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tv   FOX 29 News at Five  FOX  October 27, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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the 64 year old had already been suspended a mid revelation that he sent or received hundreds of e-mails with explicit content. good evening, i'm dawn timmeney in tonight fore eighty nine pa page. >> i'm lucy noland. our bruce gordon is live in the newsroom with the latest developments, bruce, this story has a rather bizarre beginning. >> reporter: it sure does. who knew that a massive child sex abuse scandal at penn state university would almost three years later take down a sitting state supreme court justice. yet that is exactly what has now happened. in a brief letter to governor corbett mccaffery said after 20 years as a juris quote i have decided to retire as justice the supreme court of pennsylvania. he calls his service quote a great honor and privilege says his departure is effective immediately and vows quote under no circumstances will he agree to take a senior status position in the pennsylvania judicial system nor will he be a candidate for election or appointment to any pennsylvania judgeship in the future. so how did we get here? well
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the story actually begins in state college november 2011. former penn state assistant football jerry sandusky was arrested and charged with sexually abusing children after a lengthy investigation by then attorney general tom corbett. so lengthy was that probe, candidate for attorney general kathleen cane accused of corbett of stalling the case for political gain. once lecked as ag cane launch heard own probe of corbett's investigation. it failed to prove much of consequence, but did undercover the widespread practice of state officials in the attorney general's office and elsewhere sending pornographic e-mails to others in and out of government. among those snared in that net, supreme court justice shamus mccaffery. >> the search financial controversy -- >> former philly cop and the man who presided over eagles court at the old veterans stadium mccaffery copped to sending and receiving the sexually explicit e-mails that he claimed the messages were private. he accused chief justice ronald
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cass still his long time nemesis of brewing up the controversy. fellow justices voted last tweak suspend him from the bench and sent the matter to the judicial conduct board for its review. mccaffery's retirement makes his suspension moot and ends the board's review. mccaffery has always been a friend of the tv camera but when we visited him at his northeast philadelphia home -- >> justice mccaffery, can we talk to you? >> he saw us threw the front door, turned away and lowered the shades. mccaffery's retirement is part of negotiated deal under which he leaves his post without any finding of wrongdoing and so keeps his pension. governor corbett will name his replacement on the high court. lucy. >> all right, thatching bruce. happening right now, septa workers are talking about when they'll walk off the job. bus drivers and subway operators voted unanimously yesterday to strike. union leaders talked to reporter as short time ago and it looks like commuters are safe for now. fox 29's dave kinchen is live at
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union headquarters in northern liberties much what's the status, dave? >> reporter: well, the largest union representing septa workers spoke out about sunday's vote and they say that they've given the union president the power to call a strike at any time. local 234 president willie brown met with reporters here at the union hall in northern liberties. he said a strike depends on whether they get a deal with septa. by the end of the week. he says, this is important, there will be no work stoppage or service interruption at least through friday while both sides meet. a strike would, of course, cripple buses, subway lines and trollies all through the city and force septa into a backup plan much the union president says, thursday is the earliest day he would consider whether to strike. riders will have 24 hour's notice. biggest sticking point right now it's all about pensions. >> we believe that we have a pension plan that our members put three times as much into the pension as management, management gets three times as
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much out as our members. we can't -- we can't live on that any more. >> reporter: the union president says the current gap between them and septa is about as wide as california and pennsylvania. septa officia officials are resg they say they are pleased the union will give a 24 hour's notice to riders if they decide to strike. however, septa officials say they hope both sides can continue to bargain. the union represent bows 5,000 bus drivers and operators of the subways and trollies. dawn? >> all right. thank you very much, dave. now to the very latest on the ebola situation. the same new york city hospital treating dr. craig spencer who came down with ebola less than week after returning from guinea is now caring for another potential ebola patient. also, the obama administration is questioning new jersey and new york's restrictions on people traveling from the outbreaks epicenter. fox's rick leventhal has the very latest for us. >> reporter: five year old boy
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is the latest new yorker to be tested for the best ebola virus much rushed to bellevue hospital sunday night after developing a fever and other ebola like symptoms. the patient visited guinea one of three african nations hit hard by the outbreak. new york's health department started tracing the child's contacts as a precaution before the test results were even in. >> the child at first did not appear to have any symptoms. the mother has no symptoms whatsoever. >> reporter: meantime the nurse quarantined in new jersey after working with ebola patients in west africa is being released. casey hick cocks loudly objected to the quarantine calling it inhumane. governor chris christie says, the new regulation that is led to her detainment are meant to protect allstate residents. >> i have a much greater bigger responsibility to the people of the public and so i think when she has time to reflect she'll understand that as well. >> reporter: restrictions prompted plenty of criticism. the new guidelines put quote particular pressure on health care workers. wright white house pushing back
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concerned it will discourage volunteers from battling the disease on the front lines. >> even as the army is isolating a team of troops to recently return to their italian base after working in liberia. >> stopping this ebola outbreak in its tracks in west africa is critically important to our national security and to the safety and health of american citizens. >> reporter: the number of ebola cases now passing 10,000 worldwide. at least 5,000 people have died from the disease but so far only one in america. in new york, rick leventhal, fox news. >> happening now, frustrated parents gather for a meeting after their children's high school abruptly shuts down. two weeks ago the walter palmer charter school held a lottery to cut the number of its students. then today the school got out of the business of teaching high schoolers. fox 29's brad satin life in frankford. brad, meeting starts in less than an hour. >> reporter: it could get vocal for sure. we just talked to one parent, a
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mom, who has a daughter in 11th grade here who is absolutely live individual. a loss for words she says. she was told at the beginning of the school year there would be no problems. obviously, a big problem high school students here were not allowed in this morning. we know 285 students now looking for a new place to go to school starting tomorrow. what we know is that the philadelphia school district filed a lawsuit that walter palmer school this charter school was not abiding by its 2,005 charter that limped enrollment to 675 students. there were not 675 students the school had over 1200 students. following a recent state supreme court ruling the state department of education slashing funding. they've been doing it since june to the tune of about $300,000 a month to the school. earlier this month the school held a lottery to eliminate some elementary school kids. 275 elementary school kids were cut. and today, they closed the high school. there's a meeting as we mentioned at 6:00 o'clock to talk to parents about what is next. >> ask them to come in today. parents to come in this evening
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at 6:00 o'clock for us to talk about options. but all the time we're were haven't trying to pull together, christian schools, charter school, cyber schools, christian academies and they worked with us with the elementary school. many of them are come back. we tried to talk to some schools is it possible to keep the cohort of students together. >> i have family that goes to the high school. so i didn't know anything about it. here we go once again. i'm finding out through other sources other than the school. >> reporter: the head of the charter school saying that he has been fighting with the philadelphia school district for years but the big question, the only question that matters to parents tonight is what's going to happen to their kids tomorrow? again the meeting gets star started at 6:00 o'clo. we'll be there at 6:00 an full report tonight at 10:00. lucy. >> talk to you then, brad. no deal for the sale of pennsylvania gas works to a private connecticut company today the philadelphia city council decided not to endorse the sale of pgw to the utility
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company uil holdings and without that approval, the deal cannot move forward. the sale would have been worth close to $2 billion. mayor michael nutter says it would inject much needed cash into the city's pension fund. critics say private ownership would subject pgw customers to unfair rate hikes. city council president darrell clark today tweeted the out risks out weigh the benefits. young mother under arrest for the unthinkable. police say she through her one month old baby into the ocean in atlantic city. witnesses telling fox 29 last night that they saw 23 year old patricia cher rig walk into the water with the baby near pacific avenue. they jumped into the water and pulled both of them to shore. the baby is being treated at a hospital. the mother is behind bars on $100,000 bail. >> two, 13 year old boys accused of of forcing an 11 year old girl to make a sex video are now expelled from school. philadelphia school district kicked out the boys today. and prosecutors have charged
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them with sex offenses. until today the boys were students at tillman middle school. police say they forced the girl to make the sex tape behind the school earlier this month. the school's principal contacted investigators after seeing that individual online. police say they're looking for another 13 year old boy connected to what happened. a united methodist pastor who was discipline after he efficiented at his son's wedding, his gay son's wedding will be allowed to remain an ordained minister. the church judicial council reel ruling this morning a pennsylvania church jury was wrong to defrock frank schaeffer last year after he refused to stop performing gay marriages. the council ruling on technical grounds and did not express an opinion about gay marriage all the united methodist church welcomed gay and lesbian membe members. the church officially rejects sex outside of heterosexual marriage. >> it's supposed to be a fun and happy and care free celebration and one local town was anything but.
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>> that's for sure. what sparked a brawl at a baby shower that landed several people in handcuffs? >> also also guns and drugs all part of a big bust in one local community. talk about a special delivery. how police say the criminals were moving the stuff around. and later, change of conscious for a robber in california. after stealing cash from a gas station police say he braugh it back. his explanation. howard. >> football monday after a brutal eagles loss yesterday. mistakes the ultimate killer today. chip kelly asked to evaluate his quarterback. also, time to rehash. that's coming up in sports. >> coming up in weather, a beautiful start to the work week, but get ready for roller coaster temperatures. why you might need to have several pairs of clothes this week as far as the wardrobe goes. details on those temperature changes next.
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>> big drug bust along tens of thousands of dollars worth of drugs. police say they seized almost $100,000 worth of cash and well weapons. they've got one suspect and detectives say he was apparently using the u.s. mail to deliver those drug. fox 29's dave schratwieser life at postal headquarters in southwest philadelphia. dave? >> reporter: lucy, thousands of packages get shipped through the postal service every day through giant facilities like this one here in southwest philadelphia upper darby police say some of the packages that get through contain drugs. some of those ended up in an upper darby's man's hands.
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he's charged as a big-time drug dealer tonight being held on $100,000 bail. >> it's a shock. >> reporter: halloween decorations are everywhere in the 2200 block of windsor avenue in drexel hill. it wasn't trick or treater who's came calling friday morning, it was upper darby police with a search warrant. >> this was a big operation. this was a big operation. >> nice neighbor. you don't really hear things like that. >> reporter: investigators quickly found one of the biggest drug and cash halls in recent township history. $100,000 in cash, all in hundred dollars bills 300 vials loaded with steroids, hundreds of pills and large packets of chris cal methamphetamine. 38 year old paul hadeki was arrested. >> obviously the need for these types of drugs is becoming more and more prominent. >> reporter: the stash was protected by a small arsenal of weapons including an ak47, an ar15, two hasn't guns and plenty of ammo. detectives believe most of the drugs were shipped to his home from florida, california and oregon using the us postal
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service. >> when you look at this, you say, okay, who is watching it. when you look at the volume that's coming in, these items are going to get through. >> i never saw, like, packages left outside. i guess he was home all the time to get. >> reporter: superintendent chitwood says it's too common these days to find drugs being shipped through the post office, air 48 and private delivery firms. police are now tracking those packages and his suppliers. >> one-man operation it seems to me like it's much more broader than that especially with the stuff coming in from different parts of the country. >> reporter: now, that stash of drugs was worth about 50 grand. tonight, again, he's behind bars on $100,000 bail. coming up at 6:00 where this investigation could lead next. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, dave. halloween decorations stolen right from the front steps of a south philadelphia home and tonight police are asking if you know who the woman is in this video. the 1100 block of fitzgerald
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street. you see her walking away there. it happened before 3:30 a.m. last thursday. if you know something that might help catch this person call philadelphia police. all out brawl break out of pretty unlikely place. a baby shower. it happened at a social hall in lehigh county over the weekend and that's where fox 29's thalia perez is live. thalia, exactly what happened that caused the fists to fly? >> reporter: well, police tell us it started out as a verbal argument. among some of the guests at the baby shower signed the hall you see behind me. and then things took a turn for the worse and they tell us about 25 to 30 people were out here on the street involved in a wild brawl. >> i never been to baby shower, but i usually thought it was tea and crumpets. sitting in the living room. >> reporter: tom saying gary says from his living room witness he witnessed the chaos after a baby shower brawl at the west costville fire company social hall on saturday night. neighbors say, at least 100
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people were at the shower when things poured out into the street and got ugly. >> troopers arrived on scene and found about 25 to 30 people fighting in various groups. >> reporter: police say they were called around 11:00 p.m. to break up the fight. outside 958 brook side road. >> apparently there were harsh words he can changed inside the venue. people trying to either break it up or defend one another. got a little out of hand and got into a physical altercation. >> reporter: in the end two women and a man were issued citations for assaulting two women. kay is business owner on brook side road. >> i can't imagine women getting into a fight about anything at a baby shower. >> reporter: reminiscing of the fun times at her daughter-in-law's baby shower a year ago, she says, she hopes whatever the baby shower brawl was about the women work it out. >> you know, girlfriends and everybody getting together acting silly and putting on the hat with all the streamers from the gifts and all of that, not an out and out brawl of women no less, you know.
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>> reporter: so, again, in the end, three citations were issued and police say they're investigation into exactly what happened is on going. reporting live from lower macungie, thalia perez, fox 29 news. >> all right, thalia, thank you. camden county taking a big step to fight ill rays see. official unveiling a program that offers free adult reading classes they'll be held at the perez branch of the county library system in downtown camden. county officials say more than 40% of camden city residents are living in poverty which they attribute to ling of education. >> we recognize all of us who have been steak holders in the city of camden. very large population of individual who's have a low reading skill level or no level at all. >> 32 million adults in the united states cannot read. county officials say it is crucial that anyone who wants to learn how to read be given the opportunity and helped to so. >> fall warmup in your fox 29
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weather authority. after a bit of a brisk start things are feeling mighty nice out. thatching chief meteorologist scott williams. well you're welcome lucy. i do what i can. i'm just bringing you the weather and it was fantastic today. beautiful right now. look at this. 66 degrees. humidity is low at 32%. and the sun will set this evening at five minutes after 6:00. temperatures still pretty comfortable. we have 68 degrees right now in wilmington. mid 60s in dover as well as atlantic city. so no problems if you're stepping outdoors. just grab a light jacket. temperatures will be dropping into the mid 50s by 11:00 but not as chilly overnight as tonight. watch future temperature after 11:00 o'clock. as we move toward your tuesday, we're talking about a rapid warmup. look at this. by 1:00 o'clock, mid 70s across the area. but don't get too used to this. we're timing a winter like preview with the seven day all coming up. lucy and dawn, back to you. >> thank you, scott. angry animal activists outside sea world after
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something is found on whales and dolphins there. what they're calling animal abuse. >> and later, pot candy looks just like the regular stuff and that fear is haunting some parents this halloween. they're afraid it will end up in their children's treat bags. the plan to fight the hidden danger. >> was this horse thirsty or did it want to go for a swim. >> either way it ended up in this swimming pool. it's safely back on land tonig tonight. the sometimes comical operation to save this big guy.
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>> imagine molten lava moving toward your home. it's happening right now in hawaii's big island. look at that. lava stream is picking up speed. so authorities are telling residents to pack up and get ready to evacuate. the red cross you know it is busy opening shelters in the area. the lava began oozing from the very active volcano in late june. >> friday' hooting at the high school in washington state claimed another life. 14 year old gia soriano passed away last night. the shooting spree in the school staff kyria has now left three students dead including the
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shooter. her family released a statement through the hospital. >> we are devastated by this senseless tragedy. gia is our beautiful daughter and words cannot express how much we will miss. we've made the decision to donate gia's organs so that others may benefit. our daughter was loving and kind and this gift honors her life. >> investigators are still looking into an exact motive behind the shooting. south african prosecutors are appealing the verdict against olympic track star ice car pistorius asking a higher court to convict him of murdering his girlfriend receive is it a steenkamp much last week a judge only found pistorius guilty of culpable homicide. the equivalent of manslaughter here. and gave him five year prison sentence. in reality pistorius could be out of prison in 10 months. prosecutors say they will argue the judge miss interpreted the law. pistorius says he shot recent steenkamp accidentally.
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demonstrations are held outside san diego sea world as protest protesters level claims of animal abuse. last week, peta filed news charges again the theme park after veterinarian found scars and lesions on whales and dolphins. activists say sea world has not addressed them personally but the group has no plans to stop speaking out. >> these protests are making an impact. we're here to let sea world and the public know they are never going away. sea world trainers say they're passion about the health and well-being of their animals much the park is accredited every five years by organizations which oversee theme parks. >> ladies, this probably does that come as a surprise to you bit urns men are more vein than us. a lot more vein. >> uh-huh, yeah. how much more tumshie they spend trying to look good. we'll have to ask scott williams what he does and how they do it still ahead. plus a change of conscience for a robber in california after
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stealing cash from gas station, police say he brought it back. we've got his explanation. but first two weeks from veterans day the local memorial honoring our
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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>> a live look right now at bush kill falls from our pocono mountains camera. looks pretty up there. the day did get off to a cold start. but the warmup we've been promising is finally here. then we'll see some rain. chief meteorologist scott
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williams will tell was to expect and when coming up in your fox 29 weather authority. >> the president of the central bucks school board is now speaking out about the hazing scandal that is rocking the school district. the football season was canceled and coaches suspended last week. older players are a cued of inappropriately touching even attempting to water board rookies. the school board president says he supports the decision to end the season quoting here, all involved at the district appreciate the gravity of the decision and firmly believe that the actions taken regarding the team and the coaching staff was more than justified based on the violations of the code of conduct and discipline. robbers striking against in bristol over the weekend. sixth attempted robbery this month. two men robbed a woman an man outside their home on other street and forced the man to go inside to get a safe. the five other robberies all happening within three blocks of each other. the most recent of those happened eight days ago on plum street alley nears have street.
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police say two men held a gun to a woman and demanded money and her cell phone. police have arrested one person so far and they say they are following up on leads on several other suspects. they say someone could be charged in multiple robberies. >> a science project by a group of new jersey high school students is out of this world and we do mean that really. the students from ocean city high are in virginia tonight to watch their project launch into outerspace from nasa's wild flight facility. next stop is the international space station. their project examines and you'll have to stay with me the effects of micro gravity on the attachment rate of e. coli bacteria to lettuce leaves. it's a lot. why would you do this? understanding how lack of gravity alters bacteria to shape the way doctors treat people around here, of course, dawn, and help treat astronauts or future manned space flights. how cool is that. very cool. love it. >> veterans day is two weeks away. but never too early to honor the brave servicemen and women who
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fight for our freedom. the delaware county veterans memorial dedicated to those who were dedicated to their country. fox 29's sewer serio has their 74 story. tucked along route 3 in delaware county, pennsylvania. >> words from heroes. >> everyone worked feverish toll safe lice. >> reporter: here the delaware county veterans memorial margaret lawrence remembers. >> no one complained. there was no time to feel tired, even though your feet were hur hurting. >> reporter: she served with the 11th evacuation hospital in core from 1951 to 1952. >> we finish the medical training. >> reporter: a nurse helping others. >> it's a wonderful monument to the soldiers. good history lesson for every young american to come and see. >> i was 17 year old and a
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scared kid in my new army platoon. >> reporter: bob diamond tells his story. >> very short time i got my first taste of war. >> reporter: a time in his life forever in his memory. >> still say it's a forgotten war. i didn't forget. >> reporter: bob served in korea, too. his job clearing land mines making it safe for other. >> our motto was first in and last out f i had to do it all over again i'd do it. i've had blessed live. >> joe dale al young 19 year old marine sergeant in vietnam remembers those left behind. >> they gave all, and it's here for them especially but also for every veteran that ever served in any war. >> reporter: the memorial is place for veterans and their families to reflect. >> great symbol of our country. report roar the names of fallen soldiers, pow's and heroes of the armed forces etched in granite. >> quite a few i did know kids of friends of mine that were killed in vietnam. you know, that kind of stuck in
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your heart when you see something like that. >> reporter: on the nine, 18-foot columns you'll learn about american wars, read quotes, and see through the eyes of veterans. >> you have an obligation not to forget those guys. >> no one complained. >> there are things i will never forget. report roar the memorial will forever tell their stories. >> i'm up there with a lot of heroes of the. >> reporter: threw generations of people. >> i would match this monument with anything you'll see in the country. >> reporter: mark your calendar november 13th just two days after veterans day a gala at the springfield country club where we will award seven freedom medals and most importantly raise money to keep that magnificent memorial going. get all the details at sue serio, fox 29 news. >> police and firefighter hero funds get a boost from peco. firefighters joining forces with peco in west conshohocken. they showed the crowd how they work together to knock down fires electrical and natural gas
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equipment and after that demonstration peco donated $10,000 to help families of fallen or disabled firefighters and police officers. peco says not only does the company give back to the community, but its employees do as well. >> our employees expand on the company's support by putting in their personal time, and last year we donated 12,000 man hours to non-profit organizations. >> the peco fire academy offers training to all fire depths in its service area. you ever have trouble remembering a word. >> yes. >> or someone's name. all the time. >> guess what? a solution could be as close as the candy aisle. >> i like this. how your favorite treat because halloween and all that perfect right now could actually boost your memory and what do you think happened to this horse? thirsty, needed refreshing like a swim or something like that? whatever it was, this horse ended up in the pool but it's
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safely back on land. what had some folks smiling during the rescue ahead. >> and coming up at 6:00 o'clo 6:00 o'clock, this may look like a hot air or weather balloon but pennsylvania state police say it's neither. how they say it's helping in the search for accused cop killer err frein. >> take a look at the temperatures to the south. low 80s in atlanta as well as memphis. this warm air is headed in our direction. but it's not going to stick around long. we're talking about multiple seasons with
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>> robber has a change of conscience in california. over the weekend he walked into a gas station, flashed a gun, demanded money. he got away with cash and two beers. three hours later, though, the same guy walked back to the place with the money trying to return it. and he waited for police to surrender. the robber apologized and said he was trying to turn around his life which is when police arrested him. >> infamous mobster al capone is head to go auction, his home
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that is. capone moved into that house back in 1923 and since then it's been equipped with new jacuzzi windows and kitchen. it can be yours for $225,000. >> might be bad mojo going on there. anyhow, if you're anything like me, trying to jog your memory is a daily occurrence. host, good news for all of us. something sweet might be the answer which is fantastic. scientists from columbia university look at a group of 50 to 69 year olds for three months. gave one group a drink full of antioxidants. the the a lower -- i'm getting hungry looking at the individu individual. looking at memory of both groups those who had the higher amount of anti oxidants had comparable to people in their 30s and fours. cocoa antioxidants are in chocolates. candy giant marches funded the study. scientists say this research not biased at all. there you have it. you have to eat a lot of chocolate. >> i'm okay with that. >> here's a question. who do you suppose is the vainer
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sex, men or women? new study shows it's not the ladies. it's not us. researchers say the modern man is more image obsessed than ever. a new study finding that a man will spend more than four years of his life working on his appearance. six months of that time by the way spent shaving. researchers say, women spend the equivalent of three years working on the way they look. >> shaving thing sometimes, i mean, you got to do it. it takes awhile. you don't want to cut your throat i would imagine. >> anyhow. people all around the country turned on their televisions to hear rather terrifying sound recently but it was no emergen emergency. >> why authorities blame a nationally sinned indicated radio show and parents haunted by a new halloween fear. pot candy in their children's treat battle. how some plan to battle the very real danger. >> always dapper howard eskin. >> i don't agree with that survey. (laughter). >> no, i can explain. we'll be here for two days. eagles trying to recover from a
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brutal loss and jeremy maclin in -- had a great day but fille
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♪ >> breaking news in the washington state school shooting. investigators are now telling us the gunman 15 year old jaelin fry berg invited this victims to lunch on friday via text. five students were all at the lunch table when shots rang out. two girls were killed. three others were injured. he went up taking his own live an investigation continues. >> one, two, three. >> mesa, arizona fire crews rescue a horse that fell into a pool. the animal was in the backyard
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of a home when it somehow wound up in the water. veterinarians used a tranquilizer on the horse so fire crews could get it out of the pool safely straps. it was quite a job. the horse was allowed to rest and was heard snoring before it was eventually returned to its owner. >> save and sound and that's k key. tv viewers get quite the scare in austin, texas. a fake emergency alert ran on at&t on friday morning. programming was being interrupted at the request of the white house. at least one viewer managed to record it. >> it got my attention to say the least. broadcast alert that found that, you know, wake the dead comes on. >> the federal emergency management agency is continuing to investigate and says a nationally sinned indicated radio show somehow played the emergency message and somehow or another it ended up on tvs. >> weird. >> yeah. >> parents you hear the warnings every year. check your children's trick or treat candy before they chow down on it. >> that's right. but this year, with more states
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than ever allowing the sale of certain kinds of marijuana this warning takes on a whole new meaning. here's fox 29's joyce evans. >> reporter: whether it's legal or not where you live, some parents are worried about this pot candy, but how would you know if your little trick or treaters are getting buzzed off something other than sugar? if there's one thing kids love about halloween -- it's the candy. but some are warning there could be new tricks in your kids treats this your. >> they don't look gross. they don't look different. they don't look like they have marijuana in them. roar report in fact, many of the same candies you'd buy at the grocery store just sprayed with hash oil. and there's really no good way to know if it's safe or not. >> we developed this kit. >> reporter: cb scientific developed this thc test kit. >> they can know in 30 seconds whether or not there's thc in there children's candy. >> reporter: all you have to do drop a small piece of candy into the test solution and wait. >> as soon as it turns pink you know there's thc in it report
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roar giving parents the answer they need. >> short of eating it and finding out this is really the only way to know if there's thc in the products. >> reporter: and while many agree adam says he doesn't think parents will even have to go that far to avoid halloween mix ups. >> these suckers are $16 a piece. >> reporter: pretty pricey candy for trick or treaters. own owners not too likely to share their stash. >> i don't see anybody wanting to invest that money into ruining halloween for some kids. >> reporter: now your normal candy inspection rules should be enough to spot a trick over a treat. the packaging on this pot candy is clearly labeled and in child proof containers. too much trouble to repackage it. any loose treats should always be tossed out. joyce evans, fox 29 news. >> always words of wisdom there, of course. book your fox 29 weather authority now. dawn, gorgeous day. kept getting better and better. >> beautiful conditions right now. temperatures above average tod
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today. tomorrow looks good. but the roller coaster ride will continue for the latter part of the week into the upcoming weekend. but look at the conditions right now. mostly sunny. look at the temperature. 66 degrees. that's above average for this time of year. those winds out of the southwest. that will help to warm us up as we move toward your tuesday. and look at that sunset. getting even earlier. tonight it is at 6:05. let's talk about the numbers. mid 40s this morning. a high temperature of 67 degre 67 degrees. the normal this time of year is 63. so well above average. it was 80, however, on today's date back in 1963. some locations believe it or not will come close to 80 degrees tomorrow. but look at the temperatures pretty uniform lower mid 60s. 63 in pottstown. 66 right now in reading. upper 60s still in wilmington. but look at the temperatures off to the south. 83 in atlanta right now. 84 in orlando. 80 in the big easy low 80ing in memphis and this air mass will head in our direct during the day tomorrow.
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watch how future temperatures will play out. you can see not as chilly during the overnight tonight. tomorrow morning not as chilly. and look at temperatures by 1:00 in the afternoon. 79 in lancaster. you had a frost advisory there earlier this morning. 75 by 1:00 in philadelphia. 74 in dover. so tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day with that rapid warmup. but as we move toward the latter part of the week in particular halloween, it's going to start to turn even colder and by the weekend we're talking about a winter like chill. frost advisories likely there could even be some freeze potential across our area. so dry and quite as we look at the satellite and radar now. high pressure is in control. very quiet and dry. this is going to head out to sea overnight. and tomorrow, out ahead of that front those winds will be out of the south and west. here's the front that we'll watch for wednesday. that will perhaps give us a spotty shower but tuesday those temperatures soar into the 70s enjoy it. wednesday as we watch that front
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approach there will be a few pockets of showers not anticipated heavy rainfall with that. and temperatures don't drop that rapidly behind the front on went it's not really until the latter part of the week. the tropic still heating up. tropical storm hannah moving into nicaragua right now max pump sustained winds at 40 miles per hour dumping heavy rain mudslides will be a concern there. so for tonight, not as chilly as it was last night. 47 in the suburbs. low 50s in the city. and then look at this for tuesday. mid 70s in the latter part of october. so well above average for this time of year. but look at the seven day forecast. 69 degrees on wednesday with the spotty shower chance. okay. we can handle that. thursday 60 degrees. not that bad. cloudy and school as we move toward halloween. 58 for the high. but look at the weekend. 46 degrees. that's it for the high temperature on saturday. there could even be a flurry maybe in the pocono mountains.
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>> a flurry -- >> in the pocono mountains saturday. watch for that. 50 on sunday and then monday not as chilly. >> wow! a roller coaster. >> yeah. >> getting the skis ready. >> right. >> got to think ahead. >> getting ready for notify. >> with that i'm on my way to houston on saturday. good luck to all you guys. >> arizona to houston. >> your voice -- my voice should sound like yours right now i was screaming at the tv all day yesterday. >> you're lucky you still have one because some people broke their tv' after yesterday. what a tufa way to go. it was brutal. brutal eagles loss to arizona and eagles in my opinion really are the better team. eagles are five and two so far this year. but i do think the eagles are better than both teams who gave them losses now the other was san francisco. but even with the big arizona plays the eagles lost because of themselves. turnovers are killers. to arizona, that's really what killed them. all right. josh huff trying to get a few extra yards on this littles to pass and fumbles at the 2-yard
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line. so that should have been points for the eagles. three or seven it should have been points. probably seven. nick foles interception, again, in the scoring area, that should have been points. either three or seven. and that is not good. and then there was another turnover here in positive territory. just brutal. all right. players were always tell to you move on to the next week but this one is harder to take. >> disappointing. it's consider disappointing. um, to know that the things that we kind of messed up on are very flexible things. like i said turning the ball over and not converting in the red zone. you can't do all those things and expect to win on the road against a good football team. >> a lot of things happened. but we'll continue to fight --
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hats off to palmer. >> the world nfl changed with the players. this jeremy maclin. now, he wanted a drink, right? not this kind of drink. not this kind of drink. no. but nick foles does make some good passes but nick foles had one of those days and he looks at his day. >> nick is five and two in my opinion. i think you rate your quarterback on terms of how you win them and lose them. we've had a chance to win the game. were didn't execute in those situations. >> you see progression? >> i see big thing. i thought the throw to riley cooper was a huge throw. the foos jeremy maclin on the fake screen coming back the other with to stand there in the rush and stand and throw that football a lot of real positive things from him. so yeah i do see improvement from him. >> when players score they like to celebrate. but sometimes players try to score but they celebrate before
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they score. it cost a player to new york. sammy watkins wide receiver for buffalo. he thinks he's got a touchdown. he's now start to go say, i'm in there. but guess what? you got to get in there. these guys got a grow up and understand score and then do whatever you want. jump in the stands. jump up and down. dance, do whatever. but you got to get in there for touchdown. eagles next week will win. but they can't turn the ball over. haworthia heartbreaker. >> i kept hoping. >> till the very end. >> worse than that. you shouldn't lose games like that. should not. >> howard, all right. >> your voice sounds a little -- take care of yours. >> that desert heat. >> he's working non-stop. all new at 6:00 it's not a hot air balloon or a weather ballo balloon. what pennsylvania state police is a big help in the search for accused cop killer eric frein. >> two year after super storm sandy how people are coping.
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>> right now at 6:00 o'clock a major drug bust worth big-time money, guns, drugs and tens of thousands of dollars in cash all part of the take in the bust that went down in upper darby. the alleged motive -- mode of delivery the us postal service. good evening, i'm dawn timmeney in tonight for iain page. >> i'm luce seal nolan lucy nol. more arrests could be around the corner. here's dave schratwieser. >> that drug stash was worth
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about 50 grand and investigators tell me tonight that the drugs were still packaged inside priority mailboxes shipped by the us postal service when they raid add home in drexel hill. tonight the suspect is facing some very serious charges. on the 2200 block of windsor avenue in drexel hill, halloween decorations are everywhere. but neighbors say it wasn't trick or treaters who game calling here friday. it was upper darby police with a search warrant. >> nice neighbor. you don't really hear things like that. >> obviously he's got a big operation. >> reporter: investigators quickly discovered one of the drug and cash halls in recent township history. $100,000 in $100 bills, 300 bottles of an in poll lick steroids. hundreds of bills in large packets of crystal meth. 38 year old paul hadeki was arrested. >> obviously the need for these types of drugs is becoming more and more prominent. >> reporter: the stash was protected by an a confidential