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tv   Chasing News  FOX  April 13, 2016 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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bill: now on "chasing news". ♪ >> i passed a resolution on monday evening allowing transgender students to use both bathroom and locker rooms of the gender they identify with. >> it made me realize how much support we have. >> penis showing and the girl and her bra and panties. >> nj transit has quietly been installing this audio six recording system. >> this should be able to do that. >> what do you do? >> i don't like this. i don't like this at all. >> i think i was on tender. >> eharmony. >> all of them. >> practice of chinese facial reading. >> i want something with a strong brow. >> they are the best.
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bill: you are chasing a story, controversy brewing. the valley which is in bergen county over a transgender bathroom. >> passed a resolution on monday evening allowing transgender students to use both bathroom and locker rooms of the gender they identify with. let me just tell you, it got a little bit heated. >> also funny moments. >> people who think. [laughter] [applause] >> people that were not very happy about this. the freshman and a transgender student. >> it made me realize how
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much support we really do have. >> the new policy, transgender students will be able to use the bathroom, locker room, and pronouns of the gender they identify with. they would not have to take part in the decision that the student makes. she has some issues with this. >> .25 boys born male can go in the locker room, restroom , walk in with his penis showing in the grill and abroad panties. >> a lot of discussion which made people uncomfortable. this meeting went on for hours. most of the students were aware of the policy. the debate even carried outside. one parent got in a heated argument with someone from the center for garden state families. >> we're going to step outside. >> brought up several times last night.
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it did past six to 1.six to one. for now they will be able to use the bathroom, locker room and the pronouns that they identify with which makes students very happy. >> it is a wonderful thing to have this, to know that my school is behind me. bill: we are joined by holly, new jersey legislator in the 39th district. also a mom and a lawyer. kids in the school district. you and i talked earlieri talked earlier about this. issues came up we were talking about this on the radio. parents being involved in a decision like this. >> specifically states in the event the child goes to school, tells theschool, tells the teacher, tell somebody from identify as a different gender. the school is prohibited from having any discussions with the parent unless the
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child specifically authorizes it. they are not talking about college-age students, not talking about people have reached the age of maturity under the law. you're talking about kids as young as 13 or 14 years of age. unless they're saying there is a risk of harm to the child, parents are notified about this, i think we have turned it upside down. parents are an integral part of the process. bill: bill: "high speed chase",. >> the hillary clinton joke is drawing racial backlash during a weekend political dinner in new york where they do skits.skits. joked about the hardiness and supporting her. >> thanks for the endorsement, bill. took you long enough.
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[applause] >> sorry, hillary. i was running on ct time. >> i don't like jokes like that. >> colored people time. >> cautious politician time. i have been there. >> i don't like the guy, but come on. >> married to a black woman. >> i can't believe i'm defending deblasio. >> bergen county public safety director is under investigation for trying to do a favor for a friend. >> go over there for me. >> am a little -- >> the sheriff's office says
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he interrupted a deputy four times while his body was pulled over, arrested command issued a summons for dwi. >> registered. >> on the video rivera offers to drive his friends car when the deputy reminds them of john's law prohibiting a person suspected being under the influence of having access to a car for 12 hours. tells the deputy he was undersheriff for six years. >> share for six years. >> i spoke with councilman who served as active mayor and on the police force for nearly four decades. he was under rivera and he
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showed me multiple articles where he call them out for abusing his power and says he is certainly not surprised by this most recent incident. >> no rules and regulations. ralph rivera at his best. >> i attempted to reach them. went up to his home, knocked on his door. it appeared that no one was home. while he may not be an office rightin office right now he is still getting paid his six-figure salary. >> does not belong in that title. it is my opinion that the information i have here, the city run rampant,. >> all right. keep us posted. bill: they can't get the trains to run on time.
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>> that's right. secret juicy tidbits you want to share, do not say it on nj transit. their listening in. >> the video surveillance, not so much the audio. >> quietly been installing this audio recording system. this is picking up your conversation. install the light rail trains and are in the process of implementing them on the light rail lines. so, i chased it to hamilton avenue. new jersey transit has audio and video recording systems in place. >> they should not be able to do that. anyone can talk about anything. some things are meant to be personal. >> in this day and age i do like feeling safe. i could probably live with my privacy being invaded on the train.
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>> a lot of criticism. new jersey transit headquarters were spoke to new jersey transit executive director and asked him, why are you recording people's conversations. >> and light of the attacks on mass transit facilities, nj transit, the help of the latest technology. >> what are you doing with the audio recording? >> planes, trains, automobiles, buses small targets for terrorism. you can turn around and complain. the light rail, mta, transit not doing enough and then turn around and bellyache. they don't care about your girlfriend conversations. i want to know what the sop is restoring a video. >> i am a okay them listening because i want to
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stay safe. bill: i can't wait until the aclu gets geared up. >> the happy compromise, they should just tell us. >> and i made any mistakes so far? >> walking away 100 k richer check out this video. picked to take a shot at random. no practice shots and only had one chance to make it. she did in the crowd went wild. >> you can have your veggie cake and eat it, too. these are actually filled with veggies. more like a salad. saying that next week they will be whipping of these desserts.
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>> i think i was on tender. i'm on all of them. >> convincing women to ditch the app. then be amend the old-fashioned way. >> dating apps are silly. >> i don't even no where i am now. >> i don't even no where i am now. ♪
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ifbut find it harder and hardert to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all and not just the powerful few.
12:13 am
(sound♪ of music ♪histling) introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. to you, they're more than just a pet. so protect them... ...with k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, it repels them, too.
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so do more to defend your four legged friend... ...with k9 advantix ii. for the love of dog. >> so i -- >> you can't edit around. >> it is a scary world out there. >> asked me if i have any skeletons in my closet. that's not something to ask a nice girl on a 1st date. >> when i saw him he had shaved everything. >> the stories you hear when it comes to the dating app. >> all of them. i think i was on tender along with the rest of manhattan. >> tender. >> a lot to choose from. the popularity is soaring.
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15 percent of all millennial's across the country signing on. >> have been a little disappointed. >> producing a positive result. enough still single. >> frustrated. they have yet to find a match. >> i know what they are looking for. meet sherry. new york city dating expert. >> now. >> that one. >> my god. >> pln the old-fashioned way. >> what i want you to do, can you be tough for one week, not gone the stating application. >> while. i can't remember the last time i haven't been on them.
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>> drawing the phone out the window. >> the ancient practice of chinese facial reading. >> a strong guy. lots of hair up there. even if they wax a little bit. >> you the best. >> because you have traveled the world my way to look for the eyes. >> actually met her husband using these techniques. can definitely work for others. >> i got it will be financially successful come on the back of their head. there will be a little protruding right there. >> kind of awkward. a couple more laps around the park. but she assured us that these tips work.
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>> it works. >> dating apps are silly. let's reach around and find bumps on heads. >> i met my husband the old-fashioned way, at a bar. that being said, you get chemistry from someone. bill: tell me tonight. >> i don't think i got it. >> now you are in jersey city chasing the governor. to catch stories. >> governor christie came here. downtown jersey. great economic news. >> the month of february of the most number of people employed in jersey history. 67,100 people employed. most people ever employed in our state. >> it means over $200 million is going to go
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back into the hands of businesses. when you get your paycheck, little deductions taken out for things like state income tax, fica withholding and unemployment insurance that helps your fellow new jersey in a fair out of work. this is kind of like a reserve that builds up over time. more people working, it is reaching its of $1 billion. sitting on the surplus and refunding 200 million back. bill: thanks. the wealthiest man in new jersey, hedge fund manager, taking his $150 million every year. we are joined by media personality and strategist dennis neel. what happened and what is next? >> a particularly fascinating time.
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insisting in academic studies. when you raise the tax on the richest people you don't lose than the other states with lower taxes. he bent on how and builds his fortune that way. liberal economists will say this is just an anatoly zen. the new jersey state only two and a half percent in 1982. now it's almost 11 percent on all income over half a million. from 04 to 08 thousand 4,000 half millionaires. when out. bill: one of the studies that the democrats in the legislature have said that there are a number of
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millionaires who have been created and they say that has completely offset it. pay no attention to all these folks. somebody making more than 400,000 a year. there are thousands of people leaving the state every day. they all pay taxes. collectively that's a lot of money. what he has done his shining brighter light on a broken tax structure. can't afford to lose one multimillionaire. >> reverse the trend created by a new jersey native. >> having a really hard
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bill: coming up next the very 1st time. >> look at this video.
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>> have a story we should know about? help us chase it down. log on to. bill: "high speed chase",/tips.
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>> they can get it to work. >> this video, does not seem too happy. when he catches sight of her , born with a rare disorder. pierce his vision. >> reverse the trend is an anti- bullying concert created by new jersey native fans. trying to combat bullying across america in doing so by performances, talking about how they have been bullied. >> brought it to a few schools. a company came along. we can get you in all the schools. >> i headed to one of their assemblies in plainfield,
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new jersey. perform a few songs of the kids will know. after a handful of songs are played they go on to tell personal stories about how they were bullied. >> having a hard time fitting in. i didn't even really know where it was. >> i'm glad. all over the country. i wanted that. >> not only did they hold them, but asking for autographs. the doing more assemblies throughout new jersey and will be doing a separate show. criminals are actually teaching these dogs how to detect. >> my life is not the same.
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>> if this could help i'm all for it. >> the hardest part is letting go. >> ♪ >> this is a fox 29 news update. >> and good morning the. i'm fox 29 meteorologist kathy orr. we have a freeze warning in effect until 8:00 a.m. for our northern and western counties, berks county and the lehigh valley for temperatures falling to around 30 degrees. in the city it will be down to 37 with plainly clear skies. temperatures will be slowly warming up. you can see the chilly air that lifts to the north and in the seven day we're talking
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introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch.
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ay-ay-ay! (bees buzzing) (birds chirping)
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oh! looks like our birdhouse is benefitting from positive word of beak. (laughs) (eagle screeches) a bald eagle! it is! (screeches) maybe he's giving those little baby birds some food. (screams) (screeches) (gasps) homer, quick! get your shooing broom. marge, an eagle is our country's mascot! fighting him is like kicking george washington in his wooden nuts! aah! (grunting) (grunts) ow. ow. this means war! boy, bring my toupee. go ahead, boy. milhouse: it's working!


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