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tv   FOX 29 News at Five  FOX  October 7, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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better. >> and keep your dog quiet or else. the punishment some people could now face if their pets make too much noise. >> happening right now at 5:00 a serial burglar who strikes after hours has a neighborhood in fe fear. he strikes after the sun goes down our cameras are rolling today. investigators comb an upper darby neighborhood. they are looking for clues that could lead them to a burglar whose already hit the area at least five times. good evening, i'm iain page. >> i'm dawn timmeney in tonight for lucy nolan. police are worried that someone could get hurt if this guy is not stopped. let's get straight out to fox 29's dave schratwieser live at upper darby police headquarters tonight. dave, this guy is bold. >> reporter: no doubt would that. bold and brazen. police still trying to identify the suspect. they say once he gets inside a home, he's targeting women's purses, they're pocketbooks, cash, cell phones, whatever he can get his hands on quickly and get out. tonight investigators believe he may be living in the very same
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neighborhood where these burglars are occurring. >> i'm scared. you know, you don't want to go out. >> reporter: betty brown has lived on the skate hundred block of clover road for 50 years. tuesday morning, a burglar broke into her neighbor's home. the latest in string of break ins in this community in the last two weeks. police say, a serial burglar is at work. >> we just lock down. we have double lock on the doo doors, and we just hope it doesn't happen to us. >> i'm really paranoid now. >> reporter: bill worries about break ins in his upper darby home so he tries to keep his house and his family's belongings secure. >> i keep all my doors and windows everything locked. >> these are guys are like rats. you catch them in amaze, and they're going to get away. >> reporter: upper darby police say a serial burglar hit five times in two weeks. tuesday's burglary occurred at 4:30 a.m. when a homeowner on clover road awoke and confronted the burglar. >> the burglar pushed her down. he then stole her cell phone,
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took off. >> reporter: superintendent chitwood says the burglars are far getting homes with open windows or doors. sometimes they'll even pry hope a door or a window. >> it doesn't matter whether your window is locked or open, he's getting in. >> john sell don says a burglar broke in through his neighbor's basement window just last week. >> they took out some money. the kids money and her money. >> reporter: police believe extra patrols and vigilant neighbors will get investigators the lead they need to nab the suspect. >> i keep my eye out and my ears open any way. >> we're fearful this may escalate into some type of physical confrontation. >> reporter: now police did recover a pry bar they hope to get fingerprints and other forensic evidence off of that. coming up at 6:00, a bizarre situation this morning's robbery that shows just how bold this burglar is. iain? >> all right. dave, thanks. seal you at 6:00. >> now on to your fox 29 weather authority. here's a look at live ultimate doppler radar showing some rain in our area but the real trouble
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could still be on the way. chief meteorologist scott williams here now with what to expect. scott? >> that's right, iain. we've seen a few light sprinkles and showers during the afternoon but most of the coverage right now well to the north and west. as we move toward the lehigh valley as well as the pocono mountains. this is not the main system. the main system it's still off to the west. it's a cold front right now that's producing severe weather through sections of ohio river valley. so this energy will continue to head in our direction and we're talking some showers, even some thunderstorm activity. as we roll the clock, pretty quiet for the din are in hour. watch what happens after about nine, 10:00 o'clock we're watching a line much showers imbedded thunderstorms move toward our area. here's midnight. you can see pretty good coverage north and west of philadelphia. then as we move toward day break, that system it's pulling out of here but not before leaving some rain as well as some gusty winds. so once again the heaviest not arriving really until after 9:00 o'clock west. a few thunderstorms imbedded a quarter to half an inch of rain. low temperatures tonight will bottom out around 60.
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more on the timing of that system, what moves in behind it as well as what to expect for tonight total lunar eclipse coming up. dawn and iain. >> scott, thank you. of course you can follow the weather all night by heading to our website just click the weather tab at the top of the home page for the latest forecast information and all your live radar images. >> happening now, more confirmed cases of enterovirus d68 in new jersey. we've learned there are now 14 cases in the state. the issue is on the agenda tonight at the hamilton township council meeting. a young boy in the township lost his live to the virus just last week. fox 29's sabina kuriakose is live outside the hamilton township municipal building tonight. is a ben in a? >> reporter: iain, health department officials confirmed five new cases of enterovirus d68 here in new jersey. that brings a total number of patients suffering confirmed from the illness to 14. now, you'll remember two weeks ago four year old eli wahler died at his home here in hamilton township. officials confirming late last
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week eli died as a direct result of the enterovirus d68. now among the five new cases here in the state is a new one in mercer county. we're told does it not involve the four year old boy from eli's classroom who is currently being tested for d68. those results still pending at the cdc. here's a map laying out the confirmed cases. eight counties in the state have confirmed cases of enter row virus d68. as far north as sussex in our area as far south as camden. and burlington in pennsylvania, there's six statewide confirmed cases. we know children's hospital of philadelphia right now sending out five samples for five different patients to be tested at the cdc for d68. those results right now still pending. now here at the hamilton township municipal building tonight they're going to be holding a public meeting at the regularly scheduled council me meeting to discuss the township's response to enterovirus d68 at yardville
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elementary school. we know throughout these past few weeks parents have had so many questions regar regarding t the township, what the school district is doing to try to prevent this illness from spreading. we'll of course bring you the latest details as we have them. dawn, back to you. >> all right. thank you very much, sabina. meantime new measures are in the works in the fight to protect americans from ebola. soon there could be more active screening for the ebola virus at airports. the obama administration also preparing to tighten protocols for travelers who come from countries fighting the epidemic. fox's mike emmanuel explains. >> reporter: now that patient has been diagnosed with ebola in dallas, americans are becoming more concerned that the virus may spread. as part of its ebola response the u.s. is ready to spend at least $750 million and sending as many as 4,000 military personnel to west africa to build treatment centers and train health care workers. the pentagon says, only a small number of highly trained troops will be testing people for ebola abroad and most of those forces are unlike toll come in contact
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with sick patients. >> stopping the spread of this disease is the core mission here. >> reporter: the obama administration says it will step up screening for ebola by looking for signs of the virus among travelers at us airports and in west africa. the case in dallas is leading the cdc to redouble its efforts to make sure hospitals are on the look out for potential cases coming into the u.s. and are ready to handle them correctly. >> the signs of progress are there but it is going to be a long, hard fight. and i think we should all -- always keep in mind that the enemy here is a virus. and we together can stop that virus. >> reporter: meanwhile, in spain a nurse who cared for ebola patient there has tested positive for the disease. becoming the first known instance of a transmission of the virus outside of west afri africa. her condition is described as stable. the world health organization estimates that ebola has killed more than 3400 people main until begin nearing sierra leone and liberia. white house press secretary john
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ernest is promising that officials won't consider a travel ban on passengers from west africa even as some lawmakers in congress have urged the administration to do so. in washington, mike emmanuel, fox news. >> philadelphia police searching for the gunman in a deadly shooting in south philadelphia this morning. cops arrived to the 2100 block of taney terrace to find a 20 year old man shot once in the stomach. he was rushed to the hospital where he died. there is no word yet on a moti motive. take look at this video. philadelphia police want to find a woman who they say attacked another woman at whispers bar in west oak lane on wednesday night. the video shows the attacker coming up behind the 23 year old victim. punching her in the head and body before throwing a glass in her face. they're also appears to be a woman trying to calm the situation. if you know the attacker or the woman with her you're asked to please call police. >> cooper health system celebrated the life of its late ceo and his wife at a special memorial service today. this as the investigation into their deaths continues.
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mourners showing up at the war memorial in trenton this morning to remember john and joyce sheridan. family, friends and lawmakers including new jersey governor chris christie and former governors thomas keen and christine whitman attended. the sheridan's bodies were found late last month following a fire at their home. it was later ruled an arson. >> a bankruptcy judge today approved the sale of atlantic city's revel casino for a fraction of what it costs to build. the judge okayed the sale of the revel for 5-cents on the dollar to toronto tow company. the revel cost $2.5 billion to build but it closed last month after just two years in operation. the toronto firm which runs a couple of other casinos plans to reopen revel as casino as well. >> we are following breaking news right now in the fight over gay marriage. a federal appeals court has struck down gay marriage bans in idaho and nevada. the ninth u.s. circuit court of appeals just handing down that decision a short time ago. the court ruling that gay couples equal protection rights
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were violated by the bans. just yesterday, the u.s. supreme court effectively legalized gay marriage in 11 other states. with today's ruling, gay marriage will be legal in 32 states plus washington, d.c. well he's brought music happiness to people around the world for decades. >> but tonight a local music legend needs your help. bobby rydell just lost part of his musical life all packed inside a suitcase just like this one. coming up the mystery you can help solve. an man handcuffed and helpless in a police van barrel link down the road. was he the victim of a so-called nickel ride? he says he suffered serious injuries. fox 29 investigates why taxpayers will have to pay up. >> and later a dog takes a tumble off a cliff. her owner so convinced she was gone she held a memorial service. but that service was interrupted by a discovery you won't believe. howard? >> and it's the question that just keeps oncoming from sunday's game. why lesean mccoy was not in the
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game in a critical fourth quarter series? it seems now that mccoy has changed his answer. his coach has an answer coming up in
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>> nearly 100 people forced out of their homes in the middle of the night after a fire at their delaware county apartment complex. the fire broke out around 10:30 last night at the glenn croft court apartments in fulcroft. the red cross providing shelter to 21 people.
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the rest stayed with family and friends. one woman was treated at the hospital for smoke inhale layi laying. >> four men including a 70 year old are busted during an undercover prostitution sting in philadelphia. the city's vice unit targeted the men and arrested them last week. they confiscated over a thousand dollars and four vehicles during the sting. 70 year old man from bucks county along three philadelphia men charged with solicitation and patronizing prostitution both misdemeanor. >> mayor nutter is weighing in on the surprise decision by the school reform commission to cancel the district's contract with its teachers. the mayor said the commission was out of options. teachers now have to contribute to their health care coverage. they currently pay nothing towards it. the commission says the projected $44 million a year in savings will go directly into the schools. the teachers contract expired last summer. >> and i'm hopeful that the parties will get back to serious regular full-time negotiations. it's always better to negotiate
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a contract than to have the action taken yesterday, but, you know, we are where we are, and it is what it is. and now we need to do what needs to be done which is educate our children. >> the union says it will fight the src's actions in court. >> final smell good news at the gas pump. prices are plumetting. we're talking low. we haven't seen these kind of numbers in some years. fox 29 cameras caught regular gas going for $2.97 a gallon along admiral wilson boulevard in camden. aaa reporting the national average for regular is $3.27. greater production of u.s. crude oil is one of the reasons for the cheaper prices. and save your change and spend it in ac. today is toll free tuesday along the eastbound lanes of the atlantic city expressway. the atlantic city allies is trying to promote midweek travel and low cost hotel packages in the resort town. tolls are free from noon until midnight every tuesday this month. the city's gambling market continuing to struggle with four
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casinos shutting down this year alone. well, rock and roll music legend bobby rydell is sinking the blues tonight. >> a career boss' worth of valuable sheet music disappeared out the back of his cadillac suv late saturday night and has not been seen since. bruce gordon live in the newsroom tonight with a mystery you can help solve. >> reporter: guys, philadelphia' own bobby rydell first hit the pop music charts in 1959. and after numerous health problems and at age 72, still performs regularly. in fact as recently as saturday night in delaware county. the show was great but the evening ended on a rather sour note. ♪ >> reporter: those wildwood days may have been great, but bobby rydell's broom all night was anything but. days later, in the music room of this narberth home, he was still shaken. >> i just went -- >> rydell wrapped up a saturday night concert at map p.m. newtown high school performing
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arts center packed up his sheet music and deep purple suitcase like this one, tossed it in the back of his cadillac suv and along with his wife and drummer headed down media line road toward west chester pike. the windows were rolled up but still they felt a draft. >> my wife looks at the rear view mirror and there's the hatch all the way up. so we said, wow we better stop and see if everything is in there. well, no. the music fell out. >> reporter: not just any music. hundreds of peaces of sheet music and arrangements like these specific to rydell and his band. >> base player instead of playing 44 let him play one and two, boom, boom, instead of boom boom. >> so -- it's what gives it the specific sound. >> absolutely. no, it's not like just going into a store and -- i want that, you know, the music and the lyrics for vo layer ray it's very important. >> reporter: backup discs allowed rydell to keep his sunday night gig in south philly but recreating all of those
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arrangements song for song will be an endless job. >> it's my life. it's my career. >> reporter: rydell and his wife and drummer returned to the site quickly. and searched again over the past few days. so have friends. they believe someone picked up the suitcase. they may still have it at least the music legend kept a sense of humor. >> whoever found it, i hope he sings in the same key that i sink in. (laughter). >> reporter: otherwise it's of no vol crew. >> absolutely. >> reporter: again, small deep purple suitcase packed with sheet music would likely have fallen out on media line road near west chester pike around midnight saturday. rydell is offering a reward for the safe return of the bag and more specifically the music. if you have any information, message us on our facebook page. fox 29 philadelphia or tweet me at b. gordon fox 29. dawn, we will solve this mystery and end the story on just the right note. we promise. >> i like that, bruce. hopefully someone sees your story and has that bag and returns it. thanks.
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philadelphia has a new state of the art performing arts and recreation venue. much anticipated venice island center opened today in manayunk. organizers say it's a great place for community events it has an after school haven and a spot for community theater groups to perform. it will also be a home for waterfront activities. that project has been in the making for some 10 years. >> some camden youngsters got important hands on lessons about the environment and the great outdoors today. 100 kids from fourth through 12th grades paddling the delaware river in can news and they navigated a series of clean water exhibits. it was all part of epa program called canoe mobile. a traveling land and water based program for inner city youth. turning back to your fox 29 weather authority now. rain is back in our forecast. here's chief meteorologist scott williams. >> yeah, that's right, iain. right now we're tracking a few light showers moving out of the area. this isn't the main event. the main event is still off to the west. a pretty potent cold front right now bringing severe weather to sections of the ohio river
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valley. i don't anticipate severe weather. however, we could see some gusty thunderstorms later on tonight. current conditions right now in philadelphia, 70 degrees. the sun will set this evening at 6:34. the winds they're currently calm but some of those storms could produce wind gusts over 30 miles an hour. so if you're stepping outdoors by 7:00 o'clock, cloudy, breezy, still dry. scattered showers arriving to the western part of our viewing area after 9:00 o'clock. showers and thunderstorms mid 60s by 11:00. coming up more on that system as well as what to expect for tonight's total lunar eclipse. >> dawn and iain. >> thank you, scott the. new york city canceling a plan to track your movements but the idea that it was even under consideration might make you a little uncomfortable. how pay phones could have been used to keep tabs on you. >> a medical miracle in sweden much this baby just became the first ever to be born from a transplanted uterus even after all of this his empty says she didn't feel like a mom until
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something very specific happen happened. >> and later, no barking allowed. where and when dog owners are supposed to keep their d
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>> pay phone tracking your every move? believe it or not it was about to happen in new york city. but not any more. the city canceled the controversial program in which transmitters installed in pay phones emit signals that pick up smart phones. the information would have been used to send advertisements to smart phone users based on their location. 500 transmitters have already basketball install but they will not go into effect. despite on-going air strike campaign against isis some military analysts are questioning its effectiveness. this as an illinois teen arrested for allegedly trying to join the terror group. the 19 year old was arrested saturday at chicago's o'hare international airport trying to fly to turkey which borders syria. he is charged with attempting to provide materials supporting a foreign terror group. neighbors are surprised. they say he and his family kept to themselves. >> shocking. like i said, i grew up in rolling brook much it's very quiet, unassuming town. you don't hear about stuff like this ever, you know, around he here.
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>> intelligence officials say about a dozen u.s. citizens are fighting alongside the terror group in syria and more than 100 others have traveled there for training and are now back on u.s. soil. a popular tv dad is under investigation by the new york police department for child molestation. >> the actor is on tape allegedly confessing to sexua sexualing molesting several underaged girls in his past. tmz obtained an oud audio recording. it says it is of steven collins confessing to his estranged wife about the acts. the conversation between the two reportedly took place in a therapist office back in 2012. collins did not know he was being recorded. according to tmz the nypd has the tape and says there are at least three victims. collins played the pastor and dad on the hit television series seventh heaven. >> between work and family you might feel pretty stressed out. the headache, the stomach problems prove it. >> still to come some quick fi fixes to help ease the pressure. a dog falls too hundred feet off a cliff. her owner quickly held a
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memorial service but soon discovered she may have given up hope a little too quickly. the amazing rescue and happy reunion. >> but first, ever heard of a nickel ride? this man says he was taken on one by police and he says he got seriously hurt. fox 29 investigates why taxpayers are will have to pay up. >> and a nice crowd on hand to open the area's latest ihop restaurant along 69th street in upper darby, delaware county. today was the grand opening and ribbon cutting. it joins other popular clothing and restaurant ch
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♪ >> welcome back. live look at the sky top lodge from our pocono mountains camera. beautiful picture. great view because tonight's weather could be a little disappointing so enjoy it while you can. chief meteorologist scott williams is tracking some more rain some of it heavy. he'll have the details coming up in your fox 29 weather authority forecast. >> tossed into a police van, hands cuffed behind his back and taken for a wild ride. these are the claims of a former philadelphia man who is about to get big check from the city. >> ton night fox 29 is investigating. investigative reporter jeff cole is here looking into allegations he was the victim avenue so-called police nickel ride, jeff? >> it is dawn, james mc kenna burly irish man who came to the us to play gaelic football. he says he's accustomed to the rough and tumble but not at the hands of police. >> so when i got to the threshold of the door, i got here, i felt an arm going around
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my neck. >> james mc kenna says jun june 23rd, 2011, around midnight is seared in his memory. >> i was being choke out. couldn't breathe and pretty shocking. >> reporter: but that was just the start of of what this native of northern island set was a nightmare of physical abuse at the hands of philadelphia police which landed him under a surgeon's 95. >> because of this i've got like steel in the front of my neck, steel in the back, nine screws and three vertebrae from some other dead guy. >> reporter: mc kenna's case is shocking. not just because of the alleged police abuse but because of the half million dollars taxpayers will have to shell out in the settlement of a lawsuit against the city of philadelphia and three police officers. a lawsuit alleging that mc kenna was taken on a police nickel ride. more on what a nickel ride is a in a moment but first it all
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starts when mc kenna says he was having a drink at this city pub when he saw a woman who was the friend of a gal he once dated. he claims he asked the bartender to send over around of drinks. >> it was a friendly gesture. >> yeah, yeah. >> reporter: and they were rebuffed it? >> yeah. >> reporter: according to core documents, mc kenna, 37, was approached by an off duty philadelphia police officer jesse o'shea who showed him his badge and demanded mc kenna get out of the bar. mc kenna says he headed for the door and o'shea grabbed him. >> you're at the threshold of the door you feel an arm around your neck. yes. >> you're being choked out whom is choking you out? the off duty cop. >> the cop who showed you his badge. yes. >> why j your guess is as good as mine. >> reporter: contacted by phone, officer o'shea a 13 year veteran of the force was stunned to learn the city would pay mc kenna a half million bucks. he refused comment. in an interview with the philadelphia inquirer last year
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which first reported the story, o'shea said he was forced to arrest mc kenna after he punched a bartender and was highly inn tock indicated and aggressive. mc kenna denies it. he was charged with simple assault but found not guilty. after being wrestled to the ground outside the pub, mc kenna's hands were cuffed behind his back and he was put in a police van. he claims he heard officer o'shea say something to the two cops up front. >> you absolutely remember hearing. yeah. >> the officer say "f him up? yes. of course, he wasn't saying it to me. he was saying it to the people who was going to be driving the vehicle. >> reporter: on the phone with fox 29 investigators, o'shea did deny saying that. this is where the so-called nickel ride comes in. name after a time when amusement rides costs a nickel, mc kenna claims he was thrown about the police van while taken on a 20
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minute ride of high speeds. quick stops. wide and sharp turns. he says he remembers the very moment he broke his neck. >> we must have been going like 40, 50 miles an hour and the brakes were slammed on and i went sliding up the vehicle and my head hit the partition. >> reporter: eventually taken to the hospital, medical records showed differing reports by police about what had happened to him. one do you mean says he struck his head against a jail cell and another says he hit his head on the police car door. while yet another reveals while being transported patient hit his own head against a divider. >> first and for most i'm appalled. >> thomas gibbons is mc kenna's attorney. >> i mean here's a man in philadelphia who is arrested for simple assault of an off duty police officer and an hour later, he's a broken neck with three shattered vertebrae and he's handcuffed to a hospital bed for six days. >> reporter: this letter from the city confirms the startling
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$490,000 city taxpayers will have to pay james mc kenna. on the phone top city lawyer craig straw philadelphia had to ray risk versus reward when it agreed to pay mc kenna a half million bucks. >> mc kenna says, he's taking his money and leaving the city of brotherly love for good. we this message to police. >> police don't hurt the public like that again. yes, if someone has done wrong you deserve, you know, your punishment but not -- not -- not a broken neck. >> reporter: there's no insurance company to cut mc kenna a check. payment will come right out of city covers. the police department says, the big settlement has not prompted an investigation of the officer's actions, but documents unearthed in the legal case will now be reviewed. police say, every van is being evaluated especially newer ones for safety in their restraint systems. jeff cole, fox 29 news.
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>> folks. >> all right. thank you, jeff. well talk about a medical miracle. >> a woman once told she could never have children beats the odds. she was one of the first women in the world to receive a uterus transplant and she just gave birth to a first of its kind baby. the moment she says she first felt like a mom. >> plus helping your children do well in school. the major roll we've now learned genetics might really play. >> and coming up at 6:00 a new jersey high school cancels football season a mid allegations of harassment, intimidation and bullying. why school officials say something just had to be done. scott? >> iain, right now we're watching tonight's system. still several hours away but you can see showers even thunderstorms moving through the ohio river valley much the latest on the timing of that system as well as what to expect ♪
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♪ come on, try a little ♪ nothing is forever ♪ there's got to be something better than in the middle ♪ ♪ me and cinderella ♪ we put it all together ♪ we can drive it home ♪ ♪ with one headlight [ male announcer ] great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle. see how much you could save.
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♪ >> medical miracle in sweden. a woman with a transplanted uterus gives birth to a healthy baby boy. little vincent was a month premature but otherwise healthy. his 36 year old mother was born without a uterus and told that she'd never have her own child.
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but last year, she was one of nine women to receive a womb transplant. her uterus was donated by a 61 year old family friend. vincent's parents are not revealing their identity but they are happy to share their joy. >> it's fantastic. it's fantastic feeling. i really felt like a mother the first time so even if i had years and years of sorrow and loss of hope, at the first touch when i saw my baby i felt like a mother. >> vincent's parents say they hope the story of his birth will inspire him to become a doctor when he grows up. in your health tonight, how well your children do in school could have a lot to do with their genes. a new study suggests genetics may accident for 60% of academic achievement. researchers analyzed the results of school tests given to british children focusing on identical and nonidentical twins. they found gene has major influence on test scores and english, science and math.
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those researchers say this shows different children need different teaching approaches. the study is published in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences. feeling stress between the pressures of work and familia familiarly? dr. oz takes a look whether there's a fast fix to manage the stress and feel better right away. ♪ >> when stress strikes, how does it hit you? is it a 12 in your temple, tension in your jaw or a knot in your stomach. no matter what symptoms come with your stress, i've got the solutions to kick them to the curb. oz family favorite. peppermint oil dab a little bit on your temple when you feel that 12 coming on. massage it in for extra relief. for stress that seems to stick in your jaw each tension by stretching thing out. try the cheek release open wide and pull your cheeks out with your index fingers. banish the jaw pain and my personal favorite stress buster is belly breathing. i like to use this technique
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before filming a big show or going into the or. you take deep breaths and it helps by reducing the stress. push your belly out as you inhale and as do you that, it stimulates the vegas nerve which gives your body signal to release a slur receive anti stress hormones. >> be sure to catch dr. oz right here on fox 29 weekdays at 1:00 p.m. >> have you ever tried to stop your dog from barking? it's not easy. >> the town telling dog owners they better figure out how during certain hours of the day or they will have to pay up. and another dog takes a tumble off a cliff. her owner was so convinced she was gone, she held a memorial service. but that service was interrupted by a discovery you will find hard to believe. howard? >> and the question that just won't stop. lesean mccoy said sunday he asked out of the football game. then last night he said on his radio show he wanted back in and didn't get in. his coach answered the question
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>> residents in minnesota are going to court over the time period when a dog is allowed to bark. back in june, town leaders passed an ordinance saying dogs in the commercial zone could only bark from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. if the pooch barks at the wrong time, it could cost the owner a $50 fine. get this. county's humane society is in that commercial zone and it feels it's inhumane to keep dogs inside for 17 hours a day so it is suing. >> they just kind of decided the same night that it got brought up that it would pass. >> still can't tell a dog when it can bark. >> the case was to appear before
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a judge yesterday but the court session was rescheduled. we'll keep you posted. lucky lab bra doodle survives a scary 200-foot fall in oregon. her owner even held a memorial service for her until an interruption you may not believe. fox's kimberly, has the story. >> reporter: every dog may have its day. >> good girl. >> reporter: but few have days like this. >> what a good girl. hi, honey you're a miracle. oh, my gosh. they pulled her up. i couldn't believe it until i touched her head and i kissed her and i was like, you're ali alive! >> reporter: a moment owner michelle simmons never thought would happen. she was hiking near punch bowl falls with her kids friends and of course gracie when the dog took a dangerous tumble. >> we were just hysterically crying we were all just devastated. we thought we just witnessed the worst thing. your dog falling down a cliff. >> reporter: a cliff 200 feet above the 11 where this lucky lab bra doodle eventually land
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landed. >> we heard her land and yell out this yelp. we didn't hear anything after that. >> reporter: out of sight, silent and hundreds of feet down, michelle assumed the wor worst. down the trail she even held an impromptu memorial service for gracie. only to be interrupted by the seemingly impossible. >> i saw your dog. i saw your dog. your dog is alive. i saw it on the 11. >> reporter: that's exactly where a humane society rescue team found gracie about four hours later. >> rescue got down to the bott bottom. he radioed up and said she's walking. she's running and we heard her barking. i couldn't believe it. >> reporter: they hoisted her up the 200-foot cliff in a harness and with bear al scratch g she got a little pop on her lip. to or three staples. we were just saying it's a miracle. >> reporter: a miracle an lesson for this dog owner. >> i'll think twice before i go up there again with her. >> lucky dog. >> indeed. >> how about a glass of wine before your next filling when you're at the dentist. >> the dentist? well it may be just what the doctor ordered. it's a growing trend across the
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country and right here in our area. some dentists say they're now offering a little wine before patients have certain procedures. for people who are terrified of the dentist it's what they say they need to take the edge off. >> you know the wine will make me a little more comfortable. in fact i'm feeling a little bit right now. >> tonight at 10:00 o'clock, we'll tell where you doctors in our area are serving up some vino and why some dentists say there is no way they would do that in their practices. and don't miss an all new crew top ya starting at 8:00 on fox 29. followed by new girl at 9:00 o'clock. at 9:30 the mindy project and stick around for fox 29 news at 10:00. >> all right. let's check in with fox 29 weather authority. it was actually a little bit warm this morning with some sun and now -- >> i know. >> track something showers and rain. we still have several hours before the heaviest of the rainfall arrives with the system. we can even be talking about thunderstorms. but a look at ultimate doppler right now showing you the light
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activity from earlier this afternoon. that's moving out. so we have a window right now until about 9:00 o'clock when the next batch of rainfall arrives. that will be the heaviest rain. as we scan the view, you can see here's tonight's system well to the west. but take look what's happening through sections of kentucky, the upper his hoy river valley. we're talking some strong even severe thunderstorms at this hour. so in the sector this is the unstable warm sector and that will eventually head toward our direction. we could see some gusty thunderstorms with winds gusting at times over 30 miles per hour. but let's watch the clock as we advance it. pretty quiet for now, but you can see by 10:00 o'clock, most of the rainfall starts to move into the western zones toward the lehigh valley, the poconos, allentown, reading, moving toward lancaster approaching west chester, downingtown, coatesville and eventually moving toward the i-95 corridor. here's midnight. most of the heavy rain still well to the north and west. lesser amounts as we move into south jersey, down the shore. but by 4am when you're watching sue tomorrow morning, this
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system it's pulling away. so it looks like there could be an early shower to start for your wednesday morning commute, but we're looking at a rapid clearing. it will turn blustery behind that system as well. so how much rainfall out of tonight's system? you can see the higher totals north and west of philadelphia. lesser amounts down the shore. we could see a tenth of an firm wildwood. four tenths of an inch in philadelphia. little over and a half inch toward the lehigh valley as well as the poconos. so the bottom line the heaviest rainfall really doesn't arrive until after 9:00 o'clock. a few showers turning into some gusty thunderstorms a quarter to half an inch of rainfall. lows around 60 tonight. so not as chilly. then for tomorrow, by day break we're watching out for some clearing and breezy conditions ahead. but what about the total lunar eclipse? that begins at 5:00 a.m. on wednesday reaching totality about 6:25. look to the west. clouds could impact the viewing, but it looks like by day break most of the activity will be moving well away from us.
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so what is going to happen 80 moon is going to pass through the earth's shadow. we call it the blood moon because of the hues refracted by the sun to kind of create that blood orange color. the high in philadelphia today made it up to 71 degrees. the normal this time of year is 70 but look at the record. it was 93 degrees back in 1941. looking at those temperatures right now, we're 70 in philadelphia. upper 60s in atlantic city. mid 60s right now in allentown. so mostly cloudy scattered showers and storms arriving after nine, 10:00 o'clock tonight. temperatures bottom out around 60 degrees. and then for tomorrow, an early leftover shower it turns sunny and windy. 75 not that bad for the high temperature tomorrow. the seven day forecast showing you, cooler but sunny by thursday. 67 for the high. 64 degrees on friday. damp kind of chilly and dreary. there could be some leftover showers to start the weekend. temperatures on saturday 63. 64 on sunday.
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and those clouds are going to stick around for much of the weekend. >> all right. >> umbrella night. >> it is. >> thank you, scott. we have a window. >> okay. >> keep it closed. (laughter). >> let's talk little football. just when you think the fans and the coaches and the players can move on to that new york giants game on sunday night here at the linc, not so quickly. the issues from last sunday are not done yet. the issue that won't go away was in the final quarter when lesean mccoy was not in the game for three plays on a critical drive. now mccoy said after the game on sunday he took himself out of the game. last night he changed that when he said on his radio show he was ready to go back in the game. the coaches won't say who made the decision, but they don't care. >> we don't care if lesean or darrin are in there. it doesn't really matter. last week we were talking about let's get darrin in there.
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now what we're saying is, we want him in there a lot but not what's considered critical situations. so from our standpoint, we're happy to an the questions but it's not a big issue for us. >> that's actually a good point. another issue on sunday, pointing the finger at the cornerback giving up multiple touchdowns big plays in the final quarter. cary williams and bradley fletcher were the main targets. defensive coordinator defended them today. >> over and over again, you look at a series of events on a play that hurt us, that led to it, but not one individual player. i have complete confidence in our corners. i really do. i watch every play of every snap of practice. obviously and i know everybody wants to pinnet on them, but i'm tell you, that's not where the issue is. >> everybody has an opinion. um, and i just live with it. it is what it is. it's not going to affect me. i'll continue to do what i got to do each and every play, each
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and every day and that's to be the best i can be. >> he stands up and talks about it. all right. he was a legend in sports play by play. yesterday he left it. bill campbell passed away at the age of 91 but in this town he broadcast philadelphia warriors basketball, the eagles, the phillies and the 76ers. his nicknames were soupy, last name and he was called the dean. i found humorous moment with richie ashburn in the phillies booth back in the '60s. >> your sensitive stomach i believe it was enabled me to probably go through one of the greatest thrills i ever had in this business. >> what was that? >> jim bunting's perfect game. >> every time you tell that story, every time you tell that -- wait a minute, here's a looper into centerfield it might drop for a base hit. coming on hard and they can't get it. every time i read somewhere you're telling that story about why i missed that game, once you said it was because i was sick. another article i read where you said it was because chrissy was graduating. actually what happened was my
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mother died. my mother died. that's why i missed that game. you were never -- you never want to let the facts get in the way of a big story. you taught me that. >> that's right. >> that's pretty funny. >> talk radio. >> great story. >> sensitive stomach. >> right. >> funny moment. a lot of those. >> thanks, howard. >> all new at 6:00 o'clock the football season at a new jersey high school ends soon after it begins. why officials say bullying forced them to cancel the whole season. >> and a dog napping caught on surveillance video. suspected dog thieves on the loose in philadelphia. the effort to bring chi chi back home. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right home. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right after this.
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football fans like meat clearly, i am a football fan. up your game with the new ultimate meats pizza. a large for $12 dollars. add a mega chocolate chip cookie for just $5 dollars more. better ingredients. better pizza. better football. papa john's. ♪ >> right now at sick, tracking rain and storm chances we've already seen some wet weather but another round of more serious trouble is headed our way. good evening, i'm iain page. >> i'm dawn timmeney. let's get straight over to chief meteorologist scott williams for a look at what we can expect tonight. some of that rain will be heavy, scott. yeah, it is. also we could see winds gusting over 30 miles per hour, but the sprinkles from earlier this afternoon and evening, that has ended. this is not the main system. the main system still well off to the west. it's a cold front. even producing some severe weather right now through sections of ohio, as well as kentucky.
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a tornado watch box has been issued there. not anticipating that type of threat for us. however, let's roll the clock. mostly cloudy skies by the dinnertime frame. we still have several more hours before most of the rainfall arrives. we're talking nine, 10:00 o'clock. where you see the yellow as well as the orange that will be some heavier rainfall and you can see most of the heavy action north and west of philadelphia. by midnight we're still pretty quiet down the shore as well as central and southern delaware. overnight that system continues to move to the east. so we're talking rapid clearing for wednesday morning's rush. most of the rainfall should be out of here without causing any problems for that morning rush. so once again the timing the heaviest rainfall arriving west after about nine, 10:00 o'clock there could be few gusty storms winds gusting over 30 miles per hour on average a quarter to half an inch of rainfall is expected. lows to night bottom out around 60 degrees. coming up we'll talk about more on this system, what moves in behind it as well as if it will move out in time for tonight's total