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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 5a  FOX  October 24, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at developing news this morning a doctor in new york city tested positive for the ebola a virus. in just a couple minutes we will go live to manhattan on
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details on what the doctor did the night before he started showing symptoms. also are your teens in a dangerous relationship? the the surprising statistics out this morning about dating abuse among teens that you need to know. >> it is over we cannot make it over. >> crammer, and jerry seinfeld, back together? you know it has got to be good when these two are together, coming up, in the trend. >> i wish that were a real thing, back on a show. they were good. >> oh, yeah. >> good day it is friday october 24th, 2014. >> you have fix your hair for 5:00 o'clock hour. we are good to go. >> yes. >> sue, your hair always looks good. >> well, thanks to hot rollers and hair spray. >> today with this wind. >> but today, compared to yesterday and day before with all the rain. so, maybe hold on to your hat a little bit because we have gusty breezes around but as you can see here the rain is
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gone. a few clouds lingering as satellite picture there, temperatures, mid 50's for many of us here this morning we never made it out of the mid 50's yesterday but some 40's here and there like millville, atlantic city and up in the mountains these temperatures could be a as much as 4 degrees milder then they were yesterday, depend on where they are. wind are kicking up, up in the mountains, 24 miles an her sustain wind in the poconos, 10 miles an hour out of the northwest here in philadelphia we will keep an eye on those wind all day, 10 miles an hour winds as we said, 56 degrees in the city, 7:21 is our sunrise time. sixty-six is our high later on today. clouds this morning, sunshine, breezy and milder then yesterday, yah. that is your weather authority forecast, seven day coming up at 5:02. time to check traffic. we will check route 202 off ramp to the schuylkill expressway construction has all lanes temporarily block. might want to avoid that or delay your trip, if you can.
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on i-95 southbound between academy road and cottman avenue construction there as well, kerry. >> 5:02. a shooting investigation is underway in easton, pennsylvania. >> police have responded to an area near 13th and garden streets, unclear if anyone was hurt. we will follow this story as its develops. philadelphia man fighting for his life after being shot several times by one of his neighbors last night. twenty-six year-old gunman fired at least 28 shots from an assault rifle on the 8900 block of alden street in the bustleton section. the 56 year-old victim was hit several times in the stomach and arm and taken to the hospital in critical condition. police say two homes were hit several times by bullets but nobody inside was injury. they say these two had an argument. in the clear what it is about. second high school football team this season has come to an abrupt end amid hazing allegations. >> central bucks school district canceled remain two games at central bucks west
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including tonight's home game. >> fox 29's lauren johnson live in doylestown with details. lauren, pretty sad timing with the home coming game. >> reporter: yes, awful timing. you remember being in high school you lived for home coming as a senior, your final hooray in high school. tonight this field here will be empty, stands as well, nobody will be out here for this big game because it has been canceled. it was against rival central bucks east and rest of the season has been canceled as well. this all stems from allegations of hazing that happened during the preseason, claims include water boarding and sexual assault of freshman players. district says it just learned about these alleged incident on october 14th. well, yesterday the superintendent sent out an e-mail blast to parents across the district. we caught up with students who are reacting to the news. >> it is crazy because i feel like they are in my classes and i don't know how to react to that. >> it wasn't all of them just those select few that made a wrong choice but they wanted
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home coming to happen. >> reporter: members of the junior varsity and varsity coaching staff have been suspended until the investigation is complete. police are now investigating whether any criminal activity happen. chris and kerry, sad disappointing news at central bucks east and west high school will not see that home coming game happen. >> too bad. >> all right lauren, thank you. a former philadelphia traffic court judge is charged with bribery for allegedly taking a tiffany bracelet in an undercover sting operation. >> thomassin tynes surround he had yesterday, her arrest comes after philadelphia district attorney seth williams reopened a state house bribery probe, dropped by state attorney general kathleen kane. several philadelphia lawmakers have also been under investigation in the case. williams had criticized kane for dropping this corruption probe. >> this investigation was not dead on arrival. it is definitely not over and it most certainly is moving
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ahead with the full head of steam. >> her attorney says that his client was quote placed in a very bad position by a very slick conn main. philadelphia police investigate two attempted robberies in the heart of the temple university campus. it happened in the 1400 block of diamond street just after 4:00 o'clock yesterday. school says in temple students were involved in this but police are looking for two women who left the scene in a four door white buick sedan with the sun roof, if you know anything you are asked to call philadelphia police. could accused cop killer eric frein have gotten out of the pocono mountains. police trying to figure out if he is in new york state. here's why. there was a a porsche stolen last saturday from the frein search area in the poconos. it was found in new york, small town about 80 miles southwest of albany. at this point police say there is no evidence that frein himself stole a car but they are checking it out. police say frein killed a pennsylvania state trooper and injured another man in an ambush. an around the clock manhunt has been underway ever since.
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>> we're learning her about the man who stormed canada's parliament building. >> police sat suspect michael zehaf bibeau may have been lashing out in frustration over delays in getting a passport. he also had drug problems and talk about going to syria. members of the parliament gave sergeant at arms kevin vickers a standing ovation as he returned to work yesterday. he was a man who put an toned wednesday's gunfire by shooting the gun man. the 58 year-old responded to the ovation with a slight nod and his lips quivered with emotion. he said he was touched by the attention but he has close support of a remarkable security team. new york city police officer being treatedded for a serious head injury after a man with the hatchet attacked him and three other officers. this happened in broad daylight on the streets of queens, new york. investigators trying to figure out man's identity and guy's motive but they say he
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purposely targeted those four officers. horrifying sight, a airplane and helicopter collide midair in the fredrick municipal airport yesterday, three people have died, medics rush two others to the hospital, no word on how badly those people were hurt. investigators are still trying to figure out exactly how that collision happened. trial for aurora theater gunman james holmes may not start in december as scheduled because of the ongoing dispute over his mental evaluations. holmes lawyer say they have in the seen results of his latest exam, that latest exam done by a texas forensic psychiatrist reportedly found that holmes was sane when he killed 12 people and injured dozens of others in 2012. holmes pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. this would be the fifth time that trial has been postpone. and jody areas penalty retrial was halted, for unexplained reasons yesterday. a judge and lawyer for reportedly meeting privately with one of the jurors and
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adjourned court. we know two were dismissed earlier this week but it is unclear if that juror, will remain on the panel. arias was found guilty of first degree murder last year in the death of her boyfriend. jurors have to decide if she will get life in prison or the death penalty. a federal judge dismissed two lawsuits stemming from the government's alleged mistreatment of conservative groups that applied for tax exempt status. judge also ruled that the irs had suspended practice of using watch lists to identify cases, requiring extra scrutiny. removing one of the ground for legal action. federal investigationness to the the irs handling of the applications are now underway. 5:09, only on fox former philadelphia police officer is accused of taking part in the huge identity theft ring. >> fox 29's steve keeley is live for us this morning, and steve, this goes back several years, right. >> reporter: i can new publicly identify this guy, he is 38 year-old ra him
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henderson. he has new been formally charged. you know you are in deep trouble when there are too many charge toes list in the two minute live shot. i can tell you ten different charges, some i have never heard of before like access device fraud but some you know well, criminal conspiracy and tampering with record, theft bee deception, possession of instruments of a crime and forgery just to make five i believe, right there. he has a real nice car collection but it may be a while before he is driving around in any of them and they may be confiscated, repossessed and seized as ill gotten good. porsche, lexus and escalade market outside this home of the former philly cop now 38 who spent the night lock up by current cops, after detective found the cars outside and lots of cash inside, $65,000 among all of the evidence uncover. they already had enough on the 38 year-old former office tore get a judge to sign a search warrant. now they have enough evidence to give prosecutors the okay,
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these charges surrounding a large scale credit card scheme. one other thing detectives easily acquired in this case, chris and kerry a cooperating witness who they had in trouble with because he is a current high ranking police official who the public even knows well, who is well known good name got used almost as getting him bad credit before this bad guy was caught a lot of charges and a lot of bail for this guy to ever get out any time soon. hopefully we may hear from the victim in this case. i won't name him in case he doesn't want to be publicly known but he does stop by and chat with me every time i'm down here. we will see if he wants to talk about what it is like to have your name used to make fake credit cards and someone spending and shopping in your name and almost ruining your good name and getting you some bad credit without you even knowing bit. >> yes especially if you trust them, yeah, or at least did. steve keeley live for us, thanks. 5:11. almost 5:12.
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we have to hurry up and get to sue. >> that is right because this is a forecast you can look forward to rain is gone. sunshine is coming back. breezes will be hanging around. we could have wind gusts up to 25 with you instead of temps in the 50 our high today with sunshine is 66 degrees. that is your weather, lets get right to the roads on i-95 north bound between street road and 413, we have an overturned tractor trailer. two left lanes are block, more on that situation coming up as fox 29 morning news continues.
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one person is dead after a police involved shooting, overnight in easton, pennsylvania. we are looking live at the scene right now. police responded to 13th and spring garden street. at this point we do know shooting happened after a police chase, new development, and no police officers were injured but we will continue to follow this story as it develops and we get more information. also new york city has confirmed its first case ofe bowl. a doctor who recently return from west africa has tested positive for ebola. fox's robert moses is live outside bellevue hospital in manhattan where this doctor is being treated. robert, we understand he turned himself in as a doctor understanding what these symptoms might be. >> reporter: he did, chris and kerry, good morning to you. that is an important point here. he knew exactly what to look
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for and knew when he might be contagious and wasted no time. for weeks here in new york city we have heard about preparation, and planning, and drills. well now this is the the real thing. this doctor is hospitalized here in intensive care in isolation on the east side of manhattan on the seventh floor inside the hospital just behind me. his name three three-year old doctor craig spencer, he is used to treating patients, now he is one himself. he was working with ebola patientness new gunie, serving with the group doctors without borders. he return to the u.s. a week ago today symptom free but on tuesday, according to the health commissioner he started to feel sluggish. it wasn't until yesterday morning that he developed a fever and being a doctor and intimately familiar with the virus he knew something was wrong. he was rush here to bellevue apartment from his apartment in upper manhattan with a police escort. we know that since his return to new york city friday africa he visited the high line a public park the on the west
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side of manhattan. he has taken several subways in the city, he has taken the , a, el train and wednesday night he went bowling with some friend at a place called the gutter. whoever last night both governor and the mayor took great pains to reassure new yorkers that it is highly unlikely that any within here in the the city, will contract the virus, from this doctor. he has had contact with three people, namely, his fiance as well as two friends. all three of them are in quarantine this morning. this doctor works asiana tenning physician at new york city at new york presbyterian columbia university medical center and in a statement that hospital said that since the doctor has been back from africa he has not seen any patients, so we know that no patients here in the city are in danger of contracting the virus, from him. chris and kerry, back to you. >> no doubt they are probably still dicey on than that this
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morning robert. live for news new york city. thank you. time coming up a at 5:18. happening today former philadelphia mob boss joey merlino due back in court for parole violation hearing. prosecutors say more lean hoe had been meeting with fellow mobsters in florida. merlino served time for 2001 racketeering conviction. infant is in foster care after being abandoned at a post office. everyone is wondering what is happening including the baby's father who found out through social media. police say baby was abandoned in the main lobby in the post office in the car seat and next to him a diaper with the name jesse written on it. along with the pacifier and some baby formula. man claiming to be the the baby's father says he recently broke up with the baby's mother and didn't know anything was going on until he watch the news. >> i recognized it was him, himself, i recognized the clothes he haddon because these clothes i bought him. >> boy's father was told to a
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attend a court hearing if he wants to get custody of that little boy his son. >> unbelievable chris, thanks. from violence, to vocal taunts, date ago boost is common a among teens in america. according to a federally funded study, it says a majority of the boys and girls, describe themselves as victims and perpetrators. nearly 20 percent of both boys and girls reported themselves as victims of physical and sexual abuse in their dating relationships. and more than 60 percent reported being psychologically abused or being the the abuser. she's only four months old but this little baby in north carolina is the in the battle of her short life time she was born weighing less than a pound, hardly bigger than a cell phone. her mother says she has battled pneumonia twice and blood infection. she's hoping for a day when add lynn can get home. >> every little step that she makes is a huge accomplishment
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even turning her oxygen down 1 percent i'm blessed, i'll take it. >> she's so tiny. >> look at those little fingers and those little arms. my gosh she's holding on though. doctors say she was within of the smallest babies ever born at the the the medical center. she has been since moved to a children's hospital for treatment. >> look at that picture. >> just priceless. >> we're with you little girl, pulling for you. new study says, pollution could be a factor in autism, breathing toxic air in the first two years have life may be link to that disorder, they say children on the autism spectrum were more likely to have been exposed to higher levels of certain air toxins during their mother a's pregnancy in the first two years of life. study was done on children in southwestern pennsylvania. >> that is interesting, isn't it. she wasn't due for about another week. >> but a kansas city royals fan has given birth after
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going in to labor during game one of the world series, yes, stephanie, henryton's water broke inside the stadium. >> oh, no. >> sue said egh. >> osha violation. >> stephanie and her husband jason scored tickets to the game and ready to cheer on the royals but little allie frances had plans of her own and apparently wanted to see the game for herself. >> she made it to the stadium, got to see some batting practice, got to see them in the field and then my water broke. >> couple watched the game from the hospital delivery room and you can watch the world series tonight, at 8:00 o'clock, right here on fox. >> she didn't get to watch tonight person regardless, what a mess. >> and he got her shirt, all she got was this lousy shirt. >> my water broke at a baseball stadium and all i got was this lousy t-shirt.
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>> but it is royals blue. >> we have a look at the philadelphia international airport, starting to come to life this morning, but over that we will place your weather headlines. for today rain is gone, clouds and breezes will linger for a little while but we will see sunshine today over the the weekend, autumn sunshine both saturday and sunday, breezy and cooler on sunday but only a little bit. it looks like a fabulous weekend. next week even return to the 70's by tuesday and that is your weather authority forecast. we like it too. 522 is the time. we are looking at that here that incident we told but last night, overturn tractor trailer, has the two left lanes, blocked. this is right at street road, so again i-95 northbound at street road, avoid that area, more coming up, kerry. >> sue, thank you. 5:22. history in the making in arizona how a transgendered teen is making waves and creating opportunities for other students in that state and possibly, other students
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across the the country.
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okay. don't forget, everything that happened last week because another solid day after a better than expect earnings day yesterday, dow jones was up 216 points closing at just under 16,700. s and p rose 23 landing at 1950. nasdaq jumps 69 points closing at 4452. facebook, got a new you app out, it is called runes
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which brings together a news feed of photos, videos and words that you see on facebook already used, there is a focus on specific topics chosen by whom ever created it. >> what? >> you don't to have register under your real name, you can use a pseudonym. >> it is just too much. >> sickening. >> 5:26, as a group in charge of high school athletics has opened the door for first transgendered student athlete to play sports. arizona board is allowing transgendered teen to play a winter sport. several athletes had appealed to play in the past but those requests have been denied until now. officials say each situation is handled on a case by case basis. >> the case by case basis offers the opportunities to specifically zero in on a individual, and the impact it may have. >> arizona inter scholastic association's board has not released the name of the student or sport that they
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attend for privacy reasons. so meet mr. biscuit, we are thinking his name should be lucky, because he is just that as he recovers from surgery. he took a ride in the car engine, and that is in the good. the dramatic effort to save him. if a guy hand you a $10,000 ring it is an engagement ring. >> if he says will you marry me. >> one judge said nope it was just a gift, find out why he gets to keep that very expensive ring and how the x is now re
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>> reporter: home coming canceled here at central bucks high school, we will tell you exactly what happened regarding some hazing incidents, chris. >> and then a carjacker dupes a kind stranger, surveillance camera rolling the whole time, how the the carjacker got away witt. we are bringing you live coverage all morning long as a doctor is being treated for ebola in new york city, why officials say there is no need to panic, just yet. hopefully there will never be. >> it is friday, finally friday october 24th, 2014. >> you can tell we are loopy. >> as always. >> some wind blowing, i can see outside our sued joost. >> lauren's hair is being buffeted about. >> buffeted about. >> yes, it is. so colorful with your language. >> indeed i am, yes.
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>> that is only half of it. we have a number that we have select for the day for you. we will go with an eight because of the win. we have gusty breezes lingering, 25 miles an hour some of those win gusts at times but sunshine returns today, so it was a between eight and nine today, we will go with a ten for tomorrow. oh, yeah. here's ultimate doppler radar, nor'easter that moved to the northeast, so for us we have had some clouds lingering for a little while will but it should be a decent day where we have a temperature of 57 degrees right now and that is where we were yesterday for a high temperature. so, things will improve from here. some 40's here and there atlantic city, in ill villain up in the poconos but, most of the temperatures are milder then they were yesterday at this time. wind blowing out of the northwest, 24 miles an hour, sustained, in the poconos, 10 miles an her here in philadelphia, so just depend on where you are but it is kind of breezy. you can see camera moving at
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philly international, 10-mile an hour wind sustained but some gusts that are higher. so 66 degrees today and it will remain breezy, and milder then yesterday, all day licensing, that is your weather at 5:32, it is another look at i-95 north bound at street road, again, overturn tractor trailer right there on that busy part of the i-95, two left lanes are block, avoid that area if you can. also on the pennsylvania turnpike northeast extension southbound past quakertown construction has the left lane, blocked, kerry. >> sue, thank you you. >> 5:32. breaking news out of easton, pennsylvania. one man dead after police involved shooting. we are looking live at the scene. state police say incident because again as a chase in palmer and at some point the driver crashed his vehicle in the pole. police are awaiting an autopsy to determine if the shooting or crash killed that driver. police were not confirm what law enforcement agency was involved in the shooting. >> 5:32. developing this morning in new york city with its first ever
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case of the ebola a virus. >> doctor who recently return from west africa has tested positive for the deadly disease. now officials are rushing to not at risk. public they are doctor craig spencer recently return from the country of guiea where he was treatinge bell a with doctors without borders. the three three-year old is in isolation at a hospital in manhattan, bellevue. his fiance and two friend are also being monitor. health officials say spencer rode the subway, went to the bowling alley and took a cab before he got the sick but they stress is there in reason to panic. he didn't she any symptoms until yesterday when he got a fever. meanwhile cdc sent a ebola response team to new york and president obama pledged his support to help the mayor and governor of new york. second high school football team has been forced to event its season over hazing allegations. >> central bucks school district has canceled remaining two games at central bucks west, including tonight's home coming game, of all games, fox 29's lauren
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johnson is live in doylestown with the details on this, lauren, rough timing for all of the other kids, not involved in this. >> reporter: yeah, you are right, chris. are get excited about home coming. they are pumped up today is a big pep rally, spirit week all week. tonight was a huge game on the field behind me. in one will be out here. stand will be empty. no football players on the field. that is because of the hazing allegations. tonight's game was against long time rival central bucks east but as we said it has been canceled with the rest of the season. this stems from allegations of haze ago this happened during the preseason. claims include water boarding and sexual assault of freshman players. district says it just learned about these incident on october 14th, yesterday the superintendent sent out an e-mail blast to parents across the district. we caught up with students and parents who are reacting to this news. >> everyone here, football is crazy around here, east verse
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west, south verse west, three high schools. central bucks is within of the biggest school districts in pennsylvania. >> this is the last, i'm a senior. this is my biggest gym of the year. it is canceled now. it was home coming game. i will in the make up for that. >> reporter: so members of the junior varsity and varsity coaching staff have been suspended until investigation is complete and right now police are investigate to go see whether any of these accusations are criminal in nature. so again, students pretty disappointed here chris and kerr toy find out home coming will in the happen as they hope it would. >> yes, that stinks. lauren, thank you. egg had harbor police say they have made another arrest for numerous car burglar is in that township last month. this is jordan edwards. he has turn himself in. three other suspects were charged and there is another they are still looking for. egg harbor police say they have seized a large quantity of electronics believed to have been will stolen.
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they want victims to look at photos to see if any of the items belong to them. you can see those pictures by going to our web site at my fox philly to the come. a carjacker praying on the kindness of his victim and whole thing caught on camera. >> victim was at a gas station when his attacker canned for a ride. this happened at the shell gas station in fern rook in the 6200 block of north broad street. now, the the suspect in that flyers jersey was first captured on surveillance camera inside the store. then police say a driver of the corolla a was fueling up when the suspect asked for a ride and got in the the back seat as you can see here. that is when something happened that you cannot see, something took a turn for the worst. >> won inside the vehicle he produces a hand gun and forced the driver and the front passenger out of the vehicle and ultimately taking the car, stealing the car. so just a bad situation in which in the end i can understand the victim here were offering the ride or
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willing to gree to a ride. ing on in which people have to be very cautious about. >> you want to trust people right. >> right. >> that carjacker new remains the loose, take a good look, if you necessity hoe is or looks familiar just call police. so one cat certainly used up at least one of his nine lives, he is recovering from surgery after taking a ride in a car engine. how he is doing and specifically what happened. then a mini seinfeld and crammer reunion but no this isn't a hope that the she will get back together for a reunion episode. jerry has other plans for this meetin
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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this october and it's the black forest ham and cheese.way enjoy lean, sliced ham with a hint of sweetness, for a half a foot of protein-packed bliss. all yours, all month, for only $3. subway. eat fresh.
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all right. 5:40 this morning. wild weather whipping through washington state a rare tornado, that is so unusual in that part of the country and left extensive damage. it touched dunn in long view yesterday afternoon. it tore off roofs and rip down trees and power lines. really unusual, um. crazy weather over there in the west coast. >> they will than hammered with that rainfall which continues to fall today for them. on tuesday, i should say of next week, there will be a couple of bike their will be outside the station for a great cause. >> delaware valley a alliance of bikers aim towards education, that is their name will be outside our station from 7:00 in the morning until 10:00 to collect toys on tuesday for local kids. if you want to help stop by our station at fourth and mark writ here in olde city with an
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unwrapped new toys, only thing they don't want are stuffed animals. everything else will be great. your donations will benefit toys for tots. >> very good. great organization and it is, getting to be that time of the year again. >> well, look at it now kids will get it by christmas, you know, past couple of years donations haven't been what they wanted them to be. so we are glad to get this early start for toys for tots and bikers will be outside. put it on the calendar. it is tuesday we are doing this. 5:45:41 -- 5:41 is the time. we have had 4.19 inches of rain, we should have had 6.19 inches of rain, still a 2-inch deficit. it is in the drought status but we could use more rain. there is rain we got yesterday. just didn't add up to much even though it lasted two days we got half inch over two days in philadelphia new we have lingering clouds, and that is what we have going on. so clouds linger but probably for the rest of the morning and then we will see more
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sunshine as the day goes a along. we should get to a high of 66 degrees today, we never made it out of the 50's yesterday and look by tuesday of next week we're back in the 70's. that is your weather authority forecast. now back to the problem on i-95 northbound at street road, overturn tractor trailer, and two left lanes are blocked, as a result. more on that coming up, chris. >> do you remember the controversy this week over breaking bad dolls at toys-r-us? well, one of the cast members from the hit show aaron paul who played jesse pinkman is still in the controversy backup with his response to the dolls being pulled from the store shelves.
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we have breaking news out of easton, pennsylvania. within man is dead after a police involved shooting. we have a live picture but we will not be seeing that right now apparently we're having difficulties, but state police say incident because again as a chase in palmer and at some point the driver crash his vehicle in the pole. >> right now police are awaiting an autopsy to determine if the shooting or crash killed that male driver. police were not confirm what law enforce . agency was involve in the shooting. we will get much more coming up later on "good day philadelphia". meantime lets go to howard for sports in one minute. good morning i'm howard eskin. eagles played arizona on
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sunday and they may be doing so without linebacker michael kendricks. another limited practice yesterday but did he in the look good, especially at one point stopped, with some of his representatives. i get the the sense he is not ready to play. we will know about darren sproles probably game time sunday. within area is scoring touchdowns, once they get inside the 20-yard line. they have scored only eight touchdowns in 20 times inside the 20. chip kelly doesn't think that will continue. >> we are not getting the ball in the end zone. we have some opened receivers. we have to put the the ball on them. we have a couple drops in the end zone. it wasn't one thing. it is, a a lot of different things. we have to do a better job play calling and putting a job on people and do a better job catching it from a receiver's extant pound. grady sizemore will be back with the one year two million-dollar deal, he hint .333 for the season. that is sports in a minute. i'm howard eskin.
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two dozen current and former nfl players air peering in the new series of public surface nuns. denouncing domestic violence. >> new commercials for no more project, premiered last night during thursday night football. >> no more why doesn't she just wait. >> no more i'm sure they will work it out. no more she's seems fine to me. no more what was she wearing. no more she was drunk. in more he was drunk. in more she was asking for it. no more she never said no. >> no more not enough. >> other videos from the group of been shown on tv during the past four weeks of the nfl games. breaking bad star aaron paul is responding to toys-r-us's decision to remove action figures based on characters on the show and stores and web site. >> you know what the show is about, guy making meth. paul tweeted this quote toys-r-us pulled out breaking bad figures from their shelves
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ape still sell barbies. i wonder what is more damaging ? toys-r-us decided to remove dolls in response to the the on line petition started by a mom in florida last week. >> it is now time for the trend, fun to pre mote upcoming season of the on line series comedianness cars getting coffee jerry seinfeld had a reunion with one of his co-star, crack will is the web site that produces the series n this clip michael richard, aka crammer, plays the president and has unfortunate news for jerry, lets take a look. >> jerry, crackle is dead. >> what. >> we cannot make it work. >> but i thought. >> let me tell will what you we're dealing work it is snap and pop. >> i'm sorry. >> jerry, you have heard of netflix and hulu. >> sure they are very popular. >> but we're in the because we are held down by snap and pop. now either we eliminate them
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or we go down with them. >> i'm very confused. >> what is it you want. >> this is a appearing in the first season of seinfeld's web series which also included cameos from other co stars jason alexander and wayne knight. so, of course, that is a whole spoof of the opening seen of the first godfather move there i. >> make him an offer they can't refuse, why didn't you come to me first. such a great film. jen and quincy will repel from the 31st floor, live on "good day philadelphia", this morning, this is right along ben franklin parkway. it will be phenomenal. we want to know is what on your bucket list. >> was this on their bucket list. >> i don't know, i never talk to them about their bucket list. >> me either. >> we should. >> if you can do one extreme thing what would it be, kerry barrett. >> i have to think on had. >> while you ponder just tweet your response to make sure you use that hash tag fox 29 good
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day, we love to know what is on your bucket list. >> climb mount everest. >> is that on your bucket list. >> you asked if i could do one extreme thing before i creek, i have done bungy jumping sky diving, anyhow, cliff diving. >> fascinating for you at home. >> so we'd like to you meet little guy name mr. biscuits although it could well be lucky, a kitten that definitely used up one of his nine lives after going for a ride of his short life. metropolitan veteran associates in norristown is now treating mr. biscuits, he is asleep. he is on pain medicines. this is what he looked like two taste ago after getting stuck in the car engine in the east falls, so sad. driver had in idea this kitten was just trying to stay warm had crawled into his engine. >> i drove to work and realized something was wrong with the steering, popped the hood and he found the poor cat just looking at him miserable
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and in pain and meowing. it is a sad, a sad situation. >> my good initial. >> it took two hours for animal control to get mr. biscuits out. it will be a couple months before he is ready for adoption but he will find that more and more often as weather gets cold and if you park your car outside, bank on the hood or pop the hood if you have a second before you drive out because animals are looking for a place to stay warm as the nights get colder. it happens all the time. >> i'm always running late, that is the problem. >> yes. >> you just don't think about it when you park your car outside. you have your own things on your mind. this is a morning where you will need need to bring your umbrella you can look forward to sunshine eventually today. included hanging on, perhaps through the morning and breezes are still kicking up to 25 miles an hour at times. 60 degrees by lunchtime with a mix of sun and clouds and a
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milder day then yesterday when we never made it out of the 50's, how about 66 degrees for a high temperature today, sun set at 6:09 on your friday. that is your weather, thinks your traffic and it is a mess on i-95 northbound, at street road, there you can see the the overturn tractor trailer we have been telling you about. and because of that accident two left lanes are blocked. your alternate is route one, another is route 13, you can see there with the traffic camera how bad the backup is, again, this is i-95 northbound at street road with an overturn tractor trailer, the two lanes are block. upper merion south gulf road between madison ford road an overturn vehicle there has a road closed your alternate old gulf road or county line road, kerry. >> all right, 55:00 two. a guy hand you a $10,000 engagement ring. he didn't hand it to this woman, he asked her to marry him, it was definitely a
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proposal but not according to the judge. instead of getting engaged, this with man now engaged in a brutal court battle and she lost. find out why. trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv?
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that ball through the chair. nope. not working. >> just go around. >> yes, come on, a little bit further. >> come on owner, help out. >> there we go. >> so frustrating. >> that is how i feel every day. >> with me. >> pretty much. >> their relationship didn't last, different story but a woman in new york want to keep her engagement ring. >> she said $10,000 ring was hers, given to her as a gift at rockerfeller center. >> it wasn't a gift, it was if you marry me you get the ring. if you say no you give it back. >> if you marry me you get this ring. it is in the like a bait. >> entice. >> anyhow a judge agreed with this woman. forty-eight year-old debbie lopez isn't bound by a law, agreeing it was in fact a gift. lopez ended a relationship with her would i friend joseph
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torres. he is shocked by the ruling saying he proposed with that ring at rockerfeller center in 2010 but she said he told her it was a quote gift for being a great woman and good mother of his child. they have a six year-old son together. >> wakes him up, gets him motivated and he starts to build the muscle. >> abused and abandoned now this pup, is on the mend, the amazing thing did he for the first time while our cameras were rolling.
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emphasize again, ebola is very difficult to contract. >> a confirmed case of ebola in new york city, the doctor who is infect, took the subway, rode cabs, visited a bowling alley. how health officials are trying to stop the fears in the city. it has happened again another high school football team accused of hazing, serious allegations here, including water boarding. what else allegedly happened, to the rookies on that team. only on fox, a former officer on the other side of the law. police say expensive cars were in his driveway, thousands oz have dollars in the car and house, who he is accused of stealing from. a man attacks a group of officers, moments leading up to the a attack caught on camera. wow what police are saying about the possible sign of