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tv   Chasing News  FOX  April 7, 2015 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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bill: now on "chasing news". ♪ >> hi new line easter. a lot of people you're on sunday. poor body of the pond. >> unidentified male found floating. >> standing outside the united methodist 1st in broadway where the easter celebration brought the house down. a piece of the ceiling fell during service. thankfully no one died. bill: you could call this and easter miracle.
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>> last night i went down to atlantic city. bill: a fight. >> am a girl. ♪ >> typically packed on high noon. between elizabeth and rosa. a lot of people here on sunday. >> unidentified male. as you can see behind me anything that might lend them a clue as to how this. the 1st ballots although about it. >> shocking. pack up and go home find
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somewhere else. >> people come for recreation, power boating, working out. >> still investigating on it and they don't know what happened. >> just hearing something like that. these days. >> it's a hard one. >> stop me. the situation has been handed over to the union county prosecutor's office. no one knows exactly how the man died from the possibility of a homicide does exist. he added that the body may have been there for quite some time. >> a very unfortunate incident. the body the body may have been trapped in ice for quite some time. performing an autopsy.
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that may continue into tomorrow. no results more details as of yet. the mystery remains as to what poor souls body that was pulled out of the lake on easter sunday and how it got there. murder, an accident something different. ♪ >> rapper dmx was in the area yesterday in newark but not for good reason. in the early stages of investigating a report. the 21 -year-old man. talking to him at an exxon gas station about rap music when someone in his entourage as for money. and when he and when he was snatched. they left in the black escalade.
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bill: 3200 bucks. >> right. >> check out this video. three people were arrested. >> standing outside the church in broadway. literally brought the house down. authority by 30-foot piece of the ceiling fell on the congregants while they were singing during service. i spoke to eric more across the street. i thought it was a traffic stop. crying and fire trucks. you see all them running in.
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debris and stuff like that. >> fire trucks out here. fifteen people injured. thankfully, no one died. he told me more about what goes on. the roof collapse. interested to hear because you see the communities working together and worshiping together. at the time of the collapse the spanish community was inside having their service. a mystery as to why the roof collapsed. the the fire chief said they are still doing our inspection. >> this could have been a lot worse. >> he did said the building is up to inspection. if it had not been they would have been aware. >> the roof collapsed. it was busted. so it fell in.
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it is not up to code. bill: there is irony here. any given sunday hardly anyone in church. an incredible celebration command that is when the noise may because the roof to collapse. >> believes that everything happens for a reason. bill: you can call this and easter miracle. ♪ >> a small that? spring is in the air. baseball season is officially underway. i went to check out one of the most rare pieces of history. one of the rarest space bar cards in the world. printed in 1909.
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only three others in existence in this condition. >> these issues 1909 to 1911. >> the most value. >> several other options. >> yankees world championship ring. nineteen 50 sporting news. a signed picture of babe ruth. that is the same year. a piece of memorabilia. >> a piece of yankee history a chance to put it on in 1999 i guess the national.
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>> about to go broke. absolutely perfect. never when one. >> let's go back for a moment. a moment. a car that was found in oceanside new york. in their possession without them knowing it for decades. really small something that is more than 100 years old. >> only a handful. one sold for over 2 million. >> the holy grail. >> is this a guy thing? >> worth over $1 million a million dollars in battle in another the person is were talking about. >> i don't know the guy either but i can understand why would be so much money. anything with shakespeare's
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autograph is worth the three to $5 million. bill: will position and william shakespeare play, i don't remember? ♪ >> my god. [laughter] >> i still have make up all over. went toe to toe. the taj mahal on april 11. all right. ♪ >> last night the hubble hit. their trainer's cargo or so.
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>> visit you guys. >> these are my guys. >> retired as a high ranking enlisted marine. i went down there and let him trained me and see what i have in the mixed martial arts arena. i can't raise my hands today. my sparring partner. >> smooth the slow. >> just the warm-up have a dripping sweat. my make up basically melted off my face. bill: you wore make up to a fight? >> i'm a girl. i still have to look nice. i always get into my story. this really beats them all. i am exhausted. these guys are still going at it. >> there was no room for
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breaks. it just did not end for a half hour. i went out and spoke with the promoter. i apologize of the video a shaky. i am shaking like nobody's business right now. really fires morning and night just waiting for the opportunity. professional. get the belt.
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>> i just do it for fun. >> you do it for fun? you are bleeding i now. >> you get beat up. >> it's so new to me. undefeated in jersey city. ring any bells? >> this is a book with her in november if i wanted this is me. ♪ bill: that house looks to close. >> that's what jp p&l says. they charge tens of thousands of dollars to move utility poles. bill: that is amazing.
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♪ the answer to treating your dog's
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fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus.
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bill: got it? >> a a fire last month in the east village that killed two people. it has been reported that he was asked to temper both on her son. possibly chose the owner in this case. a video was posted online of a subway explosion. around rush-hour thursday morning. allegedly teenage pranksters the whole thing was chaotic. >> have an update on a story from a couple of months ago. sandy ravaged homeowners being charge tens of thousands of dollars to move utility poles just like that one. this all behind me this is for summer home. the home was destroyed.
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they had to demolish it rebuild it raise it 8 feet to the flood standards. they gave her a bill for $10,000. bill: to do what? >> to raise the paul so is no longer a foot from the house. also this will go to other homes. none of her neighbors are being charged because the poll is only close to her house. guess what guess what she has to do, take out her credit card and pay the $10,000. bill: that is amazing. >> she use the word blackmail, absolutely. >> 100 percent responsible. nothing is being charged to my neighbors even though
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this work order we will provide improvement for them as well. >> maybe they will charge him that 20 bucks. >> clearly no one wants to claim responsibility. you are required. >> she is best, best and she ought to be. it is outrageous. >> i understand she is best. it is for summer house. should they have to pay for each individual summer home? >> low income and have something bad happen to you? it is not a mansion. >> this is her secondary home literally less than 1,000 square feet. bill: i don't know that is the issue. to me after the storm hit
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they went and moved saw their poles and did not charge the homeowners. the the question is why were sun treated differently than others? >> i went over. i don't know, maybe they take paypal or something. bill: let us no when you hear back. >> insufficient funds. >> the purpose is to educate. bill: why see the centerpiece of this mission that you are on? bill: that was horrible. >> a lot going on in my head right they're. bill: are you ready?
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zero, god. does it really matter? that was really bad. ♪ [laughter] well, sir. after some serious consideration i'd like to put in my 15-year notice. you're quitting!? technically retiring, sir. with a little help from my state farm agent i plan to retire in 15 years. wow! you're totally blindsiding me here. who's gonna manage your accounts? this is a devastating blow i was not prepared for. well, i'm gonna finish packing my things. 15 years will really sneak up on you. jennifer with do your exit interview and adam made you a cake. red velvet. oh, thank you. i made this. take charge of your retirement. talk to a state farm agent today.
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♪ hello, i'm here to talk to you on behalf of windex. recently we've noticed a series of advertisements created by these two birds, inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. their advertisements are false. sfx: squeaking from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. and to prove it, here's a real demo: here i can clearly see my hand and here i cannot. don't stand for dirty. sfx: glove removed from hand use windex. sc johnson, a family company.
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♪ >> one house is being terrorized are the sole guy. yeah, not so much. i know. headbutting. returned to the owner. actor, writer, producer.
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thank you for coming on "chasing news". >> always a pleasure to be with you and your group. >> we saw you perform a year one and broadway production. the mayor of laguardia. >> i was not elected because of my looks. >> let me tell you something if i don't live up to my campaign promises i want them to throw me the hell out of the office. bill: and outstanding performance. taking the show on the road to italy. >> were doing the show for the troops. on on to -- teaching acting for the students and the politicians. this is something that i
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love doing. to educate. bill: why mayor laguardia? >> well, he well, he was everything i believe in, and honest man a man who cared about the people and did things logically. he was not a democrat or republican but right in the middle, which is what we need desperately right now. someone that can heal. laguardia is that kind. bill: what about governor christie? >> well, yes. tells me. i shouldn't say tough guy. bill: he is a jersey guy. you can say that. do you think we will see a time where there is a mayor?
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>> asked me again. bill: never know. >> safe travels, good luck. >> thank you. god bless our troops. >> chasing the best meatballs in the area. think you have a favorite place, let us no where. >> today it is the best. >> check it out, next "chasing news". you know where. ♪ >> ♪ >> this is a fox 29 news update. >> hi, everyone, i'm fox 29's chief meteorologist, scott williams. moving ahead through overnight it's going to stay mild but the cloud cover rolls in and yes, we also have some chances for some showers as we move ahead to your tuesday. we'll keep some rainfall
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chances later this week but also temperatures in the low 70's, up are 60's they're any other going to stick around. when ♪ for years the makers of windex have been trying to convince you that making glass spotless and clear is good. but no! this is not true. sfx: birds flapping their wings in fact, it is not a good thing to have so many hard to see windows in the air. they make us stop suddenly when we think we are just flying to land on a nice tree branch. leave dirty stuff on your windows and do not use windex on them. sfx: harmless cat meow cat! ahh... sfx: paint cans and other shed objects knocked over
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coming up on today's telecast: >> show me how it feels to move with no more pain! >> glory god! >> glory to god! there's a woman that had lung cancer! how many of you know this just burns the devil up! whoo! look at that! walking without his cane! god has used reverend peter popoff throughout his entire life and ministry to bring miraculous deliverance to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. stay tuned as reverend popoff ministers, prays,


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