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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 7A  FOX  August 20, 2015 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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>> mr. utley. >> welcome to the show. can you imagine, what a way to start a career, your first time up, you hit a grand-slam homerun. wow. >> imagine being at the vet? here comes the new guy, utley, let's see what he can do. >> what can you do with the bases load in the. >> i think everybody new then, oh, this will be special. >> that was in april of 2003. how about that? so now, i'm doing some artwork here, i'm doodling. >> oh, here we go. >> dodgers together, jimmy, and chase, and jimmy apparently call him right after the trade happened. they're both thrilled to be back playing for a contender. chase says there is nothing like playing in september when you still have a chance at the world series. >> doesn't that always happen to us? we trade the guys away? and the then the other team will do. >> they do 100 pins on you, we trade him, about month later he wins the world series.
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>> the flyers, trade them over to the kings. >> twice, didn't they? >> yes. >> well today speak being the good times, the memories. >> he has blue sharpee for dodger blue. >> yes. >> use the #fox29goodday. >> all right, let's apply our brilliance to this. poolside bus stop buddy, boy, need refreshment today. also, national lemonade day. might want to mention that. maybe lemonade in the water bottle there. anyway, so soupy out there. so humid, buddy has umbrella in case it rains, because chance it will do. that will otherwise, cloudy skies, muggy the dog is there. you get the idea. it is a six out of ten in your weather by the numbers. and, number right now is 78 degrees, and quite a few clouds, with 84% relative humidity, watching a line of showers, about to move into lancaster county, we'll see what that decides to do. otherwise very humid today. eight a degrees by lunchtime,
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topping off upper 80s with pop up thunderstorms possible by the end of the day. that's your thursday, bob kelly. >> i like when mike makes the lemonade, mike's lemonade. >> it is hard. but it is good. good morning, live look at the schuylkill. westbound, delays, from the boulevard up the hill into belmont avenue. south on 995, out of the great northeast, heavy from the betsy on down. south jersey not bad at all. little slow here along 322, as you roll through the college town, 55, and 42, little bit after delay as you work your way in toward the walt whitman bridge. an accident, upper moreland, york road at route 611 there. and then, south on 95, delays at the betsy, but, after the rush hour, at around 10:00 a.m., heads up. penndot's going to set up the cones on 95 south, only two lanes open at girard avenue all through the day. so if you are getting late start, coming into the sit foray appointment later this afternoon, big jams expected. keep that in mind, too, headed over to the jimmy buffet concert at least during the
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midday. 422 same deal. right after the rush hour penndot will work, take it down to one lane, east on 422, at the oaks interchange. we talked jimmy buffet at the camden waterfront, we guiteras kel flats concert 4:00 on the beach in atlantic city, a loft unusual traffic today. not because of construction, because of concerts, the jimmy buffet concert doesn't start until 7:00. but anyone, unless you are living under a rock, jimmy buffet fans love to tailgate over here. and they'll be out there all day long with a lot of extra volume up and over the ben franklin. keep in mind the ben franklin has construction in both directions. mass transit at the moment, looking good with no delays. >> ♪ >> grounds ball, to the second baseman, utley the play for the double play. >> that clip from the 2008 world series, he powered in
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game one to give the phillies two and zero lead in tampa. i mean, oh, my gosh, one of the most beloved phillies is leaving. >> after all of these years. yes, the team announce the late last night that chase traded to the dodgers, do you like my, look what i've done? pretty good, isn't it? come on, seriously, lauren dawn johnson. >> i like it. all take t well yes. phillies inked the deal last night, utley headed home to california, playing with the dodgers, as mike just showed you. in exchange the phillies get dodgers infielder outfielder donald sweeney minor league right hand err, phillies agreed paid $2 million of utley salary for the remainder of the season. last night fans saw utley in his phillies uniform, one last time. utley, a class act, tipped his hat to the fans, in his final farewell. after more than decade here in our city, and his team locker already cleaned out at the end of the game. utley says, philadelphia has meant a lot to him.
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>> and it was very, very difficult decision for me, and my family, to go. not so much changing uniforms, but really about leaving the city that last given so much to me over course of the 12, 13 years that i have ' been here. so it is definitely difficult, like rubin said, it is time. >> for many phillies fans the news of course hard to hear after utley helped with the worlds series back in 2008. some optimistic about the move saying it is time for the team to make some moves and win again. >> chase utley i thank you for all the time you've been here. that play in the world series, grounds with a to middle, through to home plate, would be them l world series, we'll forever hope our chase utley in our hearts. >> i hope the best for him. he wanted the world series. he put us on his back for so many years. all i hope for the best for him, the best for him. >> i mean, he was class
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player, did he win us worlds series. i love him for that. but at the same time i think it is just time to go. i mean, restart, get couple of prospect, hopefully get the next utley. >> all right, well, utley six time all-star, if i major league hit, was that grand-slam. flying high since that day. also philadelphia's longest tenured professional athlete, arguably one of the most popular phillies players ever. and this move has a lot of people talking, mike, aling. >> but it was time. >> why. >> it is time. >> 7:06. >> because it is time, doesn't make it any easier, mike. >> no. >> he is probably kind of happy. he's going to contender. >> and he's going home. >> and he is going home. he grew up, born in pass dean, a part of los angeles, high school baseball, long beach, long beach. >> ucla, met his wife there. >> who is from san francisco. california through and through. hey steve, talking oh, let's get some comment here, what do you say? >> linda says this is my chase utley favorite moment.
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>> hard to see. is that the world series, folks? is that a little banner about the world series? >> yes, it is. >> good one. >> thank you. >> christine sent this one. thank you, chase, for all of the priceless memories, best wishes, in l.a. hashtag you are the man. >> i agree with christine. >> wonderful one. i might even root for them to win the world series. >> you might? >> well, nah. that's too much. >> we can root for them as individuals, don't have to root for the team. how about that? >> true. >> let's back to this other creepy story. >> yes. so counselor and swim coach at prestigious school in chester county charged with trying to seduce a student. >> talking about malvern prep. that's where jenny s hey, jenny? >> good morning, mike, alex. well, police tell us that the former counselor here at malvern prep did her best to try to trap the student into a sexual relationship with her. malvern prep a press teen us school. police say emily feeney promised to help secure harvard acceptance letter in
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exchange for sex. investigators tell us, 40 year old feeney was a college counselor at the school for two years. she was also a swim coach, now she's charged with trying to seduce the 16 year old student here. she was on her swim teeth over the last year. the chester county district attorney says sweeney kissed the boy and sent hundreds of emails and texts to the student, including topless photos. the criminal complaint says among the messages, quote, i adore you, i always l another saying, quote, you are gorgeous. this is killing me. please talk to me. and if you would just stop fighting and let it happen you would be a lot less uptight and happier. boy even refused her advances saying back quote i am not interested in you. i am 16. end of story. i'm not into you. investigators say, it was the 16 year old who prevented it case from going any further. her aggressive and relentless advances ultimately pushed him to get police involved. >> sex often is not about attraction, it is about power. and that's really what's going on here.
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you have someone who is a tremendous amount of power, a teacher, or guidance counselor, or coach. and they're exercise that power over someone who doesn't have any power, a student, somebody who want to go to school. so that's really what this is about. in this case, the only thing that stopped this from being a full blown sexual assault was the good judgement of the 16 year old. not the 40 year old guidance counselor. >> and yesterday, our chris o'connell stopped by feeney's home in wayne, no one answered. we told she lives at the house with her husband and children, before coming here to malvern prep we are told she worked at princeton university. malvern prep is actually cooperating,. >> all right, jenny, we'll probably follow this case the next couple of days. jimmy cart letter hold press conference in about three hours. down in atlanta. you know the topic. his cancer. the 90 year old announced last week that while he was undergoing surgery, on his
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liver, to remove a mass, the doctors discovered his cancer had spread. the nation's 39th president expected to reveal what type of cancer he actually had, and howell deal with t carter's father, brother, two sisters, all died of pancreatic cancer. that will what has? we'll find out at 10:00 this morning. >> president obama set visit new orleans, visit will mark the ten year anniversary of hurricane katrina. storm struck louisianna august 29th causing death and destruction in the gulf coast. nearly 2,000 people died most in ooh orleans, will meet with the city mayor and people who spent the past decade trying to rebuild, will also deliver remarks on the area's reese birth. >> hillary clinton us a lawyers said her e-mail server was wiped clean before it was given to federal authority. interesting. >> in a letter sent last week
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to the senate homeland security chairman, the attorney said, the servers was transferred to the f.b.i. on august the 12th, by a denver firm, hired to oversee her particular device. investigators requested the server to determine when the data stored on it was secure. forensic experts say they can still extract from the server despite it being wiped clean. man, the technology. >> new revelation was iran's nuclear program. iran will be allowed to use its own inspectors, to investigate a site it has been accused of use to go develop nuclear weapons. >> the move part every secret deal made with the united nations, according to the associated press. agreement between the international at tomorrow i can energy agency, iaea, and iran, has not been provide today members every congress or the obama administration. who suggest the mover is
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nothing out of the ordinary, but news of this secret side deal with the un has further ignited out cries from republicans and israel. who has been critical of the broader nuclear deal that was signed by the white house. iran and five other world powers last month. >> what one said happened while working at planned parenthood, we want to warn you details are difficultment holly o'donnell said she work for stem express as tissue procurement company was assigned to work inside a planned parenthood clinic in california. she alleges her supervisor brought a late term fetus into the on site pathology lab following abortion, tapped it heart, and it began beating again. now, this is video number seven, since the first video release, four states have revoked contract with planned parenthood. a fifth state taxpayer blocked funding from going to abortion
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provider. >> welshing it is taxpayer money does not go to abortions, plant parenthood. that's privately, private money. all right, authorities in thailand say they have identified two more suspect in monday night's deadly bombing of a crowded bancock shrine in the footage, two men dressed in red and white appeared to be standing close to the primary suspect, as he drops a black back pack. since monday's bombing, and another one the following day, tuesday, at popular peer, authorities have ramped up security measures in bancock, and extra 10,000 officers are now on duty. 10,000. 7:13. oh, man. here is an update on that ashley madison story from yesterday. details now coming out from the hack of the website ashley madison. the cheating website. now, we know somebody who has been in the news lately used that site. >> the website gawkers
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reporting josh dugger, yes, the former 19 kids and counting star, had not one but two subscriptions. he reportedly spent nearly a thousand dollars on the site. a credit card with his name and billing address every his grandmother was use from the february of 2013 to may of this year. >> using your grandmother's address. nice. >> can't do his home address, he is married. >> classy. >> the person using the accounts was looking for one night stands, naughty girls, and experiment takes for sex toys. on the website you can say exactly what you are looking for, your type, give all kind of details. >> really, i've never been on it but apparently you have. >> i have been read being this, mike, thanks. >> oh. hackers are releasing data such as member account details, so to speak, log in's, payment information, ever, as you just learned about josh dugger's credit card. the owner of the website is investigating this leak. but, many security experts believe it is genuine. the canada based website claim
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to have more than 40 million users at the time of the hack, that was about what 30 days ago. there are several website that you can check to see if an e-mail was part of the hack. >> they were talking about it yesterday. if someone decides does it make really easy for you, type in name, type in e-mail it, will let you know if that name was registered or if they paid to do it. >> and the names will just keep coming out in the next 24 hours. >> oh, they are. >> how many famous people on it. so apparently the hackers, sue, are upset with the having affairs website, cheaters website, for moral issues it, and they want it taken down. if you don't take it down we'll reveal the date a they revealed it yesterday. >> oh, boy. we haven't heard the last of this. it is 7:15. i'm talking, and we with ended up with 92 degrees yesterday. we ends ended up with a five day heatwave. thought it was going to be a
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four day, but it is still the fourth heatwave of the year, maybe the last, but with harm, humid air in place, we have the jet stream, kind of moving a little closer to us, and giving us more unsettled weather. so very humid outside. and we could see showers and thunderstorms pop up at any time. just like this. at any time. >> can i interrupt you for a second? steve keeley is across the street with angelo. >> yes. >> and the wip morning team, they want to talk. >> i was told he wasn't red. >> i i'm just told he is red. >> i oh, okay you. >> ready to go? do you want to see -- there he is, hi, steve. >> steve, what's up, brother? >> angelo gives this day a eight by the way, not six. so he was going to add to your weather forecast. we interrupted t i was shocked, i came in here that you weren't talking evening else, i know one of the biggest names if phil east sports histories retired. i still thought eagles pre-season would take precedence, but people are emotional calling it? >> this is truely an epic day for philadelphia sports fans. because utley is one of the
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most beloved figures in the history of sports in philadelphia. he represent what the city, his work ethic, stoic approach, world leaping champion. and he meant so much to the city, that even dinosaurs like me who have been around for so long and always had this attach tonight athlete, he has transcended the generations, and did make that connection. even with younger fans. and we're hearing crying today and a lot of emotion. >> are you surprised? people are calling up in tears. >> i am surprised little bit. because whether i started, i had this pre conception that people don't react that way to athletes any more. but there are a few left that just have that connection with the city. and utley is definitely one of them. >> we've been bothering awe lot of times this year. this is the year of the trade. >> this one wasn't a surprise. remember lesean mccoy? you didn't go to spring training because it was such a big story. >> this wasn't a surprise. we expected this. but still a shock to people.
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>> well when shock by it, we dreaded it. we realize they were going to do it, it like like they were going to go do it. >> i don't know why they did t they paid 4 million for a hero to leave our town for two players that probably won't have any major impact on the phillies. we never got a big day at the end of the season to say good-bye to him. that doesn't make sense to me why they felt such a you are enjoy to have chase utley play for the dodgers. >> you think we've never, will ever see a player like mike schmidt ends his career in the same uniform he started at in philadelphia? >> very rare now, could you see that it is it isn't a priority any more. i can remember many times, rubin amaro, gm of the team. i say to him isn't it important that some players stay with the same team? and it isn't a priority. if you feel it is time to get rid after player, do you it now without any sentiment. i don't agree that. >> ruiz and howard only guys left on the former team.
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>> ruiz will be done with his contract at the end of the year. he has to make a decision whether he want to continue somewhere else. howard has such expensive contract, he will probably be here for two more years in what role we don't know. probably will not give him a good-bye either. sad. >> still with us, the morning team here not breaking up. newest members, john run john, remember he went to southern california at the end every his career, too, weird sighing zero seeing him in a chargers journey. then mark taking pole of the viewers, greatest philadelphia athlete of all time. utley number two. any guess who is one? >> you go ai, julius erving, most loved, is that what the criteria is? >> bernie parent. >> when he said utley, well, you know what mike, you are rounding out the top five but missed number one. what said miss utley work ethic. brian dawkins who had this town kind of whole feeling, he
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is still number and still missing but utley close second now. >> interesting. okay. >> well, thanks, steve. >> i might argue bernie parent. >> i love bernie. >> so objective. >> have you ever been to the regal theatres in. >> i have. >> i think one in plymouth meeting, they're all over the place, next going to the movies could feel more like security, which authorities will start checking your bag before you see the fill until. >> first a look at last night's lottery numbers.
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>> join us next friday, august 28th, from 7:00 to 10:00. right here at fourth and market. checking back packs, crayons, binders, looseleaf paper, anything you can spare, trying to get together for school supplies for the school year.
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come on down. >> normally works, we normally fill up at least one bus, we've done it in the past. why not do it again this year? we used to call it stuff the bus, much cooler name. >> i like that. >> 7:24. >> always got to be cool, mike. >> i'm trying. snow is not surprising, this has come to this in america. movie fans, regal movie theatres specially, not going to check your bags before go into see a move. >> i of course in response to series of theater shoot that is we've had. >> been many. hi, lauren. >> hello. >> feel like you're at the airport next time going to the movie neither. not surprising. i'm personally happy they're doing t check my bag, if you want to take the gummy bears i'm sneaking in, that's fine. i just don't want anyone sneaking in something that could be dangerous to be able to get that into the theater. we know about what happened in colorado, in tennessee, in louisianna, obviously a fear movie-goers about going to the movies.
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and regal says it is making our workers and our customers nervous. so they're implementing the bag check. they have 600 screens across the united state. so, you might notice a sign, and bag check next time go see someone. >> ii wouldn't doubt if regal does it all of these different theater chance will. >> yep. >> unfortunate. >> i think you are correct. >> i don't know what they're going to do with the food in your bag. >> well, i'm going have to stop that practice apparently. >> oh, my gosh. >> taking food in. >> my mother, used to bring in smacks, and drinks, and then we would have like the food, then have dessert. and have blanket. all kind of things. >> what's going on? >> sorry, mom. >> there is two theatres by me. one, if they see anything in your bag, on you, they take it, confiscate t next i walk in with pizza pie before and they don't care. >> come on, stinking up the movie theser? >> stuffed in your purse or walk in holding it. >> no, i walked in with a box
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every pizza they don't care. >> wouldn't it be great bring your own food theater? >> i like the big seat you reserve and have the waitress and waiter service, and you get to recline. have a meal, glass of wine. >> the trouble is i fall asleep. >> love those. >> there is one over at university sit. >> i lauren, see you tomorrow. >> specially a friday night, can be great movie, if it is friday night, i'm sleeping. >> because we all get up early, you fall asleep by 9:00 o'clock. former face of subway sandwich is here, pleads guilty to shocking federal charges in court. we new that was coming. but, new information came out yesterday evening about jared fogel. wait until you hear the news. >> and quincy doing your job, somebody suggested on twitter last time did you this. how about hauling trash? >> guys, miami not northeast,
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tyson and eastwood. i'll be hauling trashment i'm wearing all black. we'll be in alleyways today. you see this alleyways? i can pick up all of this trash coming up. can i do it? i can do your job. for sure. we live in a pick and choose world. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number... right now all beds are on sale.
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sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. but first, we have a very special guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing]
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well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return, we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what?
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>> second away from 7:30. >> there morning remembering some of chase utley's best moments wearing the phillies uniform. >> ♪ >> and fly ball into right. back against the wall. utley. go deep. utley, and a shot into right. how about this for utley? another homerun. >> how about that series for chase utley? game five, 2009 world series, two homeruns, and that one game. that was great. >> and with that we say hello to you. >> hello to you. >> we are remembering all every his greatest moments, so please, send us some of your moment, if you have some well wishes for him. use the #fox29goodday. >> still looking for par don't bring a chase to fourth and market, and we'll talk to this probably seven year old. remember back 2008, started
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naming their kids chase. >> yes, we want to meet little chase. >> throw rock out there, onto market street, you will hit a chase. >> okay, that went over like a lead balloon. talk about this other subway sandwich case, the whole nation seems to be interested in. >> yes, the jared fog he will former face every subway, agreed plead guilty to some shocking federal charges, in court. >> i think he did, didn't he? >> yes. as you know, jared was accused of paying for sex with minors and receiving child porn important, which prosecutors say he knew had been secretly made by the former director of his children's charity. god. fogel has agreed pay $1.4 million in restitution, to 14 minor victims who will each receive $100,000. jared is also required to register as a sex offender. i've now told you everything you need to know about this case. so, ken rotweiler, you can
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just go home. >> might as well. >> there is the part that i ' agreed, will do at least fifth years. >> right. it is a federal crime. so he's going to serve at least fifth years, and the sentence he will get somewhere between five and 12 and a half years. you sty yourself it doesn't sound like great plea deal for him. co-have received between five to 20 years. so, he cut it down on the high end. the prosecute verse agreed recommend that he doesn't get -- that he get somewhere up to 12 and a half years, but here is what's interesting. the judge doesn't have it agree with. >> this the judge can give him more if he want. the fact that the prosecutors made a deal with jared doesn't mean a judge has to go along with it, a judge could be so outraged by this conduct, that he had sex with 16 years old, soliciting sex. if i was the (quite frankly, and i heard all of the things did he, i might not listen to that plea deal. i might want to sentence him to more than that to make statement to other potential guys like this out there doing this stuff. stowe will be interesting at the sentencing hearing i. >> i do we call this a trial. >> no, sentencing hearing.
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>> can say, you know, i heard that you gave -- that you have a plea deal between five to 12 and a half years. what did you, sir, so outrage us, you're going to get 20 years. >> other thing i found interesting, he has to pay 1.4 million, 100,000 for each minor. how do you put a price on that? >> you can't end understand that's just restitution. all of those victims do sue him in civil court. >> okay. >> his wife is divorcing him. he supposedly has net worth of 15 million. gone. between what his wife is going it take, and remember, he's not sympathetic person in divorce court either. now she is going to divorce him. be entitled to a lot of that mine. all of these 14 victims can sue him. he is subject to $500,000 fine, in addition to the 1.4 million that he has to pay out in terms of restitution. so his net worth will go down
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significantly. he will probably be bankrupt after all of thinks legal costs and everything else. >> are you surprised at all he was so willing to say okay, i did it, i'll plead guilty? >> no, they had him. they had his computer. he had no defense, probably going to serve 20 years this jail, so tried to make plea deal. it will be interesting at the sentencing hearing. >> he made that kind of money. >> yes, you know what? think about it with subway, subway wasn't on the map in terms of food place until him. >> he was freshman at the university of indianna, right? >> correct. >> he just ate nothing but subway sandwiches and lost a bunch of weight? >> wade over 400 pounds, watching it. v, lived by a subway, he heard they have these no fat sandwich so he started eating them and lost 240 pounds. >> and did put subway on the map. >> absolutely. >> good to see you, have good time down the shore. >> being that, too. here's sue. >> looking at bus stop buddy, and muggy the dog. you know what that means, once you see muggy in the picture, thank you, muggy, very humid. that's two barks, so humid
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humid. wearing philly cap in honor of chase utley, also the red umbrella in honor of the rain that might hit us at any time today. we see some showers, thunderstorms pop up since yesterday in the afternoon. six out of ten, cloudy, 78 degrees, thanks to those east southeast winds, where the clouds are coming from. 84% relative humidity, couple of showers in lancaster county, and down south of delaware, we will see if eastern shore of maryland showers get to us. so, pop up thunderstorms and showers possible any time today. little bit of sunshine here and there. and high temperature around 87, 88 degrees. bob kelly, it is going to be a soupy one today. and well probably tomorrow, as well. >> you know we got the soup in august. good morning, everybody, 7:35. got some slow going and problem here in chester county. just got word after accident, southbound route 202. right near stetson. just south of west chester, going to go outside here,
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penndot casino of adjusts the camera, again, the left lane block here, so only that right lane getting on through. again, it is southbound 202 in the area every west chester university. tractor-trailer accident here, west grove, route 41, right at the route one bypass for the gang outside kennett square. look out there. tonight, dinner. nblanc. past that's right of the deal. we have to keep an eye some unusual traffic patterns expected for tonight around the even return hour, so grab your white outfit, white chair, be readied to go. >> across the river in the camden waterfront. huey lewis and the news opening up. you know part of the jimmy buffet experience that you have to tailgate. parrot heads over in the parking lot all day, if you are coming over the benny you will see the crowd exiting there to go into the camden waterfront. but keep in mind there is construction on the ben franklin franklin today, tonight, pretty much 24/7.
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example what do you have deal with headed home. coming into the city this morning, the ben franklin, heavy down side into eighth and vine. and then right after the rush hour, today, heads up. southbound lanes of 95, penndot working here at girard avenue, only two lanes open, from ten to 3:00. so if you have afternoon appointment in the city keep that in mind on 95. alex, back over to you. >> all right, well thank you so much. hey, bob, do you remember this psa from saved by the bell that we showed? oh, yes. >> what a month ago? >> the philadelphia police department, they had little fun with it for sure. but now, guess who is calling this the worse psa ever? >> ♪
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so you're telling me staples will give me everything on this list at the lowest prices? we have a 110% price match staples has the lowest prices.l staples has the lowest prices with our price match guarantee. works for me. make 110% price match guarantee for school happen. staples make more happen.
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narrvoted to defund planned parenthood - risking health care for millions of women. now republicans want to shut down the government - to block funding for planned parenthood. what would a shutdown mean for pennsylvania? veteran: will anyone be there to process my veterans benefits? senior: what will that do to social security and medicare? mom: will i be able to get my daughter into head start? small business woman: what about small business loans? narrator: tell senator toomey - stand up for planned parenthood health care - not a government shutdown. i was at my shop tied up with a customer when i realized the time. i had to get to the bank before it closed, so i made a break for it. when i got out it was almost closing time. traffic was bad. i knew i was cutting it close. but it was ok. i use td bank. it's got the longest hours and stays open an extra ten minutes every day. i'm sid. and i bank human at td bank.
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by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said, "that was me, mom." [ laughter ] >> rain or shine at dewey beach delaware tomorrow. so at sharky's grill at 7:00 then over to star board at 8:00 and gotto pizza at 9:00. >> so, few weeks ago, we showed you the philadelphia police department's new psa
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for drugs, and woe thought it was casino of interesting. and then we also thought our friend at "tmz" and hollywood were our friends. >> yes, friends. but they called it the worse psa ever. you remember this? >> dumb. >> stupid. >> crazy. >> dangerous. >> stinks. >> in one word, would i use dope? nope. >> drugs are will hurt your mind, your body, your life. >> high, i'm police commissioner charles ramsey. and i've got a hit idea for the new fall season. don't do drugs. >> it was a fact, chart ramsey
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being didn't even use his voice, and the floating heads not quite on his shoulders. >> nope. >> the point this is making a lot of attraction on line, a the low of people are looking at this, viewing there is so "tmz" now, you have to see this, too. >> oh, philly. >> do we make that? no. >> all right, so, quincy harris, says, started this new segment that's been seen on morning television for years, but we haven't done it here in a long time. it is q do my job. so, about last week when he did somebody's job, somebody tweeted in why don't do you my job, that's hauling trash, one of the it every he is jobs in the sit. >> i sews that's what he is doing. he is getting rhett to do that right now. >> oh, he is doing it. >> doing t they say you want to do it, let's do it right now, in the northeast, and i want to talk to these guys in a second. little smelly out here. who would have thought? we'll be digging -- oh, this
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is recycling, i can't do that one.
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>> okay, if you live on the 2100 block of either tyson or brighton up in the northeast, go to where your trash is right now. this looks like an alley
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actually. and the driveways, yes, these are the front of the houses. so, quincy is picking up your trash this morning. step outside and say hello. what do you say? >> it also looks like it might be recycle day. i see some of the blue bins out there, that makes it a bonus. all right, he's on t let's get to the weather and get you ready for another hot and humid day. it ended up being in the 90s yesterday. so now, a five day heatwave. will we get six today? there is slight chance that far happening. but mostly, it is the humidity, and showers, thunderstorms in the forecast, so keep us out of the 90s in many places. a little bit of relief from this humidity and heat on saturday. and oh, yes, tropical storm danny, we love when you share with us, there is my twitter handle, sue serio, fox 29. #fox29goodday, when ever you're sharing with the show. anyway, here is tropical storm
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danny, 50-mile per hour winds, headed due west, not expected to strengthen whole lot. but probably will be category one hurricane, as it makes its way across the lesser antilles, eventually, toward puerto rico, and of course we love to look at the spaghetti models. most of them having it going that way, couple of them have it headed up toward the east coast, we'll see what happens by early next week. now, temperatures are in the muggy, muggy 70s, this morning. and the jimmy buffet concert is tonight. there he is. he'll be across the river is he susquehana bang center. most be appropriate for marching vita ville tropical out there with temperatures in the 80s. now, we are watching few showers, that are moving into lancaster county right now. couple of them kind of on the heavy side. also watching an area to the south. but as you see from the future cast, pop up showers and thunderstorms possible any time today. later thon afternoon, chance of some really strong storms, with some heavy downpours, in advance of this cold front, which comes through overnight
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thursday, into friday, which makes for a rainy friday morning but perhaps sunny friday afternoon. little more comfortable at least for couple of days through the day saturday. we expect to see some sunshine. soy, there is your yesterday high temperature, 92 degrees, here is your today high temperature, 87 degrees. with with a lot of humidity, into tomorrow, as well. it will be very sticky, and stormy, and then on saturday, little bit after break from the humidity, with the eagles game saturday evening, 7:00. if you have ticket to the game it should be kind of comfortable out there. next round of storms rolls in late in the day, on sunday, humidity back, bob kelly. on monday. >> good morning, clock 48 this thursday morning. two separate accidents here, along route 202. one, right here, right in front of the stetson school south on 202, as soon as you come around the curve out of west chester, then another crash, little further south,
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on 202. right there in front of david dodge. so the gang up and down route 202, dealing with some accidents there is morning, the gang on the route one bypass, outside of kennett square, tractor-trailer accident, has route 41 shutdown, right at the bypass. the rush hour one lane, 9:00 this morning, between oaks and 363. already jam from collegeville on in, but if you are headed into the concerts, or coming into the city or king of prussia after 9:00, going to be big jam there. south on 95, your normal delay from the betsy, into girard avenue, and then again, at 10:00 o'clock, 95, work zone, southbound, at girard avenue. penndot's going to lay down the cones, with only two lanes open, all day long. mike, alex, over to you. >> we have new segment called hue do my job last week he was mechanic. then somebody tweeted in while he was being a mechanic. why don't you do my job? i have real tough job. i all trash. i have to pick up trash. >> quincy says eggs' up for the challenge. so, where is he again?
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>> he's on the 2100 block of tyson or brighton, inbetween those two streets. hey, q. >> yes, we're in the driveway right now. this is barry, been with the department for two and a half years. how are you doing? >> how are you doing. >> stocko. you've been with the department for 15 years. >> right. >> now, what are some of the craziest things you guys have seen on the job. >> well, i mean, i'm just saying like i said, nothing crazy. just some crazy because the crazy part is trash is trash. when i say it is nothing crazy, it is a job. >> yes? >> someone has to do it? >> someone has to do it. >> love your job. no matter what you do, whatever you go, work is just work. >> got you. barry you're like new, you are new here, been here for two and a half years. how do you get used to the smell in how do you do this and then try to go etalon snatch. >> well, you know, smell don't
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bother me too much. i try block it out. every day, taking my family's heart, but somebody got to do it. >> as far as it, doesn't better me. >> a the low of people behind the trash truck, mad, change, i'm behind you guys. you guys are doing some hard work. this is tough job. can you give me some pointers i am bea to hop in. you guys already jumped me in already. >> well, the job is the easy as far as you have some good days, some bad days, you got partner, you work together. everything is together. can heavy, yep, lift it up, put it in there, everything good. >> hold on. i'm going to put this one in here right for here you. okay, oh, this one is heavy. guy is see some crazy items in. >> all kind of stuff. >> please, this is -- the smell. how do you guys deal with the smell? >> i block it out you. >> block it out ya, we're blocking out the smell. blocking out the smell. how many blocks do you guys usually do a day?
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>> thirty blocks a day, sometimes more than, that depends how much we need to fill the truck up. >> and this recycling, recycling is a different truck, sore we're just hauling trash. >> ya. >> i got a question. >> trying to block out the smell. >> do they try to do it as fast as they? >> ya, is it like a speed thing? do you guys try to do it as fast as snuck. >> space it. >> do you take your time? try to speed through it? >> we try to dot best as we consideration it is like teamwork g, partner, you work together, so you can't really speed it. but it is consistent. >> hold on one seconder i just got to, um, um, okay, i'm good now. we will keep it going. >> go, go, go, thanks, quince. >> i is there any hope for your marriage after finding out your spouse is cheating? hey they were on that website.
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>> yes, so we'll bring in a couple they are toys talk about what you should do if you find out your spouse is part of a ashley madison leak. >> well the names have been leak out. leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo.
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i'm so not ready with staples, you'll be ready. i can get 30 comp books and notebooks at a low price? yep, 50 and 25 cents each. oh, i can save money and have less stress. and less drama. he's the drama teacher. got it. make low prices happen, make %110 ready happen. staples, make more happen. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to grow up without a whole lot of money. and how much it matters to save. i try to teach that to my daughter. i'm saving for a house and i don't want my money to go to bank fees. i'm sure you don't either. so ask me about one deposit checking. next time you have a question about avoiding fees, ask me. sincerely, samantha parke, fellow mom and fellow citizen.
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♪ so, it is 7:56. by the way, huey lewis and the news will be over in camden for a concert tonight. opening for jimmy buffet. >> all right, well, we are wait to go hear what former president jimmy carter has to say about his cancer. remember, eight days ago, he made the announcement he has cancer and it has spread. we still don't know a lot of details about it. >> welshing we will get all of the details in two hours when a press conference is being held in atlanta. that's where mark is joining us again, in atlanta. have you heard any possibility of what type of cancer this is, because did he have surgery on his liver.
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>> reporter: well, yes. did he have surgery on his liver, and we were told that that surgery that took place earlier this month is when they discover the cancer. they also tell us that the cancer had spread to other part of his body now, it is possible it, doesn't mean that it is liver cancer, just because they did that there. he does have a family history of pancreatic cancer, he lost his father to that, he also lost some siblings this to that. no words whether that's what he is deal with. obviously one of the things that report remembers going to ask him if he doesn't say that in his opening statement. the other thing, what's the treatment plan? what have doctors come up with? the doctors that he's going to be working with from emory healthcare, not too far from where we're at, some of the best doctors in the world, in dealing with cancer. so obviously they've got a plan, reporters and everyone in the public wants to know what they're going to do to make sure that the president can continue on with all of the good effort that he's
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done, throughout the years, after he left the white house. >> my goodness. okay, well, you're right. i mean, he has three siblings die of pancreatic cancer. where is the news conference going to be? >> it is going to take place here at the carter center, to gave you a idea, the carter center where his presidential library is. it is also where he uses as his home base for all of the humanitarian and human rights efforts that he does world-wide. he's got an organization that he runs out of this particular location. and he's here a lot. but he has told us that he's going to have to scale back some of those effort, as he tries to deal with the treatment process. we can tell you, though, just over the weekend, he served -- he surfaced at his church in plainsboro, george, a couple of hours from atlanta attended service, and's regular there. next weekend we are told he will likely actually run the
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sunday school. he does that about 35 times a year. so he's a regular member down there, and they expect him to show up and run that sunday school like he does all the time. >> you know, what just came to minds, mark? what does amy do these days? >> reporter: well i don't know what she has been up to to be honest with you. we can tell that you his wife has been with him at the church, she's been there, we don't know if she's going to be here today. we do know he's going to be the only one speaking. we've been told that he is not going to be doing anyone on one interviews. it will be just sort of a gang situation. but again, everyone really, not just here in at lan tax not just across the country but across the worlds has been impacted by president carter. really, considered one of the best former presidents that the country has, he's been so active since leaving the white house, and obviously everyone hopes he can continue to stay active despite his 09 years and also, dealing with this particular disease.
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>> watching over elections all around the worlds, different countries, mark, thank you for the update. good day to you, it is thursday, august the 20th, 2015. >> live from the fox 29 studios. this is good day philadelphia. >> thing are definately changing. >> and then there were two. >> with a tip of the cap, chase utley says good-bye philly. one of the most beloved phillies in history. now, los angeles dodger, his best moments, as we bid farewell. >> is there any hope for your marriage, if you find out your partner has cheat in the now seeing the face is of the ashley madison hack. the celebrity expose in the morning. >> that's a shocker. >> ♪ >> actress shannon dougherty shocking admission. she reveals she has breast cans near lawsuit against her former manager, what she says her team failed to do for her.
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also, show stopper. he's the four year old catching tiger woods attention, little tommy only has one arm, but he is not letting anything stop him. why his parents credit fox 29 for launching his career. >> by the way, tommy is a local kid. >> he sure is. >> we're proud of him. >> and he's been all around the worlds now, almost every major golf torn many. and, i think he is four years old now. >> and a superstar already. >> superstar. >> talking about superstar in philadelphia, that's one chase utley now a dodger, believe it or not. but he gets to hook up with jimmy rollins again. >> yes. happy for him in that regard. >> are we reliving a lot of the moments every chase utley. let's go to this one. >> well, we've got to go back to 2008. we've won the world series. >> what a year. >> it is a halloween. it is a gorgeous day. phyllis parade down broad street. they get down thereby the stadium and each one of the players goes up to the microphone. and addresses the crowd,
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right? and quiet, demure chase utley, does this. >> ♪ >> world champion. (cheers). >> world beep champions ♪ >> you know no one was on the beep button in the control room, who would have ever snout. >> chase! >> that was -- that made it on air. >> oh, yes. >> now, some people were upset. some parent got upset, small minority, i think. my kids are there. chase, they look up to you, you use the f bomb. but it is one you have our favorite moment. >> of course. >> okay, let's do some wetter. >> six out every ten today in your weather by the numbers, because of the humidity, chance of showers, quite a few cloth out there this morning. starting finally to see some sunshine here in the city. so bus stop buddy ready, to take a dip in the pool.
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but also ready for some rain, and you could see some of those isolated showers and thunderstorms will be around the day, muggy the dog there, as well. 79 degrees, already. it is not even 9:00 in the morning yet. 82% relative humidity. and, south-southeast wind at 7 miles an hour. area of showers in lancaster county, all we can fine for rain right now. we will be in the upper 80s by the end. day, shower around, and also, a pop up thunderstorm here and there. so that takes care of thursday. weekends' almost here. and we will have your forecast, bob kelly, coming up. >> good morning, sue. 8:03 this thursday morning. looking live at route 202, they just opened up both of the lanes here, an accident, southbound, working right past the stetson school in west chester. there is another accident, a little further south, down there, david dodge. jammo on the benny coming up and over the bridge in toward philadelphia. stacked up, now, from the camden side, up and over in toward philly. and also, seeing some sun
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glare, and a tractor-trailer accident, west grove route 41 at the route one bypass, tonight, grab your white outfit, your white chair, dinner enblanc, where is it going to be. >> no one knows yet. >> we have to wait until later tonight. a scrannel, unusual traffic patterns tonight depending where it is set up. the parrot heads are assembling on the camden water front. jimmy buff net concert later tonight opening for him, huey lewis and the news, the benny will be back up both directions, not only getting into the the concert but of course afterwardment keep in mind there is construction on that benny 24/7. mike, alex, back over to you. >> you want to look at my artwork again? 8: 04. let's talk about the phillies, let's talk about chase utley. see what i did to the paper? di, do you have another daily news over there. >> i love the fact art full dodgers? art full dodgers? looking at your art. >> so jimmy rollins and oh, here was the original. >> the before and the after. >> the before and then my
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artwork. what do you think of that? nicely done. anyway, i casino of are happy for the two of them, contenders, dodgers still in it for the world series, another one of our favorite moments for chase utley. goes back to august of 2006. >> chase scores from second on grounds ball that was a moment. legendary announcer harry kalas said this about chase. >> j-roll, there goes chase, and to mcbride. oh, chase, he's safe at home plate. chase utley, you are the man. wow. >> you are the man. >> yes, he is the man. so, last night a reporter actually asked chase about that exact moment. and here's what he had to say. >> obviously we all know harry was an amazing person. and that slogan will follow me all the way, all over the
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place, and i definitely appreciate that. you know, i've always considered myself a player that plays the game hard and plays the game the right way. i don't necessarily have a definition of that. but i've tried to play every game like it is my last game. >> that's why we love him. >> now we will talk about the trade with kyle scott and crossing, good morning, kyle. >> kyle, what's up, what is his legacy? >> oh, man, probably, i mean, think tis the man. it is the man comment. it is the worlds series clip you just played. i look at it this way. i am 32, right? i've only seen -- lived here my whole life. only seen one champion chin. so when he said those three words in 2008 it sort of just sum the emotion of like a generation of sports fan. >> all sports, all four major sports. you have not seen -- that's the only championship -- >> born in 1983 right after the sixers last one, so whole generation every fans that have never seen a championship. so when he stayed it was just sort of like a collective off
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the chest, yes. >> so surprising, the quiet guy on the team. >> uh-huh. yes, well, you heard him in the press conference, always so understatement dollars. i think last night when he did the little tip of the cap, that was perfect chase. he was never one to talk. never one foray tension. just tipping the cap and going. i think that work for him. >> now, i was little worried about you. we read crossing broad. yesterday some your comment, you were like it is okay to cry, and absolute puddle. then later i'm several beers deep, emotional wreck. harder than i thought. >> i didn't know this about you. are you a cryer? >> i am a crier, did i shed a tear. in fact the first time i i've heard the led zeppelin cashmere since last night. so, you guys are killing me. >> it will be okay. >> you guys are killing me. >> a lot of fans. >> the bags, i got the bags. >> you know what, kyle? it was time to go. wasn't it? >> it was. >> he had not been playing well the last few years. >> yes, and the phils are just doing complete rebuilding, you know, the right move for the team, who knows, these
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prospect are like middle pros peck, that's fine, but slowly breaking them off one at a time. chase is the toughest, though. i think he rest own ate dollars with this fan base than any of the other guys. >> and really will feel like series of good-byes, jimmy rollins, cole hamels, now chase. >> yes. >> and got howard and chooch left. howard will be tough to trade. and chooch maybe, maybe in for the long hall. >> i wonder if ryan feels lonely? >> hey, let's play another, what i think, is a top five moment for chase. the fake to first, and throws home. >> yes. >> watch this. >> runner at second, two out, grounds one up the middle. utley good play. has no play at first. throws home. and out is the call to end the inning.
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>> fantastic. even pulled the camera person. >> besides being a great play, that was the top of the seventh, in the second half that far world series game, big out, sort of thing with chase, it is not that he was just the slugger or one specific -- he was a baseball player. he would come up with those sort of goofy plays that you just can't script. and you just can't teach people. >> so gone on to the dodgers as, a contender, probably will not end up in the hall of fame? his numbers aren't good enough. >> it is a shame, too. with the injuries in 2011, really hurt him. >> scored him dongle was well on his way to being there, but the knees. >> wasn't he hitting well the last couple of weeks. >> yes, came back from the injury. struggled real badly at the beginning of the year, but look like he was getting healthy. and i think two months ago, he had no trade value. none. and he came back and forth last two, three weeks, doing pretty good. >> hitting over 400. >> phils able to get some prospect out of him. >> you cover all sports. and i notice that you were at the nova care center yesterday. >> i was not there you.
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>> weren't there? but you have heard? >> yes. >> the ravens are in town. practicing with our eagles, and sometimes they get into fist to cuffs. >> yes. >> but it wasn't the team, the teams fighting. >> no. >> there is a great radio sports talk radio war going on in the city. explain it. >> so mike, as you know, sort of the range champ in the afternoon, josh on wip has come in, and has been taking some shots over the last year. >> i mean, real tough shots against mike. >> yes. personal, low blows, mike's fired back little bit. and yesterday i think was the first time they sort of met head-to-head along the eagles side lines. and it got by all accounts in the pictures we've seen we have some eyewitness accounts on the site, it got a little test. >> i do we have any photos, video? >> photos. no video. >> note owes on your site? why didn't you bring them? >> it is on the internet. crossing broad. com. >> security had to break it up
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and everything? >> i think eagles pr rep sort of separated them then josh went offer in a different direction. but both told their versions of it, and i emailed mike for comment yesterday. and he said josh back up, scared little rabbit. so i have a feeling this isn't the ends of this. >> wow. >> good to see you, my man. >> you too. >> thanks for coming in. >> nice to meet you. >> i think you should hang around for this segment of the we're going announce what the sexiest cities in the country are. it is a list of 25 cities. philly is on the list. where do you think we are? >> ♪ >> sexiest. >> list of 25? >> but first, is there any hope for your marriage? if you finds out your partner has cheat in the 34 million people were on ashley madison site, right? so we are now seeing the faces behind the ashley madison hack. there is a celebrity that's been exposed. >> oh, no. >> ♪ patients recently rated their care experience at
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over 3,500 hospitals nationwide in a survey conducted for the centers for medicare and medicaid. only seven percent received five stars. including four of ours. learn more at
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how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking? eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. >> it is almost 8:15, and we have soupy conditions right
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now, almost 80 degrees, now that we have some sunshine, not even even 8:30 in the mornig yet. so you know it will be another hot one today. but the big headline of course is the humidity out, there that makes it little more unstable, so, weaver some pop up showers, and we can't even rule out thunderstorm, weaver one heavy downpour right here, in northern lancaster county, and we'll see if that holds together and comes in our area. meantime now five day heatwave. heatwave number four of 2015. will we get six? it will be close. upper 80s today, but, we had an unexpected amount of sunshine yesterday. so, it could happen again today. thunderstorms, especially in the morning, with heavy downpours tomorrow. and then it dries out on saturday, and we think maybe half of sunday, with some thunderstorms rolling in, the latter part of the weekends. >> then the heat, humidity come back, by machine day and tuesday of next week. that's your seven day forecast, so, bob kelly, where are we slowing down this morning? >> the big slow spots, schuylkill, and i95,
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schuylkill expressway, more folks getting out every town than getting into the city at the moment. south on 95, there is a live look, jammo, from pretty much cottman avenue through the betsy ross bridge interchange, all the way down in through girard avenue. we got of course jimmy buffet here in the camden waterfront, down the shore, atlantic city on the beach 4:00. rascal flatts, expect big crowd, so we'll see a loft unusual patterns, a loft unusual volume along the expressway. up and down that garden state parkway especially during the any -- midday, bamm, instant traffic once the concert is over down the shore. 422, delays collegeville into king of prussia. then gown to one lane at 9:00 after the rush hour. mike, alex, over to you. >> you now the story by now, cheat be web seat ashley madison under fire as hackers claim to be releasing stolen information including member accounts, payment information from maybe 35 million people
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analog in's of its clients. >> so, if you want to cheat, you want to find someone to cheat, with go on the website, put your prefer renz, what you are looking for, supposed to keep it all confidential. supposed to. but now, owner of the seek talking about what's been leak, but has millions of users concerned, bass it is all out there. some websites all do you have do is type up a name. >> why they put up that guy. >> some celebrity names coming out. seeing these people, first celebrity associate i had, josh dugger, former 19 kids and counting tarp, tweed subscriptions. >> not one. but two. and has blown over a thousand dollars. scouring the website. so, any hope for a marriage, if your name, if your husband's name or boyfriends' name is leaked yesterday, you see it, hi, rg allen, by the way, director of clinical
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training, at drexel university's couple and family therapy department. her title so long, we have no time for the story. >> you think love can with stand everything? >> sometimes it can. sometimes it can't. it is different. i say social media now is lipstick. you know affairs has been happening for many, many, many years. but now, it looks different than it looked back in 1950's. so the question is is there hope? sure. but, you know, if this happens and you happen to see your husband or wife on this social media format they were trying have an affair, do you have decide whether you want to put the work in. >> question. say i am a wife. i see my husband's name on there yesterday afternoon watch dow say to him? >> well, i don't know that you say anything to him in the beginning stages, because you'll probably still be in shock. >> yes? and upset. >> to say the least upset. but maybe you have to have a
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conversation with yourself first about well what is it that you want to do for yourself. you may i have family, you may have children, you have a whole lot of things to figure out. you won't figure it out in that day. of course the trust is breached. that's really the cornerstone of a long and healthy relationship. >> okay. >> it takes a long time. >> what's the guy philadelphia international airport. >> i don't know what the guy says. >> i'll tell you what i say. >> what do you say. >> oh, i was just fooling around, looking around. >> what about i'm sore. >> i starts off with i'm sore. >> i sorries, those apologies that start with i'm sorry, really don't do whole lot. >> true. >> do you have put the work in to rebuild the relationship i would say it doesn't mean i was cheating on you, just looking around. >> come on, you can even have emotional affairs. >> true. >> you don't necessarily have to have sex with someone, but developing a relationship that you shouldn't be having with someone else other than yourself, then that's problem at glike should we go i guess do you find out hey if you're trying to move forward in your imagine, a find out what made
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you? some people say someone cheats if they are not getting something they want in the marriage, look for it elsewhere. >> right. you have chronic cheaters like those are people that really you don't neat to worry about those, those are people that will cheat anyway. but then the ones not chronic, do you need to look at alex what's going on that you weren't talking about? >> here is the thing. alex, we could use it as a jump ball for a discussion. you know? i went on the site because i'm kind of, i'm miss being? this relation ship. we could talk it out. >> you can talk out. but at the end of the day, if you begin there, what went wrong in your marriage, you still have a whole lot of work to do. >> true. >> the question is are you willing both to do the work and could you have better re relationship afterward. but it won't and easy road. >> i have a solution. >> yes? >> i would call your office, sit some time on your couch with my wife. >> couple therapy would be real good you. >> cheated. >> you have to be con since tenth, too, don't do it one time and think it will be
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resolved. it will take a long time. yes. weekly sessions. biweekly. >> rg, good to see you. all right, baby babble watch does your toddler's talking say about their success later in life? i'm tacking two, three year old. >> oh, well there is a certain age you need to be concerned about. >> really? >> yes. >> if they're not talking by certain age, i'm in trouble? >> yep. >> okay. >> but first, actress shannon dougherty shocking admission, she reveals she has breast cancer, in a lawsuit against her former manager. what she says her team famed to do.
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♪usic: "another sunny day" by belle and sebastian ♪
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♪ such a shame it's labeled a "getaway." life should always feel like this. hampton. we go together. always get the lowest price, only when you book direct at just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at >> welcome back, it is 8:24. >> 90210, the show on tv in the 90s, shannon dougherty, one of the main stars announces she has breast cancer. >> then, she drops another bombshell, blaming her former management team, for making her sick. >> this is going to be an interesting case, especially, when it goes to trial. child star, filed lawsuit yesterday, saying her former
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management team, you know, agent, things like that, failed to pay the premium, for her health insurance last year. so, it was canceled. she is 44 years old, says by the time she went to the doctor, the cancer had spread requiring more drastic treatments, such as chemotherapy, and she may have to have a masectomy. >> we asked our legal analysts ken rot whiter, does shannon have a case? >> blame willing the fact she has metastatic cancer former manager. the lawsuit is the fact that if she has now incurred medical bills, as a result of not having insurance, i do believe that her former manager, would be responsible for those bills, because he didn't pay her medical insurance, which now has caused her to have increased bill that she has to pay out of her own pocket. so i think that part of the lawsuit would be valid. the medical bills themselves,
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but not for her getting cancer. >> tanner, mainstay, i think that's the name of the company. anyway, said in a statement, that they were sad ends about her diagnosis, and wished her a full recovery. however, they deny that they were the reason she didn't seek medical care calling the claims quote unquote patternly false. we'll have it see if this thing goes to trial. >> we will. >> as you can tell, activity behind us here at fourth and market. it seems to be part of the black lives matters movement, that's spread i across the country. these protesters have now block off market street here at fourth. so, people are having to turn onto chestnut if you're headed eastbound. >> and officers out here, directing traffic, for some of the cars that are out here. so, if you are a market street, there is, you know, some traffic that's been stopped. >> the septa buses are stopped, there is no traffic
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making it through the intersection here at fourth and market. we'll get camera outside thereto cover that little bitter for in you about two minutes.
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anything. anywhere. anytime. anyone. spread the delicious taste you know and love.
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hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate spreads.
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>> soy sad -- so sad. i don't want to see him go. he's my favorite player. >> got to say good-bye to chase utley, probably on his way to los angeles, philadelphia legends now los angeles dodger. actually, think they're playing in highs ton tonight. probably be in the line up. sends us your messages, if you ever took picture with chase utley, why don't you sends that to us, too. >> use the #fox29goodday. and, you know her from the wolf of wall street. margo robby is on good day. the surprising and racey thing that she did on the set of the new movie that's filming now. >> hello margo.
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>> why don't you take out the trash. see how he's doing now. still moving! >> yes, i'm moving. >> prince on and brighten street. we have been on about four blocks so far, this is a real tough job. we say hello to michelle wade. she is a nurse. she is going to stop say hello to you. how am i doing, man? >> so far doing good. >> thank you for lying to the people. >> what do you think about my skills? >> still need to do six more months every training. >> let's look at our gloves, okay? because my gloves are like regular gloves, and they are little wet because people have all kind of like nasty stuff on their hands, you have like a coating on your gloves?
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>> whole different ones, so, still, i use them, but i find better ones since i've been here so long. >> you love the job so much, you are a 15 year vet. let me -- tell me how my technique is, you holds this right right there. which mike that is. so we don't want to hug the rush. >> right. >> we have trash and re sibling going on. how is this right here? >> i'm more of careful kind of guy. still have stuff in there. i'm more of careful kind of guy. oh, my goodness. how is that? >> you know, if you was working without, like i do, you probably will hit it more
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than what you just do now. >> barry is up here. barry, will meet talk to you for a second. >> what do they want us as citizens to stop doing with our trash? what are we putting there that he we shouldn't be putting in? >> bear, what are some of the things we're putting in our trash that casino of gets you particular off? what should we stop putting in our trash? some things you say are a no no? >> cans with grease inside of it, sometimes it pops out, gets in your face. >> yes? >> you got to go to the clinic and get checked. >> really don't want that. >> and needles. >> needles, too. >> we saw couple of needles. >> fish, grease and needles, and fish. so i'll keep going guys. i got couple of people, couple sanitation workers that do it down north philly, fish down, like q, you can come down here, you can't handle t guess what? you are absolutely right. can i not handle this job. how do you avoid getting the trash truck? >> oh, you can't -- you just got to be careful what you are
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doing. >> so, guys, i'm going back to work. because we don't do a loft talking here, we do a lot of putting trash -- >> you got to do the work. >> it smells so bad. >> one, my dad, he got a note once about they said make sure to tie the trash bag all the way, so when you pick it up it, comes undone, the trash goes everywhere. >> i've seen it happen during the seg many. >> all right, next hour, find out how far you can throw a bag. >> hit the back of the truck. >> sue, guy comes running out of his house. chasing the trash truck. a.m. tie late for the trash? and the trash guy goes no, hop in. >> you're so funny. >> every day, folks. every day. that's why do you have tune in every day, stuff like that happens every day. all right, here's muggy the
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dog, here's bus stop buddy. temperatures in the 70s, soupy start to the day. and we're giving you a six out of ten in your weather by the numbers, because of the chance of showers, and thunderstorms, popping up. pretty much at any time. so, 87 degrees is our high. hazy, humid, and showers possible. we had some in lancaster county right now, could you get some where you live before the day is through. tonight our overnight low is 73 degrees. and again, muggy night with scattered showers, thunderstorms. so that takes care of your thursday. bob kelly is here to talk about thursday morning traffic. >> good morning, everybody. go ahead. delays in old city protest right at the intersection of fourth and market. so little gridlock into and out every old city this morning. otherwise, your speedometer reads 12 miles per hour south on 95. 6 miles an hour on that schuylkill expressway. jammo between conshy and belmont. let's take live look at i59. for the gang in the great northeast, heavy cottman in through girard avenue.
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and then, after the rush hour, i'm going to say about 10:00 or so, penndot's going to take the three lansdowne to two, southbound, at girard e an active work zone all day. so coming into the city, after 10:00 a.m. for meeting, maybe lunchtime appointment, expect delays south on 95 until about 3:00. and of course, jimmy buffet and the parrot heads across the river here at the camden waterfront, start time for the concert, 7:00. alex, back over to you. >> bob kelly, i'm going to channel little bit of you here, ready? >> wake up everybody, little past 8:30, what have you already done wrong this morning? i know you just woke up. you could be doing some things wrong. number four on the list of things you shouldn't be doing when you first wake up or in the morning. don't have a carb fest for breakfast, shouldn't be eating all of those carbs so early. things you need to avoid when you wake up. that's next.
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carries. carry matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah i'd like that. who are you talking to? uh, it's jake from state farm. sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm, at three in the morning? who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing jake from state farm? uh, khakis. she sounds hideous. well, she's a guy so... another reason more people stay with state farm. get to a better state.
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>> great news for kelly clarkson, specking her second child. funny part, though. she unexpectedly announced she's expecting. because she red a slip -- >> she did. >> yes, during concert in los angeles last night. because she wasn't planning to announce the news but started crying on stage, and fans they wanted to know why, what's going on, why are you crying? so she delivered her first child river last summer. and now, she's getting ready for another one. >> what's her first child's name? >> river. >> oh, but also announced she is naming the second child creek. >> wonderful. i thought would you do like maybe the jump continue dim letter lake thing, cry me a river. >> well, when you are pregnant you're emotional. >> that's true. >> she burst into tears. congratulations to her. i have always like her. are you a morning person? man, i'm not. >> we can tell.
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>> geez. >> lucky for us, though, by the time we get to this morning, it is almost afternoon for us really we've been up so long. >> i know, i would like to switch jobs with iain page. >> really, going to leave me? >> welshing i would miss you. >> sounds believable, doesn't it? >> i would come back. kit can kline she can go too. men's health magazine, you know the magazine that always has a guy, with the shirt off, his eastbound showing? every single month. >> well, it is men's health. you have to find healthy men. >> isn't there anything else i can show? men's health magazine made a list of the worse morning mistakes that we are making. do these things affect you? it may be the reason why you're failing at your life. >> okay. so, the first number four, amount of carbs, don't do. that will three, don't take hot shower. turns out when you wake up in the morning cold shower is the way to go. the cold actually release releases adrenyline, improves your mood. >> so short, real cold shower,
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i take hot showers, okay? >> dow too. >> i blew it with number three. >> two, don't say you will hit the gym if you have no intention of doing that. >> i blew number two. >> yep. evening workouts often the first thing we do when the list gross longer there is came up, that came up, writers say better chance sticking to your exercise plan if you do it early. >> early would have to be 3:00 a.m. >> i know, i do mine after work. >> okay. all right, well, i've blown number three, 21234. >> number one, don't check your e-mail as soon as you wake up. >> i blew number one. >> it will put you in panic mode. who want to see emails first thing? work life balance is very important. but plus sleepy emails can lead to typos, and even worse regrets. mike, you sends those kind of emails, don't you? >> oh, no. >> not because you are sleepy, it is something else? >> ya, here is the thing, i've had real epidemic every butt dialing lately. i don't know what's wrong with this phone. >> snuff. >> luckily for you a lot of people know you don't call
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people, you like to text, so whenever i see your name popping up on my phone, oh, he is not calling, it is his butt calling. >> my butt trying to get a hole of you. i wish the opposite would happen. >> that's a booty call. >> very much a booty call. 8:43. >> jenn fred, what are you up to lately? >> pint size putter. >> hi, tommy. >> showing whatnot to do. crush it, buddy. four years old, and he's had amazing year, oh, you big show off. yes, yes, you got it, you got it, you're good. he got some lessons from gary player. yes, that gary player, like the legend of golf. talk about how all of that happened. you're good, man, totally good. i think it is the banana i gave you.
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>> do you remember this moment from last year? >> any tip for one hands? what's the tip? okay. >> grip it and rip it. >> whoo. >> that's the advice three year old tommy morrisey gives the greenhouse try to out drive him. oh, and if you agree to try, do you have do it one handed.
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>> oh, not bad. not so good either. >> well, that was jen's story on a three year old golfer born with just one arm. >> so, more than or all of 300,000 people watched that story, including most of the top golfers on the tour. and now, tommy is back where we found him, atlanta wood country club. >> hey, jen. >> yes, you can go now, do one now. he wants to do this, that little red his own club. that's a better shot, pal. i was nervous about you. >> so, one of the things that you said, we're going to show all the golfers that you met in a little bit, tommy. you love ricky fail or, right? >> yes. >> so cool about rookie fail or. >> so just to be clear, you got to walk down a fairway, with ricky fail or. >> you know that that's a very special thing to do? >> yes. >> when we met last year, you said that bubba was your favorite golfer.
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>> yes. >> so still your favorite? why do you like him? >> i don't know. >> you got it play with his son? where did you guys play? >> his son didn't play golf with me. >> because he is little? >> yes. >> so you are better than him. >> okay, do another one. when i first met one him this morning, we said do you want to go in the clubhouse, ride around in the golf cart? no, all he want to do is play golf. if you know anything about golf, you know that gary player is one of the legends, an older golfer, right? not as young as ricky fail or. >> but he taught you something. what did he teach you? >> staying bald. >> stay bald? >> is that hard with just one arm? >> yes. >> yes? what's the hardest part of playing golf with just one arm? >> i don't know. i don't know. >> because were you born like, that probably don't even know. >> talking about ricky fail or. any chance that ricky wants to be my boyfriends? >> i'm going to ace the big red dog now. >> wait a second. >> what about jordan spieth? you love him. we will talk about that in the
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9:00 hour. you said ricky fail or can't be my boyfriend why? >> you can say it. >> he thinks aims a little too old for ricky. all right, hit the ball again. because, his swing is getting better and better and better, and the pros love it. mom is here, as well. we're in lynnewood, new jersey, where all of this started. >> you hit that one pretty good. do another one pretty good. coming up, we will kiss-and-tell a little bit more. he has a photo book, brag book, that you have never seen before. you'll be real surprised who are his actual friends now, all grown up, we'll show you some of the pictures like this one, coming up in the 9:00 hour. >> this kid has been all over over the world, almost every golfer, pictures are terrific. >> he's so precious. >> oh, he's talking a lot more. smack that one. >> okay, parent, how many times have you wondered when is your child's school bus going to arrive?
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specially cold outstanding out in the snow? how one local school district is letting you track the bus right from your phone. >> hole on, breaking news, it goes on twitter there. has been a popebot. >> have been looking for him. >> spot in the old city. >> yes. let's go hunting. but first, here is a look at last night's lottery numbers. hey terry stop! they have a special!
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so, what did you guys think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. get a $1000 2015 jetta s oe for $139 get a $1000 month
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8:53 am lling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, book an appointment. and three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. ♪ find out how much your car is worth ♪ ♪ at >> this is westbound schuylkill little right at north. police aren't even on the scene here yet. two cars, left lane, jammo from vare, on in protest center city, traffic moving
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again through the intersection, who is ready, parrot heads? let's go 7:00 concert across the river, jimmy buffet, huey lewis and the news, a lot of volume over the ben my the parking lot, we'll have tailgating throughout the day. then bamm, instant traffic jam once the concert is over. >> local school district put plans in motion to develop a new school bus app. >> real smart. this will spread all over the country. 10,000 student ride the park land school district buses, and 15 buses for bands, too, school administrators say they want to implement an app, that would let you know, parent, where the child's bus is at any time. any location. the app is called safe transport. and it was developed by a father whose three daughters are in the district. >> so officials will monitor exactly where the buses, are using gps and a system similar to google maps, uber, so you can track it there.
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>> see numb burr of minutes, it would be color coded. >> i work in philly, best it know if the bus is running late. >> school district still working on security issues, app still needs board approval. look to be about a year before the app could be ready to roll, where you can use it, but it is coming. >> we found popebot. >> oh, there he is. get clothe err look at him after the break.
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you can save over 500 bucks when you switch to progressive. that's a fact. but this whole "blondes have more fun" thing... ♪ standing by for fun. ♪
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>> ♪ >> sometime i say that to you, mike, when i walk into the studio. >> one of those movies, when i go like this,. >> oh! >> boom! >> hi, everybody. we have to behave. the pope's herement good day, it is thursday, august 2015. >> well, you know her from the wolf of wall street. margo robby, also in focus, well, she is also on good day. and surprising and racey thing she did on the set of her new movie, that's filming now. >> she's always in movies with will smith. >> yes, that's true. >> new york city is number one
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on the list. but, philly is on the list, now, the list 25 cities, where do you think we would rang? >> really? >> don't say 24. >> or 25. >> oh, pretty good. and baby babble. what does your toddler's talking say about his or her success later on if life? the age that you need to be concerned about. >> i get what you are saying there if your kid isn't using pretty good vocabulary by certain age, he probably better check it out? >> right. >> started with hitchbot, traveling across the country. >> right. >> trying to test people's trustworthiness. >> common in. >> it didn't survive in philly. we tried my cut out. that will didn't surround five in philly. preston and steve decided the pope isa


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