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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  October 7, 2014 3:00am-4:01am EDT

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fox 29 news in hd brought to you by xfinity the future of aweso awesome. >> breaking right now at 10:00, police arrest man for a violent sexual assault. cops say he attacked and assaulted the woman early sunday morning. the struggle was all caught on surveillance video inside a chinatown art studio. good evening, i'm iain page. >> i'm dawn timmeney. lucy has the night off. to night police believe they have a violent man behind bars. let's get right out to fox 29's dave schratwieser live at special victims. dave, how did they find this guy? >> reporter: well, dawn, you know, this is another example of how good surveillance video and good detective work can result in a quick arrest. the surveillance video wept out just afternoon today by 5:00 o'clock police had a person of interest here at the special victims unit. tonight sources tell me he has given investigators a full statement. he's now charged. we want to warn you the video you're about to see is distur
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disturbing. >> police now say 29 year old brandon menially is the man seen in this surveillance video walking into an art studio on ninth street in chinatown sunday morning and allegedly attacking a 45 year old woman. >> he forces her to the rear office area of the establishment, where he assaults her. >> reporter: police say he's charged with itemed murder, sexual assault and robbery after he repeatedly hit the victim with metal object then sexually assaulted her and robbed $600. >> very disturbing in the sense you see how this male assaults her on this video and then his overall demeanor is just one in which he appears to, you know, not be fazed by the incident that's faking place. >> reporter: terrified victim was taken to the emergency room at jefferson hospital and police were called. late monday afternoon, this surveillance video lead police to this homeless shelter on hamilton street. that's where they picked up menially who allegedly matched the surveillance video. >> all the neighbors know him like each other. so we scared sometimes. >> reporter: attack had local business owners along ninth
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street on edge. the own are in of this pizza shop up the block from the crime scene was nervous for his employees and his customers. >> tried to tell my neighbors -- they always in the back playing around. >> now business owners relieved tonight an arrest has been made. the suspect is still here at the special victims units. he will be transported to police headquarters and arraigned on these very serious charges. bail is expected to be set at a very high dollar amount. iain? >> all right, dave, thank you. this just in tonight. 30 year old ashley toll under arrest after her four year old child brought heroin to a daycare and began passing it out. police say nearly 250 bags of heroin were found in the backpack that she were begun viv given by her mother and the little thought it was candy. several kids who came in contact witness unopened bags were taken to hospitals as a precaution. >> new in the ebola outbreak, a nurse in spain may be the first person to catch the virus
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outside of west africa. meantime an american photojournalist who contracted ebola in liberia walking off the plane after arriving back in america today. he was load flood an ambulance to be treated at a nebraska hospital. and the first man diagnosed with ebola here in the united states thomas duncan is being treated with an experimental drug. duncan a liberian man is fighting for his life tonight. he started showing symptoms after arriving for a visit here. hospital officials sayness stable condition today after being listed in critical condition over the weekend. no word on whether anyone he came in contact with has tested positive. meantime free lance journalist is being treated in isolation in nebraska. 33 year old's father says tonight his fever and nausea appear to be mild. his parents say he is in good spirits. >> he's enormously relieved to be here. of course, it's still quite frightening but he's hanging in.
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>> president obama meeting with his advisers says the risk of an outbreak here is low. u.s. military is working on creating 17 medical centers in liberia and training thousands of soldiers to help there. also tonight the government is considering whether to do more screening of passengers arriving from west africa. >> closer to home now as we watch the enterovirus outbreak a second child at yardville elementary school in mercer county is being tested for enterovirus d68. the child's mother says the boy has been out of school for three weeks with an infection and is being treated at home. a four year old at the school died late last month in what's believed to be the nation's first death directly a tributed to enterovirus d68. >> developing now a bizarre story that has women on edge in mt. laurel, new jersey torque night. police there are looking for a man accused of harassing a woman by touching her toes. the incident happened outside the shop rite on ark road. and our dave kinchen is live in mt. laurel. dave washington are authorities saying about this? >> reporter: well, iain, police are calling this a very
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disturbing case of harassment and it's really shaking up shoppers we spoke with tonight. >> i mean i would be screaming and hollering, like, there's no way. that's not normal. i have a child to go home to. i would cause as much attention as i would have to. >> reporter: emily brown's plan if she's faced with creepy ordeal a woman endured two nights ago in the parking lot of the shop rite on ark road. mt. laurel police say a man came up to a woman loading groceries into her car and squeezed two of her toes. >> i feel bad for the girl who got harassed pretty much. >> maybe shares a fettish or something out of the ordinary. >> reporter: it happened as police say the woman was just closing her door. investigators say the man told the woman he wanted to talk and compliment her on her toes before reaching for them. >> definitely creepy. definitely creepy. scares me because i have daughters that come here and shop all the time with their children, and you know, just my husband whose handicapped and, you know, to have something like
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that happen and not be in control is just very frightening. >> reporter: police say the woman told him to stop and he let go before admitting he's obsessed with toes. >> scary when you think that you just come to the food stored to something so simple and have your privacy invaded. it's just beyond words. >> reporter: store managers say the man may have walked inside the shop rite at one point so they turned surveillance video over to police. meanwhile, female shoppers we spoke with say they'll be extra vigilant when out getting grocery. >> everywhere you go you have to be careful with who you come in contact with. >> police say the victim describe the suspect as a plaquemail with short hair, weighing about 250 pounds. they say he was wearing a white shirt hadn't numerous chains with crosses around his neck. call mt. laurel township, police, if you have any information. iain. >> dave, thank you. the pennsylvania state trooper accidentally killed in a firearms training exercise is
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laid to rest. the funeral service for trooper david kedra was held at the christ the king church in northeast philadelphia. hundreds of law enforcement officers showed up to pay their final respects. investigators say the 26 year old was shot in the chest tuesday when another trooper's gun accidentally fired. he joined the state police back in 2012. he served at the skippack barracks in montgomery county. >> he was the second trooper shot and killed last month. corporal brian dixon also died after an ambush outside the blooming grove barracks. another trooper was wounded. the manhunt for the alleged gunman eric frein continues tonight. state police saying today they have found a note most likely written by frein in the woods. sources tell fox 29 it outlines what happened during the shootings and immediately after. police say the note does not shed any light into a motive. >> and now a first look at your weather authority forecast. chief meteorologist scott williams is here and, scott, what's on our radar tonight? >> right now, dawn, of course, we're tracking some scattered showers mainly north and west of
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the city. some of this activity will be moving in overnight. as we look at the satellite and radar, you can see cloud cover increasing but take a look at state college, looking at some of those light showers, also, back into charles ton, west virginia. so on our radar, we're watching a couple of systems. the first one, that will move through during the overnight. then the second one as we move into tuesday night bringing us both chances for rain. so the bottom line overnight with the first system increasing clouds. a spotty shower north and west. by tomorrow morning, waking up to mostly cloudy conditions. then sunshine returns. but look at the lows. only in the 50s. by tomorrow afternoon and evening, we'll watch that second system arrive with more scattered showers. coming up the timing of the rainfall, the expected amounts as well as more temperature changes with the seven day at about 10:35. dawn? >> all right, thank you very much, scott. a stunning move today by the people in charge of philadelphia's cash strapped public schools. the school reform commission has canceled its contract with the teachers union which expired
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last summer. now, many education activists blame what they see as inadequate funding from the corbett administration for the sorry state of philadelphia public schools. late this afternoon some of them gathering outside the governor's center city office to protest today's move by the state controlled commission. >> commission plans to make teachers contribute to their health care coverage. they now pay nothing. the economic says projected $44 million a year in savings will go directly into the scho schools. >> given the fiscal environment in which we are facing, we all have to share in the sacrifice in order to provide our children with what should be very basic resources. >> what the district has done is they have said, we want it all. we want it all. and that is unacceptable, and we will not agree to it. >> the union says it will go to court immediately to fight the commission's actions. >> teachers in the delaware county district form a united
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front as they look for new contracts. ridley school diss trek teachers demonstrating outside the school board meet to go night. now they've been picking outside of back to school night but tonight they went straight to the board. teachers say they're tired of all the delays. they have been without a contract now since june. some residents of southwest philadelphia say septa's not playing fair with them. a large group of residents who live near 61st and baltimore turned out tonight to protest and give septa an earful. septa crews are doing track work in the area. the sound of jackhammers and other noise from the work crews is just too much. neighbors say the crews are even out there on sundays. septa has promised to meet with the residents and listen to their concerns. the philadelphia sports community mourning the passing of a legend tonight. a man who brought philadelphia sports into their living rooms. >> howard eskin with more on a man who truly was the voice for all seasons, howard? >> yes, he was. bill campbell was in some people's eyes the greatest. but you could always say he's one of the greatest voices in
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the history of philadelphia sportsports. bill campbell was play by play man for four of our city's tea teams. now f you're under 40 years of age, unfortunately, you will not remember or have really heard bill campbell. bill was the play by play man for the original nba team her in philadelphia. the philadelphia warriors. then 1960 eagles dam championship. yes, he broadcast the last one along with wilt chamber land's one hadn't dread point game in 1962. he was also the phillies play by play voice for eight seasons and 10 seasons bringing you sixers basketball in both radio and tv. he set the standards. for play by play broadcasters and broadcasters here in this town for sure and maybe in the country. coming up in sports, we have another legend talking about bill campbell and some of the most memorable calls you will hear that's coming up in sports and by the way bill campbell was 91 years of age. >> ♪ >> it's a night he says he will never ever forget. a man handcuffed and helpless in
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police van barrel link down the road. was he the victim avenue so-called nickel ride? >> the brakes were slammed on and i went sliding off the vehicle and my head hit the partition. >> he says he suffered serious injuries. fox 29 investigates why taxpayers will have to pay up. plus a halloween trick or something more sinister? decorations stolen right off of someone's home. the fright physical good clues that could land the thief in trouble. >> also ahead, lost in translation. a new jersey library accidenta accidentally end graves the wrong latin phrase on a wall. what these words actually mean, and how it's going to be fixed. an dog cheats death twice. first he's hit by a car. then
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♪ >> s to flood a police van, hands cuffed behind his back and taken for a wild ride. >> these are the claims of a former philadelphia man who is about to get a big check from the city, ton night fox 29 is investigating. investigative reporter jeff cole is here looking into allegations he was the victim of a police nickel ride, jeff. >> reporter: that's what they call it james m mc kenna is bury irish men that game to the u.s. to bay gaelic football. he's accustomed to the rough and tumble but not at the hands of police. >> so when i got to the threshold of the door, i got here, i felt an arm going around my neck. >> reporter: james mc kenna says june 23rd, 2011, around midnight is zeroed in his hem he roo. >> i was being choked out. couldn't breathe. pretty shocking. >> reporter: but that was just the start of what this native of
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northern ireland says was a nightmare of physical abuse at the hands of philadelphia police which landed him under a surgeon's knife. >> because of this, i've got like steel in the front of my neck. steel in the back. nine screws and three vertebrae from some other dead guy. >> reporter: mc kenna's case is shocking. not just because of the alleged police abuse, but because of the half million dollars taxpayers will have to shell out in the settlement of a lawsuit against the city of philadelphia and three police officers. a lawsuit alleging that mc kenna was taken on a police nickel ride. more on what nickel ride in a moment but first it all starts when mc kenna says he was having drink at this city pub when he saw a woman who was the friend of a gal he once dated. he claims he asked the bartender to send over around of drinks. >> it was friendly gesture. yeah, yeah. >> reporter: they rebuffed it?
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yeah. >> reporter: according to court documents mc kenna, 37, was approached by an off duty philadelphia police officer jesse o'shea who showed him his badge and demanded mc kenna get out of the bar. mc kenna says, he headed for the door and o'shea grabbed him. >> you're at the threshold at the door you feel an arm around your neck. yeah. >> whose choking you out? the off duty cop. >> the cop who showed you his badge. yes. >> why? your guess is as good as mine. >> reporter: contacted by phone, officer o'shea a 13 year veteran of the force was stunned to learn the city would pay mc kenna a half million bucks. he refused comment. in an interview with the philadelphia inquirer last year, which first reported the story, o'shea said he was forced to arrest mc kenna after he punched a bartender and was highly inn tock indicated and aggressive. mc kenna denies it. he was charged with simple assault but found not guilty.
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after being wrestled to the ground, outside the pub, mc kenna's hands were cuffed behind his back and he was put in a police van. he claims he heard officer o'shea say something to the two cops up front. you absolutely remember hearing. yeah. >> reporter: the officer say, f him up? of course. he wasn't saying it to me. he was saying it to the people who was going to be driving the vehicle. >> reporter: on the phone with fox 29 investigates, o'shea did deny saying that. this is where the so hiv called nickel ride comes in. named after a time when amusement rides cost a nickel, mc kenna claims he was thrown about the police van while taken on a 20 minute ride of high speed, quick stops, wide and sharp turns. he says he remembers the very moment he broke his neck. >> we must have been going 40, 50 miles an hour and the brakes were slammed on, and i went sliding up the vehicle, and my
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head hit the partition. >> reporter: eventually taken to the hospital, medical records show differing reports by police about what had happened to him. one do you mean says he struck his head against a jail cell. another says he hit his head on the police car door. while yet another reveals why being trance poured, patient hit his own head against a divider. >> first and for most i'm appalled. >> reporter: thomas gibbons is his attorney. >> here's a man in philadelphia who is arrested for simple assault of an off duty police officer and an hour later, he's a broken neck with three shattered vertebrae and handcuffed to hospital bed for six days. >> reporter: this letter from the city confirms the startling $490,000 city taxpayers will have to pay james mc kenna. on the phone, top city lawyer craig straw said, philadelphia had to weigh risk reward when it agreed to pay mc kenna a half million buck.
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mc kenna says he's taking his money and leaving the city of brotherly love for good. with this message to police. >> police don't hur the public like that again. yes, if someone has done wrong you deserve, you know, your punishment but not -- not -- not a broken neck. >> reporter: now there's no insurance company to cut mc kenna a check. payment will come right out of city covers. tax money. the police department says, the big settlement has not prompted an investigation of the officer's actions, but documents now dug up in the legal case will in fact be reviewed. >> astounding, jeff. we understand now that you have been told police will take a lock at the restraints in its van. >> today they said something interesting. there's some belief maybe this was an equipment failure. if it was an equipment failure it's one that happened three years ago. it would have been a long period of time maybe there was problem with the equipment but what they're going to do now apparently look at the new vans they have which they don't think
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the restraints are adequate and likely retrofit them. so somehow you've got these guys locked in, safer for the cops and clearly safer for the accused as well. >> thank you, jeff. >> okay, guys. >> well, coming up -- >> stuck on the cliffs. a paraglider crashes on a steep slope. the big tool investigators needed to help figure out where he landed. >> plus a bear cub found dead in new york's central park. what investigators found on the bear that's raising a whole lot of questions tonight. >> it's a heated confrontation between a man and an elderly panhandler. what he saw her do that g
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♪ >> a deadly typhoon slams japan
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with powerful winds and rain. the typhoon hitting this morning killing at least one person and trapping many in their homes. this storm comes a little more than a week after a volcano erupted in central japan killing more than 50 hikers. dozens of people are still missing from that eruption and today's storm brought the search for them to a halt. >> the u.s. supreme court expands same sex marriage across the country by turning down appeals from five states seeking to prohibit the unions. the justices brought an end to delays in indiana, oklahoma, utah, virginia and wisconsin. the decision also impacts six other states making gay marriage legal in 30 states. this was the first day of the supreme court's new term. illinois man arrest forward trying to travel oversees to join isis the parents of 19 year old mohammed, were in federal court today their son was charged with attempting that provide support to a terrorist organization. the teen was arrested over the weekend at o'hare airport. authorities say they found
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documents expressing support for isis. isis terrorists are threatening to kill another american. this time he's a former army ranger captured one year ago while providing aid for refugees trying to escape the civil war in syria. 26 year old abdul rape men kassig purportedly converted to islam and changed his name from peter. >> close call in a drama rescue in san diego california. paraglider is expected to be okay after crashing into some cliffs much this happened near -- he was pulled from the side of the cliff and taken to the hospital with back injuries a helicopter was needed to help identify the man's location. >> one of the biggest problems that we have is actually locating the person because when you're on top like we are right now, we really can't see what's going on. so we use our beach units or a vessel in the water to help designate where the area that we need to actually go over the cliffs. >> it is still unclear how that man crashed.
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a halloween grinch may be on the loose. still ahead cops say a woman stelle decorations right off a philadelphia home. what police have that could help crack the case. >> plus, could this be every beer lovers dream? there's now a way for to you have any kind of beer on draft at home. what you needed to right now to get one. >> and local library gets its latin confuse. what this engraving really means and the plans to fix it. scott? >> iain, right now cloud cover is moving in. a few spotty showers off to the west. coming up we'll have the timing on rainfall chances this week as well as high temperatures only in the 60s. that seven day forecasas
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♪ >> right now the hunt is on for the bold robber who got off with a philadelphia family's halloween decorations. it happened early yesterday morning and the crime has left the kids heart broken. >> but one big clue just might lead police to the culprit. the thief caught on camera. >> i woke up and i came outside with my daughter and i noticed
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my stuff was missing, and i'm like, something is wrong. >> reporter: that's when this mother of two who does not want to be identified decided to check the surveillance video from a three cameras outside of her home on the 2800 block of castor avenue in the port richmond section. she couldn't believe what she was seeing. >> here she is coming up on to the property. she actually has my neighbor's decorations in her hand right now. >> reporter: minutes later, she leaves with a family's halloween decorations they just recently put up including two pumpkins her five year old daughter and nine year old son grew in their side garden. >> they were very upset. they were more upset that the pumpkins were gone, because they literally watched them grow from a seed in our garden. they were absolutely looking forward to carving them. >> reporter: what happens next is even more brazen. you can see the woman whose parked across the street get in her car, she makes a u-turn and then pulls right in front of the house. >> she pulls out front of my house with her car to take the rest of my things. she was double park next to my
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car. stealing your stuff. >> stealing my thing report rot the second time around she swiped several plants loading them into her car and taking off. >> there goes all my plants. gutsy, right? twice to come back around. i don't know how she didn't see the cameras. they glow in the dark. report roar this p.m. says the decorations didn't cost much. she just can't understand why someone would stoop this low. >> every time i watch the video i get so upset just knowing that this happened. she really ruined my halloween. my kids halloween. >> the family says they have no idea who this woman is. they just want her off the streets before she highjacks someone else's halloween. police say if you recognize the woman in that video, give them a call. a lawyer for former philly mob boss joey merlino says the feds failed to prove their case that merlino violated the terms of his release from federal prison. skinny joe is due back in court here in philly on friday after the feds claimed he was associating with known fellows and mobster changlini back in
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june. his lawyer disputes that. merlino served almost 14 years in prison on racketeering convictions before his release in 2011. he now lives in boca rah ton, florida. >> a win for donald trump. you'll no longer see the trump name on trump plaza cass zen know in atlantic city. it will take a few weeks to complete. the trump plaza went out of business last month. skyfox over trump's other kaseen in atlantic city today, the trump taj mahal where that same name change could soon happen as well. ivan today and donald trump are pushing a lawsuit against trump entertainment which could take their name off that casino as well. they claim the company violated an agreement. the company is in bankruptcy and threatening to shut down the taj mahal next month. and a new jersey bankruptcy court judge expected to rule tomorrow on whether the sale of the revel casino should be approved. the florida developer who came up short in the auction has asked for the judge to
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invalidate the results. glenn straub says that he suffered a medical life and death situation and could not follow through on the bidding. the revel's attorney selected toronto based block field assets management $110 million bid. >> and back to your fox 29 weather authority forecast now. here's chief meteorologist scott williams with a look at your morning forecast. hi there, iain h. its. hi, everyone. right now we're looking at dry and quiet conditions. tomorrow morning there could be a spotty shower north and west but one thing i can guarantee you it won't be as chilly as it was this morning. this morning we were waking up to temperatures in the 30s. even 40s. right now as we look at ultimate doppler you can see off to the west we're watching some pocks of light showers. cloud cover is on the increase winds are currently out of the south. so look at the temperatures. milder we're looking at 63 degrees right now as the current temperature. yesterday's high temperature was only 61 degrees. so as we look at what's on our radar right now, a couple of system. the first one will move through during the overnight tonight.
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the second one late tomorrow. so both have a chance for some rainfall. the second one a better chance. as we focus in on the headlines for the overnight with the first system increasing clouds, a spotty shower, north and west, and then as we move ahead to tomorrow morning, there could be an early spotty shower but clouds will eventually give way to some sunshine. not as chilly when you wake up. low temperatures will be in the 50s and then tomorrow afternoon, then in particular, tomorrow evening, with that second system, we're talking about some scattered showers around and also some breezy conditions. so we'll roll the clock tonight. mostly cloudy overnight. here's 3am. you can see mainly north and west of philadelphia we're watching for some pockets of those light showers. no heavy rainfall. more of a nuisance. by 4am when you're watching sue serio and the fox 29 morning news most of the light pockets of rainfall will still be north and west. it's out of here though that first system by early tomorrow morning. we're talking about some clouds giving way to sunshine. a pretty nice day but by
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tomorrow afternoon, there could be a spotty shower but the best chance arrives after dinner. here's 7:00 p.m. watching that front move through and you can see by 10:00 o'clock, we're looking at some heavier rainfa rainfall. so both systems move in overnight and they're out of here really by both morning rush commutes so as we focus in today, with the almanac, 72 was the high. that's 2 degrees above normal. looking at the temperatures right now, generally in the mid to low 60s. but that's warmer than the same time yesterday. in fact take a look. north and west in allentown, it's 21 degrees warmer than this same time last night. so for tonight we're talking mostly cloudy, spotty showers after midnight. mainly north and west. overnight lows 59 in the city. low 50s in the suburbs. for tomorrow, an early spotty shower but better chances tomorrow afternoon and in particular for the evening time frame that's when we're looking at that second system. 75 for the high temperature
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tomorrow. and that seven day forecast will show wednesday low 70s and then as we move toward thursday, looking pretty good but cooler, upper 60s. friday right now, looks kind of damp and dreary mid 60s for highs. there could be a leftover shower for the weekend to start the weekend but temperatures only in the mid 60s both saturday and sunday. >> we're definitely in fall. >> yes. >> all right, scott. thank you. welcoming up he's the most decorated olympian ever. michael phelps, suspended from professional swimming. what it means for his chances at the 2016 olympics. >> also, ahead, it's a staple on almost every playground in the country. but one school is saying no to swing sets. why they're being banned from all district playgrounds. >> and how the brand new iphone six is causing some people to
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♪ >> a pennsylvania lawmaker is trying to silence the voices of convicted killers after convicted cop killer mumia abu jamal's commence many address at a vermont college. students at goddard college selected abu jamal. the 30 minute taped speech was played for the 20 graduates. he was originally sentenced to
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death for killing philadelphia police officer daniel faulkner back in 1981. he was resent 10ed in 2012 to life in prison. the controversial decision to have abu jamal speak drew outcries from supporte supported detractors. >> we want to provide an avenue with this legislation that allows our victim, the district attorney or the attorney general file civil action no in court in front of a judge and allow a judge to intervene on the behavior of this -- the particular person. >> the rights of our students to choose the free speech rights, the fact that mule mow ya has a long history of writing and thinking about issues that -- about social justice, about racial issues in our society. >> jamal is an alum of goddard college. >> in your money tonight, if you like a glass of beer, there may soon be a product for you similar to those single serving coffee brewers. it's called the sub. dutch company created it here's
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what a conversion of looks like. it season filled with different types of beer ordered oh and line. the company says what's great about it, you can have as little are or as much of your brew as you like. so far no ward on when it could be hold near in the u.s. right now it's available in france and italy. it will start selling in the u k'nex year. this is definitely not the type of buzz apple wants for iphone six. people are complaining on social media saying the phone takes out chunks of hair. users say they're hair even their facial hair is getting caught up in the seam of the hi iphone and being yanked out the people are talking about it so much there are a bunch of hash tags going including hair gate, beard gate and seam gate. a dog cheats death twice. coming up first he's hit by a car and he's almost euthanized. what happens next is nothing short of a myra raquel. >> a new jersey library accidentally end graves the wrong latin phrase on a
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>> police in new york city find a bear can you be dead in central park today. now the search is on for whoever did this. police believe the bear was dumped in the park. it was found with cuts on its body.
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signs police say of animal cruelty. two women first spotted the 3-foot cub while walking a dog. many other park visitors are stunned. >> i'm amazed and i'm kind of horrified. >> there seems to be lot bears in the area. >> my theory is, that it seemed like it was old enough to make the down from upper counties in new york or over from jersey because morristown and that area has lot of problems with bears, so my guess it wandered over from there. >> police say bears are not among the parks known wildlife population and there are no bears at the central bark zoo either. a bike found noor the bear is being tested for fingerprints. the state department of environmental conservation is also performing tests to determine a cause of death and exactly what type of bare it is. olympic swimmer michael phelps will not be competing in next year's world championships. he has been suspended for six months by usa swimming. phelps has agreed to not compete in the championships in russia next august. this all stems from his second
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dui arrest in baltimore just last week. it comes just days after he says he's going to rehab. if convicte convicted of latests he could face up to year in jail. he is the most successful olympian in the world with 18 gold medals during his suspension fell allowed to tra train. >> caught on camera, a man confronts a panhandler he thinks ripped people off. >> i don't have no car, bet believe away from me right now. get -- >> no, stop. >> get away from me. >> no! >> that lady is tough. a lady begging for money just goes off when the guy confronts her. he says he saw her off in new car right after he gave her some money. >> it made me mad when i saw her monday behind this gas station right here parked counting the money and she had a lot of money in her lap and i just -- i, my anger took over me. >> the woman who is 78 the guy who confronted her says at first
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he thought he was just doing a good deed by helping her out. in new jersey, contractors really checked the writing on the wall at a mill tie million dollar library if they did they might have noticed something was not right. >> the next chapter in his book is now another costly facelift. fox 29's chris o'connell explains. >> this library is particularly unique. >> reporter: when moorestown took the wraps off this new crown jewel public library back in may -- >> it has radiant heat in the floors. >> reporter: every detail was taken into account. >> it has great children's library. >> reporter: well, almost every detail. >> i was embarrassed. >> apparently someone did noti notice. >> this is an $11 million and they couldn't get it right? >> reporter: this latin inscription etched on the side of the new building was supposed to translate to, "we confirm all things twice". a nice sent many for a library. except that's not what it really says.
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a simple google translation tells us the latin phrase actu actually means we second guess all. unfortunately, it's already etched in stone. >> someone came by the building and googled it and came into the meeting of the town hall and told the mayor and the council that saying says this. and everybody went what? >> reporter: the building's architect owned up to the mistake immediately. >> someone googled it. it's the wrong translation. >> reporter: if you think that's funny, check out the roman numerals. reading the year 1653. that's also wrong. it should have read 1853. the year the library was found founded. the mistakes even have some of the youngest students scratching their heads. >> what's the most important thing about doing your homework? getting everything right. >> reporter: do you think they got their homework right? no. >> reporter: the architect who designed the building is having a stone cutter fix the medalli
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medallions and instead of "we second guess all" the new motto will be "we encourage all". >> i'm a big believer in phrases and lines and my phrase to use on this one, mistake is only mistake if you don't have the courage to cricket. >> reporter: the price tag to fix the mistakes six to $12,000. but at no cost to the taxpayers. talk about an expensive trip to the library. >> any lessons learned here? >> be really careful. double check everything twice. >> reporter: in moorestown, chris o'connell, fox 29 news. >> the playground will never be the same for some students in washington state. the district is removing swing sets. officials say the popular item from childhood is just too dangerous. the school district says the decision comes after a push from insurance companies they say the sets are to blame for most playground injuries across the country. >> the schools get modern knifed oren know 58ed as we're doing work on the playground equipme
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equipment, we'll take out the swings. it's just really a safety issue. swings have been determined to be probably the most unsafe of all the may ground equipment on the playground. >> each year nearly 2,000 children wind up in the emergency room after an accident on the play ground. >> when it's not your time to go, it's just not your time. a dog from alabama proves it after he cheats death price. the pooch nicknamed las ruglike the bible in the bible who rose from the dead brought to an animal shelter in august after his own are in said she could no longer care for him. at the time the dog was suffering from injuries from a car crash. the shelter tried to get him adopted but was unsuccessful. so they decided to put him down. and that doesn't work. >> the animals are normally injected by their weight. he was april joked the right am of medication that could have had him go to sleep and unfortunately or actually fortunately for everybody else here he was. he's back up and breathing and going about business like it's
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nothing. >> las rung is now kicking back with his new family, yes, he did get adopted in birmingham, alabama bam. all right. here's howard with what's coming up in sports. >> well, we have lost a broadcast legend here in philadelphia. there was no one that set the standard in philadelphia may by play broadcasters better than bill campbell. exciting for me when i heard bill campbell again tonight on some of the greatest calls that he made and some of the greatest in philadelphia. a legend talks about bill's impact to the city. that's coming up in sports.
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>> sad news tonight in sports. one of the greatest and i mean the greatest radio and tv play by play voices in philadelphia history passed away this afternoon at the age of none. bill campbell was truly and i say this with all respect, truly
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a legend. most people under the age of 40 will not remember bill, but when i was a kid, i loved listening to bill campbell. he brought the game from the radio to me a at home. i was lucky enough to have worked for and with bill campbell doing stats believe it or not for bill for the sixers games early in my sports career, and i worked with him on wip radio. philadelphia's lucky to have had bill campbell and he would be on the mt. rushmore of philadelphia play by play people. he would be bill campbell, harry kalas, merrill reece and gene heart. bill did play by play for four philadelphia teams. now he did the philadelphia warriors from 1946 to '62. the eagles from '52 to '66. the phillies from '63 to '70. some overlap there so did he a lot, and the 76ers from '72 to '81. and bill had some shining moments. bill brought excitement when richie allen came back in a cardinals uniform to play at connie mack stadium. >> and the first pitch to allen
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swing and ground ball to the short stop. might be a double play. there's one, there's two. >> he was in the booth for the last eagles championship when they wouldn't in 1960. >> over the middle caught at the 15, running hard to the 7-yard line and down on the seven is jim taylor. the game is over. the game is over! >> eagles are the champions of the world. >> he was there in hershey park when wilt came berlin scored 100 points in 1962. >> he made it. he made it. he made it. he made it. 100 points for wilt chamberlain. the most mazing scoring performance of all time. 100 points for the big dipper. >> bill was one of the fares to set the standards in philadelphia play by play and admired by another of the best eagles play by play man merrill reece. >> he was great broadcaster. he was a great describe we are of action without using flowery terms or cliches. i saw a young broadcasters if
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they want to learn how to be an interviewer, to ab great interviewer, find a bill campbell interview and listen, because he asked the questions that you at home would like to ask if you were with that athlete or coach. i believe that bill campbell was the greatest all around broadcaster in philadelphia history. >> you know what, and i would say he's right there, and he's not one, he's 1a. age sometimes you're lucky when you're older because you span a lot of eras i was there and lucky enough to hear bill campbell and span a lot of time in sports. >> tmz is up next. we're back here at 4am with the fox 29 morning news and "good day philadelphia". stay tune.
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a four year-old, handing out heroin at a day care, mom is in big trouble what we're learning this morning. plus sue serio is checking on the rain, perhaps even some then are storms sue serio. >> we have rain around right now and slight showers for the the most part but thunderstorms, that is scheduled for later on, we will break it down in your weather authority forecast, kerry. >> all right, sue very good. a pink cop car have you ever even anything like that? look at that. incredible gesture from the police officers department and why they did it. >> good day, it is tuesday october 7th, 2014. we are glad to have you with us. >> coming up


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