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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 9  FOX  June 23, 2016 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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>> look way down the parkway. see that giant tent, let's take you inside that tent right now, that's where they have the big draft party tonight. there is franklin and franklin. >> love it, love franklin. he's so much fun. he can dance. i think he knows we're watching. >> yes. he's playing sherades. >> hi, hey. >> common in. >> oh, hello. >> that will be a fun party, as we pick, we have the number one pick if the draft tonight, nba draft hi, karen. >> good morning consideration anyone going to the party? >> it is sold out. but you can look? >> oh,. >> your err i have re would be so good, like a concert. >> and you can hear the
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excitement. >> big monitors. >> celebrate the fact, wouldn't you want to be with the fans, have a nice posh pit? >> here is the thing, alex, a lot of hoopla for a dude, i mean, hoopla, like crazy, for a a dude to walk up. >> huge event. become, i think, nfl starter, and how all this works, he's going. >> i'm actually -- going up thereto watch. >> so talking all of this, exciting. >> we have to take the twin up, spends the whole day in brooklyn, which is fine, and then walk up and go, sixers -- >> meanwhile, part of it, it will be over in 72nd. >> we will be witnessing history.
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>> we saint face that. >> yes, we have early bed time. >> we have to be in quakertown tomorrow. >> yeah. >> man we will be a mess tomorrow. >> no we won't. >> we'll take a nap. >> my realtor calling, trying to figure out what it do, so expensive with kids, the cost of having them over the lifetime, i thought it is like completely overwhelming. so they found this new, you know, doors tail, break it down how much it cost. >> you what saying, how much it will cost from the day the child is born, until they're 18th birthday? >> yes. >> at a wedding, no, not talking about the wedding night, talking at the wedding, from the dress to the invitation, how you can incorporate this new trend into your big day.
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>> what about this? nine months pregnant, and lifting weight? check out this mom to be we will he introduce her in just a few minutes. >> look at her, she is going to have a child. her due date is july 11. >> oh, she is fit. >> but is it healthy? we have a doctor coming in to analyze her moves. >> does she realize how much money she will be spending once that baby comes out? >> well, here we go, why don't we get right into this? we tees philadelphia cents us department of agriculture culture found that parents, from the time the baby comes out of the womb, until you put them into college at age 18 judge how much? >> right there on the screen, $245,000. >> to raise a child. >> until they're 18? >> break it down. 74,000 of that will go to their housing,.
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>> seems like the low. 39,000, to food, 14,000 for clothes, other costs include education, that's a huge one, childcare, and of course, their healthcare over the years. quarter of a million dollars. so think about that. >> that's just at 18 watch if they go to college, got to pay for college, housing, tuition. >> here's my advice, don't do it. >> since working here i've been told that prep pretty much every day, alec, don't do it, don't do it. >> you're still going to do it. >> probably. well, there are things that need to happen before that. >> true. >> how is that going? >> okay, uber for your kids. there is a new app. >> i mean, you may not be done. >> what? >> don't get into it. >> you want to have more kids? >> why do you go --
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>> we want to see your face. is this real? >> here is the down side. having a child is wonderful, but i'm all in if i have a kid. >> you should be. >> ya. that means i've got to go to chuck-e-cheese again. >> ya, the pizza there is great. >> oh, nothing against chuck-e-cheese, but i never want to go back. those things moving around, playing -- >> you don't like that? >> kids crying, screaming. back in the day, and you got take them to "disney on ice". oh,. >> you don't want to do that either? >> oh, brutal. >> why don't you have someone else take them? >> maybe i'll get a babysitter. you know how fast you can get a babysit they are day and age? matter every minutes. called hello sitter a app, basically, uber for babies, and this is happening in new york city, will spread to philly soon. >> can joel through sitter choices and have someone arrive in about an hour, you know how it goes, can't finds a sitter. don't worry about it. call moment before. >> no sign up or membership
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charge, oh, amazing, with uber you definately have surge pricing, costs starts 21 bucks a lawyer for one child, plus a 20-dollar cab charge for the sitter. >> sounds like a lot of money i'm so old it, used to be five bucks. >> say run background checks, social media account. par kents even watch short video about the sitter even interview them in person. >> let's ask cher, back here with us,. >> i didn't know you could see through your top. >> i thought i wore it on television before. >> can you see through her top? >> i changed. >> they're looking out for you. >> thank you, appreciate. >> i had ladies at home, re rap that dvr. >> oh, no, don't do that. >> give it a screen shot. >> oh. >> so, how much does a
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babysitter cost these days? >> specially i have three kids. >> $21 an hour? >> that's new york, so here i would say the range, depends if you are just babysitting like your kids can sit there and watch it. >> v15 bucks r or if they are a nanny could be higher shall specially multible kids, price keeps hiking up. >> is that per kid or just they show -- $21 an hour? >> if you have four kids? >> depends, new york it will be hi, so the price goes upper kid. for one it could be 15, then what, 18, 20, you know, to watch all three of my kids. >> what do you pay? >> 20 miles an hour for three. >> i got gipped when was younger and had to babysit because i didn't get paid 20 bucks an hour. >> ten? >> so expensive, go out, dinner, do something, simple movie, we have something similar down at the shore, where there is always a million babysitters, the best, they have a thing called sitters at the shore. >> hold on. you trust them? >> completely. >> backgrounds checks the whole bit? >> these girls show up and
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amazing, they're life lifeguards, all college student, and just wonderful. >> and this app, probably paying for the convenience, too. >> yes. >> quincy, how much do you pay sitters these days? >> $15 an hour? >> fifteen, ya? >> ya. >> $15 an hour, but -- would you dot ooher? >> let me get this straight, guys. i want to go out that bad, that i'm paying a a service, someone i don't know, to watch my kids, my kids, my kids that i love. now, you know what? you guys hear me complain a lot about my kids. i'm not just going to throw my kids onto a service and oh, babysitter, jen, she is around, let's bring her over. no, this is a bad idea. this is horrible. i get scared when i get in some of these car service apps, no, i am not doing that, no. >> i kind of agree. >> no way. i have to know you. i have to feel -- i kind of have to know who you are.
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our kids? you just are throwing your kids to somebody so you can go drink wine somewhere? no. >> quincy, quincy, quincy. >> i'm sorry, yes, karen? >> how many times in your life have you book the babysitter? >> oh! >> not your wife, you, have you found the person? tell me how many times that's happened? >> i'm so glad you said this. i'm so glad you said. >> this my last two babysitters, my one babysitter jamie, i love jamie. jamie, think she is in the fair force, my intern at my radio station, so i got to know her, you know, a lot of years, before she watched my kids. now, my second babysitter, my current babysitter; jamie's best friends, named ashley, and ashley is a school teacher and she lives like five minutes from me, and i've known her for about -- i've known ashley longer than i've had kids. so last two babysitters i book. >> look at you you! >> he shut you down.
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>> let her know, quince. >> i unless i approve, unless i approve. >> all right. >> ya. i'm very particular about people being in my house, kids even around my kids. >> people are getting upset. >> as we all are. >> people are getting upset, hold on, because at will the ten, said we are making big announce. , what's going on, what's the big news? >> do it now? >> i think it is time. let the people know. >> let me make this announce: starting, well, i think it is too boastful for him to do it. >> true, true. >> so excited. >> early september, on this very television station, every day at noon, monday through friday, and again in september, we will premiere the q show. it is quincy harris' own show. >> yeah. >> this is such a good idea, it is going to be such a big hit, and i want to
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congratulates you, quincy. >> thank you. >> you stuck with it, you took, you had the nerve, the courage to leave your radio job and get into television, because that's what you always wanted and it has paid off. >> look at you now. >> yes, first of all, i'm very thankful, you know, i joke around a lot. but i'm so, so thankful for this opportunity. i want to thank god, right, for the opportunity. number two, you know, i talk to mike jerrick when i was still doing radio, i think about four years ago, i told him my dream. and he said you got to go after it. you got to go do it. you have to jump out there on fate and make things happen. and it was a very difficult decision, leaving radio, and then coming into tv, and just a lot of different things happening. but, good day philadelphia, has helped me. i always just wanted to be me on tv. that's all, that was my dream, just being myself on television, and this show has allowed me to do that. so, just for that to happen. and to be from germantown, and be here from the city, and get
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to start here in the city and do this in the city, i'm so excited. i'm so thankful, so humble for the opportunity for the show. so september 12th, it is a dream come true, september 12th, please, i would love for everyone to watch, just to watch this show. >> we're so happy for you, tell us, what's the show going to be like? fun, family on the show, talk about them a lot. do some things on the street, my phone just ringing off the hook, have celebrities come in, do interviews, have dj's, me and mouse did radio together, known for about 14 years, so to just have mount, you know, come, he does dish talk with me in my house every mob day night. >> follow your dreams, going to be, but listen, september 12th, the q, the q,
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the q. fox 29. i'm overjoyed. >> i can tell you why it will be a success, because of this conversation. >> please. >> four years ago, some people want to get on tv, the light comes on on the cameras, they become different person, the light goes off, they go back to being their normal self. he is that, 24 hours a day, that, that will make this show successful, and q, have you seen the new studio we built for you? it is beautiful. >> i'm excited ready for the hard work, and i thank you guys. so thankful for everybody such a smooth transition, and i'm just so overjoyed. >> okay, it's almost september 12th. yeah, whoo. >> oh, my goodness. >> by the way, show you brand new studio on the thirds
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floor, so gorgeous, perfect thing for q, and actually, we're thinking about having studio audience in every day. >> oh, i'm so happy for him. and the stuff, you guys don't even know the work he puts in behind the scenes, amazing, way to go, quince. >> i let's get to this story. so many people have been talking about it on line over the last couple of days, because we saw this video of a woman going to give birth, due date july the 11, what's that, two weeks? >> yep. >> she is a pour lifter. watch her work. >> about to have her second baby, oh, and also a competitive weight lifter, cross fitter, certified personal trainer. >> this, 35 year old, south jersey mom, may be nine months pregnant, but she doesn't let that stop her. lifting weights, doing slots, doing pushups in whenever and where ever she can. after all, strong mommy, strong baby.
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>> lauren? >> check out the hard wear. she won this, not long after finding out, well, before you found out you are you were pregnant? >> oh, my goodness. tell me how you got this? >> world power lifting belt. i won it by doing pour lifts, dead lift, squats, and bench presses. >> you started power lifting just last summer? >> just last summer. >> you started competing with in september? >> i started competing in august. did i that competition, which qualified me for world in the federation, and then in october i won this. >> and again, you were like wait, i'm pregnant? >> yes. >> were you ever oh, gosh this will slow down my momentum. >> no, absolutely not. i used as motivation to keep going definitely. >> so when you went to the doctor for checkups, did you make them nervous, were they like oh, i don't know? >> just a tad. because they were casino of un familiar with some of the movements, but they know me, they've been working with me for awhile, they know i have '
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been trained, as long as i'm healthy, the baby healthy, keep going. >> i know a loft moms might be here. >> show you something over here. >> what do you say to moms that maybe have thought oh, i'm pregnant, i have to stop what i'm doing? >> i would say as long as you have doctor approval, you can work out. as long as were you doing something beforehand. >> what's this you were going to show us? >> this is -- i'm pick this up off the ground. and front squat. inning rates all of your body, all of your muscle. >> del me there is do you feel any different? i know you have belly here, do you feel different when lifting, though? >> no, just have to manipulate around the belly, can it can get in the way sometimes, but i still feel healthy, i have to down size some of the weights and things like that, but, no, i feel great. >> when is this sweet baby girl due? >> july 24th. >> so you're basically nine
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months pregnant. >> i am nine months pregnant. going really fast. >> how soon do you think you'll snap back after the baby? ready to get back? >> ready to get back in the gym and show people how it is done. >> definitely snap back quickly. >> you will show video went viral, just posted when june 3rd? >> yes. >> wow. >> pretty quick. >> does she have ear piece? can she here us? >> no, no. >> have her hang right there, is this her second child, is that what she said. >> her second child, yes. here is first baby. >> that's a child? >> yes. >> that's a woman. >> fourteen. >> beautiful. >> she is still a girl, beautiful. >> did she lift during that pregnancy? >> did you lift with the first
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pregnancy? >> i ran. i was younger. i wasn't power lifting back then. i actually just got back into power lifting last summer. >> hang there, we have doctor, nice see you, doctor, i know you as the maternal fetal guru over at hahnemann? >> guru? i do internal fetal medicine. >> what do you think? >> inspired, amazing, the fact she has continue her work out during her pregnancy is a great thing. look, one of the biggest contributors of maternal morbidity, mortality, definitely in philadelphia, we love our cheese steak, but maternal obesity is a problem, she doing everything she can to prevent. that will we can talk about some of the details of the work out like what i tell, some of the things, lowered the we she uses, i think she is doing everything right, and doing things that will help promote -- >> watch this piece of tape. >> what everyone is talking about. >> she got some negativity on that one, where she lift it above her head. >> right. >> so, you know, your producer
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sent this to me yesterday and some other stuff. the only thing i'll be concerned about is if for some reason the bar fell, and hit her belly, that could be a problem. okay? it can cause something called a bankrupt sean, when the placenta celebrate earlier, about if you she is cautious, and that doesn't happen, then, you know, she shouldn't have a problem. >> so, are you going to stop that move rene? >> sound like what i heard before, be cautious, go strong. >> the only thing i add, you can't have little bit more joint laxity, because of the hormonal pregnancy, i don't know what her baseline is clearly better than mine, but whatever her baseline is i might back down little bit off of that. but other than that, i think that she is doing exactly right. >> so impressive, good for childbirth, you know, try to get through the process. >> again back to the obesity thing, myself, my partner,
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actually run a clinic at hahnemann, drexel, where we do obesity, pregnancy, that risk so much greater than anything she could possibly be doing, so prevent that will help her have a better outcome. >> july 11. >> so, doctor, i've been using the excuse that i have a beer belly not to go to the gym, thought it would be too dangerous. >> ya. i have the same affliction. no, ya, that she provides us with, like, some inspirations. >> seriously. >> no excuses. >> i need to go to the gym. >> yes. thanks, doctor. >> okay, so, fancy pants quincy harris, who has his own tv show now, with the sixers.
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>> we have a sixers legends, his name rhymes with -- come back finds out who we are talking becomes sixers party tonight. hey.
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>> what's happening? >> at eakin's oval, okay, the party like sold out. it will be craze fry five to 9:00 tonight. but, you can still, like, see from outside of the tent. we have legendary sixers coming by, right now, weaver bobby jones, mr. defense, 1983 champion. >> how are you doing, sir. >> very well. what are you expecting from the sixers tonight? >> hoping get good draft picks, maybe trades, who knows. but, it is a change of, you know, adding to your team,
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adding to the potential of great seasons, for next year, so ya, i'm excited about what they can do. >> now, i remember this, because this is the only time we won a championship, 1983, i was a very young boy, my dad busted my room, oh, my god gosh, we wouldn't championship, how was it wing the championship in 1983. >> it was hard, a lot of work, great team, you know, playing with guys though are pretty good. that will was great thrill. really the best thing was the parade. so i remember more that than the game. just going down broad street in the big trucks, and everybody cheering for you, a special feeling. >> okay, so, tonight, do you think -- i'll put the pressure on you. we have a lot of draft picks. how long will it take, you know, take us to become back to nba championship contention? >> i'm going to say a year and a half, two years maybe. >> wow. >> experience does take time. you got to learn. that is different world from
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college. but, when you have talent, that trumps a lot of things. >> got you. sixers great bobby jones, 'd lot of talent, also has a ring, and we want a ring to come back here, and you'll be here tonight for the sixers draft. >> i sure will, yes, sir. >> he is still tall, guys, defensive stopper. still champion. i'm want you guys to come on down, celebrate. >> lots to celebrate. >> go sixers. >> number one pick. 9:26. it is time to brawl. talking about the burger brawl. it is back. but there are some differences. there is a new competition, that's really going to make your mouth water, karen? oh, it is fun. we'll show you, ready to brawl? look at that trophy.
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i survived breast cancer. if the doctors hadn't caught it early i might not be sitting here. so i'm outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood... ...which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood.
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shut down the government over planned parenthood? i think we ought to shut down pat toomey. women vote is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo.
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okay. everybody here we go again for sixth year in a row, i will be judging and alex, you will judge this year. >> i will there been. >> this sunday sixth annual burger brawl in south philadelphia. it is fantastic. the thousands of people come out and stuff their face full of hamburgers. >> benefits city schools and started six years ago. >> this would be the sixth. >> going for six years. to help meredith elementary get a new computer lab and now it has expanded. >> man who invented this thing rob was herman, owner of loose, creator of this event. ladies and gentlemen you know matt cord here. >> michael, alex. >> hi. >> will you judge. >> we were judges the very first year. >> yes, at the school, more death high. >> yes. >> there is liquor this year. >> yes, okay. >> okay. so we sent out for liquor that day. >> how many competitors. >> we have 40 competitors forberg are side and about 15
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taco competitors. >> we have tacos too. >> stand back, this year we have added taco competition. >> how many guys. >> fifteen taco guys are coming in. >> wow. >> it will be ridiculous. >> having me judge that i think. >> yes. >> yes. >> you are a taco aficionado. >> yes. >> how does it work, best taco and best hamburger in the city. >> we have peoples choice award and we have judge's choice award. as you have been there for six years you guys have to go through plethora of burgers to get to the champion. >> as a television producer i have really blown this because there is plenty of footage from the event from last year. >> this is the burgers lined up on the table. >> yes. >> i forgot to break that out. >> yes. >> here it is, look at that. >> there it is. >> there we go. >> thanks, karen. >> that is what it is like. burgers are lined up. you can go. >> you walk in and the smell too in the parking lot. >> how many people were out there last year. >> we were probably 3,000,
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3500 people. >> get there early, guys. >> it is not sold out just yet you can get your tickets at philly burger which is all inclusive. >> how do you pick final winners. >> well, for you and we have, from village people -- >> we need a proper introduction. >> just tell me how it works. >> how it works is you will go through check burgers, the judges, you will taste them all and you pick the final, and then mess of the people that attend, peoples choice award. >> yes. >> so we have last years winners, matt, will you do honors. >> we have boys from blue duck bill and village whiskey right over here. >> there is a trophy. >> so this was the peoples choice awards and that was by blue duck, they are actual second year of winning the peoples choice award. >> is what your name. >> chris. >> and you win the judge's
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award. >> that is correct. >> is what your name. >> dave kahn, i met from you village whiskey what a difference in the trophies, i want peoples choice. >> both are amazing trophies. the obviously the rewards are amazing. >> yes. >> bragging rights. >> exactly. >> is that the veryberg their won it for you last year. >> this is the burger that won it for us for first year, pork roll burger. >> going back. >> yes. >> okay. >> what is that one. >> that is village whiskey frenchie burger garnished with cheese, onions, salsa and black truffle leon. >> what is that? >> okay, all right. we have one of our intern emily who goes to georgetown university. >> hi, come on in good there is a class at georgetown, it is called a grilling class, right. >> well, a grilling society, it ace club. >> you have gotten credits. >> i don't get credits but i do get burgers.
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>> okay. bite that one over there the first one. >> the first one. >> the one with the egg on it. >> describe what that burger is. >> we do a blend of ground up pork role, and beef. we do cooper american cheese and fried egg and mayo on a potato roll. >> low budget show. >> yes. >> all right. >> alex, while she cleans her pallet take a bite of the taco. >> these are from rouge, we survey great philadelphia taco. it has a little lime, avocado and it is marinated in a secret sauce. >> is that a farm fish. >> it is a st. petersberg type of white fish. >> yes. >> that is great. >> st. peters fish. >> talapia fish. >> yes.
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>> okay, all right. >> this is from village whiskey, that is a thick burger. >> yes. >> just try it. >> the frenchie. >> cheese, on beyonds. >> she didn't even get the burger. >> when should we get out there. >> you need to be out there by 2:45. vip's 3:00 p.m. early registration so is there no long lines. get there by 1:00 o'clock. >> is what location. >> xfinity live which is fantastic. they have been awesome to us all these years. >> you know what i think we should do now, eat some more with bob kelly. >> let's have breakfast now. >> you know i love to eat. i'm here at a bland new spot in garnett valley, breakfast with bob coming to you from
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the farm to you kitchen. i will get one of these car bibs. can i have a sip of this? stay there we will be right back.
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get ready for trouble, there will be tweeting. >> let's get out to bob. he has somebody who used to be a book seller who is making breakfast, explain, bob. >> this is a cool spot, everybody, i'm in a brand new spot, hello from garnett valley. >> hello. >> the farm to you kitchen, built in less than a year, and
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they even made a sign for me out front. what does it say on the other side. >> jammo. >> jammo. >> let's hear it for these guys. everybody out of school now. what do we do with the kids? we take them to breakfast. what are their names, twins. >> they are tyler and lila. >> look at the bibs here, we need a bib like that for mike jerrick can do you that. >> absolutely. >> he is a ham, he loves the camera there. come on over here, look at this whole gang. obviously kids are out of will school. breakfast on a thursday. is what everybody having here. >> our favorite, of course is the french toast and sylvester's omelette which is one of our local business owners that lives a couple doors down, mushrooms are awesome but we have bacon and egg sandwiches, we've got, pancakes. >> pop pop ate all of the pancakes over here, he gets to get out and play because he ate all of his pancakes. no problem. >> great.
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>> this is fantastic. look at the day core here which is so cool. it was an old antique store, originally and when they came in, where is dan, the the owner, come on over here, dan. dan, the owner, it was originally an antique store. look at the floor. you did floor. >> we did. >> you have decoration and stone but more importantly what is the food like. >> we have good food, yeah. >> i know, because we have had rave reviews here. let's start on the left and go down the line and explain some of the things you have. >> thinks a salmon crustini with onions and mixed salad green, mixed green salad topped with fruit, strawberries. >> all that is local. >> we source everything local. this dish over here is sylvester omelette we have a local farm here called sylvester farm, and we featured that omelette. our most popular dish is french toast. >> i can see that. >> everybody loves our french toast, corn bread and thinks i
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brisket sandwich. >> what is this monster. >> this is for a special featured on the new menu, it has, barbecue sauce and roasted potato salad. >> wrap them up, we will take them to go back to fox 29. if you'd like me to come tour favorite spot you know what i like to do every thursday we pick a different neighborhood and different spot and we come for breakfast. just hit me up on facebook and twitter, and everybody give a wave to the camera. say bye. >> bye. >> we're waving back. >> back to you guys. >> thanks, bob. >> lets talk lingerie because jen is showing us that there is a new trend with weddings, in the wedding night but not too risque. >> hi, jen. >> hi guys. we're not talking about lingerie like licensing ray but we're talking about lingerie like licensing ray and which one of these things is made of paper, i bet you will be surprised.
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philadelphia, wedding magazine is celebrating its 20th anniversary. >> that is pretty darn amazing. i love it. i like to look at different trend is what happening right
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now. jen has some new things that are happening that i never would have expect. >> she's explaining. she said it is lingerie but not lingerie. what is it. >> it is lingerie without lingerie, is that correct. >> yes you are editor of philadelphia wedding magazine. >> yes. >> twenty years. >> twenty years. >> you look good for 20 years. >> thank you. >> we saw cover, gorgeous, gorgeous couple right there. >> yes. >> magazine comes out next week. >> yes. >> why lingerie. >> well, lingerie, lingerie inspired gowns have been a really big, thing, lately, just lots of lace and sheer bades and tops, and this just doesn't show it. >> yes. >> it has just been a really pretty thing that has been going on with gowns lately and those are easy to translate into other areas have of your wedding. >> i feel like it looks sexy but still sophisticated. >> yes, exactly. >> it is long sleeves.
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it is demure and sexy all at the same time and that is a cool trend. >> so people can translate that into other things. we have dinner wear, we have invitation,. >> exactly. >> yes, we have the shoes. >> what are those. >> well, they are sling backs, you know, they have the detail that kind of car that is lingerie trend over but bottoms are glitter. >> i love it you can't go wrong with that. >> invitations are kind of flirty, but they look good. >> they look pretty, romantic especially pretty for warm weather, wedding, and yeah, it just looks, detail looks nice on anything. >> yes. >> i wanted to talk about a couple other trend, also in as well. so i gave everyone a tease and said within of these things is made of paper. jared, the photographer didn't know which one. it is the flowers. >> how cool are these. >> this is from a woman named tina here in philadelphia called dare papery and they are insane.
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>> when you look at it in the magazine you really cannot even tell. >> you can't believe it. would you take these home then. >> you can have them forever. that is why they are cool and why people are liking alternative blooms because then you really have a keep sake for the rest of your life. >> then you can have whatever you want. people like it but they are off season. >> exactly. >> you can have anything in february. >> i would go with her right now. >> you say marble cake as an idea i thought on the inside. >> yes. >> i didn't get that it would be on the outside. this is cool. >> isn't that gorgeous. >> yes. >> that was done by kate bake shop here in philly also and this was for a big shoot for feature for this issue and we have talk to her about ideas and she came up with this and we all died when she showed up with it. >> i like about this is we have all seen martha stewart cake with the white things, and yet you don't want a bunch of this on this which some people try to do so again, it is like a little sexy but my
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mother-in-law will be proud of this cake. >> it is so different, striking and looks so cool sitting there at your reception. >> yes. >> last thing, you know how it is, add generation, we have to keep entertain. that is another thing you guys have. you want to show people how to entertain their guests at a wedding. >> exactly. i think we have all taken part in the photo booth thing. >> more than once. >> it is always fun so we wanted to give our readers some new idea as a way to keep your guests having fun, interacting and we suggested that there is food trucks, people love that, corn hole games, they are different at outdoor cocktail hours and then we have just had a few things here get a fashion illustrate or to come sketch your guest during cocktail hour, those are from local illustrators. selfie sticks instead of photo booth, everybody can stand there with your #, believe me on the dance floor, yes, the
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pictures are fantastic. >> i love it. >> these whole things we like this idea of wedding adlib they are like advice card and alternative to the guest book all at once. they have ready made packs or look at examples and make up your own. mine for my wedding. >> they are. >> yes. >> you can make up your own and we brought them on our honeymoon and read them on the beach and they were fantastic. we just had those. so much fun. >> you have done it again. i'm n i love it. it is awesome. this is you why are 20 years strong. >> comes out monday. >> yes ma'am. >> good stuff. >> thank you. >> i wish i was getting married because you this girl is planning it. >> you are already wearing white. >> you can do an anniversary. >> you an lie am hemsworth you can put a dress over that slip you have on. >> we love you, jen. >> finally we were just talking about the flowers. >> things that are trending.
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this is so cool blowing up all over social media new lists, and they are selling out just as fast. >> that islip stick. >> i like it. >> yes, this is first time we have seen this. they have put the flowers inside of your clear lipstick and they are there. >> don't forget gold pieces. >> is it gelatin. it is a gel. >> wow. >> beauty company is based in china and selling it for $30. you can also go to e bay where they are going for a discount at $4. >> but hold on. >> does it go on clear. >> it looks like it would be clear. >> we have sparkles, you can get gold and put it overtop of another color and change color on your lips. >> would you get lips with gold on it. >> at this point, yeah. >> at this point, yes. >> bob, coming over here i'll kiss you right now. >> we will be doing a lot of kissing tomorrow morning, this
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is what happens, out there, when we on taking shoots, take yourselfe and we kiss people. >> you kiss people. >> i'm not richard dawson. >> no jokey could not believe it, you know i have a tv show. you do that. >> seriously. >> she was a belly dancer. >> yes. >> this can happen in quakertown. >> let me tell but this car, do you see that? it is a mazda suv called a cx9, brand new, worth over $40,000. >> what? >> yes, this is how you win, go to my fox-- no, fox click on that red bar. it couldn't not be any easier. you can enter every day, every 24 hours until this thing is over on july 21st, it is last day, july 21st by midnight. >> because july between the second we are going to the dell and announce that winner, in east fairmount park. >> tomorrow quakertown, wildwood, wilmington, then
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haddonfield, east fairmount park dell music theater, center, whatever it is, big parking lot, and for eight mazdas stretched as far as you can see. eight finalist and one will start. it would be silly if you didn't go to the the web site and enter to win. >> why don't you do it. increase your chances. we can't win so we want you to win. >> makes sense. >> can't bring them down. kevin hart keeping his head up after that recent break in. somebody busted in his house, karen and stole half million-dollar of merchandise. >> he has a funny twist on everything. we will show you what he did. >> well, he find the culprit. >> did he. >> yes. alright guys, we've brought you to this construction trailer to talk about trucks today. which truck brand offers engines with best in class v8 towing or fuel economy? are we moving?
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where we going? it's the answer to the question baby! silverado. oooh that's cool. it's truck month. qualified buyers get 0% financing for 60 months. plus, find your tag and get $8,250 total value on this silverado all star. find new roads at your local chevy dealer prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant.
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tell me about kevin hart. >> we talked about this last
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month, or earlier this month. he was robbed. he lost about a half million-dollar in jewelry, clothes, everything taken. >> okay. >> he showed a sense of humor on instagram. he posted this image, fooled everybody and for me for sure of the supposed burglar and asked 37 million followers, let's find this guy. people have been guessing everything, you can say steph curry, miley cyrus, donald trump. >> you you know who i think it looks like, beiber. >> doesn't it a little bit. >> and they are working with footage and making fun out of the bad situation. >> i think later today he might pull that thing off and it is somebody that we know. >> i follow him. >> okay. we will see, people sipping lemonade beyonce released her new single. >> ♪ >> so, this song, women all over have been saying i ain't sorry. >> yes. >> yes. >> serena williams.
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>> yes. >> twerking. >> blowing up the internet. >> see you tomorrow in quakertown, sorry. if america's favorites - burgers, tacos and chili could taste just as great made with turkey. thousands stepped into the jennie-o tasting booth to find out. with just one bite, they knew.
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now it's your turn to make the switch.
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swarks . live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chaser. >> now here's wendy! >> wendy: right back at ya. here we go again.


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