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tv   FOX 29 News at 5  FOX  July 8, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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occurred to our city. all i know is that this -- this must stop. this divisiveness. that is dallas police chief david brown expressing shock and grief that's taken a hold of his city and this entire country. five police officers now dead. seven more in the hospital along with two civilians all of them the victims of attack on a peaceful black lives matter march calling for an end to violence. that terror lasted well into the early morning hours. the shooter who reportedly said he wanted to kill white police officers now dead after a standoff with police. good evening, i'm dawn timmeney. >> and i'm chris o'connell. july 7th, 2016, now the deadliest day for law enforcement since 9/11. we have team coverage tonight. bruce gordon spent that day with local police and religious leaders black leaders. jeff cole with the state homeland security and law enforcement experts but we begin tonight with fox's joel waldman
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who is live in dallas, texas tonight with the very latest. joel? >> reporter: people here in dallas and across the country trying to make sense of last night's deadly sniper attack targeting white officers at a police protest. dallas police say the attack appears to be racially motivated. the suspect said he reported wanted to kill white police officers. attorney general loretta lynch says the justice department is keeping a close eye on the situation. >> we intend to provide any assistance that we can to investigate this attack and also to help heal a community that has been severely shaken and deeply scarred. >> reporter: meanwhile police departments across the country are taking extra precautions. many including new york, philadelphia and las vegas ordering their officers to patrol in pairs or groups. some officials say the shooting and the increased threat is the direct result of a recent pattern of disrespect toward law enforcement.
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>> we need to honor the fallen and never forget them and then we also need to start figuring outweigh that is we can support our law enforcement officers. >> reporter: in dallas, police still out in force hoping to transform the tension here into a feeling of safety. but many say the attack coming during an otherwise peaceful protest is a sign the city needs to change. >> for this to happen and for officers to be killed during this is like awake-up call that something different needs to happen. >> reporter: police ended up killing 25-year-old micah johnson after a tense standoff early this morning. it turns out he's a former army reservist who served a tour of duty in afghanistan. live in dallas, joel waldman, fox news. >> the impact of the ambush in dallas is having a rip pling effect across the country night. >> here in philadelphia, police are taking precautions and the leaders are recent anti police violence protests are urging for calm.
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let's get straight out to bruce gordon live at south philadelphia police headquarters tonight. bruce? >> reporter: yeah, chris. you accurately described this as the worst mass police killing since 9/11. the difference in this case police were specifically the targets. this may have all played out a thousand miles away from philadelphia, but local law enforcement is paying attention. it would be a tough night for dallas basically. >> reporter: tv viewers all over the nation watched the aftermath of the sniper attack that left five police officers dead and seven others injured. among those viewers philadelphia police commissioner richard ro ross. >> you just can't get your brain around, you know, some of the chaos that's going on right now across the nation. >> reporter: in the wake of the dallas massacre ross has ordered philly police on high alert and is pairing up officers and their squad cars till further notice. >> probably will be two person for the next couple days until we figure out what's going on in dallas because as you know we still haven't really been able to glean from that investigation
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exactly what it is about. >> reporter: with the promise or threat of near daily protests in philadelphia, up till and during the democratic national convention, police here now face the dual threat of protecting demonstrators while watching out for snipers who might copy the dallas killer's strategy. fop headquarters now draped in black bunting, john mcnesby told me members are well trained but -- >> there's nothing you can do to prepare for that. all we have to do is be extra vigilant. make sure we watch each other's back. >> reporter: philly chapter of black lives matter issued a written statement friday that said in part "black activists have raised the call for an end to violence not arnicas laying of i yesterday' as tack water result of the actions avenue loan gunman. to assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irrelevant responsible. ". >> this complicated relationship with law enforcement and the community. we have -- we need each other. we got these issues between us. >> i believe that we can win! >> reporter: reverend mark
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tyler among the organizers of the clergy led protest against police misconduct on thursday. in the wake of the dallas sniper attack hours later, he reminds us that police protester shows not be blamed for the actions of the single or few gunmen just as a few bad officers should not taint all of law enforcement. >> we certainly support our law enforcement officers, they are members of or congregations, members of our families. members of our communities. it's the booze actions and the bad policies we don't like. >> reporter: in a written statement today mayor jim kenney expressed support both for police and for peaceful protesters. he seemed to be addressing those taking sides when he wrote, the only way to achieve the piece we all seek is to listen and to be willing to hear one another. chris? >> okay, bruce, thanks. as the details from dallas continue to come in, we remember the original reasons for last night's otherwise peaceful protest. alton sterling was skilled in a
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police shooting tuesday night in baton rouge, louisiana. philando castile was shot and killed during a traffic stop in minnesota wednesday. in both cases neither man threatened police with weapon last night in dallas philadelphia and around the country there were peaceful demonstrations calling for accountability and an end to police violence. our coverage of the ambush in dallas will continue through the night and on you'll find the very latest on this developing story right on the home page. happening now, hillary clinton is making a stop in philadelphia tonight to presumptive democratic presidential nominee will be speaking at the african methodist episcopal convention in center city. she's expected to address the recent shootings in louisiana, minnesota and now dallas. let's get out to fox 29's shawnette wilson who is already at the event. clinton should be arriving in about an hour or so. shawnette. >> reporter: well, dawn, as you know her schedule changed today in response to those shootings in dallas last night. she canceled an event that was
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scheduled to take place in scranton a campaign event with vice-president joe biden. again, in response to those sheetings but she will be here for the event as keynote speaker tonight. i'll step out of the way so you can take a look behind me we're live here at the convention center. people have started to gather for the event which is part of african methodist episcopal church convention here if phil philly. hillary clinton will address the police involved shootings of officer sterling in -- alton sterling in louisiana and phil landreau cass steen. spokesperson says "she will renew her call to ensure justice if served. people here do expect that to be the tone of the event after a tragic that ended with police officers killed in dallas. >> i would like to hear her proposal regarding accommodations being made for the safety of the of all citizens and not just black. this is a kristen conference. we're expecting her to address the issue and approach us in
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sisterly type way. >> reporter: back here live the event just got underway moments ago. introduction is taking place right now. a flyer has been -- choir has been singing as people continue to file in. we will be here when hillary clinton arrives. dawn, back to you. >> thank you, shawnette. we are tracking storms in your fox 29 weather authority. ultimate doppler radar shows the system that could create some trouble in your neighborhood. let's check in now with meteorologist scott williams to found out what's happening and when it's happening. scott? >> yeah, any time now through about sunset, dawn, we're looking at those pop-up downpours across the area. it's been hazy, hot and humid in fact look at the temperature right now. 93 degrees. but this is the bottom line. what it actually feels like it feels like 98 degrees right now stepping outdoors in the philadelphia area. dew points in the upper 60s. we do have some of those scattered downpours across the area. one in particular moving out of burlington into ocean and also sections of atlantic county right now. so headed down the ac expressway, moving through
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galloway also egg harbor this will eventually move toward the atlantic city area there in atlantic county in the meantime abington, richboro, new hope looking at tropical downpours so we'll go hour with hour. by 7:30, most of it moving into parts of south jersey. here's the clock at 8:00 p.m. 9:00 o'clock, continuing to taper off so that will be some good news but coming up we'll talk about more thunderstorms in the forecast for a part of your weekend and when to expect a break from the heat. back to you. >> okay, scott. big break today in a string of suspicious fires throughout camden over the fourth of july weekend. >> police arrested the person who they say is responsible for burning more than a dozen buildings. fox 29's sabina kuriakose has been following this story and is life right now in camden. sabina? >> reporter: hey, guys. check it out. this is one of the row homes police say this alleged arsonist lit on fire. you can still see it's charred out mess. police say this building was abandoned but it sits about two
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doors down from this local business over here if we pan over owned by a mother and son and they tell me they could have lost everything if the flames had spread. >> this is how we make our living. if this goes down, we pretty much we don't got anything else. >> daisy for tuna shot this individual i don't know his cell phone of flames building out last weekend. police say it was only one of more than a dozen fires allegedly set by an arsonist in less than two days. a spree that injured seven firefighters and darkened the fourth of july holiday with authorities left on edge. >> the city of camden was terrorized over the independence day weekend as we experienced 16 separate arson declared fires in just a 43 hour period. >> in the days since detectives went door to door canvassing neighborhoods. they used surveillance footage and facial recognition technology to identify 4484 old
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charles rick's injury. suspect has addresses in camden and philadelphia. police say ricks has confessed and is charged with 14 counts of aggravated arson. >> this is unprecedented. to get arrest this fast. >> reporter: officials say crews were swamped trying to douse flames that kept erupting one after another. many happened in abandoned spaces at least one person had to be rescued from a rooftop. >> it was just so over taxing that we had to depend on our mutual aid partners to assist us because of the fires being almost simultaneously one after another. >> for tuna says it was the heroic work of the fire department and police that saved their business and their future. >> we're just here, like, seven days week from 7:00 o'clock in the morning till 9:30 at night pretty much, and then all these stupid people trying to, like, destroy everything we worked for, it's not good for the community, it's not good for business. not good for nobody. i don't know why they're doing
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it. >> reporter: tonight police are not saying what they believe may have been the motive in all of this. dawn? >> all right, thank you sabina. tens of thousands of frustrated commuters are sick of delays on want answers. now, we know septa's next plan to get more people moving faster in the weeks ahead. among ally tension, fear and heartbreak this week in america a reminder tonight citizens and police can make great allies. what a retired marine did when he saw an officer in trouble. and left paralyzed during childbirth a local woman making some amazing strides. >> i can already feel my body responding to it. i went from not being able to walk at all to taking my first steps three months later. >> the therapy that is helping rebuild people's dreams.
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♪ south jersey man is behind bars tonight facing murder charges. prosecutors say he killed a two-year-old little girl. 26-year-old michael de sport tow, jr. of manhawkin is charged with murder and aggravated sexual assault. he beat to death his girlfriend' toddler inside a gloucester city home. the girl's mother amber bobo charged with end daming the welfare of a toddler. that to do -- child. that toddler was rushed to cooper on july 3rd and died two days later. >> a man police shot during a altercation in toms river is expected to survive 29-year-old timothy sours point add gun at them yesterday near the corner of cedar and haines drives officers opened fire on him but he managed to get away.
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sours was found about an hour later wounded and. investigators are still piecing together just what happened. no word on specific charges. new jersey prosecutors have charged a dozen people after uncovering a huge drug traffi trafficking ring in atlantic city. 19 people are under arrest including the suspected ringleaders. investigators say year long probe resulted in the seizure of more than 12,000 bags of heroin, hand guns, 11 cars and nearly $74,000 in cash. all that was taken just yesterday. >> during the investigation phase of this operation and prior to yesterday, law enforcement had seized 8,660 bags of heroin, approximately 6-ounces of cocaine, 4-ounces of raw unpackaged heroin and over $80,000 in cash and three other hand guns. >> prosecutors say the charges are all a result of their commitment fighting the heroin
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epidemic in new jersey. a third of septa's regional rail trains are still out service and the transit agency saying the fix is not going to be a quick one. septa says the system changes and delays will remain in effect at least through the month of august. it is making a new schedule and today announcing some new cars to its fleet. they'll be coming from amtrak and other companies. but the bad news of the 120 cars taken out of service, there were structural issues with at least 115 of them. for now, it's still not clear what caused the cracks. >> it's early. i mean, this is -- this is one week and, you know, we're moving on a lot of different fronts and it takes time for the computer modeling, the met at a will you gentlemen cal testing. it really will be a very big moment when everyone agrees as to what were the causes. >> septa says this is also costing them millions of dollars in leasing and employee overtime
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as well as it's making refunds to customers who bought monthly and weekly passes. happening now, from the halls of congress to the head of the justice department, calls for cam in the wake of tragedy in dallas and the police shootings of black then in two states. fox's doug mckelway in washington tonight at the end of a heartbreaking week for our nation. >> reporter: across the country flags are flying at half staff. >> rise for moment of silence. >> reporter: reflection for the fallen on the house floor. and heartfelt condolences after the ambush style attack on dallas officers. >> there be attempt takes to let our anger harden our divisions. let's not let that happen. >> we must learn to live together as brothers and siste sisters. if not we will perish as fools. >> reporter: somber words from president obama from a nato summit in poland calling the dead lee assaults despicable. >> there's no possible justification for these kinds of attacks. or any violence against law
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enforcement. >> reporter: the president and house democrats pushing for tighter gun laws in the wake of these murders. visibly frustrate the after a string of votes and even a house floor sit in failed to produce any compromise legislation. >> if this congress does not have the guts to lead then we are responsible for all of the bloodshed on the streets of america. >> i'm not sure that for every single tragedy that happens in america there's necessarily a legislative solution. >> reporter: gunfire in dallas erupting during a peaceful protest over the police shootings of black men in minnesota and louisiana. attorney general loretta lynch calling this week heartbreaking and is urging calm. >> to all americans, i ask you, i implore you, do not let this week precipitate a new normal in this country. >> reporter: hillary clinton and donald trump both canceled campaign stops today. citing the dallas shootings. in washington, doug mckelway, fox news. there are close calls, then there are accidents like this. believe it or not the woman
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driving this car is alive tonight. what she was doing right before she became wedged under an 18 wheeler. it's hard to think about snow on a day like this. but the record-breaking january blizzard is making headlines again today. the permanent change the storm made to our area. and life looking a lot different for a man who lost his leg. what he'll be able to do with his new prosthesis that no one has been able to do before.
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♪ our coverage continues of the ambush in dallas. here's what we know tonight. five dallas police officers are dead. seven more are hurt. two civilians are also recovering from their injuries. all of them ambushed at a march last night pro testifying two recent police shootings in each killed an african man much those were alton sterling of baton rouge, louisiana and ferlando castile killed by police in minnesota. the shooter in last night's ambush in dallas is also dead and an investigation in full swing. fox's scarlet, joins us now from dallas. scarlet, what exactly is happening and what's the latest on the investigation? >> reporter: well the latest on the investigation we just
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heard from law enforcement officials chris and dawn is that micah xavier johnson he has -- he was the one that was expected to be the only shooter in this particular incident. so again one of the things we're trying to still figure out if there are more suspects in the shooting but johnson is expected to be the only active shooter involved last night. one of the things i wanted to say is the mood here is extrem extremely, extremely somber. there are groups gathering in different areas of downtown dallas in vigil format basically praying for those that were killed last night. those that were injured and the families of all of those involved. one of the other things i'm standing next to city hall right now where a current blood drive is taking place. there's been lines out the door of people giving blood officers were first in line but, again, this is just an extremely sad incident. one of the questions that continues is whether or not anybody else is still on the loose from last night's shooti shooting.
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>> scarlet, what are you seeing in terms of police presence and are there any others still in custody right now? >> reporter: there are several people in custody. last we her they had a fourth woman that was in a garage. they had three several hours ago but they added a fourth person of interest that was in the garage with johnson when he was taken down. but as far as police officers and police presence, yes, they're still in groups surrou surrounding different areas of where the scene is right now. so again, right now we're just praying for those officers and those families but they're all taking turns right now as we go in here and give blood for those involved in the accident. okay. fox's scarlet, live in dallas tonight. thank you scarlet. our coverage in the ambush in dallas will continue throughout the night and on you will hear the very latest information right there on our home page. a close call in tennessee. a woman who was driving this pt cruiser that's wedged under that 18 wheeler is alive tonight and
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recovering in the hospital mack us willy. she was turning on to interstate when she became lodged under the truck. the truck driver was fine but as you can imagine he was pretty shane. >> among all the tension fear and heartbreak a reminder tonight that citizens and police can make great allies. what this retired marine did when he saw an officer in trouble. and left paralyzed during childbirth. a local woman is making some amazing strides. the therapy that's helping rebuild people's dreams. plus -- >> dawn it's official today. heat wave number two for the philadelphia area. 95 wednesday, 94 yesterday, so far today 93 degrees. when to expect a break from the heat next.
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one american park is larger than yellowstone, yosemite, grand canyon and glacier national parks combined. and that's not the only thing you can only find in new york state. ♪ you can find it all only in new york. new york. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer vacation at
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>> we wander to take to you breaking news happening in north philadelphia. skyfox over a group of several dozen people marching south on broad street. we're hearing they are marching in response to the recent shoots in louisiana and minnesota. we're told that group will stop at philadelphia city hall. it appears to be a peaceful protest as that group continues to move. we will continue to bring you any updates. we are learning more tonight about the man who police say opened fire during a black lives matter protest in dallas. police say 25-year-old micah johnson a veteran shot 12 police officers and two civilians last night. authorities say he was upset over police shootings of black
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men and wanted to target white police officers. five police officers died making it the deadliest day for us law enforcement since 9/11. johnson was killed by a robot delivered bomb. again, the dallas shootings came during a peaceful march protesting the two recent shootings that killed philando castile and alton sterling. kenyata mcmillan the one of sterling's son condemned the violence in saying in part "regardless of how angry or upset people may be, resorting to this kind of sickening violence should never happen and simply cannot be tolerated". the shootings of and by police officers is dominating the headlines tonight. fox 29's jeff cole spoke to officials about community police relations here in our area. he's live in the newsroom tonight of the jeff, a really big issue especially with the dnc coming to fill until a few weeks. >> no question about it, chris. the relationship between police and the community is on-going concern in any big american ci
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city. it's skin certainly is here. this week's violence draws more focus to it while security planning for the convention ramps up. on an ugly brutal day in america, at the end of a blood stained week, a hopeful scene of innocent children play but this joy, this innocence, seems fleeting. >> we can't in any way accept people shooting police officers. the people who's very job it is to protect all of us. >> move away. the ambush deaths of five dallas police officers had law enforcement in philadelphia on edge friday. to pull off large gatherings make the democratic national convention a safe one but wary of lone wolf. >> there just will be that person that might just be angry, just slips through the cracks and we'll really need to rely on all of the citizens of philadelphia. >> reporter: fox 29 spoke with federal and state law enforcement across the
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commonwealth friday in wake of the week's violence. the fbi and alcohol tobacco if i arms and explosives both say they've offered assistance to the dallas police department. the fbi says would be the lead agency gathering intelligence during the dnc while the atf revealed it was now operating on heightened level of awareness. pennsylvania director of homeland security marcus brown on the phone said his agencies to goal to make certain protesters and police all are safe during the convention but also concern about police community relations here, too. for now, groups will keep pla planning and talking. >> we hope that this type around with the level of the conversation that we can still have lawful protests, vigorous lawful protests in our city but also keep everyone safe. >> reporter: now fox 29 has learned there was a group phone call this morning city agencies, civil rights groups and clergy
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trying to grapple with the week's events. the availability of weapons part of the problem here. i'm jeff cole, chris. >> jeff, thanks. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. it's been a tough week all around. the heat included. are we going to get a break from this heat wave? it looks like a little bit of a break not until the second half of the weekend. believe it or not another heat wave could be brewing as early as next week. we are talking about summer pop up thunderstorms this evening. not everyone will see them. we have another chance tomorrow. we'll talk about that with the weekend outlook and, yes, more heat and humidity building as early as next week. so a little bit of a break coming for the second half of the weekend but those temperatures are going to ramp right back up. so depending on your locate right now, you're get something downpours mainly in sections of mercer county also moving into atlantic county. we'll take a tour across the
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area. this was a severe thunderstorm early but look at the heavy rain right now moving through galloway, egg harbor, also, once you move down the ac expressway headed toward atlantic city. we're talking about some of those tropical downpours that will eventually move there. moving a little farther to the north around mercer county right now, trenton, princeton, pennington looking at some of those heavy downpours a lot of lightning as well in sections of bucks county as well. down to the northampton area. moving toward bensalem looking at some downpours so ominous looking clouds in center city. but thankfully we're dry but still kind of hot. 93 degrees. feels like temperature 98 right now in philadelphia. feels like 100 in dover. feels like 89 in wilmington with those clouds kind of moving through the area and also some of those downpours cooling conditions off especially down the shore right now. so by 6:00 o'clock, most of the coverage will be down the shore and then we really start to lose that daytime heating so things will settle down for tonight.
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tomorrow morning, it's still muggy out there. maybe an early spotty shower but better chances again tomorrow afternoon and evening during the heat of the day those pop-up showers and thunderstorms everyone won't get wet so don't cancel any plans for your saturday just keep an eye to the sky. drier conditions lower humidity for your saturday sunday. temperatures for tonight upper 60s in the burbs. 75 degrees in the city. those scattered storms early. 90 degrees again tomorrow. pop-up thunderstorms mainly during the heat of the weigh day f you're headed down the shore don't forget that sunscreen. mainly a dry day but a couple of p.m. thunderstorms popping up. 85 degrees for the high temperature tomorrow down the shore. 84 degrees beautiful weather on your sunday water temperatures upper 60s low 70s. headed to the pocono mountains a pair of sevens for tomorrow. thunderstorm likely during the heat of the day. beautiful weather, though, on sunday. dry, 75 degrees for the high temperature. so once again, 90 degrees for
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the high temperature tomorrow. it stays hot and humid. those afternoon and evening thunderstorms between, say, two and 7:00 o'clock. scattescattered about the heat s for the second half of the weekend. 87 degrees on sunday. monday upper 80s, sunny and warm and look at tuesday. 90. wednesday 91 degrees. 92 for thursday. and 93 for friday. so a little break from the heat sunday into early next week but then it looks like another heat wave brewing as we head into the middle and latter part of next week. i mean this typical summer pattern watch do you expect. >> sweltering. >> sticky. >> yes. thanks scott. it's hard to think about snow on day like this but the record-breaking january blizzard is making headlines again today. the permanent change the storm made to our area. >> and life looking a whole lot different for a man who lost his leg. what was he able to do with his new prosthesis no one has been able to do before. >> plus new at 6:00 o'clock, new jersey family is pleading for
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the return of a prized possession. u.s. flag covered the coffin of a veteran. how some local officials are stepping up in hopes it will be returned.
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♪ remember that massive january blizzard? well it seems to have had a permanent impact on delaware. researchers at the university of delaware say the record-breaking storm has altered the state's sea floor. they say the blizzard produced major high tides and caused significant shore line erosion. researching the storm's effects may help them predict and model how storms may behave in the future. well, leaders from across the world including president obama are in war saw, poland for the nato summit. >> talks are likely to be dominated by britain's decision to leave the european union. 27 nato countries are represented as well as the united nations, european union
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and the world bank. in the speech president obama reaffirming the united states commitment to work with european allies on global challenges. the president saying britain's exit from the european union while serious will not divide the larger effort to work together. >> european countries are and will remain among our closest allies and friends and europe is an indispensable partner around the globe. >> leaders from the european union signing a joint declaration with the nato secretary general aiming at improving cooperation between the two groups. a family reunited with their beloved dog after he runs away. of course, social media made it all possible. wait until you hear what this guy has been through. left paralyzed during childbirth is local woman is making a mazing strides. the therapy that's helping rebuild her dreams. >> dawn, another major upset at wimbledon.
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roger federer all types of trouble plus larry brown doing what larry brown does. where he's headed now coming up later in sports.
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prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess.
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my giant.
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>> want to update you on breaking news. protests in north philadelphia you're looking live at skyfox right now over a couple dozen people marching south on broad street. we are hearing they are marching in response to the recent police shootings in louisiana and minnesota. police there are helping that group move along as traffic is trying to move by on broad street. we understand they started at mt. airy. they are heading south on broad street. we're told the group will stop at philadelphia city hall and possibly go to independence mall as this group continues to move,
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of course, we will bring you updates. 18th district police officers are building bridges with the community today. they hosted their annual eighty two youth block party. there was live music, some grilling and inflatable obstacle of course and as you can see it looks like a lot of fun. kids of all ages having a great time out there. but today' event means a lot more than just having a good time. >> it's very important to get to the kids early, because they are our future and we need to be able to build this bridge with them when they're young because they're very impressionable. so the children enjoy today. they really do. >> today was the seventh year for this community tradition. in your health a major technological advancement changing one mans toes live for the better. retired priest becomes the first amputee in the world to receive a new waterproof by i don't know tick ankle foot. >> the new prosthetic is giving him a new outlook on life. 76-year-old retired pastor
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patrick tierney lost his leg back in 2000 thee after a car accident. well, now, he's the first person in the world to receive a new waterproof by i don't know tick ankle and foot that will give him a 30-degree range of motion. >> i got it two weeks ago much it's been the best thing that's happened to knee in the 13 years i've had prosthetic. >> the foot is even blew tooth enabled an louse the user to adjust how the foot feels with their smart phone. the new bionic ankle is now available to all amputees. talk about freedom there. >> yes. all right. every day lives change forever in a split second and that can mean having to learn how to do some of the simplest of things. >> fox's karen hepp shows us how one therapy in a local rehab helped rebuild people and their dreams. ♪ >> reporter: karen, came home from the hospital with her
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beautiful baby boy wesley. and a terrible infection from her epidural. >> woke up one saturday morning, couldn't move my legs. couldn't feel my leg. rushed to emergency surgery later on that afternoon. came out with paralysis from my belly button down. >> reporter: paralyzed she went through all the stages of grief but made promise to herself -- >> it actually inhibits the walking just a tad. >> i got to buck up here and get on roll so that i can walk before my son does. and that was my goal. that's what pushed me. >> reporter: she harnessed all those emotions and poured them into hard work. sweat and tears in the clinical trial for local motor therapy at magee rehab making huge strides. >> i can already feel my body responding to it. i went from not being able to walk at all to taking my first steps three months later. >> reporter: from slow steps to a run thanks to physical
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therapists like kate at her back and two more at her feet. lifting and pushing her. >> we are trying to stimulate her neurologic system here. >> reporter: karen can now walk by herself with canes. and play with her kids. yes. kids. she went on to have two more amazing beautiful boys. preston who is six and justin who is now three. and as they went to school so did she she got her bachelor's and law degree and decided to cease every opportunity and do what she can. so she sky dives and goes tuna fishing and went dog sledding in alaska and created a foundation to help others get locate como tiff therapy like this patient who is meeting her for the first time and thanking her. >> where i am right now is well on my way to where i wanted to
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be when i first was injured. i'm going to pick myself up and move on. >> reporter: there is inspiration and perspiration of every corner of magee. >> i love everybody here. i think they love me, too. i come hey durnell. >> durnell was paralyzed in a motorcycle crash 12 years ago. now he works out all the time in the wellness center. it gives him purpose. >> it's helping me. it's lifting me up. i'm not laying in a bed hiding under the sheets playing play station all day wasting away. >> reporter: now he's actually looking quiet fierce, a bionic man sporting a superman exoskeleton. >> this aggressive piece of machinery, stream lined and people look at you so i'm wearing $150,000 suit. nobody can say that. i leak it. >> reporter: power unleashed helping him to walk and move forward in so many ways. >> it helps me see people eye to eye. >> reporter: he's earned every sector of their respect. >> one of my best walks i've
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had. report roar his legs will never walk on their own. but he doesn't let that stop him from his forward momentum. his kids went to college, so did he. >> they actually inspired me. >> reporter: now he's planning a second act an new future. sometimes the life we lead isn't the one we planned but it can still be pretty darn good. >> i think everything happens for reason. i'm content. i can't say happy but i'm content with the way things are. >> good to see you. >> my life is better than i could have ever expected. i have three beautiful children, a job that i love. i am well on my way to becoming a delaware barred attorney. >> reporter: karen's foundation is helping so many other people. if you'd like to get some more information or to contribute come to our website i'm karen hepp, fox 29 news. pretty impressive. >> a couple inspiring stories. >> um-hmm. well a new york family is praising the powers of social
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media. >> that's because facebook helped them be reunited with their missing dog. a woman found toby this shiatsu poodle mix last week and actually saved the dog from being hit by oncoming traffic. that good samaritan tried to fine the owners but wasn't successful. in the meantime the family had turned to social media to try to find toby. after the story was shared, the woman who picked up the little dog was able to reunite him with his family. >> i was so happy. i was so happy, because i have two cats of my own, and we wouldn't have been able to keep him so i'm so glad he went back to his owner and everything is good. >> the family especially nine-year-old elyse who is autistic says they are stooper grateful to have toby back home where he belongs. citizens and police make great allies. what a retired marine did when he saw an officer in trouble. muss at 6:00 o'clock we continue to follow the developments of the police officers ambushed in dallas and we'll tell you how comedian kevin hart is demanding change
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in the wake of the tragedy. plus a new jersey family is pleading for the return of a prized possession. a u.s. flag that covered the coffin of a veteran. how some local officers are now stepping up in hopes that flag will be returned.
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one fifth of all the fresh water in the world flows into one incredible experience you can't find anywhere else. and that's not the only thing you can only find in new york state. ♪ ♪ you can find it all only in new york. new york. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer vacation at
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on a day of such heart ache and shock i think we needed some good news today. we wanted to show you an example of community and police working together with heart warming
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results. >> in tennessee a suspect attacks an officer who was trying to arrest him. fortunately, a retired marine was nearby and was ready to help. >> fox's jarita paterson has their story. >> reporter: tuesday afternoon this retired marine saw something he never expected. >> he brave enough to be fighting with a police officer in the middle of street. >> reporter: darrell said that's exactly what he saw while driving towards madison avenue here in midtown. according to a police report, this man, michael green, was trying to sell an ebt card just outside this grocery store. an officer moved in and tried pass patting green down when it was discover the 29-year-old was carrying a steal pipe. while green was being handcuffed, he allegedly started beating the other. >> people were just at a bit of a shock. >> reporter: tate says his training as marine and peace officer kicked in. >> his job as a police officer is to, you know, protect the
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public and at that time he was the one needing protection report roar the officer was left bruised and scratched all over his body. his face also swollen. still tate says things could have turned tragic. in fact this father of five who doesn't often visit this part of town said this is where he was supposed to be to help an officer in trouble. >> i'm not a hero. i'm a person that saw another human being whether police officer or anything needing some kind of help, and that could have been very fatal. >> reporter: shortly after that scuffle, police were able to regain control. green was cuffed and carried away from madison avenue brought near popular. green facing several charges. the most serious, attempted second degree murder. we'll bring updates as they become available. reporting at the criminal justice center jarita paterson fox three news.
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>> ♪ tonight officers around the nation are shell shock. >> our profession is hurting. dallas officers are hurting. >> police say this is the man who murdered five officers during a peaceful protest. >> there are no words to describe the atrocity that occurred to our city. >> what the investigation has revealed about the killer's past and his motive. ♪ >> plus as the tragedy is felt around the u.s. what changes will happen in philadelphia in its aftermath? ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29 news at 6:00. and tonight the investigation into that dallas police ambush is still developing. here's what we know right now. 12 officers in all were shot. one gunman opened fire during a
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black lives matter demonstration and in downtown dallas last night. five of those police officers were killed. two civilians were also hurt in the chaos. the ambush finally came to an end when the gunman was killed by a bomb squad police robot. investigators now trying to sort out the pieces of this horrific massacre and the homeland security department just revealing that there appears to be just one gunman. g evening, i'm dawn timmeney. >> i'm chris o'connell. here is what we know about the shooter. he has been identified as 25-year-old micah johnson. he was an army reservist who served in afghanistan. he was late last night when gunfire erupted in downtown dallas during that black lives matter demonstration where officers were killed. johnson was later cornered in a parking garage, a bomb squad robot was center in and killed johnson after failed negotiations. we have team could have ratch tonight. bruce gordon spent the day with local police, religious leaders and black lives matter lde


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