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tv   Fox 29 News at 6PM  FOX  October 2, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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philadelphia firefighter under some serious scrutiny and in big trouble. he is accused of forcing a woman into a car and sexually assaulting her and it doesn't stop there. >> officials say the firefighter was posing as a cop when he did it. tonight, two departments say they are taking this case very seriously. good evening, lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. let's get straight out to fox 29's dave schratwieser live at philadelphia police headquarters tonight. dave? >> reporter: iain, lieutenant jamal johnson still here at headquarters behind bars awaiting a hearing on some serious charges including kidnapping, sexual assault and impersonating a police officer. he got caught after the victim jumped from his pickup truck and called 911. as firefighterings at 26th and york headed out to call thursday afternoon, they were minus their lentigo mal janson. he was at the special vick items unit charged with impersonating a cop, kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman overnight. >> he indicated that he's a
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police officer and that she would not be arrested if she performs these act. >> reporter: johnson was pulled over in his nissan titan pickup truck wednesday night just moments after police say he stopped a 48 year old woman on north 13th street asked her if she was getting high, then allegedly ordered her to get into his pickup truck. >> at some point in time identifies himself as a police officer which is not. >> reporter: the lieutenant then ordered the woman to perform oral sex on him. minutes later, she jumped from the pick up and ran. >> she hides between vehicles at some .. in time once shes the vehicle. he maneuvers around several cars looking for him. >> reporter: the victim called 911 with the tag number to his truck. he was stopped by police and taken in for questioning. he now stands charged with impersonating an officer, kidnapping, sexual assault and unlawful restrain. >> now detectives searched johnson's pickup truck this afternoon for dna and other evidence. the fire department has yet to
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tackiness did you plenary action against the lieutenant. he is an 18 year veteran of the department. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, dave. philadelphia police are searching for the killer of a 34 year old man in olney. they found his body at his home in the 200 block of west lindley avenue late this morning. he had had been shot. police say they also found several marijuana plants in the basement. >> we're following a developing story out of philadelphia's roxborough neighborhood tonight. philadelphia police released a sketch of a man wanted for an attack at a popular park there and this is what the suspect looks like. employees say he grabbed a 51 year old woman as she was wal walking in wissahickon park. she told investigators approached her at gate house road near mccallum street friday afternoon. she says the man came up from behind, grabbed her by the shoulders and demanded money. when she said she didn't have any he pushed her to the ground started choking her, shoved dirt in her mouth and demanded second. police say after a 10 minute struggle the woman was able to break free and call 911. if you recognize the suspect
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call police. >> in delaware county, armed robbers terrified a family inside their collingdale home. police are now trying to figure out why the violent men targeted this particular family. now, what happened has neighbors very scared as you can imagine. fox 29'ss dawn tim men 93 live in collingdale. dawn? >> reporter: lucy, good evening. quite an ordeal for the family who lives here in this house. they tell police they have no idea whatsoever who was behind this night of terror. this also left entire neighborhood filled with families and young children on edge. >> four black males dressed in all black faces covered armed, three hand guns, one shotgun, went in the back door. >> collingdale police chief robert adams describing a terrifying home invasion around 10:00 last night at one sore four lafayette avenue. a husband and wife and their two adult children threatened at gun point. their home ransacked. >> four gunmen, that's really really scary that close to home.
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>> reporter: lisa davis lives right down the street where it all went down. another nearby neighbor who does not want to be identified saw all the commotion. >> and i was up in my bed and my two boys said to me, mom, something happened outside. and we look outside. looked like we are zone. they had so many police cars out there. >> it is scary. >> reporter: police chief says it appears this was no ran dam crime. there are still many questions, though, namely, why was this house targeted, why this family? >> in back door of a residence and specifically asked where is the money? so they were looking for something. some prior dealings with this -- either the family or the sons. were don't know. >> reporter: the chief says the family has no idea why these masked gunmen would storm their home. lives threatened, but no one hurt. the four making their get away down the train tracks into the darkness. neighbors are understandably rattled. >> terrified. i'm terrified. we have seven children between
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our two homes. we're thinking about moving out of this neighborhood any way. soon. so this just makes it harder to get out of here. >> reporter: police say the gunmen got away with $300 in cash. some high-end watches, some pricey sneakers. and cell phone. investigators tell me that they did find a clue on the train tracks right here. they found a sneaker that might belong to one of the gunmen and they are running dna on that sneaker to see if it yields any clues. they are also chec checking with residents to see if they have any security cameras that may have caught these guys coming or going. that's the very latest here from collingdale, iain, back to you. >> all right, dawn, thank you. acting new jersey governor kim guadano in the hospital she crashed her bicycle this morning in see bright. according to a spokesman for the governor' office she's being treated for a broken elbow and wrist. she's the acting governor right now because governor chris christie is in arizona attending events in his role as chair of
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the republican governor's association. >> delaware police say tonight a third person has died from injuries in a tour bus accident on an off ramp of route 1 and us13 in new castle. it happened back on september 21st. the 43 year old victim a woman from india. police say the bus driver has been charged with driving at an unsafe speed and operating a vehicle causing the death of another person. >> happening right now, the man who brought ebola to the u.s. faces charges back home in liberia. liberian authorities say they will prosecute that man for lying on his airport screening questionnaire. dallas hospital is now treating thomas duncan. meanwhile, us health officials are contacting nearly 100 people who may have had direct contact with him. the manager of the apartment that he was staying at says the c d.c. is there making sure everyone has the information they need to deal with this ever evolving situation. >> we are going to have community meetings for one group of people.
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today we have translators that are working. we are doing to get information to the residents about the situation. >> the c cdc says duncan did not have any symptoms until four or five days after arriving in the united states and maintains it is confident, it can control the spread of ebola in the united states. a stretch of philadelphia's east market street that's been seen better days a about to get a big makeover. all in the hopes of luring shoppers to center city. fox 29's bruce gordon live in the newsroom. bruce, it's not easy to lure those customers away from those big sur ban malls. the malls are always going to have the benefit of lots of free parking and weatherproof shopping, but that doesn't mean a vibrant main street feel can't work. too much of mark street between independence mall and city hall has for years been a commercial dead zone. the developers of east market want to breathe new life into the district with a combination of boutique shopping, major
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retailers, restaurants and apartments. they note this stretch used to be a commercial hub. >> it's important to us to stay true to that vision and of of philadelphia and bring back that spirit of as philadelphia's retail main stream. >> reporter: four plus acre site will be bounded by 11th and 12th street, market and chestnut. artists renderings show pedestrian walkways designed to create open public spaces lined with shops and restaurants. project will create 1200 construction jobs. developers promising an all union work force. >> they're going to get a decent wage. they're going to get good benefits. they're going get a decent pension. and they're going to work in a safe environment. >> reporter: mayor nutter brags center city in particular is experiencing an end precedented retail boom. >> ladies and gentlemen, you're looking at the future with more to come. >> reporter: among the new offerings japan based clothing retailer opens friday on the 1600 block of chestnut street.
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just up the block at 17th and chestnut in order tromm rack is slated for a late october opening. also, this month, eighth and market will be home to century 21, no, not the realtor, the department store. the one promising design are in duds at discount prices. >> this is a historic section of the city of philadelphia. one of the nation's earliest retail hubs, and it will in fact return to its former prominence as one of america's great urban centers. >> reporter: when complete the east market project is expected to create nearly 300 permanent jobs. demolition of existing buildings along market street will get underway this month. final completion of this phased project is expected late summer of 2016. iain we'll have our credit cards at the ready. >> you better believe it. >> all right, bruce, thank you. update on your story yesterday. bruce, about uncollected trash piling up around dumpsters at the woodstock mutual homes complex in north philly. residents of the federal
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subsidizedsubsidized housing cos no one picked up the trash for more than a week. this morning the trash was finally picked up. a hud spokeswoman would not say why service had license interrupted but promised they will be keeping a close eye on the property managers handling of all maintenance and safety issues at the site. good news there and good job to bruce gordon as always. >> indeed. >> the controversy over a college commencement continues tonight. >> we've already told i was little bit about what is going on with convicted cop killer mumia abu jamal and invited to speak at a college graduation. neck the big name asking that college to rethink the choice. >> a hot air balloon comes in for hard landing in a place no one was expecting. the pictures that tell the story. howard? >> according to sources, there have been and will be more changes with the phillies. and chip kelly responds to another ridiculous question today. that's all coming up in sports. >> coming up in weather, right now, we have mostly cloudy but dry conditions.
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coming up the weather to watch out in the midwest. this storm system will bring some rain for the weekend as well as an autumn chill. all the details next. >> they're one of the most popular accessory for you and your children. now authorities say they could pose a hidden and deadly danger. where they have seized tens of thousands of loom bracelets. >> here a live look at the inned pend visitor center in old city. hundreds of people attending tonight's sold out ya gotta try this tasting party. our mike jerrick is the host and you'll see many others from our fox 29 news team there as well.
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♪ >> hot air balloon crashes in bucks county. came down this morning right outside warrington township building on the 800 block of easton road. warrington police and
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firefighters they were right there very quickly. we are told no one was hur. faa is now investigating. a u.s. senator from pennsylvania is urging a vermont college to reconsider its choice of commencement speakers. >> goddard college created controversy this week by inviting convicted cop killer mumia abu jamal to speak at graduation. jamal is 1996 graduate of goddard. the college plans to may his recorded remarks and a video about him at sunday' ceremony. jamal was originally sentenced to death for killing philadelphia police officer daniel faulkner but he was resent 10 to do live in 2012. letter to the college senator pat toomey calling the invitation quote a slap in the face to faulkner's family. >> fall is here as you can feel outside. that means chillier weather is heading our way tom night thanks to some generous donations thousands of kids in our area will not go cold. >> no, they will not. today they got brand now coats and our john frederick was were with them at the pennsylvania convention center when they got
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to pick out that are new winter gear. >> reporter: these kids are really happy because they are some of the lucky ones. 6,000 new coats will be give haven't out to children in the city of philadelphia children who have been identified as being in need. they get to try on the coats. they get to pick out their colors. it's an amazing amazing morning for them. >> philadelphia winners are cold -- winters are cold and damp. the kids have to come to school, walk an lot of them can't get to school warm. how much mr. basic of a need can you have than buying a new coat? >> you love your new coat? >> yes. >> you got to pick out the colors right? >> yes. >> i like your colors, too. you got to pick out the colors of your new coat, right. >> yes. >> this is our way of reconnecting with kids that really need some help, and we're privileged enough to be able to provide this. it's really a wonderful feeling. >> reporter: this is the seventh year that the car dealers associate has done this for these children. and they say because it is so bitter cold and it means so much
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to have new coat they'll keep doing it for years to come. i'm jenn frederick, fox 29 news. >> just love that. i was -- i had the honor of hosting good day along with scott today, right? we had so much fun those their little smiling face. >> i love it. >> they won't be cold this winter. n. >> cold weather coming or way now. we really do. iain and lucy, we're talking unseasonably cool temperatures for part of the upcoming weeke weekend. high temperatures struggle to make it out even the low 60s for some details on that in just few moments. but right now it's 69 degrees. we have mostly cloud dough skies. winds have generally been out of the east today so a little more of that ocean effect kind of locking in those clouds. we'll call it cloudy and cool tonight. low temperature in the upper 50's for the city. low 50's for the suburb. for your friday, similar to today. partly sunny, more clouds than sunshine. high temperatures once again in the low 70s. weekend showers in the complete washout but also we're tracking some cool air. 73 that was the high for today.
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the sun will set this evening at 6:42. but look at the record for today's date. 87 back in 2002. wouldn't that be pretty nice? upper 60s in allentown. we're looking at 69 philadelphia. 67 in dover. 64 atlantic city. so here's that upper level low that still kind of meandering off of the northern new england coast. that's drawing in some of the cloud cover and that's why we saw mostly cloudy skies today. but take look out to the west. this is our next weather maker in the midwest. it's a cold front out ahead of it there's some lift. we're looking at showers even some thunderstorms but no rain tomorrow and really no rain friday. look at the clock. friday evening for your plans maybe out to dinner looking pretty good. it's not really until after midnight that we start to watch some of that rain approach the western suburbs. advancing the clock here's 6:00 a.m. you can see we start to see some of the rainfall moving toward lehigh valley the pocono mountains. so it's going to be damp and dreary start to the day on saturday. keep that in mind for your plans. moving the clock ahead 10am
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we're still looking at some of the rainfall. there could even ab rumble of thunder out ahead of this front as it passes through. but take a look at what happens by the afternoon. most of the rainfall lifts out of here. we're looking at some cooler, drier air moving in behind it. but on average, saturday the first part of the day half an inch to an inch of rainfall. there could be some higher totals toward the poconos as well as down the shore. we'll continue to monitor that forecast but some cold air will be moving in behind that system as we move into saturday night, sunday morning. we're looking at temperatures north and west. watch the clock. here's saturday morning. but watch what happens by sunday morning. low 40s trenton, 44 philadelphia. we're looking at 40 allentown. 30s as we move toward sections of reading as well as lancaster. so chilly indeed especially north and west with that front. 50s for low temperatures tonig tonight. a cool fall breeze and then moving ahead to tomorrow once again similar to today. 74 parly sunny. more clouds than sun but dry.
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the rainfall arrives after midnight into the first part of the day saturday. but look at sunday. 62 for the high and once again a chilly start but we rebound to seasonable numbers by early next week. so it's a brief shot of some chilly air. >> okay. guess we'll have to -- it is fall. it is october. >> weather row bounding philli phillies? >> rebound but it's two to three years away from being two to three years away phillies behind closed doors have made some -- you think about that iain a little bit. ? made some big changes with more major changes coming. and it's chip kelly at his best czar crass tick self today when the media asked the question that is deserve those answers. you'll love this one
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♪ >> the phillies are coming off their third straight season without a winning record and no playoffs. mistakes have been plenty but change to come go beyond the players and general manager. as i reported at 5:00 sources tell me the president and ceo david montgomery was pushed out of his position with the phillies. the phillies had announced montgomery was taking a leave of absence in august while he recovered from cancer on his jawbone. the league was an excuse for the move. i'm also told one of the partners limited partners john middleton is making a move to take majority ownership of the phillies. the way the phillies limited
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partnership is set up he needs unanimous approval from the other owners and now with montgomery out that is likely to happen. with that many changes will follow. right down to their farm system and players. all right. owe eagles need a win on sunday. nick foles need as good game. i asked today after a game like sunday's in san francisco does he watch, listen or read what's said? >> i don't watch, listen or read. (laughter). >> makes it a lot easier. so doing that i just focus on what i can control and that's coming in here. i know what i need to work on. i know where my flaws are. i'm not blind to that. i know what i missed on. i can see it. i can feel it. but that's why i come out here. i don't need somebody else to me from a far because i already know. >> chip kelly in good mood at practice today and he gets those ridiculous questions at his news conference. listen to the question and the response. it's classic chip kelly. >> would you say you practiced heading into a game -- four-point 6%.
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i never really thought of it that way. sarcastic answer because i never thought of it that way. how much much our playbook overall generally. what are we doing to pro pair? you don't have an opportunity to -- how many third down calls can get, how many third down reps can you get in practice? so you can't have 47, third down calls. you're not going get 47, third down reps in practice obviously you won't get a chance to practice it. >> jeff, did you get the answer to that question. >> i'm sorry -- (laughter). >> that's chip kelly. >> says what he think. >> s are you hungry. yes. >> we got some. one more life look at the independence visitors center in old city. that is where hundreds of people are attending to night's sold out ya gotta try this party. >> all to raise money for a local charity. we'll see you back here at 10:00. you guys have a great night. >> let's do it.
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>> we're heading over there right now. ♪
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flight of ebola. >> patient zero's path to america. >> it would be horrible if someone who was truly sick and contagious got onto a plane. >> and dr. doom? this doctor's dire warning. >> i believe we in america are in grave danger. then -- new secret service scandal. >> i felt violated. i was scared. >> this mom says agents had her under surveillance 24/7. and you won't believe the reason why. and she's alive. kidnapped by her mother 12 years ago. >> the last thing she ever said to me was daddy, don't ever forget me. >> they dyed her hair from blond to black. then charlie sheen dentist freakout? >> did he really pull a knife on his dentist?