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tv   Chasing News  FOX  April 11, 2015 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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e ones who do. these are the kings and queens of america. ♪ bill: now on "chasing news". ♪ >> of feces covered nightmare. they shut it down. animals were dying by the score. >> my mom died here, too. i didn't kill her. >> one or two animal carcasses. >> rapper big sean is headlining the music event. $65,000. promote race and sexual assault. >> i don't want i don't want my money being used to further that type of individual. >> dating ariella grundy. obviously he supports women.
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>> the best meatballs in the northeast. >> look at that. >> trying to evolve as we go along. >> served up beautifully in marinara on top collective. ♪ >> show us your meatballs. ♪ bill: hank, you are chasing a disturbing story about a farm that just had the aspca come down and take all the animals away. this is a "chasing news" exclusive. >> wagon wheel stable in oak ridge is a feces covered nightmare of death and despair for animals. local animal lovers shiver at the mention of it. today the nj aspca shut it down. >> last night there was a court date the owner agreed to surrender all the animals
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>> you remember the emails and photos last week that told us that animals were dying by the score. denied to us by the owner florence. >> i don't know where you got this. >> despite charges of death by neglect today that you became all too clear. the experts a timely that this chicken coop is an example of the reason animals areynpqr'g taken away, filled with animal crap i just felt the. just a dead chicken laying in a garbage can full of poop. >> my mom died here too but i too, but i didn't kill her. she was 70 some odd years old. >> i guess there's that way to look at it for sure. >> they die. >> we have heard rumors of all with that animals and. they are not rivers anymore. this is apparently what
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looks like large animal, animal, i can't tell if it's a pony, llama, go for one maybe two animal carcasses in the spirit. as it turns out it is a deal she agrees that the animals be removed from her farm all of them except the cats and dogs in her house in exchange for the charges being dropped. and those charges were substantial. >> it criminal charge carries a thousand dollars per fine. >> as for penny though we talked to her. her reaction to the whole affair show detachment, maybe detachment, maybe even indifference, little bit of self-pity. >> that is my horse, horse don't look good. why did it, last week the week before. >> she has been sick got recently hospitalized command we know this, she is to zero she walks. hold on. she says the she says the whole affair is the work of people are together.
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they told me off-camera the neglect is been going on for years and involves cruelty that predates any sickness she might have suffered. >> i'm curious. you said the aspca is not about this that this predates the conditions of the animals predates her illness. if they knew why did it take so long for them to act? >> as far as i have been able to tell them are doing is much they could within the confines of the job the law as they possibly could. now there are charges filed they made a deal in order to drop the charges so they could take the animals away. >> are you all right? >> yeah. bill: teethree, "high speed chase", start us off. >> her 3rd graders wrote letters to mumia abu-jamal.
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a a representative of the philadelphia fraternal order of police said she put the lives of those kids in danger. they go back. the story went national another teacher has been suspended. >> check out these mugshots of three individuals arrested last week. they can't $56,000 worth of molly, the street to. a hundred and $12,000 for the cash. one of the men through the bag of the window. did not quite make it. authorities found it. >> a college concert meant to unite the student body is doing the opposite. headlining a big music event for a whopping $65,000.
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the undergraduate student government hand-picked the artist. $15,000 of budget. some students are outraged. >> they never did a search of this man's background. >> duncan, was a duncan was a, and rebecca are sending a petition around campus asking the student government to rescind the invitation. homophobic, misogynistic and promote rape and sexual assault on campus. >> as a tuition payer i don't think it's appropriate for the schoolwide campus concert three furthering those messages command i don't want my money used to further that of individual. >> perhaps the backlash is more shocking. the focus of numerous anti-gay attacks quex, not
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to have the majority of them have come through an anonymous app on campus. two people come up to me. some people have the 1st me in person and disagreed me, and i welcome engagement when someone is actively hostile that is where i think across the line. >> i went around campus to get a sense of the issue myself. >> a listen to his music. as their opinion. if you like he represents something they are against against, then they are taking the initiative. >> everyday i wake up. >> the concert is already paid for and that money apparently cannot be refunded, the student government has told duncan and rebecca the concert will go on. >> what i think is a solution is to not go to the concert if it offends them
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personally. teesix personally. bill: but what is the same at the university? >> making the same ridiculous connection between music and what people do the people tried to make with ozzy osbourne heavy metal, and rapidly early days. listening to this music is not going to make you go out and rate people. >> he has nothing to do with any of that. dating one of dating one of the biggest stars right now, area legrand a. [inaudible conversations] >> they are saying our opinions. we should we should respect that. we should not demonize the kids are having opinions. bill: what is his big hit? >> you. one time and you will never forget it. i need a new ringtone.
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>> this nation. heidi, frank, sammy, eric. i asked them the hollywood celebrity culture. we are talking about celebrities everyday. we can we can also run into them at starbucks. i just ran into so-and-so. i asked them tell me some secrets about you. >> six months pregnant. sorry. >> that may or may not be true. >> tell her. >> he has an enormous head. >> and we talked about some of the topics. >> the year was 2000, and jennifer lopez wore were an ultra- revealing for such address. >> the green one. >> yes. >> so many people were like my have to see a picture of
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address. they go online command we take it for granted that you can pop up anything and is right they're. back in 2,000 you could not do that. >> was the internet even around? >> it was. it actually impact of the internet. >> google existed trouble when she was address the became the number one and biggest search that google had ever had. that is when they invented google image. bill: that me ask. are they competitive with the other group? what is the difference? >> they are really different. he has his own rap of the week going. bill: had crack is great. >> i'm ill bill. it rhymes,. it rhymes, has a flow to it. you see mild-mannered but whatever the boss man yells cut and the day is over bill hits the bar and illes out. >> they are were celebrity news starts on the ground. ♪ >> who has the best meatballs in the northeast?
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we put it out on twitter. >> evolving go along. >> zero, what a moment. ♪ ♪ >> here comes the bride. and no div you wish your dog could
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fight off fleas and ticks. but since he can't... you rely on frontline plus.
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because frontline plus unleashes a deadly killing force to kill fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, preventing a new infestation. its protection lasts a full 30 days. no wonder frontline plus is the #1 choice of vets for their pets and yours. after all, your dog is a lover not a fighter. frontline plus. the vet's #1 choice.
12:44 am
♪ >> the mayor of upstate new york under some fire. residents calling out her to remove disgraced nbc anchor brian williams off of their welcome sign. it includes mark twain, tommy hilfiger citing the cost of a new sign and also the bible the coming back for celebratory events. everyone makes mistakes. bill: he is coming back. >> here comes the bride again and again and again. felony charges after getting married ten times. divorces get messy. she never got one. >> did she buy an address? >> this must've gotten expensive. ♪
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bill: hank, show us your meatballs. two of my favorite restaurants you went to. >> i knew it was going to be good. >> who has the best meatballs in the northeast? we put it out on twitter hashtag show us your meatballs. you guys are on fire with it set the table. let's eat. >> are meatball adventure starts with a twist. always has some form of meatball. >> look at that. >> do something a little bit different. a rustic italian influence. trying to evolve and go along. >> any good kitchen, very busy place. our stay out of the way. >> served up beautifully. he brings it out to me for
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the moment of truth. zero, what a moment. the land meatball appetizer with polenta. ♪ >> certainly a case were less is more. a lot of ingredients. patient. if you have that patients you can get a great product. >> i don't i don't even see the.going anywhere else. >> i am really knocked down. this is some meatball. >> this is one of the best of ever had.
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on to the next place just up the road same town margin narrows. just opened in december. good philosophy. >> we make meatball interesting. [laughter] >> if it looks good it is good. >> culinary education, the purest. combines the old world tradition with the things that his clientele in princeton want lower fat and no real. >> the meatballs are ready. >> hot and fresh out of the park. ♪
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>> look, i could have hung out at either place all day long until they threw me out. turned me on to a meatball derivative. >> we are hearing a lot of people call and meatloaf. it's a big meatball stuff with ham and cheese. >> like nothing i've ever had before. ♪ >> man alive, i can't wait to get to the next couple of places. #show us your meatballs. i we will do this until we run out of meatballs. >> feels padilla forget about it. >> i would've thought it would have been ham. >> the really ought to be a a law against something testing that's good. my god. ♪
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bill: what does it say to you? do you know the governor better now? >> i mean,, i'm not going to say my opinion on this. bill: actually, that's what your paid to do. so i'm asking you your opinion is that is why you are here. he has already been introduced. bill: i have an idea, let's try it again. >> hopefully we can say the things that you are thinking i feel an obligation to be a voice that is not shared and heard often enough. some criticism of the cost
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associated with the report. one of the hard things for&j me is to have the say the thing that might not be polite. i can't believe your willing to say something like that. >> i have to say i disagree or be
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♪ bill: got it?
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>> we don't go on because we are ready. we go on because 1130. >> live from new york. >> live from new york. >> check out the 1st trailer for the s&l documentary live from new york. it's going to show how they get the show on air from week to week. you can watch the full documentary on wednesday at the tribeca film festival in new york. >> mayor deblasio thinks of the carriage horses will stay. the did a study to see if the horses were under stress at work. there are actually hundred less stress at work and they are vacation. >> always recording here in bed stack brooklyn. the the manager behind the counter discover something that he was shocked to see. nypd taking money from behind his counter. you can see one of the detectives reaching over the counter and pulling wads of
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cash which turns out to be up to $3,000 shoving it into his jacket pocket. he called the nypd will review the tape and acted swiftly removing the weapon and bachelorette detective who has been identified as ian cyrus, a 12 year veteran of the nypd in a part of that north brooklyn narcotics squad. for more on this i needed inside perspective. we talked to frank sir picoult, art tired nypd officer famous for blowing the whistle on police corruption >> a bunch of those rather store. and if the commissioner and mayor are sincere that is the way it should be handled these men have no place in the new york city police department. >> i went by the deli and spoke to our beloved have been advised by his lawyer
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not to speak any more press on camera but he told me a little bit about his ordeal making it there he is never had a problem with the city or the nypd cop this is right. he thanked me he thanked me for wearing my press pad and doing my due diligence the so that the nypd did not say the same thing. they came an unannounced without the badges, took two of his employees away and worst of all to cash from behind his register. many new yorkers are in the same boat suspended pending further notice. we will keep you updated as details become available right here on chasing news. ♪ bill, on camera. but you feel safe? >> some say they are scared for their lives. bill: she has been married ten times. >> and no divorces. bill: how elected is that happened? next "chasing news". you know where. ♪ >> i represent the everyman. i like telling the stories of people who fascinate me.
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just because it is not the decent accept a question to ask doesn't mean it shouldn't be asked. we ran in. >> chasing it, getting after
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♪ hello, i'm here to talk to you on behalf of windex. recently we've noticed a series of advertisements created by these two birds, inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. their advertisements are false. sfx:
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squeaking from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. and to prove it, here's a real demo: here i can clearly see my hand and here i cannot. don't stand for dirty. sfx: glove removed from hand use windex. sc johnson, a family company.
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1:00 am
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