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tv   Chasing News  FOX  April 6, 2016 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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>> now on chasing news. employees have gone underground hearing they're going to be called racist. people are afraid to speak up what their beliefs are. just ban backing donald trump and putting you in the line of racism is terrifying. the viral video guys, check this out. an autistic boy was viciously struck in the head,. >> you have to control yourself, this is an 11-year-old boy with special needs. three, two, -- kaman man.
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>> nearly a month after 30 public schools in newark cut off their drinking water after finding elevated levels of lead, governor governor christie has announced he is going to put $10 million toward remediation effort. i was at the state house where they held a press conference to announce. he says this is in addition to money the state is already spending on led remediation. but is this enough considering the lead problem seems to be popping up all over the state of new jersey? also on thursday, newark is going to be getting national attention when the first lady, michelle obama goes to a charter school to talk about health and gardening. i asked the governor this. do know shall be talking about the lead issuer has the of bomb administration worked out to about it? no. they have not reached out.
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[inaudible] so, is 10,000,000 enough? million enough? to me your thoughts at chasing tamra. high-speed chase. this guys cooler than just about everybody else. pushing a stroller wall rocking the chick flick, she was on her skateboard. earlier today on my morning radio show i caught up with jen back from new jersey. we talked talked about the fact that she was the only vote in the entire committee, who opposed the peace plan of the. >> i respectfully disagree with governor christie on this issue. i've a different perspective and i don't think the state of new jersey should be taken over atlantic city. then i had to ask her she's going to run for governor.
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>> no. >> the toughest part is when she got into the studio she said how come judy is in here? that hurt a little bit. i love you too. >> trump supporters at nyu have gone underground hearing they're going to be called racist. they also worry about being reprimanded by their peers and by professors who could destroy their gpa. i chased it to nyu and met with the college. people are afraid to speak up with their beliefs are if they happen to be a physical or social conservative. he also said that this advocating for limits to immigration during the debate landed him in hot water and he was called a racist. unfortunately when we look at people coming across the border from mexico, more often than not they do not have that level of education or skill set that our economy demands which is why it might be a good idea to put
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restrictions on immigration coming from the south. he said there is a brawl among students at the debate in the fall. he made national headlines by appearing on fox with friends and talking about how difficult it is to be a trump supporter and nyu campus. i had a a girl yelling and screaming at me and call me all these names just because it came out that i was a trump supporter. since that interview he has shied away from the limelight and did not want to do any more interviews. i spoke to his friend ryan to find out what is going on. the response to box with france was overwhelming. i got a few requests, he is was inundated with requests after that. when i speaking with matt he said nyu college professor would not think twice for changing your grades if you said you are trump supporter. they will have at you the first
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time you say you're supporting a conservative candidate. most of our school is tainted with liberal bias. as. as for the republicans, i have two friends that love donald trump. they are not vocal about it to other people that are not republicans. that i know. probably because i don't want to be alienated. it's interesting actually, some people around campus will wear that make america great again hat, but it is done ironically. when did people in general in this country get fearful of free speech? that's what makes this country so great that you can elect to you think would best fit this country. even when i was in college i didn't want to and up in a fight with parties to talk about who i supported. >> just backing donald trump is putting you in a line with racism is terrifying, isn't isn't it? just been on a college campus and not been able to say that you support donald trump. it's why we have a secret ballot in this country. so so you do not have that. if you don't want to.
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if you want to support trump spent half as much -- three, two, let's go screaming, heavy metal glory baby. come on, it starts with hard work, dark corners, that's where i found kids a monday afternoon. what brings you here? it's all i know how to do. i'm not really good at anything else. it's not really a choice at this
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point. a hard-core commitment and the sisters, they they prove that the heart of rock 'n roll still beating and it has for decades. that's a picture from 1980 in my living room, this is the couch that he sat on. the early 80s, if your band was coming through new york where you needed a place to crash or something to eat you could call metal joe or a few other rock 'n roll or's, the old bridge militia, you could stay at the fun house. they're just crank the music up, bring bring bands over to play down there and we would end up staying there. who knew, realistically we still don't get it.
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fast forward 30 years, people have lives and wives and kids. remember metallica, the do to get out on your couch and rocked your basement? they're one of the biggest bands in the world but the relationship is still solid gold. connected forever, forever grateful and forever brothers. that's is it all right there man. so get this bill, the boys have founded now prophet and found it what else, the old boy foundation, one goal in mind, lesson in gear for kids who want to play music but are having a tough time paying for music, you have to practice and there's too many people straight away from that in going, we want to get kids back into music, back into rock music and playing an instrument, not electronics. the band, the metal band, they
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pitch in with memorabilia which goes a long way towards paying for those lessons. to go from all that crazy madness with the music to 30 years later into a free charity foundation were now we are raising money and giving back to kids that cannot afford lessons, it's americo and it's amazing that the whole thing has come about. so with that in mind there is a bulldozer bash, for five other bands will be there, to the old bridge militia foundation, right there music lessons for kids, go to old bridge militia deck calm, keeping the dream alive. that is preposterous. i wish i did that with my roommate. everyone is talking about it, at
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the end of the game come the last few seconds propelling villanova to an ncaa win. their first win since 1985. a few people were arrested, five people were injured and police were wearing riot gear. heard video guys, check this out. an autistic boy was viciously struck in the head, you're holding the school system responsible for hiring a guy who is a loose cannon. >> have a story we should know about? help us chase it down by logging onto chasing
12:11 am
>> there t it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture
12:12 am
so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel. ♪ i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for shady brook farms®. we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. my name is glenn, and i'm an independent turkey farmer. (female announcer) shady brook farms®. no growth-promoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey.
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>> your chasing the story, there's a lawsuit that a family spring and against new york city because of a video that showed a school worker punching an autistic student. take a look at this, the video was a little disturbing, what you're seen as a a cafeteria in
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brooklyn during summer school at a special needs school. highlighted you can see 11-year-old autistic boy eating when he had somewhat of an episode. a a pair professional name milton come over the boy and hovered over him. feeling cornered, the boy swings his hand back. then it happened, the pair for professional reacted with great force. he ended up with full force, in the head. the evidence led to a 5,000,000 dollar lawsuit. on monday the press conference was held in brooklyn at the attorneys office to bring the video to the public. the boy's father spoke. >> within an hour so and i saw huge blue bruise above his eye with a big bump and it was clear to me that he was punched with force. this father also also talked about the danger of punishing a student. if someone tries to punish them
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they could run away from school. my son he runs away from me. now we have the chalk boy. the us young man had to double his medication and his autism has gotten worse. they called the chalkboard ball of wall of science because new york city did not want the video to get out. the man, milton parker was charged with a felony initially. put down to a misdemeanor and he has since retired from the school system and he is receiving a full pension. he spoke with the daily news, he says it was an instant reaction to getting hit by anybody. after saying he knew he was on camera he said this. who gets it
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doesn't respond? if it was intentional i would've taken them to another room and beat this not out of him. i reached out he declined to comment as did the city of new york and the department of education pending an active investigation. it seems to me that his first statement is possible that he reacted. the question is yes to connect troll himself. it was an 11-year-old boy with special needs. you see another female standing there which he initially gave her testimony, she told the investigator that she did not see anything. she was literally standing right next to him. so that's going to be investigated as well. >> 22 years ago today the icon kurt cobain put a shotgun in his mouth and pull the trigger. or so we would have you believe.
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that's what a lot of people are believing on the 22nd anniversary of kurt cobain's suicide wondering, as they have for over two decades if cobain was actually murder. various through the years to a hitman, i wanted to sort all of this out so i came to new york city to talk to our favorite sergeant, joe who gave me what amounted to a master class in the cobain investigation. first we talked about the way he was found, three days after his suicide attempt. with very little blood coming out of his head he said that is not very consistent with what a shotgun can do in a suicide. i've witnessed this before, it's a very devastating injury. if he's lain down it's more difficult. but if he did it standing up with see more blood splatter on the ceiling, on the walls. next we looked at photos released by seattle police department at the crime scene and a shotgun itself to try to find out what officers found it when they came upon the scene at the house where cobain lived in washington state where he allegedly died alone. you can see he has a little bit
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of -- which is the settling of the blood. three days in a greenhouse, nice and hot in there, there, we would already seen some forms of decomposition. so he had seen these before and i asked him based on his experience, the little we know now, what points are suicide and what points to homicide. he pointed out to me that a suicide note is not necessarily an indication that someone has taken their own life. >> what other factors? in the homicide column i would put the fact that because it's a shotgun injury you would expect to see a tremendous amount of blood. we do not see that in the pictures. now looking back at this years later says that a lot of speculation is due to mistakes police officers made initially, withholding information, not releasing the photos creates an air of secrecy and people are
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left with their own speculation. twenty-two years later were still talking about it. because why? because law-enforcement was not forthcoming or they did allow the lousy job. kurt cobain was the icon with albums like nevermind, sounds like -- he can't rest so now because people are taking his stature in light and trying to take his stature pyre. some folks don't feel like i suicide is a -- but it looks like that's what happened to kurt cobain. >> thanks alex. check out this video, you can seems pretty cross the oakland bay bridge. the motorcycle motorcycle officer was hot on his tail. buy one take one is back
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at olive garden choose one delicious entrée at our place and another for yours starting at $12.99 may all your tomorrow's be as delicious as today olive garden
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>> coming up next. through and through i have treats for you. the best dive bar on the island.
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sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel.
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>> have i made any mistakes so far? check out this video posted to the california highway patrol twitch or come. you can see a chihuahua sprint across the san francisco oakland bay bridge. no worries, the motorcycle the motorcycle officer was hot on his tail. after four times the suspect was taken into custody. a spokesperson for the city department of animal control said the had no identification. many talk about -- a dive bar through and through i've chase for you, my guide to the best dive on my island. johnny spahr wins though award for most famous sidebar. we came in on the cover of a book of dive bars but i would consider it a neighborhood bar.
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they have a working payphone and they have not changed a thing in 25 years. we do not have a lot to offer. the only thing we do have to offer are good bartenders, good music and good conversation. greenwich village, new dive bar, johnny barr hands down. now it's to union square and we met up with greg who claims they are faced claim as a woman a man's best friend. it's one of the few bars that's dog friendly. so we have pets that come in. i headed onto chelsea, two trailer park bar. unlike johnny's -- when it comes to beer they have one-of-a-kind like -- which brings me to a hot dog place. is it the best dive bar in new
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york? this is the best i bar in the world. you can order a hot dog and a pie for $3 because that is how it should be. >> hotdog is free. >> they have to award manhattan's best, no top shelf booze but the one and only tortillas. >> i have to tell you this is more like everybody wins. like everybody gets a trophy, what was your favorite one? >> a couple of those places were actually designed and built to look crappy. especially some of the downtown, that's not a dive bar. >> my dad owns a dive bar so i think it should be added to the list. it has been there 60 years. everybody knows rogers in seaside. if you think your local dive bar is dive year, tweet me and as a always tweak the show. >> were coming for them and we will prevail.
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the bikes are turning up new york city. i look for to standing with the commissioner when we crush a number of these at dirt bikes. ♪ >> this is a fox 29 news update. >> good morning, i'm fox 29 meteorologist kathy orr. we are in for a clear, cold night and that means temperatures are going to plunge to near record cold a freeze warning is in effect. temperatures will fall into the 20s. the record cold temperature in philadelphia for the morning is 24 degrees set back in 1982. we're going for a low of at least 28. sue has details coming up at 4:00.
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it repels them, too. so do more to defend your four legged friend... ...with k9 advantix ii. for the love of dog. (8-bit synthesized version of theme song playing) ♪
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(electronic bell dinging) (synthesized whistle blows) (blipping) (rapid blipping) (synthesized jazz playing) (synthesized saxophone playing) ♪ (blipping) (blipping) (synthesized horn honks) (tires screech) (bell dings) (synthesized scream)


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