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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 5a  FOX  October 15, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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good new york, 5:00 o'clock this morning, breaking overnight, double shooting in the olney section of philadelphia, what police know so far, and how the victims are doing. thankfully an amber alert called off and canceled after little girl in trenton was found safe and sound. but now, a whole lot of questions about exactly what prompted that alert. and sue serio, tracking a storm, and a number today. >> that's right. it was tough to come up with a number, because there will be so many weather changes today. but still warm out there. we will tell when you the storm hits, and just how much rain we will get today coming up.
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they're little love birds. they always enjoy holding hands. >> oh, they're not talking about kerrey barrett and chris murphy. you think they've been together their whole lives. you won't believe when and how this couple got married. their adorable story coming up in the trends. >> people that have been together their whole lives generally aren't that love i dovey. the heart's truth. >> how long have you been married? >> our anniversary monday actually. >> how many years? >> twelve. >> we just celebrated 15. sue, yours is what 20 new years me? >> we got married new years eve. >> wow. >> 1994. >> so this is 20 coming up. >> that's right. and we're still talking. >> and rocking. >> most of the time. let's get a look at our weather this morning. we actually still casino of like each other. it is pretty amazing. so it is a six today out every ten. still warm today. but severe thunderstorms on the docket for later on, so there is the cold front that will be headed through in the overnight hours. but ahead of it, there are a
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few showers, there are a lot of clouds, we probably will see some sunshine to start the day. and then the clouds will roll in, temperatures are already pretty warm, especially, for the middle of october, 70 degrees in philadelphia, 66 in the mountains, 71 in lancaster, and seven open degrees in wilmington, 68 in dover, to start your day, so with temperatures starting off this warm, even warmer than yesterday, and yesterday pretty comfortable, there will be high temperatures reaching 80 degrees, in some places, now, it is kind of breezy out there, that, also very comfortable, really, southeasterly winds, 6 miles per hour in philadelphia, as much as 14 miles an hour in lancaster, so with taste of summer yesterday with high of 79 degrees, so we won't see as much sunshine today, but we still think it will make it to 80, before the showers and the thunderstorms roll in. that's your weather authority forecast, 5:02, your time, on wednesday morning. new castle county delaware, route 13, north, dupont
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highway, southbound, from rogers road to memorial drive. we have construction there had a has the right lane blocked. on the pennsylvania turnpike northeast extension, northbound, lehigh valley construction with the right lane block there, kerry? >> sue, thanks. 5:03, breaking news this morning, gunshots ringing out in the olney section of philadelphia, police called to the 200 block of well inches avenue, just before 1:00. police say at least 20 shots were fired, in this residential neighborhood, two men were injured, one in the hip, the other has cents a graze wounds, they're in stable condition. three homes were hit by bullets, as well, but nobody inside was hurt. >> witnesses cents tell police an argument led up to the shooting but the two shooters took off. and a man fighting for his life this morning after being thrown 15 feet from his vehicle on roosevelt boulevard in northeast philly. police tell us the victim was ejected from the car after it crashed into a tree, and flipped over on to the roof. no word yet on what caused that driver to lose control. and, an amber alert for
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young girl in trenton is canceled, after that child was found safe. >> thank goodness, right? but police say five year old janiea davis found in a home late last night. the child's mother had called police, reported her car had been stolen, with her daughter inside that car. soap, it is not clear the girl was found in the home or house at that point or if the car was actually stolen, so a loft questions about this. and detective, you know, in the county, the state police, working on it, we're happy that the child was found safe, found asleep. right now we got to sort this, sort this mess out. all right. so, this could be a real mess for the mom. because police say they're now investigating possibility that that mother filed a false police report. 5:04. happening today, in delaware county, a school safety summit will include health issues about concerns over the enterovirus and ebola. county council members and medical officials are meeting in drexel hill over the past
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16 years, this sum sit typically focused on issues like school violence. now, outside of school, local municipalities setting up response team to combat infectious diseases. >> delaware county task force metaphor the first time, made up of 29 officials that include health workers, police, and the fire department. the group wants to be prepared if a patient with ebola were to show up in our region. officials say this is an evolving process, but right now, 911 dispatch remembers screening all emergency medical calls and ambulance personnel is being trained to ask certain questions to help identify patients who might be at risk for the virus. 4:00 -- 5:05. man convicted every killing a baby and her grandmother will get the death penalty. >> he has been sentence today death for killing this ten month olds child and 61 year old grandmother in a botched kidnapping back in 2012. according to investigators, he wanted money to pay off
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gambling debts. the victim's family had been in court for most of the trial, but they weren't therefore the sentencing. his official sentence will happen in 45 days. former philadelphia eagle irving fryar has rejected a plea deal and will go to trial. the mt. holly native is charged in a mortgage fraud scheme with his mother. if friar took the deal, woe have faced up to five years in prison, his mother three. co-get double that, though, if convict in the court. >> the city of camden once again has a grocery store. a new price right opens today. >> fox 29's jennifer joyce live in camden this morning with preview, this is a big deal, it has been, what, i think close to 40 years, since they've had a new grocery store. >> yes, jen, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, it is a big deal, kerrey, chris. this store, means new life for the city of camden, this facility behind me, right right, owned by the family market, owners of several shoprite stores, bringing with it 100 new jobs, and this is just the beginning. the family work to go open a shop rite store on admiral
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wilson boulevard, as well. the ralph its family says the price right is of a new supermarket model for them to deliver high quality at low prices one way by pre-packing meats and seafood, once again, the owners think it is as pretty good thing for this community, as well. >> we have hired approximately 100 people, worked with the mayor's offers and with the county work force investment board. about 70% of the employees, a little higher, are local hires from the city of camden it, has been awesome watching, and making this a career for themselves. >> new jobs, and people getting jobs and helping them make things bet r for the people. i think everyone should come in this store, and they'll enjoy it, the prices, the cleaniness, convenience. >> reporter: pathmark sat in
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this spot for decades but closed its doors in 2013. now 43,000 square foot store with fully stocked aisles has moved in. this store officially opens at 8:00 a.m. the grand opening at 9:00 a.m. we will be taking you inside. chris, kerrey? >> shot in the arm for the camden county community, great news, thanks so much. 5:08. also happening today, first lady michelle obama will hit the campaign trail today in philadelphia. yes, the first lady will stomp for pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate, democrats, tom wolf, she'll speak at an event this morning at the dorothy emanuel recreation center, wolf faces off against governor tom corbett the incumbent in the november 4th election. 5:08 right now. she crash off of a mountain road, and stuck over an embankment all night long. thank goodness her family zeroed in on her mobile phone signal, track her down with gps. chopper swooped in to rescue
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her yesterday afternoon, this afternoon, recovering, should be just fine, we promised you last hour that we would tell you where that story took place. and apparently we have an update for you. >> we'll get to it. us coast guard there is happened, kerrey, in the us. >> thank you for that. >> yes. >> 5:09. homeless man under arrest accused of stab too long park rangers in boston. it happened on boston come on, of course the nation's oldest public park. cops say the 34 year old hutchinson attacked the rangers. forty-six year old rangers in a hospital with life threatening injuries, 23 year old range is her stable, cops say the homeless man has cents a violent history, he's now facing attempted murder charge. >> 5:09 the time. the obama administration teaming one major corporations, such as apple, wal-mart, and boeing, to get long-term unemployed americans back into the work force. the administration announcing $107 million in grants, divided among 23 work project across the country, ceo's from big name companies such as apple and wal-mart among the more than 300 other companies
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who now agree to step up efforts to target and prepare those workers for positions cents in their businesses. >> speaker has cents canceled speech at utah state university after learning the school would allow people to carry firearms despite anonymous threat made against her. anita was scheduled to give presentation on the portrayal of women in video games tonight, but someone vowed to carry out a mass shooting at that event. university officials say they contacted the fbi and determined it was safe to continue with that event, but, she fears the school's gun policy could put her in danger. there is cents a new park for women in the workplace, facebook, and apple, now offering to pay for women to breeze their eggs. >> the new benefits packages allow women to put off having kids and focus on their carreers. both tech giants will give up to $20,000 now for employees to cover the cost of the expensive procedure.
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on average, egg freeze cost as much as $10,000, plus several hundred dollars a year for storage. >> interesting. companies offer that medical perk. >> you know, some employees actually look for companies that will cover the cost of fertility treatments because it is so expensive, and companies usually don't cover that stuff. >> yes, $20,000 is interesting here, because if it is 10,000 per procedure, a lot of times the first one doesn't work. >> of corpse, and have to do it several times. >> hi, sue serio. >> hey, nice warm morning out there, isn't it? we walked out and didn't even need a jacket. but, you will probably need an umbrella before the day is through, check out this planner, there will be some sunshine around, throughout the morning drive. but, very little, it is also very mild. most of our temperatures are already in the 70s, that's very summary. so, it won't take much to reach 80 degrees today for some of us, and then, after those showers, and thunderstorms hit this afternoon, breezes pick up, we
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get some lightning, thunder, some possible heavy downpours, and that is a cold front coming, so we will have chillier temperatures when we bring you the seven day forecast. that's your weather authority forecast, it is traffic time. so we start off in oxford, pa, old limestone road, street road, there is an accident there. all lanes are blocked. kerry? >> sue, thanks, 5:12, an unbelievable surprise. a woman goes to the doctor for stomach pain, she comes out with those two. can you imagine? can you imagine? why the couple says not knowing was cents a blessing in disguise. this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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good morning, 5:15. this ebola outbreak continuing to grow, breaking news right now, a second healthcare worker at the texas hospital where a man died from ebola has now tested positive for that virus. sabina following this breaking development, and will have a live update coming up in about 15 minutes at 5:30. startling admission from the top disease fighting agency in the country. the cdc says that it could have done more to prevent the spread of ebola in the united states. agency acknowledge ago american nurse, might not have been infectedded when ebola if a special response team had been sent to dallas immediately, that is after the liberian man there was diagnosed with the virus. he of course ended up passing away. just yesterday, doctors without borders announced 16 of its staff members had been
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infected with the w ' bowl, a nine have died. >> nurse infected with ebola said she doing well. the hospital released a statement on her behalf yesterday, 26 year old nina pham contracted it from thomas eric duncan before he died last week, as many as 70 people cared for him before he died. in the meantime, pham's dog, yes, just one year old cavalier king charles spaniel, named bently; doing well. remember we told but this yesterday? dallas health officials are monitoring that dog at a decommissioned naval air base. >> a lot more on that story developing this morning. 5:16. isis gaining additional ground in iraq. militants continuing to advance on baghdad, inning closer to the capitol. in syria, isis is threatening to take the town of kabani sits on the border of turkey. us and its allies continue their air assault on isis, turkey now taken decisive military action itself, but not against isis.
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turkey is launching air strikes against the kurds on the ground fighting islamic state. turkey provoking nato and its allies, saying it will not join in the fight against isis, unless the united states-led coalition also targets syrian president's regime, as well. gunman opens fire in saudi arabia shooting two americans, killing one of them. saudi officials say the attack carried out by the victim's former colleague at us defense company. that company sports saudi national guard military programs. the two were attacked at a gas station, police have arrested one suspect, a man, with citizenships in both saudi and america. >> 5:17 the time. violent police crashes are sparking anger in hong kong. police are accused of kicking and hand cuffing a protester. officers armed with riot shields and pepper spray knocked activists cents cents to the ground and dragged dozens away. the student led protests also now in their third week. they're occupying key roads and streets in hong kong's
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business district. activist also demanding a more democratic government. new charges this morning against libyan millitant accused of participating in attacks if benghazi, justice department has added multiple charges of murder against katala. captured in june by us special forces and now awaiting trial. federal prosecutors say he was cents a airing leader in the attacks that killed ambassador chris stevens, three other americans, in 2012. sensitive subject, team kids about the birds and the bees. >> so in mercer county some parents are sounding off about new sex initiative that they say just goes way too far, called teen pep. and it is part of a robinsville high school new curriculum, allows high school seniors thereto lecture freshmen on sex. they talk about the body, wait to go have sex, preventing std's. according to the district website, seniors read six workshops. but critic rip the program at meeting last night saying it just tells these kids too
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much. >> don't like it because it is sexually explicit. there is just a lot of inapropriate lessons about condom use, et cetera, and we're hoping that people start thinking more about this. >> i think they should teach. it helps the parent get it across. >> so parents will have a chance to sound off with the board of education later this month. okay, this is the bizarre story of the day. 5:20 right now. so woman walks into a clinic. she says my stomach hurts a little bit. she walks out with two babies. >> how does she not know? >> two babies, she was pregnant, she didn't know about it, a wild surprise for this iowa couple. they had no idea that they were expecting. last week, sell shellmi gave birth to twin girls, no idea she was even pregnant. these twins are monoamine the i can, very rare, spared one
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placenta, one amniotic sack, significant risk of death for one or both of them during the pregnancy. >> still trying to process, crazy, how high risk the mono-mono twins can be, how good they're doing now. just really a blessing. >> i mean, she is so lucky, so lucky that they're doing well. the girls are spending the next couple of weeks in the nicu. doctors say they'll be just fine. >> i don't get it. >> i don't get it either. >> you've had two kids, kerry? >> can't possibly imagine not knowing, one, let alone two? >> unbelievable. >> when you're in trouble, who do you call? how about a small army of small superheros? these kids came to the preschool costumes and all at goddard school to help out former teacher, nicole shell. and her husband, who is 19 month old son died sunday of liver cancer. parents paid for the right to send their kids to school in costume in the form of donations for their former
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teacher. friend decided to help pay for medical and funeral costs cents while paying tribute to the little boy nicknamed super baby. >> anything that we can do to help her, the last thing she needs to worry about is money, you know, after lose ago son. >> you bet. superhero day raised a couple a thousand dollars for the family. >> that's awesome. 5:21 right now, time for sue. okay, so i said the weather wasn't going to be hot today. it will be casino of warm. but won't be good. >> but you meant it in the hey this isn't so hot thunderstorms in the forecast, yes. so 78, 79 degrees, by the ends of the day today. but i think we will reach the high early. because the thunderstorms will roll in in the afternoon. can't rule out shower before that. rain tapers off by midday on thursday. high of 72. a lovely day, we will gave you a ten on friday. and then, it cools off even moreover the weekend, so much so, that by sunday, we're talking high of 56 degrees, then it stays in the 50's for
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monday, tuesday of next week. so we will get back to sweater weather. today more umbrella weather than anything else. 5:22, is the time. i know, that's the news. now, we go back to oxford, pennsylvania. right there, on old limestone road, and street road, we have an accident, and the road is blocked right there. a pole is down. wires are down, as well. peco on the scene, getting it cleaned up. the alternate down there in oxford is home ville road. that's in chester county, of corpse, kerry? >> sue, thank you, 5:22, just a man and a woman, happily married. but this story is so much more than that. how these two love birds got together. it is coming up in the trend.
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>> dow lost about six points, dropping down to 16,300. the sa opinion time h.u.p. index actually roast three points to 1877. and the nasdaq gained 14 points to end at 4200. so, apparently flight attendants aren't very partial to your tablet. during take off and landing. so they're suing.
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the country's largest flight attendants union claims that tablets and smart phones distract passengers from watching their emergency instructions, that is true, and it adds that the gadgets can become projectiles during turbulence, so it is suing the faa, administration recently relaxed rules for using electronics during take off and landing, union would like those restrictions brought back. >> get ready to rate your veg ills. at whole foods they're going to roll out new system that ranks the fruits and vegtables they sell as good, better and best, based on the suppliers farming practices cents. and the chain says, it is responsibly grown labeling system for produce and flowers, will prohibit the use of some common pesticides, we should know this cyst of standards by whole foods, not government designation here, just whole foods doing it on their own. >> okay, yes, we know we haven't gotten to halloween yet. retail remembers thinking of thanksgiving. >> so macy's, they have their
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"black friday" plans all set, already, okay, what's today's date, the 15th of october? the retailers opening at 6:00 on thanksgiving evening, that's two hours earlier than last year, macy's is the first major retail torre nouns store hours for the "black friday" weekend. most of the stores will stay open until 10:00 p.m. on "black friday". >> sometimes even later than that. i thought christmas stuff the other day in the stores. >> just christmas music, too? >> true. >> so what if you could gamble on your candy crush skills snitch ' never played it, but maybe there is a money making possibility therefore you? it there is a statement in the delaware valley that's considering doing just that, we'll explain how it works. how other popular games they're looking at, too. >> shia labeouf, actor breaking his silence, revealing just what happened during the night he was cents arrested during cabaret show. he explains how he ends the up at that show already drunk, and then in handicuffs. >> he probably had been
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and then in handicuffs. >> he probably had been drinking.
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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at breaking news, just in to our news room. a second healthcare work nerve dallas tests positive for ebola. what local officials are doing to protect our schools. chris? >> sack even, a other breaking news for you there is time double shooting out of the olney section of philadelphia. how the victims are doing right now. and dallas cowboy arrested for shoplifting. what the football player took from a mall.
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we'll tell you exactly what police say he was cents caught trying to steel. >> of course he was a dallas cowboy. >> wednesday, october 15th, 2014. >> indeed it is, it is 5:31, traffic and weather together. >> be bold and daring today andres bus stop budd nay hawaiian shirt, because it will be so warm today. feels like summer. my daughter's school spirit week this week, you know how they usually have a theme day. temperatures 50's, 60s, 70s, you will need your umbrella at some point. number of the day, is a six, because of the storminess on the way. but still have those warm temperatures out there, there is the cold front, poised to enter our area, but there are some light showers ahead of it, few around in lancaster county, a few around state capitol of harrisburg, temperatures mild, 07 degrees
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in philadelphia, allentown, pottstown, 71 lancaster, 70 in wilmington, wildwood. won't take much to get us to 08 degrees. 79 degrees was high temperature yesterday. we will be right around there again today, with mostly cloudy skies, little bit of sunshine this morning, for some of us, but those late day showers and thunderstorms will be on the alert for that. that's your weather authority forecast, 5:32 is the time. and that's time for traffic. so, we start off in new jersey this morning. and we go to route 55, northbound, north vie lands to little mill road, construction that part of 55, old limestone road, street road, accident there, that has all lanes blocked. pole down. wires down. peco is on the scene.
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if your alternate is home ville road this morning. kerry? >> sue, thanks. 4:32, breaking news this morning, detectives health department says its second healthcare worker has tested positive for ebola. >> this is of course a mid the ebola crisis, local municipalities stepping up efforts to prevent the disease from spreading right here in our region, fox 29's sabina live in drexel hill where a summit will be held to address this, sabina? >> reporter: that's right, chris. now, it is important to note, the healthcare worker in dallas now diagnosed with ebola appears to have caught it from thomas eric duncan, ebola patients who died last week, same way 26 year old nina pham the nurse diagnosed over the weekends caught this virus, as well. this of course again raising so many which is about whether hospitals are ready to deal with an ebola outbreak despite cdc assurance that is their protocols do work. so, if hospitals are scrambling as one healthcare worker group puts it, what chance do schools stand? that's where delco's safe
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schools summit steps in this morning, want to know what to do if-ee virus d68 cases if think appear young young students. remember preschooler died from that respiratory illness last month in hamilton township. we've seen how important emergency preparedness is for hospitals, last night the director of the cdc acknowledged something went wrong in texas leaving a nurse and now another healthcare workers to cache bowl acdc says it is now trying to improve its protocols. >> cdc -- >> our information is clear, and correct. but we do look at what's happened, and we adjust as we need tonight we know how ebola spreads. we know how to stop it. >> now, last night, delco held its first ebola and infectious disease task force meeting
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this morning, holding the annual safe school summit. will host members of that task force, now, they tell us, that in the 16 years they've had this safe schools summit, they've focused on threats, violent threats, like school shootings. the first time viruses like ebola, enterovirus, have made it to the top of the list. see with the new healthcare worker just being diagnosed this situation is only getting more grave. chris, kerry? >> absolutely and i'll tweet out los angeles times article about how that patient, thomas eric duncan, sat there with other patients, and basically in a emergency room, they had no protocols put in places cents according to the nurses and no protective gear. >> that's what the cdc is saying, they shouldn't done this, just announced 16 of their doctors infected with ' bowl, a nine died already. this is growing expediently. >> sack even, a thank you for. that will meantime breaking news, 5:35. several gunshots ring out in the olney section of
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philadelphia, police called to the 200 block of well inches avenue just before 1:00 o'clock. police say at least 20 shots, one hit, one with a grades one, stable condition. three homes hit by bullets, no one inside hurt thankfully, witnesses cents tell police argument let to the shooting. two shooters took off. man fighting for his life this morning after being ejected from his vehicle in a one car crash on the roost develop boulevard. man thrown at least 15 feet when his car crashed into a tree they have overturned, no word what caused the driver to lose control of his car. >> police in trend at any canceled amber alert after young girl who was reportedly inside after car, when it was stolen, was found safe. >> so many questions about what really happened here so police say five year old jania davis found asleep at home. the mother had called police saying the car was stolen with
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child inside the car. it is not clear if the home where the girl was found is her house, or if the car was actually really even stolen. police investigating the possible cents. that mother filed a false police report. a lot more on that story. also, taking a live look right now at atlantic city. there is cents a storm headed this way. that camera as bouncing around, getting windy already. will you need an umbrella before you head home? sue serio, with your weather on the one's. >> but first, we have proof that you can fall in love at any age. how this couple defies the odds, coming up in the
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>> could gamers being turned into gambler. >> division of gaming and enforcement, excepting skill based gaming applications, like candy crush, words with friends, can be incorporate intoed the casino wagering environment. this program allows gaming products, which are submitted to new jersey, to be tested, and if approved, put on the casino floor within 14 days. >> sound like they're getting desperate. >> ya. residents in central tennessee on clean up duty after round of severe storms. at least one confirmed tornado touched down in central
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tennessee. the cold front brought strong straight line winds, tree fell on a home, in waverly, but nobody was hurt, but there is more rain expected in that area through thursday. boy, they need the rain in los angeles, sue serio, are. the mayor of los angeles just said in the next year and a half they want to cut water consumption by another 20%, lasts three years have already cut it by 17. >> yes very bleak forecast for the long-term future of any appreciable rain in california to break that drought. we could send some of this over there, but that's not possible. we've got some heavy downpours already, in parts of virginia, in western part of pennsylvania, and we will keep an eye on there is as it slowly mars across the state for right now, weaver just light showers, out ahead of the front, and things more
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active by the end every day. could see pop up shower. investigate umbrella, strong thunderstorms specially western suburbs, and then the ball of the colds front comes through at night, tonight, we've got couple every rounds, when round one is over, not finished with this, here is another round coming through at about 11:00, midnight maybe, then when all of it is said and done, we have some wrap around moisture possible mid-day on thursday. so there you go. tapers off by midday, that rain, but we could be rocking and rolling tonight, a lovely day on friday, and then big chill over the weekend. that's your forecast, with 5:42, our first traffic problem this time is in king of prussia. south henderson road, hanson, access road, there are reports of an accident there. chris? >> with bye week coming, another week and a half for football here with the eagles. so we'll show this football. >> this kicker celebrating big touchdown. how did the kicker
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this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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(meowing... & more barking) this is just too good your favorite food brandstsmartn just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food, and now save up to $7 on select natural and specialized nutrition for dogs. at petsmart®. >> second healthcare worker has tested positive for the ebola vie just, worker report add fever yesterday, was immediately isolated at the hospital. we're going to have much more on the ebola crisis nationwide, what's being done here, coming up in a live report. but first, let's go to howard now for sports in one minute.
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>> this is fox 29's sports, in one minute. good morning, i'm howard eskin. flyers causing concern for themselves and their fans. three games into the season looking for win last night. let's go to the wells fargo center, down three-two in the thirds, down two-nothing at one point, borecheck scores. three-three. over times aren't good for the flyers, and specially shoots outs. william kyleson playing his third game in the nhl scores, flyers lose in the shoot-out, to score, they are four-three, baseball playoffs san francisco, good, tenth inning. that is a bunt by gregg err, and throws the ball away. the winning run scores in the tenth inning. five-four. san francisco now leads the series two games to one over st. louis. kansas city, how about the kansas city royals? they were a wild-card team, they won last night two-one, and they sweep the baltimore orioles, team with the second best record, in the american league, they go on to the worlds series, that's sports in a minute, i'm howard
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eskin. okay, so, our least favorite team of course is the dallas cowboys, that said, cowboys running back, joseph randall, has been busted for shoplifting? police in the dallas suburbs say randall took underwear and cologne from mall department store without paying. he was detained by store security, later taken to the jail before posting bond early this morning. >> strange. >> so they say, if you have lemons, right, make lemonade. >> ya. >> ya. never been more true than it was for the next college football player. take a look. >> cool, flight. >> very. >> that's the university of date ton's kicker william will is his name. >> or bill will. >> will will?
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let's in the get caught up on his snake. >> he willed this to be. yikes. he pick up a fumble, but he made a touchdown, i'll move on, quite unusual for a kick tear do. this was dayton flyers first game versus maris college over the weekend? god willing he will do this again at some point. >> stop. >> horrible case of animal abuse in delaware county. rescuers say a very sweet dad was badly starved. >> so sad. the images little tough to look at. the search is on who would do something like this? this is obviously going on for quite a while. pitbull terrier foul malnourished in a backyard in chester, see pretty much every bone in her boyde, she wade 20 pounds there is one year old pup was saved by the delaware county spca. in fact the spca operations cents manager there, dana villa, now fostering the pup, that the staff has named pearl. >> knowing that, the fact that it probably took months and
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months for her to get this way, it is sad that this was probably been -- probably been neglected the majority of her life. >> i mean, she should be at least 40, 50 pounds. so she's substantially obviously under weight. but pearl's on rigorous diet to make sure that she gains that weight back. dana says pearl is very friendly, very happy, and some day will make great family dog. wagging her tail despite everything that has happened to her. schools in one part of california teaming up for new program, guaranteed a pathway to four year university. >> gives student so much hope. berkley high school student kent now participate in a program, that guarantees them acceptance into local community college, and then, into a school in the california state university system. officials say this will give more people the opportunity to further their education for a fraction of the cost. >> means we will be able to offer student affordable way to get a college degree. >> i believe that was berkley
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mayor tom bathes. program allows students to graduate with trade agree, then immediately, head out into the work force. >> very cool. all right, 5:50 right now. cute storiment sacramento couple proves your area never too old to get married. seventy-eight year old don jackson, and 85 year old ginger true, met just ten months ago, and it was love at first site. >> i said you need to sit down. i opportunity ask you something. she was a little disturb. she didn't know what i was going to say. so i got down on bends dollars knee and asked her if she would be my bride. >> she is 85? oh, my gosh. the couple's courtship included concerts, water tubing, and knee boarding. eighty-five years old? she is? wow. that's awesome. so macy's by the way announce that this week they will now open at 6:00 p.m. thanksgiving night. trying obviously to get head start on "black friday", big shopping day. they are just one of many stores that are opening earlier on thanksgiving.
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at least wait until the friday after. what do you think? will you go out and shop on thanksgiving day right after your meal? >> no! >> exactly. tweet us your thoughts with the hashtag fox 29 good day. >> sue, nothing sacred any more. >> well, i know, but for us, though, we've always work holidays, at least i have my whole entire 8,000 year career. so, you know, i mean, you know? you. >> look really good for 8,000 years old? >> thank you. i thought so too. >> you look specially beautiful today. we will get a shot of your boots. >> yes, i moisturize. let's take a look at our weather. because it is indeed going to be a changeable day, but it is already warm out. this morning, we have temperatures already in the 70s, so it won't take much to get to 80 and many of us will this afternoon, but we will also get some showers early, then some stronger thunderstorms possible later on, if we get some sunshine inbetween the possibility of strong thunderstorms increases cents cents even more. tonight, into tomorrow, those
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storms could produce as much as an inch, inch and a half of rain, the rain does end, though, by midday thursday. and we're looking also at philly international airport, where things are tranquil right now. that could be different this afternoon, as well. so, there is your weather, here is your traffic, and in oxford, pennsylvania, down there, chester county, opened limestone road, street road, an accident still has all lanes blocked, pole down, wires down, peco on the scene. your alternate there home ville road to newark road. >> kerry? >> you. >> sue, thanks, harlem globetrotters always putting on a show no matter where they are, yes, that includes the subway. what they're celebrating. subway. what they're celebrating. >> ♪ i'm robert de niro and new york is my home. it's the best place to visit in the world and now it's the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love.
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they wanted to fake me to the station. and i'm hoping that maybe you have calmed, you're dialing back a little bit? >> ya, ya, ya, i'll stay away from broadway for a little bit. >> broadway is not the problem, it is the whiskey, think. >> i i don't finds this humerous. he he says two were actually having a conversation with aggressive fan, which then scared that homeless man off. but some people have trouble with alcohol, they're making light of it, i think it is ridiculous. >> i agree. >> spontaneous show trots down in new york silt. >> i harlem globetrotters celebrating end of the annual two week training camp in new york trip from times square from scenes. put sweet georgia brown on speaker had basketballs flying on the subway while they entertained people on the trains. globetrotters 2015 washington general's revenge world tour tips off december 26th, and it runs through may.
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former arizona congress woman, gabby giffords, is speaking out again against gun violence. the shocking statistics about women, and gun violence. then jennifer joyce live in camden where shopping is now whole lot easier, at least for groceries, good news for camden, jen? >> it is a new thing for the city of camden, chris. a grocery store, full size, we'll tell you how the owners of this price right plane to keep the prices cents dove bar for 7 days?
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with one small catch. no mirrors. everyday they wash with dove beauty bar but can only feel what's happening. on the seventh day beautiful skin is revealed. dove is different. with one quarter moisturizing cream it helps skin feel more firm and elastic. really want to feel the difference? take the dove 7 day test. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious...
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and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy!
6:00 am
>> breaking flues this morning, cdc says second healthcare work nerve texas has tested positive for ebola. what they're doing to try and stop that virus from spreading . >> there is always potential. >> local officials putting their heads together to create a task force to deal with ' bowl a now schools are getting in on the safety measures. how they're getting ready to combat the deadly virus. >> oasis in the food dessert of camden. the first new supermarket to open there in 40 years. why the people of camden are celebrating something that many others probably take for granted. >> and watching this, storm headed our way, as we look at ultimate doppler radar. will the rain snarl your evening commute? sue serio has your full forecast coming up in