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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 9  FOX  September 22, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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prowl for a partner in september. >> that is number one month for hooking up with somebody. yeah. >> ladies of the real are here, topics today are hot food and hot guys. so, they are joining us in just a little bit. >> okay. >> okay. >> is what up. >> be honest, how often are you in a bad mood? what puts you in a bad mood. we have found this research that says. >> on average women spent five hours a week just in a hough. the reasons, for a bad mood women feel under valued and having just too much to do. two thirds say they are more moody then men. men say five hours of the week for unhappiness, women saying their other half is usually unhappy for eight hours this week. their study comes from health span. >> so, i think it is more than five hours. >> five hours a week. >> that is in the true. >> okay, as a woman, now with
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children and a husband at home and a house to clean you you are constantly going. there is never any dunn time and here's what is gets it for me the smallest thing can set you off. like you your internet connection cost president work or your husband forgot to put the toilet seat down or the dog poop on the floor or your kid pooped, you know what i mean, there is always something. >> smallest little trigger. >> you know what puts you in the bad mood when we're in the bad mood and guy is blaming us,. >> and calling us out on it. >> you don't to have say it but i'm in a bad mood. >> remember we did the worst words a man can ever say, to a woman, calm down. >> oh, i have learn not to do that. >> don't do it. >> don't you do it. >> why don't you just calm down. >> it the is town. >> i hate the word now, are you upset with me now. don't say now. >> it happens all the time you are doing it, tom, don't do
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it. >> web, maybe you are. >> i'm constantly miserable. >> apparently i am at least five hours a day. >> her five hours a day are like, five hours a week. >> yes. >> five hours a week but i do it five hours and then five hours and five hours. >> five hours that she's here. >> five hours, yes. >> oh, geese. >> okay, jen, you seem to be in a good mood. people that always seem like they are in the great mood and bouncey and cheery, are you just a miserable person at home. >> would you be quiet. first of all, in a hough, in a hough, that just looks ugly, already. the here's the thing, kerry, is there one thing you missed and by the way there will be name guys running up here that is what i'm paying a attention to. the thing that you in missed. >> cue the the music. >> turn the camera. >> they cannot think, they don't have esp.
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when my february who is a with man goes out of town, i send her a text. anything i can do for you, you are heading out of town can i pick kids up at gymnastic. this is what we're thinking about. we want the man to say, hey baby, i feel you, i see on the calendar that we all share that you have work. and then meeting. then you have to pick kid up. then you have to do this abe that. can i make dinner? can i do whatever? that is what we're talking about mike jerrick is steve fredrick and rest of you clowns cannot think for yourself and think about what my needs are. i don't want to ask every single day. >> wa, wa, wa. >> blame the men. >> it is interesting, i was reading details on this study. it also says, jen, that we are at the mercy of our hormones which put me in a bad mood. >> that is true. >> i don't have any hormones. the babies took my hormones. you know what it is, at work
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and by the way, mike the photographer and jared would like to tell everybody they are the world's best husband and they do so much for their wife's and they don't appreciate all these little stats. whatever. here's the the thing, when you are at home, just picking up a pair of socks off the floor, would be nice. >> john will literally drop his underwear next to the hamper, next to the hamper, why do you think it magically gets there. we don't have a magical laundry fairy that picks it up and put tonight there. me. >> we could go on and on and on. >> mike says why don't you ask steve to do something. here's what i did, a couple weeks ago i asked steve to turn in this note at doctor's office. and, i asked steve to take, one form to the doctor's office. put it on the counter. put it on a fridge.
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>> yes. >> you know what he said. >> my head hurts. >> john says to me if you need me to do something just ask me. i'm like will you feed your children? will you shower. can you brush your teeth. like how detailed do i have to get when i'm asking you this stuff, do i have to have lay it all out. >> if you weren't there he would do all this stuff. it is because you are there. >> i should just leave. >> leave him. >> that is a solution, way to go, mike. >> that is the solution. >> mike, when i go out, i went out the other night for a work event, a wednesday night, the fridge is full. it is full of food. i come home, take out stuff. you cannot even make one thing. you can boil a ravioli and put some butter on ity feel bad now because johnnies a much better cook then i am. if it was up to me, we'd all
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be dead. >> they are all name. >> it is the trend, everybody is naked. >> you guys look good. >> who are those dudes, jen. >> they are the drexel wrestling team. >> go drexel, stay naked. >> hey by the the way is there a hockey game tonight. preseason. >> yes. >> i might go to the game tonight. alex, i want to you do something for me. >> here we go. >> explain what cuffing season is. >> in the summertime everybody is having fun with their flings and when things start to get cooler you need somebody to warm you up. they call it cuffing season. i will get teased on twitter because i'm using the g. cuffing season. there you go. you have to reserve a spot. now things are starting to get cool. you have to pick that person how will expenditure winter and fall with. >> okay. >> they call it cuffing season. >> you are lock up. >> you are lock in. >> so it is like, wanted fall
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boyfriends. two women took out this ad on craigs list. in the ad they listed requirements for the the perfect fall boyfriend among the qualifications, in case a party should have a window in the bedroom and cuddle with the window slightly opened to let the fresh autumn air in, while the fall scented candles fills the room with cozy comfort. you can tell a woman wrote that. the women confirmed the ad was just a joke but it turns out some women do seek boyfriends. cuffing season. singles look for mates in september, according to one single if you lock someone down by the beginning of october you've got two months of holiday parties and seeing your friend and family establish as a couple and have an appropriate plus one. >> there is a ritual to it. >> you don't wanting to in the end of october and you are like i have to be by myself. you have to start now. >> you have similar events in the fall heading toward the holiday you need to lock up a
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boyfriend so won't go to these things alone. >> some guys, they try to wait because then they have to get you a gift. >> yes, exactly. >> they a hate that. >> here's what i do, you break up just before thanksgiving and you get back together, after valentines day. you save a ton of money. you don't have the stress of thanksgiving. >> that is terrible. >> thanksgiving, christmas, new years eve and make it through valentines day you save money and just get back together in march. i dot opposite. >> you need a good excuse for being bad all the that time. >> i want my christmas gifts, my valentine's day gift, i want it all. >> yes. >> there is decuffing season. decuffing season. >> okay. >> i don't know, if you watch the show friday, thank you very much. last week we had, three philadelphia union soccer players on and jen, asked
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alex, which one do you think she is cute. is there guy on the right. we started talking about it. next day he was watching the show and he took that selfie. i go on the philadelphia union soccer teams web site right here. >> um-hmm. >> and guess what they posted over the weekend, in fact, yesterday, guess who went to a union game saturday night. >> the the headline was, that was hilarious, no, white find a fox. do you get it. >> yes, his last name is white he is in white, white find a fox. >> you are the fox. >> but later in the article they said they are doing a little anchor. >> i cannot be fox and then adorable. >> sure. >> i don't know. >> adorable fox. >> are foxes adorable. i think fox i think fox. >> well, you got it down. >> cuffing season. >> that is right. i don't always say it. >> you don't say that are you
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cuffing. >> so you took this picture. >> yes. >> i did go to the game because i was part of the bargain. >> he invited me because i gave him a shout out. >> could he not have have gotten you a better seat. >> i had three sets of tickets, vip passes. >> okay. all right. >> here's the thing, he said he would show, because he said wow wear my name on the chest. but they would have to win so he could take his shirt off and celebrate. it wa a tie, and he got kind of injured. he told me i was bad luck. i'm probably never going to a fill union game ever again. >> look what you done. >> he held up his end of the bargain. we went on the field. i thought i would write a sticky note. >> he made it. >> yes. i made a deal with alex holley. >> what did you do after the game. >> we hung out. >> where did you go. >> the lounge. >> at hotel monaco. >> yes. >> it was just a lounge. >> oh, my gosh. >> he wases a good sport bit.
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it was fun. >> i enjoyed the night, i enjoyed professional soccer game. i will never go again, i was bad luck. >> he hurt himself. >> hurt his hamstring. >> before or after the game. >> i do want to thank my friend, tony is watching. she came with me to the game. it was awesome. isn't she savvy. she'd gorgeous. beauty and brains. >> smoking. >> and then these are two guys, because we didn't know what was going on. >> two strange guys at the game. >> well, we asked them, they had a box and they invited us to the box. anytime something happened i said what just happened. >> so you got invited in to a suite. >> we were already in the club because we had little passes. and then they said hey we didn't necessity what was going on. >> did you sit with the wife's and girlfriend. >> oh, my goshy don't want anyone judging me. who are you, who is this chick coming up to you in the club area. i'm never coming back, ladies,
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he is all yours. >> people on twitter they were saying they make a nice coupley said this is a pr stunt. >> no, no, no. >> pr stunt but it was fun. >> was there a kiss. >> he was playing. >> i mean afterwards. >> let's move on. this very program you are watching right now was honored this weekend with an emmy award. yes, the show won an emmy for best morning show on television. how about that. >> the award goes to "good day philadelphia". >> jessica kline and tom loudon, going up and getting the the emmy award. they make a little speech right there. alexis could you roll that again. listen closely, there is a little squeal when somebody announce that had we win. if you can play that. >> the a award goes to, "good day philadelphia".
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>> yes. >> who was that. >> the school girl at the table. >> that is her fiance, he squeals. >> i thought that was cute. >> she was very excited that she won. >> is there tom loudon. >> our executive producer of the show. >> and jessica kline, one of our interns. >> don't say that. oh, my gosh. >> she's now an award winning producer. >> that is right. >> also joyce evans won one. >> and jeff cole won one. >> one of of our editors. >> wow, a sweep, go fox 29. >> jim ring, he won. >> yes. you get an emmy, we all will get an emmys. >> that was good.
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>> it is not going to work. 9:14. >> sue? >> it is time for sue. >> hi sue. >> hi. >> how are you. >> good to see you. >> i felt like that was so sincere, as well. here is a look at you have temperatures. here's a look at your temperatures as you walk out the door, look at that. fifty's up in the mountains but 60's just about every where else. philadelphia has 66 degrees. sixty-five in trenton. sixty-four in allentown. sixty-five in wilmington. mid 60's, in wildwood, as well. so, here's what we're watching today, the win. we have been telling but this all morning. now that the cold front has come through high pressure building in. we have a exiting system. wind are picking up at 17 miles an hour out of the west in philadelphia and in wilmington.
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15 miles an hure in mount pocono. 16 miles an hour in wildwood. you get idea that it is getting breezy out here. here is your seven day forecast for first day of fall which does ant live until tonight. it looks autumnal. lower 70's for tuesday and wednesday. thursday, friday we will get up to 78 degrees and then just in time for the first week end of autumn, temperatures get back into the 80's. remember, phillies, well, they will be in town for a series with the braves, this weekend, as season wind down, guys? >> okay, there is a new trend out there in television. >> um-hmm. >> i have countedded three shows where people are naked. there is a new one called naked house hunting, naked and afraid, you run through wilderness and dating name. >> dating is hard enough. >> but being name will make it easier. >> you meet the person for the first time, they are name. so lets roll a clip from
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dating naked, this doodies from south jersey. >> i think my mom would be proud, yes. >> his name is jr clark. he is a south jersey native. he had no problems being on national television, name. >> and apparently on our show as well, name. >> quaking up in the morning with the ladies out there. >> yes. >> geese. >> oh, well. >> how is it going. >> i feel out of place right now. >> well, yes. >> a little over dressed. >> so when i asked you want to be on the show. they said you'll meet the the woman, you will meet the woman and she will be totally naked too. >> um-hmm. >> yes. >> you agreed to do it. >> at first i'll be honest
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when i got the phone call i was than the positive, it was name and then i found out it was name. i gave bit 40 seconds thought and said sure. >> do you owe owe before the show were you all about being naked. >> no, no, that is not my thing. around home and all that, sure. >> but now, sit your thing. >> no but it work out better thane i thought it would. >> yeah. >> what was it like. she's walking towards you, you are both name. >> for first couple minutes it was absolute thely weird, whoever says it wasn't weird they are lying, it was weird, the first five minutes or so. then after thaw realize, everybody there with you is working, they have been there for weeks. everybody else there is doing the same thing. it sings in. >> there is a crew of clothed people. >> turf ask for a guy, you know, working to see what we got under there, so, you were
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taking away the the reveal, the surprise, i already know what you are working with. >> i mean i was more worried about myself. i paid attention to her but i didn't want some crazy cold front to come out of no where. >> shrinkage. >> what if it got hot and heavy, you cannot hide that. >> then everything is out there, if you want to see. >> well, because there is romance, there is making out and stuff like that on the show. >> so what do you do. >> do you think about baseball or something. >> you know, whatever you can think about. no, i didn't have that issue at all, sorry mom, i didn't have that issue. >> but they say this might actually kind of work because 12 people met on the show are still in relationships now. >> yes, there was just a wedding, the girl that i went on my date with. >> that skinny blonde women. >> she got married to someone
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else. >> what happened. >> things got too cold is that what happened. >> no. >> i was than the her pick of the litter, and that work out fine, we remained friends and so did everybody else on the show. >> this is the third name show out there, is it just because we're invoicers do you think. >> it is a trend, i don't know, they are doing a second season soon. >> they are. >> yes. >> what do you do for a living. >> i work for a bank. >> so, people mention it, i million people per episode were watching this. >> yes, i'm getting more and more recognition. >> i bet. >> in atlantic city week after a show waitress said a can i ask you an inappropriate question. i said yeah, sure. she said, were you on tv without clothes, and has a table next to us turned over. >> i said yeah that was me. >> real quickly though, come on did you get more ladies. >> yes, and no. people recognize it.
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>> recognize it. >> well, i don't want to get that recognition. >> it was blurred out, mike. >> yes. >> i went on that show, they don't have blurred material. >> yeah,. >> you have a big blur there. >> speaking of money, where do you keep change. >> on the show i could not keep change. i had no wallets, no nothing, no monday which me. everything is taken care of. it is a true vacation. >> so you are handling money all day. >> i don't do that in the banking, i do security, investigative end of banking. >> okay. >> you pat people down and all that. >> no, no i don't. >> do you have a credit card on you right now. >> i do, right now. >> good to meet you. >> thank you. >> thank you, thank you so much. >> don't get up. >> no, please don't. >> i will wait for my towel.
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>> still ahead, sea food for breakfast i have never done that as much as i eat, so we're adding southern flavor to the show, we are trying shrimp and grits, and cat fish for breakfast.
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welcome back 9:24. so when you think of breakfast you think of sea food, locks, that kind of stuff. well, mike is checking out what it is all about, mike and alex as a matter of fact. >> alex out here too. hi sharon and matthew pierce. >> hi, how are you good morning. >> you have a restaurant or do we just call you, you come to our house. >> both. >> yes. >> what is it. >> it is a restaurant as well. we do catering also. >> where sit. >> it is in mt. airy, 6833 germantown avenue. >> i love mt. airy. >> main drag. >> yes. >> very nice. >> reason why we wanted to have you come in i don't eat sea food for breakfast.
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>> okay. >> but you do. >> yes. >> we will change your mine. >> seafood is very healthy, new alternative tour meat, sausage, your bacon, pork. we want to do seafood. salmon has got great proteins, omega three's, fatty acids that we all need. had shrimp are 100 percent fat free until we make them fatty but new alternative. >> but go ahead. >> do you guys always eat seafood for breakfast or is this something new you are trying. >> thinks a new thing. we want to maximized our product and get a different clientele, but yes. >> we really love seafood. >> yes, we do. >> so this is fried cat fish with sunnyside up eggs and home fries and our homemade corn bread we sell,. >> where do you get this thing. >> it is wild, all our shrimp and fish are all wild caught. >> how sit, mike. >> i have never had egg and
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cat fish. >> it is great. >> yes, yes, it is very great. >> lightly fried. we don't use any breading. we use a flour and corn meal. it just doesn't sit long in the friar. >> are you two married. >> yes, we are seven years. >> congratulations. >> so, math the you, let me try this salmon. >> no, grits. >> people are familiar with grits in the morning. >> you decided to do something different to it. >> yes, that is our grilled salmon finish with a garlic butter sauce. >> salmon and egg. >> yes. >> you don't feel heavy like you eat your pork and your bacon, not to say it is not good because we do it but it is a lighter alternative for the whole day. >> so where are you. >> 6833 germantown avenue. >> okay. >> yes. >> mt. airy. >> mt. airy. >> number is (215)432-9867. >> you just call and you are ready, people come in. >> people come in foresee food breakfast. >> yes.
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>> look who it is. >> it is getting real now. >> yes. >> yes. >> you can't go wrong. >> no. >> hi. >> unaudible. >> this is so great to put on your eggs too. >> as you can see we have ladies from the real here because things are getting real and getting hot. we will talk about hot food ape hot ties. >> yes. >> that is coming up next. >> hi mike.
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>> three monday after we met i got his initials tatooed on the back of my neck.
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>> three months? >> what you will see and hear when you tune in to the hole estell vision show. >> i've been watching this every day, congratulations, to both of you. >> they're in d.c. right now promoting the show. >> well, my two favorites are here. >> yes, yes, my husband. >> nice to work together for years. >> years, yes. >> nine years. >> good to see you. >> thank you. >> good morning. so what was the deal with the hot sauce on our seafood. >> ronnie loves hot guys and hot food. so we made it out after segment, and the guys had to try, how many, three different. >> sushi, chicken wings, and then i think a burger or something like that, and we had to see, well, they had to see how long they could go
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without like having a glass of water. every single one of them cried. >> so good on tv, tamara. looking in the big monitor. >> look at you, look at you. >> now, speaking of them, i mean, these guys had their shirts off, though, right? >> that's why they are the hot guys. see, being a single person, yes, segment where we have hot guys, so mikey expect you to be on. >> oh, yes. >> we just want to see them with their shirts off. >> that's right. we make up a segment so they can take their shirts off. >> that's all that is. >> it is tv now. >> naked shows, makes sense. >> out of the five, you're the only one sing snell. >> well, adrian is not married yet. but i am the satisfied single. there cents cents as difference. >> awe. >> that means i'm okay with being, you know, hanging out, because wife dow presents, one half my age, one double my age. pays and pat's. >> and two, is like the least
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lonnie has had at one point. >> real. >> i what, five, i think? >> you saw one last night. >> hole on. >> wait a minute. >> this woman can really pull some hot guys. >> can you give me some tips. >> all you have to do is smile. >> hold on. >> swing the hair. >> with your eyes, i saw it, lonnie, i saw a cab driver, mike, have you seen this? see? that's a nice look. >> oh,. >> hmm. was this in philadelphia? >> yes. >> we were in a cab, and the cab driver, i looked in the rear-view mirror and you saw the cab drivers eyes like light up. he was smiling. and i said, lonnie, are you flirting? >> and she was just like, what, what you listening to? right? wasn't he listening to something? >> she did silence first. >> well, we may need free rides here in philly so do you have do what do you have do. >> okay. we can drive you home. >> that's right, right.
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>> mr. taxi driver. >> go get his cab number? >> oh, yes, i got all of the numbers. >> do me a favor, don't ever see the movie taxi driver. >> been there, seen that. >> you're both very good just of hot guys, what do you think about this guy we'll put on the screen here, we'll put it up here. >> okay. >> within the hour. >> oh, no. >> so here's alex. >> alex, yes. oh, my gosh. >> girl, is that you? >> yes, that's me, girl. >> what's the sign say? >> we made a deal if i gave him a shout on the news he would wear my name on his chest,'s soccer player. >> so what's the shirt say? >> he made a deal with alex holley. part of the bargain. >> oh, what's going on here? >> yes, what's going snob. >> he will reese i, really cute. >> he's very nice, okay? >> he is good with his feet. >> oh, oh,. >> i know that. >> what's that mean in. >> 's good player. >> yes,'s good player. >> oh, you got t okay, well,
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hang around, okay? still i want to tell but. >> this we'll back outside and drink bush bonn. >> oh, i knew i liked this. >> burbon sex is back, lone up, let's go out and get a little quick taste, and i'll tell you where the event is all that casino of good stuff. >> look at that. >> knob creek. >> i've never heard that
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>> september is burbon heritage month, if case you didn't know, so if you are into adult beverages, i want to pay a tai sean, which is can i bonn anica taking place, i know you want to check out. mike jerrick standing by with the details. >> whiskey bonanza. this thursday evening, hi, george, good to see you.
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>> pleasure to be here, absolutely. >> twisted tail? >> that's correct. we're in the middle of headhouse square out second street. >> south second street. it is all about burbon. so what happens at a burbon fest? is it just a bunch of drinking? >> well, yes, we have whiskey bonanza coming up at the twisted tail. >> what's that mean? >> it is a big whiskey festival, over 50 different whiskeys, to be there, supported by the distillers themselves. >> okay. >> so people will be able to come out, taste the different whiskeys, made by the distillers poured by them, and they can -- it will be real informative. night out. closing the restaurant for it. >> it is little instruct i have. >> it will be, but a lot of fun. it is planned to have fun, learn about whiskey, drink whiskey. >> i have a question. does real connoisseur of burbon, do you drink it straight? >> straight with a cube or couple drops of water. >> big thing now, giant ice cube. >> giant use kind, less water, to melt into the drink there.
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and you pour it over. >> now, what did you just make there? >> so this is called a devil's tail, double barrel ex at this oakinecss, sherrie, bitters, absent for the morning, always goes down. >> really? strong. what's this? >> figure and lime over the top. they'll be making cocktails for you, as well, september 25th, you're invited. >> that -- what did you put in here? >> that's from the sherrie, so this is sweet sherrie, pedro himno sherrie. actually award winning cocktail that we have over at the twisted tail. >> what's in the barrel? >> we have a burbon barrel aged manhattan, that is going to be also presented at whiskey bonn and so, one of the distilleries there, and they'll be pouring a barrel age manhattan. so, lots of different products, philadelphia, kentucky, other parts of the country will be represented.
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>> we don't make burbon here, do we? >> we do. >> we do? >> we do. there are couple of distilleries in philadelphia just outside philadelphia, this is a rye distillery. >> i didn't know that. >> they started producing rye, great quality rye. >> george, good to see you. see you down there thursday the 25th. twisted tail second street. >> that's the place to be. >> good deal. >> cheers. >> hey, jen, see you there. >> mike, you look fabulous, hi, mike. okay, here is the thing. you know them. you lover them. and we're getting you ready for a fall run. already, i've done one thing they've told me to do. what is it? take a look. what's look like, to get ready for my fall running? ♪
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guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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welcome bark, it is 9:44, taking live look at the pocono mountains. >> it is beautiful this morning. >> yep, good day for a run, matter of fact. in fact, a loft us like to run, races for charity, but it is hard to get started. you don't really know where to begin. >> so jen with some laid hoist can help us get on the run. >> hey, jen? >> yes, how are you guys? and scott tuck around, as well. so, first every all, hi, guys. so, you guys all gave me advice about how to get ready for fall run. and i listened to only one of you this weekend, ding, ding, ding. chicken dinner, you're the
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winner! rock stars. you guys have a lot of advice. one of the things that you say, especially if you're a woman, you should -- you should get a new outfit. >> get some sneakers, get motivated, because if you look good, you feel good. and that will casino of help jump start that process. >> and i went to dsw, i use mid coupon, andy 15 minutes walk-running yesterday. the kind of thing, i know, i thought, i'm looking thinner right now, the kind of thing you might see on website. you say, holly, that some of these couch to 5k websites, don't be afraid of them. >> don't be afraid at all. something there for you, for you, for them, for everybody, in all sincerity, find out what works well for you, which race you want to do, which type of coat you want, if you want an on line coach, coach in person, and what type of race do you want to do. like am i doing a fast game, a marathon. >> you know. >> this you look outside.
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some of the races in the trails, some in the city. that's one thing you talked about, being motivated by the organization, but you also want to know where the heck you will run. >> of course, as experienced runner i love the riding. you know, so, i may do some road races, and it is cents cool to have a trail race to look forward tonight because it is a very different, it is running but very different experience. >> you say when you think about trail racing, you night to ask some questions, and the number one question you asked holly about, her favorite race? >> level of difficulty. i did a trail race about two years ago i was surprisingly shocked how difficult it was. >> more like obstacle race. >> so trail racing definitely next level. if you are a runner and looking for something different to do, i say go for it. but ask about level of difficult. >> i very good tip. then, okay, so sitting here talking a little off camera. i want to be a return, i do, scott, but i just can't get there yet. and i was thinking, we were talking about this gore text half marathon, eight weeks,
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can i do it, you guys said, you don't have to think about running the whole time, you can -- >> you can walk it, run it, run it, walk it, run it, interval base what's we do, at this point, all the time. and i might run the whole thing and you might walk around and you might both me. >> really? >> sure, why not? >> i toll you how fast i can run. so i mean i could probably walk faster than coy. >> all about pace. as long as you can hold the pace, keep moving forward, you will cross the finish line. >> so scott said we shouldn't buy new pair of sneakers for the race, since i have new pair of sneakers you say this is the time to start training. buy something -- >> plenty of time. >> this is the time you break into sneakers, definitely don't buy new sneakers race day, people, not good time to try them out. might not work. i've had that happen. but this is the time to get the new sneakers, break them in, try them out, get fitted, go to running store, get fitted t makes huge difference. okay? so, everybody has different types of feet, check out the running company, all of those nice stores, go in, try new sneakers on, get fitted potterly. >> i love it. all three of you guys will be repelling with us, in october,
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high five. scott, diva richards, holly waters, thank you. >> thank you. >> and, yes. so i'll try and run another ten minutes today. you don't know, i could set the world on fire. >> here we go. >> yes, that jenn fred, she ran the 5k once. >> and a 12 year old this cross-examine beat her, yes, in crocs. tell me what the young kids say, you know, when they say something is trending, what's that mean? >> it means that everybody's talking about it. usually on twitter these days. >> twitter? >> yes. >> so that's a good thing. >> well, i don't know yes was surprised. you know our fox weekend show? it really looks great. >> yes it, did. >> well, it was trending, not only in the delaware valley, but across the nation on twitter. four, number four, trending subject matter was fox 29 weekend. >> that's huge. >> isn't that remarkable that. >> so many people are tweeting
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all the time. to make it, across the us, one of the top trending topics, that's a big deal. >> you know what's cool? other place haves tried shows like this before. but it doesn't necessarily always work. this really works. because so many of our viewers were sending in little vignettes, pictures every themselves, their kids, and people were sharing their stories. >> it actually got on the air. >> a lot oh, we'll ask one of your -- no. >> fox 29 weekend about you, your stories, your news, remember, tweet throughout the show, if you have questions about the weather, anything else, and they'll be answered live on the air. so join karen, lauren and caitlin and the rest of the team on saturday days sundays 8:00 a.m. you don't want to miss it. >> they're doing it again? >> doing it again, yes. another trending top glick it is real a really good show. congratulations cents. again, fantasy travel companions of all of the celebrities you can think of, who would you like to go on a trip with? >> oh, i need to think about that. >> now, see?
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there is rihanna. i would. >> of course you would. >> as long as chris isn't around. and don't drive.
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>> ♪ >> wendy, fantastic. you know, she was on the radio here in philly for years. >> got the idea for the show. >> very supportive of the real. that's our talk show. i've been drinking (laughing). >> i know what she means.
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>> are you taking shots outside? >> of course. >> she had some of that burbon. >> oh, it was good. >> in the control room, jessica, jessica, and the award winner. do you have a picture? >> oh,. >> of what? who, what? >> my babe. >> i how old is the baby? >> he'll be two. >> terrible two's though? >> you know what? yes. i was trying to find a way to say it nicely. yes, yes, yes. >> and adam of course is your husband. >> oh! >> adam. >> he is an amazing father, i have to say. he is mr. mom. he doesn't care that i say that. he loves. that will he is an amazing father. >> oh, that's good. >> very supportive of us for the real. >> he's been on the show, baby, logan has been on the show. it is a family show. >> yes. >> and now you're bringing on hot guys? >> that's for me, okay?
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>> i don't even want to touch, but -- >> awe. >> stop it. >> oh, that's when he was cents a baby babe. >> i yummy. >> she is amazing. doing great. she is a working mom, as well. new show. >> goodness. >> mom, nickelodeon, three year old, you know, now i am doing the real, 11:00 a.m. >> fox. >> right after wendy. rate something getting better. >> you're doing well in fill. >> i ya! >> you know (because philly likes to keep it real. and we appreciate the realness. we really do. so much realness going on right now. >> the conversation, everybody. >> lonnie, listen to this. we -- if you had to go on vacation, and could you go with a celebrity, besides the two of you. >> or anyone else on the real, okay? >> who would you go with? and so we found this survey,
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would you go with beyonce on a vacation? >> ya, because she could pick up the deal. see, you wouldn't even have to bring mine, you know, like beyonce, just pick it up. >> and travel in style. they're very class. >> i that's true. >> the yacht, great clothes, great time. >> do you see where she photo shopped that one yacht shot? >> that's allegedly, mike. >> well, between her thighs. >> defends your girl. >> between her thighs, mike? >> you know what? common. what are we talking about here? we know why. >> anyway there is survey done by some brits. they say beyonce number one dream vacation partner, 21 percent of the people chose rihanna, though, a bunch of people chose brad pitt, lady gaga. >> okay, ya, rihanna would be wild. that would be wild, ya. >> that would be a fun trip. she would really turn it up, as would you say. >> yes. >> turn it up.
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>> i say we need to stay with beyonce. >> yes. keep it classy, beyonce. >> but would you have fun with classy. beyonce, what all she doing, we'll take that. >> i would drive for rihanna anywhere she wanted to go, mike, shut up and drive. >> oh, geez. >> survey though say they listed three, four peoples nobody wanted to go on vacation with. >> who is that? >> bieber (laughing). >> no one wants to go on vacation with westbounder? >> no. because you ends up in jail. that's why. >> nobody wants to go to jail. >> you know, like annoying like young adult, you know what i mean? >> ya. >> is he even a young adult? >> he wouldn't do anything mature. >> howell is he? he's 21 now, isn't he? >> okay, so he is in the young adult world. >> but's tool. >> ya. >> okay. wendy coming up next. >> yes. >> then we're after wendt. >> i so stick around. thanks for being here, ladies.
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10:00 am
from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." today, the new love child scandal for beyonce's dad. it's official. she has a new sister. and they're at it again. who's posting naked pics now? plus, wendy talks celebrities with craig ferguson, host of "celebrity name game." now here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wendy: tah-dah! happy monday!#