >> are we happy. >> what does it mean. >> g is in the house. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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how do we make the economy work for everyone? hillary clinton's plan starts here... by making big corporations and those at the top finally pay their fair share in taxes. and those companies that move overseas? she'd charge them an exit tax. then she'd use that money to make the largest investment in creating good paying jobs since world war ii. millions of jobs. you can read the plan here.
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we have an accident and sun glare and delays behind it for gang leaving royersford or collegeville heading toward kop. who out. sun glare on i-95 northbound looking live near commodore barry bridge, again, another hot one on tap, already 81 degrees at 7:46. delays here on the schuylkill westbound the boulevard up the hill in toward conshohocken. weaver getting hit with sun glare coming around that conshohocken curve and south on i-95 delays into girard avenue. busy weekend if you are doing events outdoors. make sure you prepare, plenty to drink, plenty of good water bottles.
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two big concerts in camden blink 182 tonight, tomorrow darius rucker, so pack houses up and over that when i. even if you are not going to the concerts this evening you will have your rush hour, your shore crowd and then you have your concert fans all heading in, speaking of concert fans heading in to south jersey there and also through the weekend we have regatta on the river and then mayor's cup through belmont plateau. what is the forecast like for all of the outdoor events? sue has the answer in 15 seconds. today will be date when we can call it a heat wave because we got to 93 degrees on wednesday. ninety-five was our high yesterday, and today, of course, we're expecting temperatures in the 90's once
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again. the excessive heat warning continues with the heat index over 100 all the way through the weekend. more storms, mainly north and west but you could get one no matter where you you are at anytime, north and west storm dissipating right now, carbon, monroe counties this morning only rain we have right now. we had some earlier but that is gone now at 81 degrees in philadelphia. eighty in wilmington. eighty in millville. eighty-one in a atlantic city. when we start off this early in the morning and heat index in the upper 80's like we have in philadelphia, look where we will be at end of the the day triple digits and by saturday that heat index will be at least 109, maybe more. will go on through the weekend. not as humid as monday but still not as hot as we can end and more thunderstorms possible on tuesday, wednesday, thursday when we back off in the 80's with our temperatures. mike and alex. so eagles played the bucks
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last night at the link and it was two minutes left in the game, carson wentz went in, it was electric inside the link. >> they were excited. that was a lot of things to be excited about. >> g. cobb is in, g. how is g. doing. >> doing great. >> you have pop up ads. >> are you making money. >> that is the thing, right. >> you got bills. >> bills, bills, bills. >> excuse me. sam bradford was put in for one series. >> one series, three play is they scored. normally they play a little longer. >> bucks fulled. >> they started off horribly and eagles jumped on them got the lead. >> why are we showing defensive coordinator. >> i thought defense played well the first team defense. >> lets keep running. lets see what happens at the beginning of the game. they fulled opening kick off.
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>> naji good, and chris maragos recovered the fumble. big play set up the score. >> we take advantage. >> got to put the ball in the end zone when you get those opportunities. >> so they score. >> that is right. >> they got in, ryan matthews with the short run. >> they got in the end zone. >> 5-yard run. >> excitement in the game carson wentz. he got in there, he looked good. the kid looks good. he will eventually take over before the year is out. >> you think so. >> you think he overtake daniel? >> who. >> don't do that. >> chase knows the offence and one day he will be a good coach. >> what? >> he did get a touchdown. >> did wentz score. >> but ask anybody who went to the game they will tell you they will remember what carson
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did and carson is going to be a star. he is the guy that gets everybody excite that had this team will eventually go to the super bowl, it will be with carson went. >> he did have an interception. >> he is a young player. he is courageous. he knows how to go after the defense, and smart, tall. >> i think chase. >> stop the chase talk. >> as long as wentz looks good then if we have to put them in. >> he is heading in the right direction, for rocky quarterback very smart, he knows how to audible, change the play which a lot of times is difficult for rookie quarterbacks. very smart and a leader, that is big thing leadership qualities. >> frustrating for eagles fans if he is the future lets just see him now, that is not the
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way. >> if they don't have a season where they have winning games if they get to the point halfway through the season, real good chance to go to the playoffs people will say we want wentz, we want wentz. you will hear that. >> go with wentz. >> that is right. >> that is fine, you are good at breaking down game footage and exciting plays. >> yes. >> break down this shuffleboard footage that we found from ocean city. >> okay. >> you see, boy. >> is it going to stop. >> what about her technique. >> i thought she definitely put a lot into it. she got that feel where the confidence, she's very confident when she lets that go. >> it is so aggressive. >> she knows what she's doing. >> she as a good stick.
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>> the touch when she lets it go. >> a little follow through not a whole lot of follow through. >> good way to break it down. >> thanks, g. cobb. >> we are having a discussion in the commercial 7:53. the heat wave is on, man. it will feel like 115 degrees over the weekend what will cow about it? sue serio it is too hot to kiss whenoff the wheel to getands out of a tight spot. when you can relax with your foot off the brake and stay put. and when you enjoy 400 horsepower that's both smooth and controlled. that's the more human side of engineering.
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this is the lincoln summer invitation, hurry in now to your dealer for limited time offers! lease an mkc for $289 a month or get 0% apr for 60 months and just announced $1,000 dollars summer invitation bonus.
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doctor mike is here. i'll tell you what you better get to work. it is four minutes until 8:00. >> some people watching this show they are late for work. >> good excuse. >> so when it comes to your work balance does it work out for you then in your life. >> i was born late. that is the problem. so, what you deal with, when
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you are dealing with a time schedules and being on time, it is certainly can affect your work balance and what happens is, up when you are not at work now what you are having is a blurring of the lines, getting all kind of e-mails, you are on call all the time the problem is that when you, you are trying to be punctual and getting all kind of responsibilities at home it effects that work/life balance. >> i have a question. i have no idea what work a life balances. >> i want to ask you a question, are you saying be on time. >> you need to be on time or else you get fired but there are ways and i teach medical students this. even though you are under pressure and you have a lot of responsibilities you can find ways to balance your life. even if it is for two minutes. you have to have a passion in your life. so if i'm having a really bad day and there is a lot of stress in my job as there always is i might go in my
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office for two minutes and. >> cry. >> no. i have hobbies. i am into model airplane collect monsters and stuff at home. so, there are things that i do. when i get home even though i get home, i mandatorily spend time with nicholas and amy, and i'm so tired i'm less like this. >> okay. >> you frighten he every time i see you. >> i know. >> but i love it. >> what you are saying is, yes, the job especially on tv, they demand thaw are here at straight up 6:00 o'clock. is it okay to fudge it now and then. >> life gets in the way sometimes. >> look, you have responsibilities. unless you win the power ball or you you are a movie staffer and set your whole agenda we all to have make a living and there are responsibilities. you work it. you work the system, folks. you work it. you don't get fired because you are late all the time, you
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make it work. >> okay. we have an executive producer, one of producers, tom loudon one of the most cranky guys i have ever work with nice guy but seriously. he must be in the control room. he said there is no excuse for being late. if you are supposed to be here at 7:00 in the morning you be there at 7:00. he doesn't believe in the snooze button on his alarm. you get in the shower and get in the car. >> there are stud that is show that it is not good with you because it play was your rem sleep. this is important for kids, you know, kid will be going back to school. teens especially. bottom line is you have to get your self in a good sleep hygiene ram especially teens because they are fighting melatonin. as you get through your teen years it is harder to get up early. >> that footage the on the left we have been running for over 15 years on that show. i bet that woman is not even
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alive anymore. >> people are sleeping. >> yes. >> can we be serious. >> yes. >> we have to go. >> we're done. >> have a great weekend. >> get some sleep. >> love you. >> good day it is friday august 12th, 2016. hey philly, is what going on here another six year-old shot after a violent night in east germantown. what people in that neighborhood are most concerned about right now. >> more heat and humidity no end in sight on the hottest weekend of the year, you won't be able to find some relief. plus as temperatures continue to rise it is not just people and pets who
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should worry about this, what your car needs to survive the heat, we will take you under the hood. >> amber heard is set to be a no show for her deposition this morning in the domestic violence and divorce case with johnny dep. the severe consequences the actress could be facing and what it could mean for the case. >> our top story today is this stinking heat. >> stinking is the word especially if you do not wear deodorant. double up, folks because this is a six out of ten today. everybody is fray grant in this studio as far as i can tell but don't get too close. this final record day you are out on the beach in this heat with a vinyl record forget bit. warm and mug which bus stop buddy and he is celebrating the eagles preseason win last night. excessive heat warning continues through the weekend for the city and surrounding counties, heat advisory for
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the rest of us, it looks like no more rain really left, up in the poconos this morning and the pop ups could continue later on in the day, bright and sunny at philly international with 82 degrees all right with 94 and chance of pop up showers and thunderstorms. that is today. we will talk about tomorrow and sunday and triple digit heat index we are expecting both days and maybe a little bit of relief. we will tell you when it happens, bob kelly. >> i remember back in the the day djing block parties outdoors in the sun, and amount of time that record would play, the tsunami would so hot. it will warp. good morning, everybody. heavy boulevard, and belmont avenue north bound i-95, slow into highland have knew. sun glare every where. take a look at a picture they sent me on twitter. it is so hot? melted the mailbox. it looks like those fischer
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price plastic mailboxes. and, it will melt, and it could have got knocked over by a truck but eastbound schuylkill, sun glare near conshohocken, delays near the blue route mainly with that sun glare but out and about we have a ton of events outdoors this weekend, first of all we have double concerts in camden, blink 182 and darius rucker, and the concert crowd will be mixed in with the shore crowd tonight and that will be a hot mess getting up and over the benny. we have a regatta tomorrow. question of the day. >> i have a question over here, bob kelly. >> yes. >> why is the band -- we will talk later. 8:03. loved ones will say their final good bye to the family whose life tragically ended in a story that still shocks me a week later this murder suicide. and people celebrate the lives of the short family who died from gunshot wounds. police are not yet saying who pulled the trigger but they have cited domestic
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issues. funeral services for mother and her three children are being held today. mark short has a separate memorial service. >> that is interesting. jerry sandusky plans to take, the stand in his own defense and try to prove his claim that he was wrongly convicted four years ago of sexually abusing at least ten boys. >> former penn state coach is expected to testify, that will be intense on the stand during that hearing that aims to overturn his 40 count conviction. right now he is 72. he is serving up to 60 years in prison. did he not take the stand in the last one. lets get to east germantown where a gunfight left four people shot including a six year-old boy. >> my goodness. >> critical condition as a matter of fact at st. christopher's hospital for children. officers say he was shot during a gunfight on east ashmed street around 11:15 last night.
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three adults were also shot police say at least three guns were used in the shoot-out, including a assault wep opposite. >> it appears that it started at far end of the 600 block of clarkson street and then came all the way down here to ash meed, one full block plus some, and it appears that this was definitely a running gun battle. there were casings on in the street, on both sides of the sidewalk. it appears that there were multiple armed combatants out here and that they were actively even gauged. >> three adults shot there listed in stable condition but this little six year-old boy critical condition. 8:05. activist say it is time for philadelphia to move the statue of the late frank rizzo. >> they are calling the ex-mayor and police commissioner racist, who torture the cities african-american community.
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statue stands as you know outside municipal services build ago cross from city hall, group which calls itself an anti police brutality group has launched a petition to get it out of there during rizzo's time of mayor from 72 to 80. and some saw it as corrupt and brutal and they died in 91 as a heart attack and calling the allegations complete nonsense. now some folks are calling this next story a little bit of nonsense. >> it is going to be unbelievably hot this weekend. >> i feel like, you know, for myself, they are not used to this kind of weather. you have to to what you have to do. >> this is texas hot. >> normal texas hot. >> yes. >> so here's the thing when it gets this hot what do you want to do. >> jump in the pool. >> lauren johnson is what the problem we are closing pools today. >> sue says it is fifth heat wave of the summer and this weekend we are expecting torture, if you are caught outside. alex say many people want to
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go to the beach or pool. city has 07 free public pools. sound good, right. most per capita of any u.s. city but they are closing on a staggered schedule through the rest of august. first closures this weekend today 12 city pools will close for the season, tomorrow an additional nine. on sunday four. that is 25 pools closes this weekend. by friday august 26th all 70 pools will be closed for summer because kids head back to class, summer ending. big question that mike posed early is mayor kenney, is there an extension. >> lets get a text from the the mayor. >> other cities are bending rules. they allowed people to bring in their own water bottles. >> that is a business. >> that is true. >> this is a city. >> the city is a business. >> would it cost us money as taxpayers. >> some of the college kids are the life guards and they are interns are programming up here and maybe that takes life guards out of the pools. then you have to get in the overtime issue which we have a
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lot of from the dnc and pope. maybe it is not feasible. >> if you want to donate and flip the bill. >> lets get a blue cross, blue shield. >> someone to sponsor it. >> those people over there at comcast, they have money they are throwing around. my cable bill is through the roof. hey comcast people, nbc people, why cow hate the children. >> maybe we should go around and have a collection plate. >> that takes too long. >> comcast, why do you hate our children. >> i think you should go outside at 9:00 with your white shorts. >> yes. >> he has white shorts he wants to sport. stand outside with the hat, bucket and tell people you are collecting money for the kid. >> doing it for the kids. >> seriously mayor kenney, we love you. >> he watches the show every morning. >> let's have him call in. just text me and i'll tell you the number to call in the control room. how about today, tomorrow and sunday keep pools open.
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>> maybe he can explain why he can't. >> if he calls us, we will answer. >> i would love it. >> otherwise we will have more dumpster pool parties and we can't have that. >> man here's a solution, maybe get in the fountain or found something squirting water and get under it. >> is that where chris murphy is. hey michael, what is whiter, my shirt or my legs. >> i'll tell you is what whiter, a fish belly. >> it says no swimming here at eakins oval but it doesn't say no waiting in water. >> all right. i'm going to have some fun. check out that fountain at top of the museum steps rocky steps i should run in those and jump in that fountain. >> that is the point. >> fountain to fountain.
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it's a pretty simple question: is pat toomey's agenda your agenda? toomey voted seven times to defund planned parenthood. he even tried to shut down the federal government in order to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. and toomey's against a woman's right to choose and supports overturning roe v. wade which would allow states to criminalize abortion. pat toomey: he's focused on his own agenda, not us. majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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including a six year-old boy shot in the chest and commissioner wants to weigh in on this. steve? >> reporter: well, mike this
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commissioner is a good guy, he didn't come to the office like he normally does he went straight to do investigating and pressure. he says surprisingly this is not a drug war, this is just two groups battling each other hating each other for ten years in an ongoing feud. he knows leaders of these groups. he had a nice chat with these people saying stop this and let me know who is doing firing of these guns because this isn't going to keep going on in my city. lets look at the scene again. we have got these people fighting all link to the last few shootings. we had three at that scene after the little girl was shot. overnight for you people just watching an ak-47 style assault rifle shot 20 times toward a car and we have learn it was a godfather who just pick up this six year-old boy at his grandmother's house and taking him home, and, when this happened. but 34 shots in total that they know of were fired. here's commissioner ross thoughts on the second, six year-old shot in three days. >> this type of weaponry
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again, i don't know people have to have their hand on this stuff but again the idiot i can behavior of the people involved because that is who needs to be indicted for these circumstances right now. so anyone, i a peel to everybody out there think about these two little kids if nothing else and give us a call. >> reporter: i was asking him about the fact they had not one single tip in the tip line about the six year-old girl shot on tuesday and not a whole lot of cooperation in this shooting even though people were out on that street and inside their houses and whole bunch of witnesses probably afraid to come forward. he said i don't want to indict those people if they are card but we need help and finger pointing. believe it or not, he says this isn't over drugs, turf just anger and fueled by social media he said. these people are on line saying stuff and then it goes from on line to on the street, with real bad weapons that
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shouldn't be on the streets of philadelphia but more like would you see in iraq and afghanistan and our soldiers hands not on some thugs hand on the street or somebody hand on the street here. >> feud going on for ten years in the neighborhood. >> and they cannot even go outside. >> 8:15. here's sue. >> we have a weekend where it might be nice to escape to the shore or get in the water to get relief because we will have some triple digit heat index on saturday and sunday, and most of our jersey shore beaches. seventy-four to 78 degrees, refreshing ocean water temperatures. heading to the mountains 87 degrees today. eighty-three on sunday. it is not quite as hot but greater chance of pop up showers and thunderstorms each day in the poconos mountain. phillies play tonight at citizens bank park, and it is, a game where you will to have stay hydrated. it is 90 degrees at game time which is 7:05 tonight.
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ninety's continue definitely through sunday and probably monday and maybe even tuesday of next week which would make it a seven day heat wave. it will be close on wednesday. it will be a while bob kelly before we get a break from this oppressive heat and humidity. >> cancel those outdoor chores. 8:16. good morning. live look at i-95 highland avenue you can see the sun beaming down here right around that dashboard level but the friday morning will volleys less than the other days of the workweek. it is later on right after lunchtime we will start to see the jams heading in towards the walt whitman and ben franklin bridges and that push to the beach pretty much starts right after 2:00 o'clock. mike and alex, back to you. louigi, who has an amazing eyebrows by the way. >> do we have pictures. >> can we do a story on his brows. >> i think it is natural. >> big enough deal to do a story.
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>> they are telling us we need to stop. >> that is what they say all day long. >> 8:17. >> he says chris movie maybe you should not be in the water because he sees dog peaness fountains. i have never seen a dog pea in the fountain. >> no, no i have seen people do that. this is tom, he is from boston. he is in between jobs. he is in shape. i'm not. you want to run steps and cool off in the fountain. let's do this. let's go. don't show me up i'm in flip flops, come on, really. this guy is killing me. seriously. yo, tom, all right, i'm almost at the top, guys. look at tom, keep showing me up, it is fine. yeah, owe kay. do you see this. i never noticed this fountain. i'm always here in the
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wintertime when it is cold. get in, tom. just jump in. let's go. >> that rocked. >> that is great. >> nice job man welcome to philly. this is how we role in philadelphia a. >> yes. >> we will go other places maybe south. >> that is what we need on a weekend like. >> you know what we have in common? >> absolutely nothing. >> when temperatures get this hot we worry about our pets, ourselves, we humans, but your car is getting, taking the heat too. so how can you survive this? alex holley knows. she's sharing the love. >> i'm learning, mike, i didn't know this i'm here with anthony. you were telling us we need to be worried about our cars and bodies when it gets this hot. >> yes. >> what is first thing we need to be concentrating on. >> number one thing in the heat with your car is the
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about on theory. you want to have your batteries checked once every three years. if you get on a long road trip good to have the battery checked. when it is really hot, is there water and acid inside the battery. when it is hot it will boil. water will evaporate causing plates to be damaged sometimes. it will cause battery to expand. as it bands the battery can crack opened. we want to have batteries checked right before a really long trip or once every three years. good after three years to have it check once every year after that. >> if we know it would be feeling like triple digit should we get it check too or we should be good. >> say it again. >> if it is really hot, just in case check it too. >> if you don't want to check it every three weeks. >> if it is hot. >> if you have a check, we can check your battery too. we come out, we check battery, it will let us know if we have
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i good battery on there, good starter. if you have your battery check in june you don't have to have it check in august. >> make sure you get that checked. >> what about tires. our steve keeley within of his tires he had a blow out in this heat. what about the tires? >> main thing about tires they can have dry rot on the tires. when it is hots, tires can span and cause a blow out. >> just check the tire pressure. >> if you have a penny, you can turn the penny upside down. if you can see his hole head you know you need tires. if you see just half his head then your tires are good. under inflated tire heat up a little faster and will cause damage on the outside and inside of the tire. over inflated tire causes more damage in the middle, causing
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tire wear, bad gas mileage and spin outs. >> well, thank you. we don't have any more time but other stuff you should check out. and what are you talking about. >> gasoline evaporates inside your tank. >> yes, gasoline can evaporate inside your tank. >> the air. >> no, the water in the acid. >> no, with your gas. >> we will work it out then. >> i'll let you you know. >> it is in my notes. >> you believe everything on those cards. >> i guess i shouldn't. >> why don't you get this long in the business you learn. am i going to you. >> i'm just standing here. >> this was so cool last night i was watching this down in rio, besides winning a gold medal the other tight that will simone now has on her
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trophy case.
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and spent eleven months in a pow vcamp.m what donald trump said about our members of the military being captured is a disgrace. he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured. when you fly over enemy territory, the odds might be against you being able to come home. donald trump doesn't understand the weight of sending americans into harm's way. he's unfit to be president. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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i just got chills again. i watched it last night and got chills watching the tape. i love the look on her face emotional moment for simone manual last night as she becomes the first african, she become first african-american women in the united states to take home a medal in an individual olympic swimming event. she won a gold medal in the 100-meter free style, what an intense event, an event the u.s. has not won since 1984. >> look at her reaction. >> i love to watch her reaction. >> seen in interviews after she won, she's so emotional, this is what people came before me and people coming after me very gracious winner. >> what a moment. >> cried into the pool. here's a woman that cries almost every day because she's
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an emotional person. >> i am an emotional person. i'm very happy today. but i am next to homemade apple cider doughnuts and we are talking about healthy picnic food. this healthy food better be good. we have a new friend here telling us about stuff. you you want to put in you are cooler hydrating and healthy. again we're right here next to the doughnut place, very confusing for me. ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more.
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you give your children an allowance? new survey shows just how much an average allowance is in this country? is it too much? it might be advising at the amount. a canadian comment taiter gets his lanes mixed up in the olympic and says the wrong winner during mens 200-meter. fun play by play? ways it steve harvey at announcer.
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>> good one. >> so this cupping craze with the olympic swimmers, you know these big red dots that the whole country is talking about. you cupped on tuesday. we were first morning she to do it and then everybody else copied us. they are still quite vivid. >> they are. >> advance it every day, there they are. those are the original cups. >> and then i made planets. this is earth. i painted a planet on there. the day before i drew a sunflower on the big one there. now, here's the question, it is friday, do you want us to to this one more time i was going to paint emojis or are you sick of it. >> no offense but we only have one paint brush and you doing emojis is complicated. >> stick to simple things gold medals. >> do you want olympic rings. >> can you do that. >> well, five colors. >> i guess you could do that. >> you could do different
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basketball or something. >> do you want to do it at all or just blow it off. >> are you over it. >> if you do want to do it what do you want me to see paint on it'll mow gis. >> in the control room they want it because there are a couple people in the control room in love with alex and her back. >> it is nothing special. >> quite special. >> you. seen it. >> some people suggested, maybe alex, prep i parks because they have so visit, because i don't have an olympians back. >> maybe that is the question, clear up the gasoline evaporate in a car tank or not. cording to the background i was given it says that gas evaporates faster in a hot vehicle. park in the shade leave it in your garage you will have better fuel economy according to what this person is saying. >> okay. >> you go down the shore, and, ocean, and eat healthy food make sure you are cooler is full of stuff that will not
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dehydrate you. >> that is right. we have to stay hydrated because it is flipping hot out. >> yes. >> jessica is here. culinary nutrition educator. you wrote an amazing article and you talk about stuff that is good for the cooler, and hydrates our body. >> yes. >> what are you talking about here. >> we have frozen water melon here which are high water content fruit, that will give you an extra boost of h20. >> i froze them. >> i took a melon ball and scoop them out and put them on a cookie sheet. they don't get stuck together. cool thing about water melon it is a like owe people and when we eat it it is a natural plant chemical that protects plan from the sun. when we eat it, it does same thing for our body, so eating foods like that can support our sun protection. >> this will be a party in a bowl. >> yes, mango black bean sals a mango is and black bean give
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us, and, so it is very well hydrating as well, and, i have the vegetables in my house but i wouldn't put some in water. why would you do. that. >> it keeps them crisp, hydrated you eat them they are nice and fresh. put them in advance a couple days ahead of time and then try them, enjoy them, and quacamole. >> quack mold which that. >> last but not least i always thought we should stay away from coconut water because it is any calories. >> it is nature's gator aid. it is great for replacing electrolytes like potassium, sodium, no added sugar or dyes like you might find i have a seven year-old. i hepp she's not watching. we found blue poop the other day. i'm happy her body said no but how crazy is that. >> yes. >> just so we're clear, so, do i eat the car on the, or these
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apple cider doughnuts. we are here, the question is, do i eat the car on the or the doughnut. >> it is really hard. >> why does it have to be either or. >> i can do both. >> totally can do both. >> compromise i guess. bus stop buddy celebrating vinyl railroaded day with a rapidly melting warping vinyl record but it is warm and muggy every where. so yeah, ocean side is great place to be because excessive heat warning for the i-95 corridor if you will extend now through sunday, throughout the, it doesn't expire until 9:00 p.m. on sunday with this dangerous feels like temperatures. so we will have a heat advisory every where else. we have lost all of the rain but it could pop up at anytime as we have experienced yesterday and day before. 82 degrees in philadelphia we have a lit built of the breeze. getting up to 49 with a heat
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index and triple digits and pop up thunderstorms possible. this is the drill. get use the to it and stay with it, we have that through the weekend, 8:35. we are looking live at this tractor trailer fire. this is on route 322 at stony brooke road which is just off of i-95 in delaware county. that is 322 connchester highway there. as we roll back it looks like police have block off, traffic from i-95 and anybody that uses this area, right where they unload all of the brand new cars that come in off of the freighter ships there. what we're looking at is backup which is coming towards us would be coming off of i-95. so again it looks like that stretch there closed in both directions and this will impact i-95 in delaware county for rest of the morning. go ahead, keep going, as we go
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back towards that tractor trailer whenever they have a fire they have to hand off load that cargo and continue to spray that with water. that will be out there for rest of the morning. otherwise blue route slow go from route three down to route one. schuylkill express waste heavy boulevard out to belmont. we have sun glare around your conshohocken curve and regatta tomorrow and thin mayor's cup run also tomorrow through belmont plateau and fairmount park where it is hot, hot, hot, alex, back over to you. hi. >> and mike is here. >> i know you why want to join in for this one. >> you don't often see a man twerking in a courtroom. >> yes. this is it,. >> look at the judge. >> what is he doing. >> he decided to twerk. >> look at the judge's face on this one. >> she does not look pleased or amused. >> but you can hear them laughing. >> and the judge said what are
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you doing. >> well, he was awarded bond of $18,000 and, well yeah. >> i will twerk this out. >> your father, is he a judge. >> he is a municipal judge. >> has he ever had anybody twerk in your courtroom. >> dad, i know you are watching, let me know, one time would i go to the jail with him and watch and all of the prisoners come in. i know he jokes with them. he is a cool judge. he can relate to them. >> do you think your father has twerked. >> i don't know. >> remember his move. >> what is his move. >> the pelvic thrusts. >> why do you always say that. >> why did you ask me. >> i forgot what it was. >> his go to movies. >> maybe not his go too but yeah. >> okay. >> you're out on bail.
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>> is that his technique. >> i don't think he does it quite like that. >> my goodness. >> is your dad in town. >> yes, he is watching, at my place, hi daddy. >> do you want to come over and twerk for us, it is friday. >> no, i posted a video of your twerking, remember when serena williams had her twerk tutorial. >> it is quite entertaining, step by step and you twerked it out honey. do you twerk now. >> i twerk in my private life but normally when i'm alone. do we get a response, do we want to do the cupping thing on her back and paint something else. >> i'm checking now. >> we will check during commercial break to see if we will do it. it is up to you the viewer good day philadelphia i approve this message.
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donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of r wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!"
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we're going to go ahead and do this because on twitter i got some people that want to see me paint your cupping marks on your pack again. >> they are start to go look better, and it is not as sore anymore. ready for reveal. >> let's go. >> this is our fourth day in. >> yes. >> get a new wig. >> a wig really. >> they are start to go look better. >> yeah. >> somebody said, you will never be able to do it again withal he can. so yesterday i did the planet, earth and sat tern and whatever. >> the best one was first one with the flowers. >> these are planets. >> and then day before that i put a sunflower on your back. >> there it goes, the stem. today in honor of the olympics. >> you are not showing finished product.
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>> on my instagram you can see will the finished product. >> we will do five olympic rings. is there only three. so what i have to do. >> your hand are cold. >> i know i'm a doctor. >> it is not a permanent marker. >> i'm looking at it, in the monitor. >> it will be. >> the thing you pud me through. >> anybody necessity colors. >> there is not even two black ones. >> that is just a ring. so we have green. >> you have a black paint i don't know why you did the
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permanent marker. >> yellow, see. >> i only have one paint brush. >> and then blue. hold please. >> that is epic. >> you could see my face right now. >> i think it is more like rainbow connect four. >> those are the worst olympics rings ever. >> what a wait to end this. >> just wonderful painting. >> okay. believe it or not, this is a related story. >> coming up here amber her is set to be a no show for her deposition. thinks the deal with johnny deb dep. this is just into us from tmz. we will get to that after theal break. t it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces.
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talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. for senate, a clear difference. katie mcginty: for background checks, for banning assault weapons, and banning high-capacity ammunition clips. and pat toomey? against an assault weapons ban and against banning high capacity ammo clips like those used in the orlando massacre. listen to pat toomey brag: "i have had a perfect record with the nra." pat toomey gets an "a" from the nra. he's not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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nexium 24hfor their own#1 choice of docfrequent heartburn.s for complete protection all day and night make nexium 24hr your #1 choice. let's get into this johnny dep story, domestic violence and divorce case with johnny dep, severe consequences that the actress amber heard is facing here. tax has details on this. dax, what happened? >> so yeah, you know, they have been trying to track down amber heard for quite sometime
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to get her to do this deposition. you will remember last weekend she went to the office but never gave the deposition. in an adjoining room and sat there and did in the come in, did not talk to the lawyers, didn't do her deposition, everyone involved was a little frustrated. so, today she was supposed to be at 10:00 a.m. sitting down for another deposition. she was just in london. it does not look like she will make this deposition this morning. i can tell you lawyers are fired up once again, johnny's lawyers want her to be under oath and talk about this. if she does in the show up here they are basically saying we want to prohibit her from testifying during this trial which would be next month, and, you know, she cannot take the stand and they just feel like she's doing everything she want to avoid going in and having this and they are in the sure why. >> how long has this been going on where does this stem from did it happen in the l.a. >> no, this goes back to the domestic violence case in
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l.a., they had that big blow out argument. she claims that he threw the phone at her hit her in the face. that is what his lawyers want to talk b they want to find out what exactly happened that night. they have other witnesses, that will be testifying. he has a couple security guard inside the unit at the time. police that showed up, that responded to the call. it should be interesting. >> it should be easy to sort out, would you think. >> keep us updated, we will check with you over the weekend at coming up, chris murphy has been running around town trying to cool off this different fountains and anything that squirts water. this is perfect the spot for the kids this weekend. >> here i go, i will try to get through here at dilworth without getting hit. look out. when we come back we will have the city, hose me down on live tv. if i were a millionaire and won the lottery i would put one of these in my backyard.
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here's winning lottery numbers.
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so, this looks like day number three and we can officially call it a heat wave because wednesday's high was 93. yesterday was 95. well above the average by the way. today we will still be in the 90's when the game starts tonight at citizens bank park, the phillies are back in town they will play the rockies and it will be 90 degrees when the game begins. it sound obvious but sometimes you forget to drink enough water in heat like this especially if you are outside for a while oppressive humidity that is the reason. it is 82 degrees in philadelphia we have 82's on this map now. this is the heat index what it feels like outside.
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it feels like 89 already, heat index already into the 90's this dover delaware, wilmington, even down in wildwood, new jersey. as we look ahead to the heat index, not only 105 in philadelphia but 104 in wildwood. it will feel like triple digits in allentown later on today and then even worse tomorrow, with a heat index in the 100, 109, 110 range in dover, delaware this could be oppressive dangerous heat. make sure you take care of those who need you. there we go with yesterday's high temperature which was 95. we will be right around that again today. ninety's on saturday and sunday excessive heat warning continues, but we could see this heat wave extend into monday and mike and alex, possibly tuesday of next week. this could be a seven day heat wave. >> seven day, a full seven days. >> you ever have that in your weather career. >> we had one last month.
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>> yes, just last month. >> okay. >> isn't this heat wave number five. >> number five. >> july we had a seven day sandra and as i can tell you know they are getting sweeter, the heater. >> that is good memory because that is back into 2001. >> we should play it. >> let's do it. >> no, 1999. >> someone just tell thaw. >> in, i remember that. >> what makes you remember that. >> when i first met sue and we did a thing. >> you did mumba number five that was a song back on the radio. >> that is was the song. >> want a place to cool off then right next to city hall. it seems very hot with the concrete and all that but great fountain. what an idea, chris? >> yes, so we did dilworth fountains, right. i thought what better way to cool off your whole body and get sprayed down by a hose. so there is a hose over here in the planter.
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stephanie works in the an ad agency from philadelphia yes. >> it will be really hot. >> are you ready for this. >> you will be in a behind. >> you will hose me down. >> thanks for being a good sport. >> when i offered you this you said heck yah. >> i will put the microphone over here. >> wait, wait, wait, wait. >> i won't be a able to hear you guys. >> all right. give it to me. >> wow. >> it to me. >> come on. >> all right. >> i can't hear you mike anal he can. >> that was most fun. >> your turn i will get you back. >> at least you will be cool
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all day. >> he cannot hear me. >> you cannot hear me. we will just watch you and it looks like it felt good though. i know you can't, okay. >> thanks, chris. >> 8:57. a cherished childhood classic returns to the theaters, we will have a sneak peak at new fantasy adventure dragon there we go mumba number five. let's turn it up.
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9:00 am
good day everybody. here's a question for your parents out there how much do you give your children for an allowance? do you bother to do it anymore. i was stunned. the


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