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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 5a  FOX  October 10, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at a former philadelphia mob boss is due in court today, will he go back to prison? what he is accused of doing that could send him back behind bars. this local teen is not happy after being sent home for an outfit that she was wearing, we're not talking about something scandal us or short or low cut? we're talking about a pair of leggings, do you gree with the school's decision. before you decide hear the girl's side of the story. apple, samsung, google these tech giants have change peoples lives and how we operate every single day but which one do you think is the
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most valuable brand? which one do you think makes the most. >> i know the one i use the most. >> me too. >> friday, october 10th, 2014. >> it is the samsung clothes washer and dryer because i'm doing the laundry these days, my wife is back to work. >> well, good for you. >> he is so excited. >> i like when dryer works and jeans are not damp and wet and you take them out after 55 minutes. >> that is a good thing. >> we can see what chris is doing this weekend. we have 41 mount pocono. forty-seven allentown. forty-six pottstown. 55 degrees in philadelphia it is chillier in some places this morning. we've got 48 in millville. 52 degrees in wilmington. wind are mostly calm, and we're starting to see an increase in clouds. we may not see much sunshine to start and some places we will, we don't expect much higher then 60 degrees for a
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high temperature today, cloudy, dam one that rain coming, afternoon showers will be with us throughout the the night and into tomorrow as well. more details on all that coming up, right now time to check traffic at 5:02. this time we will start out in landsdowne delaware county, land down avenue at marshall road, construction has the road entirely closed. your alternate is owen avenue. 295 northbound past route 47 we have construction in new jersey that has right lane blocked and construction on the turnpike eastbound between fort washington and bensalem we have cleared that one up this morning, chris. lets get to this at 5:02, police investigating an overnight crash in university city. motorcycle and car collide on the 500 block of university avenue this happened 12:30, two people on the the bike were taken to the hospital. they are listed in stable condition. police are on the scene of the armed robbery at a wawa in
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northeast philadelphia a man with the gun robbed a store in the 800 block of cottman avenue just after 3:00 and then they got away with a thousand dollars. luckily in one was hurt. ebola scare on the flight from philadelphia sending flight crewness response mode but soon they learn the entire thing was a joke. poor one but a joke. >> unidentified american passenger traveling on u.s. air flight 845 to punta cana reportedly coughed and then yelled out i have been to africa. i've bowl a. that is when flight crew sprung into action. >> we have a situation, i need everybody to sit down. everybody sit down, okay. it kind of looks worse then it is it looked bad. look at those guys in suits coming in, full on hazmat gear. unidentified passenger reportedly made the comment just before the plane landed. those crew where is wearing blue protective suits board the plane as you can see when it landed and they escorted
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that escort to the medical center for test and medics say this guy does not have a fever which is a a key symptom ofe bowl a representative from the airport called in the incident and he also called it a joke, of very poor taste. of course, it was. >> u.s. airways issuing this comment, we're following the direction of and strictly adhering to all cdc guidelines in place for airlines in response to the ebola virus. flight was check by officials and cleared. we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused but safety of our customers and employees is our first priority. >> meanwhile a house hearing will be held to vee right federal state and local response to the really bowl a case diagnosed in the u.s. hearing comes todays after the death of thomas duncan at a dallas hospital and u.s. is stepping up support to fight the the epidemic in west africa. i should say more u.s. troops and equip amount arrived yesterday, ebola out break has killed at least 3800 people in
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west africa according to the world health organization. there was 3,000 a week ago. so it is 800 new deaths from ebola. >> yes. >> happening today, former philadelphia mob boss joey merlino is due in the federal courtroom. >> feds accused him of associating with criminals which is a violation of his probation. fox 29's steve keeley live outside federal courthouse in center city with more on what might happen in court today, steve. >> reporter: they will not argue that until they first argue whether that argument should be held here in philly or down in florida where merlino lives right now. out of prison and out of philly but is he out of the mafia is real question. federal prosecutors want a judge to decide. he is clearly in the out of the focus of federal investigators who got convictions and long prison sentence for him in this building more than 15 years ago and now trying to get joey merlino sent back. after his 14 plus years in the joint and halfway house merlino was wrapping up his three years on parole this
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summer, supervised release is what it is called and while under that supervision on parole, rule number one no meeting with any felons or former friend from organized crime which federal authorities say merlino did down in florida in june where he lives right now and just before his parole, supervised release period was about to end. when he was free to hang out with whoever he wanted. federal prosecutors filed a motion to revoke his parole days before that period ended and they want to send him back to prison n past cases where people were found to have done this most of the time they got six months maximum but with that you get more years tacked on for more supervised release where he has to watch what he does every moment of the day because he knows feds are watching him. >> will continue to watch him for most of his life, steve keeley, thanks very much. penalty phase face resumes for a king of prussia man quick of killing a baby and her grandmother. jury will decide if he should get the death penalty.
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rag raghunandan yandamuri was quick for two counts of first degree murder for, the two slaying. they were killed and yandamuri represented himself in court and claimed two men forced him to help in the killings but a defense team who assisted him during the trial will new try to spare his life. >> he indicated remorse to the family and, i think he shows remorse in his own unique way. >> the the defendant has his mother to beg for his life but that same opportunity was not given by the defendant or saanvi venna's mother. >> the the victim's family did not comment after the verdict but defense claims yandamuri has mental health issues. it is 5:07. democrat tom wolf getting a big push from former secretary of state hillary clinton in his bid to be governor of pennsylvania. clinton was in philadelphia yesterday as part of the women for wolf event at the national
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constitution center. clinton talking politics and being a new grandmother. potential presidential hopeful calling a campaign a family affair. >> we're both sort of feeling the same grandmother glow these days and i have to confess there is a lot of philadelphia and a lot of pennsylvania in charlotte, which we are so proud to claim her father is already held her while watching the eagles play thinking that will trans myth fan obsession. >> wolf is challenging republican governor tom corbett in next month statewide election n consider bet's corner new jersey governor chris christie. the christie chairs the republican governors association which is a fun raising arm which helps go p gubernatorial candidates all across the country.
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it has been corbett's biggest source of the campaign fund giving him six million-dollar. christie attended a rally in wayne yesterday and came out swinging at corbett's opponent. >> elections are choices. now you have a choice in this race. and let's talk about what that choice is. tom's opponent, i guarantee, you guarantee you what he will do, he is going to make pennsylvania unaffordable. you can take it to the bank. >> election take, by the way, right around the corner november 4th. time right now 5:09. topping world news a blast at an iran nuclear plant raises more suspicion about iran's nuclear weapons program. it occurred sunday night. satellite images show startling, destruction at that facility. it is same facility iran
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barred international inspectors from entering. u.s. led coalition intensifying strikes begins islamic state possessions yesterday in the syrian town of cabani but reports from the ground you i should say show that they are taking territory. u.s. special envoy was in turning toy get the country to join military operations. we first brought this question up yesterday where is north korea leader kim june un. he failed to show up for a political celebration in midnight and that fools further speculation he is battling an illness or possibly even worse. it has been more than a month, since he was last publicly scene and there was no word on exactly where he is or how he is doing. 5:10. trans sexual claims to have had a sex an affair with o.j. simpson. >> nevada inmate also claims that she is hiv positive and may have infect simpson n an
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interview with radar on line, jasminea jamison says she got to know simpson, two were inmates in the correctional center. boy his life has just spiraled downward. >> yes, out of control. 5:11. you know what that means? time for weather and traffic. >> all right. we will try to get you through this day, as we said, have the umbrella with you but we will get through the morning dry even though we will have included around this morning. maybe some drizzle late in the morning or late in the morning commute, mid 50's to get started in the city, much more chillier in the suburbs. we will have some rain by lunchtime and then a rainy evening commute it looks like in store for us with 60 degrees as our high temperature today. that is right 60 is the high today, it will be chilly, damp 16:29 is your sunset time this evening. so less than perfect friday but it does get better over the weekend, we will talk
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about that coming up. right new time for traffic, lansdowne avenue at marshall road construction has the road closed completely, so you have to take owen avenue as your alternate, chris. >> sue serio, thank you. hope or in the big push to get the a little girl's law passed that could save other new borns from a grueling disease.
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more trouble in missouri, a tense standoff overnight in st. louis between police and protesters after an off-duty officer fatally shot a teenager. we first reported this yesterday morning here on the fox 29 morning news. police standing their ground in riot gear forming a barrier to prevent protesters from going any further after an angry mob of people surroundedded police and vandalized their vehicles. police say teen shot at the officer before the officer return fire, a gun was recovered at the scene. prime suspect in the disappearance of university of virginia college student was questioned and released in connection with another miss would go men case. back in 2009. new details reveal jesse matthew was a among dozens of cabdrivers interviewed in that case. last month matthew was charge with abducting hand had graham. he was seen on surveillance interacting with her before
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she disappeared september 13th. a clothing controversy is brewing in the brandywine school district over this young lady's outfit. to you think that she should have been sent home? she was. >> at first glance you think i don't know, really, is it that scandalous. >> officials at brandywine high school as kerry say thought her fashion choice was inappropriate for the classroom and that has girl and her mother feeling the school took it way too far. jennifer joyce looking into this. >> reporter: she's your average 17 year old girl, developing a sense of style. but she's not modeling these stretch pants and boots to show off her fashion sense but to prove a point. >> would i like to say that is 4-inch's above my knee. >> reporter: emily schaefer said she was sent home from brandywine high school because of this outfit. >> i was a lotto fended because i was being told my education is less important than what i'm wearing. >> reporter: school has not returned our request for a comment but according to the district web site students air lud to wear stretch pant as
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long as they are covered by an article of clothe nothing more than 4-inch's above the knee. emily's mom jessica, says that she feels her daughter met the criteria. >> when she walk back in and i said what are you doing here. were would they send you home for that. >> reporter: she put these jeans on which are acceptable in the dress code but she says they are tighter and more revealing then the stretch pants. but issue goes deeper, schaefer says school administrators announce that had certain outfits are a quote distraction which makes teenagers like emily feel uncomfortable. our bodies or our secrets and they should be kept a secret. >> i can imagine being a 14 year-old and thinking is my math teacher looking at me wearing my pants. >> reporter: while she believes enforcing with the rules she's siding with her daughter and hopes the school advertise trick changes its overall approach. >> i don't want them to use the word distraction when it
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comes to dress code at all. >> reporter: in wilmington delaware, jennifer joyce fox 29 news. >> pond their as you get kids ready for school today. a north carolina teen is mistaken for a burglar in his own home. he got hit with pepper spray by police. eighteen year-old desean curry says he walk home earl friday school monday, he lives with his foster family who is white. police say neighbors saw him go into the home, through a side door and mistook him for a robber and called 911. teen said when office's arrived he tried to explain that he belonged there but police didn't believe him either, pointing to photos on the wall, he wasn't in any of those photo owes. >> i'm feeling like i'm loved and when they come in and just like profile me and say i'm not who i am and that i do not stay here because there was white kids on the wall that really made me mad. >> desean has been with his new foster family for a year
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now, they just moved in their current home over the summer. police met with the family and claim they used pepper spray on desean because he didn't follow their police order. >> unreal. 5:19. summer may be over but there is a good reason to welcome the winter, indeed, researchers at yale says cold temperatures helping your body burn fat more efficiently. in fact the colder it is more calories your body has to burn to keep you you warm. the key is activating what scientists call brown fat, the good fat, when body needs to raise temperature brown fat burns the calories and way to activate it is being exposed to the cold. new study shows lung cancer can remain dormant for 20 years before triggered into an aggressive form of the disease. researchers hope this new discovery will lead to earlier detection. two-thirds of patients advanced with advanced forms of lung cancer when treatments are less likely to be successful. study is published in the
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journal science. >> are you getting enough sleep. >> no. >> i can answer that question definitively. do you know really how much enough is? well, journal of sleep says you can rest easy because it has got the the answer for you, study public last month, says women need exactly 7.6 hours of sleep and men need a little bit more than that 7.8, so the answer for chris and i no. study looked at sleep disturbance and calling out sick at work. researchers found companies can cut costs insured by sick absence by 28 percent if their workers simply got enough rest. >> later today pennsylvania governor tom corbett will sign the hand's law bill, the the law will expand the list of the disorders new borns will be screened for, if state hospitals. bill's nickname for a local girl, hanna gidian who is fighting crab a disease. legislation adds this illness and five genetic disorders that hospitals must new test for. >> so precious.
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>> yes. it is coming up on 5:21 right now, it is weather, and sue. >> weather and traffic. >> it is all about construction this time of the day. we don't have have any rain just yet but that construction will continue early this morning but rain that we're watching is moving through northern part of the kentucky into west virginia, some rain now entering virginia, and some clouds starting to spread into our area as well. so some of this into maryland, very light rain to start, we may see drizzle before the morning is through, but we will see increase in clouds and future cast shows, this future cast is showing rain not happening throughout the day but i really don't think that will be the case. i do think we will get rain continuing through the night and into the early part of tomorrow. so the seven day forecast has a high today of only 60 degrees and we will go with
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the four out of ten, going to the temple game tomorrow, the the rain will be on its way out by then, by sunday mix of sun and clouds, 64 degrees, that forecast is improving but then rain early in the day for your columbus day holiday so scattered showers possible there, much milder by tuesday of next week but then we will get another cold front by thursday to take temperatures back down into the 60's. a lot going on in that seven day forecast, lots of ups an downs but not a wash out at all at least not for the entire weekend. that is your weather authority forecast 5:22 is the time. construction route one southbound between comly road and pratt street there has cleared up for the day, kerry. >> sue thanks. 5:22. apple, google samsung all in the running for most valuable brand but only one can come out on top and it is probably not the one you are
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good morning, in your money a lieutenant will shaky at the stock market yesterday after federal reserve board expressed concerns with inflation. the the dow jones lost a whooping 335 points landing at 16,600. s and p500 lost about 41 inching down to 1928, and the nasdaq fell 90 points, falling down to less than 4400. for the second year in a row right now apple has been named the most valuable brand in the world. tech giant worth $119 billion,
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google comes in at number two, worth 107 billion, and coca cola, ibm, and microsoft, round out the top five. >> on line super store amazon will be opening up a physical store just in time for the holiday shopping. amazon store will open up, 34th street in manhattan by the famed macy's flagship store. wall street journal says it will serve as a mini warehouse with assortment, handle returns, exchanges and pick ups of on line orders. journal says amazon might use the the store to show case own products such as kindlee riders. ride to conquer cancer get underway this weekend. >> fox 29 is a very proud sponsor. opening ceremony for friday morning the at belmont. riders will set off on a 150-mile race. jeff cole is participating. another race is taking place in baltimore and new york. >> joe ruin friday new york, our sales department will to that, and typically he goes to
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the giants/eagles game because he is a giants fan. he will miss it because of the ride this year. all in black for the eagles game. black sunday evening game. hoist big super bowl performance this year at half time. >> here's a hint, sort of a jungle theme this year. that gets it right. who do you think it is. do you gree with that decision. >> welcome to the jungle, guns and roses. >> no. >> when you think adventure do you think philadelphia? our city land on the list of most adventurous places and where we stand on that list.
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this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at
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>> reporter: bad joke on a plane from philadelphia to the dominican republic aboute bowl, we will tell what you happened in the moments a after a passenger yells out. how about this breaking overnight an armed robbery in a wawa in philadelphia a, how much the robber got away with. who would you like to perform at the super bowl half time show? we have the big reveal on got the gig. we want you to tell us are you happen bye the the choice. why or why not. >> wiz like to see van halen and david lee rot as a front man again. >> friday october 10th, 2014. >> my goodness, it is friday, it is almost 5:31. >> you only to have put up with me for another hour and a half. >> sue.
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>> all right. >> we will check on bus stop budd any an moment but we will get things together here. temperatures in the 40's here north and west of the city. the these are chillier temperatures then we had yesterday. we are in the mid 50's in the city and because of the clouds we're expecting we're not expect to go get much warmer than that. we will look the a wind speeds and they are rather calm, so that is not an issue this morning just a lot of cloud cover that will be rolling in throughout the course of the morning. 57 percent relative humidity, sunrise at 7:06, right at sunrise we could see sunshine but that is not going to dominate our day. it will be clouds, damp, the showers will roll in by this afternoon but can't rule out drizzle this morning. 60 degrees is our high temperature with breezes out of the northeast, northeasterly breezes keep us cloudy. that takes care of your friday, we have been calling it, we have tweeted out less than perfect today but it does improve at some point over the weekend.
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we will talk about that coming up 59:31. we will start traffic off this morning in mar more a, garden state parkway northbound approaching, ocean city, we have an accident, that has left lane, blocked and also in land down delaware county land down have avenue at marshall road is there construction with the road closed take alternate which is owen avenue. on 295 southbound from 168, to 42 in new jersey, there is construction there until about 6:00 this morning, kerry. >> sue, thank you 567:89:32. police investigating an overnight crash in the university city. motorcycle and a car colliding in the 500 block of university avenue right around 12:30. two people on the bike were taken to the hospital, they are listed in stable condition. police right now on the scene of the armed robbery of a wawa in northeast philadelphia. police say a man robbed a store in the 800 block of cottman avenue just after 3:00 this morning. man got away with a thousand bucks in, one was hurt. a so-called joke about ebola on i flight from
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philadelphia to mexico, ends with a hazmat crew boarding the plane. >> fox 29's lauren johnson picks up the store friday there. she's live at philadelphia international airport with more on this. this is no joke, 3800 people have died from ebola in this latest scare. >> reporter: absolutely, chris, especially bad timing for all this concerns flying high right now after the first case was diagnosed in american soil and then that patient dies this week. this joke is not good at all. watch the cell phone video from on board the plane. >> i need everybody to sit down. everybody sit down. it will look worse then it is. >> an experienced u.s. airways flight attendant asked everyone to sit down and tries to keep the the other 290 passengers calm, it was a tough job, dozens pull out their cell phone to capture frightening moment when crews boarded the plane and removed that unidentified passenger. this all happened as soon as that plane landed from
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philadelphia into the dominican republic, and all this takes playing after a passenger yells out i've bowl, you are all screwed. it was a really bad joke. he was tested, his result were negative, still those passengers were stuck on the tarmac for two hours while all of this played out. u.s. airways released a statement after this unfortunate situation unfolded. it says in part we are following direction of and strictly adhering to all centers for disease control and prevention guidelines in place for airlines in response to the ebola virus. the flight was check by officials and cleared. we a will guys for any inconvenience this may have caused. for safety and customers they are our first priority. that passenger was detained at a medical facility. he will be tested when he returns here to the u.s. officials have no reason believe he traveled to have africa. chris and kerry this comes days after u.s. announced five airports in this country win creased screening. philadelphia was not one of
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those. >> was in the one of those because one of the airports that actually has route toss west africa but the concern is all over the u.s. and world, lauren johnson thanks very much. a house hearing will be held to review federal state and local response to the first ebola case that has been diagnosed in the u.s. the the hearing is two days after the death of thomas duncan at a dallas area hospital and the united states stepping up support to fight epidemic in western africa. more u.s. troops and equipment arriving in liberia yesterday this ebola out break has killed at least 3800 people in western africa according to the world health organization. lets turn our attention to this right here in the keystone state. horrible hazing incident leaves an autistic teen duct tape to the soccer goal? it a happened in pennsylvania. sixteen year-old austin says that after he was duct tapes at highlands high school sunday night he was there for 15 minutes while his teammates went to haze another student. off-duty pennsylvania state
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trooper found the allegheny county teen and helped him down. austin and his mother are really upset. >> they duct tape my hand all the way up to my waste and tightened it as hard as they could. then they tried to take a picture of it. >> i feel like the coach knew, he wasn't there but he he knew it was happening. he knows it has been going on. so he sees and he is the the the adult. >> the the school district suspend that had coach, the mother mentioned and two players for at least five days. meantime police are investigating this incident. horrifying new details about a hazing scandal that rocked a new jersey high school, but that scandal may be worse then we first thought. just days after the sayerville high school football season was canceled because of these hazing allegations a parent of the player came forward and said senior players have been sexually abusing, and sod myselfing freshman inside of the locker room.
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the superintendent made the decision to cancel the season monday and says culture of the team needs to be investigated. in fact new jersey governor chris christie says new jersey attorney jennies looking into the case as well. a football stars daughter going through a grueling battle with cancer and why she says he is actually one helping him keep it to go during the the process. the younger years, everyone falls a new discovery but this little girl had has a lot to learn coming up in the trend.
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so if you see a deer in your backyard you usually grab your pets and kids and bring them inside. one pet owner in nova scotia decided to leave a french bull dog outside, just to see what would happen. >> that is so cute. >> why would you bring your pets and kids in. >> if i put my dog out, my dog would chase that thing and try to bite it, its little huffs. >> they are playing. >> look, they play. >> the deer in the backyard, bring everybody inside shelter in place. >> it is bambi. >> that is what we do. >> old east coast, west coast
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rivalry is taking shape along for thrill seekers in the u.s. and here's what we're talking about here. >> yes. >> living social looked at which cities and states in the united states purchased the mess adventurous teams and escapes this year. for example race car driving, hot air ballooning, surfing, diving, while the west coast seems toioffer more adventure, it is actually philadelphia and people living there who seek the the most excitement. so we travel but we're into it is what we're saying. philadelphia is number one as the most thrill seeking country in the entire nation right behind philadelphia, san diego, from which you hail. >> yes. >> and los angeles, which is where were you born, right. >> all three. >> i must be a real thrill seeker, sue serio. >> yeah. >> no. >> listen, my thrill is just walking from the parking garage to hear. >> isn't that a treat early in the morning.
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>> yes. >> adventure every day. bus stop buddy is ready for his adventure on this friday a just in case umbrella out for a while make sure you have that umbrella with you because it will be raining before the day is through. for the the start mostly cloudy, and chill which temperatures in the 40's and 50's. how much rain will we get? it looks like for most of us we will get an inch of rain by the time the day is done tomorrow, so this rain lingers from tonight into tomorrow but most people will end up with just about an inch of rain. so that is your weather authority forecast, lets get to the roads. we will start off with this problem on the garden state parkway northbound in marmara, approaching ocean city there is an accident there that a has the the left lane blocked but it is early so hopefully you can get by just fine, chris. wait until you see what happens next.
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i'm stanley tucci and i love new york. there's no place like it in the world. one of my favorite fall activities is visiting our world-renowned wineries and craft brewers. and, award-winning distilleries and cider makers. they're located all across our great state. come raise a glass to your favorites. plan your fall getaway at there's something for everyone
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eagles play for first place in the nfc east division against giants sunday night at the link. eagles really do want to get to eli quarterbacke lee manning. eli manning is softer. eagles need to find a way to get a rush on the quarterback. >> it falls on all of us, the the whole group. we have to be involved with some stunts we do up front, different looks we give on the back end, some movement,
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presnap, post snap all those things to keep him, out of his rhythm. >> the flyers did not have have the start they needed this season. they lost on the road to open, last night home opener, they lose, but vinny lacavalier ties i up at four in the third period. devils come back. the former flyer scores, made it five-four. the devils win the game, six-four over the flyers. the the flyers next game is saturday night, and it would be nice to win a game. that is sports in a minute. i'm howard eskin. cincinnati bengals defensive tackle devon still is speaking out about his daughter's battle with pied the yacht trick cancer. >> throughout the nfl teams made tremendous contributions to show support, patriots cheerleaders wore still's jersey during sunday night's game. says other teams have have sent his daughter toys while she gets her treatment here at chop. trying to keep her spirits high. all the the while he says lee a is what is keeping him
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strong. >> she was able to go through this process and be that same kid that she was, before she found out she had cancer. the she's able to walk around with the smile on her face and have that energetic attitude which we feed off have of. >> wow, all right. she had surgery last in at chop and starting a fifth round of chemo after that, she's scheduled to under get more radiation. still was an all american at penn state who was raised in wilmington, delaware and that is where his family still lives. 5:47. fiance of oregon's governor admitted into entering into a sham marriage so an ethiopian immigrant could stay in the country. sylvia hey estimated this confession during a news conference. she was paid $5,000 for 1997 marriage and didn't tell the governor of oregon, about it until a reporter asked a little bit earlier this week. no word if heyes will face legal consequences. the the governor is seeking a fourth term in office. >> that is a shocker yes.
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>> right. >> it is official, in nevada, same sex couples can now get married in the silver state among the couples taking advantage of the law, nevada a state senator calvin a atkinson, he married his partner on the steps of the las vegas courthouse yesterday. they were first same sex couple to get married in las vegas and reno is still divorce capitol of the country. grand unveiling revealing boston's path, a a time capsule from 1901 is finally being open. we told you a few weeks ago how we found out capsule had been lid hidden up ton, the golden lion's statue. new they have opened it up. here's a video of the opening. they have brought out that time capsule. inside as you take the the crown off there, there is sort of a black box, protective box, but boy did it have have to go through wet's top those building all those years. more than a century. inside of that box was a red
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book in good condition, evidently and rumors are there is even more boston's past including maps, photos and newspapers inside. how neat is this? because contents are fragile they can the not be displayed right away so they are taking them back to the archives to fully remove everything very carefully to see is what inside, kerry. >> a baby's first steps are a huge milestone and in one dad didn't want to miss a minute of them. they decided to film his daughter lucy taking her first steps ape captures all of the ups an downs in between all of this. >> can you walk?
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>> so cute. >> look at the her face. >> go lucy. >> that is exciting. look at her now. they are so proud of themselves when they take those first few steps, their faces light up. so cute. today if you didn't know is international egg day, did you know that? >> no. >> no, we want to know how you like your eggs. are you sunnyside up, do you like scrambled, do you something else. tweet us using hash tag fox 29 good day. >> fried in butter or bacon grease. nominees have been announced, six of the 50 nominee's for halls's 2015 are on the ballot for first time including the punk trio from berkley california, green day. sting a solo arctic. he is already in there as a member of the police. his has album was 2013. anybody buy that one. 9-inch nails nominated, and, score the movie social network. such a good score.
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and, to be eligible for rock and roll hall of fame, musician had to release a record nothing 1989, or earlier. katie perry is in the on that list, quite yet but you know what she will be doing. >> what? >> performing at the the super bowl at half time. >> ♪ >> after she play this is song, then what. >> she has a lot of hits. >> she does. >> yeah. >> i don't know her music. >> she's very happy. >> sources tell billboard she will be riding in on her dark horse at half time. >> sue. >> how is the weather out there, sue. >> don't you remember, i kissed a girl, you don't even necessity. >> and i like it. >> even i knew that one. that should be a fun half time show, for us, it may be not so
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much fun later on in the day but we will get some rain but we do want to give you the forecast for the weekend in the context of the ride to cocker cancer which is starting in fair mount park tomorrow morning very early, they are having people show up at seven or 8:00 o'clock to get started on the ride which goes somewhere through country side of pennsylvania. early rain on saturday, so it may be wet for you there but a mix of sun and clouds for sunday, sunday will be the better bike riding day and better day to do anything out of doors but i don't think the entire day saturday will be a wash out either. the that is your weather authority forecast. we will go back to new jersey in traffic to marmara, garden state parkway north bound approaching ocean city, new jersey there is an accident that has been moved to the shoulder so things are okay there, kerry. >> sue, thanks. 5:52. batman is back and coming to the mailbox near you, we are not kidding, why
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we're playing all this muse that i can chris likes. >> i know, we have not heard any katie perry, ever. >> ♪ >> i know it is about a horse, okay. >> whatever. >> that subtle feeling of
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recent trips. >> a brown and white horse walked in the police station. they say the horse, which lives in the building just ignore that officer who tried to take him back out sliding doors. the horse took a quick store around, and then headed back outside. >> that is not the what they sound like but did you see that guy, get out of here, get out of here. >> u.s. is bat map stamps to mark the super hero's seventh fifth anniversary. >> special digs stamps making their debut during comic konstantinov convention. they feature four different looks batman has had since he was first createdded in 1939. postal service says that the stamps were released in collaboration with warner brothers a and d.c. entertainment. robin's in the on there anywhere. >> no. >> joker, riddler, cat woman. >> no. >> could o.j. simpson contracted hiv in prison? shocking person speaking out about what may have happened, behind bars.
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and steve keeley is live talking about a former mob boss, due in court today, steve? >> well, lets talk with a former hit song from the 07's by a ban, called boys are back in town and you can probably sing that today because a teenage boy in philly when that song came out now a grown up five two-year old ex-conn from florida is back in town and federal prosecutors want joey merlino in the just back in philadelphia with you back joey merlino in the just back in philadelphia with you back in fewhat's possible today?
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hazmat crews march on the plane from philadelphia, take a guy off of the flight, what he says that force that had plane to land, and scare the rest of the passengers on board. search is on for the the man who slashed another person in an upper darby bar and it will be tough to catch him. why they are having a hard time tracking this person down. former philly mob about back in the city, gentlemen i merlino is due in court. could he helped back to prison? what he is accused of doing that could send him behind bars. m and a fight inner a different kind of standoff this one with police and he was live tweeting, the whole