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tv   FOX 29 News at Five  FOX  October 30, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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huge plumes of smoke. emergency crews are still on the scene. good evening, i'm lucy nolan. >> i'm iain page. here's what we know right now. officials say small plane lost power after take off earlier today, and crashed into a building at the wichita mid-continent airport. witnesses say the plane appeared to hit the top of the building and then catch fire. only the pilot was on board the plane. the other victims were in the building. no one has been identified at this point. people near the airport describe when they realize something was very wrong. >> basically we didn't hear anything, we basically just fill up, and had 20 miles start today see the smoke, casino of new the airport was right in that general vicinity, so obviously were a little bit concerned what might have happened. >> crews were searching the wreckage for survivors, pulled back when part of the building collapsed. they plan to resume that search once the build something stable. tonight the fbi is helping with the investigation and says it is too early to make any guests about the cause of the crash. we of course will keep you
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updated. >> developing tonight, septa talks, fear of looming strike. septa officials, union leaders metaphor much of the day in old city trying to reach a deal and avert a strike. if it doesn't happen, septa workers will hill the picket lines. fox 29's dawn timmeney joins us live from old city. so dawn of course all hoping for progress here. >> we are, lucy, and both sides are been meeting behind closed doors, here at the wyndham hotel since noon, so for about five hours, and from what we understand, they're still at it right now, last ditch talks resuming for a second day, as transport workers union local 234 and septa try to resolve their differences and hammer out some kind after deal. if they cannot, as you said, buses, trains, and trolleys, will come to a screaching halt. twu local 234 has been negotiating with septa for months, largest union, talking 4700 workers, and their contract expired seven months
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ago, they stayed on the job, because they thought negotiations were moving forward. but, a union source tells me in the last couple of weeks, things have fallen apart, that talks are not going well, septa saying septa has reversed its position from what it was offering in the spring, in terms of the wage increase, and lent of contract, septa now wants five years, the union says it wanted two. septa on it for its part said it is hopeful a deal can be reached, strike can be averted. commuters say walk out would just turn their lives upside down. >> take it to work, my oldest one takes it to school. that will would be a big impact if they do go on strike. >> i don't know how we'll get to work in the school. >> depend on septa, grocery shopping, going to the doctor, just gone now would be a hardship for me if they go on strike. >> now, union head willie brown promised to give 24 hours notice before striking. he said at the beginning of the week, he said on monday,
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woe give it until friday before deciding whether to hit the picket lines, if there is no deal in place. last time the union went on strike, was in november of 2009, five years ago on monday to the date. right now, we're still out here, waiting to see if any progress has been made. we will of course stay here, and bring you the very latest coming up tonight at 6:00. iaian? >> dawn, thanks, see you again at 6:00. a big temperature drop in your fox 29 weather authority. here's live look outside at center city tonight. night before halloween, tracking some trouble heading your way. will it create problems for trick-or-treater? fox 29's chief meteorologist, scott williams has the answer. >> iaian, temperatures noticeably cooler than same time yesterday. right now in the upper 50's, folks are out and about in old city. they've a few extra layers on as well because of that temperature drop. winds are currently out of the north-northwest at about 10 miles per hour. grab jacket stepping outdoors, will be a fall chill,
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temperatures dropping to the upper 40's by 11:00 tonight. but take a look to the north and west, as we move toward minneapolis, temperatures in the upper 40's, and part of canada, we have 20's, 30's, some of the cooler air will head in our direction, we'll talk about the timing of the coldest air, the halloween forecast update, as well, what to expect for trick-or-treaters, and brewing weekends storm, that is likely to bring some rain, some winds, and perhaps, some wet snow for a part of our area. we'll have the time and detail coming up. >> all right, scott, thank you. you can track the temperatures and all the trouble headed our way by headed to the website just click the weather tab at the top of the home page for the latest forecast information and live radar images. >> we are on top of breaking news in north philadelphia. skyfox is live over the scene at 11:00 and poplar street. somebody has been shot. we are still gathering details at this point. the victim is now at the hospital. no word yet on that person's condition, nor of any arrest, of course we will continue to follow the story and keep you
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updated as warranted. philadelphia's about to get tough when punishing hate crimes. philadelphia city council unanimously passed a hate crime bill in response to the september 11 assault of a same sex couple in center city. police say some of the attackers yelled anti-gay slurs against the victims. prosecutors could not charge anyone with the hate crime since a person sexual orientation is not covered under current law. councilman jim kenny said the state is not act being quickly enough. the counselors i will decide today act itself. >> in the sit of philadelphia we value all of our citizens, all of our citizens should be protect from the neck he will heads who think they have a right to pummel people because of who they are, who they perceive to be. the mayor still has to sign the bill, and we're told that could happen by the end of the week, crimes motivated by hatred of someone's sexual orientation, or disability, would car a sentence of as long as 90 days in jail, a
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fine as high as $2,000. >> caught red handed, state senator under arrest accused of taking down republican political signs. campaign workers say they caught 54 year old dana armond long snatching the signs. fox 29 perez with the story outside gop headquarters in newark, thalia? >> reporter: iaian, police say that the signs first went missing on sunday, and then again on monday, so campaign workers staked out the location where the theft occurred, and caught the state senator's husband, they busted him, removing the signs from the roadway, on wednesday. at 4:00 in the morning. it was wrong. yes, it is wrong. >> melissa stevenson says dana armond long, husband every state senator bethany hall long, should be embarrased of the video of him getting busted for swiping signs belonging to the republican party. in the video up loaded to youtube last night, you see long removing the signs, and
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then a confrontation. >> what are you doing this for? what are you doing this for? >> hey, don't stop me. i just -- >> those aren't your signs, budd. >> there is no name on these signs. >> campaign volunteers shot the video of the theft, on wednesday morning, say sunday, again monday, from odel a road >> no one answered the door today at the senator's home, apologize for. >> it is casino of hard to believe that the senator's husband got out of bed, got into the car, drove around, stealing signs, and then came home without her knowing. i mean, i just don't believe that. >> neighbors insist it won't affect the election. >> you know, fight, right,
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which is good. >> dana armond long arraigned earlier today, posted the 250-dollar unsecured bail. iaian? >> thalia, thank you. pennsylvania state senator leanna washington pleads guilty to corruption charges, and will avoid jail time. the philadelphia democrat missed using her senate staff for campaign fundraising, and she will serve three month of house arrest for or five years of probation, long time lawmaker will also pay $200,000 in restitution, to the state senate for misusing her office. >> the latest now surrounding what might be best described as ebola showdown. nurse casey hickox who went for bike ride in maine today defined the state's voluntary 21 day quarantine. hickox treated ebola patients in sierra leone, and returned home over the weekend. new jersey released her from its mandated quarantine at the hospital monday. she immediately headed home to maine and tonight it looks
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like neither the nurse nor state officials will back down. >> nurse casey hickox has broken her quarantine. and now a court order filed by the state of maine main may be in the works. she says she's feeling great and hickox went for a bike ride with her boyfriend earlier this morning. state troopers followed closely behind, as they left for a 50 minute spin. >> talk about -- >> no, i didn't, you know, this morning, we just said we want to go for a bike ride. here we are. >> you guys do it often? >> we do, yes. >> thank you guys, i have to go speak with the health department now. >> the chief of police greeted the two at their home after the bike ride. he said he just wanted to welcome them back to the community and let them know the 24/7 surveillance is there not just for monitoring, but also, for her safety. neighbors want to make sure hickox stays home, and as many as 1500 residents have signed a petition pleading with hickox to stay inside her house and not put other at risk. state health officials say at
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this point there is not a lot they can do. >> outside after court order, we do not have authority to arrest her. we have been trying to work cooperatively with her. >> there are concerns -- >> all right, the state officials say they plan to go to court to make sure hickox stays in her home, whether she likes it or not hickox says she hopes bo sides can come to an agreement. >> thomas man even owe was longest serving mayor in the city most beloved, the city's first italian-american mayor, served more than 20 years, manino diagnosissed when advanced cancer in february shortly after leaving offers, known for his folksy manor and verbal gasp. president called him bold, big hearted and boston strong. he was 71 years of age. tough question, how do you protect yourself when sell anything on line, then have to
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meet the buyer face-to-face? >> local town leading the way with a new plan, how trying to make sure you do not become a target for a crook. >> and, this makes you feel more safe and secure, bulletproof white board. school district putting them in classrooms. >> later, how harmful is a picture? wait until you hear this story before you answer this one. one school this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work.
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and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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one person in the hospital after violent early morning accident on the roosevelt boulevard. happened around 2:00 at oxford street. cops say a driver after suv ran through a red light and hit another suv causing it to flip over and hit a pole. rush 35 year old woman to the hospital. her name and current condition are not being released. >> the steps to the atlantic county public library are roped off tonight, brigantine police say a drunk driver skidded off the road and smashed right into a the steps. see the skidmarks, bench was knock down, and there is a lot of damage to the first few steps. no word on if the driver was hurt or whether any charges had been filed yet. >> tonight 15 septa k9's are helping in the manhunt for fugitive eric frein. septa chief thomas says his dog's make up one of the state's biggest k9 units, some k9's from temple university are helping out, as women. authority called on them to give state police dogs a break. they've been searching in the woods around blooming grove for seven weeks now.
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prosecutors charge them outside their barrages in september, corporal brian dixon died, the other trooper, was seriously injured. >> baby food maker gerber, at issue gerber claims its good start gentle formula can prevent or reduce allergies in children. the government says, that claim is bogus, and that the new jersey based company misled consumers, regulators want gerber to pull it claim, reimburse consumers purchased the formula since 2011, when the claim began. >> montgomery county community is setting up one of the nation's first craigslist transaction safe zones. conshohocken police want to make sure people doing business on their popular website can do it safely. dave schratwieser is in conshohocken, shows us how it works. >> parking lot couldn't be any safer. there is police cars, surveillance cameras, good lighting, even a emergency phone to contact police. >> and it is really good idea, specially now around the
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holidays, lot of transactions. >> chief designated the parking lot and the lobby at police headquarters as an on line safe transaction zone. he said that you're conducting one-on-one transactions where money is changing hands, this is the safest place to do it. >> parking lot, or lobby, lobby open 8:00 to 4:00. lobbies well lit, under 24-hour surround vale glens i think will give the community a sense of, to get their on line transactions done. >> new transaction zone comes as ripoffs are increasing, two weeks ago, 34 year old dion jordan met a guy who wanted to purchase a dodge charger like this, at a local wawa during a second pre-arranged meeting at this airport hotel, they went for a test drive. that is when police say jordan and accomplice kidnapped the buyer and robbed him of $2,000 at gunpoint. >> jordan now charged in the car deal gone bad, and the murder of 49 year old dallas long two days earlier, he
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faces charges in several bank robberies, wore expensive hollywood disguise. is investigators now trying to link him to five other murders . >> final transaction, then obviously, don't do the deal. >> the chief says never going to a transaction like this alone, and always use cash or a bank check, suggesting during daytime hours when financial institutions are open, in case a problem develops, with the deal. he also believes other towns will follow suit with safety zones of their em. >> "fox 29 news". >> fox 29 work to go get results for folks in south jersey, angry drivers, alerted us to nasty pothole. salina road near delsea drive in washington township gloucester county, one woman told us she flat tire and 5-inch deep crater while we were recording another woman
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blew out a tire and ruin her alignment after hitting the pothole. she to have her car towed to the repair shop. >> as soon as i hit it, it was a big jolt on the car, the steering wheel start today shake, i had to turn the steering wheel toward the left to make the car go straight. >> you new something was wrong? >> definitely something wrong. >> you heard them there. clearly this was a job for our bruce gordon. coming up at 6:00 see just how dangerous the pothole was, what we did to solve the problem, why more can't be done, at least not yet. you'll see it all from our exclusive crater cam. >> crater cam? >> fox 29 getting results, that's coming up tonight at 6:00. >> you know what i got to, bruce, frandford and girard, biggest hole i've ever seen. i'll take a picture of t big cool down in your fox 29 weather authority chief meteorologist scott williams is tracking the chilly changes. >> yes, you know, lucy hard to believe. yesterday's high temperature was 70 degrees, temperatures right now in the mid to upper 50's, across the area, 55 in
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wilmington, 55 right now in trenton, into the 40's, currently, in the pocono mountains, so for tonight, what about 30's for the suburbs, 37 degrees will be the average low, low 40's in the city, chilly conditions overnight with winds out of the north. quiet conditions as we look at the satellite and radar for us right now look off to the west, this disturb and diving toward our area over the next couple of days to provide weekends storm system that will bring colder temperatures, some winds, some rain perhaps wet slow as it finally cranks up as a nor'easter moving toward new new exact timing. how much rain to expect, and also the halloween forecast update for tomorrow. iaian, lewesy? >> scott, thank youment she made national headlines by saying she planned to ends her fight with her little brain cancer by taking her own life this saturday. tonight indicators she could be changing her mind. >> and european countries say hey no thanks to a shipment of popular whiskey because of
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chemical found in anti-freeze. the whiskey maker says oh, oh, sorry about that, we met that -- meant that bag for north american drinkers. why they say you really don't need to wore. >> i later divine message issues, holy image one man just found in his yard.
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two people recovering from gunshot wound after world series gunshot, police arrested hands full of people outside at&t park after some lit fires and started rioting. no word on the condition of the two people shot during the mayhem. but last night's game, man, san francisco giants are world series champ for third time in five years. some are even throwing around that word dynasty. more on their big win coming up in sports. >> tonight evacuations are on going on the big island of hawaii, as 2,000 degrees river of lava advances toward the main road in and out of a rural town. officials say it is now less than 100 feet from a private home. half of the small town there could soon be destroyed.
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the lava is burning everything in its path, as it slides towards the ocean. >> she made national headlines, by announcing she planned to take her own life this saturday. but, now, a 29 year old woman with terminal brain cancer could be having change of heart n april doctors gave brittany maynard six months to live. she has been having seizures, and a lot of the of other complications said she did not want to die in agony. so she announced she would end her on life, which is legal under these circumstances? oregon. she chose this saturday, november 1st, but now maynard said she feeling better than expected so she's wait to go see how her symptoms progress, before deciding on a date. >> i still feel good enough and i still have enough joy, and i still laugh and smile with my family and friends enough that it doesn't seem like the right time right now. but will come. because i feel myself getting sicker, it is happening each week.
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>> yes, she released this today. maynard said she still plans to end her life at some point, as you heard. during all of this, maynard's gun to push for new laws, and she's encouraging people to support dying with dig knit. >> i 20 year old surfer fights off a shark and lives to tell about it, ryan hunt says he was is her fink north of cydney, when a shark attacked him. hunt said he kicked the shark after the first bite, but made a second bite at him. he then hit the shark and managed to get away from it. >> i pet it in my hands, he tried to stop it from biting again, by hitting it a bit, and then it eventually swam away. >> despite the ordeal, hunt says he want to get back in the water. sharks are common in australia, fewer than two deadly attacks in decades. >> second leading cause of cancer death, protecting yourself could become little easier. >> new colon cancer test you can take at home, that sounds whole lot better than what
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they do now. and what's meant to make parents and children feel safe? might make some feel a little uneasy. bulletproof plight boards. local district putting them in classrooms. >> the t-shirt that has some people scratching their heads, and others very offended. it was meant to promote high school football team. but critics say it actually promote rape culture. we'll explain.
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live look from our pocono mountains cam. things looking great right now, but already tracking possibility for some snowflakes there coming very soon. you heard me right. chief meteorologist, scott williams, will bring you up to speed in your fox 29 weather authority. >> a delaware middle school has become the first in our region to put bulletproof white boards in classrooms, 121 white boards are going into classrooms at the gunning bed forwards middle school in new cast em. part of pilot program launched by state police. the district says it is a pro-active approach to improving school safety. >> if you're in a run hide fight situation, if you have to run, take it with you, that's why we make it mobile. same as the police vest. >> the board are designed to stop any handgun, any shotgun
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consideration absorb multiple rounds of ammo. >> gateway to the city of camden is getting a make over. haddon avenue is being overholds from vest per boulevard to uke lan avenue, the road resurfaced, new sidewalks, curbs put in, and traffic signals upgraded. officials say the project will transform the road to meet the needs of drivers, bikers, and pedestrians. >> well, you know for the past several weeks good day has been on the look for a new traffic reporter. >> that's right. >> and this morning that search came to an end. >> here is the deal. mike jerrick couldn't stand the wait any longer. you know what did? he took the matter into his own hands, he hit the street to find the perfect person for the job. >> it is now time to find out what's going on -- >> no, you are going to do traffic again, you've been doing traffic for three months, kacie has been gone. why can't we get a traffic reporter? and twitter is alive. give me my 15 minute of fame, i'll do traffic. >> okay. >> one person after the next. ill de traffic. i can come in and do traffic. >> sure. >> and a lot of people are saying just get anybody who has ever been on septa, you
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know -- >> they know the roads. >> they know the roads. >> that's an easy solution, just get anybody who has ever been on a bus. >> okay. >> now? >> i'll just go outside. >> really? >> yes. to the bus stop. we have three bus stops on our corner. >> there he goes. >> well, there is our bus stop right across the street. might as well just try that? >> okay. >> he's really doing it, alex. >> oh, my god. >> he just left the studio. >> management won't do it, why don't i just do it? >> he is taking matters into his own hands, there he goes, out the door. >> i'm telling you, he is craze. >> i nobody seems to be able to get this done. >> oh, watch this. see what's going on here. >> all right. >> i think he's gone off the deep ends. >> we have cameras all over the place. >> we have stuff for a segment later on in the show. >> there he goes, going down the street. >> there are some people over there, waiting on the bus. >> oh, my gosh. >> now i don't have the light, so high, kids, how are you doing? all right.
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>> hey, what's up? >> he's really just going in the street right now. >> oh, there is somebody at this bus stop. hey, kids? kids going to school here. of course i don't have the light. >> he didn't jay walk or anything? >> oh, my gosh, he is walking in traffic. >> okay, there is nobody at that bus stop. >> all right, well try the other one. try the other one over there with iaian and lucy. >> there is some dude here, i think it is a guy, could be a woman. >> i can't believe this. >> i can't believe it either. >> hi, i'm mike from good day philadelphia, how are you doing? we're looking for a traffic reporter. >> i'm tweeting here. >> you saw me tweeting? you want to try to do traffic? >> i mean, what the heck the bus is not coming there is trash truck is blocking the street. do you mind? >> ya, okay. how long is this going to take. >> let's cross. >> oh, my gosh. >> now, traffic is not that easy to do. so don't be -- >> you might screw it up a little bit, but don't worry about that. >> is this going to be live? >> we're on the air now.
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>> oh, we're on the air now? >> so common. have you ever been on tv? >> no. >> really? okay. >> you might be a little nervous, because it will be fine. >> okay. >> we'll see how you do. this is like a little quick awed us. >> just bringing somebody in off the street. >> hey, tom, let me in? common in. >> hey look at everybody's picture, there you are. >> that's me right there, ya. >> see alex up there? >> so you watch the snow. >> yes, i do. >> have you always wanted to work here maybe? >> ya, i thought it was pretty cool. >> this way to the studio. okay. so do you know anything about traffic? >> this is cool. >> what you should probably do take the sunglasses off. >> okay. >> and over here is the traffic area. >> high. >> hold this? >> i don't believe you. >> really, someone off the street? >> hey, how are you? >> hello. >> so this is what you do. you stand up here, you can
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either use this monitor there is monitor, then do traffic. >> oh, let me take my stuff off here. >> let me hold. >> this you. >> look very familiar. >> let me give it a shot. >> here we go. >> good morning, everybody. of course obviously started out with some fog this, morning, roads little wet from all of the rain we had yesterday. >> ya, how great was that? i was rolling this morning. of course philadelphia traffic, bob kelly, welcome aboard, joining the good day team. >> you know what i am ' impressed with? besides doing traffic, the father of six kids. >> oh, really? so that's twice yours? >> i know. so good for him and welcome, bob, looking forward to having you. two of ours makes six for bob. >> all right. >> well, a thief could swipe everything they need to steel your identity, just by standing close to you, and without actually lifting your
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cars. take a look, they are becoming electronic pick pockets with a card sold on line, walk near you, hold the rear by your wallet or purse then bamm, the same information embedded on your card like your credit card number annexation date; in the hands after thief. we showed few tourists thousand works. >> i don't understand, why is this by your pocket. >> you son after gun you. did they ever tell you, supposed to be sealed? >> you heard him, he even bought a wallet that's supposed to prevent this exact type of theft. but it didn't work. now, there is a way to protect yourself tonight at 10:00 we'll show you you the one thing you should have in your wallet right now. >> i want to know now, though. >> you have to watch at 10:00. some european countries rejected popular mix i, chemical found in the mix. also found in antifreeze. >> what's interesting, the booze maker's response, our fault, that batch was meant
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for north america. oops. well, we'll explain what they mean about all of. >> this you know what at first look, it looks like a picture perfect wedding, the groom caring his bride into the reception, but things are about to take a sharp turn. why the newlyweds soon had to assure their guests that everybody's okay. >> coming up at 6:00. local police superintendent lets his hair down to celebrate halloween with some kids. we have a message for parent, too, and will want to hear this. >> speaking of halloween, what about the weather will it cooperate for trick-or-treater? and timing big changes for the weekends, some winds, some rain, maybe some wet
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪
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♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ever heard of fireball? it is a cinnamon whiskey. it is under recall in several european countries tonight. norway's sweden and finland say a batch using the north american recipe was shipped to them by mistake and they don't like that it contains ingredients found in antifreeze. well it, does sound dangerous, doesn't it? but the makers of fireball say it is all perfectly safe to drink. they say the questionable ingredients actually enhance the flavor.
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many americans say knowing this won't stop them from drinking it. >> boom berg business week said fireball sames topped $06 million. >> like jamison, and tequila side, petrone tequila. >> look at your health news now, colon cancer the seconds leading cause every cancer deaths in the united stay, but when it is detected early enough 90% of cases can be cured. doctor oz shows us new colon cancer tests, you can take, at home. >> this year diagnosed with colon cancer, regular screenings colonoscopy being, one move most powerful tools we have. one third every all adult who need the necessary tests, skip it. that's why many doctors are excited about new option, test called colo guard.
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the fda approved test is non-invasive, requires no colon cleanse of the all it entails is you setting -- sending a stool test in for lab testing. what makes it different from other at home tests, the first that has been able to detect dna in cancer. so how does this new test back up? one stud at this detected 92% of colorectal cancers. keep in mind, the at home test which requires a doctor's prescription doesn't replace the goal standard colon cancer screening tool, which is the colonoscopy. you still need one if your test results come back positive. that's a good start. well, you can watch doctor oz right here every weekday at 1:00 p.m. on fox 29. so, what harm can a t-shirt do? well, wait until you hear this next story before you answer that question. >> why one school says a shirt meant to promote the football team actually pre most a culture of rape. and then rhode island, how the design methods just surround fussed on a treement one man says he just found a holy image in his yard. >> are you calling me or saying that is the image?
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the eagles have a long list of injuries. so, who is in? who is ou this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. i bet you didn't see this one coming. up your game with a new fritos chili pizza. a large for $12 dollars.
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add a mega chocolate chip cookie for just $5 dollars more. better ingredients. better pizza. better football. papa john's.
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now banned from campus, the shirts, look like this, on pirate flag, skull and cross bones it, says we take what we want and underneath in big letters just let it happen. some student say the shirt and the slogan are promoting culture of rape. the president of the football booster club, which sponsored the shirts, say any rape culture connotation is not what was intended.
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>> just let it happen. you know, is that a message that we want to send to high school senior or just high school boys or girls in general, that they can just take what they want without, you know, anyone putting up a fight? >> the football team says the shirts were only meant to empower the team, to take the ball and go for the win. >> rhode island man thinks message from above just arrived via a tree. brian says tree in his yard has image on it resembling jesus, on the cross. take a look. he says he noticed it on the six year anniversary of his father's death. says he and his father often sat in the garden together, right at the spot where he saw the image, and he doesn't think it is a coincidence. >> brings a smile to my face, yes, he's always in my heart. i'll never forget the man. he was very, very special. i'll not here to try to convince anyone. it comes from within. and if someone i find gets a
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lot of joy, brings a lot of happiness to them, why not? >> and that joy is what matters, quick says now a lot of his nab ores are visiting his home to get a glimpse of the tree for themselves. >> so is beyonce's family getting bigger? inside edition deborah norville talked to us about a story she's working on. >> take a look at this adorable little girl. she is four years old, absolutely as cute as abut on, and her mother said she shared something with beyonce knowles, and that is, a daddy. coming up on inside edition, we'll meet this little girl for the first time, her nay is coy, this is her mother who said she had an affair with matthew knowles a few years ago there is little girl was the result. she new matthew knowles was married but she says that she understood that he had had a vasectomy, apparently that wasn't the case. you and i are talking, she is actually in court in texas suing matthew knowles for child support. obviously, big part that far legal case will be the result of paternity test, and we'll have that for you coming up on inside edition. >> of course inside edition airs here on fox 29 right after the news at 6:00.
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okay, it was a rocky start, for one bride and groom at their arizona wedding. >> yes, the unfortunate side has gone viral. >> oh, my goodness, so happy, running, then tripping on his way into the reception. the bright raises her arms, so you know that she's okay. that's one call. in fact, the couple said it wasn't as bad as it looks. they both, do, have a few cut, and man do they have some story to tell the kids. >> so happy. >> laughing, and i mean, that's -- wow. >> what a way to make an entrance. >> you're right about that. we got the cold weather making a entrance. >> temperatures will be dropping, not as much as that, but we are going to have fall chill over the next several days, even some wet snow for a part of the area. but look at temperatures right
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now, only in the upper 50's, folks are out with a few extra layers across the area, the sun will set this evening at 6:01. so stepping out, you might want to grab that fall jacket. 60 degrees, the high temperature for today, the average for this time of year is 62 degrees, but look at the record, we were in the 80s back in 1946, no 80s in that seven day forecast, temperatures dropping into the 40's right now, for the pocono mountains, 57 in millville, 57 in atlantic city, low 50's right now, in lancaster, so, mid 50's by 7:00. low 50's by 9:00 in philadelphia, dropping into the 40's, as we move toward 11:00 tonight. satellite and radar showing quiet, dry conditions, but take a look off to the west. upper level low diving into our area, will bring in colder air, moisture will also help to spin up a noise or test moving into the upcoming weekends. so watching the clock, dry, quiet, for tonight, halloween
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with sunshine, clouds increase during the day, should stay dry. might be late sprinkles specially down the shore, as we watch some of the moisture start to move in. but most of the rain doesn't arrive until after midnight. here's 2:00 a.m., you can see some pocket of showers, across the area, upper low, dives its energy toward the coast, and low pressure into the nor'easter, but you can see saturday we're socked in with the clouds, on and off again showers, even some snow toward sections every west virginia, and north carolina, and the highest elevations, just rain for us during the day, move toward saturday night, sunday morning, take a look at this potent storm, as it intensifies, looking at the winds, coming in out of the north and east, most of the rain starts to pull away, sunday morning, but it is going to be gusty. take a look at the european model, paying that picture, for accumulating snowfall into west virginia, sections of virginia, mountains of north carolina, so no accumulating snowfall for us, however, on the tail end of that system we
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could see few wet flakes, primarily, in the pocono mountains. so for us, the bottom line, cloudy, falling temperatures on saturday, those showers arriving, saturday night, showers continue winds pick up, looking at winds gusting over 30 miles per hour, once again, perhaps wet snowflake in the pocono mountains. moving into your sunday, the storm pumps away, but stays pretty windy. chilly for tonight. temperatures into the 30's, for the suburbs, low four's, in the city, and tomorrow, similar to today, mixture every sunday and clouds, it will stay dry and cool, 58 degrees, will be the high temperature. what about that trick-or-treating forecast? if you are stepping outdoors, bundle the kids up, few extra layers it, will get cool, clouds will be on the increase, there could be some mist move late tomorrow night. seven day forecast, showing you the roller coaster ride with temperatures wet, windy for the temple game. don't forget to fall back during the upcoming weekends, own the 40's for highs sunday,
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start to moderate move toward next week, though, back to the 60s. >> that's a good thing. >> it is a good thing, thank you, scott. >> rain on saturday. >> that's not good thing. >> not until after i take off, please. >> you got a place to go called houston. >> i know, that's not exactly a great city. >> it is a great city. >> it is! >> have you been there lately? >> i've been there, it is too big, too wide, too much of nothing. all right, the eagles, that concludes the football team. the eagles head into this week's houston game with most of the questions, and it is not about the opponent but about where the eagles stand on injuries, now, it is a list of some players back, but some probably out. herremans suffered torn biceps muscle, continued to try and play, full practice today. decision to play will probably be made sometime on friday or over the weekends, he worked with the first unit all day, center jake, also looks like he will play on sunday.
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>> next question, safety nate allen. all remember him getting beat on the touchdown, he did pull a hamstring on that play, and it is not practice all week, but still is not sure about playing on sunday. >> take it day-to-day, man, really what the hamstring is. a day-to-day thing. and i'm talking to the doctor, who knows, just really all based on how i feel, man. >> who did it feel today? >> good, good, better than it did yesterday, and did more than did i yesterday. so these a -- that's a positive. >> each week, team smith plays, want the nfl office to review to get clarification on whether it is a penalty, or why it was or was not a penalty. and each week the nfl responds internally to team so everyone knows what is right and what's wrong. upon further review, there was some plays not called properly on the field according to what i was told last sunday, one
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eagle plane fined. back to arizona now there is goes against the eagles, obviously eagles didn't smith, that on that play, trent cole, it was ruled that it was helmet to helmet, he's fined $22,000. >> one, hit to jeremy maclin. >> this play right here was helmet to helmet, and the nfl agreed with the eagles, that it was a helmet to helmet hit. i have heard no word on whether patrick peterson was fine. another play that was clarified, was the horse collar tackle on riley cooper. now, get this. this was an important play. one official through the flag. and then all the sudden they pick up the flag. well, the league told the eagles that that was a penalty, important, because that was on the final drive and that would have not -- it would have kept the clock stopped told them if they
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would have challenged, they would not have won the challenge. sunday line up looks like. >> this game day live, at 11:00 folds by fox nfl sunday at noon, followed by postgame report, at 4:30, all right it, turned into a great world series, which the san francisco giant won last night it, came down to the final out, but madison bob gardner was incredible. all right, going to kc. this guy obviously the mvp, was three and zero in the series, he pitched 21 innings gave up one run, pitched five innings, two days after he started and went a complete game. the giant win, and madison baumgartner, they say, could be one of the best if not the best ever performance in a world series. there has been some good ones, but that was really good. >> so fun to watch last night. >> and it came down to the last out, man on third. can be any better than that. >> perfect. >> can't be any better than that. >> wrap up your big weekends.
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>> coming up at 6:00 we continue to follow breaking news, kansas emergency crews wait until a build something safe enough to continue to search for survivors after a deadly plane crash. >> and drivers in south jersey town are begging us for help after damaging their cars in a rim rattling pothole. you'll experience it through our exclusive, yes, we have a crater cam, our bruce gordon is getting result, he'll
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>> search for survivors after deadly plane crash in kansas. >> and as i was coming out of
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the post office, i heard allowed crash. >> it didn't sounds like a crash like pots and pans. it was allowed, very loud crash. >> a witness describe wag it sounded like, this is what it look like, huge plumes of smoke, that you could see for miles after a small plane crashed into a wichita airport. tonight at least four people are dead, five are injured, and four more are still missing. good evening, i'm lucy nolan. >> i'm iain page. here's what we know right now, officials say a small plane lost power after take off, earlier today, crashed into building at wichita airport. only the pilot on board the plane. the other victims were in the building. no one has been identified yet. crews were searching the wreckage for survivors, but had to pull back when part of the building collapsed. they plan to resume that search once the build something stable. so far no word on a cause, we will keep you