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tv   Chasing News  FOX  April 24, 2015 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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>> now on chasing news. >> tuesday morning headed to work to realize both my side mirrors are missing. they were stolen overnight. >> gone are the days of a smash-and-grab, and a crow bar to window. >> summer is coming, you will be on beach in water, with the storm coming you need help. >> who do you want coming to your rescue? >> u.s. coast guard of course. >> we heard they had a training exercise we wanted in. >> topless women pose return age kids in times square, the parents are not only ones who are pissed even cookie monster. >> do you like topless ladies in time scare. >> i think is responsible for this mess. >> i am the naked cowboy and we're chasing the news ♪ ♪ >> chasing a story that hit close to home? >> it hit in front of my home, i
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was tuesday morning headed to work super pumped a new chasing day, a get to my car sit down, and realize both 5 side mirrors are missing. >> they were stolen overnight. at that points i thought i guess i will not be in studio right away. i am going to deal with this, afterwards drove up to lawrenceville, new jersey to the dealership to get the side mirrors repaired, it cost a small fortune replacing the mirrors cost $910.81. >> for mirrors. >> you could have taken duct tape and a mirror from walmart right. >> i am turning it in. >> hopefully that will prevent a thief from stealing the side mirror again.
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i was relieved when did i get my side mirrors i got home, i was worried what if it happens again. i was speaking to my neighbor who put 3 surveillance cameras right there on her fire escape. and now i have a copy of the dvd of the footage of when the thief stole by my side mirrors. >> the guy with light blue sweatshirt hoody is up, he walks up to my car pop off the mirror then walks to other side. grabs the mirror he stole puts it on hood of my car then the other mirror and walks away with the two mirrors, you can see him walk back down the street as if nothing happened. he cost me a fortune. that is where we're at right now. i supreme court with my neighbor who is a retired nypd police officer. she worked for them for 20 years, she said that is why she has camera on her fire escape,
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she has seen grown men go up to the cars, they do a professional job. >> take them close by, you can go in and buy a car part. that is for the most part these individuals have some sort of substance abuse this is a quick way it make money. >> people en up buying back their own stolen mirrors. >> no kidding. >> gone are the days of smash-and-grab. they research these, to see how much the parts are worth they bridge -- bring the correct tools with them. >> i asked my dealer, why didn't my alarm go off he said the alarm only goes off if they move the car they did it so gently, the car does not know what is happening. >> high-speed chase. >> what it is like to enter a burning mansion.
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this video was captured with a helmet cam attached, chad murphy with the fire department, smoke all over the place. a first hand account of bravery they do every day. >> it gives you that perspective of how brave they are running toward the flames. >> sun came out in times square, time to chase news, women topless controversy in new york city are not new the now ought rage was -- new outrage of the yesterday, "new york post" put out an article that topless women pose with underage kids in times square, these women are painted. some could argue they have more on this is legal in new york city it created a hoopla. >> a good word hoopla. >> the parents of these kids are
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not only ones who are pissed, even the cookie monster does not agree with these ladies topless not that one. the one that groped the 16-year-old girl last week? no. i spoke with an upstanding, cookie monster said he is for people making money. personally do you think there should be a a topless ladies in times square. >> i like them. >> and taking money from kids? >> the women? is it bad or good? >> malo ? do you like topless ladies in times square. >> i asked lady lakety, i was surprised. >> this is america though, right, land of the free. >> i wanted reaction from an expert rob the naked cowboy. >> based on what you said i
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think that characters are happy. >> it sounds like issue is that there are children. >> not what you do but spirit in which do you it. >> have you kids you take pictures with. >> all day long, and i tell them stay in school. >> do you feel responsible you were the naked pioneer in times square. >> i've been called responsible for all that madness. i would say thank you. >> so, this is naked cowboy you heard it here first the pioneer of topless movement in new york city there are people lining up just for you naked exclusive, the naked cowboy is going to play us a song ♪ ♪ i'm the naked cowboy, and i'm standing here almost nude ♪ ♪ i'm the naked cowboy and i'm chasing the news ♪ ♪ >> thank you! >> mayhem tuesday as multiple
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sites broke out on spring garden station on the platform got kids going at it like an old western movie, one guy falls on the track. they are put out this video trying to identify some of the kids that were fighting, they talked with two who they say go to nearby ben franklin high school, they are teenagers i went down to the station and i spoke with a commuter. >> do you think they are play fighting? >> no they are fighting. >> she constructs her class schedule at the nearby community college, around when the kids get out of school. >> you don't want to. >> we wanted an extra opinion on this video we brought in dr. jeffrey. >> before i bring you in on this
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i just' to point out it is important that, no body calls the cops. >> this flash mob mentality with this unbridled rage and anger is something they want to keep among themselves, it almost something that these kids do, and they don't want to have adults involved, especially law enforcement. >> why would you think someone would not have picked up a cell phone. >> as 71 who was there this morn -- someone who was there this morning, i can tell you that the cell phones do not work on the platform there. >> i lived one block from that station for 4 years a half block from the high school, like the person you talked, to i would not go on the train about 3:00. that train is pretty scary in the late afternoon. >> i feel like of day i'm talking about another fight video. and it is not necessarily
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somebody mugging someone or robbing someone, but just a beat down. do you think we're seeing more fights or more cameras captures the fights? >> i think we're seeing more. the cameras captures the fights, but there is a contag en here, where kids she this stuff happening on video -- see this stuff happening on video and youtube, in many ways they want to be part of that, it excites them to watch it, but it more exciting because they are not sensitive to what is watching to be in it, to say they are in it for the moment. >> tough days ahead dr. jeff thank you. >> always a pleasure. >> summer is coming, you will be on beach, out in water you get sick or hurt, lose power. with a storm coming, you will need help. >> who do you want coming to your rescue? the u.s. coast guard of course.
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we heard they had a training exercise planned for yesterday we both wanted it, and i headed to station. i got in my suit to protect me from cold water. >> legs first zip up. >> how do you move -- do you move in this okay? >> no problem. >> i headed to a french foot long -- 47 foot long patrol boat boat. snagging bag cets from mass cets from a coast guard helicopter. >> the practice on how boats react if they have to do something. >> i was on that helicopter. we suited up too and lifted off out of atlantic city, you are awesome for a living, do you know that? north along shoreline to
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rendezvous. >> position about a mile offshore, and watched for the inbound vehicle. >> training requires coordination, skill and communication, like shooting this story. >> this is harder. >> that came in and out several times, by itself and with a line attached coast guards tell us they pick up about 20 people a year using this system from the boat. they have 10 or 20 more flights with helicopter align to direct the people to where the trouble is. >> bill, the take away for me, is something i think we can all learn from, the culture egos take a backseat on mission they talk about how to improve mission performance.
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and feedback is always welcome from lowest crew member to the commander, successful missions, failure is not an option. >> you were in the helicopter, you were in the boat. how close did you get to each other. >> pretty damn close. >> we could see each other. >> 10 or 20 feet above me in the helicopter. >> the pilots are skilled. >> i snapped this shot of alex, with a go pro and a chase cam. >> we were close. >> we are hoping to follow-up. some of the guys i talked to yesterday, were not in the story, they were rescue swimmers. they can do things that no one else can do. >> god bless u.s. coast guard. >> you bet you guys are awesome. >> jiminy christmas. >> the cops on hunt for a coyote. >> it is not confirmed dead but the police are following a trail of blood. >> you cannot have coyotes in
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your neighborhood, rabid or not. >> do you like topless ladies in times square? >> i am the naked cowboy, singing here in the nude, and i am naked c ♪ hello, i'm here to talk to you on behalf of windex. recently we've noticed a series of advertisements created by these two birds,
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inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. their advertisements are false. sfx: squeaking from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. and to prove it, here's a real demo: here i can clearly see my hand and here i cannot. don't stand for dirty. sfx: glove removed from hand use windex. sc johnson, a family company.
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>> i'm being blown away. >> a rapid coyote attacks a man walking his dog attacks a police car the cops on hurp00 hunt
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for another coyote they think was from the same den they shot it, then they chased it. >> all day yesterday. >> jiminy christmas it is right by here. >> today i got an update they did shoot it, they injured it. >> holy hell. >> holy crap there it was right there. >> not confirmed dead but the police are following a trail of blood. they are trying to use to find of coyote. >> local norwood police. >> they are also telling people on twitter, not get near the blood they would like to be able to find a way to test this blood to see if the quite coyote did have rabies. >> they are in a tricky spot. >> and they are concerned they
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found dens close to the school, part of the chase went to school property chasing this coyote everywhere in the small neighborhood. >> jiminy christmas. >> holy crap there it was. >> animal advocates have reached out to us on twitter concerned about coyote being targeted. >> they are not happy with the shooting. >> i went to humane society they think this is unnecessarily targeting coyote in new jersey that could lead to a mass slaughter. >> profiling coyotes now. >> red-hot chili peppers said true men do not kill coyote, but they never lived in bergan property where you spend $20,000 a year in property taxes you cannot have coyotes running in your neighborhood. >> i don't think it is a
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function of income. >> i said, animal advocates are concerned you are going around with a shotgun shooting a coyote he said we have lived with coyotes for years but the aggressive ones they cannot tolerate this is an issue of public safety. >> right shoot first ask questions later. >> why do you put caps in skulls of coyote that have not -- done anything that we know of. >> we know a man was attacked walking his dog. >> this is not solved. >> one important points in this, even animal advocate agree is that rabies is a deadly and dangerous disease and it spreads easily. >> it not airborne. >> am i the only one that thinks this is an insane conversation, with coyote running in suburban
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new jejersey attacking people and police cars, put them down? >> i am in norwood with a coyote update, they did shoot and injury a coyote, that morning they tracked it, they think it was mortaly wounded. i also learned that more dens have been discovered, 9 more. >> yesterday we found 5 dens behind a house here. so. >> for more you can follow he on twitter, or go to our face book page. >> at one point --
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music: etta james "at last" (plays throughout) ♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪ ♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪ helping protect that world takes state farm.
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♪ for years the makers of windex have been trying to convince you that making glass spotless and clear is good. but no! this is not true. sfx: birds flapping their wings in fact, it is not a good thing to have so many hard to see windows in the air. they make us stop suddenly when we think we are just flying to land on a nice tree branch. leave dirty stuff on your windows and do not use windex on them. sfx: harmless cat meow cat! ahh... sfx: paint cans and other shed objects knocked over
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>> it is national bring your child to workday we're blessed
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on chasing chase. >> no, no. >> these are hers? >> amazing. >> daughter is here with us. >> and a couple of mine are here as well as harry his twin brother daniel. playing video games and shout out to my 9-year-old. >> we repeat the same, there have been nights, by crying of angels. they have to come to darkness of men, we're bound by nature to repeat we'll be bound we society to accept. >> a short film made by two high school students for an assignment in their social studies class is going to screen
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in new york city at tribeca film festival i was invited to attend showing. they are students at broom field tech julio and chris were given an assignment. >> different human rights violations that were going on they chose genocide. >> genocide is a serious topic these are very serious filmmakers. >> we were shooting project like opening shot we shot on our own time. a saturday morning a cold saturday morning with a dying battery camera. >> we had a couple of good opportunity to do that opening shot or we had no other opportunity to shoot it. >> their film, a look atrogen side was -- genocide was winner, national video contest. >> the judges loved it they loved it so much that you are our grand prize -- >> no, no! no.
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no. they -- oh, my god, thank you thank you. >> thank you so much. >> the robert f kennedy center for just expis human justice and human rights said they were winners out of 500, i hope for julio he is in tribeca and meets his favorite celebrity he wants to meet robert de niro. >> dell me tell me about the kids, it is yore -- serious stuff i watched clip it is well done. and how did they get into it they are young kids. >> their film and television teacher said i'm getting into the school, you are amazing you take things one step beyond the page and you know that is what they did here. >> but tribeca? that is dream for all filmmaker. >> yeah. >> how did the two kids from
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newark make it there. >> it was a soberral studiers class -- social studies class. >> way to revenue work. >> i wish them all of the luck in the world. >> they are good kids. >> hot news social media game coming to your town next. >> you use instagram to find the mystery man and he gives you a hundred bucks. >> and next chasing >> ♪ >> this is a fox 29 news update. >> hi, everyone, i'm fox 29's chief meteorologist, scott williams. get ready for a cold overnight. in fact freeze warnings far north and western suburbs, northern sections of chester county, western montgomery and upper bucks. we're looking at temperatures at or below freezing. we have to contend with that. it stays breezy and also chilly with below average temperatures. don't forget about mullica hill spring fl
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