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tv   Fox 29 News at 6PM  FOX  October 14, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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that's the grim prediction from the world health organization today. the the virus is mortality rate now stands at staggering 70%. big jump from that 50%. good evening, lucy noland. >> i'm iain page ebola virus continuing its deadly spread tonight the world health organization now reports more than 4400 deaths worldwide from the current ebola epidemic with a thousand new cases each week for the past month. the who warns the next two months will be crucial and that we could see 10,000 new cases worldwide each month if we can't turn the tide against the disease. now here in the us health officials say they're doing all they can to keep you safe. congress is set to hold hearing on america's response thursday. >> and we have some good news tonight. the dallas hospital trea treatig nina pham the 26 year old nurse fighting ebola is in good condition. she is one of about 70 hospital staffers who look after thomas eric duncan who died from ebola last week.
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pham received a plaza transfusion from dr. ken brantly and he is the american doctor who contracted ebola in west africa and survived. and now that ebola is here in the united states, one community in our area is taking steps to prevent its spread. our chris o'connell is live in morton, delaware counsel teach chris, this is an ebola task force. so what's the plan? >> reporter: well it's basi basically top delaware county officials getting together to coordinate a county wide response to the ebola outbreak. if a case were presented here in delaware county. the 29 member task force met for the first time. it's believed to be first coordinated response in our area to the deadly ebola virus. those here today, those on the front lines police, ems, area hospital emergency room personnel, public health officers, school officials, even nursing homes represented. the main task is sharing information and prevent at a tiff measures in learning how to
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respond if someone in delco is infected. >> all delaware county hospitals prepared today to admit an ebola patient? our delaware county hospitals are all capable to identify an individual and to isolate an individual. as i said this is an evolving process. >> reporter: now, few things are already being done here in delaware county. 911 screening process for those who call 911 with medical emergencies. they're asking two questions the same with ems personnel. they want to know two things. if you have a high fever and if you recently visited west afri africa. if the answer to both question social security yes, you are considered a high risk, suspec suspected ebola patient and you are isolated. but mainly, guys, the main thing for this task force is able to share information quickly if and when a patient arrives with this
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deadly virus. lucy, iain. >> thank you very much, chris. of course, we are on top of ebola outbreak and the response on as the news breaks, you'll find it right on our home page. >> only on fox tonight a man reading on this front porch tack. a group of teens beat the man before running off. to people are in custody. but police are trying to find two more. fox 29's dave schratwieser live at central detective that is night. dave? >> reporter: iain, the victim remains in the hospital with a broken nose and a broken jaw. police have arrested two juveniles ages 13 and 15. tonight, they're trying to determine if they may have been involved in three or more other violent attacks and robberies in fairmount. >> that's just ridiculous. >> reporter: dan was march at work preparing pizza and stromboli's for his cuff mers at an gentlemen loon know's tuesday afternoon in fairmount. when he heard word that one of his neighbors had been brutally beaten just sitting on his front stoop.
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>> it's a shame we got to sit on your porch just sitting out side your house and somebody just walking by and doing that. >> reporter: dan has owned angelino at 25th and parish for years much his restaurant was voted best of philly this year. word of the attack just around the corner from his popular place had him worried. >> you want people to come out and enjoy this is. you don't want people worried about walking on the streets and coming out to enjoy dinner or taking a walk or whatever. >> reporter: folks say this is a quiet neighborhood where people feel safe that is he walk their dogs and stroll through the communities with their kids. news that one of their neighbor has been attacked had them worried. >> that's tragic. that's horrible. >> these kids juveniles they saw an opportunity an opportunity to commit a crime and that's what they did. >> reporter: brought attack happened at 8:30 when the 54 year old victim was sitting on the front steps reading a book on his iphone. four teenagers approached with hoodies on and attacked him. he yelled for help and a neighbor called 911. the teens ran off. detectives are trying to determine if this attack could
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be tied to three or four other violent robberies in fairmount. >> hopefully we get an identification and if so they'll be charged with those incidents as well. >> reporter: police say the victim was taken to hahn money hospital and underwent surgery. >> broken nose, broken jaw. again, just something that makes no sense at all. >> i'll keep an eye out. >> reporter: the two suspects under arrest i'm told are cousins. police have added extra patrols in that area. you should see them out there tonight and they expect to make more arrests in this case. iain. >> dave, thank you. well, we got some heat today before the next round of rain. here's a live look at philadelphia international airport. we've had temperatures that felt a lot more like summer today. we'll get some serious rain before things cool down. chief meteorologist scott williams standing by with your details. >> iain, i know you were happy about the weather today. >> yes. >> the high temperature made it up to 79 degrees well above the average for this time of year which is 67. but look at the numbers right now.
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after at this 6:00 o'clock hour on a tuesday. looking at 75 degrees in philadelphia. humidity at 69%. but look at the winds gusting at times over 20 miles per hour out of the south. so that wind direction continues to warm us up. but take a look off to the west. we're tracking that potent storm system some reports of funnel clouds this afternoon in sections of north carolina. current conditions 75 in allentown. low 70s right now in sections of south jersey but well above the average for this time of year. we'll keep some clouds, mild and muggy conditions patchy fog by 11:00. 70 degrees will be the temperature. so right now, that system is off to the west. were you you can see as we go toward tomorrow especially tomorrow afternoon, it approaches our area. we'll have more on the timing and also how much rain to expect. back to you. >> all right. talk to you then, scott. happening right now a montco killer could soon learn his fate. the jury convicted the man of killing a baby and her grandmother and the panel is now deliberating his sentence. 28 year old man could face a death penalty or live in prison.
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in october of 2012, in king of prussia, he killed the 10 month old baby and her 61 year old grandmother. prosecutors say it was a botched kidnapping attempt. they believe he wanted to hold the baby for ransom to help pay for a gambling problem. >> a horrible case of animal cruelty in delaware county. rescuers say a sweet dog was badly starved and now the search is on for to find the person responsible for this act of cruelty. fox 29's dawn timmeney live in chester tonight. dawn? >> reporter: iain, this dog was so severely starved she could hardly stand on her own feet. investigators seized the dog from a backyard here in chester acting on a tip. humane investigators say they're very close to getting whoever intentionally starved this dog but the focus right now is getting her the proper nourishment and some much needed tlc. >> she's gaining strength every day. >> reporter: but it's going to be long road back for this pitbull terrier found extremely malnourished in a backyard in
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chester. these are the dramatic pictures of the one year old pup the day the delaware county spca seized her. just skin and bones. her ribs protruding from her body weighing just 20 pounds. she was in bad shape. >> got source all over the back of her leg. >> delco spca operations manager dana is fostering the pooch at her norristown home. she says this type of neglect did not happen overnight. >> knowing that and the fact that probably took months and months for her to get this way, it's sad that this is probably been -- she probably been neglected the majority of her life. she's really skinny. >> reporter: dana says it will probably take months to get pearl back to where she should be. right now, the pup is on a strict regime. she's fed a half a can of food every two hours around the clo clock. but this dog lover doesn't mind one bit. >> five minutes and back to sleep again. so she's very very good. >> reporter: dana's mom who volunteers at the delco.
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spca agrees that pearl is pretty special. but she still can't get the image of the dog the day she came in out of her mind. >> it's actually brought me to tears. it really touched me to see her. she was -- she's just skin and bone she is right now but she's better today than she was last week. >> reporter: and her future is now looking bright. >> we just couldn't believe how friendly and happy she was to be around people. she'll be a nice family dog. >> reporter: and i have feeling there will be lots of takers. pearl will be put up for adoption as soon as she's healthy enough, and iain, her name pearl it comes from pearl, gem and i have to tell you she really is a gem. such a sweetheart. >> she certainly is. thank you, dawn. we want to get to breaking news out of boston tonight. police say two park rangers have been stabbed in boston common. here are live pictures from wbz television cops telling us one of the rangers has serious injuries. police say the rangers were attacked just before 5:00. so far police have not made any
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arrests. we'll stay on top of this and bring you any updates as soon as they come in. >> governor chris christie says he'd rather die than become a u.s. senator. christie told an n ncaacp group he'd rather drown himself in the potomac river than serve as a senator in new jersey. his comments came during a key net address at the civil rights group new jersey state convention last weekend. christie is weighing a run for the white house in 2016. delaware state police have caught hundreds of people doing something they shouldn't be doing in less than two weeks. >> the record setting and a law you might be ignoring at your own risk. and they look like they've just emerged from super man's fortress of solitude but these junior super heroes are dressed up for good cause. the story of heartbreak and help straight ahead. howard. >> the eagles, they have the week off but that doesn't mean we won't hear from the players talking about what makes this team five and one at the bye. that's
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♪ >> in less than two weeks delaware authorities hand out more than 300 tickets to distracted drivers. citations for talking and texting. officials say they gave out 316 tickets as part of a 12-day blitz to crack down on offende offenders. the number beats the 291 issued during the first eight months of the year. talking and texting has been illegal in the first state since 2011. it's punishable by a fine of more than 100 buck. >> how do you help a grieving mom and dad through the pain of losing a child to illness? >> a whole lot of super heroes might help. our bruce gordon is just back from swedesboro, new jersey and joins us with a story of unima unimagable heartbreak and those trying to help heal the wounds. bruce? >> reporter: guys, travis she will died on sunday. he was a year and a half old. travis' month long battle with aggressive liver cancer led his parents chris and nicole to nickname him their super baby. when it came time to help mom
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and dad through their gracing her former co-workers thought long and hard about that nickname much this is the gored dad school but on this day it's the temporary headquarters for a pint size version of the justice league. parents paid for the right to send their kids to school in costume in the form of donations for their former teacher. >> why are you dressed up today? because we're helping peop people. >> reporter: you're helping people. do you like helping people? >> that's what super hero would do, right? >> nicole she will taught at goddard for seven years. she left work shortly after giving birth to travis. but often took him back to visit. oohs and ahh of former co-workers like kim manning. >> big blue eyes and a big smi smile. and it was contagious. the smile was absolutely contagious. >> reporter: when liver cancer took travis' live on sunday his parents shared the news with friends online. he is at piece they wrote. and will not hurt any more. back at goddard nicole's friends decided to help the shells pay
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for medical and funeral costs. while paying tribute to the little boy nicknamed super baby. >> anything that we can do to help her the last thing she needs to worry about is somebody. you know. after losing a son. >> reporter: kids range in age from six weeks to kindergarten. way too young to fully understand why they are said dressed as super heroes but happy to do so any way. do you like being spider man. what's so great about being spiderman. >> shooting webs. >> reporter: can you shoot a web? >> show mow how do you that. >> i'm sorry, i got emotional. it's just -- >> parent donor sarah, doesn't even know the shells but she has 2.5 year old son andrew. and a nine month old daughter alexandra. we thought it's really important to show our support however we can. >> reporter: turn out the most potent super power of all is compassion. >> it's about being a community and being out there in the community and, you know, really doing our part and helping oth
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others. >> reporter: super hero day raised a couple thousand dollars for the shell family. travis' funeral is thursday. mom and dad were understandably too distraught to talk to us today but school officials who have spoken to them say they're very grateful for the outpouring of support. if you'd like to help go to, click scene on tv, we will link you to the shell family's go fund me page. iain and lucy. >> bruce, really quickly those guys were so little. the kids at this place. i know that they couldn't really grasp but they understood they were helping. they understand the basic concept and the school officials tell us that's what they do a lot around the school, various causes, various efforts. the idea is to make it all about helping someone else and not just worry about yourself. great cause. really some interesting kids and some real emotional times over there today. >> yeah. >> thank you, bruce. sure. >> all right. big dogs in camden. we were just talking about this. the city has what, a new supermarket. >> brand new supermarket. it's called price right mt. ephraim avenue. family owned by the way iain.
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the family has been hoping grocery in the philadelphia south jersey area since the 19 40's congrats to camden. good news for them. >> back to your fox 29 weather authority now and it's warm in the studio. it was warm -- >> it is warm in the studio. >> it does not feel like mid objection, scott. >> we're looking at temperatures today in the upper 70. 79 degrees was the high temperature. no rainfall just yet. we do have some scattered clouds across the area. but the low this morning, 65 degrees and look at what the normal high temperature is, 67 so certainly temperatures well above average. right now we're looking at 75 in allentown. 74 in wilmington. 72 in millville as well as atlantic city. so out ahead of that system, it's all about the wind direction. winds coming in out of the south but take look at the showers and thunderstorm off to the west. that moisture will eventually arrive toward our area primarily once we move toward tomorrow afternoon. so here's the closer perspective by 1:00 o'clock, a few scattered
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showers out ahead of that main front with the line of some gusty showers and storms moving toward the western suburbs by 5:00 o'clock tomorrow. so tomorrow evening it's going to be damp and dreary across the area with some moderate to heavy rainfall at times. lingering into early thursday morning when you're watching good day sue will be talking about those showers likely moving out of the area though as we move toward the second part of the day on thursday. maybe some lingering showers down the shore into the afternoon. so on average out of the system once again wednesday night into thursday. an inch to an inch and half of rainfall pretty widespread across the area. heavier amounts once we move toward sections of the pocono mountain. the tropic still heating up we have our second major hurricane of the season that's hurricane began sal low 115 miles per hour winds movement to the northwest at 13 miles per hour moving away from puerto rico. yesterday they saw some of the rain impact the area but most of the action is moving on to the
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north eventually moving toward bermuda as we move in to friday as well as saturday and it could still be a major hurricane so we'll keep you posted but temperatures tonight are typical high temperatures for this time of year. 67 in the city. 64 in the suburbs. temperatures flirt with 80 degrees tomorrow before those showers and storms move in during the afternoon and evening and linger into the first part of the day thursday. thursday a little cooler but still above average. 73 for the high. beautiful weather on friday. low 70s. 67 for the high testimony cher on saturday. and then a chilly change. 60 for the high sunday and we stay in the upper 50 toss low 60s into next week. enjoy. >> thank you scott. >> i'll enjoy it. >> i know you will. >> life is fun. >> all right. >> it's fun when you have a football team that's playing well. eagles they're going to sit home and watch the giants and the cowboys this weekend. and what is it that has gotten the eagles to a five and one record at the bye? that will b
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready
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♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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♪ >> okay. so it's the bye week. we have no football on sunday. so the eagles need to try and get healthy. the players may need it but the fans miss. they miss a game coming up on sunday but going out on the game that they did they went 27-zero
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against the new york giants. it proved to the players what happens if they play all four quarters. >> to play good football for four quarters, everybody stayed locked into it. billy davis called a great game. obviously that's the kind of football we want to laugher unsunday. >> as group even at half time one good half but it's not a game and we haven't put the gamut there yet and we finally put the four quarters together, and you know, came out shut out. i couldn't be more proud of those guys and happy for them. >> better than coming off a loss because the players are now happy and they're taking some time off. looking back at the first six games is fun. five wins in six games. fun for the eagles fans. let's take look back at a few of the big plays for the eagles. >> and now out of the back end zone it's for the touchdown on the recovery touchdown philadelphia. >> foles fires end zone touchdown jeremy maclin. he is hit he got up again and
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this time it is connor barwin with his third sack of the nig night. >> they just killed eli manning. all right. the national league baseball -- that's the most fun. national league baseball players may not have a lot of fans watching with both teams west of the mississippi, either way the games are for the most part good ones. st. louis at the giants to san francisco. all right. first inning, would you believe san francisco takes a four-zero lead. this is a three-run double by issue could you what. four-zero the giants lead after one. you think it's over. something about the cardinals and you don't even know half of the players and they came back in the seventh inning. top of the seventh randall gercha with a homerun hits the foul pole. it's four-four. they're now in the eighth. those cardinals don't stop. they got a good farm system. they got a good front office. and they've got a good manager. >> that's true. >> they got good players. (laughter). >> who play well. >> it's a good combination. thank you, howard. that does it for us at sick. >> we'll see you back here at 10:00. have a good night.
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inside edition is up next.
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this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose.
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aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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saving bentley. >> the vow not to put the ebola nurse's little dog to sleep. >> why this mom has to suit up to visit her daughter in the hospital. it's not ebola. >> then, the plane coming apart at the seams. >> pop, pop, pop. the walls are caving in. >> and did burger king steal this comic's act. >> i got cash in hand and ready to give it away. >> why billy on the street is so upset. >> plus, new video the moment threw a smoke bomb into a celebrity restaurant. >> did a restaurant feud prompt the attack? >> then, the town terrorized by creepy clowns, playful fun or spooky menace. remember this?